The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)

I a.r, aktna of the ha take lay tliMMH ant, at 8 .11 NtfMid it the W. Ka fra vitsa. the iltli Ubeth Win. koto Mu 1 IDuugal and Bteecker sis. St.

raw a caarca irora hsL after a pmiafol ilk Ud43. Hi friend snd Ei brother. in law, ur. eapectfaUy requetted to espeetfully requetted to 1U Ma Iforenoon ballet too. bco uiuon; iatM, i Amuld; echm A City; Valiant, ifafcer, FORENOO? ba, IS da frm Indent on.

i.Du da fra WilminKton.ntv. rwn.h. Maatentek Mar iltun A. Son. Thorn boW 6t AJarcu.

Wiuier it McKown, for Barbadoca fna Ricbmood, coal to fm Wilminaton. cotton A Son. Ha millon da fm Newbern. corn 10 IchrJiwoph Walton, idaya fia Vienna, wood to 1 fca Rtchmood. Buor Ac to mond, flour dec to Aiwa 1 ira fm York River, oj rten tdm fm yafrra Richatoad.oualto 1.

fm 'plm. cotton dc. n.ntlvMa. Hamilton dt lit achr Fanny, Maaon fur Cayea rnnce. lor Rarnoffat KDoka brUE lo.t a man overooaru.

1 A 1 im Ktcnmora, jw iu Lacbr Chesterfield, bence and, apoke achr lloruton. at Dover at. wbarf, pelted in Ik. K.l..ti. iiEiinc round led up bet deck and carried Hawkina, Havre; barque tab.

Lr, Conn. River, in ballast. Innton. Jam. Oct.

25th. and hat to Jsa. Hay. Tbe Ship kort arrived at Aingnon on instant, utn at xvuni j. brig Baltic, do.

iu t. 74, 40. a amp JO as Trieste and Messina. jh, Gibraltar W. by S.

30 from falermo, lor kwoo. White Oak. Roberta, 370 Wn til innka biiir lndeDen Uriciuia. osane uj, ia Lhm Jamas, from this port Lt. 7 ID.

long. 79 44, achr, Boston. Lat. XJUhig. for Baltimore.

The V. the 1). came out. Honduras. 19th Oct.

assengers. Mm. L. Keaaing for Boston, aaya vo 40 day Irom do. Spoke, hriff Illvssea.

dav Irom Id tbe day before lost a man mo, Philadelphia. 3 days. rann. Tobasco. S8daya, to kwood.

to order. Lelt, bng 1.. aa spoke, bin insu jsi za. wlaod, 31 days from tioo 19 Ar acor Eclipse. Ar ttir Amity, Townaend, kr Br brig Sir John Tboaoas Mlfa.

KlnlnU La ifu toi.roT. Meekins taker, do Speeoer a. oo SYo k. 11. Ar brigOsyray, Cald nnaat of Atrica ana Mada rtlelena.

In dUtresa, leaky. 1 tnt. lat 3i 10 Ion 63, on i o'clock, M. found the brig we concluded to mite lie for the leak, we found she Irxi streak forward. Lett at ig St Michaels, fsps of Ss oaat of Africa, and ach Com 1, fer Zaazcbar, next day.

nt whale shio Ann Maria. iiay, with a full cargo of oil Josepn, lor esi oan 01 t. lat 27 64, Ion 59 Z5. apoke 0 Im Rio Janeiro for Bay, Aug. 15, ahips Izette, fcoara; facihc, 01 A tteaioru, luiii lil.

Sis I Ann. of do. sil 1.U harnoaa Bremen. 'do, COO bis; hip Pocion, of liver in Aug. 100 bis; brig at English Hiver same date, Foster, Liverpool.

Liverpool. 3 Ar rbrig Hebrew, Eaton, New kn. rYork, via Savannan: 18 Ar brie Meiidian. Sprin Llallowell. i Ar ach Clarion, from the rk.

The weather waa so fioskible to go alung aide the Aa hrir Zinrivr. ChamDlin. Havana, brig Argus Ar brig Busy, Hatch, 29 da a fm Metamora, (River Bras 1 fm Marblebead. for NYork. Ar Ship Lucy Ann, Ome.

1 Oct. ripoke. 5ih inst, lat. hboy. ef Marbiehead, with 6.

ll 9,500 heh. ronatadt, 11th. Etaineur, 22d loqoot. Vesper. Mirror and Su Haletead, GiHtenburg.

1st arbour veaLnrdsv. she came ueer, Irom Aieiandria. aud irit tha P. bad bar mainsail and latfasette. rom Cantoo also 1 ship and miKliahmt snrl Cir hv Dn I' Broadway, tbe following new yatal atream, arranged by Bar love, by Mr.

C. B. Wil hore. by T. H.

Bayle. I a IIT I with vtrv AemcnntMin are and HatUon Cot Cora I yifviiimr. Jif I in In ia aaa4 Is.v I Apkntvann fixn I sal afcu Ie.aad75o7or brokon Coal per ire ot the Union Cul Yard. Waihinplikn at a. hninni idvaocrd 50 ceota per too oa on, in cuncfluicaBoi uie ui gentof Del Hud.

Canal Ctx mmnen 6t Wanbington u. L.OTHS 1 bale, opened this lie colors, or DUSEN.T18 William at. lino African niaea, lor sale EST di 8QN. 88 Sooth at. fvaoles ewina Silks.

ie by HUfe. dt 64 Sooth st. li.UUU lbs, for aale by IJtrrontat first ouahtr Winter Oil. 3UU0 IUU do do aaMt un. in MtKla (sfUallipoii Oil.

for aale by tLLoi VU, la rront at first quality Pig Iron, land' i. Richards, Pine strse wharf, U. GRUtfiELL ft CO. jsa rront st. luayaqmi Cocoa, 40 do Tnni I atm i KMjrW.t Km "1 II TV OJ, 1 wa 30th urn.

tntaiiins in ii an IBM fli at half pot 4 o'clock, bul the "queasi Straugere end other, wj wwdwi. ScotUnd, I. 1 In i ad framd OI ATiWi I reqianiWi hTruoMmi obtain tickets by applying to either eftUt from I Inn ma manarers. '11'' RICHARD HtVlN, JOHN (iKAI. ROBERT HYSLOF.


KUBERl 1 owit, U(m I oBBtHY aea Itoe lore Ivo. litt Brj day (to ayorraw) after. 1 KU foreibjy enleied thu toornirig.rielaasn lata residence, o. 2 and a quantity of Boot and fcbota I allPU ofr fj Va aw arucalar wvitauoa. o)va ibe boota ara marked treia, lifiy eeveolh year of bi maker 195 Broadway.

New York. Should the above be offered for aale or pawaUca tqu(to 'A JJ kBi aT. I ITOANTED ISira set. 4A. 47 1 pnvaw raniuy, fwT.

led) board and lodging lor iue waiiar.iw a DMuivmc aiatinfr of a gentleman, hia f1" acV ter, three cnuuren ana doib, oaa rooej and 00a private ilting room would be rcqoirad. 9. akfiM. fia A STEADY fRESSMAN will mnt wuh tioDbyapplyinfto 'lTie nUn IM IIH'I 111 I ivn. J.

i 1 I KV alha 0 i Church, and twee Broadway, would ba prafanua. 8,. nl ti rmi A note addiaaaed 1 Office, atatuu lertu. Oic. wuicn bum be U.

derate, will ba alienoeo to. nw LAURENCE JrOWtRdt CO. at Mo'cluikll to mot row at No. 116 Water treat, by ardtu( 1 the Sheriff, a large a.aarUiieot of Boo, aad Sba da to Follj Landing, po Ro.n'ppe,., Chadren'a Sao. MaW jf 1 mnrt'l tf tilt walkinf bhoea, Cllerorn Piubm mj ikni Ti mo.

tcc Also aaui 1 auppni RemnenU of Ctolh. 1.81 Xus 1barJa ouru, A UCllOiN WOT1CIS. tMJnaav 24th imt. at 11 o'clock. A.M.

tt tote ot r.E hxr uc CC On V.r ativetL aooaidee aole leather, of oak and bemkick tanrai a 1 KmI tskina. aolitK was "ariua a I rpQ beaold 00 Wedneaday, the SUth. at a'doa 1 1 at the Mercbanle' ExcnaDfa. by JaUMa Biaccktl Son, that large block ot abound bounded hy Wea Waabineton. BauV and Bethona atreeta.

divided iull extra lary lota, aa laid down oa the aaap to ba aeen It their office. It believed that no property ktaty otla ad for aale in thai city holda out greater irtinwriauu 1 4 capiUliaU for in veatment, aa 10 boilding fc 1 Waat. WuhiiwrlM A CUm. Ituiucuiatc iwpiwuwM. i wich atreeu are compactly built up to Bank a treat, th 1 1 1 mnA AVIMkalVA in.

1 1 1 1 ai 11 1 KHIUWIU IMUUJi WTS been made, and othera are now making above, 9th and 10th avenue alt term male n. ar it. Itie vanient to marketa.and wiinin inn Buuuiea waut at 4 Greenwich Staae Office FOR THAT elegant Farm and aitoaUon tag to the auCMCnoer, av mmm4 uoom Lung Island, conuining about aoraa ot eorapruing a SM arraoie. "'7 .1 1 mMrliie. aAtrf aaa, tne remaiiMier ma 1 and pasturage.

On the premwea are asaaaioa houJ wk 1. 1 4 ui.lha IiaaaMianl aim entailer uuiiumg v. 7 ..7 uixaw the bole Tne whole waa built by day'a wr under the immediate inspection of the own lk)a( wine a amaii rr'nawr. a carrtace bouae, wagon houee. and granery.

jh houad barn other omnoiBwe. anezteiiaiva arde bordeaA with evergreen, and filled with a great varr 'jty of aaaj I 1 aTiIm nuat nnmf al au aouiiamiavv ut giari 1 mwp, 1 1 r. r. ft ftl PY fU IB I lAn. Iruul fruiu number of peat tree aaaona: 1 It' a 1 piumna, apneou.

cnerne. 1 uvuu, nluwt ha a namr failifl aorUK of Water. Bd BOW Can tain aoundance oi freeh water fiah. erwtown Cnm a fe hundred bet irom the bouae. andy ionaa the boa, I k.

it Bn. la rm nA IT.J 11 uary lor more uiui vu, u. tVTatariTaa Blh imt With I MUluoS I KcSTll rCi that it worth whd. to mer.upn artv.l pi nd whr 1 Tbe rarin 1 about three mile iro iiuainaiirg let ol rortiano, 00 Vnrk at the foot of ft rand aliaai arrived irom ivew wn. VTT7 1 tage paa from Flashing and fievtaawa in Ike 1 ina.

and return in the evening. jM Fersona wihin a aituaUon ot tbie wtU doubtedty view tbe premiae. and judge of tba joeaii vantage lortajemeeivea, bk ai tton unoeceatary It will ba dispoaad of bj pnj ale, or exchanged for property in New estimate. Apply to G.C rurrnao. wo.

swrnaw who have likewise a Dumber of lou eligibly ai taattd WilLamaburg. which they offer for aale on raaasog term. n.a law iTJIBBO.Nsi, A BITIKIUn. VELVETS. GROS DE NAfL fec.

dec Juat received by the (Solly arse Frm from Havre, 6 cases new ana ncn jeuxe svajoaos, vanou atrlea. milleraTe and blond figured. I 1 case colored Silk Velveta, raoreen, purple, bro crimson, acarlet, bine and jet black, stc 1 1 do cambric Hdk. wide bonier and priated da 1 do nperiur French Calicoes, enUreir asrw i tern and elegant 1 do Bundard Gloves, dark aw) light, aaaceted ttkuva tiraaze. wn wanus na 1 case iMcrino Cloak A Heeddreeaee, Tautoaiia.and BowvU a ir ii Waa a Hitlhlaa I 1 doGniaoe Naple kibcwahctadadga 1 do white watered Silka, colored 4v do 71 Turkey red Cotton, with neb.

ttoTOara, gotn Satin Damask, cnmson, gold and blua I Super Fur Capes, pekarute TippoU and Bo Brazilian SbeU Combe, elegaat. by the 4)a Merino Cloth, of eupet qualiy and deaut colon If Ball Dreuet, Thule and blor. Spet I Flannela. bbon. Damask TahkCs3tai! mask by the yard 8 4 wide Ersncb.

