· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (2024)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (1)


forAmber Diceless Role-Playing

by Mark Jason Durall

In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they arenow, cut off from each other. They were, besides, quite different; neither beings norcolors nor shapes were the same. Both kingdoms, the specular and the human, lived inharmony; you could come and go through mirrors. One night the mirror people invadedthe earth. Their power was great, but at the end of the bloody warfare the magic arts ofthe Yellow Emperor prevailed. He repulsed the invaders, imprisoning them in theirmirrors, and forced upon them the task of repeating, as though in a kind of dream, all theactions of men. He stripped them of their power and their forms and reduced them tomere slavish reflections. Nonetheless, a day will come when the magic spell will beshaken off.

The first to awaken will be the Fish. Deep in the mirror we will first perceive avery faint line and the color of this line will be like no other color. Later on, other shapeswill begin to stir. Little by little they will differ from us; little by little they will not imitateus. They will break through the barriers of glass and metal and this time will not bedefeated. Side by side with these mirror creatures, the creatures of water will join thebattle.

"Fauna of Mirrors"Jorge Luis BorgesThe Book of Imaginary Beings (Avon Books, 1969)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (2)

Thanks to:All of the following people whose playtests, ideas, and suggestions have helped

shape this sourcebook:Advice and criticism came from Carol Dodd, Jennifer Jerlstrom, Don Woodward,

and David Kubanek.“Hellos” to all those players who’ve encountered Rebma in all the various games

at Ambercons and Gen Cons galore, and much appreciation to those who have sharedtheir stories and journals with me, and for the great characters you all created and played!

Thanks to the gallant officers at the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency for theirinspiration and nautical-related advice, and to H.P. Lovecraft, Jorge Luis Borges, andMicroprose’s X-Com: Terror From the Deep for the darker elements of the Rebmanuniverse...

Thanks to Erick Wujcik, who trusted a first-time writer with a project of thisscope and size, and to Michele Spainhour, for a brutal first edit. Both of them were kindand unkind enough to edit the thing into something publishable.

An immense debt of gratitude is due the late Roger Zelazny, whose worldcontinues to grow daily. The greatest regret I have about taking so long writing this is thathe didn’t get to read it.

Thanks to my parents, who had little to do with the writing of this manuscript, butwithout whom, it wouldn’t have been written.

Finally, thanks to all of you, players and Game Masters alike, who waited...

Table of Contents************************INSERT HERE***********************************

INTRODUCTION"Rebma is the ghost city," he told me. "It is the reflection of Amber within the sea.

In it, everything in Amber is duplicated, as in a mirror. Llewella's people live there, anddwell as though in Amber."

Random, to CorwinNine Princes in Amber (p. 62)

Barely touched upon in the ten novels of the Chronicles of Amber, Rebmaremains as mysterious at the close of the series as when first viewed by the amnesiacCorwin. So many questions are raised which are never answered. Corwin's deeply hiddenmemories were sparked by the sight of its architecture, at once familiar and unsettling,but little more was said about this strange and wonderful world beneath the sea.

In a way, Rebma is the first real glimpse readers get of Amber, home to the RoyalFamily and center of the universe. In Corwin's opinion, the reflection, as interesting as itis, cannot hold a candle to the real Amber. He teleports from there at his first opportunity,and doesn't look back. Perhaps this was rash, as Rebma undoubtedly held much more toencounter...· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (3)

What are the secrets of this strange watery kingdom, identical and yet so unlikeAmber? What are those strange mirrors hanging about the castle in Rebma? How is it thatdwellers of lands above may breathe without difficulty in Rebma, and that her peoplewalk freely upon the surface?

Described as woman of beauty and great nobility, with a trace of vanity, QueenMoire is as enigmatic as the seas themselves, liege of a realm which knows peace well,when for so long Amber herself did not. Who is the Lady Moire and what are herconnections to Amber? How did she become ruler of its reflection beneath the sea? Whyis she the ruler of Rebma when Llewella is present in Rebma enough to be its Queen?What is so captivating about Rebma's nature that Llewella resides there instead of Amber,calling it home and appearing in Amber only rarely, briefly, and with apparentreluctance?

Now we have answers to those questions.As Above, So Below...: The Rebma Sourcebook is the complete guide to Amber's

sister-city of Rebma: detailing its people, culture, and powers. It explores the connectionsbetween the royal families of the two realms, and provides character creation guidelinesfor members of the Rebman royal court, as well as Amberites whose origins involveRebma.

Rebma's origins and nature are described, as is its relationship to Amber. Severalnew magical powers unique to the Rebman world are included, and alternate versions of afew familiar faces are unmasked. In addition, there are a number of suggestions onintegrating Rebma into ongoing Amber campaigns. For the Game Master's use, there areextensive guidelines and numerous suggestions on how to run campaigns and adventuresbased in Rebma, with a trio of ready-to-run adventures, and a vast number of adventure“ shells” and ideas to bring Rebma and its people in Amber role-playing.

This sourcebook can provide the basis for any scenarios you might think of, fromcampaigns in which the characters visit Rebma briefly during Amber play (maybe a quicktrip to the Pattern there or a visit with Llewella), to fully realized campaigns set in Rebmausing Rebman and Amberite characters.

As Above, So Below... is also useful for Game Masters who have already usedRebma in their campaigns, providing a wealth of information to enhance play and givinga framework which incorporates personal views on Rebma and information alreadybrought out in previous Amber role-playing sessions, as well as new non-playercharacters and adventures which should be easily adaptable to any Amber campaign.Hopefully, you'll take out of this some new ideas for any campaign, and a few new ideasabout Rebma, Tir-na Nog'th, Shadow and Amber itself.

Welcome to Rebma, enjoy your stay here.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (4)

“WHY REBMA?”Why this sourcebook, even?Because Rebma presents a wealth of great opportunity for any Amber campaign, from a

dozen or more different angles. So close to Amber, and so different, Rebma is a mysterious andintriguing source of adventure for players to explore and interact with and within.

One of the most important questions when integrating Rebma into a campaign, whetheras a player or a Game Master, is what you are using it for. Following are a number of waysRebma can be useful to player-character Amberites, Chaosians, Shadow folk, and Game Mastersalike.

A Home For Player Characters. Rebma provides an unusual yet logical choice ofa background for player characters in an Amber campaign. If they are Amberites, the characterscan be among Oberon’s illegitimates, or legitimate like Llewella and estranged from Amber fortheir own reasons. They can be married into the Rebman family, like Random was (howeverunwillingly). Characters might be the offspring of Amberites who have visited Rebma, eitherchoosing to embrace the land, or shun it as Martin does. Or they might choose Rebma first, asLlewella does. Whichever the case, Rebma will be an important, defining part of their characterbackground.

A Source of New Elders and Non-Player Characters. Queen Moire is not theonly Rebman who might serve as an ally, foil, or source of information or aid. The Rebman Sea-Court, though not as powerful as Amber’s, has a variety of royals who are viable sources ofassistance, alliance, information, arbitration, or enmity. Their strengths are more subtle thanthose of the Lords and Ladies of Amber, but equally potent. Looking outside the Court of Amberis often a wise idea when player characters are eager to keep their actions secret, or are worriedabout them being interfered with by nosy uncles, aunts, or cousins.

A Source for Friends, Allies, and Devotees. Having friends is important. Themore, the better sometimes. The player character options of An Ally in Amber and Family Friendcan also be applied to the royal family in Rebma without difficulty. The section on RebmanCampaigns lists the cost and description for Rebman Court Devotees, and for the advantage ofTriton Blood, which measures one’s connectedness to the Tritons, the semi-mythical founders ofthe Rebman Court. Again, Rebma provides a number of alternatives to the Elder Amberites, whomight even be at cross-purposes with them and more than willing to assist player charactersagainst the Court of Amber, if need be.

A Potential Trouble Spot. This sourcebook also presents many ready-to-runscenarios, adventure shells, ideas for adventures, and other elements which make it an importantplace, and a source for many adventures, mini-campaigns, or even full campaigns. Its proximityto Amber, the presence of a Pattern and Jewel of Judgement, and the full-time presence of anElder Amberite make Rebma a place not to be ignored. If your campaign has Random as Kingand Vialle as his Queen, then Rebma and the importance of its alliance with Amber becomeseven more of a potential lightning rod for trouble. The introduction of the Seven Shadow Sea-Kingdoms, the Sargasso Sea, and the Maelstrom all expand the stage, and the Tritons present aunique and powerful threat to both Rebma and Amber.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (5)

A Neutral Force. Corwin and Deirdre were able to seek sanctuary in Rebma, evenchased to the foot of Faiella-bionin by Eric and Julian’s men. Despite this, Moire would not sendtroops against Amber. Even Random was able to stay there without threat from Eric or Moire,and perhaps through Vialle’s importance to Moire, was spared when his assassination attemptupon Eric failed. Queen Moire presents a powerful presence in Amber, only nominally alliedwith the Amber Court, and thusly becomes a valuable ally in situations where neutrality is calledfor, such as arbitration, or serving as a site for negotiations.

Asylum/Exile/Hiding Out. As mentioned above, Corwin, Deirdre, Random, andperhaps others sought refuge there from their siblings in power in Amber, and were granted itwithout fear of extradition or harm. Banishment from Amber would not necessarily precludevisiting or living in Rebma, close to the source of action. Perhaps this explains Llewella’sabsence from the Court of Amber. Rebma is also a place where one might hide from Amberites.With competent magical warding versus Trump, Pattern searching, and other sorcerous means ofdetection, one might dwell close by the Court of Amber and monitor things at leisure through themagical mirrors or other methods.

New Powers. Rebma also presents a number of new avenues of Power, open to itspeople and others with the proper discipline. These include Mirror Wrighting, in addition to acornucopia of new Sorcery Spells and Power Words. Additionally, the Tritons are rumored topossess a strange power based on a force from within their home realm of the Maelstrom. Brandmight have been seeking more than knowledge of Martin when he spent time there...

A Place of Power. As a reflection of Amber, Rebma is also a place of considerablepower. With the presence of a working Pattern, and a version of the Jewel of Judgement, Rebmais nearly as “ real” as Amber, and has many enchantments which are quite ancient and powerful.The ability of surface-dwellers to breathe the water there is one of these. Like its sister in the sky,Tir-na Nog’th, Rebma is an alternate Amber, with its own games and players thereof. Theomnipresent mirrors and longtime presence of Amberites have all served to make Rebma muchmore than a mere Shadow duplicate of Amber.

The Pattern and the Jewel of Judgement. The reflected image of the Pattern ofAmber is in Rebma, locked deep beneath the Castle, behind Triton-sized doors. Barred from thePattern of Amber, as Brand was, characters might seek out the Pattern in Rebma to conduct theirexperiments or traverse it in relative secrecy. Similarly, those who might have need of the Jewelof Judgement might seek to borrow it (or worse) from Moire. According to Random, the powersit confers are the same as that of Amber’s, which makes it an item of extreme value. Entire plotsmight revolve around procuring it around from the Queen’s neck.

Political or Military Allies/Naval Importance. Due to its nearness to Amber,Rebma figures prominently in any political situation involving Amber and Shadow, andtherefore, ties with the Rebman Court are more important than ever. Characters might findthemselves as peace envoys to Rebma, or sent there by the Court of Amber in times of crisis. Arevolution in Rebma would create all new sorts of problems for Amber, and characters might· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (6)

find themselves embroiled in a Rebman civil war. Characters from Rebma could end up onopposite sides from their Amberite kin in such a struggle.

Elder Amberite Involvement. Quite a few members of the Court of Amber haveconnections to Rebma; Llewella prefers Rebma to Amber; Random has an unsavory past thereas well as a Rebman wife and son; Corwin regarded Moire with some affection; Deirdre dweltthere in exile for a couple of years after her escape from Eric; Brand spent time in Rebma whileresearching Martin; Eric was familiar enough to Moire to be hated; and Benedict wasremembered with fondness. Martin is from Rebma, though he spends little time there. Thecurrent Queen of Amber is Rebman. Who knows what Gerard, Julian, Caine, Bleys, Flora, andFiona have done there in the past? Player characters might have their own agendas in Rebma, ormight find themselves seeking information about the machinations of their elders there. Thesection on The Elder Amberites gives more details on what they might be up to in Rebma, andhow they might be encountered.

Elder Chaosian Involvement. There’s no reason to believe that the Amberite Courthas been the only one meddling in Rebma for all this time. Amber’s location has been no secretfrom the Courts of Chaos, and it is doubtful that Rebma would remain closed to those of Chaos.Perhaps Rebma has been more receptive than Amber in overtures from the Lords of Chaos, andhave made deals for protection and trade of which Amber is unaware. Note Merlin’s observationabout the receiving area of Mandor’s personal Ways:

The entire wall to my right was composed of slow flame; that to my right, a non-returnable way, save for light, giving sight of some sea-bottom trench where bright things movedabout and ate one another.

Prince of Chaos (p. 56)

It’s possible that more than one Lord of Chaos has made a part of their home in some ofthe waters near Rebma, the Coral Branch, the Sargasso Sea, or even at the Maelstrom. Morelikely is it that they have encountered the Rebman’s ancient ancestors, the Tritons (perhaps kin toDemons), and made pacts with them...

Enemies. Another reason for using Rebma is that it presents a source of new non-playercharacter villains, opponents, rivals, or challenges. Not all of the Rebman folk are asaccommodating to the Amberite royal family as Moire and Llewella are. Some are downrightantagonistic. Additionally, the wide range of creatures from the sea can be brought againstAmber and Amberite characters. These include the enigmatic Tritons, who are a threat to Rebmaon the order of the Courts of Chaos to Amber.

Wonders of the Deep. Simple exploration. The exhilaration of voyaging throughouta new world, experiencing untold wonders, daring to go farther than any have gone... these are allvalid reasons for exploring Rebma. Just as many of the Amberite royal family seek out themysteries and infinite possibilities of Shadow, those of Rebma are equally curious andadventuresome, though less able to act upon it. A child of Amber, or of both Amber and Rebma,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (7)

would have the possibility of two universes to voyage through.

The Next Best Thing to Being There. Though Rebma is quite different fromAmber in many ways, it is the closest thing to Amber that there is. Ambitious Amberites (and arethere any other kind?) might find themselves seeking power in Rebma. The political game thereis a looser one, with more players and looser rules, so many of the Court of Amber might try tocreate a base of power nearby in Rebma before moving onto the grand prize of the throne ofAmber itself.

Exotic Base for a Campaign. You, as the Game Master, could even entice theplayers into entire campaign set in Rebma, whether with Rebman characters, a mixture ofRebmans and Amberites, or all Amberites. Perhaps the characters are part of a new Amberiteembassy in Rebma. Or how about an embassy from the Courts of Chaos? Various powerfuldwellers of Shadow would also find positions of importance in the Rebman Court, and be drawninto the affairs of Amber and Rebma, making Rebma an exciting and viable setting for an entirecampaign.

And these are only some of the reasons one might have to use Rebma in a campaign! Asyou read more of the sourcebook, other reasons will probably occur to you, ways to make Rebmaa great new part of your campaign, spice up a place which hasn’t been defined in your games, oradd some new twists to what you’re already established!

Whatever the case, read on, as adventure beneath the sea awaits...· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (8)

GETTING TO REBMAThe rising sun cast billions of bright shards into the foaming swell of the waters,

and our eyes were dazzled by their dance so that we could not see below the surface. Wehad lived on fruit and water for two days and I was ravenously hungry, but I forgot thisas I regarded the wide, sloping tiger beach with its sudden twists and rises of coral,orange, pink, and red, and its abrupt caches of shells, driftwood, and small polishedstones; and the sea beyond: rising and falling, splashing softly, all gold and purple androyal blue, and casting forth its life-song breezes like benedictions beneath dawn's violetskies.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 63)

The marker for Faiella-bionin, entryway to Rebma, is a nondescript pile of stones.There is no arched, golden gateway or elegant, marble-pillared plaza. If you don't knowwhat to seek, you could walk right past it with nary a glance. That is exactly how those ofRebma like things. Though the Stairway to Rebma is wide enough to march an armydown (as Corwin discovered, almost to his destruction in Nine Princes in Amber), theway is rarely traveled, and visitors are infrequent enough that a small guard force is allthat is required for Rebma's security.

Few come to Rebma, and fewer leave its walls. Most trade is conducted in the seaabove; envoys bearing trade goods swim up to meet the tall ships of Amber and carrytheir purchases down that same watery path. Official delegations alone use the stairwayof Faiella-bionin, as Amberites usually Trump there through Llewella if they need to visitRebma.


We were on some sort of rocky surface which descended into the sea. I didn'tknow how we would breathe while we walked it, but Deirdre didn't seem worried aboutit, so I tried not to be.

But I was.When the water swirled and swished about our heads, I was very worried.

Deirdre walked straight ahead, though, descending, and I followed, and Randomfollowed.

Each few feet there was a drop. We were descending an enormous staircase, andit was named Faiella-bionin, I knew.

One more step would bring the water around my head, but Deirdre had alreadyplunged below the water line.

So I drew a deep breath and took the plunge.There were more steps and I kept following them. I wondered why my body was

not naturally buoyed above them, for I continued to remain erect and each step bore medownward as though on a natural staircase, though my movements were somewhat· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (9)

slowed. I began wondering what I'd do when I could hold my breath no longer.There were bubbles around Random's head, and Deirdre's. I tried to observe what

they were doing, but I couldn't figure it. Their breasts seemed to be rising and falling in anormal manner.

. . .We were about twenty feet below the surface by then, and I exhaled a small

amount of air and tried inhaling for perhaps a second.There was nothing disturbing about the sensation, so I protracted it. There were

more bubbles, but beyond that I felt nothing uncomfortable in the transition.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 65)

Those first few breaths in Rebma are a bit disconcerting, bubbles swimmingacross your face and water in your nose and lungs, but breathing underwater is easy to getused to after that. This is the greatest of Rebma's many enchantments. As the mirror ofAmber, that those who visit the city might breathe as if above water, and those of Rebmamay breathe the air aboveground as well. This is how it is possible for the people ofAmber to trade with those of Rebma, bringing the two realms together in that way. ManyRebmans call it is a mixed blessing. Rebma surrenders one of the few boundariesbetween her and Amber in return for trade with surface dwellers.

While you can eat and sleep and drink in Rebma as though surrounded by air, it isimpossible to ignore that you are a considerable distance beneath the surface of the sea.There is little natural light, and all around you swim various fish and sea-life, living reminders of the element Rebma belongs within.

The Enchanted Waters.The enchantment of the waters surrounding and within Rebma is an ancient one,

given by the Pattern there so that all who dwell there may breathe freely and be spared theeffects of pressure, cold, and other threats to human life. This enchantment also protectsthe realm and its people from the effects of the considerable pressure, the intense cold,and even allows sound to travel with much more ease than would be expectedunderwater. All of these things, while remarkable, are so much a part of the backgroundworld of Rebma that they do not question them any more than surface dwellers wonder atthe miracles of their own atmospheres. As for the elder Amberites, keep in mind that farstranger conditions exist throughout Shadow.

This enchantment in Rebma’s waters extends only as far as most of the SevenShadow-Sea Kingdoms of the Coral Branch. Beyond those, in the waters of the SargassoSea, the only way to survive is through Shape Shifting, Sorcery, or with the assistance ofother powers or equipment.

Other interesting effects of the enchantment are the curious fact that fish, whichgenerally do not need much in the way of oxygen for survival, aren’t inconvenienced bythe waters in Rebma and seem not to notice the unusual quality of the waters. Anotherfeature of the water is that fires of a sort burn beneath the sea, either magically set orcreated with phosphorescent torches.

There exists in today’s Shadow Earth technology the ability to create heavilyoxygenated waters which are breathable, though with discomfort. These have been· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (10)

developed for use in depths at which deep-diving suits with air-filled tanks and maskswould be crushed. Whether or not this is the secret to Rebma’s waters is unknown, as fewhave shown the interest in testing and measuring the waters there.

The ability to breathe in all waters, even those outside the range of Rebma'senchantment is a gift belonging to those of the older, full-blooded Rebman heritage. It israrely found in those in whose families run the mingled blood of surface dwellers andoriginal Rebman racial stock. The character Ally of Royal Triton Blood, offered in theRebman player-character section, describes this advantage.

FAIELLA-BIONIN, THE STAIRWAY TO REBMAThe bridge between the two worlds of Rebma and Amber is in the form of a

stairway, making it possible to walk directly to Rebma. It is unusual in that it protectsthose who traverse it, keeping them save on their voyage either down to the sea-bottom,or upwards to the tiger-striped beach near Arden.

Those traveling on the stairs feel none of the effects of buoyancy, tidal force,pressure, or coldness. Experimenting with the bridge's protective enchantment will revealthat these qualities come into effect once the bridge's confines are left. Jumping upwardfrom the stair will render a character susceptible to the drift and weightlessness one feelswhen underwater, but only violent or intentional motion will carry a character over thebannisters into the cold pressure outside the bridge.

Faiella-Bionin, Gateway through Shadow. Rebma may exist in a differentrealm from Amber, perhaps as a Shadow of Amber or some other plane of existence. Thetrip down Faiella-bionin was surreal, and could be described as a trip into a differentuniverse, one with different physical laws which allow people to breathe water and forflames to ignite and burn. The stairway to Tir-na Nog'th exists only at nighttime whenmoonlight falls upon it. Perhaps Tir-na Nog’th’s stairway exists in another plane at othertimes, and is only synchronous with Amber's reality at nightfall, with moonlight acting asthe catalyst for maintaining its solidity. Rebma's stairway would be similar, existing onlysometimes within Amber's conception of reality. Hence, the usual periods of Llewella’sabsence from Amber. Rebma might only show up at high, or low tide.

Rebma as a Shadow Kingdom. Once through the Gateway to Rebma at thefoot of Faiella-bionin, there is some distance to cover, taking perhaps fifteen to thirtyminutes or more to cross. Maybe the way there is accomplished by Shadow Shiftingwhile walking. A newcomer down the Stairwell might never find Rebma without makingthe requisite Shadow Shifts, though a well-traveled way through Shadow is generallyeasy to find, and often stumbled into by Shadow folk.

Rebma as Shadow Itself. Perhaps Rebma is like Tir-na Nog’th, and is nothingbut a place shaped by the inner mind and unconscious desires of those who enter it.Random called it a “ ghost city” and it might be just that, a realm unreal save for what isbrought into it. The power to manipulate Shadow combined with will and desire couldcreate a Rebma which is distinct and unique to each character or group of characters whoenter it, with each finding what they seek, perhaps through forces they do not understand,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (11)

actions or conditions so far removed from their obvious points, or through knowledge oropportunity gained. At any rate, it will likely be out of the characters’ hands to affect howRebma will aid them. As Corwin noted to Vialle, “ Personality is the one thing we cannotcontrol in our manipulations of Shadow.” This might explain the quixotic nature ofRebma’s offerings.

Corwin, Deirdre, and Random all entered Rebma at a point of duress, figuring thattheir choice was either Rebma or death at the hands of Eric and Julian’s men. Corwinwent in search of his memory and a chance at Eric. It was restored, and he was transferredto Amber forthwith. Deirdre went seeking asylum from Eric, and got it. Random,claiming to want Eric’s head, might have been waiting for Corwin to take it for him.Perhaps his own curiousity about Martin and his regrets about Morganthe may havegained him his bride and exile in Rebma, or perhaps it was a completely unconscious andunknowable force that brought him together with Vialle, who would teach him thestrength which would put the Crown upon his own head.

Viewed this way, Rebma will remain populated with the various charactersdescribed herein, with nobles and features of the city itself always present due toLlewella’s influence, and before that, Oberon’s, but should all of the blood of Amberleave Rebma, it can be reshaped by any Amberite who enters it. This might explain whyEric was loathe to enter Rebma after Corwin, Deirdre, and Random, as he feared thehome court advantage. Llewella’s presence there and suspiciou of Corwin led Moire torefrain from aiding Corwin militarily in his quest for vengeance and the Throne.

Corwin's Mother Faiella. A point which Corwin does not go into is perhapsthe reason for his easy recollection of the name of this stairway in his time of amnesia.The bridge bears the same name as his mother, Faiella, mother also to Eric, and who diedgiving birth to Deirdre. Was the stair named for her? Or was she named after it? WasFaiella Rebman-born? Some histories state that the cairn of stones on the shore is amonument to Faiella, or houses her remains, erected there by Oberon in his grief.

Leaving Faiella-bionin before Rebma

As he fell, I kicked, and he drifted. I struck at him, hovering above me, and heparried again, but this carried him beyond the rail. I heard him scream as the pressure ofthe waters came upon him. Then he was silent.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 67)

For most surface dwellers, to step off Faiella-bionin is to invite death fromdrowning, hypothermia, or extreme pressure. A character of the blood of Amber, or aShape Shifter might be able to survive such a course of action for a short time, though themass of normal humanity are killed quite horribly, as the soldier who fought Corwinlearned. The section on “ Life Under Pressure” has further details on pressure,decompression, extreme cold, and their effects on living tissue. Once through the Sea-Gate, however, the enchantment which allows surface dwellers to breathe (and fires toburn) underwater takes effect, protecting visitors from the pressure, the cold, and thedarkness.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (12)

The Game Master should show little mercy for characters who have committedthe foolish act of stepping off from Faiella-bionin before reaching the bottom, withoutconsiderable protection, magical or otherwise. A warning of the intense cold and pressureone feels when sticking an arm into the darkness should be enough to keep a player fromventuring further, but should they persist, the natural course of action would be to crushthem like a bug.

Alternately, the Game Master might consider the nature of the character (and howmuch Good Stuff they might have!), and act accordingly. Perhaps characters might findthemselves caught in a place between the Shadow realm of Rebma and the true world ofAmber. They might end up in a land similar to the Undershadow from Merlin’s books ofthe Chronicles, or in a topsy-turvy place where physical rules are completely different.They could even end up in the Maelstrom, a place at the far end of the universe wherestrange things dwell.

Alternate Ways into Rebma.Of course, the trip down Faiella-bionin is not the only way into Rebma. A number

of alternatives exist for those in a hurry, or those who are not at the beach near Arden.Following is a list of the more readily available means of getting to Rebma and someconditions which might affect that travel.There are others, perhaps too many to detailhere, but these should give general guidelines for getting there.

Trump. The most convenient route into Rebma is to Trump a friend or relativewho dwells there and ask them to bring you through. Quick and easy. Trump Artistswho've visited Rebma before might even own a Trump of Rebma itself, or some corner ofit. Making one wouldn't be particularly difficult, and Advanced Trump Artists don't evenneed to carry the card around, relying on Trump Memory for contact. Another option is aTrump Gate, a flashy and exhausting but effective means of creating a portal which willremain for some time.

Disadvantages to using Trump to get into Rebma are simple. If no one isanswering, or perhaps the character has no place Trump to use, then contact isimpossible. Without a mental picture or psychic impression of Rebma gained from seeingit in person (or through another’s mind), not even a Trump Artist can make a Trump forthe place.

Another startling element of the Trump transmission into Rebma is sometimes thevisiting character might not expect to be suddenly breathing water, which can result inspasms or violent rejection of the fluid which suddenly fills the lungs. There are a lot ofbubbles suddenly, and after a second, the character will realize that they are notdrowning, but the sudden shift from breathing air to breathing water can be surprising ifone is not prepared.

The converse of this is for characters Trumping out of Rebma. Those Trumpingout in a hurry, or without thinking to close their mouth and exhale all the water in theirsinuses and lungs, may find themselves suddenly in a place where water is not breathable,and will likely cough greatly, spewing water from the mouth and nose, even vomiting inresponse to the suddenly unbreathable fluid filling one’s lungs. Frequent visitors orresidents of Rebma will do prepare themselves almost unconsciously for the transitionand prevent embarassment.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (13)

Unfortunately, when Trumping from Rebma, it is impossible to avoid being wetwhen you arrive. However, there are some minor spells for that, along with the PowerWord Dry...

Pattern. Shadow walking is an interesting possibility to get to Rebma with.Assuming that you don't just head for Faiella-bionin and walk from there, at some pointyou're going to have to walk into the water and attempt to Shadow Shift towards Rebma.Without the necessary breathing equipment (whether supplied by Shape Shift orSCUBA), the reality of drowning, incredible pressure, and unbelievable cold make this anunlikely, and unhealthy, choice. The darkness of the ocean floor makes Shadow Shiftingnearly impossible, as well, unless a powerful and wide-reaching light source is broughtdown to Rebma.

Traveling to the center of the Pattern and ordering it to teleport you to Rebma issimple and direct, though if you've never been there before, it might be difficult to form amental picture. You could end up lost in a Shadow of Rebma, or somewhere stranger.Walking the Pattern in the Mind is also limited by this concern, though using the Patternas lens to seek out Rebma and then teleport there would offer a relatively foolproofmeans of getting there.

Sorcery. Among the Basic Spells learned in Sorcery is Self-Teleport, which canbe used to teleport into Rebma. Working out a custom Spell is another way to do so.Merlin used the Spikard often in Prince of Chaos to teleport himself and others acrossShadow, and his brother Jurt did likewise using the abilities granted him through theInitiation into the Fount of Power. Both Powers are described fully in the Phage Presssourcebook Shadow Knight, for characters who have pursued those lines of magic.

Shape Shift. The ability to alter the structure of your body and even your mindallows many different options for travel. The most obvious one is Shape Shifting into anAquatic Form. Simple and direct, Shape Shifting allows a character to transformthemselves into some creature or a succession of creatures suited for dwelling in thewater, from a shark to an immense jellyfish. Naturally, the creature's abilities to breatheunderwater and to swim must be assume, and if the form is not a deep-water one, thengetting down to Rebma through normal waters would prove problematic. The limitationrestricting Shape Shifters to their initial mass means that they’ll be immense crabs, orsmall and slender whales. Disguised as such, it would be easy to swim right into the CityRebma, perhaps unnoticed.

Logrus. The opposite of Pattern-based Shadow walking, using the Logrus totravel through Shadow involves the Logrus Master to reach through Shadow with thelimbs of the Logrus, make contact with the place where they want to travel, andphysically pull themselves through to the desired location in Shadow.

Easy, right?Two small problems remain, both dealt with easily.The first of them depends upon the Game Master's interpretation of what this form

of Shadow Walking entails. If it involves physical transportation through the Shadows· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (14)

between the Logrus Master and the destination, then the problems of life underwater arestill in effect until one gets to Rebma. Since all Logrus Masters must, by definition, beShape Shifters, this is a nominal problem and is usually no concern. If otherwise, andLogrus Shadow walking involves simply moving between Shadows (such as Merlin'sdemon servant Gryll seemed to do in Prince of Chaos by following the Black Tunnel),then the Logrus Master should be able to emerge in Rebma without difficulty, as Grylldoes in the following passage:

We entered a long night, and at some point it seemed that our way took usbeneath deep waters, bright sea creatures hovering and darting both near at hand and inthe middle distance. Dry and uncrushed, the black way protected us.

Prince of Chaos (p. 9)

Secondly, the Logrus is highly vulnerable to the Pattern, and Rebma is unique inthat it has a Pattern within it. Few Logrus Masters would be so daring (or stupid) toattempt to use the Logrus to take them into Rebma's Reversed Pattern Room, so this isnot usually a problem.

One potential use for the Logrus beneath the sea would be as a life-line, using theconnection through Shadow to provide the character with breathable air and warmth,perhaps even enveloping them in an envelope of energy which can resist pressure, theequivalent of a Logrus snorkel. There is more on this possibility in the section on GameMastering Underwater: GMing the Powers Underwater.

Artifacts, Creatures & Constructs. Characters who plan on spending sometime in Rebma may have some means to get there other than Trump or Faiella-bionin.Some possibilities for Artifacts might include suits of armor or just helmets whichprevent drowning through the “Able to ‘Mold’ Shadow Stuff” power, protectingcharacters from the conditions of the depths. Magical swim fins or even enchantedwristlets might be enough to prevent drowning, hypothermia, or being crushed by thepressure. Characters might summon creatures to be their companions in the depths, andinstill the same power listed above in them, transferable onto themselves, so that theymight ride their magic creatures through the dark cold waters into Rebma.

An extremely powerful magical item such as a spikard might be used to link withan above-water point in Shadow and provide a continual source of breathable oxygen.Other constructs could be used to provide a safe area of some friendly environmentShadow about the character, drawing power from that Shadow as the character movesthrough the waters surrounding Rebma.

