Finalists 2024 | Falling Walls (2024)

Congratulations to all Finalists 2024!

This year’s Falling Walls Global Call received more than 1.100 nominations from over 300 different institutions, showcasing innovative scientific advancements and impactful initiatives across various fields.

After the first round of the selection process, we are pleased to announce this year’s finalists. All finalists are one step closer to becoming the Science Breakthrough of the Year, to be celebrated at the Falling Walls Science Summit from 7-9 November 2024 in Berlin.

Next, the juries will evaluate all finalist applications based on the selection criteria and choose the 10 winners, with the exception of the Science Startups and Science Engagement categories. The winners will be announced in mid-August. We are eager to share their inspiring stories of groundbreaking research and ideas with you.

Click on a category below to learn more about the Finalists and their projects.

Life Sciences

Meet our Life Sciences Finalists

Ali Maximilian Ertürk, Helmholtz Munich, Breaking the Wall of Animal Use in Research

Andreas Horn, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Breaking the Wall of Dysfunctional Brain Circuits

Anna Aschenbrenner, Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Breaking the Wall of Precision Medicine

Ariella Shikanov, University of Michigan, Breaking the Wall of Diverse Health Advancements

Ben Black, University of Pennsylvania, Breaking the Wall of Synthetic Human Chromosomes

Benedict Paten, University of California, Santa Cruz, Breaking the Wall of Pangenomics

Cristina Rosell, University of Manitoba, Breaking the Wall of Smart Food Systems

Erich Jarvis, Rockefeller University, Breaking the Wall of Understanding Language

Garry Duffy, University of Galway, Breaking the Wall of Implantable Drug Delivery

Hei Ming Lai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Breaking the Wall of 3D Digital Pathology

James McAuley, Neuroscience Research Australia and the University of New South Wales, Breaking the Wall of Chronic Pain

Jan-Wilhelm Kornfeld, University of Southern Denmark, Breaking the Wall of Healthy Fat

Marcel Hövels, University of Bonn, Breaking the Wall of Excessive Sugar Intake

Matthias Lütolf & Francisco Lorenzo Martin, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and Institute of Human Biology (IHB), Breaking the Wall of Lab-Made Mini-Organs

Mengxing Tang, Imperial College London, Breaking the Wall of Heart Vessel Mapping

Michael Platten, German Cancer Research Center, Breaking the Wall of Brain Tumor Vaccines

Michael Fischbach, Stanford University, Breaking the Wall of Commensal Vaccines

Mikhail Kosiborod, Saint Luke’s Health System, Breaking the Wall of Obesity Complications

Montserrat Soler Lopez, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Breaking the Wall of Neurodegeneration Onset

Moritz Mall, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Breaking the Wall of Cell Identity Loss

Onur Boyman, University of Zurich, Breaking the Wall of Understanding Long Covid

Paolo Actis, University of Leeds, Breaking the Wall of Cancer Therapy Resistance

Rana Dajani, The Hashemite University, Breaking the Wall of Epigenetic Violence

Ronit Freeman, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Breaking the Wall of Synthetic Cells

Rory Henderson, Duke University, Breaking the Wall of Developing an HIV-1 Vaccine

Stephanie Fraley, University of California San Diego, Breaking the Wall of Sepsis

Stephen O’Rahilly & Marlena Fejzo, University of Cambridge & University of Southern California, Breaking the Wall of Pregnancy Sickness

Tam Mignot, CNRS-Aix Marseille University, Breaking the Wall of Soil Revitalization

Wenning Qin, eGenesis, Breaking the Wall of Sustainable Organ Supply

Xenofon Strakosas, Linkoping University, Breaking the Wall of Bio-Electronics

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Physical Sciences

Meet our Physical Sciences Finalists

Adam Frank, University of Rochester, Breaking the Wall of Oxygen and Alien Life

Boaz Lubotzky, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (huji), Breaking the Wall of Quantum Chip Photonics

Carlos Frenk, Institute for Computational Cosmology, Breaking the Wall of Cosmological Simulations

Daniel Shu Ping Lau, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Breaking the Wall of Ferroelectric Transistors

Dmitry Budker, James Eills & Danila Barskiy, Helmholtz Institute (GSI) Mainz & Johannes Gutenberg University, Breaking the Wall of Field Dependency in NMR