Holland. Irish and Raasia 8baa4nf Arvphane Capes Crape Uaaee, blora. faauf Pelisse Cloths, fashionable coior PTTDI I a. Inns Rnas. Cloak Lininaa.

TSoData and quality and very cheap, by I nSI Ml atrael. riwrneriv of I Brad R. cnnatsntlr on hand atase 113 land Trov. fniai jaboal Pier, foot of Passage $1, wteuis extra. 0 llV n.

1 .1 RlN 1 u. Br bng William IV, Jenkins, leaves the foot of Barclay I iue at 7 o'clock. jelajM wr: 'ft pinqniuil. a aa a Jt A 11 laaaa A TKaBT St clock, A. M.

I The PHIA. low preaaare atearo boat EW PHI Capt. Seymour.tleavee thai Coot of Af aa a al. aa ilr low this afternoon a tii aaa a tw. to i The DE ITT CU.NTO.N, Captain TO.

morrow afternoon at i o'clock. 8b ror naaaaae. aDDlv on board, or at the Barclay st. N.B. No freight taken after 4 o'clock, Landinc in Alhanv toot of Lvdiua at.

Nieht Line landi at Kinastoti. ia ajnL a Ut a A LIN ntusuiv aiTba 01 riiui wi eOBal rtr 11 KAHl ava landmg at IFoiUMa 1. Af.a The low creasore I i ivti i i i ii i r.n Hnct 11 sUestrt 1 a 1 M. loot ot (Jounundc it. I nut t.Lraoon Tha CONSTELLATION, Cipt.liG.Cr1 IVIILMIU.

in a lina AlKanV taaiU fOa I7IOR ARTFOKU X' 3S0. ikevns. rd iv. x. All ireiEUl Kill Uf uwauu, i' pleaiie to send on board by 4 o'clock on daysw at The boat ol tnta una tana at a town on at.

and depart at 4 clock every 3 itl Wpatj. airU. a artMVlt. Of, splendid low pressure steam boat nniiig, leaves caai, unci iici. Beekman street, for Hartford, on Wedneaday alta nov.

cm at a ciock. HEA KCOULAR DAYS OF froai New York. I tfrtnn Hartford. Wedneadaya and I Toeadaya, nod i ana I at IS. oaiiirasvs, a( r.

7 iaai l.ban at tha InuMl if o'clock P. onthedayof eeiHt or to itt n51 T. LADIES, GIRLS dt CH1LDRSN1 H0 H'ellt or Patterson keep at their HJ T7 Ranadwsv. a full ssaortmsrit of tvr Hosiery, oi ail aiaes descriptuos, ip part aa fix? fk Aaia Ladies black, white, mixt.lnd cotot lw ed Hote Do black white merino, ansola. caannis" lamo wooi at raw ua a.uw Do nl bed, pla enibroidered dk opem and while silk floss Do white wurat' dc brown cwon ioo tton loo Do gauie, warned dt cotton Moae misaea niaca, wnite ez a cartel I I at ki.a.

Jtw l.aih.1 I wotted rtoseA gjo wune uierino ot auigixu i Do fancy cotton Hose, rich and Children while, mixed dt trlrtCtHJoai Hote Ladies and misses long St short ambr ideawi Pan. Kid Gloves Mia na Inna At. aknrt Mitts, all COlCrt Boys beaver, raator tc lined Angola GVya wu4 romplete, Their aaaorunent ia i i tair ana reason oia wrms. SKINS. HATS FUR 3 bales tria Skins.

11,000 Nefooodlsml inn ri.ia.kii. Jo' inn Weol tl tW W. VIH U.IIMI aw, avw I for Souihem markets, 850 Iba besrt Germaa hand For. 1500 prime Cape Goo.HPf VT I UR SEAL SKlNSaooO prime "nlato i "1 ana ft 1 i rtanmalcbet I' flkina.

aainsa anil J. Maikmaii iU aakt EST 80X.W ul ntl PE FOREST dk bOX, vl WIS UTP POO fwHrituih Voatol.) Tbe A. LeCDenid Bntish ship HA RLE I ratllN. Wafiarnck. sasaOaa Wlii eoasmen fcsrdinisr tha above port.

Forfrsigbtl at passage, having bmodsorae fufibkhed nnooanfaoda 1 iotva. apply to Sl HY. GEO. ARCLAY. SI Broad tt.

tor LONDON. JT 3 PaekMoftba 1st DetuMaber.) lK for Af A KSMLLES Tha hoe tost 7wrir Ship SUPERIOR, Meany, Masur. bar inr the principal part of bar cargo engaged will have quick despatch. For freight or passage, ap. I a.

hsioiunr pi lO oi vnin Vatl, nSl 86 8mih street. nSS uirjiAiir i vdpc am rtr aavaaaww as aani ivaHir rnzu. ivinc oxo apply on board, at India whari, or to nCf UE FOREST ok SON. 88 South at. For CHARLESTON Pocket Ship Lute.

To sail Saturday. 86th. Va. l.L:.oiirinnw I in. N11U1 EVUWKV HID VALQUVH, E.

1). cotton, master, will sail as above. For freight or pas age, having extensive accommoda Uona, apply on board, tut aide Hurting aitp, or to GEO. SUTTON. 181 Front tt.

nSS comer Burlingalip. for SA VAN AH Established Urns. yTSLrV The packet ship ST ATI RA, Wood. mas. tor, will poaitively aail on bar regnlar day.

baiuid.y next. For freight or passage, having bacd aome accomraodalruQa. apply on board between Pinest. and Muxray'a wharf, or to SCOTT dt 8HAPTER. TO Bouth at.

JTaa Ca VANNAH Ockr. IMS flwV Tbe fine fast tailing packet achr. GLIDE. Th New York boiU brif ATH ALIA, bur 'then Kl tuna or 1400 blafonr years oldcop. per tasteu and coppered draws when loaded, 9 feet.

mthm very fast, is wall found in chain cables, sails, Ac. paly on boa.d. pier No 14, ER, or to aal loll. tjttiivicaao Viv. ua rrootst.

"TXt aaaaaa a aaaaaai a. a. SjLLE. fF The brig ALEXANDER, a first rate ves JltcLd yean old, 172 ton borthen, buihof lire oak and I cables. Ice.

cedar vrell found in aaila II Cll pniliu u. aaua. lajKiHg, waai For further particulars, apply on board at tbe toot of Catharine ttreet, c. or to ALLEY, LAWRENCE TRIMBLE, trSS 51 Pine ttreet. Pieces Pongee Silk Hdkf.

new patterna. for J.UU aale by tbe piacaur aingle hdkf, at 63 Maiden one door irom WUliam i. tli P. S. FROST.

RAPE dt THIBET SHAWLS Tha sotiaenber hare on band a handsome assortroontof 5, 6. 7. dt 4 Shawls, which will be sold low. n2S JOHNSON. WARING dt CO.

5 Maiden lane. ER1NOLONG dt SQUARE SHAWLS, new patieme. and warranted Ima from cotton aeleoled exprassly for the city trade, and for aale low. by P. S.

FROST, 63 Maiden lane, 1 door from William atreet. Bit COPPER PLATE PRESS Wanted a good new or Second hand Copper prate Press. Roller not leas than 8 feet in length. Apply DU BOIS dc STODART, 167 Broadway, nSl lad OAN 70uO Uotiara to aaaa. AnolV to ijoaa on boovt and mon a nynCcaa taiW Q4 bri'SVl a.

pvi I' RAN DY 5 pi pas old Bordeaux andy, hvodiog ntS and for aale by GOODHUE dt CO. 64 South at CURRANT WINE, ol a vary superior quality, 9 years oM, made expressly for private use, at Cher lsisboo near New Brunewick. and for sale by eienops masr KICHAKI WILUAMSON, ,22 19 Maiden lane. RIBBONS IcaseTadeta Ribbons, high colors. No.

4 to iutt ree'd, and lor sale by ,88 DE FOREST dt SON.82 South at. RUSSIA OtArk A 1 uu. jan 1 bale Russia Diaper and 1 bale kuaaia Sheet aaklal. ikaa nftVp fnV aal lOW 1 JOHNSON, WARING CO. jnaiaen lane.

fNDIA RUBBER SHOES of the best quality, ASPINWALL, V. Bl William a. nS8 Ilu gHU ua veral weeks since, may MA.EINE INSURANCE AGENC Y. Ttie iub 1 aenber ofiers his services to ton Merchant and Insarars oi New York as aa lnaoranee Broker. Orders tor insurance add aaard te hsav, will be effected oa the aaoat mvotwabk terms, and at tha tun est re Us of pto nuam.

The tatetsoot of average loaeea will mem patticn attantuni. and all elaieas left with hum Moaaotl nd hlsled as tha nrineinlaa eatabllVQed br the lasva and I French. Spaniah, and Italian langnagaa. The facilitiea affored him for procuring insurance, and the low rates of pram mm in Mew York, may raider it ad solas sous to merchanla to cranio hiaa aa an aerrt. Hia eommiasion fur ibis business eae etgkA ef eae per cent, on the a am irwnred the rharge for ad hit services for tbe genera! tupertnieodeoce ofall mailers The fast sailing coppered and copper laaten.

eorwaetod with mmm ana reapecllully reiera to led regular packet brig BUENOS AY RES. I Maaara. F. dt G. Carnaa i New York.

for ar a i n'T I1 raca ved.a few oiecesof blue, black. Km urn. erat. drab and mixed Cloths, which will be told at tbe lowest prices, by n88 JOHNSON. WARING dt CO.

5 Maidtn lane. SUGAR 100 hbda NOrleana Sugar, landing at Manat "a wharf. 4br sale by mil COODHUE fc CO. 84 Sooth at. and accomraodaung terms aa 11 aa aa.

issml for aale bV at the Com mission I VsMarfMoaa of HORATIO WILKES. 86 Exchange place. col'd Music HORATIO WILKES. 86 lixchange place. ntl OLD WHISKEY.Ae.