Equipment & Submersibles. Another way into Rebma which might appeal tobasic-minded characters or those without fancy Powers is to use some SCUBA (SelfContained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) arrangement, whether it be a simple oxygentank and regulator, a crystalline breath mask, a helmet containing one of the varioussuper-oxygenated breathing compounds, or a futuristic mouth-and-nose-plug with theability to filter breathable air from water. Any of these will take care of breathing, butthere are the additional problems of pressure, cold, and lack of light.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (15)

One method of circumventing all of these might be a self-contained diving unit,such an armored diving suit, a diving bell or other submersible, or a submarine of somesort. This is where the problems begin. How does such a submersible run? What is itspower source?

Moire has decreed that most of the same physical laws in Rebma will be similar tothose in Amber. This prevents much of technology from working there. With the RebmanJewel of Judgement, she is able to enforce the prohibition against higher technologyworking in and around Rebma, though clever players or more powerful uses of power arelikely to seek ways around this.

If the Game Master has decided that the general laws of physics in Rebma are likethose in Amber and resist technological devices, then a simple scuba tank regulator mightcease to function as one neared Rebma’s waters. In such a case, parking a nuclearsubmarine off of Faiella-bionin would result in a rusting, radioactive hulk to cause diversproblems, if even it could get that close. Is the Game Master prepared to allow thecomplex atomic interaction necessary to fuel a nuclear submarine or some more advancedundersea-craft to work in Rebma and the surrounding kingdoms of the Coral Branch?

In Nine Princes in Amber, Corwin and Random’s Mercedes managed to make itall the way into the Forest of Arden without breaking down, and apparently only anempty tank stopped them from going further. Would it have stopped working as it grewcloser to Amber? To bring this back to Rebma, are the waters surrounding Rebma full ofthe equivalent of that Mercedes, breaking down as one gets closer to Rebma and laws ofphysics which prevent standard chemical reactions or technological devices fromworking? Are the pilots of such vehicles able to shift their inner workings to compensatefor the new rules and enter Rebma?

Introducing submarines to Rebma isn’t as anachronistic as it might seem, as theyears between 1578 and 1763 (on our own Shadow Earth) saw the design and attempt atbuilding of no fewer than seventeen different types of submarines! The early part of the19th century proved the first examples of metal construction of submarines, which, whilenoteworthy, were less than successful. The first recorded use of submersibles in combatwas in the American Civil War in 1861-5, when the steam or hand-powered submersiblesnamed “David” attacked one battleship, and sank another. In both instances, the“Davids” sank as well. There is no reason to believe that with an infinity of Shadows,characters could not find a submarine or other submersible which would function inRebma.

With alternate sources of power, including steam, self-propulsion, or even magic,submersibles might be able to work freely in Rebma and even in Amber. Could a spell-powered submarine be constructed? Would it work? How would it work? Characters withAdvanced Pattern Imprint have the ability to “Alter the Rules,” manipulating the laws ofphysics in Amber or elsewhere to allow things which the particular present laws ofphysics resist. What kind of effort would it take to maintain an entire Polaris submarine,with attendant computer systems, sonar, and the nuclear reactor which fuels it? Could anAdvanced Logrus Master do the same? These questions are ones which must be answeredby each Game Master in his or her own campaign.

Bear in mind that if it was possible, wouldn’t someone have already done it? And,if someone already did it, wouldn’t someone have come up with a means of countering it?Enterprising characters seeking power in Rebma through application of a Trident-class· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (16)

submarine might find the normally low-tech Rebman troops breaking out long buriedcases full of electronic countermeasure equipment, magnetic mines, sonar jammingdevices, and deep-sea rocket launchers to quell such a threat.

THE SEA-GATEAt the base of the great stair of Failla-bionin, which winds a thousand or more feet

downward, is a large archway which is the gateway to Rebma. Carven with sea-dwellersof legend and reality- Tritons, sea-horses, dolphins, mermaids, sea-nymphs, undines, andkrakens; it is a mighty thing, gated and guarded by the men of Rebma. These gates andthe connecting walls mark the bounds of Moire's domain, and even the soldiers of Eric ofAmber did not dare trespass.

These gates are, like the city wall of Amber itself, far from the Castle Rebma. Thespace between is filled with open underwater plains, valleys, grottoes. The trail to Rebmais easy to find and follow and leads straight to the city gates. Corwin makes a hazyestimate of the time to walk from the gate at the base of Faiella-bionin to the city wallsand a gateway which stands high, golden and proud, but his description is suspect, asevidenced below:

I lost all sense of time in that watery place, but I feel that we walked forsomewhere between a quarter of an hour and half an hour before we reached ourdestination.

The golden gates of Rebma stood before us. We passed through them. We enteredthe city.

Nine Princes in Amber (p.68)

Striding towards the city of Rebma from the base of Faiella-bionin might involveshifting through Shadow, which would play havoc with Corwin’s sense of time and hisalready-amnesiac state.

The Entrance Shifting Characters. An unmentioned possibility is that theenchantment which surrounds Rebma and its nearbly lands is not directed at the wateritself, making it easy to breathe for surface dwellers, but instead makes them capable ofbreathing underwater by shifting characters themselves! An extremely powerfulenchantment, it forces involuntary Shape Shifting upon characters who enter Rebma,allowing them to survive therein. This can be resisted through invocation of the Pattern,Logrus, Trump, or through Shape Shifting, though the outcome of such resistance wouldbe that the character is forced to breathe water, likely drowning!

Time in Rebma. In the above-quoted section, Corwin, who is normally ashrewd and careful observer, is curiously amiss to guess at the time passed in their walkto Rebma. Moire later tells Corwin that Benedict has been missing “ these twelve yearsand ten,” though Benedict’s absence from Amber was made out to be a much longerperiod. Her subsequent comments about the timing of meals and her desires in thosematters lead one to believe that time is somewhat relative in Rebma. Different Shadows· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (17)

have different time flows, sometimes radically so, and Rebma, despite its nearness andcongruity to Amber in many respects, might have a vastly different rate of time!

In Sign of the Unicorn, when asked about Brand’s visit to Rebma, Llewellaguesses “ Fifty, sixty, seventy years . . . I am not certain.” Her concentration andsurprising vagueness have all the characteristics of those troublesome and brow-furrowing conversions from Shadow time into Amber’s chronology. As many campaignswill differ with the way they treat Rebma and Amber, and the very nature of Rebma willdecide what the time rate will be therein, this sourcebook does not attempt to offer anysort of ratio, other than presenting the possibility that time in Rebma might not beAmber-standard. Tir-na Nog’th gives no indication of being in the same time-frame asAmber, so why must Rebma be so?

Moire’s comment on time may have been a way of announcing that time runs theway she wants in Rebma. Her use of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement might have thesame effect on the time of the realm as the Jewel sometimes has on those who wear it,slowing time around them or speeding up their internal perception of time in relation totheir surroundings.

The Flow of Time. One way of depicting time’s passage in Rebma might bethat Rebman time is influenced by the tides and currents, moving as does water,sometime fast, sometimes slow, sometimes standing almost still. To visitors, this will beunapparent, but when connecting with an outside frame of reference, characters might besurprised to find that the time-flow in Rebma is anything but regular and congruent withAmber’s own chronology. Lacking a day-night cycle in the green, torch-lit gloom ofRebma, time might be referred to in those terms, of currents, tides, and so on, such as “ itwas the time of the third warm current from the South in the second high tide cycle,during the year of the Wispy Waters.”

Sea-life in Rebma. The way Rebmans interact with the sea-creatures is ascurious as the very fact of their coexistence. Though few surface-dwellers have any kindof empathy with sea-life, Rebmans claim that they can understand the emotions of theirscaled neighbors just as one would be able to read the behavior of a cat or dog. They willadopt fish for pets, raising them from birth, feeding them and allowing them full reign ofthe home. Caging them is unusual, and is only done with specially trained fish or thosewhich serve as some sort of exhibit.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (18)

OUTSIDE THE CITYThe city of Rebma lies within a tidal basin off the beach near Arden, with a large slope

downward where the city is located. The deepest point of this basin houses the Castle Rebma.Surrounding the city are a number of short hills, ridges of rock, and small fissures. Most of thearea is still covered with sand, detritus, and rocks. Coming into Rebma from any direction, onediscovers that the sea-floor is not barren, and contains many interesting sites and features whichcontinue to interest visitors who travel outside the city’s walls. Should one venture past or overthe walls of Rebma, there are many things to see and explore, which are detailed here.

Interspersed with these place descriptions are various denizens of Rebma, each describedin the place where they most likely would be encountered. Rebman player-characters might usethese as examples of the types of people they are familiar with, or even choose them (with theGame Master’s permission) as Allies or friends. Players should be aware that Game Masters, are,of course, expected to change any and all of the described characters to suit their own campaign,and that the descriptions given here and the character in play might vary wildly...

The Outskirts of City Rebma. Signs of sentient inhabitation abound,however, and these places are sometimes secreted away in dark grottoes, while others are openlyvisible to those who can see beneath the waves. Some of these ruins are still inhabited, and havebecome home to the more sentient of sea-creatures, as either shelters or lairs, in some casesdeadly traps. Creatures such as the Nicor, the Water-wraiths, and some of the mer-folk such asthe Nerieds can be encountered, for better or worse, within these remnants of civilization.

Ruins. The majority of these include ancient ruins of temples and shrines, some of whichbear the images and likenesses of the Tritons and their gods Lir, or an immense kraken. Othersstill bear the signs of being places of worship for other gods, some mer-gods, some humanoid,and more than a few are long-unused temples of the many forms of the Sea-Horse. These rangefrom being simple altars to massive edifices now become crumbled rocks overgrown with ropysea-grasses and home to schools of fish and other more considerable beings. Some of them arestill used by Rebmans or by the species of mer-folk which worship. It is not uncommon to find abarnacle-encrusted shrine-stone which seems unvisited for a thousand years to have Rebmancoins of recent mintage and other valuables left upon the altar as offerings. Some sacrilegioussouls venture out to these places of worship and claim the offerings as treasure, while othercunning sea-beasts have been known to lure these fortune-hunters into their lairs with a scatteringof coins. Others of these ruins undoubtedly contain undiscovered relics of some significance,perhaps even artifacts or sentient beings bound into captivity. Spells and wards left untripped forcenturies might await in the most harmless-seeming of ruins.

Similarly, Rebmans know of a number of ruined towers, castles, and homes whichdecorate the sea-bed outside their city. These are for the most part picked clean, though some ofthe noble families have made efforts to restore a few of them for their own use. Chief amongthese families is House Niobe which has reclaimed no small number of secluded towers andother edifices which share the qualities of being easy to defend and conducive to privacy.Llewella herself is rumored to have her own small keep outside Rebma, which she seeks solacein when even the Sea-Court is too distracting. No few of these have mirrors set within theirwalls, or the fragments of mirrors upon their floor-stones.

There are also smaller and less significant remainders of settlement. These include· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (19)

sections of ancient walls of many different sizes, ages and makes, segments of which leadnowhere. Many rocks and jutting bits of cliffside bear carven images of dolphins, eels, stylizedmermaids, nymphs, and have glyphs in ancient forms of the Rebman language of Tyree, or intongues other than those used in Rebma. Some are cunningly designed to blend into theirsurroundings, such as a stone Triton’s face leering at one from inside a fissure, bits of darkreflective stone set in their eyes. Others of these carvings are more free-form, imitiating someform of nature in a stylized fashion, while other small obelisks simply exist for no apparentreason. On some of these, ancient enchantments have long passed, while others seem to havebeen erected as guide-stones, bearing the names of the sea-current paths which flow past them.Others are statues, broken and whole, of various human and sea-creatures, set into bases ormerely jutting from a foundation of rock. Some larger pieces of statues have been found,particularly the Arm of Lir described below.

Many of these ruins are clearly identifiable as markers of burial places, mausoleums,tombs, and even gravestones. Some markers simply identify the departed soul and note where thebody was abandoned to the sea. These ruins show evidence of a variety of different burialcustoms, from complete interrment in a stone sarcophagus, decapitation where only the skull isburied, and burial in the hard surface of the sea-floor. The contents of most of these would havelong decayed, though there are always various trinkets, ornaments, and in some cases, valuableswhich might remain. Needless to say, the majority of these tombs have been desecrated byseekers of wealth, and rumors whisper that the forms they disturbed ranged from ancientRebmans to the bones of Tritons and creatures stranger still...

Signal Towers. Moire has kept up a series of signal towers along all the obvious andhidden paths from which one might enter Rebma from Shadow, whether from beneath the sea orabove it. These can range from the simple cairn of stones which rests on the beach near Amber tofully-manned garrison-towers, stocked with weapons and supplies enough to mount an initialdefense in the instance of an invasion. The troops which guard them are bored, and generallyfriendly to any non-threatening group which might visit them. In event of an emergency, theywill communicate to Moire and the Rebman armies via swimmer, torch-signals, or throughmagical means. They also serve as guide-markers to the major currents and paths into Rebma,and in some cases, to pass non-essential signals along to and away from Rebma. They are underorders to be suspicious, but hospitable, when dealing with any unexpected visitors.

Sea-Horse Spur. Though the name implies a pun, it refers to a high ridge which bearsupon it a foot-path, jutting high into the waters to a small flat place where legend has it that theSea-Horse oversaw the creation of Rebma and all the land around it. It is very high and the pathis jagged, and it cuts into the water like a blade. Younger Rebmans go there with their parents tobe taught about the origin of the Rebman people and the making of their world, while adults gothere to contemplate the infinite depth and reach of the seas around them. It is a place with nosmall amount of religious significance to the Rebman people, though few worship at it, and it isoften visited for reasons having little to do with the Sea-Horse.

Wrecks. Also common around Rebma are the countless sunken remains of various sea-going vessels. These range in size from the rotted slats of some rowboat, to the rusting hulk of afew nuclear submarines whom various Shadow-shifting would-be conquerers tried to bringagainst Rebma and Amber, only to be disabled with the change of the physical laws which· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (20)

enabled their vessels to run. There are at least two large battleships within a day’s swim ofRebma, their cannons jutting into the waters and home to blind, darting fish, and incredibly, asunken and smashed aircraft carrier rests in the base of a deep-sea ravine, rusted to mere beamsnow, which bear the signs of a harsh contortion.

Most common, however, are sailing ships, either those of Amber or of the Shadows itdeals with, and the Shadows which have sent navies against it. These vessels of wood, iron,leather and sailcloth fare the poorest in the waters around Rebma, and mostly vanish beneath alayer of detritus within centuries. Most of them are a scavenger’s cornucopia, containing valuablecargo, coinage, weapons, and other items of value. The freshest of these ruined ships are thoselost in Corwin’s assault on Amber when Eric was Regent there. As he put it in Nine Princes inAmber, “We slew everyone aboard both both boarding ships and opened their hatches and sentthem down to Rebma where Random would be amused by the carnage.” More than a hundred ofthese ships fell directly upon Rebma or just outside it. The waters were black with blood andbodies for several days, making Rebmans feel like an abbatoir had opened above them. ThoughCorwin was the invader, and Caine leader of Amber’s navy, it was Eric who gained the notorietyfor the deed.

The Cavern of the Seas. Located several miles outside the city, the Cavern of the Seasis one of Rebma’s unexplained mysteries. A vast, sprawling cave-mouth opens onto a mightycavern with spectacular coloration in its walls, some carven with ancient runes which depict arace far older than the Rebman people. Once full of mysterious treasures and artifacts from thisvanished people, it has since been picked bare, its contents placed in the Rebman treasury andvarious museums and galleries, with no small amount going the treasure-seekers and collectors.The cavern, which was likely a gathering place for this ancient race, opens onto a series ofsmaller caverns, which in turn sport many smaller tunnels and fissures.

No one has ever explored the full range of the labyrinthine maze of tunnel, some of whichopen into caverns full of pockets of air, others into dry-land caverns. The origins of these cavesare unknown, though many believe that they were once the homes of the Tritons, and some claimthat somewhere in the distant tunnels of the Cavern of the Seas is a way the Maelström, linkingwith the caverns to where the Tritons dwell. The tunnels are also believed the open into manyother Shadow Seas, somewhere within the mysterious and apocryphal Reflections of Rebma.

The cave mouth is located some leagues from Rebma, and is usually guarded by a smallcontingent of soldiers. They have closed the mouth of the caverns with a heavy gate of the metalunrusting iron, to which only Moire has the key. It is also believed that the tunnels which branchfrom the Cavern somewhere connect with those mysterious tunnels in the dungeons of CastleRebma and Castle Amber. It is likely that more treasures may be found there, and perhapsmagical artifacts from this mysterious race predating even the creation of the Pattern and Amber.Strange beings have been known the try the escape from the caverns, but have been trapped bythe gate and either killed or driven off, back into the tunnels. On several occasions since the gatehas been erected, it has been found opened, bent, broken, or simply vanished.

The Tournament Pavilion. Rebma’s royal families still practice the arts of war, andeach year, they gather at the tournament pavillion as a display of pageantry, heraldry, and to seetheir doughtiest sons and daughters match themselves in many contests of arms and might. Thetournament is presided over by the Queen Moire, and in attendance are all the nobles of the Sea-Court, Llewella included. The pavillion is large and the field it surrounds contains a number of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (21)

flat fields for contests of arms and hand-to-hand combat, and has a large ares which is used forjousting, the Rebman version being done either standing or seated upon the backs of harnessedsea-creatures. There are rows of seats descending into a bowled ampitheater, and outside are anumber of “ stables” for sea-mounts, practice yards, and targets for missle weapons. There is alsoa dining hall affixed to the pavillion which can seat a hundred visitors, with attached kitchensand royal chambers to which the Queen can retire. The tournament pavillion is thusly a miniaturecastle in and of itself, with stores enough to last a week, and a permanent staff of servants whomaintain it. It is also used for outings, retreats, and as a place for clandestine meetings or thosewhich are best held outside the city.

The Arm of Lir. A curious construction, ancient and of unknown origin, the Arm of Liris a bent arch of carven stone which juts upwards thirty yards in an inverted “V.” The two pillarswhich make it up are joined at the top and are spaced almost forty yards apart. It is thicker on oneside than another, and roughly round, and the carvings along it can be interpreted as scales,braceleted near the “wrist” and across the “ bicep.” Other observers claim that it is clearly notintended to be an arm. Whichever the case, the Arm of Lir is formed of a black, green-shotmarble which has not, despite the apparent age, accumulated any barnacles or other accumulus. Ifit was once a statue, the remainder of the form is nowhere to be found, as a preliminary digbeneath both ends of the arch revealed that the edifice stands alone and that the rest of the statueis not beneath it. As a statue, it would have towered above the city, clearly visible from all pointsin Rebma.

***************************HEADS UP, ERICK! SIDEBARALERT*************************

Encounters. People who might be met outside the city walls of Rebma includeharvesters, explorers, farmers, merchants, scavengers, tourists, soldiers on patrol, sojourningnobles, or reclusive sorcerers. Here are some examples of some of these:

Glitha, Simple Harvester. As an inheritors of the task of gathering plant and sea-life fromthe waters around Rebma to provide food for the city dwellers, she enjoys better conditions thanher terrestrial counterparts. Algae, kelp, plankton, grasses, seaweed and various roots andvegetables are rich in protein and provide all the nutrients one needs. Small shellfish and othersea-creatures make up another substantial portion of the Rebman diet. The sea is so rich in life,most fish simply have to open their mouths to get all the food the need. While there is someactual farming done in Rebma, much of the food-production is simply choosing an appropriatearea and harvesting it for its wealth and then moving on. The sea replenishes its floor and watersregularly, so the tasks of irrigation, fertilization, and so forth are unnecessary to the Rebmanharvester. The downside to this is the increased amount of attention they must pay to protectingtheir areas from natural predators and grazers, which will devour much of the harvest in thecourse of their natural hunt for food.

This particular harverster is content with her life, and does not expect much other than toreturn to her children at the end of the day. She wears a patterned kilt and short cloak which isused more for carrying things than cover. She carries only a dagger and a torch to ward offhungry scavengers.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (22)

Baron Keld, Opportunistic Lesser Noble. A member of one the great houses of Rebma,though not in the royal family, this lord is of noble breeding, though this is of no guarantee as tothe nobility of his behavior. He is intensely self-interested, and is only nominally loyal to thethrone. He has traveled to Amber and throughout Shadow, but prefers to remain in Rebma,plotting and struggling for power within the Sea-Court. Like his peers, he spends much of histime seeking information on others and using it in elaborate plots, schemes which range from thesocially embarrassing to the potentially fatal. These conspiracies and foul designs are usuallyconfined to the lesser nobility, as he lacks the courage to threaten one of Rebma’s major players.He dwells in the City Rebma and has a fancifully designed villa outside the city’s reaches.

Unlike most nobles, who devote time to the study of magic and have some power alongthose line, he prefers to spend his time developing social power, and his only interests in thingsmagical are in the acquisition of minor artifacts and servant creatures, such as Extra Hardweapons to amulets which are able to Confer Qualities or Powers. He has a small assortment ofenchanted mirrors, which he uses to spy on his rivals, in the full knowledge that they do sosimilarly, sometimes through the same mirrors.

The range of dress for nobles is very wide, with all manner of styles present, baroqueoutfits which are purely ornamental, to functional Rebman garb. He tends to dress for theoccasion, with a hairstyles often complex and imaginative. Whichever the case, great care isusually paid to his appearance, with only the finest cloth and metals used, copiously decoratedand bejeweled. He rarely carries a weapon, and when he does, it is usually a dagger or sword,both of which he is without any real ability in.

Drelcas, Adventurous Young Fisherman. More hunters and harvesters of fish than truefishermen, he and his kind are are responsible for supplying much of Rebma's exotic food needs.They hunt in groups similar to the tribesmen of ancient and nomadic cultures, sometimesgathering their prey with nets and traps. He knows some of the routes through the variousShadow Seas and is familiar with the sea-floor around Rebma, the currents, the migrationpatterns of fish and other sea-dwellers, and can perform the remarkable feat of tracking creaturesthrough the water.

He is young and spirited, and seeks an escape from a life spent gathering. Whenever hefinds a wrecked ship or sunken city, he is quick to explore it, hoping to strike it rich and earnenough from his findings to quit the business of scavenging and become a swordsman or buy atitle. For this reason, he puts himself in incredible danger when he enters each unknown vessel,as peril could lurk inside. So far, he has only been thwarted, finding ships picked clean ofvaluables, or without any to begin with. But there is always the next ship...

He is usually found in a small group of gatherers, most of whom are his family orrelations. They are either hunting and gathering, or returning from such trips. Like others of hisclass, he is mostly naked, clad in only a loincloth. Others fishers oftentimes decorate their bodiesin tattoos to blend into the sea-floor, a move he has rejected as he would not want to markhimself for life as a gatherer. He wears no armor and carries a fine, strong net for his catches. Hewears a very sharp, sheathed dagger on a thong about his neck, and swims with a long spear ortrident.*******************************ENDSIDEBAR******************************************· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (23)

THE CITY OF REBMAEverything was to be seen through a green haze. There were buildings, all of them fragile

and most of them high, grouped in patterns and standing in colors that entered my eyes and torethrough my mind, seeking after remembrance. They failed, the sole result of their digging beingthe now familiar ache that accompanies the half recalled, the unrecalled. I had walked thesestreets before, however, that I knew, or ones very much like them.

. . .Inside the city, we were conducted up a wide avenue, lighted by pillar flames set at even

closer intervals than on Faiella-bionin, and people stared out at us from behind octagonal, tintedwindows, and bright-bellied fishes swam by. There came a cool current, like a breeze, as weturned a corner; and after a few steps, a warm one, like a wind.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 69)

Most Amberites believe that the city of Rebma is a mirror image to Amber, laid out as ifin reverse, with some unique qualities which make it very different from Amber. Whether it is anexact reflection, and to what degree it differs are matters best left to map makers and cityplanners. What visitors to Rebma will notice are the subtle differences between it and Amber;colors of buildings are different, paler and almost luminous, more suited for the green-tingeddark than Amber's sunlit streets; architecture is fragile and graceful, less sturdy and sometimesseemingly swaying with the ocean currents; and due to the greater buoyancy of the wateryenvironment, Rebma's towers are taller and more slender than Amber's, sometimes even to thepoint of the fantastical; and finally, streamlined towers like shark fins, spherical, blowfish-likegables atop tall minarets all make Rebman architecture distinctly unique to its location.

It is said that Rebma is alike Amber as are two gloves in a pair- identical yet the reverse.Examine two gloves, though, and see how they differ: stretched, worn, and wrinkled in differentspots, yet holding the same general appearance. The glove worn on a favored hand might show amuch different condition than the one on the opposite. Such as it is with Rebma. Thoughreversed, the same streets follow the same courses and most of the same buildings overlookthem. Amberite visitors to Rebma experience an inevitable and unshakeable sense of deja vu,which accounts for some of their reluctance to travel there.

Another major difference is in the geographical profile of the city. To get from the harborwithin the city of Amber to the Castle Amber, one must continually climb upwards along itssloped streets and terraces, for the entire city is built on the lower reaches of Mount Kolvir, withthe Castle Amber set within its craggy breast. Rebma, appropriately, is the exact opposite ofAmber in this regard. One enters the City Rebma by descending the stairs of Faiella-bionin, thenmarching for some time until entering the city. As one grows closer, the lights of the city sprawlbefore the visitor, for Rebma is set into a concave sea-plain, with the Castle Rebma being builtupon the lowest section of the land. There are various hills, and ridges within the city, making ita sort of rough funnel, but the layout of the city is such that the deepest part of the city belongs tothe Castle, which stands tall within its depression.

Whether or not the layout of the city is identical to Amber's, few familiar with one citywill have little difficulty finding their ways in the other. However, traveling through the city is inno way the same experience as walking the streets of Amber. The green of the sea permeates· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (24)

everything; through this light all things look strange and unfamiliar. Lit by the torches whichburn palely under the sea, occasionally one sees the light from the city reflecting upon theunderside of some mighty sea-creature as it silently passes over the city.

Architecture. As Amber simultaneously blends in with and celebrates its surroundings,echoes of the sea-life which surrounds Rebma are to be found everywhere in the city, from thecoloration which is that of the sea- from near-luminous pale greens and pinks, white mother-of-pearl, to the candy-orange brightness of corals. Some buildings are even rumored to change colorslightly, altering hue according to their surroundings and inhabitants. There are even houses withair inside, contained through sealed crystal panes and renewed through minor charms, inhabitedby surface dwellers who are unwilling to adjust to Rebma's immersion.

Fish swim above the streets throughout Rebma, passing through open windows anddoors, without being noticed by Rebmans. Conversely, people who are obviously of the surfaceattract attention and stares. Rebman folk travel by swimming and walking: and doors are oftenplaced high upon walls, allowing swimmers access to the upper floors of the tall, slenderbuildings of Rebma's streets. Doors in roofs are common.

All throughout Rebma are thick ropes, rails, and nets, all used to pull oneself along andcontrol movement with greater ease. Nets are draped over the windows of rooms where fish arenot welcome, sometimes closed at night to discourage fish from nibbling on sleeping Rebmans,and drawn back in the morning. Fish are shooed out of rooms like pets when privacy is desired.Some doors and windows are covered with fine metal mesh, or intricate grilles made fromprecious metals. These are either fixed in the window-frame or can open or be removed.

Throughout Rebma are evidences of “ recovered” glory, such as statues and other arttreasures rescued from sunken ships and cities. These combine to give Rebma an extremelyworldy look, exhibiting a wide variety of art styles. These statues, along with those made byRebman artisans, are liberally sprinkled throughout the city, and add much to the atmosphericappearance of the city.

Decorated to harmonize with the sea-floor, the architecture of Rebma is graceful andbeautiful, recalling both Amber's sweeping terraces, her open gardens and promenades, hertemples and her spires, and also being one with the sea-floor, with gentle curves besideviolently-twisted walls and towers. The high homes of the oldest noble Houses of Rebma standtall amongst all others in Rebma, and all the city is lit with the flame topped pillars and withsimilar, smaller flames in each house or at the door of each establishment.

Rebma, unlike cities on the surface, never has to close down at nightfall. Not able tonotice the changing of the day, most shops are open continuously, the sellers closing wheneverthey feel the need to sleep, eat, or run errands. Visitors will be surprised to see that Rebma is athriving place around the clock, with the constant buzz of human activity only subsiding duringreligious holidays and in the wake of significant events, such as the arrival of surface dwellers ofnote. Always fascinated by outsiders, the Rebmans will stare in wonder at whomever arrivesdown the stairway of Faiella-bionin, or through the many passageways through Shadow intoRebma.

The easiest way to describe this city beneath the sea is through the form of a walking tourfrom the Sea-Gate which Corwin entered and commented upon, to the very front entrance to theCastle Rebma.

Follow then, and continue the voyage deeper and deeper into the mysterious city ofRebma...· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (25)

The Markets & Warehouse Districts.One of the major differences between Rebma and Amber is that obviously, Rebma has no

port or docks. Instead, the city has an enormous open market where a thousand different stallsoffer an infinity of choices. The scene is a familiar one throughout Shadow, brightly patternedstalls, booths, and mats arranged with wares of astonishing variety. Merchants from hundreds ofShadows sell there, more so than even in Amber, where the ownership of stalls in the market areawas tightly controlled by Oberon. Many merchants who once patronized Amber’s market nowsell only in Rebma, driven from their place by rival sellers. The Queen encourages the growth ofthe market, and her soldiers are everywhere in it, keeping the peace. Foods exotic to Rebma arefor sale here, either unprepared or bought to eat as one walks through the marketplace. There is acurious class of merchants, those who sell items scavenged from sunken vessels, which will bethe place to look if one is seeking an heirloom sunken at sea. In some cases, mere hours separatethe sinking of a vessel from its appearance on a seller’s mat.

Surrounding the market are the royal storehouses and a series of commercial warehouses,which are used to keep cargo or transfer it between Rebma and Amber. These storage areas aresecure, well-guarded, and form a sort of defensive wall around the area of Rebma which does notface the beach. Many of these warehouses are managed and owned by the noble house ofMonemnis, whose private guards are much more zealous than the typical Rebman guardsman.

Also in this area are the extensive barracks of the Rebman soldiery, which houses andfeeds Rebma’s standing army. Their armories, kitchens, and stables of mounts are all containedin these compounds, which are ever vigilant to the threat of an attack upon the city walls. Thesebarracks make up an inner circle, spaced evenly along the outside wall of the city. Surroundingthese barracks are small businesses which have set up to cater near exclusively to soldiers, frombars, cheap restaurants, brothels, and sellers of trinkets.

As Rebma is a city which literally never has a nightfall, this area is also home to manygambling venues, from small tables in the market where small coins are hustled from tourists andthe gullible, to larger establishments which cater to Amberite visitors. It is this element whichlured Random down to Rebma in the first place, where various games of chance might be foundall night and relatively close to Amber. The tables are generally crowded, many times withvacationing Amberite nobles or well-off soldiery. The decor in these gaming halls is noticeablymore ornate and bright than is to be found in other parts of Rebma.


SIDEBAR************************************** Encounters. As mentionedabove, this area is the place where one might find any manner of merchant, trader, townspeopleof any stripe, gamblers, criminals, guards, and so on. Following are a couple of examples ofthose people characters might meet in this part of town:

Olweena, Inexperienced City Guard. Trusted with the defense of the city walls andgates from the incursion of outsiders, and for keeping the peace within Rebma, she is well-trained, but lack much experience with combat due to the relative peace in Rebma. Openlyimpersonal, she is much more receptive when offered a small bribes (as a large bribe will makeher very suspicious and she will demand to know what is going on), and when faced with clearlysuperior warriors, will call for support and likely flee. Something of a Rebman nationalist, she· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (26)

resents the lords and ladies of Amber, and will trouble them if encountering them withinRebma’s streets.

She usually carries a short-sword and a pike (which is sometimes left leaning against awall along her rounds), both of which are useful for crowd control and for battle with aquaticbeasts. She is clad in a scaled kilt, a long cloak marked with the Sea-Horse emblem, and a sea-shell belts, with cross-braces across her breast.

Demilin,Wily Salvage Merchant. Whether in elegant, referral-only shops or on heavyblankets set in the market square, the merchant is considerably more approachable than mosttownspeople, and oftentimes appears genuinely interested in conversation with outsiders. Thisfellow is no exception, though his interest is a facade to encourage spending, but occasionally itis genuine if the outsider is of noble blood. Amber's merchant fleets are known for theirwillingness to trade with anyone for anything, and Rebma's traders are similarly intentioned. Heis a superb bargainer, and knowledgeable about his wares, which happen to be items recoveredfrom wrecks of ships and sunken kingdoms. Because of this specialty, he has an unusual numberof foreign visitors, sometimes aching to recover a lost treasure, or find a mythical item from oneof the cities vanished beneath the waves. As always, he does not have the item in stock, but isable to lay his hands upon it if the conditions are favorable...