Eva Zurek, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Breaking the Wall of Extreme Chemistry

Ewold Verhagen, AMOLF, Breaking the Wall of Programmable Metamaterials

Giulia Galli, University of Chicago, Breaking the Wall of Quantum Materials

Günther Rupprechter, Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien, Breaking the Wall of Green Photopaint

Isabelle Cantat, Université de Rennes – Institut de Physique de Rennes, Breaking the Wall of Foam Rheology

Jan Rothhardt, Helmholtz Institute Jena, Breaking the Wall of Table-Top EUV Microscopy

Jason Twamley, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Breaking the Wall of Gravity-Free Technology

Javier Garcia Martinez, University of Alicante, Breaking the Wall of Nanostructured Catalysts

Jeff Dahn, Dalhousie University, Breaking the Wall of Battery Lifetime

Jennifer Rupp, Technical University Munich (TUM) Germany, Breaking the Wall of Green Energy Conversion

Liang Jie Wong, Nanyang Technological University, Breaking the Wall of Quantum X-ray Tech

Mark Levin, University of Chicago, Breaking the Wall of Molecular Editing

Martin Zwierlein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Complex Quantum Matter

Nils Johan Engelsen, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Quantum Drum Vibrations

Päivi Törmä, Aalto University, Breaking the Wall of Ambient Superconductivity

Peter Richard Schreiner, Justus Liebig University, Breaking the Wall of Quantum Reaction Control

Puneet Anantha Murthy, ETH Zürich, Breaking the Wall of Scalable Quantum Dots

Quan Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Breaking the Wall of Nanoscale Mechanical Sensing

Richard Curry, University of Manchester, Breaking the Wall of Quantum Silicon

Richard Town, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Breaking the Wall of Fusion Gain

Saw Wai Hla, Ohio University and Argonne National Laboratory, Breaking the Wall of 128 Years X-ray History

Simon Storz, ETH Zürich, Breaking the Wall of Quantum Communication

Siye Ding, General Atomics, Breaking the Wall of Efficient Fusion Power

Thorsten Schumm, Vienna University of Technology / TU Wien & Ekkehard Pein, PTB Germany, Breaking the Wall of Light-Matter Interaction

Xiaogang Liu, National University of Singapore, Breaking the Wall of X-ray Imaging

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Engineering & Technology

Meet our Engineering & Technology Finalists

Abeed Sarker, Emory University, Breaking the Wall of Substance Use Stigma

Andreas Güntner, ETH Zürich, Breaking the Wall of Electronic Scent Detection

Burak Ozdoganlar, Carnegie Mellon University, Breaking the Wall of Organ Engineering

Canan Dagdeviren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Breast Cancer Detection

Christian Weilach, TU Wien, Breaking the Wall of Green Chemistry Revolution

Chwee Teck Lim, National University of Singapore, Breaking the Wall of Realistic Digital Healthcare

Franck Ruffier, CNRS, Breaking the Wall of Bio-Inspired Robotics

Gang Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Breaking the Wall of Inefficient Solar Cells

Guihua Yu, University of Texas at Austin, Breaking the Wall of Solar Water Sustainability

Havid Aqoma Khoiruddin, Xiamen University Malaysia, Breaking the Wall of High-Efficiency Quantum Solar

Hervé Lissek, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Breaking the Wall of Noise for a Quieter Life

Ian Nicholls, Linnaeus University, Breaking the Wall of Electronic Waste

Ivan Moreno-Hernandez, Duke University, Breaking the Wall of Atomic-Scale Dynamics

Iwan Hächler, ETH Zürich, Breaking the Wall of Foggy Glasses

Jeehwan Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Semiconductor 3D Integration

Johannes Schmude, IBM, Breaking the Wall Between AI and HPC

Luis Fernando Velásquez-García, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of 3D-Printed Magnetic Systems

Mennatallah El-Assady, ETH Zürich, Breaking the Wall of LLM Insight and Reliability

Sang-Hoon Bae, Washington University, Breaking the Wall of Energy Density Limits

Sang-Woo Kim, Yonsei University, Breaking the Wall of Ultrasound Energy Harvesting

Sandrine Blazy, University of Rennes – CNRS IRISA, Breaking the Wall of Bug-Free Software

Solaiman Shokur, CHUV: Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Breaking the Wall of Thermal Sensations in Amputees