Vetrsurawior Irish Whiskey, ok) and fine flavored alto, old Monungahela do. and Peach Brandy, lor tale by RfCHARD WILLIAMSON. S3 st 18 Maiden lane. WILLIAMS Tbe Adventures of Caleb a riv Wm.laOawin Eatq. in a wuis.

i Sormuar Nos. 1 1 ox 1 this day pnblMhed, for n8S EATHS PICTURESQUE ANNUAL for 1B3S. Peobodu Co. 83S Broadway, will receive direct from Lmdon, ia a few days, Heath' Pwtureaqoe Annual for 1831, containing 26 beautifully fijusbed Messrs. Bryant Urges, I ajeph Balch, Esq.

WiUardPbilhpa, Eaj. Charles G. Luring. Esq. nil end is tS5 JAMES BE J.

Boston. RGEN, 4 Wall ttreet. New York. 018 ON EAST BROADWAY. Those three JLd eligibly situated lota of ground on East Broadway, comer ol Montgomery it.

tbe ntuaUon at very corn matioing and bo aoM on accommodating tcrtna. Apply to i.ll THOMA8 feUFFERN. 844 Pearl st. CTORE. STABLE AND COACH HOUSE FOR tO 8 ALE Tha three story bnck Store No.

85 Waib 1 ington atreet. and tha brick Stable and Coach House in the rear, (entrance from Washington atreet) are offered tor aale on accommodating terms. Apply to nil rtio At. (fur rean at. GRIND STONES 128 of various aisas, will bo old low, if taken from the vessel received per ilbSaS.JL! from New Ctotle, for ntatlfi a s.i a I Croad I apply on board.

Between rine irm. orio HOWLAnU cb, 136 Fmnt st. st. by H. fc G.

BARCLAY. LEATIIKK 16 bale, containing Basil. Green, Ma toon. D.C. roans: Turkev red Skivers, black roans.

iic, received par ship Harlequin, fm New Castle, and lor tale at Broad tt. nl9 H. cz G. BARCLAY. POWELL'S OINTMENT FOR SALT RHEUM and other Cutaneous Affections A supply of the sbovejutt received hy ibeiubscriben, the agents for tbe Sroprtefor, No.

79 Fallon, comer of Gold atreet, and Cushion dt AipiuwcJI, 81 William tt i LORING dt PRESCOTT. The following certificstes set forth iu merits. "This is to certify, that I. Amelia Wilson, waa from infancy subject to attacks of Salt bourn, and in the Antumnalanrl Wmnr month lolhatextent, as some times to deprive me of the use of both hands that after trying the prescriptions of several Physicians, 1 found more benefit from tbe use of Powell's Ointment, than any other application made use of hy me and such my confidence in ita virtues, that I feel a duty incumbent on me to recommend it to all persona afflicted with that painful affection. Leeds.

England. March 11th, 1839." "I hereby ceruly. that 1, Wm. Butler, of Lancaster, have made trial of Powell's Ointment, for a severe cutaneous afiTectioo.aod feel mysell in duty bound. not on lv to tha nn rsristor.

but for tbe public Bood. to recom mend it to ail persons afflicted with the Salt Rheum, or other Cutaneous Diseases. Lancaster. Nov. 9tb.

1829." John Lane, of Liverpool, having totted the efficacy of Powell's Ointment, in a severe caao of Salt Rheum, in a member of my family, have no hesitation in recommending it to tbe public and do hereby moat solemnly declare, that it effected a rapid cure in an in rate ate case, which had resisted the prescriptions of two eminent Physicians. Liverpool. July 15th. 1830." o9 allTf.F.h'S Kr VfcoJt.n HAuAbolAiV 13 APERIENT, for Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. Ner vous Dobility.Giddtness.

Headed), ACM ot tne otomacn, ffahitnat Cnstiveness. Cutaneous Diseases, Gout, Grav el, die. and much valued a a gentle, cooling Pu restive. Thia preparation ba receivea me patronage oi uj minant naamhnra of tha nrofess ion i and from a discern ing puMicmany respectable and unaouciteoiesiimoniais of iu efficacy as a medicine have oeen receivea. ire pared by H.

Butler. Chemist, London, and for tale by Gay Ar 1 han KM) Kulton. corner 01 imam at. iurini at Paaamit 70. Fulton street, corner of Gold st Place dt Souillard.

8 Patk John B. Dodd Franklin House. 193 arat (Ut Rmadwav. and C. 31.

Olcott. corner Cathe rine and Madison st. XT Observe that each ootue Dears toe name oi a. Butler o29 AND SARSAPARILLA. highly con ramiranvl Dr.

Barclav. Tbts preparation ia a strung essence of the Cubebs. in combination with other ingredients, which, wnust equally mua aim iuuouou. lo the constitution, have been found, by experience, ma terially to increase the known efficacy of the eubebt. It is the most safe, certain, and tpeedy remedy ever discovered for the cure of gonorrhoea, gleeu, strictures, dtc.

frequently proving effective in four or yds re pa red oy o. xvarciay. f. VI, for sale by Gay dt Cheney. 100 Fulton, corner of Wil liam st.

Place Souillard. 8 Park Luring dt Pres cott, 79 Fnlton. comer of Gold street Smith Cutter. 193 of William st 0 Observe the signature of S. G.

Barclay, D. a iha.nninafai Inlll. Cl29 BOSTON'S BONESET LOZENGES. These l.r. aa an varv eoksbnted in all complaint of tbe longa.

we offered to tbe public as affording relief in I Conghs. Colds, Asthma, early stages of Consumption. Croup, Whooping Couch, Spitting of Blood, and all difficulty of breaihing irom any cause, i oeae miu gaa are alto highly beoeficiat in fevers, and in cases where there it constitutional excitement, accompanied any ol the secretions of the skin, taucoe of the throat, die. That the public may be assured that they obtain tbe cenuine article, each box bears the signature of tbe us it lr. cnemitt oz.

jpoin crv. ,28 858 Broadway, and 7 Wall street MEDICAL NOTICE. EVANS continues bis improved praetice as "awT'sII the Landscape Annus! Plates for 1332, ty 37 yeaw ha. had 18 jMrasxtenaive hospiUl prac aiso, au tiw aaaaia I i. ii imnuvn aa a nractiuoner in this city for very fine prow tmpre, 7 I ThvTrv auccea.

attending Dr. A0a a 6 gon ST A3 al II Ar No. 97 Fnlton bS83t by nSS BOOKS Toe Pearl or Altecuoo's Oifi. Juvenile Forget Not Foly wilh eoeravinzt; The Uiyj Prraant Ana and Africa.

3 vols; Isles ot Grandfather. 8 vols from American History parley's Tafo. a boot Europe. Aaia and Alrjca l.rray Javeotie Tales: 4 arley'e History: The Twin Suters, or tbeadvaotages of Religion Cook's voyages with wngraving. The Ead.le Herd Boy The Scott Orphani Arthur Meniull The Life of Moses with 8 raVinV.

Self Cooqaeat The Youth's Annual vune about the Elephant The Sister by Mr. Hoi WILLIAM BURGESS. fcGETABLE PULMONARY BAlUSAM lot inffoeoza, nsthmsa and ldea of cbert for KUStXtUXV 81 William street, General Ag. nta for thia city. ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN, nod (iricidentolly) to YoVr Wom in tN middle a.

higher ranks ol fcfo, Jr. of leVmr. addras ed lor a fover. a bos band, a ciuzev, and a subject, oy WnL hhSt. lv.

18mo! Tbia excelleot book for sale st the cheat) book etMbltthment, Jto. VI ruiton. WiUmmW. WILLIAM BURGESS Jt'T I7 TTle. toaeiber I mau 'als.

tJrSTIS Koom 01 HS' with ail tba picaduig numbers. Flora dictionary, 1 A gV4r Aa aCAatw aa JC A few copies fry sale by n88 of thia valuablo iul MwUng wrt (La A HI Broadway. fit A.nrran Alm.n and KepoBtory 01 nZ2 2 i Knowledge, for ffcoadway. AftlOUll Also, Leigh's EL AM BUSS. Ill Bro.d.y.

of Trinity Chnrcb Yard. corner of Trinity Chnrcb ia. V. i w. iT RATON'S REPORTS.

Vtr; Whwfoa'a Rep SSr DIK III HrSMKITi Arl" narif Trinity Church Yark. 1 i Ax irwiitCM icntinui um wj7wam to coov after btm. Many valuable members of society are daily faUing ssenfice to the srtful bails held out by those unprincipled eiperimtnuliat. lA IIU.1V. Strangers areptmcuiariy VUOIIKOI WW ar a I ed by ingenious nnffing advertisem*nt of any descr.p 1 hy for iheroselves.

nl5eodi.2w I ia tiki The IfoV's with Ks Grammar. tain prompt for lor sale at tne I Li ,1,.. 1 in mv profession in Phil it WUlisn I ii K. I to be enumerated adelphia. and 1 wUh not among thoee advertising snd puffing nominal Doctors, who so often sppear in the pubbc prints a.

R. f. LOVER. M. D.

nrnvrs'aiiainia removea to no. 1 rv. ir. vajv a. iannea duriru? the day and evening, where he contnuee to be consulted confidently MrPrivste entrance to the office, 3 door from the Museura.

eod Otis vflfisKTS CORSETS CORSE I I Mus (J Woo Wd. I Broodway. between Wriite and Walker atreeu. would invite the ladies tee the French Corsets, (tingle nhi double.) MWno the "JiT" Tr. She invites 1 Man.

hania lo call and see loam. lBUinr i mnd 6m a t7a Ua'MOIlSF MtSS ript: a rv If tuADi I No 3881 Broadway, between VitTind ikr stmn i 11 liaaoo vvsaaai. 1 0 th. Ol 'hA li JM d.T received and for aaient J. E.

BETTS Room IK mod3 lb. India do 800 tvuooieaa uo a wr i i eis Rmadwav a. rjPKia.WlKai... 1 TS.TO It ad urn Views tn ihs.I a.u coaaprismg todm. O.

II ol IB via cZl Lhiadsy ij mA sa i. I Canton, and the cmores I njanaiaciuraia 1 kaas, 1 1 Amu NOS 88 4t 8 the RKTVa' thia rao iv and for aale at BETls Oil tt Ml it ffi uiNll PIANO A Horixonial Grand Piano Forte, made vs a a. a A it.lW trm i aula "02 i 8t E. BETTS. 814 Broadway, aaiB.iTi CALEB WILUAMA Tw Advcntuh ul tj orming JMus.

11 and 1Z 01 tne umfj Thwdsy publumed and LONDON CLOTHS. FOR lES'CIaOAKS. S. 4 L. HOLHES have open "''l am aa urtaaant of very hsmdsosA.

Lowdoe wmaram tuny win l93t 17 Broadwsy. nts iiunuts a 7 ON GEE SILK HAN DiCERCHl EFS P. rWhiuracd lease. 60 piac ponge. "vHJV oT tfori, No.

63 tdmt 1 a 18 TllUSStA DIAPERS laaieot tvaasta I in hates Cotton mr, a inn lb. bales do also. Turtle, ryae so wn 1 a tiAai rinuun. uvHMiiff s. r'tTMTr.

KlfS Pearl t. CXVOU.n. I OM FANSS00 Dutch Willow Hand Fans. Gallery i.1 rOBfb CEBRA dt CUmISg. Kuuni loll 'eatob 106 Pearl I ott TT.