There have been cases where unscrupulous merchants commissioned the sinking of shipsin order to collect their treasures, but intervention on the part of Amber and Rebma's rulers putswift ends to these schemes. The law of salvage, however, guarantees the right of ownership tothe one to recover an item first, and the usual rate of sinkings and sea-battles keep the shopswell-in stock with curios and objects of some value. Corwin's sea-assault of Amber (described inNine Princes in Amber) yielded a phenomenal number of weapons and armors which could bereclaimed from the casualties of both fleets, a bounty which still stocks the shelves of thismerchant.

Agnete, Dour Craftsperson. A skilled blacksmith, she is held in high esteem in Rebma asare all who work with metal, and she has his own shops in addition to her work area. As hersuccess is tied into her reputation as well as the skill of her work, she is by necessity an honestdealer, though somewhat blunt and direct. Her first price is always fair, and an honestapproximation of the actual cost. Further haggling will result in her refusing the commission. Sheis plain and large-shouldered, with hair pulled back from the forehead and a heavy, long smockof pebbled grey shark-skin. Around her are usually a small cloud of fish attracted to the sulphurshe works with.

Like this woman, Rebma supports a large variety of crafters, ranging from armorers,locksmiths, goldsmiths, sword smiths, coopers, masons, potters, jewelers, tailors, blacksmiths, tocooks and carpenters, with a greater variety unnamed. Rare in Rebma are the workers of themysterious glowing metal known as orichalcum, which is quite valuable when fashioned intovarious artifacts and weapons. This metal is found in nodes beneath the surface of the sea, andare mined thoroughly when discovered. Alchemists value it particularly.

Leiselotte, Revolutionary Laborer. From the lowliest group of freemen and workers, thislaborer is typical in that she is underpaid, ill-educated, and forced to work in the hardestconditions imaginable. Rebma is more enlightened than many cities, but this does not make somuch of a difference in her life. She works as a day laborer, finding jobs from day to day for· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (27)

builders, crafters, merchants, traders, and others who need heavy things moved or dirty workdone.

Recently, she has been listening more and more to the speakers in the streets and commonhouses, who argue that the rulers in Rebma are but puppets of Amber, and should be overthrownfor leaders more independant. Part of her knows that Amber is not the source of her misery, butpart of her needs someone to blame and their history in Rebma has not made them exactlysympathetic...

She wears clothing of sturdy quality, though plain, without ornamentation, and has heldonto a servicable long-knife through her poverty. She usually has little money, and like mostlaborers, sleeps in the workplace as part of hiring conditions, or in the common rooms of low-priced inns when she can afford it.

Kendall, Rebman Marine. Unique among Rebman warriors in that nearly half theirnumber are natives of the surface rather than Rebmans themselves, Rebman marines are used toman the ships of the small but efficient Rebman navy, defending the city on the water's surface.Serving as both traders and warriors, they are at best a rag-tag group of defenders, aided and ledby officers who are Rebman natives. At least half of each ship's compliment of warriors is madeup of Rebman citizens who are required to enter service as marines or sailors in the Rebmanfleet, similar to Amber's own marine service program.

The rest are Shadow folk who are recruited from many lands and Shadows, includingAmber, and are paid according to a more-or-less unfair (and, some would argue slave-like)system using crimps (boarding house owners and recruiters) and advance notes.(promissorynotes for salaries). This system works so that sailors and marines are paid only small parts oftheir salaries, and the rest going towards paying their accounts at selected boarding houses andtaverns in Rebma, Amber, and various Shadow ports. Seamen rarely see their entire wages, andoften are encouraged to overspend their salaries so that they must reenlist in order to pay fordebts incurred between voyages. This way, the typical seaman has little freedom and littlemoney, and is virtually forced into service by his own debt.

Queen Moire has officially banned the system, but it is still prominently in use in Rebmaand Amber, where the marines are typically dwelling between voyages and during refitting.Recent centuries have seen a change in this system, with the "top-siders" (as the Rebmans callthem) being paid better and treated with more leniency than some of the Rebmans themselves.

This particular specimen is a Rebman native and an officer, and wears whatever theweather dictates. Usually, he is found in a tunics, short breeches, and sandals. In colder weather,they don leather jackets and heavy, waterproof cloaks. He, like most of the other marines, useswhatever weapon is at hand, carrying only a dagger. In racks below and above-decks areunstrung longbows, crossbows, racks of javelins, axes, shortswords and longswords, along withthe traditional sabers and cutlasses. He never wears armor, like most sailors, preferring a shieldor luck to keep him from injury.

Alida, Grim-natured Courtesan. Depending on whom she’s talking to, she chose or wasforced into the harsh reality of prostitution like other men and women who sell their bodies forthe pleasure of others. In her career, she has worked in brothels, on the city streets, in taverns andinns, and had solicitors who split their profits with her, usually unfairly. She has become verycynical, seeing that all people are equal in what they desire. She once knew a better life, butwon’t speak about it to anyone.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (28)

Like others, she usually tries to dress provocatively to members of the opposite sex. Sheis heavily made-up, with more than a usual amount of jewelry, often fake or of inferior quality.She is practical enough not to waste money on ornaments, saving it for a chance to be free of hercurrent life.

She is unarmed, but currently works on the streets with a pimp who fits the description ofthe Rowdy below.

Kerel, Rowdy. Tough and mean, he is one of a variety of bruisers, ranging from mean drunks,bouncers, bullies, pimps, to the occasional mugger. In his neighborhood, he fills many of theseroles, refusing to specialize. Too lazy, cruel or otherwise unfit for normal work, people like himexist outside of society's rules and benefits. Life for them is often brutal and ending violently.Typically, there are few of the finer emotions in these people, life being a struggle to stay on topof the game and see that no one profits from them. Some of them resent this assumption and tryto rise above it in their personal lives, separating their violent occupations from their innerselves. This fellow is one of those sort, interested in literature and music but possessing a hottemper which can flare up at a moment. He has ended more than one pleasant debate withsmashing the opponent’s head onto a tabletop.

He harbors a lot of resentment for the nobility, and will harass any of that group whocomes into his area, with little concern for his own safety. If seriously threatened, he will getothers of his gang to help out, usually in less than fair conditions. He has been known to pickfights with people who obviously outclass him in combat, just to vent his hatred. He refuses toflee, and even the beatings he takes add to the fear he inflicts on those weaker than him.

He is big and muscular, and wears breeches and a sleeveless. His arms are covered withthe tattoos of a hunter/gatherer, revealing his past occupation. Other points of his body arecovered with piercings and other decorative scarring. He never uses a weapon, making foeshesitate to do so and lessening the chance he will be stabbed or seriously injured. When incombat, he will boast and challenge his opponent to fight him bare-handed.

Tibor Len’gyelth, Myunesa, Stranded Shadow Soldier & Beggar. Usuallycrippled, infirm, or insane, these poor souls live only by the sufferance of others, existing on thestreets and soliciting charity from passerby. Because begging is outlawed in Rebma, theyoftentimes hide their true nature, telling stories or merely being odious or obnoxious enough toforce others to pay them to be left alone. This beggar is not so lucky, a veteran of Corwin andBleys’ assault upon Amber. He was once a denizen of Ri’ik, the Shadow from which Corwinrecruited his short, furry, fanged and clawed soldiery. Blinded by an javelin which struck him inthe temple, he fell overboard and was rescued by Rebman gatherers. He hates it in Rebma, as wetfur is uncomfortable, and he would long to return to his homeland, but it has so far provedimpossible. Being a Ri’ikan, he is treated as a freak, which does not endear the Rebmans to himmuch. In his time in Rebma, he has tried his hand at petty theft or pickpocketing, though rarelywith much success. Harassed regularly by the city guard and oftentimes beaten mercilessly forfun by rough sorts, he has little to look forward to in life. He has translated his onetime fervor forCorwin into a general hatred for all the Lords of Amber and Rebma. He might just jump out of acrowd with a sharpened bit of stone if he thought a Amberite was in front of him.

He is usually naked, as his people frequently go, and has no possessions at all, trying tostay perpetually drunk or under the influence of some narcotic. Those he tends to beg alongsidewith are insane, or amnesiac, though he knows some beggars whose stories could change the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (29)

destinies of kings and queens.

Vars Denon, Uncommited Townsperson. A member of the majority of people who donot have professions or their own business, and work for other such people. He is moderatelywell-paid, and has a family and his own, though simple home. He works at a steady job as a cookin the restaurant Fresh Breath, popular among surface dwellers. Those of his class, which rangesfrom washerwomen to apprentices, make up most of the population of Rebma. They aregenerally obedient and do not want trouble with the city guard or with any outsiders, andrespectfully obey their authorities, unless led by some charismatic leaders to do otherwise.

He dresses in traditional Rebman garb of trunks and tunics of light cloth, sometimeswearing scaled metal for special occasions, and wears a cloak and simple jewelry, ornamentationsuch as wristlets and arm-bands, and a torc. Beneath his cloak, he carries a long, heavy, verysharp knife, which he uses in the kitchen as well as anywhere needed. If pressed into a fight, hewill incapacitate his any normal foe with brutal expediency due to his skill with this weapon.

Though relatively docile, he and other townspeople are not stupid or willing to sufferunduly. There is an unspoken understanding between the rulers and their subjects, that food andbasic necessities for life will be provided or more-or-less available. Unless a leader possessesoverwhelming military force or is in some way believed to be divinely gifted with the right torule, townspeople will invariably turn on the unjust and cast them out. This fellow is relativelynon-political, but should conditions worsen, he might be among the front rank of therevolutionaries.*******************************ENDSIDEBAR******************************************

The Universities & Academies.Next inward from the golden wall which surrounds Rebma are its universities, academies,

schools, and other related institutions. Reserved for those of noble birth and substantial means,these are the places where one learns a formal education, being schooled in literature, history,philosophy, metaphysics, sorcery, dance, etiquette, heraldry, politics, military strategy and adozen other subjects. The Grand University at the juncture of Seabream Lane and the MistralConcourse is the largest and most important, and is where many of the nobility were educated.Their students can be found in many places in the area, debating loudly and boisteriously,inviting all passerby, even unwilling, into their arguments.

The private academies are more equalitarian in their recruitment, allowing any who canafford their tuitions. Here, one might learn fencing, hand-to-hand combat, and other martialskills. Master Twillinger’s Fencing Academy, just off Lamprey Street, is particularly known forits attention to all the martial graces, and includes a lengthy training session above the water forthe unlikely event that a Rebman swordsman will be forced to fight outside the sea. CamdrinSath’s Open Arena is a less refined place where one learns the physical arts of combat, fromwrestling, some bare-handed fighting forms, to full contact brawling. There is usually a slighthaze of blood in the waters above the Arena, and one quickly learns to ignore the taste of sweatin the water. It is a place where anyone can come for sparring or other instruction in the fightingarts, without needing a membership or patronage to be admitted. The Open Arena holds thedistinction of being the place Prince Gerard of Amber always visits on his infrequent trips toRebma. It is near the warehouses, at the terminus of Market Way.

Finally, there are the mighty guild-houses run by House Monemnis, where parents “ sell”· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (30)

their children into apprenticeships to learn honest trades. These places house, train, and educatethe children from entrance to graduation, and then help set them up with loans with which theymay establish their own businesses or take over existing ones from retiring guild members.Among these guild-halls are those for blacksmiths, masons, silver and gold-smiths, armorers,weavers, cooks, artisans, carpenters, stonecarvers, glaziers, swordsmiths, and netmakers. Theguild-hall most associated with the royal family of Rebma is incidentally the smallest and mostselective to enter, the Mirrorwright School, which provides many of the nobility with theirenchanted silvered glass and frames. There are fewer than four Mirrorwrights at this place at onetime, supplemented by a double dozen apprentices who do all the actual work such as annealing,plating the glass with silver, and constructing the ornate frames.


SIDEBAR************************************** Encounters. The members ofthe populace one might meet here are of a more rarified and less varied social class. They rangefrom minor nobles, guards, soldiery, scholars, students, artists, apprentices, and others of the sort.Here are a few likely to be found here:

Cullen, Old Veteran Soldier. One of the infantry of Rebma, this warrior has trained all hislife in the special terrain which surrounds Rebma. Despite his age, he is an excellent, powerfulswimmer and is covered with lean, scarred muscle. His fellow soldiers are the most numerous ofthe Rebman troops, and are used to defend Rebma in times of war. He is somewhat of an unusualsoldier, as most of the Rebman standing army is somewhat out of practice due to the lack ofactual combat experience they get. What they lack in skill, they more than make up in sheernumbers.

He wears a scaled metal kilt and byrnie, and a light open-faced helm, decorated with afantastic, fin-like crest which drifts in the water as he moves. His cloak is short, and bears thesign of the sea-shell, symbol of Rebman’s soldiery. He wears light metal greaves on his legs, andis skilled with short-sword and spear, preferring the Rebman axe, a thin-bladed, curved axebacked with a pick. As a Rebman soldier, unlike most Rebman warriors, he is also skilled withusing a crescent shield, narrow but useful in melee combat.

Laurine, Esoteric Student. Typically found in the boulevards and avenues of Rebma, inher libraries and her inns, this young woman is a daughter of nobility, wealthy and privilegedenough to attend Rebma's fine universities, where she peruses the classics of Rebman andAmberite literature, metaphysics, and philosophy, learns to speak Thari in addition to her nativetongue of Tyree, fences, dances, plumbs the secrets of magic and enchantments, studies Rebmanhistory, and engages in the arts of discourse and debate. She is usually in the middle of a largegroup of other students, debating arcane issues of existence and metaphysics.

She wears a short, plain dark cloak with embroidered collar and trim- the traditional garbfor Rebman universities, each school having a different emblem. Though learning to fence, she isunarmed, and prefers to use her basic skills in Sorcery and Power Words if threatened.*******************************ENDSIDEBAR******************************************

Zoos and Bestiaries.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (31)

Small zoos are to be found in Rebma, with gilded cages containing mysterious fishesfrom many sea-worlds, with trained fish demonstrating their acrobatics in shows regularly eachday. Many of these fish are chosen for their luminescence, and make remarkable shows in thedarker parts of the city. The area also includes a large bestiary of the realm, comprising ofcreatures from the surface which do not care much for their submersion, and caged sea-creatureswhich show off the amazing variety the sea provides. It can be found on, appropriately, the Streetof Wildfish. This bestiary is second only to the private one possessed by House Niobe, whoseLord Morholt has scoured the seas to stock it with a true spectrum of beasts. That bestiary iscontained within their large estate outside of the city, and is available for viewing byappointment only, and only to those who have some connection with the royal house of Rebma.

Still smaller exhibits of wildlife come from the numerous folk who train fish to performfor donated coins. These creatures, usually eels or even small schools of fish, can do tricks andmaneuver around passerby, amazing them and goading them into dropping a few coins in theproferred basin. They can range from tiny luminescent jelly-fish of extreme appearance to largecaged eels. They are often fed by passerby and through their own ability to collect food from theprotein-rich waters in Rebma, so few starve or even seem to notice their captivity.

The Arts District.The Rebman love of the arts is enough to support several small theaters and music halls.

There is a state museum, containing artifacts from Rebma's past, and other smaller galleries fullof the works of Rebman artists, past and present. Understandably, sculpture as an artform takeson greater significance as the premier art in Rebma, though the ever present mirrors are amainstay of Rebman art. Poets and authors read their works aloud in special galleries, in public,and in taverns, earning praise, patronage, applause, and coins, depending on the audience.

Several different forms of expression combining dance and swimming are also known,the performers dressed in eerily flowing streamers and mimicing the movements of certain typesof sea-life, in a cross between ballet and interpretational movement. These “ dances” are highlyritualized, and are done in three-dimensions, the performers rising and sinking in the water asthey dance. Currently, the dance troupe known as the Blue Manta School is in vogue, with theirdancer Veleste Yarmon featured. Their studio is on Coldwater Lane.


Encounters. The streets of this part of town are pretty much reserved for those whoare in some way connected with the arts, or are a patron of them, or want to become one of thetwo. Following is one such soul: Nilange, Resourceful Street Musician. Though poor and of common birth, she makestheir living on the streets with her musical talent, escaping a life of prostitution or labor. Skilledin many aspects of street performance- song, poetry, musical performance, drama, and jest, shecaters her performance to whomever throws money into her bowl. As the arts are encouraged inRebma (so long as they do not defame the royal family in any way), she is allowed to performpublicly without fear of harassment from guards or townsfolk. She frequents many of Rebma'sparks and can be heard singing for coins in seedy bars, or she can be hired by specially-arrangedappointment. She is interested in becoming famous for her art, but would settle for being able to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (32)

eat regularly and sleep in a comfortable bed. Dwelling on the streets allows her to keep her eyesand ears open, and for a modest donation or the right reference, she might be willing to sharewhat she has seen and heard. As such, she is a good barometer of the public disposition.

She wears simple clothing, a long kilt and thick over-tunic, ornamented around the edgeswith various sea-motifs. Though many other bards and musicians wear much finer clothing, shefeels that while the quality of their appearance is often a good measure of the artist's relativewealth and success at their field of work, fine clothing might only emphasize the differencebetween the artiste and the poseur.*******************************ENDSIDEBAR******************************************

Parks and Gardens.The parks and gardens of Rebma are unusual, being full of sea-life and plants carefully

chosen for their beauty and their forms. Graceful towers of coral and exotic-shaped shells ofotherworldly creatures form are some of these living sculptures. Others are like surface gardens,carefully-trimmed plants and bushy sea-weeds in precise patterns. Some of these feature high“ trees” made up of sea-grasses. The most remarkable gardens, public or private, are those ownedby the royal House Voth. One of these is made up entirely of corals chosen for their colorationwhich approximates that of surface plants, and is otherwise identical to a manicured Englishgarden. Another is composed of luminescent corals and plants, and shifts with the color of thetide. The most stark is one made entirely of jade, glassite, and turqouise stone, carven into thesemblance of a garden.

Situated in many places throughout the city, Rebma’s fountains are remarkable affairs, spewing liquid green flame which burns below the water, or in some cases, liquid quicksilver,splashing into mirrored pools. Other fountains are larger affairs meant to be walked through,combining waters of radically different temperatures, colored slightly differently, so that one canexperience the unique stimulation by passing through it. Some of these are meant for children,and send powerful jets of water in a whirlwind course which is as dizzying as it is exciting. Thesecrets of these jets are undoubtedly sorcerous in operation, though a few are wholly natural,taking advantage of the heated waters of submerged vents which are channeled and controlledbefore being released.

The Great Avenue.Largest of Rebma’s streets, this wide boulevard leads from the main gates of the city to

the front gate of the castle itself. Lit brightest, it is also the busiest thoroughfare in Rebma, withall manners of shops and businesses on either side. The shops have, over time, ended up in roughgroupings for the different types of wares. One might find a dozen shops specializing in the samething within fifty paces, from swordsmiths to jewelers, weavers to boutiques full of scavengedtreasures from the sunken ships of a thousand seas. Characters should be able to find almostanything they seek in one of these shops, though the amount of time they spend looking for itwill likely be matched by the lengthy bargain and steep price they will undoubtedly pay.

Also along the Great Avenue are a number of restaurants, bars, and other purveyors offood. Obviously, fish is the primary item on the menu, though there are some places whichspecialize in a wider variety of foods. The menus are comprised of dishes from many of theShadows of Rebma, and range from tasty to almost unpalatable to the surface dweller. The· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (33)

sensation of dining on a fish and seeing others swimming around your table is unusual, but mostRebmans aren’t bothered by the incongruity. The bars and restaurants along the Great Avenueare also noteworthy for being the most expensive in the city, and tend to cater to the nobility andmoneyed folk. A good rule of thumb is the farther one walks from the Great Avenue, the cheaperand less formal the eatery. As many hapless visitors discover, the amount of danger oneexperiences increases with distance, though Rebma’s streets are still far safer than Amber’s backalleys.

A popular establishment for surface dwellers who find themselves in Rebma is The LastBreath, which offers a variety of Amberite wines, ales, and other delicacies. The eatery issurrounded with an enchantment, renewed regularly, which gives the interior of the tavern airinside, rather than water. A crackling fire at the hearth, local musicians, and the smells of roastboar or mutton, along with a small baker’s oven for fresh bread, make the place an dry oasis inthe middle of the sea. Specially-brewed ales are brought down from the surface, and BaronBayle, vintner to the House of Amber, bottles a special red wine for The Last Breath. Theproprieter, Gavin, was one of Oberon’s personal guards in Amber before being stationed inRebma as part of some long-forgotten military action. He fell in love with a local woman,married, and settled in Rebma as owner of its most unusual tavern. Taller than most Rebmans, heis balding and moustachioed, and friendly to most. Gavin is an extremely good source ofinformation about goings-on within Rebma and how they relate to the surface world.


Encounters. If someone is looking for something in particular, this is where they go.Here might be found any number of merchants in their shops, or people trying to sell or buythings from them. It is also the main route through the city, and various nobles might be seenpassing through it, heading towards the Castle or away from it, depending on their fortunes andMoire’s mood that day.

Princess Gabelle, Tragic-Ridden Noble in Exile. Originally in Rebma seeking tradearrangements, she learned via courier that a palace coup had placed her out of power and in exile.With Moire’s permission, she continued to dwell in Rebma, with the provision that she wouldnot seek allies in Rebma or try to mount an insurrection from within the city. Other than thispast, she is very much like other Rebman nobles, save for the fact that she spends much of hertime immersed in her own lamentations or negotiations, and has little connection with the generalpopulace of Rebma, preferring to spend much of her energy in the maneuvers of the Sea-Court,trying to learn news of her home country and gain strength for an eventual return. Even more sothan nobles from Rebma, she surrounds themselves with family members, servants, assistants,couriers, and guards, and is openly curious about the latest gossip, news, or agreements,constantly attempting to befriend and insinuate herself into the Court society. She is very quickto make arrangements to meet any visiting Amberites. Some around her wonder if she is in factin exile, or if she uses the role as an excuse for her machinations in Rebma.

Thora Voak, Cunning and Ruthless Trader. Because Rebma, like Amber, is notknown for its skill in manufacture, and the environment specializes agriculture considerably, hertraders are equally as far-traveled and willing to deal in anything. This woman plies the seas of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (34)

many Shadows and voyages often to the Seven Kingdoms of the Coral Branch, with small fleetsof boats and caravans of sea beasts trained to carry burdens. She knows many of the routesthrough Shadow into the seas, and often brings back incredible items of beauty and value, inaddition to useful things which cannot be produced in Rebma.

She is a rugged individual, a natural leader, and has financial means enough to supporther trade excursions, in addition to the ability to raise financing elsewhere if needed. She speaksmany Shadow tongues including English, French, Phoenecian, Greek, and the Amberite Thari,and has more familiarity with other Shadows than most Rebmans. She is equally at home abovethe water in Amber as in Rebma, and surprises Amberties by showing them to little-known barsand shops they had never noticed. She dressed in long hose and a thick blouse, with a long vestover the top, filled with many pockets full of useful items, currency, and a few daggers andutensils.*******************************ENDSIDEBAR******************************************

The Embassy District.Located in a ring about the Castle Rebma, roughly halfway between the outer wall and

the Castle are the embassies of Rebma’s sister-city Amber, the embassies of the Coral Branchrealms. Each of these embassies is done in an architectural style which represents the Shadow.Recently, Moire has begun to actively recruit ambassadors from other Shadows to set upembassies within Rebma, perhaps as a sign of independence from Amber. These embassies havebeen established as part of lucrative trade arrangements, which, to Amber’s distress, arebeginning to impinge upon its own trade and complicate their own political arrangements withthe selfsame kingdoms. The most recent of the embassies include some from the Golden Circle.

Following is a listing of the embassies within Rebma and a brief description of each,along with the ambassador assigned to the post.

Amber. The largest, oldest, and most important of all the embassies, Amber’s isimpressive, formed of yellow and green marble, bearing above its pillared front entrance the signof the Unicorn, rampant in profile, done in white and gold marble, with massive emeralds for theeye and . It is situated as a reminder to Moire, so that the Unicorn is facing the front of the CastleRebma, the Unicorn clearly visible from all places in the front of Moire’s keep. Inside, a garrisonof Amberite troops wear the colors of Oberon’s green and gold still, despite Random’s ascensionto the throne. This move is a tactful one on Random’s part, undoubtedly at Vialle’s suggestion.The Amber Embassy is one of the few places in Rebma to have an atmosphere of air inside, anenchantment ending the water at the main entrance. It also dries the hair and clothing of thosewho pass through, so that they will not be wet and bedraggled when they have official business.There is an extensive garden planted inside, of the yellow, white, and green flowers similar tothose on Amber’s terraces.

Amber’s Ambassador to Rebma is a woman named Rhadinth Morna, an exact and carefulperson who is especially humorless. She is tall, strong-shouldered, and has a military air abouther despite her lack of any such experience. Her garb is severe and understated, and her gaze hasa way of unsettling even the Lords and Ladies of Amber. Naturally, Random sent her to Rebmato intimidate them.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (35)

The Coral Branch Kingdoms. Rebma’s version of the Golden Circle, theseembassies are among Rebma’s closest allies, other than Amber, and their standards are known toall Rebmans. Trade with these realms is foremost in Moire’s mind, so they will often findthemselves privy to activities which Amber is kept out of. The Coral Branch embassiesrepresented here are those of Hy Brasail, Atlantis, Remhya, the Shining Isle, Ker-Is, BottomCantred, and Lyonesse. Each embassy and the ambassador within is provided in the CoralBranch Kingdoms descriptions in the section on the Rebman Universe.

The Golden Circle Kingdoms. Somewhat to Random’s dismay, Moire has sought herown alliances with the Golden Circle kingdoms in the years following Oberon’s death. Theseembassies are all fairly new, and the ambassadors still unused to the quality of life beneath thewaves. Currently, all of them are somewhat small, save for that of Kashfa, which is largest andnewest.

Begma. A small building made up of the typically rounded, smooth and low-slungBegman architecture, the Begman Embassy is run by the efficient Zarick, onetime ambassador toKashfa and now assigned to Rebma to counter Kashfa’s new ambassadorial presence. His familyis with him- wife Leena and sons Doman and Selth, and they seem content to play the part oftourists in Rebma. Zarick’s true assignment, however, is to seek ways to weaken Kashfa’spresence in Rebma, through whatever means necessary, and he will do whatever it takes tohinder any negotiations between Kashfa and Rebma. In this he has complete license andunlimited funding to drive Kashfa from Rebma, as a means of weakening the kingdom’sconnections to Amber. Zarick suspects that his mission is actually instigated by Kashfan nobilityseeking to reclaim the throne from Rinaldo, but he does not question the intent of his orders.

Kashfa. Newest and largest of the Golden Circle Embassies, Kashfa’s is built along thesame lines as the city of Jidrash, with a large park surrounded by a series of roughly coencentricwalls, which in Rebma serve little protection but are very picturesque. The Embassy itself risesin the middle, high and round, areas of which are still under construction. Beneath the emblem ofKashfa is the Unicorn of Amber, which they venerate and wisely proclaim as their heraldic beast.At the orders of Rinaldo I, King of Kashfa, the masons and surveyors are sparing no effort inmaking the Kashfan Embassy among the most pleasant in Rebma. Sea-grasses simulating the ivyfor which Kasfa is known are being placed on and inside walls, pennants and banners areeverywhere, and statuary are being placed in each of the many circular gardens which surroundsthe Embassy. The Ambassador in charge is Sastian, a childhood friend and capable diplomatwhom Rinaldo sent to numerous Shadow Earth twelve-step seminars to learn the skill ofsalesmanship and the art of the deal. Sastian is feared across the table in political gatherings, butthe Kashfan Embassy is quicky becoming the place for embassy parties and dinners.

Gaiga. Modest and stolid, the Gaigan Embassy is a no-nonsense office where the basicsof politics and negotiations are taken seriously. The ambassador, Thromin Belleras, is a tough-minded veteran diplomat, having served postings in Amber and other Shadow kingdoms.Nearing the end of his retirement, he was sent into Rebma with the intention of easing him out ofthe political arena. Knowing this, he is eager to prove them wrong and wrestle a coup as a grandfinale to his career as a diplomat. What this will be is not clear at this time, but Belleras has a· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (36)

small contigent of spies and informants who keep him posted of events in the Castle Rebma andeven goings-on within the true city of Amber. He will seize any information he can, makingdeals with any nobles he can in exchange for a way to strengthen Gaiga’s relationship withAmber and its place in the power heirarchy. Small, compact, and long-haired, he is deeply tannedand dresses in severe gray and white, with no ornamentation. He usually walks with a staffheaded with the silver tree of Gaiga, their national emblem.

Diega. Known best for its merchantile fleet, the Diegans have reluctantly established anembassy in Rebma, mostly out of the fear that they will be missing out on trade arrangementsrather than any goal of seeing their presence recognized in Amber. They are currently undergoingsomething of a debate back at home whether or not the embassy should be established orwithdrawn, so they currently lease a large building which was once a minor palace, and have leftit somewhat bare of decor. The ambassador in charge is named Larista, a strikingly beautifulwoman in her middle years. With a powerful, capable air about her and a sense of sleepysensuality, Larista is a formidible individual who has proven above each task she has been given.Obviously, the Diegans chose a diplomat who was similar to Moire in temperment, thoughLarista’s past is hidden, and speculation is that she was once a soldier, an assassin, and a queenherself. She and Moire might have become fast friends save for the fact they recognize each otheras dangerous players in the political game.

RELIGION IN REBMAMoire is tolerant and allows many different religions to be practiced in Rebma, though

the official religion of the Rebman royalty is the Church of the Sea-Horse. Other religionsinclude worship of Lir, worship of the Tritons, and of a number of other sea-gods. These aredescribed below:

THE CHURCH OF THE SEA-HORSERebmans revere the Sea-Horse: symbol of their people and city, a delicate creature of

sublime beauty and grace. Obviously, the symbol of this Church is the common Sea-Horse,which, scripture claims is able to appear in several different forms. The first of these is animmense sea-horse, human sized and graceful, pearl-colored, green-eyed, and with a mane ofdrifting silver. The second of these is as the above mentioned, though the color of red coraland sporting a spiral horn similar to that of a narwhal (or Amber's Unicorn). Still another isof a normal horse, galloping beneath the water quickly and with grace.

The image of the sea-horse is found everywhere in Rebman artwork and architecture,carven into furniture, pillars, walls, arches, mirror-frames, and other items of utility anddecoration. Queen Moire's coral staff bears a carving of a sea-horse upon its tip. Because ofthis reverence, all horses are held in esteem in Rebma, and capturing or injuring a sea-horseis punishable by banishment or death.

Sites where the Sea-Horse has been spotted are revered, and shrines are usually builtthere. There is an almost entirely female priesthood of the Sea-Horse, though currently, thechurch is led by a male, the High Priest Aubert. He presides at church functions, and it is hisduty to perform royal marriages or other high religious ceremonies, all of which he performswithin the shrine within the Castle Rebma, a clear message of where the church’s allegianceslie. Only priestesses of the Sea-Horse can perform marriages. Their order is also responsible· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (37)

for the keeping of the legendary Scroll of the Sea-Horse. Only they may read from copies ofit, and interpret it for the laymen. It is supposedly written in an ancient form of Tyree, andtraces the legacy of the Rebman people from their early origins as Tritons to their currentevolution. All of the members of the royal family of Rebma, past and present, are listedwithin its pages. Copies of it, though rare, exist in several different forms, from shark's-hidescrolls to tablets of glassite and pearl.

Speculation in Amber is that like many things from Amber, the Unicorn has cast itsreflection into Rebma, creating a similar symbol for the Rebman people to worship. Thisthinking is regarded as blasphemy and heretical in Rebma, where the priesthood reveres theSea-Horse as a being of power equal in metaphysical significance to the Unicorn.

Pure and beautiful, the delicate Sea-Horse embodies all that the Rebman people feel istrue of themselves. Despite its namesake’s apparent frailty, it is able to survive atconsiderable depths, and despite the name and its form, it has little in common with truehorses. Even if it is merely a watery reflection of Amber's Unicorn, the Sea-Horse has thesame sort of resonance to the Rebman people that the Unicorn does to Amber.

Churches of the Sea-Horse are common, tended by priestesses who preach from thelegendary Scroll of the Sea-Horse. Shrines decorate the places where it has been sighted, andthe fish themselves are revered and declared protected by Queen Moire.

Characters from Amber would likely believe that the Sea-Horse is nothing but areflection of their own Unicorn. The point may be an academic one, however. As in Amber,people swear oaths on the Sea-Horse and quote from the Scroll of the Sea Horse at statefunctions. Sea-Horse priestesses are present within the city and Court, and those who haveseen especially large sea-horses are deemed lucky, as it is a good omen. Disparaging the Sea-Horse, even in an intellectual debate, is considered poor form and in bad taste, as it is also thestate symbol.