Sourabh Saha, Georgia Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Nanoscale Metal Printing

Tianyi Ma, RMIT University, Breaking the Wall of Limited Solar Energy Utilisation

Wael Jaafar, École de technologie supérieure (ETS), University of Quebec, Breaking the Wall of Dangerous Roads

Walter de Heer, Georgia Institute of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Moore’s Law

Yanhui Chu, South China University of Technology, Breaking the Wall of Advanced Thermal Materials

Xin Li, Harvard University, Breaking the Wall of Solid-State Battery Innovation

Xin Zhang, Boston University, Breaking the Wall of Metamaterial-Enhanced MRI

Yang Chai, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Breaking the Wall of Efficient Sensory AI Systems

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Social Sciences & Humanities

Meet our Social Sciences and Humanities Finalists

Albert Nyarko-Agyei, University of Nottingham, Breaking the Wall of Hidden Population Estimates

Anatole Boute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Breaking the Wall of Energy Dependence

Catherine Ward, University of Cape Town, Breaking the Wall of Global Parenting Support

Clara Mattei, New School for Social Research, Breaking the Wall of Postwar Capitalism History

Chikako Ozawa-De Silva, Emory University, Breaking the Wall of Combating Loneliness

Christian Leuz, University of Chicago, Breaking the Wall of Intransparent Fracking Practices

Emmanuel Quarshie, University of Ghana, Breaking the Wall of Adolescent Mental Health

Florian Zimmermann, IZA and University of Bonn, Breaking the Wall of Climate Change Denial

Harvey Whitehouse, University of Oxford, Breaking the Wall of Climate Psychology

Gildas Bregain, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Breaking the Wall of Disability Rights History

Jennifer Llewellyn, Dalhousie University, Breaking the Wall of Transformative Justice

Jon Roozenbeek, King’s College London, Breaking the Wall of Propaganda

Kimberly Doell, University of Vienna, Breaking the Wall of Climate Psychology

Lingfei Wu, University of Pittsburgh, Breaking the Wall of Team Innovation

Maximilian Schich, Tallinn University, Breaking the Wall of Cultural Data Analytics

Michael Bruter, London School of Economics and Political Science (Electoral Psychology Observatory), Breaking the Wall of Democratic Exclusion

Michael Johnson, University of Washington, Breaking the Wall of Better Group Decisions

Nathan Congdon, Queen’s University Belfast and Orbis International, Breaking the Wall of Vision-Driven Development

Oriel Feldman Hall, Brown University, Breaking the Wall of Political Polarization

Petra Ahrweiler, TISSS Lab, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Breaking the Wall of AI in Public Services

Peter F. Titzmann, Leibniz University Hannover, Breaking the Wall of Immigrant Youth Adaptation

Rafael Prieto-Curiel, Complexity Science Hub, Breaking the Wall of Drug Cartel Analysis

Rafael Yuste, Columbia University, Breaking the Wall of Neurorights Protection

Romina Rekers, FLACSO/Fundación Ética Climática y Desarrollo/University of Graz, Breaking the Wall of Climate-Health Ethics

Russell Funk, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, Breaking the Wall of the Endless Frontier

Tobias Brandner, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Breaking the Wall of Prisoners’ Social Exclusion

Tracie Afifi, University of Manitoba, Breaking the Wall of Child Protection

Victor Gysembergh, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Breaking the Wall of Manuscript Restoration

Yaw Nyarko, New York University, Breaking the Wall of Rural Commodity Market Access

Yu Xiong, University of Surrey, Breaking the Wall of Blockchain and Emissions

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Art & Science

Meet our Art & Science Finalists

Anna Dumitriu, University of Hertfordshire, Breaking the Wall of Cell Memory

Anna Vershinina, KU Leuven, Breaking the Wall of 3D-Printed Eco-Habitats

Amanda Lee Falkenberg, The Moons Symphony, Breaking the Wall of Space Exploration

Andrea Conte, Climate art Project – Niche, University Ca’Foscari – andreco studio – Futurecologies srl, Breaking the Wall of Climate Injustice

Briony Barr, The University of Melbourne, Breaking the Wall of Modelling Systems Through Art

Clare Nattress, York St John University, Breaking the Wall of Air Pollution

Deidre Cavazzi, Saddleback College, Breaking the Wall of Neuroscience Dance Theatre