4 i TC rp uuri 1 1 1U.IAAJ IDS. Ol SOTI a ,1 1. 1 i 1 a nfi a vsi uuemmmmnu byBitmdwood; jji wrteot. "r' a'pscksgerrropen, 1 i half blenched and white, tar ajn 1 nr mm. Asm.

hy 106 Peart street. 1 our 1 I'. sw wari rtk nr I aTr lsft tmM KIW TT4W ai TTTflf i a ITIT alit iiurl rec 4 and tor or 'lVTal IVJO 106 Pearl St. i. A at JT b9 CCBtf i I 7 and lor seta oy FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.

S3rTbe above reward will be paid by the aabscribew I or iba aaoovary rX tbs money, apoten nssna ana i vetios.oCSAKI.Ea( T. HALLOWE1X. who lately in their employ aa clerk, and has absconded with boot W2000, collected Irom tbe aocUooeert on their ae 500 1 500 am, and i He is a hoot hoot assures of the eitv of New York, and ofBosiuo. if re 1 8or incbee high, and has a ecar aader ha ear, owing sea hiah. and has a scar node hia ear.

owing aii I new wnrw nwwsi ana coppsr I VaT l.Z tbe above dav. Fur fright or peat age. having vary ex tensive and an perror acw rnmoaanons, apply to the Capt. an board, at the foot of Msrden lane, or to ntl FISH, GRIN WELL ek CO. 134 front at.

will be given for the recovery of Lt whole rod Wildfire, Mr. Haekert Major La ia proDortioo for any part. i. I CttnaL Sitapaon; Ma Tawarlop, SI years of age, brown hair, about ft foot I Fredonis, Mrs. Sharps.

After, which, I AGGER OOD 8y aster Dasrerwi lUr Peggaiaiood. i rii.iiasooii. SisTnnTp 8AM8ON, Chwk, ner, wiU 1 oo 1 Kr.ll I JOHN A. BROWN dt CO. Phnadelphia.

Nov. 18. 1831. ELTS nlO nil D3C8t OBACCO tale by nlS ol96t AUCTION NOTICE Hoc aoht. J.

LANGDON will Mil this Evening, at tbe store S10 Broadway, one door below Fulton street, large collection of valuable standard and mtsoellaneooa Books, vis Cktren rLnn'a Kiatnvw af ih. ha) I inn. vuls Seudeison'a bi us ling averages nu oa auvoe sausiacwy to tus employ. I ogrsphy ol the Signera of tha Declarai ion of lodepena rs. and according to too uoour Matowed.

I fine engraving! Havtna oasaed seven yearn in tha office of Mr. Zeba 1 amiih'a ininuiaj Nanus ensravinga led Nature, bee Cook. Jr. of Boston, he iteis juMifted in offering I Joaeous'a Woiks. Sv Todd's Walker and John.

eon a UicbcnarT JJunlap a Roman laiierature, sv tbe fine Philadelphia Library adiuons. each complete in one olume, extra calf binding, of the following ao thors. via Byron, Milton, Young, die. Cowper, and Thompson: Soott. Moore.

Goldsmith, Campbell, Rogers, die, ColerHge, Shelly KeatU, TUer Si Guar dian. Burke. Paley. Plutarch. Shakspeara, Chalmers, Arabian Night.

Sic. Also tha London and American Annuals, together with an assortment of Blank Books, Paper, Quill. Ink, AUd. copy of Brown's self interpreting Bible. The sale will commence at ball past 6 o'clock precisely.

Catalogue can be had at tbe to re and baokt examined through the day. UeSIA DIAPER. 580 pieeea for aale by nl8 lw B. M' EV ERS, 87 Broad st. A NCHOR.

1 large Eogliab Anchor, weight, S00 Air for aale by b. M'EVERS. 87 Broad at. VV OOL. 7 bales American Wool, just recived dt for sale by nl8 6t B.

ME VERS. Z7 Broad at. PEACH ORCHARD COAL AFLOAT Ttie ubtcnbeci continue to receive direct from the mines of the North American Coal Company, their ao pertor Peach Orchard Coal, which for ease of ignition, briilianev. and durabilitv in burninc. stands onsurpass ed hv anv other coal brought to tbie market.

Orders received at the office, 157 Broadway. 374 or 38 Washington ttreet, will be promptly aeiended to. H. A A. STOKES.

T3NGLISH BRUSHES. A large aaaort roenl ol I1a Ha.r. Tooth and Cloihea Braahea. tocetber with an eit naive a sortrnent of Perfume rv. Soaps.

Cosmet ic tc. may ba bad at 399 Bmadway. corner of Walker at. tltiixfii m. i tioAr.

BEST STRAW GOODS. J. iSesa has removed hia fine Straw Goods Warehouse, from Broadway I to No. 1 John at opposite Arcade. ol 6w TO BREEDERS AND SPORTSMEN.

For tale, the rV utter Arabian. berse of the parent blood. He waa sent aa a present lo the late King of England, Ueoree ana was raaen ov an Amer ican privateer during tba late war with Enelsnd. A full memoir ot the Winter A full memoir ot the inter Arabian will he found in the American Turf Register, for August, 1330. Also for aale, three of law afaick.

viz a three year old Colt, a five year old Mare in foal bv Mr. Wm. R. Johnson's Trumpeter, a two year old Filler all from full blooded mares, and all of great The above horses are offered at private sale to be teen at Mr. Peter Hilton's, at the Spring Valley Man aioo House adjoining the Shot Tower, on tbe banks of tbe Esst River, four mile from New York, where a full pedigree of them may be seen, dt the price made known.

It they are not sold at private sale hy the 88th inst, I bey will nn thai dav be sold at auction at TattersaU's, No 446 Broadway, of which due notice wdl be given. 6t a 7 H1TK A ft ELS. A. LANEdt CO. 64 Maiden lane, have received another lot of tlieae I a 1 1 frnra drawiars I I 9 muaJ.

at hia well eslrblished Dlspentary, XVO. ill 1, uattCiajloos, lor aajov SrjIcincthTwork Peck aimer ofVV.ier The publr are respect JL' Btanneiu acin MrJi I f.dlv annriaed. Dr. EVANS beirw regularly educated 1 and be obtained on applieati in the city of Londoo. has been a meraoer ot sara Be rn if A and extra fine blue dt jet black Born basins.

Also 100 pieces 4 4 dt 5 4 black Crapes. 10 dux Crape Veils, for trie low, at tha corner Broadway and Canal st, 4t REAL BLOND LACES, dtc. J. S. FOUNTAIN (formerly of Broadway) baton hand tbe follow nr rich Laca Goods, which are offered at hit usual tea sonabte prices, at wholesale and retail, at 64 and 66 Maiden lane, corner of William street, viz Several cartons of white Blond Lace Dresses, one cost inaaMta fi ll.

hlirot Arl HollsrS. I carton white black Blond Veils, from 30 to $80 1 do by the vstd. from 12cU to $9 per yard 1 do Blond Footing, of every width 8 braMecklin English Laces with a general aas of 4 4. 5 4. 6 4 dt 7 4 Bobhinet Lecea at repueed prices.

Also by the last Havre Packets, rich Gros de Naples Silks for Hats, and all the mode colors for walking dresses, with a complete assort men of Silk Goods, of every description, which his etittomert are invited to call ds examine at early at convenient. Also. Fancy and Staple Goods, of every deoenpuoo. at the lowest prices possible. n.

H. J. Keeps consianur on ouai rami unuaa Eau de the frst quality. lo lLKS. Jo.atoa, rvormg Co.

have on band complete assortment of jet and blue black Grot de Nap and Florences. Gros de Zin, Gros do Berlin. Gros de Swiss, jet blacd Italian Silks. Alto, Siachews, Sarsnet and blue black Canton CemMeta, jet black India Satins and superset and bine black French Satin. Alto, coloured Gr jo de Nap.

Florences and Synco phane Silks, and a lew pieces super bleck and coloured Ftorentine and coloured Sdk Vestinga. which will be sold low at 5 Maiden lane. ttl9 Ti iNGUSH MERINOS. JOli iv nAawu 'TURKEY RtD PRINTS 1 ease ibis dsy reed, and for aale low. by rl A JV Cltnio.

airi a. JOHN H. HOWLAND, 158 South st. hds salted sheep Pelts, lor sate by DE FOREST Ot Bun. win I Tuat rTved a Boo coo.

of thoto uttful Tia.n, Rowns. for ladies' and gentlemen. Do Do rer. Wo. 10.

hAll Do Do Do bleached and wniia.iu. I a.7. 10g I 1 KBaAW Tfnnnn IK annar OUauty. St 81 INDIA WV JCTli ira for salebr 7NOTTON BAGGL.Gal. Rope.

B.hng Twine lr end Shoe xnre u. 7 A CUMing. eropen.oy 106 Pearl street. ol7 15uj,iiliiv wum or ixr PARK THEATRE. 3fr.

Hebts "4 Eveniatg, tha LION Of THE WE8T Cot. Wutv aoaui i Va.rlwaaltaV I KYX.VE8TER Mr. Haok r.naiap ollarii.m of Birds. Quadrupeds. Reptiles, Shells.

Min erals, Foasila. Indian Dresses, suecelleneous curiosities, and a large collection of fine Paintings, including 150 portraits, all conumed in four apacicus hall. Admittance to the whole 85 cents, aual children half price. 08 ECLAMATION MR. KING, (professor of El ..) haa the honour of aiinouncinz tn bis 8 I friends and the public, that he proposes devutiog three a.

4. I ni mpK wMik tn th iTuitniciitMi of Geniletxien 6 4 StKB HANFERRIsr inZ ofUmioorTh. courae will embrace. "A 140 Pearl rt. ibe correct roodulatiooof the voice, bothas 10 ttreaglA pl93t nnduuahtwofUmef gesture, by whiok can be acqui "41 ERINO LHAWLS carton lhs dsy received what la moslgracolul in the aorarol movement, ot lTX of Mesr.

Heunegiey 's manufacture, vtrarranted (b pronuncistion of words accordiog lo the 11 wool, which together vnb those 00 hand form the nwgeof Engknd and America. most deniable Jspnitient, WW 'f I Gentlemen wishing to become members 01 elate. tlAU I reauested to meet at tba lnstnution for Uoentton 450 Pearl st. I nd lhV cure of Stammering (No. 78 Murray aU 00 A MEDICAL CARD.

lalLLS ON LONDON dt s' (Magna est verUaset pntvaleba.) I to purchaser, by RECENT unprovemenu in Medicine have Wed ioif Broker. 130 Broadway. me to introduce into my practice with decided ttoE THREAD. A twsn uHply of Titley, Tat BILLS ON LOKUUH r. n.

um. 8. J. succese. several new aruxies.

wnicu Bnd Walker's supermr Lead a green nemp. and in the core of Gleets of long stand ng. No. 3 lnd L. 3.

Undiug from Slla. Richards, for aale by tha subscribers, wno are constant, ly supplied with the article, direct from the ruanulacuir er. in small or largo packages IEtOlUl CM. sA.1 w. 106 Pearl street.

bud Kentucky a prime hit, for JOHN H. HOWLAND, 158 South st. irXEATH 8 PICTURESQUE ANNUAL, FOR XI 1838. The trade are inlormed mat oaring air. tl w.i i in Kneland.

he contracted HI SB BJIUrV at I. v. with Mr Charles Heath, for the exclmiye supply of Ibe United States with tbe above work and that apeciroeos brought by him in October last msy be seen aksubsenp. lioiw be taken at the room of the tubsonber. Jl rnay be well to observe teal this is the genu in gfwiLEY nmr Wall dt Broad at, up ttairs.

ralmut'a Dictionary is ree'd and ready for deUvery. I nSl RESSING GOWNS P. L. VaNDERVOORT 'Zr. or invslid.