Rebmans believe that their patron beast is similar in nature to the Unicorn, a being ofimmense power, difficult to understand and unwilling to explain itself, able to come and go atwill, appear in impossible places and travel into the path of certain doom and swim from it.The Sea-Horse's spiritual antithesis is known as Leviathan, an immense Kraken of ancientevil and vast power, and Krakens (squids, and other octopi) are feared by the Rebman people.

TEMPLES AND SHRINES OF THE SEA-HORSEAs the state religion, the Church of the Sea-Horse has many sites of worship around

the city, often central to neighborhoods and districts. One cannot travel for more than twohundred paces on any street in Rebma without either passing a temple or one of the hundredsof small shrines to the Sea-Horse. These are usually well-kept and seem to attract a higher-than-normal concentration of fish and other forms of sea-life.

Temples. Generally made up of blue, white, or green stone, the temples are simpleand elegant, consisting of one large room whose walls are mostly arches, the meeting of thearches carven into the likeness of a Sea-Horse. The arches themselves are either carven ormosaiced with representations of all the creatures of the sea, beneath the Sea-Horse, as if inreverence to them. These temples are usually quite high, with open ceilings, and have lowbenches upon which worshippers kneel. Hanging from the arches are long pennants whichare made up of a silvery linked material which reflects many colors, similar to the scales of arainbow-hued fish. Services to the Sea-Horse are given daily. They are staffed with· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (38)

priestesses of the Sea-Horse who officiate at the services, offer counsel, and sometimespreside in official matters. One such priestess follows:


Lilaine, Austere and Distant Priestesses. Highly ranked within Rebman society, thepriestesses of the Sea-Horse is revered in Court and in the streets, though her function isgenerally symbolic only, officiating at official holidays and state affairs. The Rebmans arenot a people overly interested in worship and do not attend regular services of the Sea-Horse,despite it being their state religion. The Sea-Horse priesthood is almost entirely female, withmale priests both rare and secretive. This priestess has been sworn to the worship of the Sea-Horse since childhood, first as a temple virgin then as a priestess, and carries considerabledignty.

Like all of her sisterhood, she dwells in one of the few shrines established on siteswhere the Sea-Horse was sighted, and spend her time immersed in magical studies, poringover The Book of the Sea-Horse for revelation, and immersed in the affairs of Court.

She wears a voluminous sea-green robe, heavily decorated with plates of silveremblazoned with the many forms of the Sea-Horse. She carries a staff carven with sea-motifs. She conceals a scrying mirror about her neck, and has a few other magical Artifactssecreted beneath her robes or in her chambers.***********************************ENDSIDEBAR*********************************

Shrines. Much smaller than temples and unstaffed, these small altars and statues aresimple places of devotion thought to be sacred to the Sea-Horse. There are no specialreligious services at these shrines, as they are the places where individuals might stop for abrief prayer or meditation, perhaps only taking a moment while walking by. They are usuallyin neighborhoods or at the corners of streets, and often are used for landmarks when givingdirections. They all bear in some place the likeness of the Sea-Horse. Each shrine is tendedby someone who lives adjacent to it, a position which is assumed as a mark of honor.

LEVIATHANFearsome symbol of the Tritons, Leviathan is a monstrous Kraken, ancient and

enormous. The natural enemy of the Sea-Horse, to the Rebmans it is a formless, sprawlingembodiment of randomness and horror.

The Tritons describe it as a squid-like being, both intelligent and evil, countlessimpossibly-long tentacles flailing out from where it lurks in the darkness of some ancient lairin the darkest of Shadow seas, perhaps even the source of the devouring force of theMaelstrom. Able to destroy entire navies without thinking, this beast has the power to sinksmall continents and make the seas boil with its rage. Blind and mad, it exists only to destroyand to feed, and the dread power which it radiates is the power of utter destruction.

All of this, of course, is from the Rebman's point of view.To know Leviathan and its place in the universe properly and with an unbiased eye,

one must know the Tritons and see how it is to them the embodiment of all which the searepresents. The Rebman Sea-Horse is delicate and beautiful, gentle, and elusive, all qualities· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (39)

ascribed to the sea. Leviathan is the flip-side of that. It is giant, monstrous, destructive, anddark, mysterious and consuming. To the Tritons, Leviathan, like the sea itself, is not evil. Itsimply is. Some of the Tritons consider it their destiny, as it is the largest and greatest of allthe ancient Tritons, grown in power so much that it has become like a god. Other Tritons seeLeviathan as the proto-Triton, from which all Tritons sprang, and through them, it becamethe fount of all life within the sea. As such, it becomes a cycle unto itself, being the source oflife and the cauldron of entropy in one being, beyond any conventional sense of morals oreven judgement.

Leviathan worship has been officially outlawed by Moire, though it is still practicedin secret, with cult members meeting in the ruined temples outside of the city, or in secretshrines within their homes. In some instances, these cults are led by actual Tritons, who haveinfiltrated Rebma and walk amongst the Rebman people in the form of man.

LIR AND THE TRITONSAs the founder of the Rebman race, Lir is still revered by many of the older Rebman

houses, and by venerable Rebmans. Moire does not frown upon this worship, and actuallyencourages it through occasional public offerings and through donations to the few shrines toLir that remain. All of these shrines take their image of Lir as a providor, and the Lord of theSeas, bridge between the Tritons and the human Rebman people. Many of these shrines alsodouble as shrines to the Tritons themselves, with Lir in attendance as chief god above them.A common image displayed in many of the shrines is to see a panel of all the great Tritonsfor whom the Rebman Houses were named in a royal court with Lir throned in the midst ofthem. Despite all this, the worship of Lir is dwindling in recent centuries. Priests of Lir claimthat the faithlessness of the Rebman folk will result in the attention and wrath of their god,who will return one day to wash the waters from Rebma and leave it lifeless to rot in the sun.

Shrines to the Tritons are somewhat smaller, and less formal. They typically consistof a large statue of a Triton, sometimes named, and an altar at its feet, in its arms, or one withits tail curled around, at which offerings may be made. There are few who would considerthemselves priests of the Tritons, though there are many who are their agents in Rebma, andthese places are used as meeting spots.

Other Religions. Moire is surprisingly tolerant of other forms of worship, thoughthey are not recognized as official and are delegated to cult status, despite the popularity ornumber of worshippers. These include a small church and following of the Unicorn inAmber, which Llewella is known to patronize. Along with the Atlantean God of the DarkFace, there are numerous shrines to various sea and fish gods. Among them are Dagon, abatrachian nature-god, sometimes worshipped as a massive, bloated Triton; Poseidon, asupple- muscular sea-god whose golden chariot is also responsible for the sun’s rise and falland the movement of the tides; Neptune, similar to Poseidon, but more a weather-god, with adaughter of whom he is quite protective of; Yob a fish-god whose pacificistic worshipperspractice a ritualized minor variety of cannibalism; and a host of others from other nearbyShadows. These temples, churches, and shrines are located at various places throughout thecity, though enjoy none of the attention and respect which the Sea-Horse worship spots do.Moire is keeping her eyes open for any signs of the Amberite worship which has infested theCourts of Chaos, as she feels it would be poor form to acknowledge their divinity byallowing this religion to take root in Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (40)

THE ESTATES AND PALACES OF THE NOBILITYCastle Rebma is not the only dwelling of royalty within the city. The various noble

families, related to the Queen and the Sea-Court, each have prominent dwellings andinfluence within the city, enforcing many aspects of her wishes amongst the populace ofRebma. These nobles and their families do not live in the Castle Rebma, but in their owndomains outside its walls. There are dozens of smaller palaces and several large andextensive manors which might be considered castles in their own rights, except that thatdesignation is reserved for Castle Rebma. These are equally elegant in some cases, much lessin others, depending on the fortunes of the families.

Following are descriptions of each of the greater noble houses in Rebma, theirleaders, prominent members, their roles within Moire’s Sea-Court, and their estates:

House of Lir.The royal house of the orignal King of Rebma, its semi-mythical founder Lir, who

may have been one of the Tritons. This house is extinct, though there are scholars and scribesin Rebma who claim that if Lir was the Father of Rebma, a representative or child of the Sea-Horse, then all the noble Houses in Rebma are descended from the House of Lir. If Lir is aTriton, bearing those genes and the bloodline of the Leviathan within him, then thedisappearance of the House of Lir is regarded as a victory of the Sea-Horse, as it conquers thebestial remnants of that lineage and makes the folk of Rebma appear more and more humanwith each generation removed from Lir and the prehistory of Rebma. Only Queen Moireclaims direct descent from the House of Lir. All other nobles in the royal family are of otherHouses or are only partly of Lir, and defer to the other families, despite the actual relation.

The Castle Rebma is the official estate of the House of Lir, and all of its associatedgrounds, facilities, and resources are at Moire’s command. The Castle Rebma is described ingreater detail following this section.

House Siomal.One of Rebma's oldest houses, the House of Siomal is known for their staunch

support of the Throne, and their loyalty to Rebma. Dwelling in a series of magnificentbuildings near the Castle, they are present at most functions of State and are often calledupon to assist the Court of Rebma in manners of politics and public opinion. Many of theirline are notable sorcerers, and their library is full of grimoires of all manner, carven upon thinsheets of stone, quartz, glass, bone, and other precious stones, cut thin enough to be near-transparent.

The current head of House Siomal is Astar, a sage of some note, though relativelyunskilled in the arts of magic. He is aged and is very interested in seeing some of hisdaughters and sons married off to various higher-placed nobles in the Sea-Court, and is oftenholding large parties, social events, and banquets just for the purpose of matchmaking hisoffspring to various Rebman nobility.

Lord Astar Siomal is tall and balding, with a long plaited beard set with pearls andwoven with silver. He wears a caftan of glittering blue silk-like scales, trimmed in pearl andsilver, and his cane is also of those precious substances. His most eligible daughters arenamed Serena and Crystal, and are both beautiful. They, however, are less than interested in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (41)

being married off for power, and stories about their attempts to thwart his designs havepublicly embarrassed Astar. He has a son Owen, similarly eligible, who is a poet of somenote, though a bit pretentious about his work, and is generally avoided at society events forfear of impromptu readings.

It is from Siomal that the Lady Moins, onetime consort of Lord Oberon and mother toQueen Moire and Princess Llewella of Amber came, making this the most noble of houses inRebma at this time other than the House of Lir.

House Siomal is perhaps the most prosperous of the Houses, and they have a series oflarge and small estates connected in a line near the castle. Together, the House has halls andguest quarters rivaling even the Castle in their comfort and elegance. Siomal is also knownfor its collection of antiques from the days of and before Rebma's formation, and has a libraryof extensive occult and sorcerous works which many magic users beg to be allowed toconsult. The windows of this palace are all intricately wrought silver portraying a number ofscenes, somewhat like a stained glass window without glass.

House Riadne.From this line have come many of Rebma's mightier warriors. A House of military

bent, the Riadne are the hereditary guards of Castle Rebma, their offspring making excellentand loyal soldiers. Practiced in the arts of war-craft from early childhood, they are amongRebma's finest, a trait they hold with no small amount of pride. Their family crest is thestylized image of a cormorant, a fish-hunting bird with wings outstretched and a catchwiggling in its beak, a magnificent sword held in its claws.

Most of the Castle Guard in Rebma are of House Riadne. The current Lady of Riadneis Vivian. She is, unlike most of her line, something of a mystic, and is reputed to be a seer ofthe future. Uninterested in the arts of war which her family professes, she leaves that aspectof the House to her offspring, spending most of her time languishing upon a low divan,contemplating the visions of the future which are said to parade before her eyes. The swordwhich figures prominently in the House's emblem is hidden, its location and significanceknown only to Vivian.

Her infrequent pronouncements regarding the future are met with fear, and for thisreason, Queen Moire wishes for any of Vivian's prophecies to be kept silent and investigatedby members of the Sea-Court before being announced to the general populace of Rebma. TheLady Vivian possesses average attributes, though her Psyche is undoubtedly higher than mostplayer-characters. Queen Vialle of Amber is from House Riadne, hence her knowledge in theways of war, despite her blindness.

The domain of House Riadne is a venerable estate which is somewhat martial inappearance, with austere decor and suitable defenses and stores and practice yards formilitant activities. Though the current head of the House is a peaceful one, they cannotunmake their history of staunch defense of the Throne and their military background.

House Niobe’s estate is far from City Rebma, and is a beautiful place of twistedtunnels of pale colors and large crystal spheres which resemble air-bubbles caught in a coralreef. The bestiary is similarly designed, and makes up much of the estate. The grounds arepatrolled by mysterious hybrid creatures which are trained to hold all intruders. They arerumored to have several smaller palaces constructed within old ruins, and they do not keep adwelling in the city.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (42)

House Aneries.Considered somewhat lightly by the Sea-Court and the other Houses of Rebma,

House Aneries has lost much of its presence, and most of the current nobles are creatures ofCourt in the worst way, vain and snobbish, interested only in gossip and social events,fashion and in petty manipulation for incredibly low stakes. Dwindling in number, the Housewhich was once known for its sage advice and its political extremism is now little more thana group home for court dandies and courtiers, with somewhat unsavory reputations which dolittle to improve their lot.

The current Lord of House Aneries is a woman named Leda, who might be a wateryreflection of Amber's Princess Florimel, though without Flora's saving graces. The DameLeda (where she got the title is beyond anyone's comprehension) is somewhat plump andmore than a little past her blush of youth, though it is still obvious that she was a veryattractive woman. Heavily made up and squeezed into the latest fashions, she appearssomewhat garish and oftentimes is overly forthcoming in her admiration for male membersof the Court of Rebma (or other Courts, for that matter). If one can put up with her flirtingand the continual drone of her vain twittering, Leda is an invaluable source of Court gossip.Though she appears to talk incessantly, it is an excellent mask for the fact that she neverstops listening...

The manor of House Aneries is an excellent study in the nature of the House itself.Small and uninteresting architecturally, it has been decorated and furnished with anabundance of poor, loud taste. Cluttered with useless bric-a-brac purchased from countlessscavengers, the place has an eclectic air which makes it resemble not so much an estate butthe contents of a large museum being stored in a smaller place, with the staff and curatorsliving amidst it all. Conversations with members of House Aneries inevitibly turn intoshowcases for the various items which are new to the family’s collection.

House Noibe.Known for their excellent bestiary, containing beasts from countless Shadow seas and

from the myriad Reflections of Rebma, House Niobe is nonetheless a somewhat reclusivefamily, preferring to remain out of the Sea-Court and its schemes. They are known for theirscholarship regarding the arts of sorcery and alchemy, and their breeding of mysteriousbeasts has led to many bizarre creations more suited to heraldry than the real world. It isrumored among some that they have made pacts with the ancient Tritons, and this has cursedtheir line.

Many of House Niobe are Shape Shifters, and some bear the marks of their Tritonlineage in a manner far more noticeable than other Rebmans. The current Lord of Niobe isMorholt, an immense figure, something of a giant, with fierce black mustachios and pointedears. He is a noteable warrior, swinging a curiously wrought weapon which is something likea wide-bladed, flat-topped sword, with several spiky protrusions along the blade. Rumorsabound that he is in fact a Triton, and that all of his line are similarly inhuman and of thatancient bloodline.

The bulk of their estates are located outside the city, but they maintain a small manorhouse within the city and put in token appearances there.

House Voth.Recently fallen on hard times, this once-opulent line was known for their magnificent· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (43)

sea-gardens, which have slid into disrepair since the lassitude which has stricken the House'sLord Hessel. With the death of his young bride in childbirth, he has retreated from the world,spending his days locked in his tower which overlooks the City Rebma, watching andwishing... The servants continue to present him with meals, which are returned uneaten orbarely picked-at. Once handsome and noble of bearing, Hessel has slid into madness, lettinghimself imagine an alternate world where his wife did not die and instead lives alongside himhappily. His experiments towards discovering this alternate world resulted in the confiscationof his enchanted mirrors and an edict forbidding him to exit Rebma. Little is spoken of thefate of the replacements for his lost Odessa who were not "real" enough for Hessel's taste.

The offspring of the fateful birth was a pair of twins, Kelvin and Loriette by name,who are in their late teens and are inseparable. Both have dark skin and black hair, Kelvin'scut short and Loriette's long and flowing, and their eyes are hazel. They both have similarfeatures and are very attractive. Kelvin's colors are grey and green, Loriette's blue and white.Rumor has it that they possess some form of empathy which allows them to speaktelepathically to each other. They are very interested in affairs of Court, and wish to explorethe world outside Rebma. Either would be a wonderful potential spouse for a player-character, though the jealousy it would create in the other might make things difficult.

House Voth owns other gardens within the city, and those that need it are well-kept,but the one surrounding the estate is sadly outgrown. There is little to the manor house savefor a slender high tower and four rings beneath it, each meeting at the base of the tower. Theestates have not been visited by any other nobles, and the number of servants passing throughthe gates each day dwindles. What mysteries or tragedies might lie within those walls?

House N'realle.Something of an enigma, this House's members are interested mainly in becoming a

sort of an "everyman's" family, lowering themselves in status to the level of commoner.Taking a cue from their matriarch's disdain over things noble or even status-conscious,members of N'realle tend to dress commonly and absent themselves from the affairs of theSea-Court, spending their time in the markets and gathering places of Rebma, preaching analmost socialistic doctrine which advocates the overthrow of the royal family.

This has not been overly well-tolerated in Castle Rebma, and various members of theHouse have met their deaths in the dungeons of the Castle, and some are still imprisonedthere for daring to speak against Queen Moire. Currently, the official position is to simplyignore them, rather than making them martyrs. They have been warned not to threaten theroyals, which they more-or-less comply with, though occasionally they break this rule andtransgressors are punished for it.

The leader of House N'realle is Orane, who disdains the hereditary title which comeswith her station. She is a beautiful woman, young and fiery, dressing in the scaled trunks andcloak common to the people of Rebma. If she thought she would have a chance against Moireand the royals, she would lead the people of Rebma into revolution in a second. Her olderbrother Cadell, who languishes in Castle Rebma's dungeons, is thoughtful and contemplative,a minstrel who composed a ballad which offended the Queen. He has been turned into afigurehead for the family's resentment of the Rebman nobility.

As a clan which prides itself as being representative of the common folk, HouseN’Realle does not have a proper estate, but instead maintains a small neighborhood in whichall of their members have homes. The homes are all connected in some way, through tunnels,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (44)

open adjacent windows, or through raised walkways above the street level. These homes areall fairly modest, but are in excellent repair. The neighborhoods are quite safe.

House Monemnis.Famed as traders and explorers, this House has been host to a long line of merchants

and pioneers, figures out of legend who blazed trails though Shadow and found paths throughthe reflections of Rebma. A colorful family, their exploits make up the foundation of manyballads and children's stories. Their reputation is well-earned, for their wares are exotic andunique, and they are often the setters of fashion when their ships and traders return fromtrading voyages.

They maintain an active trade with merchants above the sea, and are among thegreatest importers of Amber's goods. Most merchants in Rebma pay them some sort oftribute, willingly or no, and the trade and merchant guilds are almost entirely made up ofmembers of House Monemnis. They do not have a de facto leader: instead, their direction isdecided by all of the adult members of the family, who vote equally on issues of policy andHouse decisions. Currently, there are seven of the House in the guiding circle, with manyothers who have married into the House filling the various guilds which rule Rebma'smerchants.

Many of the more prominent members of House Monemnis disappeared into theSargasso Sea with Moire’s older son Nestor, as part of an expedition to explore and passthrough that expanse of vine-choked sea.

House Monemnis keeps their quarters in and about the mercantile areas of the city,and their homes often overlook the markets. They are well-appointed villas, often stockedwith many extremely valuable and curious objects d'art. These are also adjacent to thewarehouses, which are guarded and patrolled by their soldiers. They maintain one large estatewhich is used for family meetings and guests.

House Florian.Hereditary priests of the Rebman nobility, this House is closely affiliated with the

Church of the Sea-Horse, and their leader is also the High Priestess of the Sea-Horse. Manyof the line join the priesthood, and since celibacy is not a requirement, the vocation is oftenpassed down among familial lines. House Florian claim to be the descendants of the firstRebman to speak with the Sea-Horse, and his words are those in the Book of the Waves, anancient volume detailing the Sea-Horse's connection to Rebma and the formation of Rebma.It is said that the pages of this book are mirrored, which only an adept of Rebma's magicalmirrors can read.

The current High Priest of the Sea-Horse is Aubert, who is described in the section onServants and Savants of the Sea-Court.

As the House most closely connected with the worship of the Sea-Horse, most ofHouse Florian are in fact priestesses or acolytes of the Sea-Horse, and dwell in the temples ornear the many shrines. House Florian has one small estate outside of town on a site where theSea-Horse was reputedly sighted.


SIDEBAR********************************* Encounters: Nobles, soldiers,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (45)

guards, servants, and all that might be found accompanying them can be met outside andinside their estates. Here is one example of the types to be found here:

Bowen, Hopeful Servant and Possible Bastard Prince. Every sort of servant canbe found in Rebma, from elegantly groomed and pampered servants of the Sea-Court, toillegal slaves within the lower quarters of the city. They are essential to most noble families,serving for money, from loyalty, or out of fear. Cooks, dressers, messengers, butlers, maids,waiters, and more serve the royals and wealthy in a variety of fashions. Some of they have itgood, with decent food, quarters of their own, and responsibilities, while many are treatedlike animals, beaten merely to amuse their employers, routinely humiliated and ignored.Some servants are even pressed into relations with their masters, willingly or forcibly, andbastard children of servants and nobility are common. In some of them, it is possible, run theblood of the royal house, and the ability to walk the Reversed Pattern of Rebma.

This servant believes that he is among those few, bastard child of a Rebman noble orperhaps even a visiting Amberite. All his life, he has felt different from his fellow servants,and some have commented on the way he carries himself as being above his station. If giventhe chance, he will aid any noble in subterfuge, always seeking the opportunity to place hisfoot upon the Pattern in Rebma and claim his birthright.***********************************ENDSIDEBAR*********************************· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (46)

CASTLE REBMAWe were taken to the palace in the center of the city, and I knew it as my hand knew the

glove in my belt. It was an image of the palace of Amber, obscured only by the green andconfused by the many strangely placed mirrors which had been set within its walls, inside andout.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 69)

All important visitors who come down the stairway Faiella-bionin are brought to theCastle, as are many captives and even those whose ships have sunk in the waters near Rebma.Down the wide, turning, torch-lit avenue which runs from the city gates, one is ushered straightinto the Castle Rebma, and then into the throne room where Queen Moire keeps court.

Taking the slow route, however, if allowed freedom to roam within the castle walls,through its many chambers and corridors, will reveal a vast and wondrous place, full of mysteryand magic, with its alien beauty and the ever present display of Rebma’s majesty.

The Front Gates.From the Great Avenue, one comes directly to the front gates of the grounds of Castle

Rebma. This main gateway is tall and narrow, the massive doors made of dark basalt, shotthrough with veins of pearl and gold. Embossed on the front of these doors is the symbol of theRebman people, a stylized sea-horse. The doors are usually opened, and are watched by a scoreof soldiers who are somewhat more heavily armed and armored than the typical Rebman soldier.Their green and silver greaves and vambraces are etched with scales and bear sharp fins, andtheir helmets are formed after the heads of Tritons. Clad in scaled breeks and cross-straps ofmetal links, these guards are armed with long spears and short clam-hilted swords.

The guards are spaced around the Castle’s high outer walls, in cupolas set into roundcolumns with spiral stairways within to allow for swift movement from the base of the walls tothe tops, which are wide enough for three men to walk abreast on. The guards on the tops of thewalls are similarly armed and armored, though each has a small quiver at his post with a score ormore of light javelins for throwing.

Able to be closed and bolstered by several crossbars at once, the front gate is able towithstand considerable force before giving way. On either side and above the gates, though, aresquat columns, hollow inside like the others, with numerous vantage points from which one canthrust long-bladed spears made ready solely for that purpose.

Defending the Castle. Though swimming over walls might seem easy, and anunderwater fortress simple to overcome, quite the reverse is true of Castle Rebma. The walls andthe forces upon them have proven effective thus far. The effort to swim over the high wallshampered by weaponry and armor is considerable, and the scores of guards with an inexhaustiblesupply of spears, javelins, and long pikes to bar the way make the high path into the castledifficult if not impossible. Typical siege weapons such as catapults and balista are rendereduseless, and Moire’s command of the Jewel of Judgement enables her to control the currents ofthe waters above the castle, repelling invaders much as Eric’s weather control decimated Corwin· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (47)

and Bleys’ invasion force.Of course, there hasn’t been the need to defend the castle since the days of the wars

between Amber and the Tritons in Rebma...


Encounters. Outside the front gates and atop the walls, one might find several differenttypes of folk either leaving the Castle, waiting to enter it, or standing watch to see that eachknows their place and acts accordingly.

Garrick, Headstrong Young Castle Guard. Hand-picked from the cream of theRebman military for their skill and their loyalty, this fighter is among Rebma's best warriors, andhe knows it. He’s loyal without fault to the nobles in the Castle Rebma and particularly, hisQueen, but is beginning to see the all-too-human side to his betters, giving him a more honestappraisal of those he protects. He is rash and will jump into a quarrel without hesitation if hefeels it is part of his duty, sometimes before knowing the realities of the situation.

He wears scaled trunks and light armor on his shoulders and chest, a short green cloak,and cross-braces. At his side is a short, wide-bladed sword and a specially designed combinationof crossbow and spear gun which works underwater. Though he is normally a guard for theinterior of the castle, he has taken extra duties to cover some gambling debts incurred early in hissojourn as a castle guard.***************************************ENDSIDEBAR********************************

The Outer Ward.Also known as the Bailey to the castle’s denizens, the grounds within the Castle’s outer

walls and the Castle itself are large and boast many sections, divided by several smaller wallsand differing in elevation. The gates inside the outer wall are able to be closed and are lightlyguarded, though only with a single or two guards at each entrance.

Gardens. Various features of the Castle grounds are its many small and large gardens ofdifferent fashions and styles. They vary from delicate, living coral gardens of astonishing colorsand forms, to gardens of various sea-grasses, small colored sea-plants which are the equal of anyflowerbed above the waters, elegant sculpture gardens of stone and marble statuary from a dozenworlds, and the elegant, eerie carven columns of Triton architecture. Low benches; gazebos;pillars; arches; fountains gushing quicksilver and other colored liquids which do not mix with thewaters around them and ponds of the same fluids; low tables; marble game-boards set into tablesand onto the ground; small pavilions; small Sea-Horse shrines; a maze of high, narrow ornatemetal grills and gates; delicate and wanton chimes hanging from high tree-like sea-plants; statuesof Tritons, mermaids, humans, fish, undines, krakens, dolphins, and a hundred other sea-creatures- all of this is to be found within the many wonderful gardens of the Castle Rebma,which many claim to rival Amber’s in their beauty, and surpass them in exoticism.

Throughout all these areas of the Outer Ward, the full spectrum of sea-life may be foundswimming, flitting, floating, diving, drifting and darting around the obstacles and castle’sresidents. They seem to congregate more in the Outer Ward than in any other area of Rebma, andthus visitors and natives alike are constantly aware of the presence of the sea around them and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (48)

the spectrum of life it possesses.


Encounters. All manner of servant, courtier, noble, and visitor find themselves withinthe gardens. One might find a group of off-duty guardsman dicing in a small cupola, childrenplaying within the maze, or young lovers meeting clandestinely within the coral gardens. Amongthe more striking of the visitors is Dahaut, who spends much of her time practicing her art, songand harp echoing alone in the quiet of the gardens.

DAHAUT- Minstrel of Rebma.Surpassingly beautiful and serene beyond measure, Dahaut is the daughter of a noble

Rebman who was adopted by the Court to become Princess Scylla's maidservant, and eventuallyrose to become Court Minstrel. She was educated within the Sea-Court, and knows many of thenobles. Dahaut knows all of the olden ballads, and many of the songs of Amber as well. She hasa silvery voice, and is rumored that she has the musical gift of the Sirens, who are able to leadmen to their destruction.

With long, straight hair of an odd, dark silvery-grey, Dahaut is distinctive for her beauty.Her eyes, also silver, are large and seem to reflect some inner sorrow-tinged peace. She dressesall in a sleeveless gown of black and shimmering sea-grey, and on her arms and are bands ofsome reflective black stone. Her hair is bound in a silver fillet. It's likely that she knows a varietyof Power Words which are characterized as phrases of song or musical notes.***********************************ENDSIDEBAR*************************************

Stables. Another area of the Outer Ward is reserved for a series of stables inside whichone might find a large variety of sea-creatures willing to bear riders and trained to do so, andsurface horses from Amber and other Shadows, accustomed to the undersea environment. Manyfamous horses from Amber have been stabled here, from Eric’s Drum, Benedict’s Glendemming,Julian’s Morganstern, to Oberon’s own mount Ash. Notable steeds from Rebma include Moire’smysterious sea-green mount Talagine, Llewella’s Kelpie-bred Moss, and other mounts strangeand common.


Following are descriptions of Moire’s and Llewella’s mounts. Some suggested Powersand Qualities for each of them, though they have not been written up as actual Creatures. It mightbe that they are exactly what they appear to be, like Eric’s horse Drum. Sometimes, a horse isjust a horse.

Talagine, Moire’s Horse. This beast was bred out of Shadow-seas for its speed and itstemper, and is both quick and powerful. Sometimes green, sometimes gray, sometimes blue, thehorse is high with slender limbs and a long, supple body which is scaled rather than haired.Talagine’s mane is a mass of wispy fin membranes, as is its tail. The eyes of this strange horseare like pearls, and bubbles creep from the gills aside its neck as it regards the stable hands withmore than animal intelligence. Talagine is much more comfortable below the waves than above· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (49)

them, but can breathe air for those journeys. Moire has taken it on many Hellrides, and it mighthave some ability to traverse Shadow on its own. The creature is likely to be a shape-shifter, aswell.

Moss, Llewella’s Horse. Gray and white, the horse is named for the texture of its maneand tail, which are kinky and tightly curled, black and greenish-grey. Black eyed, this creature ismore than mere horse and boasts some Kelpie bloodline, though none of the treachery they areknown for. Small and supple, this horse is equally at home on dry ground as underwater. Moss isa veteran of several Hellrides. It’s possible that the creature is actually a powerful waterelemental rather than being a mere horse, with the abilities that undines possess. In this case, it’slikely that Llewella has Conjured the horse into existence.***********************************ENDSIDEBAR*************************************

The Craftsmen’s Quarter and the Castle Storehouses. Nearest the back of theCastle, and perhaps the most defensible area of the Outer Ward is the area given over to the royalstores, containing raw foods and materials for use throughout the year or during a protractedsiege. It is also home to a variety of crafter’s quarters and work spaces who work directly for theCastle, rather than contracting their services out the way many of the city’s crafters and artisansdo.


Encounters. The area is rife with servants, crafters, laborers, messengers, theirfamilies, and the like. It should seem to be the busiest area of the Castle, with goods being movedand taken from storage, various sounds of activity, bustling with conversation and assembly. Thework spaces are somewhat cramped and jammed together in what seems to be a small village ofstone sheds and homes with workshops on the first floor. Turning into one of these might bringone face to face with this character...

MYLES- Master Armorer and Weapon Smith.Huge, bald, bereft of even eyebrows and lashes, Myles is always found within the forges

of Castle Rebma, hammering away at some scrap of metal until its true nature is revealed to him,at which point he will use it or discard it and begin again. Skilled in metalworking, he crafts thefine swords, spears, and other weapons used by the castle guard, and the rudimentary armor wornby the Rebman warriors. His skin is always a bright red from the water which boils around hisforge, and his eyes are dark and squinted. Thick-bodied and muscular, his neck is the thicknessof many men's waists. He is a professional in his work, able to imbue a sort of life into theweapons he crafts, and welcomes any new challenges. In a moment's notice, he can size up awarrior and tell them what is wrong with their stance, how they might wear their armor better,and what fighting styles and weapons would be appropriate for their build and physicalcondition. Though he claims never to have been a warrior himself, he has spent enough timearound them, creating and repairing their armor and weapons to know what he is talking about.******************************ENDSIDEBAR*****************************************· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (50)

Practice and Dueling Grounds. To the side of the storehouses and the crafter’squarters is a large, flat area of simple large cobblestones. This is where the castle guard come topractice and to assemble for instructions, and is always the site of at least one pair of sparringguardsmen. Targets adorn the walls of one corner of the practice yard, suitable for thrownjavelins, spear guns, or other thrown weapons. To one side is a small circular track in whichjousting dummies can be assembled and placed for training in horsed combat, though this meansof warfare is uncommon in Rebma. In several cabinets and racks along the sides of the practicegrounds are blunt swords, sparring armor and helmets.