Egór Kraft, University of Art & Design Linz, AT, Breaking the Wall of Disinformation

Fara Peluso, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe (HfG), Breaking the Wall of Sustainable Sound Art

Gérard Assayag, IRCAM (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique), Breaking the Wall of AI Musical Co-Creativity

Gregory Darcy, DieTanzKompanie, Breaking the Wall of Exclusion

Guy Ben-Ary & Nathan Thompson, SymbioticA, University of Western Australia, Breaking the Wall of In-Vitro Intelligent Agents

Hiroto Nagai, Rissho University, Breaking the Wall of Music from Earth Data

Ivan Abreu Ochoa & Malitzin Cortes, Centro de Diseño, Cine y Television, Breaking the Wall of Informal Architecture

Julia Janssen, Studio Julia Janssen, Breaking the Wall of Digital Heteronomy

Kat Austen, Studio Austen, Breaking the Wall of Plastic-Tree Coexistence

Laura Cinti, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, Breaking the Wall of Cycad Extinction

Marcos Lutyens, Independent artist, Breaking the Wall of Reclaimed Oil Rigs

Martin Hennecke, Saarland State Theater, Breaking the Wall of Audience Interaction

Naila Kuhlmann, McGill University, Breaking the Wall of the Ivory Tower with Art

Philip Samartzis, RMIT University, Breaking the Wall of Immersive Sound Art

Rhodnie Désir, RD Créations, Breaking the Wall of the Human Heart

Sarah Nance, Binghamton University, State University of New York, Breaking the Wall of Climate Data Sonification

Teppei Katori, King’s College London, Breaking the Wall of Cosmic Ray Immersion

Tiange Wang, VLab, Breaking the Wall of Multisensory Data

Tim Otto Roth, studio imachination labs, Breaking the Wall of a Neuronal Sonic Theatre

Rashaad Newsome, Rashaad Newsome Studio, Breaking the Wall of Traditional Education

Refik Anadol, Refik Anadol Studio (RAS) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Breaking the Wall of Museum Metadata: AI Artistry

Robertina Šebjanič, Robertina Šebjanič Studio, Breaking the Wall of Aquatic Sensing

Yuning Chen, Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Breaking the Wall of Mechanistic Views of Life

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SCIENCE ENGAGEMENT (Falling Walls Engage)

Meet our Science Engagement Finalists

Abdul Karim Sesay, Sierra Leone, Altruistech Creativity Hub

Amna Lal Hussain, Pakistan, Lahore Science Mela (LSM)

Anna-Sophie Jürgens, Australia, The Popsicule – The Science in Popular Culture and Entertainment Hub

Apple Pui Yi Chui, Hong Kong, School Coral Nursery Programme: Promoting Awareness and Coral Stewardship

Bengisu Berispek, Germany, Breaking the wall of Climate & SDG Education for Berlin schools and universities- Sustain.ALL

Cecilia Manosa Nyblon, United Arab Emirates, We Are The Possible

Charles Umeh, Nigeria, Parkers Resilient Health

Chuck Chuan Ng, Malaysia, Vet-BioR

Dilip Surkar, India, Making Schools STEM-able

Frankline Ojiambo, Kenya, Empowering a sustainable future through tech education and responsible waste management

Geraint Rhys Whittaker, Germany, Ocean Science Jam

Hassan Farah, United States of America, Our Future Is Science

Jane Yau, Germany, Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation

Josefa Gonzalez, Spain, Melanogaster: Catch The Fly!

Joy Offere, Nigeria, Shenovate

Kakani Katija, United States of America, FathomVerse: Explore the Depths

Kaylene Cooper, Australia, Wonder of Science

Lennox Omondi, Kenya, EcoBana

Lucy Brown, United Kingdom, Refugia: Co-designing a creative and equitable engagement programme for wildlife conservation science with refugee and asylum seekers

María Cristina Díaz Velázquez, Colombia, CiuLab Bogotá, city and civic culture lab

Melissa Jackson, Australia, iKnow weKnow – Co-Designing a Resilient Water and Energy Community Toolbox

Nkosana Masuku, Zimbabwe, STEM Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Initiative

Oriana Trejo Alvarez, Mexico, Communication of Knowledge Directorship – Autonomous Metropolitan University