Unon Rood snd Ugm the lor sale oy tne large oi 1 1 r.l .1 ait ,1, aaa R. Ar. R. to ba left at the 1 OIQ Rrnarl ava v. nZU dies to tne inspectiony.

.1 I c. i. af French corsets, which oas nOBACCO contour of tbe wearer. an aitensive assortment oi i in dr s. and promptiv.

f.fcf'rX'.h W7HT8T1C 60 tonV. uTtsTThT wi a merchants and dealers JJ n81 oewrst iBsnions. MnA lhm short. VIRGINIA ttrwrai ta Court oo Ihs most ree. poruiof c.

argued Xe vols, MW kt. Afi above, in fane, articles, thread and REPORTS. B.t Reports, in eontinoation lwsir ahVO a IIUISWVUU mvyyij KraShinelt lace, inmnu dress Z. Trios snd bodies. Embroidery laca or musUo, and lace roeodej.

tet mMysdicitslio.u ascowented teach L'S rtomending and joining lactr for torn. a. ahnve. V. a a.a.1.

h. for alo aj a. 2lUT NAILS 8500 esst 3d to d. eaak. CEBRA dt CUMING, 106 Pearl st.

fi 7.8.9. 10. nXl JOHN H. HOWLAMD. 153 South st.

JOHN H. HOWLAND. 168 South tt RICE 11 tierces dt 19 naii ueroa o. va Rice, leading from ship Niagara, for sale in lota Illey; Lawrence trimrle. B2I 61 Pinest, INTER HOSIERY, aUs.L.

Durham, 189 Broadway, opposite John st offers for sale, do do do do do do do do do do Lambs Wonted Mohair Cotton Silk avroneina Vasts and Drawers Po do superior Horse Skin Glo' Superior Porepie Ttppeu or Cemfoners. do do do do kl7 NGUSH MERINO CLOTHS 50 pieces iutt opem d. cm prising a tplendid asaortminttjicolora dtqiforsauTbr8 "afSK2U nli RMTURE CHIN 1 1 jut ree very rich and beautt al patternt, ai wr taie oy ricn anu ae HAJfo A FERRIS. 450 Pearl at. A ENTLEMEN will find a beauiilul aaorunenl ol ti? Ronset Wells A Patterson's Ready at 116 Broadway.


Avery, 88 Mai hliie blaek lksTlMnoM which are Italiapj, MsrJr id tro de Zens, ITI a. 4nLlVE OIL 30 pipae uaiin iH.GRlNNf.LI dcCO. 134 Tmmt r.T7 riAaX.UItliVi.' uvvw. th. everv Mr.

K. will impart a tyttem for the practice ol tbe staftar voice, by which it may be neatly improved. ruvhai mkould be of treat coosroueooe to ST. PETER'S CHURCH AT ROME. An interior view of thit magnificent Templax, together with 50 other paintings, all executed by G.

Cooke, are open thia day for public exhibition at No. 86 Broadway, firat door befow Wall street. Arf a.uanMSAeenla. ClUldren nau pnee. armmuu tickets 50.

Caialaaoes graus. ERIC AN SCULPTURE. 1 be Exhibition of Greenougb's Marble Group of Chanting Cherubs. I A Saaal WS lllS A aa now open at tne new puuuuuj 1 1XBm ika Flra Arts, from 9 A. to 9 in I ibaevening.

Entrance "front Barclay stress, a few doors from Broadway. Admittance 85 cents. Season ticket 50 cu; chUdreo half print. n4 NOTICE No debt contracted by the crew of the British Barque, Marlequin from New Castle, will be paid by tha Captain or consignees. i n20 rtNTED TO LOAN lor Four Years, 1500 dol aoovesaui win Daily Advertiser office.

TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. Stolen, en Ml Ssturdsy night last, or Sunday nionunil early, from stable aitnsled at 111 Chff ttreet, a black Mare, boat 6 yean old. or Mi handa high, with two hind I. a.aana. ka kail anH LlM white wet.

a smaii wuno mil. in low condition. Whoever wdl apprehend the thief, ao that be may be prosecuted, and the mare recovered, will be emitted to the above reward, on application to a SARAjfviE.0.'.. H2l 3t "nn vv. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAN rtm sTk ttVa thm sTtM ntaMflf fin.

1101. IV. INI. J. be President and Directors have this dsy declared wholetolesarerai.ine,o..ow.a8 a K.lfra, anion the Caoi I n17 Mena.

womeue ctuidrens atennu fjo a at nau inviorna oi rr: 7 I lU IW, CI HI 1 1. r. laa, ai months enduUT 1st Pays I ar a. Wool do the last six montha ending It pay" I tal Stock for ry ble to the Stockholder, or their legal mpiesenutlvea on FatV, Bonbon abontbOO FOR MATAMASk Tha mi iinr. nei as TALMA, tpt.

Dawt. Only eae year old. Traitrhl ni nastaira havinr eleemnt fcrw 3r pply .1 i WlUlltW Palila nS09t 34 Braad QnH. Dollars to Loan on Bond and Mortgage OUVFIT upon Real Estate, Apply to pamtion. are making for the celebration of tha Kva.natu.:i ram Kridav onL Admitmace 85 cenu.

n88 AT RE AT ATTRACTION AT PEALES IU 8EUM AND GALLERY OF THE FINE ARTS. Broadway, opposite the Park. Mr. NICHOLS, the mock celebrated Ventriloquist, who has the power of throwing his voice to any part of tbe room, dt so modifying it as lo imitate various persons in lively con versa lion almost st tbe same instant. He will ex hibit hia powers every evening this week, except Saltr dsy.

when the Magic Lantern will be exhibited, com mi ncing precisely at a ciock. inoae aeairous oi outlining good seats are reoommooded to attend at an early bour 1 lw. Sarnarit nf India. ANACONDA. Or BOA CON to enjoy food Usalth, and it so perfectly lame that it may ba handled by the most timid.

The powers and habit ol thia species of serpent are so well known that it seed no description to excite interest. It will be fed with a living animal on Saturday evenings until further notice. This Muteum now ranks one of tbe first in the Untied Sutra, and offers to the curious one of the finest Egyptian mnmmiAa aver aeen in thia country. A splendid and large Cosraorama a Pond rumen er, with which the weight of a single person it instantly told, without the rauarHi. a hiva ofsiinrteea Bees from Mexico; exact casts of the Stsmeee Twins in wax.

beside other No E. KETELTAS. 7 Inns of Court, Beekmsn at. ton. Weir, Dorand, Ingham dt Cummings, members of the council, at their roa pec live places ot reaiaence.

ni i lor STORE TO LET Until the 1st of May next, the No. 160 Fulton street, situated one door west of Broadway, dt auitabie any HUM ot ouaineae. isrme auoueraas auu pw sinn given immediately apply at tbe premises, lw FOR SALE OK TO LET, the convenient three atorv brick House. No. 85 Houston corner oi Mercer street, and immedl posse Annlv In C.

It. 8. KOWliAWUt. Water street, or to Robert Gracie, No. 80 Broad at, nl71w fllO LET To a retpectable private family the nonet nart of a house.

48 John atreet immediate possession if reqni red. Apply lO ta tUtvIata, B17tf IT0.86 Maiden lane. rNSTRU T10N IN FRENCH. aeatiig Classetj I for Gextlrwsen. Monm (OA F.

Cakda's evening I 1 classes in French will commence on the evening ol Mondsy. November Slat A class for young boys will also be lormed. 40 tspenara st. of Library of Select Novels, proprietor, and may be had at the pnneipal Druggists KCO haveon band a complete assortment of tbe figures part of tha body of a large tree, petrified, from I clock, at No. 4 Mleby in New York, and wholeaale and retail at tlwttoiea of 1 E.

BLISS, 111 Broadway. the manufacturer. Une. Guana, and soft a belled Turtles, dec besides a hwge llnurv eioea. at ixo.

nl4 3taweod8w LOTS. For tale, by private contract. lota in tha vicinity of the new buildings in Lafayette Place and Eighth street. vault iu the Marble Cernetery near Bona si. Appiy to nlO 10 EDWARD MARTIN.

18 Wsll st. TVO RENT, a pew 10 St John's Church, eligibly situated. Apply at the office of Coster dt Carpet tor. 48 Wall sties. POkTLGUtSE LEECHES.

fTTHE Subscribers have just received a supply of A. Porturuete Leeches, larre tixa and in fine order, for isle by the 100 or dozen. LUKlniaraiiuuii, 79 Fulton st. cor. Gold st.

N.B. An order for apply ing them promptly attend ed to, by an expeneneed person. I SUPERFINE Cloths for Iaadies P. 3 68 nVrHANfiK Buaineaa in all iu branvhet S. Fountain Maiden Lane, corner of William st.

hat just I received one case of Saxony Cloths or Ladies Cloaks Bd Coats WBJca ae oners asvrery reoMcan price I ttreet. Ii Durham' Hosiery and Glove alora, 189 Broad tingem) the art of pronouncing words as di.tinctly wbau I way. opposite John at startag aa when speaking. fnvate leaaont as usual. nl93tis INF.n in rreat variety for sale at nil Uncur Ed rem money dWcoonted st the fowest possible rates, by SYLVESTER.

V30 Broadway, who also buy. aas sells Gold on tbe foareattorms. Pistarasns wanted, nlOtf CJHIRT8 dt k3 DRAWERS. Menno. lambs wool.

wonted and cotton Shirts dt Drawers, of all sizes. for sale by L. DURHAM, 189 Broadway, n17 directly opposite John at. dtOAL Lacks wana Coal unbroken 87 broken I Si screened 87 80. delivered free of cartage.

ing Twine, inst received from tbip Hartoqain. 1 tte uT the lubscriben cm ietd term. New Cattle, tod for nda po tioa tubject to drxwbick. BARCLAY. nl riOTTON i VL ton rand 1I8 H.dtG nai 1 I Island Cat, I Msd.

Unen Swire, Br6adwy Ato fine assortr 1 tiriti's HOSl elegaiU i oorli sao merit. rnent of Dress Stocks, both light and dark n' I gj urnt opened at the Hosiery and GUva Stole SKl.ACli bATl'li' tRAVATS, A new and I Breed way.opsoaite John at. JL aplandidartiala, for eal I rvanamber next Br order. lanuaitauiv unnnkun A. B.niaUO""'! nl9 Im II5O00 gsllona WmtwStraiiSrOuV WOO dIijo, 1000 do Refined I Whata O.l tortole tea rrnnlst.

a. iwr. 189 18 HEMP. IRON, dtc. tow urns nesipjua new sable, 1500 pieces Omvsss.

1000 wide Dta AD1ES HABIT CLOTHS biue. btown. green, pars. 10 loos Roasm uakttm, II aj u.Ki. rimha.

uiubleforladitocfoaki.l I9 8. E. BURROWS. anu aiivv 1 lor sale very cheap, by w. IS U.O a rarsi PRINTERS, A second hand saperroyal Fa ntine; Pivjss neariv new, and soaaeotbsvairu.

i 4ir fem sale to cloee an uvoaee, at a redassd i HORATIO WILKES, 1 13 OS BLANKETS cm I Ii. io 14 4. aatra beaw toot Broastway ana wa ai all t. i assorted siaeai frnra Blankets, 'for aale UktfL ANKS. at the office of tbe Mereanule tiiMiaa 56 Wall st i at the office of the Daily Advertiser, in tbe Exchange at tbe office of the Courier A FMuirar.