The Castle Rebma.Castle Rebma has been modified over the centuries, changing form and expanding to

meet a larger family of royals and to reflect its more human denizens. The mirror-imageresemblance to Amber’s own castle, which has undergone its own series of independenttransformations over the years is a curious feature, one which is likely to be linked to thePattern’s influence. This extends only so far as the castle’s layout and size, as the architectureand appearance is a synthesis of Rebman and Triton design, and would look as out of placeabove the water as Amber’s castle would look in Rebma.

Similarities aside, Castle Rebma is unique in many ways, the least of which is thesubmerged theme which runs throughout its walls. There are also the mirrors which oneencounters wherever one ventures within the castle’s walls, which are completely unlike Amberin any place other than the Corridor of Mirrors, a feature shared by Castle Rebma. The fishfloating past, the eerie green light, and the way sound travels, twists, and stops within the castlewalls makes it seem completely unique. Mysterious and dreamy, the high vaulted corridors, thenumerous rooms of all sizes and purposes cannot help but to fill visitors with a strange awe thatsuch a place could exist beneath the waves, lit only by the ethereal torchlight.

In terms of layout, the castle’s first floors are given over almost entirely to servants,facilities and public chambers such as the throne room, great hall, library, the Sea-Horse shrine,and the kitchens. The guards and servants are housed on these floors, as well. Above these firstfloors are the quarters of the members of the Sea-Court and other rooms reserved for nobles andprivileged guests. Also among these suites are nurseries, small meeting rooms, game parlors, andother chambers. There is a smaller dining hall here, with a view of the entire city. The upperfloors are given over almost entirely to Moire and Llewella’s chambers, and other exclusivechambers. Behind the throne is a chamber which leads to a large cavern beneath the Castle, thenthe dungeons and finally the room which houses Rebma’s reversed Pattern. Several towers stemfrom parts of the castle, and these are set aside for a variety of uses.

Entrances. There are four major entrances to the Castle Rebma, one for each cardinalpoint. There are other, smaller ones, as well as some secret passages in and out of the castle, butthe main four are the ones most people use.

The north entrance, facing the Great Avenue, is the main entrance, and there is a specialarch-covered, torch-lit thoroughfare leading from the front gates to this entrance. With formal orinfamous guests, the thoroughfare is lined on either side with Rebman guardsmen standing atattention, resplendent in their lacquered and scaled armor. The north doors are smaller than themain gate, and are less secure, but are always guarded by a pair of Moire’s finest warriors.Looming above them are two columns to either side of the door, carven in the semblance of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (51)

Tritons each with one arm extended across the door top supporting a large globe, within whichswims a furtive light. This sphere of luminescence was left from the Tritons, and has nevergrown dim.

The east and west entrances are nowhere near as grand, and serve mainly as informalways into the castle for servants and retainers so that they might visit the gardens, grounds orstables without needing to circle the entire castle to reach those areas. Each is watched by a soleguardsman who is more often asked to forget who has passed through the entrance than toremember.

Behind the castle, the rear entrance is larger and wider, used for bringing larger shipmentsof supplies and goods into the castle. Wide enough to allow a small wagon to be brought into thedock-like area immediately inside the entrance, these doors are guarded more closely, due to thelarge number of servants and laborers passing through, and the opportunity to bring a larger forcethrough. The “ dock” inside this area leads directly to the servant’s quarters, the kitchens and theinternal storehouses.

Decor & Architecture. The castle is decorated in a number of styles from the centuries ithas been inhabited. Obviously, the underwater theme is the strongest motif in the castle, but it isnot the only type of decoration which adorns the many walls, corridors, and chambers of theCastle Rebma. Much of the treasures which decorate the Castle Rebma are those taken from thetimbers of broken ships, from the clutches of rime-soaked corpses, rescued from the eternal stilldarkness of the sea-floor. Inside the walls of the castle is a trove of precious artworks fromRebman artisans, which include sculpture, mirror-constructs, bas-reliefs, mosaics, tapestries ofgleaming scales, scintillating gems, linked shells, or metal wires of a hundred alloys.

From the bold to the subtle, the Castle Rebma is a living museum, offering both the fruitsof local and nearby artists to those of Amber, Shadow, and even the long-vanished Tritons. Hereone might find a cabinet displaying a priceless collection of crystal dishes and glassware fromAtlantis, while another shelf shows an arrangement of eerily shaped bangles given Moire by theR’em’hyan ambassador. Display cases of treasures, trophies and artifacts are all over the castle,small and large, locked and open. Nets and ropes of red and brown have been placed upon thewalls and ceilings throughout, set into silver rings and used to display the many objects d’art, andto pull oneself through the castle’s corridors with greater ease.

From the floor to the ceiling, the Castle Rebma is patterned in beautiful mosaics. Evenfloors are done in complex arrangements doing justice to the bricklayer’s art. In many place,even the walls and door-frames are done in elaborate frescos and bas-reliefs. This decoration isnot commonplace throughout the castle, and despite the large amount of materials mentionedbelow, Castle Rebma is not jammed wall-to-wall with ornate and overblown junk. Rooms aredone in themes, and care is seen that each of the chambers is not too busy, or that corridors aren’tlined from end to end with display pieces. Evenly spaced throughout the castle, entire days canbe spent wandering its confines and gawking at the myriad of treasures displayed within.

The most noteworthy element of Castle Rebma, is, of course, the mirrors which adornmany of its walls, inside and outside. These mirrors are in all sizes, shapes, and forms, ornate andplain. They hang in all possible places and some otherwise. Some mirrors can be seen upon highceilings, or even set into the middle of floors. They shine from high upon high walls, or reflectonly darkness from places within closets. There is no apparent pattern to their placement, andoutsiders often comment that it is as if they set themselves in either random places, or as part ofan elaborate scheme which cannot be glimpsed from any single vantage point. Adding to this· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (52)

mystery is the fact that sometimes the mirrors move, appearing and disappearing in differentplaces throughout the castle, or elsewhere. Some famous mirrors have been long-lost, and othersthrough destroyed have reappeared undamaged. It’s a riddle that perplexes visitors the residentsalike.

Furniture in Rebma is mostly fashioned of metal, cloth, or stone, as few woods are denseenough not to float away, or resistant to the ever-present nibbling of hungry barnacles or othersea-creatures. Bright colors and elaborate patterns seem to be the norm beneath the sea, in colorswhich would clash and glare brightly in sunlight, but instead seem to glow with the greentorchlight. Rebma’s military strength and the history of its skirmishes with Amber are well-illustrated by the displays of arms and armors, functional and otherwise. Racks of spears adornsome walls, while shields bearing a hundred crests of long-forgotten knights line walls,interspersed with their blades and armor they wore. Some of the more notable warriors arecommemorated in busts, their warlike accouterments next to their visages. There are someoutstanding items for viewing, including a suit of armor made entirely from shells, the shield thebroad topmost shell of a crab. Finned and scaled helmets, breastplates, and gauntlets stand,assembled, on mannequins or armatures. The most unusual class of this paraphernalia are theweapons and armors worn and abandoned by the Tritons. Helmets, greaves, swords, spears, andtridents all show the Triton stamp, and human-sized copies have been popular for manycenturies. These baroque and oversized arms are among the more notable of the collection,showing the size of the ancient forefathers in a way that even the most descriptive history cannot.Among them are some weapons made of the mysterious and precious metal oricalchum,displayed alongside the rest of the other rare and wondrous war-gear.

One of the ways that the castle differs from Amber’s is the way the sea-life is displayed.While a wall in Amber would be covered with the pelt of a dire wolf, or griffon, the walls ofRebma would show delicate cages holding schools of phosphorescent, darting fish, while outsidethe cages, larger predators swim in lazy circles, hoping that one of their prey might slip throughthe links of their cage. The majority of the windows in the Castle Rebma are octagonal or round, and most ofthem are tinted in different shades of ochre and blue, but many of the windows are not sealedwith glass at all. Instead, they are metal gates, ornate bars, and trellises shaped in many patternsboth simple and complex. Most of the windows of the castle have cushioned seats or benches attheir lower sills, so that the denizens of the keep may look across the majesty of the castle’sgrounds, its gardens, the interior courtyards, and the torchlit splendor of the city which slopesabove it. The castle’s unusual position at the lowest point of the city guarantees that it has aspectacular view, from which every window shows a galaxy of tiny stars, each of which is astreet light, constellations shaping the map of the city in green and yellow beacons.

Doors in the castle are mostly a formality, and are somewhat rare. Instead, metal gates arethe norm, allowing sea-life free access throughout the castle, and keeping the cleansing currentsrunning along its corridors. Other doors are closed by a variety of means, from hanging chains,strings of beads or tiny shells, loose-linked screens of meshed mail, to weighted curtains withdesigns cut into them. The quarters of the Sea-Court and the doorways beneath the castle areamong those which are set with solid doors and locks.

The Servants’ Areas. Nowhere near as opulent as those quarters of the nobility upstairs,these are nonetheless surprisingly pleasant compared to the wretched conditions of manymedieval servants’ quarters above the waters. Simple and a bit austere, there are larger bunk· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (53)

areas for the various single courtiers and servants, and smaller suites for families and favoredretainers. Personal servants, pages, squires and ladies in waiting usually live in their own roomshere, or in small chambers as part of the suites of the more prominent members of the Sea-Court.The household of visiting nobility are sometimes allowed to stay among the Castle servants if itis inconvenient to quarter them with their masters. As Moire encourages servants to marryamongst each other and to train their children into service of the Sea-Court, there are no smallnumber of children about, and a special nursery has been set aside specifically for the children ofthe help, watched for by servants either incapacitated due to pregnancy or age.

The kitchens and laundries are connected to these quarters, and bell-pulls are distributedthroughout the dining chambers and noble quarters to alert any servants that their services areneeded by a member of the nobility.


Encounters. This area is where one would summon a servant from, and in many ways,is the nerve center of the Castle, the place by which all gets done, though few members of theSea-Court have a clear idea of what the servants’ chambers are like, so great is the separationbetween the classes. However, it remains the best place to go to learn what is really happeningwithin the Castle, and maids and cooks alike will pass the long days and tiresome duties alongindulging in the universal pastime of such servants, gossiping about the goings on of their lordsand ladies.

BERYL- Head of the Castle Servants.Appearing to be older than anyone in Rebma, Beryl is the head of the servants in Castle

Rebma, and has never been seen outside the Castle itself. Some in the Sea-Court wonder if Berylis even aware of the world outside the Castle, but they must admit that her knowledge of theinterior of Castle Rebma is incomparable. Responsible for the pay and duty assignment ofvarious servants, maids, valets, menservants, cooks, kitchen waifs, stable hands, carpenters,tailors, and other underlings, Beryl can make the difference between a pleasant experience in theCastle and a hellish one by her choice of servant for each duty and the speed to which she placesthem.

Ancient and immense, she is clad in dark green robes and her white hair is bound in ablack and silver net. She appears to be vacant-eyed and senile, constantly letting her voice driftoff in the midst of sentences then beginning with anecdotes which go nowhere, but behind that isa razor-sharp mind which pays close attention to all the details of those who visit the Castle,being able to make astute deductions about their habits and personality. Visitors who she takes aliking to (those who show her proper courtesy and respect) will be assigned the best service theCastle Rebma has to offer. Those who do not meet her standards will find their quartersinfrequently cleaned, cleaned too often for comfort, messages delayed or lost, and might even getlost if they ask her directions. Though she has been upbraided by Moire for this behavior, itcontinues to this day.

As far as knowing what's going on in the Castle, Beryl is the one to ask, knowing exactlywho is present, where they are, what they're doing, and who they might be doing it with.**********************************ENDSIDEBAR***********************************· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (54)

Guards & Guardrooms. The guards of Rebma inhabit the castle on many floors and inmany rooms throughout, unlike many of the servants who are centered in their quarters. Smallguard-rooms are located in many places within the castle, with at least four on each floor, savefor the upper level where the Queen dwells, where a single post is all that is allowed. Thesechambers are cramped and spartan, however, little more than overlarge closets with bunks withinthem, and small cabinets for personal effects. On call at all times, the guards sleep in their armor,which is not so uncomfortable as it would be above the water. In other parts of the castle’s lowerlevels, there are areas reserved for the training of Rebma's guards, and gymnasiums for themartial sports which can be done indoors, used by nobility and defenders alike. These roomshave practice armor, fencing visors, blunted weapons of all make and design, and floors marredwith numerous weapon-scratches.


Encounters. At any hour of the day, one can find a small group of guards practicing theirsword-play, or wrestling, and they are always eager to spar with a visiting noble, as it isconsidered both a mark of distinction and a privilege. They increase in vigor when their captainis around, for she tolerates few slackers among her command. If encountered with a group ofguardsmen, she will be giving them pointers on weapon skills and the craft of being alert to allpotential threats to the nobility.

NEMAIN- Captain of the Castle Guard.The castellan and war-captain of Castle Rebma, Nemain is a fearsome fighter, perhaps

greatest in all Rebma. A native Rebman by blood, she has served the family for centuries as asoldier, then general, and is now entrusted with the defense of the Castle Rebma and the trainingof its guards and the young royals. She inherited the position from Kulwir, former Captain andher mentor. She has the Triton blood within her, for her frenzy in battle is considerable, and shebecomes a terrible and beautiful thing to behold at times of war. She is a Shape Shifter.

She stands almost six feet tall and is lean and muscular. Black eyes peer out from beneathrising brows, and her hair is the color of indigo. Nemain has a sharp face, scarred and seamedwith experience, and her hair is bound back into a long tail which wraps about her shoulderswhen she is not in battle, draping to below her ankles when informal. No one has seen her with ithanging loose. She wears dull, black scaled full-body armor at all times and is usually withinreach of her spear, a magnificent barbed weapon of considerable weight and length. Her upperlegs are bare, and greaved from the knees down.

Nemain's Warfare Rank should be very high, perhaps even above some of the player-characters. It's even likely that she trained any Rebman player-characters in the ways of fighting.Other Attributes such as Strength and Endurance are likely to be at least Amber Rank. Shedreams of crossing weapons with Benedict or Julian, if only in sport...

Nemain's Artifacts.Nemain’s Armor [7 Points]- Normally black, Nemain's armor is able to shift its color,chameleon-like, mimicking the color, texture and even patterns, of her background, enabling herto hide when necessary. A scaled hood completes the disguise. It can also adapt itself toaccommodate any new forms she might assume.

-Resistant to Firearms [2 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (55)

-Self-Healing [1 Point]-Limited Shape Shift [4 Points]

Gae Bulba, Nemain's Spear [6 Points]- This spear, eight feet long, is weighted at one end andbarbed wickedly at the head. It is able to stop movement through Shadow if affixed in the bodyof a target, which the barbs ensure. Removing the spear does extra damage, but frees the subjectto move through Shadow, if able. Such a weapon seems designed to trouble Amberites and otherShadow-shifters. For this, Nemain makes no apologies.

-Deadly Damage [4 Points]-Shadow "Anchor" [2 Points]- While unable to move through Shadow on its own, it is

capable of "anchoring" a target within the current Shadow they are in, if the weapon is stuck intobody tissue.**********************************ENDSIDEBAR***********************************

The Great Hall. The most majestic chamber within Castle Rebma, save for the Patternroom, is its Great Hall, high walled, whose doors close to form a giant image of a Sea-Horsemade out in mother-of-pearl and jade. Hanging about the room are nets and ropes of brown andred and black, and in these is strewn innumerable riches from the seas about Rebma- naturaltreasures such as immense shells of pale beauty, and carven ingots of gold or some otherprecious metal.

At times of state banquets, the great table is long enough for two dozen members of theSea-Court to dine without bumping elbows, and smaller tables radiate from around it to form ahall. When full, the hall can seat nearly two hundred souls in comfort, more in times of informalrevelry. Great cabinets along the walls hold the thousands of dishes, tableware, and gobletsneeded for such a feast. The doors along one side enter into the kitchens and the preparationrooms, while along the other side of the Hall are a series of small alcoves for musicians andonlookers to inhabit. In times of prolonged feasts, one might seek some solitude orcompanionship within these more private, shadowy half-chambers. When the room is being usedfor ceremonies, the throne is often brought into this Hall and benches are brought forth to line thewalls.

One small doorway leads to the cavern and the dungeons beneath Castle Rebma, in whichis the chamber of the reversed image of the Pattern.

Along the ceiling hang the long standards of the seven Shadow-sea realms of the CoralBranch. In a prominent place above the entrance, Amber’s Unicorn standard hangs, while acrossfrom it is the larger emblem of the Sea-Horse etched in bas-relief into the walls, perhaps a dozenfeet high and at least that from the ground. An ancient artwork, it is notable for the stylized anddark Kraken which surrounds it, tentacles forming a sort of corona about the Sea-Horse’ssimplicity and light. This doorway leads into the throne room.

The Throne Room. The chamber in which Moire received Deirdre, Corwin, and passedsentence upon Random, the throne room has walls all of glassite, highly reflective and nearlytransparent, making the walls, floor, and ceiling swim with an implied depth. The mostprominent feature of the throne room, is of course, the turquoise throne, ancient and carven withall manner of real and legendary sea-beasts- shellfish, mermaids, Tritons, cuttlefish, krakens, anddolphins. It sits upon a dias of milky, sea-green jade. Along the walls of this room are largeshields bearing the emblems and crests of the noble houses of the Sea-Court, each placed along· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (56)

the walls in an order designed to show their position within the Queen’s eyes at any given time.


Encounters. One can find almost anyone within the Great Hall. Ceremonies are oftentaking place within its walls, many of these with Moire in attendance, some without. The ThroneRoom is kept locked when not in use, to prevent any trespassers from attempting to seatthemselves upon the seat of power. One man why can always be found in this area is Trevalyan,the Sea-Court’s official Steward and one of Moire’s busiest aides.

TREVALYAN- Castle Steward.Given the task of administering the day-to-day functions of the Castle, seeing to the needs

of the royals, attending to all state functions, and ministering to the visiting dignitaries,Trevalyan's time is precious to him, and though he seems to be both omnipotent andomnipresent, he is rarely able to spend more than a few moments to speak to anyone other thanthe royals themselves. His and Beryl's duties overlap in many instances, and they are close alliesand confidants.

Of average build and height, he is black-haired with rounded, jade-colored eyes, and hismoustache is worn long and braided at the tips, and often trails about his head when he moves.His colors are grey and gold, and he dresses in full Rebman garb, though of a higher quality thanmost. He wears a medallion depicting the Sea-Horse and walks with a long staff. His cloak isblue. He bears with him at all times the Royal Seal of Rebma, a priceless piece of the CrownJewels, wrought of platinum and crystal.

Typically, Trevalyan is surrounded by servants and messengers, and is usually holdingseveral conversations at once. While dealing with the royals, however, his manner becomesobsequious and oftentimes condescending. Extraordinarily interested in gossip of the Court,Trevalyan can occasionally be bribed, so long as the effect of the bribe is apparently harmlessand there are no means by which the bribe can be traced to him.*****************************ENDSIDEBAR****************************************

Courtyards Within the Castle. The castle boasts several small and medium-sizedcourtyards, each of which is at a different level, some being built upon the roofs of otherchambers. In them are gardens, pavilions, even galleries of artworks and sculpture. Curiously,some of these have become the homes of schools of particular types of fish, and in one case,there is little to see other than to be engulfed in a cloud of bright shapes. These gardens, morethan the ones outside the castle walls, are used for secret meetings, assignations, and sometimesduels between parties who wish for a convenient place where eyes may not pry. At least one ofthese courtyards has no windows, and merely a circle of low, comfortable benches. Servantsoften try to keep tallies of the number of lives taken in this courtyard versus those conceivedthere.

Entertainment Within Castle Rebma. When not participating in the various dutiesrequired of the nobility, or involved in distractions of one’s own devising, there is a need forplaces to while away time in idle pursuits. For these impromptu activities, there are a number ofminor dining halls where a small group might meet, game rooms full of a variety of table-top and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (57)

board games, music rooms in which one can listen to hired musicians, galleries or art rooms witha single theme or artist displayed within, or smaller libraries. Most of these are equipped with asmall bar, well-stocked and open to any visitors.


Encounters. Whenever you want to small group of the younger nobles, or guests of theSea-Court, these chambers in the middle floors of the castle are a good place to start. Most of thetime, though, these are empty, or nearly so. They generally are used as favorite haunts, such asthe music conservatory on the third floor where Dayle takes books to read for long stretches, orthe art gallery in which Martin would often hide as a child. These days, one of the most frequentvisitors is the castle’s jester, who seeks some inspiration in recreation.

CEDRIC - Court Jester.More of a classical jester than his Amber counterpart Droppa Mapantz, Cedric is skilled

in juggling, acrobatics, contortions, mime, music, and imitations. Limber and slim, he is fairlyyoung, having learned his trade from his father who was his predecessor. Gifted with an amazingability to mimic the calls and noises of animals from the sea and above, he often travels alongwith royal voyages in the attempt to learn more of the world outside Rebma. Handsome andalways smiling, he is affable and friendly, though a bit distracted in his youth and enthusiasm forhis work.

Unknown to most, he is actually a fledgling Shape Shifter, able to assume the forms ofmost beings he imitates in his act. His occasional whimsical nature masks a keen observationalsense and a quick study in the habits of others. While he is performing, he learns more aboutthose in the audience. He might be biding his time, letting his abilities grow, until he can be ofuse to his true people, which he suspects to be either the Tritons or the folk of Chaos.*****************************ENDSIDEBAR****************************************

The Library. The Castle Rebma library is similar to Amber's, though containing less of avariety of reading materials and from far fewer sources. As books are less than common inRebma, there are many more scrolls and works inscribed on water-resistant substances such assteel, bone, silver, and glass. This place is not so much the gathering place which Amber’s ownlibrary is, and does not have the same focus or comfort offered there. The library is deserted mostof the time, and is much more cluttered and less organized than Amber’s. Stacks of books andscrolls spill onto the floor between shelves, and the shelf-tops are piled high with unfiledvolumes and artworks. Consisting of two floors, all around the second floor is a walkway withmore books and scrolls in racks and shelves. Also shelved are more than just books. The libraryis home to a miscellany of artifacts, artworks, and other oddities. Small statues, jeweled and plainboxes, amulets, cases, vases, skulls of sea-creatures, shaped glass weights, corals, coins ofvarious realms, bottles, a crown, musical instruments, and other nicknacks crowd the shelves.Most distinctly, there is no counterpart to Amber’s crystalline display case full of table settingsand Trumps. It’s noteworthy that no mirrors hang within the library’s walls.

*****************************BEGINSIDEBAR****************************************· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (58)

Encounters. This is the one place you might bump into Llewella, or a visitingAmberite. For some reason, they find themselves drawn here, despite the differences between thetwo facilities. Moire shows little interest in the library, though her cousin Selene is a regularhere. Brand spent many hours in this place when he visited Rebma, speaking at length to thelibrarian and official historian, Solon.

SOLON- Court Scribe and Historian.Ancient and aloof, this venerable figure has been with the Sea-Court since any can

remember. Entrusted with the duty of keeping accurate records of the judgements, words, andevents of the Rebman Queen and her Court, Solon is incorruptible and seems uninterested inmaterial riches. He is devoted to his own life's work, the Chronicles of Rebma, a volumedepicting the events and affairs of the Sea-Court from its foundation until its eventual end.Towards this, he is always interested in character's exploits, adventures, beliefs, and explorationswhich will serve him in his tale.

Tall and stooped, he is balding, with a crest of white hair which lazily drifts about hismantled shoulders. Clad in green and blue, unlike most Rebmans he wears a long robe, platedwith precious metals. He wears the symbol of the Sea-Horse upon his breast, and he is never farfrom his volume, the Chronicle, a largish book (about 4' by 6') which is borne for him by atrusted child-servant, who stoops and holds the book upon his back so that Solon might writeupon its pages with a pen proffered by another child-servant.

Solon's Attributes are likely all around Human or Chaos Rank, and he undoubtedlyknows some Power Words or even some Sorcery. His garment is likely to be magic, perhapsenchanted to help him resist harm or psychic manipulation.*****************************ENDSIDEBAR****************************************

Secrets of Castle Rebma. Like its counterpart above the waves, Castle Rebma is full ofsecret passages, hidden rooms, concealed closets, false walls, sealed corridors, concealedentrances and exits. It’s unlikely that anyone other than Moire and Llewella know of all of them,and they might not even be aware of the more obscure means of getting around or hiding in thecastle. There are hollow walls, columns with winding stairs inside them, trapdoors which lead tochutes or tunnels beneath the castle, windows which look out on nothing, panels which open tosmall cupboards, or access to the roof of the castle. There are a plethora of spy-eyes and hiddenmeans to view the contents of a room. Whether these mirror exactly the ones in Castle Amber isa matter for exploration.

The Hall of Mirrors. One interesting feature of Castle Amber is the Corridor of Mirrors,which sometimes manifests itself in Rebma. Described more fully in the section on The Mirrorsof Rebma, the Hall of Mirrors is no stranger to Rebma’s walls. There are those who claim that itoccasionally appears as a Hall of Portraits, containing multitudes of paintings, etchings,photographs, and other likenesses of strangers and familiar faces, with scenes depicted both fromhistory and from unguessed-at or possible futures. These images are said to have the ability tomove, and to speak, and are possibly Trumps of some nature. No one offers any answers towhether this is actually the Hall of Mirrors in disguise, or an altogether different manifestation ofsome sort.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (59)

The Sea-Horse Shrine. Similar in all ways to the better-kept and more opulent shrines ofthe Sea-Horse to be found outside the castle, the Sea-Horse shrine is at a central point upon theupper floors of the Castle Rebma’s main structure, partly open to an inner courtyard which hasan excellent view of the sprawl of Rebma above and around it. One can only enter the Sea-Horseshrine from long, narrow stairways located near the Great Hall, making it a sort of pilgrimage(and increasing its defensibility should someone try to invade through the open courtyard).

At the top of these narrow, winding stairs, one enters a wide, V-shaped chamber, set withmany benches of white marble, inlaid with blue jade and gold ornamentation. The inner walls ofthe V are open to two sides of the courtyard, with only slender columns for walls. Along theoutside, long banners hang from the ceilings, made of fine metal mesh and showing stylizeddepictions of various sea-creatures. The courtyard’s two walls across from the shrine aresmoothed together in one corner, and a large emblem of the Sea-Horse is set into it with mosaicstones of white and gold and green. Like the insignia below, in the Great Hall, the backgroundfeatures an abstract Kraken, whose tentacles frame the Sea-Horse.

This is a holy place, sacred to the Sea-Court, and is often empty, or filled with hushedworshipers or priestesses of the Sea-Horse. To one side, there is a small door leading to thechambers of Aubert, High Priest of the Church of the Sea-Horse. There is a rumor that Moire hasa secret entrance somewhere within the shrine, but no one has been willing to search for it, orlucky enough to stumble across it, should it exist.


Encounters. The shrine is a great place to meet with some of the more devout membersof the Sea-Court such as Oswald or any of House Florian. The High Priest can usually be foundin his small, cramped chambers, poring over the length of the Scroll of the Sea-Horse, andwriting his meditations upon the nature of existence and faith within the journal he keeps for justsuch a purpose.

AUBERT- High Priest of the Church of the Sea-Horse.It is unfortunate that Aubert's power in the Sea-Court is equally matched by his ambition

and his arrogance. Restrained by Rebman law from holding any political office (a conditionwhich extends to any in his House Florian), he is nonetheless a player in the great game,bartering favors for information and power. Though restricted from assuming the seat of powerhimself, he is not above becoming an adept puppet-master, and will change alliances in theconstantly shifting struggle for supremacy with little remorse or even warning. Aubert'sambitions might even reach as high as the Throne itself, which though he could not occupy, hemight find himself a dupe to fill it. From puppet-master to regent is a short step, one he is willingto take should it become easy and safe. Perhaps it is Aubert's presence as head of the Church ofthe Sea-Horse which explains the absence of the beast from Rebma for some time.

Personally, he is friendly, even garrulous, and eager to enter metaphysical debate andanswer questions regarding the history of Rebma, the Tritons, the reversed Pattern and the Sea-Horse. Willing to entertain any theories, he will often enter into rigorous discussion about thoseissues, for he feels that through such an understanding, one comes closer to appreciation of themajesty of the universe. He asks perceptive questions, and seems to know quite a bit than mostwould think, claiming that he has spoken at length to all who would teach him. He will stress thatall of these discussions, though, are either theological or academic only. His manner and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (60)

forthrightness is so off-putting that no one would suspect that he is in fact a powerful sorcerer,and is seeking knowledge which will enable him to seize power at the fundamental level, seizingthe bottom pillars of the universe, so to speak.

Aubert is short and thick-bodied, apparently in his late thirties, and wears a fringe beard.His vestment is a long, wide-sleeved tunic of shimmering scales of a silvery color, and his cloakbears an image of the red Sea-Horse on a sea of shifting blue. No one has been able to glean thesecret of how he manages to keep his long, bone-carven pipe lit while engaging in informaldebate.*****************************ENDSIDEBAR****************************************

Official Quarters. On the upper floors of the castle are the apartments and quarters forthe nobles who dwell in the Sea-Court, among which is one area set aside for important guests ofthe Queen or the Court. This area is guarded somewhat more than the other floors of the castle,for obvious reasons, and all of the doorways are solid and have locks. In this area, one might findthe chambers of the members of the Sea-Court, and even those of such famous guests as PrincessDeirdre of Amber, who spent several years in Rebma during the years of King Eric’s reign.Following are short descriptions of each of the more significant rooms from the current membersof the Sea-Court.

Dayle’s Rooms. Llewella’s daughter’s chamber is often deserted, though it has been keptwell and bears the imprint of her personality and her love of travel, of sailing, and the initialwanderings throughout the reflections of Rebma. A simple bed rests in the center of the room,while a long, low table covered with many nautical charts dominates one wall. The shelves arecovered with scrolls and curios from her exploits, particularly those from the outskirts of theSargasso Sea, where she often seeks news of her father Kulwir.

Deirdre’s Room. Left undisturbed as a favor to Corwin, these chambers have taken on thesame tinge of sorrow which her rooms back in the Castle Amber possess. Elegantly furnished insilver, grey, and black, the chamber has little in the way of her personal effects, but her characteris stamped across the room in the organization, decor and small details.

Lorelei’s Suite. Larger than the previously-described chambers, Lorelei’s suite is madeup of three rooms and boasts a magnificent view of the city and the most intriguing of thegardens below. Bright and well-furnished, these rooms are tasteful and understated, and the decorand furnishings change often, as Lorelei is one to encourage change to suite her mood. Finecarpets, statues carven of precious stones, and a large mirror are the most outstanding features ofthe central room. Fresh flowers or colorful sea-plants are replaced daily, in large quantities.

Martin’s Quarters. If Martin has been back in Rebma since he walked the Pattern andleft, these chambers would not show it. To look at them, one would think that they were therooms of a child who had too much attention, as if compensating for something. The furnishingsalternate being too rich and being too young. A large chest at the foot of the bed still contains alot of his old toys, and a portrait of his mother Morganthe is on one wall, the only decoration. Inone corner of the room is a set of armor and a lance, gifts from Benedict from the times theyspent in Avalon. After it was discovered that Brand had been in the rooms, Moire ordered them· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (61)

locked. In recent years, she has sent a spare key to Martin, care of Vialle in Amber, asencouragement that his presence would be welcomed.

Morganthe’s Suite. Left unchanged since her suicide, Morganthe’s chambers are sealed,Moire holding the sole key. The only occasion she has seen fit to enter since her daughter’s deathwas immediately prior to Random and Vialle’s wedding, when Moire considered using thechambers as the “ honeymoon suite” before imprisoning Random after the wedding. Servantsrecount that Moire entered the rooms, and a scream was heard immediately afterwards. The doorwas locked, and the Queen asked not to be disturbed. Sounds of movement, and evenconversation were heard through the walls. Moire emerged with a change of heart about thematter. It is unknown as to whether due to the idea being excessive, or something sheencountered in Morganthe’s chambers.

Nestor’s Room. Another in the series of deserted quarters, Nestor’s room is a trove of loreabout the sea-life around Rebma and full of curios dating from the era of the Tritons. His shelvesare still stocked with books loaned from the library, and even the bed is covered with charts, listsof equipment, and preparation logs for the voyage he took to the Sargasso Sea. Moire has orderedit kept for the possibility of his return.