Oris Chimphambano, Malawi, SCIENCE FOR ALL (SCI4O)

Otuo-Akyampong Boakye, Ghana, Teens-for-STEM

Pauline Münch, Germany, AnthropoScenes


Sandra Roberts, United States of America, Down To Earth

Sara Verstraeten, Germany, TREC Public Engagement

Stanley Anigbogu, Nigeria, AVATAR STATION

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Science Start-Ups (Falling Walls Venture)

MEET OUR science Start-up Finalists

3DBioFibR, Canada

AATec Medical GmbH, Germany

ActiTrexx, Germany

AdaptX Systems, Germany

AdRegeneer, Switzerland

Adsorbi AB, Sweden

AI PROTEINS, United States of America

aisencia GmbH, Germany

Aixima GmbH, Germany

AK-Sens, Saudi Arabia

Allegrow Biotech, Hong Kong

Amalus Therapeutics, Belgium

Amun AI, Sweden

Anzen Walls, United Kingdom

Aquit, Chile

ARQUE Systems, Germany

ATLyphe, Switzerland

Avatar MedTech, Argentina

Bac3Gel LDA, Portugal

Batiprint 3D, France

Bioeutectics, Argentina

Bitrobius Genetics, United Kingdom

Blue Filter, Palestine, State of

Carbon Mobile GmbH, Germany

CareGlance, Italy

CinSOIL, Germany

Clean Ocean Coatings, Germany

CompreVie, Austria

Cyclize GmbH, Germany

Daisy Lab, New Zealand

Deco Labs Inc., United States of America

DeepEn, Germany

DeepLeaf, Morocco

DermR Health Solutions, Australia

DNA Switch, Italy

Dunia, Germany

eco:fibr, Germany

ecolocked, Germany

ElectraLith, Australia

Elle, MD Biotechnologies, Canada

Elzian Agro (Privet) Limited, Sri Lanka

EVIIVE, Switzerland

Exaia Technologies, Germany

Exazyme, Germany

ExoMas S.A, Argentina

Factor4Solutions GmbH,Germany

Fattastic, Singapore

Flurobiotech, South Africa

ForestGuard, Turkey

Fungi Life, Colombia

Gameet, Argentina

Gisens, Argentina

Greenlyte Carbon Technologies, Germany

Hayat Technology, Tunisia

Hormony, Singapore

Hyphen Global AG, Switzerland

InPlanet, Germany

ionysis GmbH, Germany

Izagri, Tunisia

LaSense Technology Limited, Hong Kong

Nanoflex Robotics, Switzerland

Nanolope PCM, Germany

Nanosene, South Africa

Level Nine, Germany

Lightly Technologies, Czech Republic

LigniLabs, Germany

Linium Biochemicals, France

Mimi-Q GmbH, Germany

MobyFly, Switzerland

Nano24, Israel

Nanofacile, Canada

Nanotransfer, Argentina

Nat4Bio, Argentina

NextAV, Tunisia

NOSI – Network for Olfactory System Intelligence GmbH, Austria

Not Fossil, Argentina

NutriSen, Germany

Ocular BioDesign, Mexico

Origin by Ocean, Finland

Parastruct, Austria


Pearcode, France

Phaeosynt, Germany

phelas, Germany

PILL.AR, Argentina

PolymerActive, Germany

PolyPloy, Germany


qCoat GmbH, Germany

Qkera, Germany

QT Sense, Netherlands

RayVen, Germany

re.solution GmbH, Germany

Recolony AG, Switzerland

REME-D, Egypt

Revyn Medical, Canada

Robocare, Tunisia

S.Lab, Ukraine

Seamless Energy Technologies GmbH, Germany

Sinopsis Software Technologies, Turkey

SkySpec, Japan

Solaires Entreprises Inc, Canada

Spark e-Fuels, Germany

Sparxell, United Kingdom

Sphere Bio, Argentina

Sylvarum, United States of America

Tau Systems Inc, United States of America

theblood, Germany

Tunisia Baits, Tunisia

VivArt-X, Netherlands

VYLD, Germany

xemX materials space exploration GmbH, Germany

Xinterra, Singapore

Xylogic, Australia, India

Falling Walls Foundation Science Summit 2024
Falling Walls Foundation Global Call 2024
Finalists 2024 | Falling Walls (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.