No 68 Wall at at the Broadway Hoose. corner Grand atreet Broadway at the store ol Cslara. 806 Cherry at. or at tha mnoe ot ins union Coal Yard, comer of Chamber dt Washington am. wm.

t. JunbiN 8ole agent of the Del. dt Hudson Canal Co. in coal for the city of New York nlftf COAL The Dels wars dt Hudson Canal Company nave opened throe yardeo Lackaavaria Coal, cor ner of Water and Cliuten atresia, and al the iom oi Walnut st. on the East River.

Price unbroken 87 broken $7,50. free of cartage. Orders left at either ol tbe yards, will lie immediately attended to. a. via, a mWUD TT ill.

M. 4U1.EIO, Sole gent for the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. nl9tf fTNION COAL YARD Lac kaw ana, Schuylkill Lhigh Coal, at lowest m.rKrioe. Office corner of Chambers dc Washington sts. NSEED OIL.

14 pipes English, of superior quality, now fonding andfor fo by No. 187, Woler street. anV tin V.MiLAND NOTES WANTED, al 17 lw SYLVESTER'S. Idu Broaoway. r.r.iaal h.kYI.V ESTER.

13U Broad VV way. known aa the ever fortunate, to stole that he sold in the New York Lottery, drawn uii eitv yesterdsy. comb. 44 (5 56, tbe eapital pruto of 84.O00. in whole ticket, whtch was im ntgaow ric thiseity.

nl 11 ADEIRA WINE. The ehoicest of Msd ira, of uUflE THK KAIJ 1M OflKw DUUT I I aaawtinsaa ssiorrea easas, ua aa. 1 Thread. toSoa.

Hoping and Sew 1 by themzpresly for private aae, ooravtantiv from nldlm MARCH fcBENSPW, lanroa iav. Xf. Tt TJ ST AUD. Si ken of Londoo and nlOlw RICHARD WILLIAMSON. 19 Maiden Isne.

KNTLEMEN'S BUCK SKIN SHIRTS AND DR AWER8 tVefi A PeMtrssm, 877 Broad way, have for sale fine Bock 6km Shirt dt Drawers, very soft leather, also Bnck Skin half Hoxa pnd Foo Socks. il n9tf nWJv 1 OR SALE. The SALBS.V v. WadBeartay, Picture Salt At 1 o'efock. 1 IW 00 100 pacfeagaa British oM.

Arcatt Ury Ctalgiisa and anaapiea will ba ready too. aftgotaak. i fa. uttAffA I ett, who wdl rive imitations of Me rra. Keen.

Maerea 1 The alienor new coppered Kbooner PHG5 1 dy. UiWiT) and To cooeiude wrlh ttwmosuai I slx Sp ha part ef her eareo reav I oawwia oiogn on me iaa sssa. I Faroe of TTJ RN OUT Reslive, Mr. Baqea Gmroty I dy logo on board. For freight or pasaaga.

having ela BY MILLS. BROTHERS it CO. Red Tad. Mr. Placido Marian Kamsay.sirs.

nuvu, i gsni acciominodations, with fonrdonhloatata oorna.ap her first appearance thai season. wedneaday, Mr. Sinclair Benen. 1CHMONU HILL THEATRtS, eorneroi var Miaa PnUraan. Ta nffu luoe With A AX Af 1 Ek THE FAIR In which Mr.

Holland wm.ustain tbe principal character, a originally psxraraed oj him. On Wednesday Mr. Cooper and Mrs. Duff wdl ap pear in the Tragedy of the Gamester. FrtHEATRE A CARD.

Mr. Sinclair most res peetfully announces to hia friend and the public. Hai hi. Raa.fii will take nlacsi on wedneaday next. Nov.

83d. when wiU ba nreeented tbe Sd and 3d acts of The Cabinet Prince, Mr Sinclair; marquw. riscioe Peter Barnes Florethi, Maw Hugbee. wnnine wi dt 3d act of Guy Mannering. Henry Bertram.

Mr. Sin clair Mist Msnnering. Mas Hughes and otner enwr tsinmeitta. EXHIBITING FOR A SHORT TIME, at No. 81 Barclay street, tbe large Paintmg of tkt Wreck of Medmssu by G.

Cooke, from the original, by Gen caul I ia Louvre at Paris. Also, at 86 Broadway. 50 PAINTINGS, all by G. Cooke. Tbe rooms are carpeted and well warmed Admittance 85 cti.

n2 6t Ticket areone dollar, to admit one gentlemen iend wo ladies, to be bad el the bar of Tammany Hall, and at J. Frederick' corner of Bowery and Broome sts. J. FREDERICK. Jr.

1 nSl St With gr P. BURWELL, S. CLARK, CJECOND PTBL1C AT fjommttiee. 7 TAMMANY HALL it Dleaanre Mr. arker announces to nis haaa nnlit.l.

ranual tha nae nf their SPleodld embellish menu for bis second publfr Ball, which will lake place on Wednesday evening, xotn inst. xwkiub inn mence precisely at 8 o'clock. Dx NOVELTY LAST WEK musical performances of the Genoese at tbe AMERICAN MUSEUM, in Broadway, opposite fit. Paul's Church, will terminate this week. Tbe Minstrels from Genua perform moat beautifully on the Mandolin, an ina'ro roent never before publiclo introduced in tbe United Slates.

JUuunr the evening, tne mmsirsis win sing several songs, accompanied by their mandolines with 0ilV.eEinin.n,,;, OMJ Ua auuai, us niui ui a Rhinoceros Istely received from Africa; also, the Large Rattle Snake that bit himself to death on Mon tn. Villi superior make white flannels, which having been well I GRAND COSMORAM A During thia week the tested by many, they can with confidence warrant not I be set with views of remarkable pla to shrink in washing, being ola soil wool tnsn tnoso i ag in different parts of tbe globe; the whole delineated denominated Paienv" and can be sold st much lower 1 wiln a derree of accaracy truly attonuhing. Thit prices. Also a few pieces of fine English Swanskin, I Coamorama it the only one in America, and it larger tunable lor I nose wno aim wHucming uikk, i KUronc roaumnx tuo opuc glasses to wsrmer man otner nsnnei. aisu, gmu, nu flannel, white Canton flannel dtc.

die. for sale cheap 54 Maiden lane. ARK BAN KS hat just received low priced hiKit tha nimva thr CASE OF CUTLERY, ufactured by Pooley dt Co. (exhibited at tbe late Fair, where the makers were pretested with silver medal) is now placed in tbe Muteum for exhibition. Tkey are tplendid specimens of native ingenuity.

The American Museum founded in 1810, by John Kr nrMar. Tt waa formerhr located in tbe Park. but baa recently been removed to its present location. This Museum contains the Irrgest collection of curiosities in the United States, and ia daily receiving addt tKMS. dIv on hoard at rasr 13 E.

ar to ni vv H. B. hall, a Drona ssreei. A MEK1C AN THEATRE, Bowery hm fcveo. I For NEW ORLEANS, ing, will be performed, tbe Nadtiou a os i ji aLOUlSlANA nl5 teasW Norn SStfc f.FV VnHV Pas.ra WATER WITCH, or tbe Skimmer ol the beaa1 iiaiTha superior new shio CREOLE.

Captain and fae Gold 1 lor. Mr. G. Jones Seadnft, Wis Waring. AHet jjtw Orleans, win sail aa above.

For freight witlf 480 engraving 4v I which, the laughable Inurlodeol txiittivt oJrr.i. 1 passage apply on board at Pine street wbarf.orto IbUUUS: tURftll nun THOMAS t. OCA U99, elude with the Grand Melo Dramatie ciecmcm oi ids DEMON OF THE DESERT: or. Tba mtirdeiera Sacrifice. On Wedneaday the Play of tbe Iron Cheat.

No. 7 South atreet. ffvllE Gentleman who. by tawtake, en Friday night JL at tne uraiono St. raal a Chapel, axenangeo bis brown Cambist Coak for one of the same stuff and same colour, ia requested to apply for hia own, at the I XI ick and Char hoc it.

This Evening, the jangba 1 store Mreen. Cbesterman dt Co. comer of John and ble Comedy called SWEETHEARTS I Vassaa street. nl 4r mCTk i of A WOARDINti. Th.

hooa.No. 44 Bnmdway. (op lain, i Ba posite ttuoker's) navmg Dean out in cood repair Day After tno eddtg furnished throoahoot. ia now read for the reception of boardem. Gem lemon and their families, or a few aingle gentlemen, can be genteelly accommo 1 dated.

Gedilemen can be applied with board only, il rvqnired. hy applying immediately. lw WANTED, a second hand Stove, of Dr. Notts patent Apply at No. 98 Broadway.

TITANTED, middle aged womaa to do tbe house work and take tbe charge of a small family. Respectable references at to charaater and capability will be required none other need apply. Enquire at No 7 Wall ttreet. ni7 VtAN fcI. first rats Jouraevman Taifora.

Apply at 116 Broadway. ni hCCT ANTING A titoatioa at Cook or Chamber maid. Good recommendation will be given Apply at 103 Malbarry streat. aSO tt TO CAPITALISTS A firm waU aatabliahed ia a profitable Mercantile bnsinesa, within three mi nutes walk of the Exchange, and having several laoa 4.1 ar Aavm Maul K. aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaa.

I HUU WUilS.a VI MCtf VUUU.VJW, lia Ml w. GRAND MILITARY AND CIVIC BALL I finding that the business can be carried onto much noniaiat A. M. C. Savxth rssDectfally informs his I more advantara with a lancer capital than they have friends and tbe public, that a Grand Military and Civic I at command, wish to form a connexion with a third Ball is to be given by the third company of Riflemen, I person who can furnish from 10,000 to 15,000 dollar on Friday Evening, 85th November, at Tammany Hall, I cash, and become either an active or silent partner

Tka MimmitiM ii nlsiiiu tuiUa 1 iatk navM. Tha advertisers have a lease ol the rrU FARMERS. To be disposed of cheap, the lease of two Farms, one 46 acres, situated at Harlaem, on the East River, the other about 70 acres, on Ward's Island, opposite Harlaem, with houses, barns, stable, Ac. lately in tbe occupation ot Mr, 4. vat ion, and are well worth the attention of a market gardener or farmer.

Possession immediately. Apply for particulars to THOMAS BARNARD, SC WaU atreeu 9f flO COACH MAKERS. Just received and for A aale. a large quantity of seasoned Oak and Aah Fellows, auitabie tor Stage, Coach, Gig and Wagon Wheel. Also, a large quantity of seasoned Spokes, ol the best quality.

If sufficient erjcouragement is given, the above articles will be kept constantly oo soldverjtJow. JOHN THumreun, nil comer ol Grand snd Wooster st. REMOVAL J. Trraor, Af. Dentist, baa removed to No.