Oswald’s Room. Obviously the room of a warrior, this room has walls racked withweapons of many different Shadows, shields broken and unmarred, and a wide range of armor. Asimple pallet sits in one corner, and a curiously carven, stylized statue which depicts the struggleof a spear-wielding merman against a large armored jelly-fish dominates the other corner. Nextto it is a small couch and footstool, both of which bear the mark of a large body resting in oneplace for long periods of time. Next to the couch is a small stack of books and scrolls, some withplaces marked midway through.

Selene’s Chambers. Dark, with an ornate grille covering most of the windows along thewall, this room is filled with mirrors of all shapes and sizes, each of them covered with its owndraw-cloth. Lots of lights burn within small globes, and there is a long, low window-seat andbookshelf below the window full of scrolls, books, reference works, and many unusual itemsused in the making of mirrors, and other magicks.

Vaughn’s Chamber. He spends little time in this place, so there is not much to see, andVaughn is not the type to put a great deal of effort into decorating. A bed, a desk, and somechests full of weapons, clothes, and personal effects. There are a few mementos from hisexploits, and the walls are covered with charts detailing the waters around Rebma, the sea-lanesof Amber, and the entrances into the Coral Branch realms.

The Nursery. Though immortal, even the members of the Sea-Court had to grow upsometime, and there is always the possibility of adding to the court’s roster. Because of that, therooms set aside for the nursery are still kept, and used sometimes for the children of the Rebmanelders, young nobles who are preparing their ascent into the life of the Court, and visitingchildren of diplomats. Full of old toys, small furniture and the like the walls are covered withfanciful renderings of the Sea-Horse, the Rebman people, and even unthreatening-lookingTritons. Simple books and scrolls abound in low shelves, also filled with stories of Rebman· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (62)

heroes and heroines, and their dealings with the wise and ancient Tritons.Next to these rooms are quarters for servants, nursemaids, and another suite for

Cymbelline, the royal instructor in etiquette and behavior and de facto head of child rearingwithin the Castle Rebma. It is a task others are quite comfortable leaving to her.

*****************************BEGINSIDEBAR**************************************** Encounters. Though thereare no children around the castle now, this is where they might be found should there be anyrecent births. Characters from Rebma might have fond memories of the nursery. Queen Moirehopes that these rooms will not stay unused for long...

CYMBELLINE- Grand Lady and Dame of the Sea-Court.Ancient and regal, Cymbelline is the Grand Dame of the Sea-Court, responsible for

seeing to it that the young lads and ladies of the royal family and their attendant servants behavewith the correct manners and possess all the usual courtly graces. She always behavesimpeccably, though with a constant eye to correcting the faults of her former pupils.

Small in stature, though erect in bearing and seeming much larger than her actual size,Cymbelline seems to exude an air of respectfulness about her, and characters will often findthemselves straightening their posture and assuming graces when around her. She wears heavy,embroidered robes of white and silver, set with pearls and grey and black precious stones. Herhead is usually covered, and her nose is long and straight, her chin sharp and slight. Her apparentage is that of a woman in her eighties. Cymbelline speaks in an ancient manner, using "thou" and"thy" instead of "you" and "your" for example. In all situations, she insists on the correct formbeing followed, the proper ritual observed, etc...

The Lady Cymbelline undoubtedly has very low Attributes, other than Psyche, and loadsof Good Stuff to throw around. Her uncanny sense of what to say and do might be the result ofher Psyche, or plain old good judgement.*****************************ENDSIDEBAR****************************************

Royal Quarters. These chambers are those of the greater members of the Sea-Court,called euphemistically “ the Trinity” by the servants. Finer and larger than the other rooms of theSea-Court, these suites are the only ones upon the highest floor of the castle, and each of them iscomprised of several large and small rooms. Decorated with the best that Rebma has to offer,they are undoubtedly the equal of any royal apartments throughout Amber or Shadow.

The Royal Suite. Looking overlong into Moire’s chambers causes one to swiftlyexhaust even the greatest repertoire of adjectives for baroque and opulent. The room’sarchitecture is that of a large chamber which makes up an entire floor of one of the higher towers,with the rooms only separated loosely by arches instead of walls. Treasures and artworks from adozen Shadows fill the chambers, and mirrors adorn most of the walls. The floors are mosaiced,the ceilings high and vaulted, and the arched doorways are carven with sea-creatures and Tritons.The chambers include a comfortable study with a number of scrolls and grimiores, along withminor and major artifacts and all of the paraphrenalia which comes with being a sorceress.Somewhere in these chambers is a small safe, shielded from detection, in which she stores her· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (63)

Jewel of Judgement and rings when she is not wearing them. The windows around the suite havehigh windows of tinted glass which display the entire castle grounds and city surrounding it. Fishswim lazily past these windows, inside and outside, and visitors have likened it to the curioussensation of being simultaneously inside and outside a fish-tank.

Llewella’s Chambers. Less expansive and far more restrained than Moire’s chambers,Llewella’s do show her Amberite heritage as well as her Rebman birthright. A sculpture of theUnicorn stands upon one table, and portraits of some of the family members hang upon the walls.Her room has several mirrors, though none so many as Moire’s, and there is a deck of Trump in atable next to her bed. Life-sized statues of Tritons guard each corner of the chambers, and severaltables show half-completed projects of magical or other natures. On a rack in the sitting room isher armor and weapons, including the bow and arrows she used in the Patternfall War against theCourts of Chaos.

Scylla’s Chambers. Located in a tower, separated from Moire’s and Llewella’s chambersbut considered together with them, Scylla’s chambers are perhaps the less ornate of the three, asshe spends the least amount of time within the Castle Rebma, and has a dwelling outside the citywhich she prefers. The everpresent mirrors and several pieces of statuary, along with someinteresting large pieces of sea-life or artwork approximating it, decorate the place, from thetwisted skeleton of an eel made up of jade to a sea-shell almost a meter across of different-colored crystals. Other than this, it is a fairly generic set of quarters, and shows almost none ofthe character of she who inhabits it.

However, there are a larger than normal number of Triton artifacts, including a completesuit of armor and weapons in a small chamber near the bedroom.

*****************************BEGINSIDEBAR**************************************** Encounters. Only the threenobles who dwell here, their guards, some favored servants, and prominent members of thecastle’s staff are permitted on the same floor as the Royal Suites. Moire’s personal maidservant,Callisto, also doubles as Llewella’s servant, and has a small chamber upon this floor, next toMoire’s room.

CALLISTO- Maidservant.A maidservant beloved of many of the nobles, and made her personal servant by Moire,

Callisto is intelligent and canny, able to anticipate most people's needs. She is an especiallyattentive listener, all the qualities which make up a proper maidservant. Possessing a beautywhich she is able to disguise through simple body language and expression, she can be almostinvisible one moment, then appear to be the center of a room the next. Alternately noncommittaland charming, she has become something of a secret weapon for Moire, who might have Callisto"assigned" to the servants who care for distinguished guests. Her neutral, yet attractiveappearance and decent nature make many visiting Lords and Ladies tell her a bit more than theymight otherwise want to, which quickly finds its way to the ear of the Queen. Trained, she hasbecome a powerful spy or agent in Moire's service.*****************************ENDSIDEBAR****************************************· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (64)

The Treasury. With all of the natural and found treasure which decorates the castle,there would seem to be little reason for a treasury, but this is far from true. The crown jewels ofthe Sea-Court are kept within the treasury. These are Moire’s crown and scepter, and severalrings, bracelets, and other pieces of jewelry which she wears upon occasion. Also included in thisis her cloak, a beautiful cape made of small plates of precious metal and stones, heavy butbeautiful. Bill Roth, upon meeting the Queen, remarked that it looking like Gustav Klimt was hertailor. Since then, Moire has sent out into Shadow with just such a commission, and the resultsare forthcoming, with a place for them within the Treasury reserved. Magical artifacts are to befound here, including more mirrors of varied sized, fashioning, and origin. Ancient things ofTriton make deemed too precious or damaging to be displayed are also on these shelves, as arecurios of value to the Sea-Court. The most significant absence from the Treasury is the RebmanJewel of Judgement. The only keys are held by Ryan, the treasurer, who spends most of his dayhere, cataloging the taxes and income of the Rebman court.

*****************************BEGINSIDEBAR****************************************RYAN- Court Treasurer.

Responsible for the taxation of the merchants and citizens of Rebma, Ryan bears withhim one of two keys to the vault of Castle Rebma (the other of which is carried by Moire). Inaddition to this duty, he is the Bearer of the Royal Seal, Carrier of Queen Moire's Scepter, andChancellor of the Royal Crown Jewels. Needless to say, he is very exact-minded and makes it apoint to be as precise in all things as possible. His duties take him into the City of Rebmaregularly, and often into the Coral Branch of favored Shadows, where he negotiates trade treatieswith the full authority of the Queen.

Tall and well-built, he wears simple Rebman garb over which he wears a cassock with theSea-Horse crest upon it. A tool he carries with him is a small pair of scales enchanted to mold thestuff of Shadow, changing foreign currency into its equivalent in proper Rebman coinage.

Ryan is an expert on the various treaties which have been negotiated by the RebmanCourt, and if an item, substance, or service needs to be purchased, he is the one who can find it atthe best market price and ensure the highest quality. So long as this function does notcompromise his position as a loyal servant to the Queen, he is very discreet about hisprocurement.*****************************BEGINSIDEBAR****************************************

Beneath Castle Rebma. Entered through a small passageway in the great hall, this wasvisited by Corwin when he first sought his memory in Rebma. His description is especially aptfor this part of the castle:

After we had eaten- and I had learned the trick of eating under water, which I mightdetail later on if circ*mstances really warrant- we rose from our places within the marble highhall, decorated with nets and ropes of red and brown, and we made our way back along anarrow corridor, and down, down, beneath the floor of the sea itself, first by means of a spiralstaircase that screwed its way through absolute darkness and glowed. After about twenty paces,my brother said, “Screw!” and stepped off the staircase and began swimming downwardalongside it.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (65)

“It is faster that way,” said Moire.“And it is a long way down,” said Deirdre, knowing the distance of the one in Amber.So we all stepped off and swam through darkness, beside the glowing, twisting thing.It took perhaps ten minutes to reach the bottom, but when our feet touched the floor, we

stood, with no tendency to drift. There was light about us then, from a few feeble flames setwithin niches in the wall.

. . .We were in an enormous cavern, and tunnels shot off from it in all directions. We moved

toward one.After walking along it for an awfully long while, we began to encounter side passages,

some of which had doors or grills before them and some of which did not.At the seventh of these we stopped. It was a huge gray door of some slate-like substance,

bound in metal, towering to twice my height.”

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 73-74)

The Dungeons. There are different qualities of cells, from the worst, such as Corwinendured for his years in Amber, to somewhat nicer ones used by privileged prisoners. Random’scell was one of these, used initially while he was the groom-to-be before the wedding. Of histime there, little is to be said, save for Deirdre’s observation as to the end of those monthsRandom spent in stir:

“One really has to hand it to the resourceful little bastard. No one really knows how hewas able to do it, and the guards, even after torture, confessed their innocence to the wholeaffair. That poor girl... she had no idea...

“Moire had sent down some garb for him to wear, his colors, sent by Eric from Amber.Somehow, he turns up drunk ten minutes before the ceremony was to begin. He was escorted upto the Sea-Horse shrine, and along the way up those long stairs, he pulls off bits of garments toreveal an outfit even more like a jester’s outfit than his usual fashions.

“Already, his stock in Rebma has dropped even more than before, if possible. Vialle boreit well, and though she couldn’t see, she must have expected him to behave poorly in thismockery of a wedding.

“The real debacle came when there was a loud knock at the door in the middle of thevows. Everyone turned that way except for Random, whose smile was insidious at that moment.I’m glad Moire never saw it, else our brother’d be dead now.

“‘Oh, could someone open the door? That’s my date,’ he said.“Only the Unicorn knows how Vialle was able to forgive him. She’s quite a woman.”

After the wedding, Random was moved from the cells to a larger but no less secureapartment within the castle, from which only his bride Vialle was allowed to leave. It istestament to her strength and her affection for the then-Prince of Amber that she never exited thechambers, save for after his escape from Rebma.

Currently, the most prominent of the dungeon’s inhabitants is a noble named Cadell, ofHouse N’Realle, jailed for composing a somewhat ribald verse about the Queen, calling herlineage into question. His cell is somewhat finer than most, and furnished handsomely, and there· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (66)

is evidence that his stay is in no means uncomfortable. Good food from the kitchens is sent to thecell, sometimes delivered in person by a cloaked figure whom the guards let pass withoutconfrontation. Rumors abound that this mysterious benefactor is the Queen herself, or his sisterOrane, while a dozen other names are mentioned as the figure’s possible identities, withadditional speculation as to what transpires when the figure enters the chamber.

The Rebman Pattern Room. Again, Corwin’s initial impression of the Pattern inRebma is more than adequate to get a feel for the place:

In a room the size of a ballroom the Pattern was laid. The floor was black and lookedsmooth as glass. And on the floor was the Pattern.

It shimmered like the cold fire that it was, quivered, made the whole room seem somehowinsubstantial. It was an elaborate tracery of bright power, composed mainly of curves, thoughthere were a few straight lines near its middle. It reminded me of a fantastically intricate, life-scale version of one of those maze things you do with a pencil (or ballpoint, as the case may be),to get you into or out of something. Like, I could almost see the words “Start Here,” somewhereway to the back. It was perhaps a hundred yards across at its narrow middle, and maybe ahundred and fifty long.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 74)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (67)

A GUIDE TO THE REBMAN COURTThe family history of the Rebman royalty is considerably more complex than that

of Amber, due to the scarcity of firsthand sources and the confusion and general air ofsecrecy that many of the Rebman nobles have when it comes to dealing with theirneighbors in Amber. The longstanding grudges between many of the Sea-Court and thethose in Amber have kept Amberites from knowing and understanding the history ofRebma and the significance the Tritons and the reversed image of the Pattern has hadtherein.

Speak to each of the members of the royal family, and the only thing they willagree on is that the royal line of Rebma is descended from Lir, the Lord of the Tritons,and that Moire is the rightful ruler. Her oral history of the founding of the Rebman Sea-Court is contained within her character’s description. This account is the officialysanctioned history of the Rebman royal family, and the scribes and historians haveadopted this version as being correct and rightful.

There are others, such as Morholt, head of House Niobe, who feel that Moire hasinterpreted events to suit her own needs. He claims that Moire’s ability to weild theRebman Jewel of Judgement and to traverse the Pattern reveals that she is Oberon’soffspring, no more Rebman than Llewella, and that with Moins’ infidelity, the lineageshould have been shifted to another of the royal families of Rebma. Conveniently, heclaims that House Niobe would be the closest in lineage to the Tritons, and henceforth,the most suited to rule.

The Succession. As the Sea-King Lir ruled more or less by consent of hisfellow Tritons and the Houses which they spawned, there was never the need forestablishment of a proper order of succession. Unlike Oberon, Lir was not especiallylusty, and it’s likely that he married more to continue his bloodline than to create an heirto the throne. Time passed, though, and many of his siblings died off, or changed asTritons do, and left Rebma, with only their offspring to carry on their names. As the lastof the pure Tritons in Rebma, Lir was the logical choice to be the king, and perhaps it iscredit to his power that he was able to stave off for so long the metamorphosis whichmany Tritons undergo with advanced age. As Moire was the first of his children, borninto wedlock, she is his natural heir, and by mutual consent of the Houses, the child withthe most direct linkage to Lir’s bloodline is the most suitable candidate for the throne.Recently, though, several of the Houses have begun to chafe at this, and their Tritonlineage is far enough out of mind that there is talk to changing the order...

For an impartial viewpoint on the matter, young Prince Martin is a suitable choiceto get characters acquainted with the House of Lir and where each of the members of theSea-Court stands in relation to each other. Should he find himself in the role of oralhistorian or tour guide, this is what he might tell the characters about the succession inRebna:

“As far as I know, Moire is the rightful Queen of Rebma. She was the daughter ofLir and Moins, legitimately and in wedlock, and so she’s the one with the strongest claimto the throne. Llewella is an interesting case, the product of an affair between Moins andOberon. Her birth set off some sort of a war between the Tritons and Amber, and that’s· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (68)

why there aren’t any more Tritons around, or so they say. I’ve heard that Lir was killed,banished, or just chased out of Rebma. Who knows which to believe? But I’m gettingahead of myself.... From here, it gets tricky, though, so bear with me...

“After Llewella’s birth, Lir divorced Moins by official decree. There was a waron, so no one paid much attention to the fact, and it seemed like needless formality on hispart, as everyone was sure he’d lose against Amber. But old feelings die hard, and Lirand Moins had some sort of reconciliation in the midst of the war, and Scylla came fromthat reunion. I don’t know if Lir was hoping for a son, but he had to be content with threedaughters, because he disappeared shortly before Scylla was born. No one knows if hewould have made her legitimate. Moire has since acknowledged her as sort of a half-sister, though she is in fact a full sister. Perhaps it’s just to keep Scylla a little way awayfrom the throne...

“As for what she’s like, I really can’t tell you. She seems different each time. I’veheard she’s more Triton than most, but I can’t see why. There are rumors that she hassome sort of Triton familiar around, though. I always avoided her when I was young.

“Now, some people in House Niobe will tell you that the marriage between Lirand Mins was never consumated, it being a political thing, and that she was foolingaround the whole time with Oberon of Amber. I don’t know if that’s true, but it makesthings much more difficult on Moire’s part, if so, and would explain why she’s sosecretive about her family tree.

“From Lir’s downfall, we follow my grandmother Moins, grieving widow that shewas, who somehow hooked up with a noble named Mananan, who also died in theskirmishes in the decades which followed the war...

“Oh, you don’t remember them? Well, there’s not much to tell. Essentially, somenobles who were still loyal to Lir tried striking out against Amber and were wiped out fortheir rebellion. End of story. Oberon didn’t mess around back then. Chief among themartyrs was Mananan, Lir’s right-hand man and the last of the die-hard Triton purists.Apparently, he took Lir’s place in other arenas than just the battlefield, and Moinsretreated to her tower and quietly and without much fanfare, gave birth to Selene,Moire’s other half-sister.

“Since Moins had already been separated from Lir, she wasn’t allowed to beQueen. The other nobles, feeling a little guilty that they’d let their King down, chose toname Moins to be his successor, crowning her Queen at a pretty early age, or so I gather.Oberon seemed to be in favor of the move, and threw his weight in behind her, offeringher an alliance and support. Banishing Moins would have been difficult and unpleasant,so Moire and she made some sort of arrangement where she agreed never to set foot inthe city again, and instead dwells in a palace outside of town. It’s pretty nice, but a littlespooky. I used to go there when I was young...

“But let me get back to the story.“Around this time, Oberon finally acknowledged Llewella, partly as a favor to

Moire to keep Llewella from getting any ideas of her own about the throne, and also for avariety of reasons in Amber. I guess it was a good idea, as it cemented the alliancebetween Amber and Rebma, and also distanced Llewella from the succession downbelow.

“Lorelei is another one of those who is difficult to place. She’s rumored to beLir’s illegitimate daughter, born about the same time as Llewella to a minor noblewoman· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (69)

named Cymbelline, who’s now a permanent fixture of the Court, serving as sort of acombination of headmistress and etiquette instructor. I hated the lessons she taught inhow to be a noble, but, I guess, everyone does. Maybe that’s why we spend so much timebreaking the rules later. Whatever her role, Lorelei is close to Moire, as an advisor, andspends a lot of time in the castle when she’s in Rebma.

“My mother Morganthe was born to Moire, who refuses to reveal the identity ofmy grandfather. This bothers me, obviously, because I can’t see why she would keep itfrom me. The only thing I can figure is that he’s someone pretty important, becauseMoire is like that. There were plenty of Lords coming to pay tribute to her over thecenturies since her coronation, and any of them might have been the one. There’s also thetroubling notion that it was a lot closer to home, and that Grandpa might be someonefrom Amber. Oberon was lusty enough, and you know what they say about politics andbedfellows. Benedict and she were always friendly, and he did spend a lot of time with meas a child and an adult. Eric and she had had some sort of falling out, and she hates himstill. Gerard; Caine... even Julian could have been the guilty party, or one of the lostrelatives. As for Random... I don’t want to think about it. “Anyway, Moire had another child, a son named Nestor, father’s identity alsounknown to the populace at large. I didn’t know him very well, as he left when I was akid. He was planning a big expedition to the Sargasso Sea and beyond, and he didn’tcome back. Along with that little jaunt was Kulwir, Llewella’s man...

“You didn’t know about that!?!“Well, she is pretty quiet about her personal life, but I didn’t think it went that

far. I’m not sure she was married to the guy, but she had a long-standing relationshipwith the captain of the guard, a big fellow named Kulwir. He was handsome, brave,intelligent, and all that. She had a child by him, my cousin Dayle, who I wish I had seenmore of when I was growing up. We would get put next to each other at ceremonies anddinners and had to dance together at balls, but never socialized much. Pity.

“As for the other hangers on in the Sea-Court, there are only a couple of morenames to conjure with. Oswald is the son of Scylla and some sorcerer out in Shadow. I’veonly met him a couple of times, but he is very forthright and honest. He was like a bigbrother to me, but kind of stern. Edmund is someone I haven’t met, but his reputationpreceeds him. When Brand came to Rebma seeking information on how to make me apincushion, he managed to leave a child behind with one of Llewella’s maidservants. Ifhe’s anything like his dad, I can go without meeting him. And Gradlon, the Queen’swizard- he’s a bit like Dworkin, but not that much like him. I find him a bit too weird formy tastes, and as a kid, he scared me.

“And so there you have it - my family in Rebma.”

Bringing the Sea-Court to Life. Unfortunately, players and Game Mastersdon't have the advantage of a ten-volume series of novels to serve as the introduction tothe royal court of Rebma. Players, don't have any outside sources to base impressions ofthe Rebmans on, no shocks of recognition, or obvious black hats to catcall at. As GameMasters, this presents a burden of making portrayals of Rebmans as vivid as theirAmberites.

It can work both for and against the campaign. A nation of strangers is somewhatfaceless initially, but they are capable of surprises which players don’t expect. Players,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (70)

through their actions and views of the noble Rebmans can shape the campaign alongsidewith the Game Master, creating a Rebma which can possibly differ far more fromcampaign to campaign than the different versions of Amber can.

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing which versions of theRebman nobles you’ll want to use in your campaigns:

Outcasts of Amber. Llewella's presence is not very familiar in Amber, thoughthis is changing with the new King in Amber, perhaps due to Oberon's passing, and alessening of the old hatreds which drove many of the family apart. Delwin, Sand, Dalt,and Coral only made appearances after Oberon was dead and gone. Rebma may havealways been a place for Amberite exiles, whether self-imposed or driven out by Oberon.Queen Moire, Llewella's sister, might be an Amberite herself, fallen so low in Oberon'sestimation that his offspring don't even consider her one of their number (if indeed, theyknew). The entire royal family of Rebma might be an offshoot of Oberon's. If things havechanged in Amber, Rebma could see a lot of its nobles leave to assume their rightfulplaces in Amber. If this is the case, the princes and princesses of Rebma are basically theequivalents of Amberites, a generation or two removed.

The Secret Life of Mirrors. What is going on in Rebma? Are the Amberitesaware of events transpiring there, or is Rebma viewed as such a quaint backwater that it isbeneath notice? Do most Amberites even know of the existence of the reflected universe?Do Rebmans want the Amberites to know what's going on in Rebma? Does the Sea-Courtturn to Amber when it needs help? Advice? Do they pay attention to what is happening inAmber?

The answers to these questions should tell you what sort of relationship you wantRebma and Amber to have, and which versions of the Rebman Sea-Court members whichwill best fit those roles. A Rebma which is basically independent from Amber will tend tohave more powerful characters, self-sufficient and interested in the exploration of theirprivate universe, while a Rebma which exists as a second-rate Amber is more likely to beenmeshed in tiny struggles for status, seeking ways to gain some measure of power of itsown, with lower-powered nobles who lack the grandeur of Amberites.

The Presence of Amber. How do Rebmans view Amber? Are the Amberitesgods to the Rebmans, or do they view the struggles of the mighty with a sort of celebrityworship? Does the average Rebman even care?

In medieval ages, it was not uncommon for peasants to know nothing of foreignlands other than superstition, no matter how close they were to those lands. Do Rebmansknow much about the Amberites, or are they a state secret of some sort? Does the averageRebman fear or hate the Lords and Ladies of Amber, or are they merely viewed asforeigners? How do Rebmans take to being assumed to be a mirror of another land, city,and people? Do they resent it? Or do they enjoy the mistaken impression, and letAmberites continue to believe what they will, underestimating the Rebman people? Orare they actually mirrors of Amber, and without any real feelings on their existence? Theanswers to these questions will influence the way the nobles interact with the Amberites,and what versions of them are best suited for your campaign.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (71)

Where are the Amberite Doubles? If Rebma is a double of Amber, whereare the reflections of the Elder Amberites, as in Tir-na Nog’th? Were there any? Thissourcebook assumes that there were not, that Rebma is different enough that the entirelineage of Oberon was not reflected into existence on the ocean floor. This prevents theplayer characters from expecting to meet alternate versions of their parents and cousins,but can also lead to situations where there might be just one double who is close enoughto confuse them. Alternately, the Game Master might want to have some fun with thewhole situation, and really destroy player expectations.

For example, Merlin claims that Martin told him this story when they first met inthe heydays of the Patternfall War, and swears to the truth of it. He relates this confessionof Martin’s, apparently verbatim:

"Once, when I was a kid, I was rummaging through a big chest in Moire's room.As I didn’t have many friends, and I was the princess’s son, I had the run of the castle,and could go anywhere I wanted. So I was in Moire’s room playing around. I had pickedthe lock to this chest, which was pretty old and rusty and not too complicated. Inside thechest were a few interesting items such as a silver sword, a silver horn, a couple ofemerald daggers, some rings set with different stones, some white scaled gauntlets, and alot of decks of cards. I hadn’t seen Trumps yet, so I didn’t recognize them. Moire and myuncle Benedict came in on me when I was waving a ruby-hilted saber around, wearing agreen-feathered cap, and wearing a tattered black cloak closed with a tarnished silverrose. Acting like a stupid kid, I guess. I asked her what all this stuff was, and she gotreally quiet, looked at Benedict, then she said 'Some things left over from some nastypeople we had to get rid of.'

“They took it all away from me and shushed me out the door. I never saw thatchest again in her chambers, and I always wondered about it."

Merlin admits that he and Martin were drunk when this story came out, and thatMartin does have a strange sense of humor, so no one knows the veracity of the tale, andMoire isn’t telling.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (72)

MOIREA woman sat upon the throne in the glassite room I almost recalled, and her hair

was green, though streaked with silver, and her eyes were as round as moons of jade andher brows rose like the wings of olive gulls. Her mouth was small, her chin was small;her cheeks were high and wide and rounded. A circlet of white gold crossed her brow andthere was a crystal necklace about her neck. At its tip there flashed a sapphire betweenher sweet bare breasts, whose nipples were also a pale green. She wore scaled trunks ofblue and a silver belt, and she held a scepter of pink coral in her right hand and had aring upon every finger, and each ring had a stone of a different blue within it.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 69)

Regal and aloof, Moire is everything a Queen can be- stern, cunning,manipulative, and passionate. She is the living symbol of Rebma, sitting upon theturquoise throne surrounded by legions of fanatic Rebman guards, clad in little more thanher majesty, and heir to the ancient and mysterious powers which come with the blood ofthe Tritons.

Daughter of Lir, the Sea-King, and Moins, Moire is the oldest child of that union,and heir to the Throne of Rebma. Her sisters and brothers serve beneath her, and her half-sister, Llewella, is her second in command and unofficial ambassador to the Court ofAmber, above the waves. Through guile, intelligence, determination, and perhaps thewillingness to do whatever necessary, she has held the throne in Rebma since the time ofLir, and there has never been a serious threat to her rule there.

She is, in her own way, every bit as formidable as Oberon might have been inAmber. Moire as an opponent will be as crafty, ruthless, and relentless as one could hopeto face, and as an ally, she will be as wise and resourceful in your defense. She might notseem to be aiding you, but her foresight is impeccable, allowing her to make decisionswhich are seemingly cruel, but always will bear out to be the best course of action.

Amberites accustomed to Oberon’s dictatorship and Random’s casual leadershipwill find Moire’s own manner of rule to be alien to them. She asks no opinions, and herreasons are never given. Moire is always the Queen, and never does she step from thatrole in the presence of outsiders.

As with Deirdre, Corwin, and Random, Queen Moire does not hesitate to imposeher will, without chance for argument or dissention. Deirdre knows from the get-go thatMoire won’t give them troops, but that she is welcome to sanctuary in Rebma. Corwin istold that he can use the Pattern, but after that, nothing else. Random, Prince of Amber, istold that he will marry and remain a prisoner in Rebma, without even the slightestallowance of protest or dispute. The possibility of anything other than her will being doneis not even allowed to be considered.

One sees reflections of Moire in the other women of the Chronicles, from Jasra’sopen lust for power and revenge, Dara’s own willingness to use whatever resources shehad to manipulate her children and her lover into strengthening her position in Chaos, andin Fiona’s self-assurance that what she is doing is right, and that henceforth, all means areallowed in accomplishing her goals. Moire has been doing it for almost as long or longer· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (73)

than any of them, and she is at the top of her game.


"Only a son or daughter of Amber's late liege may walk that pattern and live; andit gives to such a person a power over Shadow." Here Moire blinked several times, and Ispeculated as to the number of her subjects she had sent upon that path, to gain somecontrol of this power for Rebma. Of course, she had failed.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 70)

Though a powerful and competent ruler, Moire envies the Amberites their powerover Shadow, and would do much to gain some autonomy for her kingdom by masteringit. She is not of the blood of Amber herself, and is unable or unwilling to attempttraversing the Pattern beneath her, through fear stemming from the fates of thoseunwitting pawns she has set upon it to test the way for herself.

Instead of the Pattern, she has sought out alternate sources of power whereverthey might be found, through magic. Surrounded in Rebma with potent artifacts,creatures, and forces loyal to her, she will rarely venture forth, and will never be caughtwithout the resources with which she equalizes the inequities between her and the houseof Amber.

She is somewhat resentful of the Amberites, with their Pattern, a duplicate ofwhich mocks her from within the depths of the dungeon beneath her very throne, and thisattitude shows itself from time to time. This can manifest itself in the harshness orseverity of her decisions regarding the Amberites, such as Random’s marriage to Vialle. Moire's obsession with the blood of Amber makes perfect sense in this context.Corwin intuits that she had sent subjects unsuccessfully upon the Pattern to gain controlover it. She mourned the death of her daughter and the disappearance of her grandson.When Random falls into her hands after committing this crime against her and all ofRebma, does she have him executed or imprisoned?

No.Instead, she marries him to a member of her court, a union which she is certain

will bring pain to Vialle. Moire's interaction with Amber may take shape as elaborateplotting or manipulation to marry off other nobles of her court to the new generation ofAmberites, or she may take a personal role in this, such as she did with Corwin...

Current Objectives. Interested in maintaining solid relations with Amber andhenceforth keeping her own realm safe, Moire is amicable, though formal, with most ofthe Amberites. She is always seeking alliances and venues of power which will put herahead of her current position, and will seek them out whenever they appear to beavailable. However, Moire will tolerate no threats to the security of Rebma, and will putaside any differences to aid Amber in the security of both realms.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (74)

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [20 Points]STRENGTH - Human Rank [+25 Points] ENDURANCE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]WARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERSSorcery [15 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERDenied the power of the Pattern which rests beneath her throne, Moire has

become a considerable sorceress, using a wide range of magical items and artifacts tocompensate for the higher forces she is unable to access. Some of these Artifacts areinherited, some gifts to her, and some are her own creation. Though Moire is among thegreatest sorcerers in the Amber universe, her abilities are surpassed by those who havethe power of the Pattern behind them.

The Rebman Jewel of Judgement [24 points]- A mere Shadow of the mightyJewel of Judgement from Amber, the Rebman counterpart is a sapphire set in a crystalnecklace, an imperfect reflection similar to a Broken Pattern floating within its bluedepths. She uses it as a basis and fuel for many of her spells. It is considerably weakerthan the real Jewel, a mere Artifact, and has the following abilities:

-Impervious to Damage [8 Points]-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Able to "Mold" Shadow Reality [4 Points]-Powered by Broken Pattern [8 Points]

Moire's Magical Blue Rings [44 Points Total]- On each of her fingers, Moirewears a ring of a different blue stone, though their silver settings are similar. All ofMoire's eight rings are linked so that they are in constant Psychic Communication witheach other, no matter where she goes or if the rings are separated. Like Bleys' rings, theyare empowered so that only a Shadow Barrier against Psyche will disrupt thiscommunication. Though she rarely parts with the rings, she may give one as a gift or as afavor to a beloved Amberite such as Corwin, Martin, or Benedict (or one of theirprogeny). Each ring has a different magical ability, and can rack a spell within it, so shewill choose carefully which of them to give, should she do so.

-"Linked" Remote Psychic Sensitivity [3 Points]-Capable of Racking a Spell [1 Point]-Named and Numbered [*2 Points]

Moire's Star Sapphire Ring [3 Points] - This is the principal ring of the series, and hasbeen crafted to match the Jewel of Judgement. Moire will not part with this ring underany circ*mstances. It is intelligent and monitors the activities and whereabouts of theother rings. She wears it on her right ring finger.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (75)

-Able to Speak [1 Point]-Sensitivity to Danger [2 Points]

Moire's Turquoise Ring [6 Points] - This ring is worn on the right forefinger, and she isreluctant to lend it, though she has little fear of attacks.

-Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]-Confer Quality on Wearer [5 Points]

Moire's Blue Jade Ring [7 Points] - On the right pinky finger, this ring grants her theability to Psychically "hide" from any who seek her. She keeps it on most of the time,except for when she wishes to make a powerful presence to impress or intimidate anyrival spell casters.

-Psychic Neutral [2 Points]-Confer Quality on Wearer [5 Points]

Moire's Aquamarine Ring [4 Points] - Though Moire rarely travels from Rebma, she hascrafted this ring to aid her when she does travel in Shadow. Denied the power of thePattern, this ring allows her to swim through the Shadow seas, considerably lessdangerous than traveling overland. She wears it on her right pinky.

-Shadow Seek [4 Points]

Moire's Diamond Ring [7 Points] - Worn on her left pinky finger, this ring is rarely usedand worn only as a precautionary measure.

-Rapid Healing [2 Points]-Confer Quality on Wearer [5 Points]

Moire's Blue Coral Ring [7 Points] - Worn on her left ring finger. Using this ring, Moireshape-changes into a number of aquatic forms. Some of them are an octopus, a shark, amanta, a pike, a man-o-war jellyfish, or a full mermaid form. Occasionally Moire uses thering to slip into one of those forms and then swims off for a respite from the weight ofrule.

-Alternate Named & Numbered Forms [2 Points]-Confer Quality on Wearer [5 Points]

Moire's Blue Topaz Ring [2 Points] - Worn on her left forefinger, in this ring she stores asingle use of each of her Power Words.

-Contains Named & Numbered Power Words [2 Points]

Moire's Lapis Lazuli Ring [2 Points] - From its place upon her left middle finger, this ringacts as a hanging device for a variety of spells which Moire keeps ready and available.Though rarely engaged in spell-battles, she has the patience to maintain a fullcomplement of defensive, offensive, and general purpose spells for use in Rebma.

-Racks Named & Numbered Spells [2 Points]

Silver Belt [32 Points]- Moire's silver belt is a gift from Oberon himself, tocommemorate her ascension to the throne. Speculation in the Court of Rebma is that it· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (76)

symbolized an aspect of their relationship where on occasion, Oberon was on hand tounclasp the belt himself. It confers upon Moire the following Qualities and Powers:

-Engine Speed [4 Points]-Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]-Shadow Seek [4 Points]-Confers Qualities of Speed and Invulnerability [10 Points]-Confers Shadow Seek [10 Points]

Coral Scepter [16 Points] - Carven with ancient, extinct sea-creatures andglyphs in an unreadable script, the coral scepter is Moire's symbol of her rulership inRebma. The spirits of many ancient sea-beings are bound into the scepter, alienintelligences of surpassing age, possibly predating the creation of the Pattern. It wasborne by her father, Lir, and now it advises Moire, helping her rule wisely, withcompassion and the foresight which comes from millennia of experience.

-Ancient Personality, Highly Intelligent [8 Points]-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Psychic Barrier [4 Points]

The Queen's Guard [15 Points]- The cream of Rebma's warriors, hand-pickedto guard the Queen. Formidable fighters, they wear her colors, and are respected inRebma and Amber. They answer to Moire, and sometimes to Llewella. When Eric's menchased Corwin, Random, and Deirdre down into Rebma, it was the Queen's men who metthem. They are armed with short swords, long spears, and generally little else.

-Double Vitality [2 Points]-Combat Reflexes [2 Points]-Carry Extra Hard Swords [1 Point]-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]

The Stone Marker [11 Points]- The cairn of head-sized stones near Faiella-bionin's entrance is actually a simple watch-tower, used by Moire to detect who iswalking upon the stairs into Rebma. It also houses an intelligence which watches thebeach to see what transpires there, and monitors who is attempting to walk down thestairway Faiella-bionin, alerting Moire whenever her realm is being visited. Should theguests be unwelcome, the monolith has the ability to attack Psychically, instilling fearand panic in those who attempt to enter Rebma. Should this fail, it has the simpleexpedient of shifting the waters upon Faiella-bionin to their normal pressure andunbreathability. Even a second or two of this is enough to instill the proper respect intomost attackers.

-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Attack Psyche [4 Points]- The ability to instill emotion into targets, at a Chaos

Rank Psyche.-Psychic Resistance [1 Point]-Limited Shadow Molding [2 Points]- Confers the ability to “ turn off” the

enchantment which makes Rebma’s waters breathable, warm, and pressure-free.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (77)

ALLIESAmber Court Friend [2 Points]- This is Vialle, onetime subject of Moire and now Queenof Amber.Ally in Amber [4 Points]- This is, of course, Moire's half-sister Llewella.


Oberon actually had two daughters in Rebma; Llewella and Moire. Centuriesbefore the eldest of the Amberites was born, Oberon fathered a child with one of the sea-people of Rebma, founding a lineage in that place similar to the one he was to create inAmber. The Rebman people remember him as Lir, one of the old shapeshifter’s manyguises. When his daughter Moire was of age, she walked the Pattern in Amber andOberon subsequently placed her on the throne of Rebma, reflection of Amber beneath thewaves, feeling that it should be ruled by one of his line.

Moire's true identity was never revealed to the others in the family, and Moire haslittle interest in sharing the knowledge, preferring to be thought of as Llewella's olderhalf-sister. Moire has little interest in ruling Amber because she is just as much a part ofRebma as Amber, and in her land she is free from challenges to her authority. OnlyLlewella presents a threat to Moire’s rulership of Rebma, and at the time being, Moirehas the upper hand.

Though Moire has expressed a more-than-sisterly interest in certain members ofthe royal family, she is a true Amberite in spirit, and a Rebman in her behavior. Due toher age, she regards the others of Amber, save for Benedict, as upstarts and children, andtheir behavior has done little to prove otherwise. Llewella prefers the company of hersister Moire to her half-siblings for this reason, though it is likely that she also seeks tokeep herself near Moire for other purposes. Both of them keep the truth of Moire’s birth asecret from the others because to do so would be to further complicate matters in bothRebma and Amber, and might prove destructive to Rebma in the long run with theattention knowledge of Moire’s origins would attract.

Current Objectives: Now that her anger at Random has softened somewhatwith the ascension of a Rebman princess to Queen of Amber, she is interested incementing the ties between the two lands. She will often act independently of Amber'sknowledge to preserve the peace in both lands, and will strive to do so with the newgeneration, seeking their assistance in gaining stability in Rebma and in Amber. WhileLlewella is her closest sibling, Moire does not trust her entirely and will enlist anycharacters who are suited for the task to keep an eye on Llewella and other Amberiteswhose plans might intersect with Rebma’s own best interests.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE- [45 Points]STRENGTH- Amber Rank· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (78)

ENDURANCE- Amber RankWARFARE- Amber Rank

POWERSAdvanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]Power Words [13 Points]- Moire knows the following Power Words: Magic Negation,Psychic Defense, Psychic Disrupt, Resume True Form, Pattern Negation, Process Surge,Burst of Magic, and Burst of Psyche.Sorcery [15 Points]Master of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement [25 Points]- Due to a combination of the lesserpower of the bauble and her longtime use of it, Moire is able to wear the Rebman Jewelof Judgement for extended periods of time, unlike the true Jewel in Amber.

CREATURES AND ARTIFACTS OF POWERMoire’s Blue Rings [20 Points]- Each of these blue rings contains a section of thereflection of the Pattern in Rebma, which she has harnessed together to form aninexhaustible well from which to draw energy for spells, bolster her magical defenses,and other magical effects. When she activates the rings, they form the equivalent ofhaving the Pattern “ up” and ready for use, with all of the abilities, advantages, andweaknesses that confers.

-Powered by Pattern [10 Points]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]

Moire's Pink Coral Scepter [18 points]- The sign of Moire's rule in Rebma, thisscepter was a gift from Oberon. It has a simple range of abilities. Firstly, that it returns tothe throne room of Rebma no matter where it is taken. With it a person can always findtheir way back to Rebma. When Moire cannot carry the scepter herself, it assumes theform of a small coral fish which will swim about her. If she needs to, Moire can shape itinto a long dagger made of pink coral. Finally, it can be used to Rack Named &Numbered Spells.

-Shadow Trail [1 Point]-Limited Shape Shift [4 Points]-Impervious to Damage [8 Points]-Mobility [1 Point]-Racks & Uses Named & Numbered Spells [4 Points]

The Guardian Monolith [11 Points]- A stone golem in disguise, the stone monolith isseldom-used, but memories in Amber and Arden are long, which keeps many away fromthe stairway. If wakened by Moire, the golem will assume its normal form, unfolding intoa massive humanoid form, limbs made of those heavy stones with fists the size of ahuman head. Twice the height of a man, the monolith is a formidable guardian, speakingin a low, rumbling voice which shakes even the sand around it.

-Mobility [1 Point]-Tireless, Supernatural Stamina [4 Points]-Combat Reflexes [2 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (79)

-Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]-Double Damage Fists [2 Points]-Psychic Resistance [1 Point]

The Tritons [45 Points]- Ancient guardians of Rebma, the Tritons are feared throughoutthe waters of Shadow. Immense and only partly human-shaped, they are great mermen-scaled and clawed. They are hidden in the waters about Rebma much of the time, but willreveal themselves if Moire or Rebma is threatened. Most of the time, they sleep in coldcaves, amongst vast treasures picked from sunken ships. They have their own civilizationand culture, and Moire is their ruler. See the section on “ The Tritons” for more on thesemysterious beasts, though change their leader to Moire for this version.

-Immense Vitality [4 Points]-Tireless, Supernatural Stamina [4 Points]-Combat Mastery [4 Points]-Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]-Extra Hard Talons, Teeth, and Spines [1 Point]-Able to Speak [1 Point]-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]


I examined our escort. They were men with green hair, purple hair, and blackhair, and all of them had eyes of green, save for one fellow whose were of a hazel color.All wore scaled trunks and cloaks, cross-braces on their breasts, and short swordsdepending from sea-shell belts. All were pretty much lacking in body hair. None of themspoke to me, though some stared and some glared.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 68)

Armies of Rebma [15 Points]- Fanatically loyal to their Rebman queen, these troopsare of the old Rebman genetic stock and have little interest in the surface world.Unarmored, so as to increase their swimming speed and maneuverability, they are oftenused as scouts and commandos defending both Rebma and Amber from assaults by thesea. On occasions, Llewella will take a small contingent of them into Amber to serve asher honor guard.

-Double Vitality [2 Points]-Double Normal Stamina [1 Point]-Combat Reflexes [2 Points]-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]

REBMA, MOIRE'S PERSONAL SHADOW ANDREFLECTION OF AMBERRebma, Reflection of Amber [16 Points]- See the rest of this sourcebook for thedescription of Rebma. Rebma is not "owned" by Moire as Amberites own Shadows,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (80)

however. Rebma is as much a part of her as she is of it. Though her destiny is tied to it,she may not shape Rebma through any force other than by royal decree or bymanipulation of the Jewel of Judgement, which she is reluctant to do.

-Primal Shadow Containing a Pattern [12 Points]-Guarded [4 Points]- This limits entry to Rebma to the stairway of Faiella-bionin,

and represents the vigilant guards who watch its golden walls and gateway. It alsorepresents the enchantment upon the waters around Rebma, which she can makeunbreathable to surface dwellers.

GOOD STUFF[+2 Points]


Just as Amber cast a Shadow reflection of itself into the waters and air, it createda copy of its founder, Lord Oberon, in Rebma in the form of Queen Moire. She isOberon's counterpart in Rebma, founder of the Rebman royal line, ageless, and powerful.This knowledge is a secret kept from most of those of Amber, who might challenge herauthority. In this circ*mstance, Moire’s relationship with Llewella is not that of half-sisters, but is, instead, that of grandmother and granddaughter, Llewella being the child ofMoins, one of Moire’s daughters.

With her true identity and powers unknown to most, Moire's enemiesunderestimate her. This proves to be their downfall.

Like Oberon, she has been a force to be reckoned with for thousands of years,scheming, moving behind the scenes, and has spawned a dynasty of children who are inmany ways the rivals of the Amberites. Just because things are quiet and sleepy in fish-haunted Rebma does not mean that Moire is weak. It is not without reason that there ispeace within her realm beneath the seas. Ask the ghosts who dwell within the rotting,sunken ships which surround Rebma. Those men sailed against Amber, and now attest toMoire's mercy.

One way of looking at this version of Moire might be to compare her to anotherfamous sorceress from history- Morgan le Fey, half sister to King Arthur Pendragon. Shewas his rival throughout their lives, scheming against him, thwarting the activities of hisknights, romancing others, and seducing still more. She was not above sleeping withArthur to bear a child which would have the royal bloodline and claim back her father’skingdom, but can one consider her evil when her activities are considered in light of thewrongs done her mother and her father by Uther Pendragon, Arthur’s father? Moire asOberon’s double could easily have this sort of relationship, a mutual respect throughunderstanding and a shared past.

A Game Master taken with the idea is free to posit Moire as Oberon’s sister, andassume that a similar relationship exists between the two.

Current Objectives: Now that Oberon is out of the picture, Moire is concerned· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (81)

with what that means for her own existence and her rule in Rebma. As a result, she hasgrown overly cautious, and will perhaps act with excessive force to crush any threat toher reign. Perhaps at the same time, she will be grooming a trusted subject (perhaps aplayer character) for assumption of the Throne of Rebma, trying to cement alliancesbetween that character and others within the Sea-Court and among the Amberites.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [95 Points]STRENGTH - [15 Points]ENDURANCE - [25 Points]WARFARE - [10 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]Shape Shifting [35 Points]"Exalted" Mirror Wrighting [55 Points]- Moire is able to create Reflections of Shadowswith her magical mirrors, and may manipulate reality therein with impunity, and cancreate duplicates of "real" items which are indistinguishable from the original. She canalso use this ability to create “ fixed” sections of reality portrayed in a mirror, and tostabilize it against manipulation or to recreate it elsewhere."Pattern" Sorcery [25 Points]- Moire is able to cast a number of advanced spells basedupon the power of the Rebman Pattern, has learned magical disciplines allowing her torack spells upon it.Conjuration [20 Points]Master of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement [25 Points]

CREATURES AND ARTIFACTS OF POWERMoire’s Blue Pattern-Rings [20 Points]- Similar to the above-described rings, theseare a bit different in they each contain a continuous link to the Patterns of each of theseven sea-kingdoms of the Coral Branch, the eighth connected to the Pattern in Rebma.With these, she may manipulate those lands as she sees fit, and knows what transpiresconcerning each of those eight Patterns.

-Powered by Pattern [10 Points]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]

QUEEN MOIRE AND THE SUCCESSIONThose from outside Rebma often wonder exactly who Moire is and what her claim

to the throne of Rebma is. Her relation to Llewella and Lir are equally mysterious,outside the Sea-Court. To remedy this, we hear this account, from Moire herself, of herlineage and the history of the Tritons in Rebma:

“In the beginning, as all things come from the sea, there was life in the wild newcreation which was the true world. Perhaps it was there before, perhaps not. The truthmay never be known. Those that dwelt in the sea were the Tritons. They were mighty, andthey were wise. From the loins of these immortal beings came all the races of the sea.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (82)

Mightiest among them was Lir, the Sea-King. He dwelt in the depths of this new worldwith his brethren, and they were absolute in their dominion over the waters. In theirexpansion across the floors of the seas of the world, they encountered a mighty city, aloneand uninhabited in the dark stillness of the ocean floor. In the center of it was a castlewhose walls were hung and set with odd mirrors, within and without. Lir ruled in thisrealm beneath the sea, in this city where strange lights flickered and all the beasts of thesea dwelt in harmony. Lir was the oldest and strongest of many Tritons, his sisters andbrothers. They were named Niobe, Siomal, Aneries, Monemnis, Riadne, Voth, Florian,and N’realle, and each of them was mighty and mysterious, full of life, skill and glories.Each of them settled in this place, and had children who were not so wondrous as theirparents, but were more numerous.

“Here, the legends differ somewhat. Others claim that the Tritons built this city,almost as if guided. Each stone went into place as if it were destined to, each street laidout according to some plan which came instinctually to the stone cutters and thearchitects of this new domain. Whichever the case, they dwelt in a city the rival of whichwas nowhere to be found beneath the seas. Lir made the castle at the center of the city hisown and about the city were carven images of the Tritons, and the fish and creatures ofthe sea.

“Into this world came a strange man, twisted and bent. Madman, wizard,philosopher, musician, sculptor. He was all these things. Gradlon was his name, and heclaimed that he had been there since the city had been founded, but had watched andwaited until they were ready. Beneath the castle of Lir, he claimed, in the series ofpassages where no Triton would go, was a design of wondrous might. It had been createdby one he laughingly referred to as his brother, or his twin, or sometimes himself.

“Exploring the caverns with the strange man, Lir discovered this place, asprawling image of power writ into the smooth floor where there was none before. Tostep upon this Pattern would give one incredible powers, but to fail in walking it wouldbe death. Fearing this thing, Lir ordered the doors to this chamber sealed and that noneshould walk its glowing distance.

“But there was more, claimed Gradlon. Much more, he cackled.“On a strange walk through places real and unreal, Gradlon took them to a place

above the waters, Lir saw that there was a kingdom to rival his own, where a mighty city,identical to his own, rested on the land and thrust into the sky upon the breast of a mightymountain. In that place, claimed the wizard, there was the family of a mighty lord, andthey could survive the traversal of that mighty Pattern, for it was identical to one whichlay beneath their own castle. That place is Amber. Then the old man pointed up into thenight sky, and above the highest point of the mountain there could be seen a ghostly stairleading into a ghostly city in the darkness, floating there as if made of moonlight andclouds.

“There, also, is the third of those strange designs, said the old madman Gradlon,in a city much like your own, and their own. This is Tir-na Nog’th.

“But in the sky, he said, their people are merely ghosts of those who dwell on theground. In the sea below, your people will know this, for they are stronger than youTritons, and their world will persevere over mere ghosts and reflections.

“Enraged and afraid by this, Lir returned to his home and brooded. The wizardGradlon took his leave and was not seen for some time. The Tritons kept to themselves· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (83)

through the next few centuries, though some of their offspring had taken on the form ofhumanity due to intermarriage with the surface folk. Fewer Tritons were being born, andso the Tritons took near-drowned sailors from the surface, lost children, and maidenssacrificed to the sea-monsters some thought them to be. Many of the Tritons whosenamed the houses bear died, left Rebma, or transformed as those people do, and wentinto exile. Perhaps they returned to the old spawning ground which gave them life, orperhaps they sought a quiet place to die. Whichever the case, soon Lir was the one ofonly a few of his generation left in Rebma.

“The last of his brethren to marry, Lir took as his wife a maiden who bore all thesigns of humanity in her form and her bearing. She was named Moins, my mother. I wasborn to them shortly thereafter. They were a strange match, but a logical one, a symbolof the fusion between the realms of men and Triton, of above, and below.

“It was inevitable that the two worlds would encounter one another, and they did.The details are uncertain, save that initially it was quite bloody, with wars fought foryears between the folk of the surface and the depths. In these battles, Lir’s remainingbrothers and sisters die, their battles carried on by their offspring, who were more humanthan Triton.

“Among the ranks of the enemy was a prince named Benedict, who, though amighty warrior and general, realized that the battle between the folk of the sea and theland was a futile one. He came to Rebma and arranged for peace. I met him first, then, asa child, and was impressed by his strengths and his solitude. He brought his fatherOberon, the King, together with my father Lir, and they declared peace between the twokingdoms. There was much celebration, and the two races would be at peace for sometime.

“It was remarked upon that Moins, my mother, was the double for Oberon’s ownwife Faiella, who had died in childbirth quite unexpectedly. Lir should have known thatbringing Oberon and Moins together would result in tragedy.

“Unfortunately, Oberon’s baser instincts were unknown to us, and it happenedthat he and my mother spent a night together at one of these feasts of allegiance. Perhapshe sought to recapture the love of the image of his dying wife, perhaps she thought toconsole a grieving king and was swept away by his power. The details of the assignationare unknown to me, and I do not care to hear them. Suffice to say, she became with child,and this drove a wedge between Lir and Oberon when it became known.

“Seeking war with his double above the sea, Lir brought his case before hisbrethre’s Houses, who had grown rich and powerful with the contact with the surfaceworld of Amber and the surrounding kingdoms. They had forged alliances of their ownwith the noble families there and in other realms, and were no so dependent upon Lir’sgoodwill as their king. He urged them to war for Oberon’s betrayal, but they would notsupport him, and when he took his own troops against Amber, they were crushed and hewas driven from the sea-kingdom to a place beyond the Sargasso Sea, there to return tothe ancestral homeland of the Tritons, some imagine, while others thought to die alonewith his defeat.

“The Houses, ashamed for their lack of action and their betrayal, sought toprevent Moins from being Queen, but nonetheless acknowledged the right of Lir’soffspring to rule, and henceforth, I became Queen of Rebma. The founders of Rebma areall dead, now, entombed and known through their Houses only.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (84)

“Of the old man, little is known of him, though it is possible that he might beextant still, walking some secret places within the mirrors of Rebma from which someclaimed he came.

“And lastly, the Tritons have not been encountered for millennia. If they are notextinct, then they are nearly so, or have forsaken their onetime kingdom which those fromabove know as Rebma.”

How much of this is true or not depends on who you listen to, and what else youknow about Rebma and its enigmatic queen. Talk to someone else, and the story you getmight be much different...


"You shall marry the woman of my choice and remain with her in my realm for ayear's time, or you will forfeit your life. What say you to that, Random?"

Random said nothing, but he nodded abruptly.She struck her scepter on the arm of her turquoise throne."Very well," she said. "So be it."And so it was.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 71)

In most circ*mstances, when players encounter Moire, she will meet them whileon the Throne, clad in her full regalia- Jewel at her throat, crown upon her head, andscepter in her fist. She speaks to them from the most exalted of positions, letting themknow with every gesture that they are there at her contrivance, whatever the situationmight be, and that she is in complete control.

Surrounded by all the majesty of her role, symbols of the alien heritage of theTritons, the apparent blessing of the Sea-Horse, and the mysterious powers inherent in themirrors, Queen Moire should scare the heck out of the younger generation of Amberites.Every action she makes, each phrase she utters, should be designed by the Game Masterto let them know that they are dealing with the real thing here. Whatever their notionsabout Rebma might have been before meeting Moire, player-characters should comeaway thinking that she is no one to mess with.

She knows that she may not be a match for the combined hosts of Amber, yet sheis savvy enough to know how far she might dare, and is always pushing that line backwith her apparent audacity. When she forced Random to marry Vialle and remain inRebma, she (and Vialle ) had Corwin's sympathy. Had she tried to put Random to death,Corwin would have brought the walls of Castle Rebma down around her or died trying.Similarly, player-characters will find Moire making incredible demands upon them withthe apparent assurance that she can and will enforce her will upon them.

Her orders will be given without a moment’s thought to negotiation. “You willswear your allegiance to me for a year and a day,” she could demand of a player who hasasked for a minor boon, and in this time, she will not hesitate to put the character throughHell in observance of that pledge. “Relinquish your weapons,” she would ordercharacters who have come armed into her presence, and should they fail to do so, she· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (85)

would order all the forces at her command to see to it that they are relinquished. Eachorder might be more difficult to accomplish than the last: “ Take this ring from myfinger,” she says, proffering her slender white hand, “ and bear it to Lady BelissaMinobee within the Courts of Chaos.”

Some might call it arrogance, but it is simply her right and her demeanor asQueen.

Game Masters might cringe at this kind of imperiousness, as many players mightjust assume that she is a featherweight and act accordingly. A good idea in portrayingQueen Moire’s sovereignty would be to be in the form of an elder Amberite’s responseand behavior around her. This can be accomplished by having Llewella on hand, gaspingaloud when someone appears to be defying Moire’s wishes, taking a young andimpetuous scion of Amber by the elbow and whispering “You’d better do as she says...”Even Amberites as universally feared as Benedict and Fiona should tell the characters, inno uncertain terms, that Moire is not someone to take lightly. Characters with noticeabledegrees of Psyche and/or Warfare (or the equivalents thereof) would immediately noticeall sorts of danger signals going off whenever Moire seems to be losing her patience withthem.

The other side to Moire’s behavior is when she appears to let the guard down aftergiving them the complete regal treatment, such as she did with Corwin in Nine Princes inAmber. In the classic “ bad cop/good cop” mode, she first intimidated them into acceptingher will, then showed her softer, gentler side to Corwin, leaving him with a healthyrespect and admiration for her, but remaining in control all the while, giving him onlyinformation which would not cost her, and learning all she could from him. This is atactic she can use often, dealing with the Amberites as a group in her role as Queen, thensplitting them up and meeting with them separately to ascertain their motives and thetruth behind their seeking her aid. In this mode, she will use whatever resourcesnecessary- her powers, her people, and even herself, in her attempt to know all and use itfor the preservation of Rebma.

Another side of Moire the Game Master should try to emphasize is her humanside. She can also be somewhat petulant and sometimes, perhaps the player characterswill get the sense that she takes a childlike glee in playing the role of She Who Must BeObeyed. Her casual, sensual imperiousness over Corwin and her giggling at the thresholdof the Pattern are signs of this element to her character. She might even have a rivalrywith Llewella, the one woman in Rebma who does not have to listen to Moire’s orders orface the consequences. It is telling that though Random learned that Llewella was inRebma, she did not come to their audience with Moire. One can almost imagine Moiredropping the bombshell on Llewella later that day at dinnertime: “Oh, Llewella... We’llbe dining with your brother Random and your sister Deirdre. They arrived some time ago.Corwin was with them, but has departed upon the Pattern, to Amber to seek hisvengeance against Eric. I must apologize for forgetting to tell you that they were here.”

Moire shouldn’t be all orders and arrogance, without backing up her end of thedeal. As she did with the three Amberites, she should be willing to offer them whatevershe can do, should it fall within their best interests. This might be unexpected, with theGame Master arranging things so that one of Moire’s requests turns out to assist thecharacter spectacularly, or Moire might act directly to aid the character, stepping betweenthem and certain destruction.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (86)

MOIRE AS MOTHERMoire hasn't had much luck with the child we know about. Her daughter, beloved

Morganthè, heiress to the Throne of Rebma ran off suddenly with Random, Prince ofAmber. A month later, Morganthè was returned to Rebma, and shortly after the birth ofher son Martin, she killed herself.

Why was this? The whole affair is something of a mystery, even to those in theSea-Court. Moire as a mother presents many possibilities for the Rebman-born playercharacter...

Sweet, Gentle Moire: Known for her compassion and her wisdom, this Moirewill make a wonderful mother. Her son or daughter will enjoy a life of wealth, privilege,and comfort. A good choice for Good Stuff characters.

Cautious, Overprotective Version: Concerned with her child's well-being,and not wanting to lose another to the cruel hands of the House of Amber, Moire cares forthe child to the point of fanaticism. This sort of childhood would certainly involve anever-present honor guard, careful advice about the Amberites, and being shuttled out ofsight when those of Amber come to visit.

Matchmaker: This Moire is very interested in further cementing ties betweenthe royal House of Rebma and that of Amber. Her children would be groomed fromadolescence with the goal of marrying into the House of Oberon. Morganthè's suicidemay have been the result of Moire's anger at her for giving birth to an illegitimate, ratherthan officially marrying into the Amber family and producing an official heir of dualheritage.

This sort of childhood would be very stressful, with the character being expectedto epitomize grace, intelligence, and whichever qualities Moire feels would be best forattracting an Amberite. Guilt and carefully planned neglect would be Moire's toolstowards shaping the life of her offspring.

Mother of Rebma. Moire as the mother of a generation of Rebman Princes andPrincesses puts a character right in the middle of a lot which has the potential to be everybit as fractious as the Amberite family. A character from this Rebma will come with herown set of sisters and brothers, each with agendas which might overlap with those of theAmberites. This Moire could be just as distant as Oberon, or a much better parent to theroyal family, trying to avoid the centuries of strife which have marked Oberon’soffspring’s family history.

OFFSPRING OF MOIRE AND CORWINMoire's quickness in getting Corwin into her bed was likely part and parcel of a

plot similar to Dara's of bearing a child of Amber to use for her own ends, creating anheir to the thrones of both Amber and Rebma together. Consider her thinking here: Eric isRegent in Amber, but is not popular with his siblings. Corwin, obviously favoredclaimant to the throne, reappears from the dead, obviously bent on taking the throne for· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (87)

himself. Moire could have known Oberon's wishes in the matter of the succession, orsuspected that Corwin would succeed in his task. After all, Brand pulled a similar featwhen he saw Corwin's return in Tir-na Nog'th. Moire could easily have had similarforeknowledge. So when Corwin showed up without his memories and his guard down(which might have warned him against such a seduction), she seized the opportunity. Onereason Amberites are so careful about their relationships is because of the possibility ofoffspring being used against them.

If Moire were to bear Corwin a child, it would cement the alliance betweenAmber and Rebma, and perhaps even quell any possibility of Corwin as King trying toconquer Rebma at some point. A child of the Queen of Rebma and the King of Amberwould likely inherit both realms. Nice thing to have in her pocket, right? So it's more thanpossible that Moire has a child tucked away somewhere, perhaps raised in a fast-timeShadow and unknown to Corwin.

This is an excellent role to be filled by a character with both Rebman and AmberCourt Devotees.

Offspring of Moire and another Amberite. Similarly, Moire’s longtimeassociation with the Amberites might present all sorts of opportunities for many, if notany of the Amberites to be father to her child. Just as Cleopatra had many famous lovers,Moire could have had affairs with several Lords of Amber, or even Chaos! Oberon wouldbe a natural choice for such a past, as would Benedict (whom she still regards fondly),and, unpleasantly, Random, which would put the events of Morganthe’s death into anewly tragic light. Other Amberites such as Osric and Finndo are also prime candidatesfor these past liaisons. Characters could be surprised to find that Moire is still in touchwith Amberites thought long-dead.

Moire’s relationship with Eric is a curious one, given that he respects Rebma’sboundaries, and even, according to Corwin’s friend Rein, “ Eric didn’t want to court anincident with Rebma at this point. Moire has quite a kingdom, and there is talk that Ericis even considering asking her to be his queen.” This hardly jibes with Moire’s initialstatement that “ Eric is almost as disliked here as this recreant who stands at your lefthand,” referring to Random.


"You, Lord Corwin, are the only prince of Amber I might support," she told me,"save possibly for Benedict. He is gone these twelve years and ten, however, and Lirknows where his bones may lie. Pity."

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 72)

Player characters who venture into Rebma will be forced to meet her on her ownterms, complete with the formal march through the city and the reception within thethrone room. During this time, she will be watching them from the various mirrors ofRebma, using these magical devices to determine their powers, to look into their mindsand delve into their secrets, so that when they meet her, she knows all that she can aboutthem, and will use this information to devastating effect in negotiations. Her speech, her· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (88)

actions, and her commands are all designed to let the characters know that they are nowin her place of power, and their lives are now within her hands.

Moire has had a long history of dealing with the Amberite Princes and Princesses,and plays them against each other in subtle and often hidden means. By presenting herselfas a provider of information, sanctuary, and assistance, she is also able to manipulate herallies and enemies with long-term plans which might take decades to bear results. It’spossible that she helped Brand when he came to Rebma seeking information aboutMartin, as part of a plot to gain some control over Martin. She gained Corwin’s allianceby giving him back his memory, and sheltering his sister Deirdre. Random might nothave been so much a prisoner as a hostage, against both Corwin and Eric, both of whomwould have wanted him alive for different reasons.

In The Chronicles of Amber, Corwin dismisses the idea of a sister ruling Amber asimpossible. "They are neither interested nor fit," he says of the idea. Perhaps those ofAmber should look below the waves, to a queendom which is at once powerful, healthyand prosperous, and learn from her example. Corwin and the others of Amber should begrateful that her ambitions seem to end at the water’s edge...