4 College place, upper corner of Robinson ttreet opposite the west wing of Columbia College jelO istf A A DOLLARS to loan on bond and mortgage UUUU on real estate ia this city, at 6 percent per annum, by me if J84 WALTER BICKER. 87 Wall ttreet. ATATIONAL ACADEMY, CVoiton Hall By a 1 Ti revolution ol the council of the National Academy of the nnftned 11 tur a class or ladies. ir tnstrucion wiu oa us gci tleroea of the conucil. Tbe instruction gratuitous.

Tbe school will open to this clsss from 13 to 3 every Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday through tbe winter. rStore, corner Pearl and Wall sjreeti WEDNESDAY At o'clock at their a actios room, a general aaaort eat of seasonable DRY GOODS. At 10 o'clock for account of wrtom it niay concern, 1 case Dunstable hats; do French prints, entitled to debentare, partially' damaged on the voyage of importation. Also, bales fine white fiaane's.

Also, bales scarlet Polish Lining, for gentletnen'a cloak. Lapta'a Shawls Also, a general aaaut lintnt of Meat Laptn, Son dt Co'o Merino Shawls Saturdav. French Goods At 9 o'clock at their action root, 60 case French Goods, including valasble and choice assortment of staple and fancy articles, leeotvtd per ships Salty and France, from Havre. JOHN HONS at SONS siorecorosrof Wall B1 and Pearl streets Thursday. At 9 o'clock at their auction toom.

general aseort ment of British and Dumestie Dry Gooda. Pnmate Salt. bale printing cloths. BY W. atreet.

PELL CO. Store No. 65 Watl Wedoeadav. Hemp. At 1 1 oVlock, in front of the fore, a quantity of Kentucky hemp Fresh Figs.

600 drama, fresh and in fine order, just end ad Corks tO bales velvet co*cks. 6 bales tobacco; 3 barrels Bermuda arrow root, au perior article. Thortday, Muscovado Sugar At 1 1 o'clock, in Hanover eaoare, 100 hbds. St. Croix sixe, superior Maaenvadososara.

Sugars At It o'cleck. oiipoeate 136 8uuh au 31 hds, 8 tierces, snd 178 bis W. 1. sugar. Morale Sale At 3 o'clock.

on pier No. 4, N. R. landitut from brig Petacvetancc, 16 block black and gold, and 10 do veined Italian marble. Immediately after, on nier No.

18.E.R landing from hip Indiana, 17 block while veined, and 6 do puto venera Italian Marble. Catalogues on tbe day of sale. Fridav. Sale ef Foreign Ragt At 18 o'clock, at the auction WIMi, VI UBI I a rf I aa "wm a a 7,,, that Ibcv have made arrancetnenU with Mr. Parker, at Store they now occupy, for number of years, which I "tore.

750 bales German ragt, lata importation also, manager of the Ball, also for bis celebrated Cotillion I a first rate stand for baainett, and would like to I Meaatna do. Kami ira Hail aviii laanawnrsiea niuwr tk. i iorD nMunsenaiD hi cwwbciwc vi uk umiMTi a el January next. A tine aaareasea ana left at the office of the Daily Advertiser, will be attended to.

ntl tf To morrow. 23d. CHANCERY SALE. At 18 o'clock at tbe M. E.

will be sold by ardor of tbe Court of Chancery all that certain boue and lot of round in tbe 8th Ward, now known as No. 101 Varick st. beginning on the West side of Varick st. si noint 73 It. 6 inches N.

from Watt thence W. along a bouse and lot, now or late nf John Zabnekia. 3(1 ft. to around leased to David Dunn thence norUverly, part along said ground ana I friends snd pe trout that the Commutes oo I Tomer, deceased. Tbesefumabave Deea greauy im 1 prUy 29 ft.

tbenco along lo pro cu as uk i aboot ft irieneo along IN. about 18 it, thence bit it, thence S. 81 ft. snd thence again E. along ground of Lowerre 67 ft to Varick at.

and then S. along erica 81 ft. lo the place of beginning together with the right if naaaaSM thanaHrh aairl alk in Common with Others having such a right and also all that leasehold lot of ground situate in the 8th ward, oegiuning at tne jj aide of Thomnaon at. at a noint distant 181 ft NE. from tbe corner ot Grand and Thompson street, and run nine thence NW.

and oarallell on Grand st. 81 foot; thence SW parallel! with Grand at. 100 ft. to Thompson st. and then SW along Thompson at.

SO ft to the EI ace of beginning, which lot was demised by George nrellard La Georee Lorillsrd for the term of 81 years from tbe first dsy of May 1825, at an annul rent of 878. navsble Quarterly. The lease contains covenants for the extension of payment of tbe appraised value of tbe improvemenia. And also, all that lot of ground situste on Tenth st, in tbe city of New York and diatingoitbad aa No. 169, on map of Daniel Ewen, City Surveyor of property eoTiveved hv Noah Scovel and D.

P. HaU. 10 Ch. Hall, snd other in Liber 196 of conveysncee in Register's office of New York. Friday.

85th At 12 o'clock at the M. E. will be sold, by order of the Court of Chancery, all that certain bouse and lot of around and premises, situate ia the 6th ward of the city QUIl Uanailna. Mnlfllliinf 111 It.ll i' 1 ll. 11 aa rw a.

Arts of Design, th school of the Anuque will be I breildln ln from 23 feel 5 inches, be sesame more or on 1 ueeaay.tne loin 01 iMiraoa, a ti 1 ifTrg Monday. 5th Dec Hnaiae7l Murrau At 18 o'clock, at the Mer chants' Exchange, the two story brick house and lot. No. 71 Murray at (a abort distance from College place) on the N. tide the lot wZ5 by IWJ test, tne nouse is font front.

80 ieet rear and 911 hot deep, witn a neca builduig attached tbeie is an alley 5 Ieet wide, 4000 i the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage; title indisputable. Farther particulars at thetime ot sale. Prttntc Sole 80 cask Champaigne Brandy, ten years old. entitled lo debenture. 9 ion Italian Hemp, eoravrioc quality.

TT OTS Tp LEASE, OR FOR SALE. Eight or Ld ten lots on the aouth tide of Broome street, between Ridge and Attorney streets, to lease lor 81 years, with liberty to purchase at any lime in five years. Rant agreed upon ia advance. Other low in different street terras the same. Apply to Oliver Avery, No.

48 SuHolk st. or im Duane st. 1BBONS. D. S.

TURNER, XV 45 Maiden la Be, ofTera Cor aale a very rreat vanetv of satin dt In I suing fall hat ribbons, and rich gauze hat d. cass rib bons. a ROON. Crimson, Purple dt Lit hi Blue, fine UX French Merino Cloth, for sale by D. VAN PUS EN, 118 Williamtt ba! ILK VELVETS Blue black, jet black, crimson an of iri aa clazsra. will I cneny cot a 01a please to apply to 77 ..1 K. Rn.ACa.tV CaUX. n'i ana naw nna. i.

ii i.m Bin. aa. nlS 88 Maiden lane. fIlPKRIOR WATCHES 8.. W.

BENEDICT, A vi Wall at haa tliia da received an invoice of fine waicbes, of the duplex dt anchor escapemeote, manufac tured expressly to order. Tbe above watches have been lasted for tbe last sis months, and have Droved all that rnahi be desired per feci time keeping. Also patent lever watches true the moat celebrated makers, (Roskell, M. G. Tobias dt Cooch Tbe whole combined constitutes the best SMortment ever offered at retail in thia city.

Marble, ebony, dt alabaster French mantle clocks, made hy Guverdet and warranted. N. B. Particular attention to repairing the above. n5ddtc3w FARM FOR SALE tuoiri by the nf Irish IjoU situated in tbe village nf Whinnanv.

in the county of Morris, state ewJener, eontaiiiiug 140 acret, good house and barn, and out buldmg. This form is 10 the vicmrty of a aaaober of manufactorie, aboat seven sailes from the Morris Canal, S3 miles from New York tbe mail three timet a week to and from New York. nrrnninf I ewsx Vn. 91th Vn'rlMvR ITI IIVHU Will 1 1 I LHaCvJ ITSgSVSTM a aanaSa a rw yaw mmmmm ttare pastet 1 ni.rsu.r jI rfu PRINTERS for sale, at reauceo pnees, inr.e "iV, title will be given, and possei.iod the be morale Aopl Clvmer Presae a.ze. Apply.t88 Cliff 1 ill.

i a ainnillM 4ih dav from 18 to 3 o'clock Ular her, near the premises. JOSE I'M BL 1 run is. Whippaay, Nov. 4th, 1331. na uacim WIND OR WATER POW EH Tbe subscriber having taken out letters patent for his improvement in tbe application of the pow er of wind or water tomilbaridallkindormachiiiery requiring power, prepared to sell ngbu of lining.

Any lido water, or running atream. can he applied to mills or. factories wilh power to any deaired extent, no darn or pond Ming necessary in theippucauunoi ni iraproT jroroi. ajij in ihe city, at 4 Dey atreet, lUhway. N.

J. 088 DlmdtC3w JOtllv X. ran luii rwuTlCon6.X' The two of being promptly ait pan No 13 Wall st iii fssssQ SJJfl nlO FOR MAI.KL The House and Lot iNo. 87 Naaaan street, corner of Cedar st. and tbe House and Lot in ihe rear No 65 Cedar street.

combined, by pnuing bed rooms, wm a Public Boarding Hmas. A creat nart ot Ibe conaideration may remain A I on mortgage lor any anmoer ov years. iojq, A. DEI. Tt LET.

ti one year, from the of May. Ihe House No. 35 Barclay St. rosse siou siven on or bef re 1st February. Apply on k.i ii a nr at 7U riM av.

nto i i nctosw TO LET. Ibe brick Stable foot ot itecior street, snd immediate poaaeaa ion given. Ap ply lo DE rotten 1 OS ovl SO al a. mr 1 1 1 a al imul I It anrl Cow Hide, received il per ship Mobile, from V.I psrs J. tand ing and for sale by IV.

X. ot uawo 86 South at. ii a am ii I. wircik 1000 bars Iresh Guaya VJT qnU Cocoa, received per ihe Mobile, landing nl5 G. ORISWOLD.

86 Sooth at. spv 1NGER dt COCOA. 700 kegs fresh Ground G111 V1T ger 600 bags Race Ginger imt Ka.a arima Cm VaS Just landed and for sale in lota to auit fMirchoaer. by nl93t G. AG C.

FUHJUAtS. Plo. zau rajotw. ir" IN EN AtoYVOH SHIRTS, well and Uiahful Li ly made, for sale BlS CJWAlM K5 nl ply. W1.LL8 St.

PATTERSON, 874 Braddwsy. PANACEA Juat caivad aXreih aup for sale wboleaala A letail by RUsHTON dt ASPTNWALL, 81 Wiluam at. a. "kPIUJI A lew easts Optnm oi superior qoauiy 2t received and lor sale try R.GILLESPIB W. LBUU.

nlS Xliae Al pi ANTON SHAWLS Eoglisli end I I he nimlilT. LamhaVoul wsistCoU aod Zi m' a 1 oiii. aahmere. ioioei avmnawooi. vorsieo.

nogoui. rnr Fall A ar 1 1 1 tjT half Hove, lor rail tt w. awu aww. vvinn aaw at hoa hYRUP OF fVUfit1 dyt coto' jr 2 and mild and palatable, Koa.1 BiBlTl af A I STV HKATHISC W.rt 1 a. lying at the Red Fort, BURROW'S.

corner of Sooth tt and Msuien lane. t.vAfcNiH iOMBA2ivNo sautahlafor Ladwa' jethuaca of the vary beat qaah i7, this day we'd, and (or sale at 40 Pearl st, by UAV of the lungs, dte for aah 1V mil' a iiah Copper J. ofine xes. trom 10 5 farsakibv Sheathing BY WlLUAJlHcIOfVrfcaaaa.eia has alrarl PrUate SoU tha Park Hooaa, t59 Ibi. vier, lOOdebonnfeois.

chases. rorr. together wta oto cr articlea toitabM for newspaper piiiuing W1LA.JAAI XKWV (NtUl. Wna3 Kiiuauraa urw public that he has opened a FuitkitureWara Room tbo aaxoad seorr of the fak Naav. and inwnds to keep Oattstatiuy on band a general aasoitineni ot urauure and ore chair, offer for rarday sortrnent and of all tseviur akin NELL CO, 134 Front ait' 1 i ng ail 1 1 IT fat? fcC At AKT.8 Vol WM.

A CO. lilissni ftSirlswHoci. stai s. rnTvw veiDir 1 ill mil scHOOaaiCroeny ,7 Duraeas, aideboaida. jnaoogany iuax tablea, beds, bedding, eou, ssattrasses, fa neie in the lumimre line.

jaaw aucrkKtoc Tueadsy. Thurtdsy dt Sa 01 ray wees, a lull and corapis is of avrj deerintinn Hie filM book el will erncBce on Sal aid. evening, Sept. 10. SMITH dt BELL.

(Mora No. 98 A SALE. 2000 iba South Cutkd Hair, for sale low in kits to suit 40 aofss of every vansty of patorn, IS dosen maho rany chairs. 18 side boards, XU oureCwa, iu areas mg do, ainin. aiail.

aua 1 pillar ana ciaw lun a 1, pair very elegant sofst of an entire rawrMUarn. superror.workm.nati.p 7 dMaviaiaw aaa saaf rwi mmw mmrAm ntou 1.1 oa mwsA minmm twattraaw nftnufiMUk4 ol vecw, www a a XA aaaaaa. saaaw A ksnf tofWt 8111 MMQ milHrN fTMTa French and down beds, carved mahogany twdstoatU aa a.1.1 ai.alal and OaST rlSSSCS. 50 dpSf bncy cane seat chairs, maple do, Boston spring seat racking do, foot benches, winoow eweow Also, a nperior black marble chimney pieeee, wul ha sold low. Also, 4 or Rnndle'a patent Cylinoer Mancies; taw mBrJiirav is nna nfiha eraakast inventions for tbe saving of labor, that haa been Dtetented to the public.

Keeper, of public houses and private families ate invitee to call nnd ex amine tha machine. N. B. Liberel ad venose made on all eorieignmr wa. iCr Oat door sakst attended to with ponctaajity and despatch.

9 Ur ki. N.IIARISON dc A.LEVY. Bttn 18 Broad wav TUESDAY. EVENING. Great 8ale of Engravings 10 the trade At 6 o'clock, aTaaa nina.

lual aacaivad IrBaB the SUM SXteO save print dealers and manulaoturers, who have suppli ed tba trade for aome time, eosisting 01 every variety, the grentnr part brilliantly and finely colored, urn aa landscapes, historical and scriptural nieces, Crtut, flow, ers. cosluitjca. caricatures, Ate. tic Sale positively aa usual. Wedneaday Evening I Qisat Sale mftm Italia Paintings At 6 o'clock.

7 caao of floe Italian Paintings, just loorivta from Florence, Naples and Milan, containing fine original, galle ry, exhibition and cabinet sized paintiugt. by the firat masters of the Jralisn school. The iMoatiogs sre now arranged for exhibition, with catalogues, and tha aale will be positive aa auui. AT ratVATK BALK An invoice of musical rMlrumeott, ereiaona and 100 common violma.l casaot bows, 50 ft alas, cla aks ata. doable baas and vfolincellus 8 Londun pAnoa Ame rican do 8 case imported and AmotK ao music, lor sale in lota to suit purchasers.

Also. 40 dos Madeira wme, vintajcaot tooo ureec, an aasple bedsteud. YCORLlES.MAHBETTdtCO.Siura 157 Pearl street. Thursday At 9 o'clock, at their auction room, general assort ment wf American dt British Dry Gooda. at ratvATS as 10 rases blenched snd brown Canton flannels sup green do 8du 3 4, 7 8.

and 4 4 mdio plaids. BY JOHN F. ADR1AACE Ksw York Gallery 100 Broadway. 1 Wednesday, At 1 1 nviiwik. at lhm aiora.

a larva assortment of new snd second hand fiumlare, consisting of sows, sideboards, bureaus, table, carpets, dtc Also, the balance of eat glass and piaied ware ten on hand at last tale together with a large lot of lento furniture. Alpo, 8 set morean curt in. Alan, an invnica af vers ekraant brass and fancy tan ders. feather beds, 3 sets of of china knivet and forks, naffer, tilver butter knives, alabaster tnd agaM vaaas. decks, die.

Pneau Sale. one upright piaxut lone, a warrauicu article, and om second hand do. together with bureaus, table, dining do, work table, afas. mutic stools, sideboard, 20 dozen fancy chairs, 18 dozen mahogany do. ship chairs and aloof.

comprising a general aaaortmenl of article usually kept in like eatahliahraent. JOHN T. BOYD, Auctioneer Liberal advance made on all consignment. Out door sales particularly attended to. Persons intending giaids for catalogue sale, will please send in good by Tuesday.

10 o'clock. SHOT WELL. FOX CO. itore 171 fsa ttreet Friday. At 9 o'clock, at their auction room, for approved paper, a arge ex general assortment 01 saaisownia nj booda BY BOGGK.

SAMPSON dlTHOMPBOXT.Stor 163 Pearl atreet. Friday. At 9 n'rlnnk. attheirauctroaroom.a aenaral aaaart BjnMmeshirnort0 ryro GREEN HOUSE PLANTS, taken care of daring the winter Also, valuable planla will be bought oreschansed. AonlV at Nmto a arden, 576 Wuad way.

8tf u. JcnauausBa haa the pleasure to iruorm thoso gentlemen who may with to be instructed by hiraaa well aa tiiona be nss uis ww mus haa commenced, snd will ba continued every aaorninf from 6 to 8 o'clock. lake wave for ladies irom till 8 o'clock. Leaaon on the road tne aiieruooa, ne nu horses for every degree of iristruction. mzmi nilb uTruVfi fk.

SU Jt tk Ar. at naiAo aa avail aa all nlherkinds of CSUS StOCkS. continue to be manufactured at tbe wholesale and retail establishment of the subscribers. Tbe Hair Cloth and Patent Leather. Oil Silk and Linen being manu factured by them, renders it oovious tnai loej cau sot.

lower than a.y oiner 'GE A DAVIS, a83itf 105 William street. UTKaM BOaT notice. The steam boat Superior Captain Sanford, will hereafter nerforra only three tups weekly Leaving New tlaven every Monday. Wednesdsy snd II o'efock. A Leaviog Maw York I 1 laa.

4 I every Teesusy. nursoay. ivu wayi ivuwa, A M. r't coacnee win iwi; the snivel of the above boat, to convey passengers to Hartford, by way of Dnrhsm. mwaietown.

aa weiiaa aa.i.. and Tbulin. Paaare to New Haven, 98: from New York to Hsnf d. 3. meal, extra.

The United State. Captain Becher.w ill con Mnoe to run a heretofore, leaving New York every Monday. Weih.edBy,and lsl o'clock, noon, nd leaving New Htveo on Tuesday, Thortday. snd Sttur dva. at 7 o'clock, P.

M. and will lake freight on tbe wad terma. OM 1C A lON To the community but more iy especially to tnose suiierwig wiaK aymatoms, toch at pain in the bieast, dry backing eougn. lose efapnetile. latigc.dehiliiv,dM.Ve.

Such Wasmy ease, which has been rao or has severe for three team oast. I calLtd on a physician, who inf.irmed nv say da ease eras bordering on consumption, otawrving iue re pectable twnaturee aitacbed to Dr. n. c. i norp tsr mrnantia.

1 determined to takehia nedKiM. the bops of eacaoinK this relentless diaetwe. which I heiieye dea 1 1 all tha vest i CIJNT GLASS 7W tne oissaiea uoj. Jr finI bottle. CWnDimi.

snd hivegrsdually recovorea, anoamai ru mSll. laV Vt liraaia JAitltVO DdftliR, 1 lH. New York. Nov. 16.

1831. 19 iks. rmritainirdt beat Flint and Tale Tumblers and Wine. Eimooth and bar rel Wines and Tumolers. Cbaropsgoss, greou ana amiaw Hock tiles ma.

Starrea TumoKsm. tiwauir, Chiauieys. Conlecaaooera txiasars aim Drama, Pocket Monies, tinprv etZZ: i.n KharW. I oiui Moons. Elruaean Lamps complete.

Flower Root Glcaaee, Garden Shadea, dtc. 80 casks best lint mass, eaco oaaa 3 dozon best half bin Tumblera Sdo do Wine Glasses 1 do do Claret Glasses 4 do do Liquor Glasses 1 do do Champecne Glauses pair quart Deetntert.M MS 1 do pint do do 8 pairoaiwBcolapea Tnat miivad fier British thtp HarleqaiD. from New oaslle, and for tale at 3i Broad st. by nl9 ay aaaasvs a il TWILLED MUSLINS Jurt d. ot ease cot twilled Muslins superior article, soitabls for tola cheap at 4 Maidnlne.

niy. jonneun. t. VENETIAN RED. 38 casss soout a era, ust received per British ship I arlriS ja New Castlti fur sale by xi. uiiiKliV Dipes. for sale by xsisvsvswsaav JL BUNKER, nlS 186 Front st. HAND dt FEKI. oavawi tilionit ol London clothe dt csv iineraa. frarn a ol slrwaH every color likewiee hsb dXhrshfofw of hich wui reasonable terms, al wholesale or William.

)OUSH PRINTSv Just raavved Scoaee rich dark Polish and other naodsom paueru rmnie, equal 10 1 mi al waivle.and rich dark aud par foctly uisl ssio low at ZITz. nlS Not. Il in maioen N. B. Superior whilu fl anuels that do not sunn.

Pncee itrktonabie. M'K A.A icy LINENS. A few boxes supeifiae Saul 1 eitnttpetuoe4 4 Linens, jast received si 1 foe sale by nil THOMAS SUFFERN, 844 Pearl st lv I anr nnaJitv of MtTUtoClotha.sBocui which ara few rsreas ol splendid royal purple, dark, gxjrn, dtc. lor tale low. uj I 3t utnuc tc.KKi9r40u itariat.

MERCHANTS, and ethers, who bad press necessary in their baaiaeae, 10 tale by nli t. the onp axe iavited those moon the aaoet hnpiwyad plan, foa XxOKAtlo ninaa tt Exckany plsee. ILK RING 0 ease, coniainza? yellow d. bloe, cjitsasfi. blue, yellow Ae.

Mmio by pssco aaJ a Harvaaaa At (Vnal St. ild" MAjUCBANKd. 11 ut it nn at iTli laaaa I.

The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.