MOIRE AS LLEWELLA’S PAWNThe Moire presented here is a pretty formidable individual, even when compared

with the Amberites. You, as the Game Master, might have a problem with this portrayalof someone not obviously of the Blood of Amber being so powerful. Another way to lookat her might be that of a highly gifted and incredible capable pawn of Llewella. Random’sassessment of Rebma as the dwelling place of “ Llewella’s people,” (not Moire’s!), theresentment from the guards, Random’s insolence during his sentencing, and the fact thatMoire gives them everything they want, without hesitation, could mean that she wasn’table to do otherwise. This Moire is little more than a puppet, with the true power in theform of Llewella pulling the strings from offstage. Moire could even be one guise of ashape-shifted Llewella...

Constant Allies & Enemies: Moire's strongest ally in Amber is her sisterLlewella. She cares for Corwin, and admires Benedict greatly. Moire will try to useVialle to influence Random's decisions regarding Rebma. She hated Eric for pastdiscretions, and is still cool towards Random, and could carry those feelings towards theirloyal offspring.


BoilInstantly brings the water or liquid contained within a target area or creature to a

full boil. Cast on an area of water, this is enough instant heat to sear the lungs, eyes, andear canals of any beings trapped in that area, and to cause second-to-third degree burnsover any exposed skin. It instantly heats metal objects within the area of effect to extremelevels, making them difficult or painful to touch. Caught in this spell’s effect, mostHuman Ranked Endurances will faint or go into shock.

Another deadlier use is to cast the spell, targeting the actual blood or bodily fluids· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (89)

of an enemy. This sort of an attack will instantly kill any being with Human RankEndurance, and will send an Amber Ranked character into shock. Upper levels of theAttribute ladder will be able to resist its effects in some manner, though the pain will beremarkable and intense. Cold-dwelling beings will usually die instantly. Cast againstthose of the blood of Chaos, the spell has no effect, as Chaosian blood already burns inmost Shadows. Demons will laugh it off and thank you for the inner massage. ShapeShifters will usually be thrown into automatic Shape Shift in defense against this spell.

Usually, this spell is instant, but in some cases, it can be cast to continue boilinguntil dispelled or otherwise dispersed. Targeting a living being in this manner isespecially devastating.

Base Casting Time: One hour.Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes of casting time each. Magic of Shadow,

Name/Description of Target, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

ImplodeA spell which instantly compresses an item or creature, causing all of the oxygen

contained within it to escape outward in a great bubble as the outside pressure isincreased a hundredfold. Very useful for crippling marine vessels or for destroying itemsmade of porous material and/or containing hollow spaces or watertight areas whileunderwater. When cast successfully, the item is compressed to the smallest size it cancompact to, losing all “ empty” space and reaching maximum density possible.

Cast on a living being implodes the lungs, ear canals, and other organs whichcontain oxygen or other bodily gasses. This includes porous areas within the skeletalsystem, and the heart. It requires a Psychic battle to be successful, and is usually fatal toweaker beings, compressing their bodies into horrible, compact configurations which areusually unrecognizable. When cast on beings of higher ranked Endurance, its effects arelessened, perhaps only affecting parts of the body. Shape Shifters have some naturaldefense against it, but are usually knocked unconscious by the shock.

Base Casting Time: Two Hours.Lynchpins: Additional twenty minutes of casting time each. Magic of Shadow,

Name/Description of Target.

FreezeThe opposite of the Boil spell, this spell freezes the water or liquid in an area or

target. Used on an area, the spell creates a huge block of ice out of the water surroundingthe focal point of the spell. Beings or items inside this area will be trapped inside the ice,even in mid-water if such was their position when the spell was cast. This is usually amore effective means of attack than trying to freeze a being inside, and is more certain ofsuccess.

If it is cast upon a sentient target, a Psyche versus Psyche combat must be foughtto succeed. When cast on living beings, the effects are devastating to Human RankedEndurances, instantly freezing the target creature solid. This usually has the effect ofkilling most living beings, unless somehow revived quickly before brain death sets in.See the section on Injuries Underwater in this sourcebook for more on cold-related effectson health. Amber Ranking in Endurance may enable the target to shrug off the effectsquickly, or the cold may slow them down considerably for a while. Creatures from Chaos· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (90)

are discomfited by the spell, but are not especially affected other than perhaps given astrong chill or at worse, sent into thermal shock. Shape Shifting might lessen the negativeeffects of this spell, as well.

Base Casting Time: One hour.Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes of casting time each. Magic of Shadow,

Name/Description of Target, Size of Target Area (Optional), Duration (Optional), DispelWord (Optional).

Paralyze Lungs Overrides the subject's central nervous system and stops the groups of muscle

which expand and contact the subject's lungs (or equivalent organs). This causes them torapidly fill with hydrogen (which is normally expelled upon exhalation) and water, whichis the Rebman atmosphere. Victims of this spell find that their lungs quickly fill withwater, and they drown within a minute or so unless some countermeasures are taken.Victims will first experience dizziness and nausea. Their skin will become flushed, andbreathing becomes painful and difficult. After a minute or so of this, the victim will loseconsciousness and drown shortly thereafter.

Base Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of

Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

RustInstantly impregnated all molecules of a metallic item with water molecules and

shortens the period needed for oxygenation of that water, causing all metals to rust almostinstantaneously to a degree decided upon by the caster. This way, swords can becomelong sticks of rust, or merely lose their sheen and take on a mottled effect. This has littleeffect upon items with any form of magical Resistance to Damage, but can affect otheritems if a Psyche vs. Psyche battle is won over the item itself of the wielder, if applicable.Note that this spell only affects metals which can rust such as iron, bronze, and steel, andhas zero effect on gold, silver, brass, or other metals which are chemically resistant torust.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Degree, Area (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).Variations: Another couple of possibilities are versions which rots items instantly

through inundating them with water, affecting items such as cloth, leather, or wood,making them stretch, or break if forced. It is also possible to make an item which will"weather" stone, rapidly wearing it down by the water's movement around it.

SubmergeAllows even and steady sinkage of an item or character to a designated depth,

with full control of the rate and direction of descent. Useful for taking trade goods toRebma or submerging panicky animals such as horses. Can be cast over an entire vessel,at which point the vessel's natural buoyancy is overcome and the item sinks gracefully,without upsetting its position (i.e. boats won't tip over). Water will wash over the itemwhen submerged and will fill it, just as if it had sunk naturally. No matter how buoyant an· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (91)

item might be naturally, the spell cancels that and forces it underwater inexorably.Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Rate of Descent, Controlled Descent (Optional), Duration (Optional), DispelWord (Optional).

Wall of IceInstantly freezes water selected by the caster into a glacier, hollow sphere, wall, or

structure of thick ice, creating a barrier or small defensive screen. The caster designatesthe size and the general shape of the desired structure (and target, if any) as the spell iscast. Targeted items or creatures cannot be frozen themselves, but can be contained insideappropriately shaped structures (such as spheres). In the waters in and around Rebma, theice will melt very quickly (about a half-hour for this to happen), but in colder waters theice can last for days before melting completely. In warmer, tropical waters the timebefore melting will be considerably shorter. Usually, the thickness of this barrier is abouta yard , which can be adjusted as desired.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Target Area, Form,

Thickness (Optional), Magic of Shadow.

Waters of LifeFor Rebmans, this is a useful Spell which creates a "skin" of cool water (or warm

if in cold climes) about them at all time, allowing them to breathe this instead of air. Thiswater is collected from the air around the caster. Though Rebmans may breathe freelyupon the surface, sometimes they prefer the comfort of their native environment. In casesof radically different climes (such as in the desert or other arid places) this spell can be alifesaver. Suited more for use while wearing Rebman traditional garb than in surfacedweller clothing, it leaves one's garments soaked.

Casting Time: Thirty MinutesLynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Duration (Optional), Temperature (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).Variations: If desired, the spell can be combined with basic healing spells to

create a circulating skin of healing potion, or even combined with deadly substances likecontact poisons, acids, boiling oil, etc... which will surround the target completely. Ifsuch an alternate fluid is desired, the Casting Time is increased to one and a half hours,and the Lynchpins of Shadow Source are required.

Power Word [WALLAD!]: Slow Water.Compacts the water in a small area for a moment, creating a shield which offers

some resistance to any missile weapons or to movement by small creatures. It can alsoresist a weapon swing, create some difficulty for a walker, or provide some resistance fora fast-moving swimmer. It dissipates in a moment and becomes normal water. While itwill not stop an arrow, thrown javelin, spear, or dagger, it will disrupt their path enoughto deflect them in most instances, and lessen their momentum considerably.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (92)

DAYLELike Llewella, she was as different from the rest of the Amberites as was the moon

from the sun. Her hair was black with purple shot throughout, cut pageboy-short, and herskin was pearlescent white. She wore loose leggings of greyish silk and a matchingblouse, and about her wrist was a silver bangle. Her belt was silver and clasped withsome glossy black stone. Her eyes were wide and round and green, cheekbones high andsharp beneath them. About her swirled a short purple gauzy wrap, and she leaned on along, barb-bladed spear.

One of the reasons for Llewella's self-imposed exile from Amber is that she has afamily there, a lover named Kulwir who was once Castellan of the Guard of Rebma. Withhim, she has a daughter who is a noble in Moire's court. The child of a Princess ofAmber, and niece to the Queen of Rebma, Dayle has quite a pedigree, and it’sunderstandable why she would be kept secret from Amber. In Rebma, Llewella lavishescare and attention upon her, and educated Dayle the courtly graces and provided herinitial magical tutelage.

As an outsider, Dayle learned of the elder Amberites through her mother's eyes,spending long hours studying the Trumps and listening to their histories of valor,adventure, and betrayal. She was a friend of Morganthe’s, and knew Martin as a youth,remembering him as a gawky boy who did not fit in well. When she was of the right age,age, she walked the reversed Pattern in Rebma and used it to transport herself intoShadow for a short time, where she adventured, explored, and made some allies. Uponher return, she dwelt in Castle Rebma as a noble of ther Sea-Court.

Dayle's loyalty is to Rebma, and she spends little time in Amber, preferring toremain in her home of Rebma when she is not sailing throughout Shadow, or swimmingin the realms beyond the Coral Branch.


Unassuming and without guile, Dayle is wary of the House of Amber, but isinterested in them nonetheless, as they are celebrities of sorts in Rebma. Her days filledwith the monotony of Court duties and endless functions, she longs for a life ofadventure. Like her friend Morganthè, she will be captivated by any Amberites and morethan willing to join any of the younger generation in their exploits.

As a fledgeling Amberite, Dayle presents a wonderful contrast to the cynical,paranoid, and power-hungry Elders, or even to the player-characters themselves! Thoughshe is no Pollyanna, her viewpoint on the rest of the Amberites might be fundamentallynaive. Player-characters might want to shelter her from harsh realities, mislead her, orpledge her their assistance and support. As the child of Llewella, she might know exactlywhat she’s doing by playing it meek, and playing her unwitting “ defenders” like well-tuned instruments. Of course, she’ll never take it to the point where they think they’re· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (93)

being taken advantage of.But then, that whole “ innocence” thing might not be an act, after all.

Current Objectives. Romance, excitement, and escape. Now come into herpowers as an initiate of the Pattern, she is interested in seeing the rest of the world, whichnow lies at her feet. Though she has no one stopping her from traveling throughoutShadow and seeing Amber, she is shy and a bit cowed by the reputation that her kindredabove in Amber have. The experiences her people had suffered at the hand of Amberites,coupled with Llewella's and Moire's feelings towards Amber have made her cautiousabout venturing forth.


POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]

ARTIFACTS & CREATURES OF POWERMistral, Dayle's Sailboat [11 Points]- A small, grey-wooded sailboat with shimmeringsilver sails, this craft is almost 35 feet long and has two cabins. Fully stocked, it is able tofollow paths through Shadow and typically alters the weather around it so that there isalways ample wind. Dayle keeps it moored in a hidden cove on a small island near Cabra.

oResistant to Fire [2 Points]oShadow Seek [4 Points]oAble to "Mold" Shadow Reality [4 Points]oAlternate Form [1 Point]- Shifts into a "modern-looking" motorboat.

Dayle's Spear [4 Points]- A long bladed spear with ornate tracery on the blade and curlingbarbs which look wickedly sharp. It returns when thrown, if not stuck into a target, andtugs that target towards Dayle if it does strike true.

oDouble Damage [2 Points]oAnimal Vitality [1 Point]oMobility [1 Point]

ALLIESDayle's Amber Court Devotee [6 Points]- This, of course, is Dayle's mother Llewella,who watches her daughter carefully through the mirrors of Rebma, unbeknownst toDayle.

GOOD STUFF[+4 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING DAYLE AS LADY OF THE· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (94)

SEA-COURTIn many ways, Dayle is identical to a player character in her relative lack of

firsthand knowledge of Amber, her naivete about the way things really are, and her desireto join what she sees as "the real world." Generally reserved, she longs to break from thisrut and might just surprise everyone by throwing herself wholeheartedly into the craziestendeavor if she feels it will lead to greater things. After a lifetime in quiet Rebma, she'sready to see the world and really make a difference.

Dayle provides an good counterpoint to other, jaded characters (non-player andplayer) with her sense of wonder about the worlds she sees. She's not stupid, however,and will react viciously to those who threaten her or betray her trust. Remember that shecomes from a world where the rule for survival is literally "eat or be eaten" and has littlesqueamishness about ensuring her place in that food chain. Characters who imagine thatshe’s all meekness and shy reservation might find her attitude towards death to besomewhat callous, and her comments about the natural order of things to be a bitfatalistic. Then when she strikes out to defend herself without mercy or even the slightestbit of hesitation, they’ll be even more surprised. These are both solid ways to throwplayer-characters off if they think they’ve got her pegged.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Though she might feel rebellious against herRebman kin and the quiet life in the Sea-Court, these ties remain her greatest strength andthe source of much of the help she might summon. She knows Martin from their youth,and remembers him kindly, and is close to Vialle and other youths in Rebma. Llewella,her mother, remains closest to Dayle, however. Dayle will be the one who knows people,and has surprising resources. In her travels, she even encountered a Triton or two, andcould be a connection that way.


Hidden from Amber, Dayle was warned about her kin there from birth until shehad traversed the Pattern. Sick of the inference that she is unable to fend for herself, she isready to abandon Rebma at the drop of a hat and make her way throughout Amber andShadow again. For the past century or two, she’s played it close to home, limiting herexplorations of Shadow to the Coral Branch realms, and has been used extensively as adiplomat and envoy to those places. Dayle is the one member of the Sea-Court who hasalways been available to attend state functions, and generally gets seated next to someboorish young merchant-prince or hero. She’s had to listen to countless insipid narrativeand fend off innumerable advances, and has had enough of it.

She’s put up with a lifetime of Llewella keeping her penned in, ensuring hersafety, censoring and coloring her knowledge of the outside world, and generally takingthe motherhood thing to the fanatical extreme. Now Dayle is ready, rearing, and able tohead out of Rebma. She’s seen Morganthe split with a handsome young prince, but alsohad to live through her friend’s return and suicide. Moire’s son Nestor, likewise, took an· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (95)

expedition to the Sargasso Sea along with her father, and she hasn’t heard from themsince. Next, she saw Morganthe’s son Martin head out, Patterwards, towards the universeoutside, and hasn’t seen or heard from him either. Then there was the time her motherdisappeared for decades, off fighting some war at the hind-end of the universe! There’ssomething out ther

The trouble is that taking that first step is the roughest.Too tough to take alone.This is where the player-characters come in...

Current Objectives. After a childhood in Rebma hidden from Amber, Dayle isready to leave her home and see the world above. Given the power of the Pattern inRebma, Dayle wants to walk through Shadow and meet her uncles and aunts. She mightdo so impetuously, or choosing carefully. Upon meeting any of her cousins, she will joinwith them immediately if the prospect for leaving Rebma presents itself.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [50 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points] ENDURANCE - Amber RankWARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]Mirror Wrighting [35 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERMedusa, Dayle's Silver Wristlet [7 points]- Formed in the shape of a long silver eelwrapped thrice about her wrist, Dayle's wristlet Medusa is a shapechanger which she usesas a mobile focus for her spells and her conjuration. It is enchanted, and Dayle may use itas a typical scrying mirror. When she removes it from her wrist, the ring changes shape toa small round mirror with an eel-shaped border and handle.

oMobility [1 Point]oAble to Speak & Sing [2 Points]oPsychic Sensitivity [1 Point]oAlternate Shape [1 Point]oCan Rack Named & Numbered Spells [2 Points]

Mistral, Dayle's Sailboat [11 Points]- As above.oResistant to Fire [2 Points]oShadow Seek [4 Points]oAble to "Mold" Shadow Reality [4 Points]oAlternate Form [1 Point]

Dayle's Spear [7 Points]- Actually a living being, Dayle's spear changes its shape to thatof a long pike with a mouthful of needle-teeth and an array of razor-sharp fins along itsbody. When thrown, it will change form and engage the enemy as a predator, leaving· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (96)

Dayle free to do other things. It can understand simple commands.oAnimal Vitality [1 Point]oDouble Speed [2 Points]oCombat Reflexes [2 Points]oExtra Hard Teeth and Fins [1 Point]oPsychic Sensitivity [1 Point]oAlternate Form [1 Point]

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 points]- Her mother Llewella is devoted to Dayle and wishes toavoid the tragedy which befell Moire's daughter Morganthe.Rebman Family Friend [2 Points]- This is her Aunt Moire, Queen of Rebma.

GOOD STUFF[+2 Points]


Imagine the indignity of being able to travel anywhere you desire, to possessphysical powers beyond most mortal's understanding, considerable magical abilities, andbe restrained to Rebma due to the caution of others. Instead, endless parties, social events,ceremonies, formal dinners, and so on. Or of always being warned, and having motherLlewella or aunt Moire show up to take you away when things are getting fun, or at leastinteresting.

After a more than a few decades of this, you would be ready to go berserk. Whowouldn’t?

Characters might be visiting Rebma, and have the following situation occur tothem:

GM: Okay... Lorman, you’re at this really boring dinner in Rebma, shanghaied byRandom into attending in his place, and all anyone wants to talk about is trade policieswith the Coral Branch, and how the Golden Circle fits into this. A lot of people are askingyou your opinions on the various negotiations.Matt: Ugh! Whenever they ask me anything, I’ll just mumble something enigmatic andsay that it’s really out of my hands.GM: ... as Random instructed you to. “ Just be there ‘til the end of the dinner, then youcan come back,” he said. “And don’t promise anything.” Good job so far. The Rebmannobles listen appreciatively, and pretend to be interested, but after a while, they stopasking you questions, and no one pays much attention to you. Now you can finish yourdinner in peace.Matt: Anyone interesting here? Where’s Llewella?GM: Well, there’s Moire at the head of the table, and her half-sister Syclla. No one elsestands out, except for an attractive, youngish-looking woman in a grey and silver dresssitting across and over a couple of seats from you. She’s been catching your eye morethan once and smiling.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (97)

Matt: Hmmm... I’ll have to talk to her after dinner.GM: Soon enough, dinner ends, and Moire signals that the ball is about to begin. Youstill thinking about heading out of here?Matt: Nope! I’m going to find that lady and see what happens...GM: You’re looking around for her as you all walk to the ballroom, when a firm graspcloses about your elbow.Matt: Who is it?GM: It’s her, and she’s got a secret sort of smile on her face...Matt: Oh, boy!!!GM: Calm down, there. She guides you off into a small alcove set with a couple ofbenches and a big mirror. Your departure seems to have gone unnoticed by the others,and then releases you.Matt: I’ll introduce myself. “My lady. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lorman,Princeling of Amber, and sorcerer of no small repute. And your name is ...?”GM: She smiles. “ I’m your cousin Dayle. I’ve heard of you. Let’s get out of here!”Matt: Darn! Always a relative!GM: Well, her grip on your elbow did seem awfully strong...Matt: “Where would you have us go, dear cousin?”GM: She touches the big mirror in its center, and it ripples like quicksilver. “ Pictureanother mirror, elsewhere, and touch this mirror. It will create a gate to that place. Movequickly...”Matt: I’ll do so, picturing my chambers back in Amber, but I’ll ask her “What’s therush?”GM: You can hear Llewella’s voice from outside the alcove. She’s calling Dayle’s name.Your chamber is suddenly reflected in the mirror there. Suddenly, Dayle grabs you andpulls you through the surface of the mirror, and you tumble into the room.Matt: Wait, I want to talk to Llewella! Can I see her in the mirror?GM: You’re looking back at the mirror, when Dayle hurls a stool at your mirror just asyou see Llewella entering the frame. It shatters the mirror.Matt: “What’d you do that for!?!”GM: She brushes her hair from her face, and says “ Sorry, I had to get away, somehow.Let’s move from here. She’ll be following us.”Matt: “Wait...”

As long as she’s confined in Rebma, Dayle is a time bomb. Who knows whenshe’ll go off. Her desperation to get out of Rebma has made her someone who will, on awhim, destroy her home and leave forever. She’ll join up with others of her generation ona moment's notice, and leave Rebma with them, then perhaps abandon them and theirgoals when she's free of her home.

Perhaps after having her fun in Shadow, she'll change her mind about Rebma andreturn there, but perhaps not. She’ll likely change her mind a few times either way,though.

DAYLE-POTENTIAL HEIRESS TO REBMA· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (98)

(225 Point Version)

As a niece of the Queen of Rebma, Dayle's position in the succession is close tothe top should something happen to Moire and Llewella decide against ruling in herstead. Morganthè or her son Martin stood before her in the succession, and now one ispresumed dead and the other seems poised to assume the reins in Amber, showing nointerest whatsoever in Rebma.

Groomed since birth towards the possibility of her being queen, Dayle is in anintriguing position. Queen Moire has no living children (Morganthe dead and Nestor longsince vanished), and grandson Martin is uninterested in the throne. If anything were tohappen to Moire, Dayle's mother Llewella might just become Queen. The crown wouldpass to Dayle upon Llewella's death or abdication.

This opportunity for power has corrupted many, including those of her kin fromabove in Amber. Will the tradition continue mwith Dayle?

Current Objectives: Whatever her motives, Dayle is interested in learningmore about Amber, about her relatives from there, and about the ways of Shadow andChaos. She is most willing to speak to or follow those who wield some power, as first-hand observance is an excellent teacher. If there are threats to Rebma's security, she’lltake a personal interest in discovering their nature and acting accordingly.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE- [30 Points]STRENGTH- Amber RankENDURANCE- [5 Points]WARFARE- [10 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]Mirror Wrighting [35 Points]"Mirror" Conjuration [30 Points]- Dayle is able to use enchanted mirrors to conjureitems or creatures from reflections. This ability can instantly create non-magical copies ofitems shown to the mirrors, or with time and effort, can create items as normalConjuration allows. They may, however, be moved through Shadow and retain theirqualities and powers. Note that with this power, she can create mirror-image duplicates ofitems such as Grayswandir, though their powers will be less than the original's, or flawedin some manner. These doubles adhere in other ways to the normal rules for Conjureditems, however.

ARTIFACTS & CREATURES OF POWERDayle's Mirror Servants [27 Points]- Inhabitants of the world which lies withinDayle's Gallery of Mirrors (see below), the Mirror Servants are reflections of people whohave passed before the mirrors at one time. They act as her spies and her guards and areable to transport themselves anywhere within a mirror and to leave that plane for our ownworld if within sight of a mirror. Viewed from straight on, they seem to be exact· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (99)

duplicates of the people they duplicate. However, they are two-dimensional beings which,when viewed at an angle, are only as thick as a reflection (which is to say, not at all) anddisappear completely. They are sometimes enchanted to be a bit more substantial. Ifstruck, they shatter and become fragments of reflected light before vanishing.

-Animal Vitality [1 Point]-Mobility [1 Point]-Combat Training [1 Point]-Double Damage Weapons [2 Points]- Due to their extreme lack of thickness,

their limbs and mirror-weapons are razor sharp and deadly.-Able to Mimic Viewed Scenes [2 Points]- They pantomime different activities

which they witness and can portray them upon their surfaces.-"Limited" Shadow Seek [2 Points]- They can move through Shadows which

contain mirrors only, using that reflected world. Inhabitants of those worlds mightsuddenly see them as unfamiliar figures moving through the background in a mirror,creating many frights as they pass.

-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]

PERSONAL SHADOWSDayle's Gallery of Mirrors [7 Points]- Dayle's quarters in Rebma feature a long ovalmirror, frame carven of black metal, which allows her to pass into a world of her own.Oddly enough, it does not reflect anyone in the room before it. Stepping through themirror puts one into a reversed duplicate of Dayle's chambers, and opening the doorreveals an exact replica of Castle Rebma. Instead of windows, more mirrors hangeverywhere, and in them forms can sometimes be seen moving where no one is in theroom. The Mirror Servants therein mimic those in Castle Rebma and serve Dayle as theirQueen.

-Shadow of the Realm [2 Points]-Guarded [4 Points]-Control of Contents [1 Point]

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- Dayle's mother Llewella.


Game Masters have plenty of leeway for Dayle's behavior as an aspiring Queen ofRebma. Being so close to the throne can alter the rules of morality which most peopleplay by. The adage "Power corrupts..." has its precedents, but it is not always applicable.

Will Dayle be tempted by the promise of the throne, or will she remain true to herloyalty to the throne?

Here are three different tacks a Game Master could take when playing Dayle:

Loyal Daughter. All those lessons on duty and honor and loyalty have paid off,and Dayle's allegiance is to the throne of Rebma and to those who sit upon it. She wouldnot want to bring turmoil to her homeland by attempting to claim the crown by force, and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (100)

is patient to wait her turn in the succession. It's a big job, and she is in no hurry to take it.

Careful Opportunist. What if by being true to the Queen, she was to harm herhomeland? It's possible that Moire's judgement might not be as wise as it once was, andperhaps for Rebma to prosper, it is time for new blood to claim the rights of the throne.Oberon eventually died. Might it be time for his deep-sea double Moire to do the same?

Cunning Schemer. She's been trained for it, and she's ready. Though thesuccession places a few heads before her, Dayle's ready to make her move and attemptthe unthinkable, a coup in Rebma. Not knowing how her mother will view it, she'sproceeding cautiously, but is looking for allies in her plans. She can be very persuasivewhen talking about Moire's unfitness to remain Queen, altering facts and making upinformation to suit her needs. The succession there is already fairly cloudy, and all ittakes is a certain interpretation of the known facts to put her in the heir apparent spot.

Constant Allies & Enemies: She's likely to seek out powerful allies amongpeople highly placed in the Courts of Rebma or Amber. Whether this is to strengthenRebma or to strengthen her own position within Rebma is unknown. Dayle appears loyalto Moire and to the others in the Court of Rebma, but this might be a sham. It wouldmake sense for an heir apparent to want to be close to those they might rule over, butDayle might also be using the opportunity to create dissention and build support for hereventual rise to power. She’s close to Martin, and hopes to meet him again and see if he’llback her for Rebma’s throne. Having him close could be a gesture of trust and friendship,or setting him up for a knife in the back. Perhaps, like most relationships in Amber, it isfor both reasons.


AnchorReaches to the bottom of any pool or body of water and creates a link between it

and the body of the subject, allowing it to remain in one place in the water without fear ofdrifting from the spot. Mostly used for targets larger than human-size, such as ships orsea-creatures. This link is magical in nature and has little physical reality, and since itaffects the subject’s entire body, there is nothing to struggle against, making it verydifficult to break free from. The anchor adjusts to the level of the casting, stretching alittle, so that it does not pull anchored subjects underwater when the tide rises, or suspendthem above the water if the level decreases. This spell assumes that the target has someform of natural or artificially induced buoyancy (it floats or can swim) and does notprovide for this. Anchored targets who exhaust themselves will eventually sink anddrown.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Name/Description of Anchor Object/Creature (Optional), Duration (Optional),Magic of Shadow, Dispel Word (Optional).· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (101)

Variations: While the spell typically designates a point directly below the subject,this can be changed to "fix" a subject to a sufficiently large landmark, or anchor an itemsuch as a heavy rock to the subject which might pull them under. Another option allowsthe caster to designate a moving creature or object as the anchor point, creating a towingeffect.

Demon WindSummons a strong wind which can be directed to propel sailing ships, or

increased in intensity to form powerful gales, small tornados, or even typhoons. Left outof control, the summoned winds will extinguish themselves quickly. When summoned,the winds will be very focussed and the wind currents will have a small "target" area. Asthe strength of the winds are increased, so is the size of the area affected, making it nearimpossible to form "battering rams" of wind. They do not affect normal weather patternsin any but the most basic way (moving clouds) and dissipate once the spell is allowed tostop.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each: Direction, Duration

(Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

SeaworthyThis spell instantly imparts a quality of seaworthiness to even the most wretched

vessel, raft, or even an item which was not constructed to be a sea-vessel. A sunken shipwill rise again and be able to sail once more, a raft will become surprisinglymaneuverable, even a large wooden door or a sealed chest will serve at least as efficientas a rowboat. This spell does not repair these vessels, or provide any means of propulsion,only enabling them to move across or through the water without any undue resistance. Itwill not repair cracks or fill holes in a hull, but will prevent water from entering throughan unseen barrier. It doesn’t impart floatability to items which do not already possesssome capability already. A boulder with Seaworthy will still sink, only faster. ASeaworthy life vest will allow the character to move less clumsily and speedier.

Usually given as a blessing to those who have aided Rebma or her people insome manner, its efficiency is heightened by any existing sea-worthy qualities. Hence, avessel with only some minor leaks will perform astonishingly, while an empty wine-barrel will remain steady and be a solid platform, though will not outrace any catamaran.

Casting Time: Thirty Minutes.Lynchpins: Ten minutes extra per Lynchpin. Name/Description of Target Vessel,

Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).Variation: This spell can also be reversed, causing vessels which are seaworthy to

become slow and less maneuverable in the water, rocking considerably, possibly eventipping, and taking on water in any way possible. Use of both spells upon the same vesselor item cancels both out.

Power Word [KWHIS!]: Burst of Air.This creates a small pocket of air in the sea-water, instantly separating hydrogen

from the oxygen. It emerges from the caster's mouth like a large bubble of air. Mostlyuseful for reviving people who have accidentally begun to choke underwater, it can be· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (102)

used to fill a target's lungs with pure oxygen, forcing the water out. Physical contact withthe subject, such as during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, is essential for this to workproperly. It can also be used to momentarily stun fish, creating an instant pocket of ahostile atmosphere around them. A moment or so after the pocket is formed, it dissipates.

Above water, this spell has the effect of creating a purified pocket of air for amoment which can be used similarly to resuscitate drown victims, clear a small area oftoxic fumes briefly, or cause light-headedness for a moment.

Power Word [IZRAIT!]: Echo. This Power Word is used to create a powerful wave of sound which loses little

definition underwater. Typically, it is used to amplify a sound made or word spoken afterthe Power Word. For example, the Sorcerer might say "Izrait Watch Out!" Only thewords spoken after the Power Word would be heard. Used primarily as a signaling deviceto alert one of the caster's presence or send short messages, it can also be used as a sort ofsonar, relying on the echo for direction. Used like this, the Power Word is uttered in aspecific direction and then the Sorcerer will wait, listening for the faint echo, perhapsrecognizing what it stands for. The Power Word does not give any skill understandingsonar-like echoes- this is a skill which must be developed by the Sorcerer.

This might be used to temporarily deafen a character standing near the caster.Shouted directly into a character's ear will burst their eardrum, deafening them untilnatural or magical healing regenerates the sensitive bones and tissue.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (103)

EDMUNDSlim and fair-skinned with eyes of ice blue, his expression is mocking beneath the

mop of red hair. Clad in a tunic and breeks of some snug, tough material which looks likeleather, he leans forward, resting his hands on one upraised knee, foot atop a brokenstone bench, overgrown with barnacles and drifting weeds. At his hip a short wide-bladed dagger hangs, and about his neck is a silver chain.

Smug and sardonic, Edmund continues the family tradition of red hair signalingsome degree of magical talent. A couple of decades over forty, Edmund is fairly youngby Rebman standards, but already his reputation is one of some concern to the elders inthe Sea-Court. Son of a noblewoman of one of Rebma's Great Houses, Edmund ismocking and wise, shifting from geniality to hostility in the midst of a sentence.

Charming when he wants to be, and maddening when he isn't, he spends much ofhis time in pursuit of his studies in art and magic. In this, Edmund bears a strongresemblance to another redhead, this one from Amber.

His father Brand.

BRAND'S VISIT TO REBMAIn Sign of the Unicorn, Llewella revealed to the other Amberites that Brand

visited Rebma once, apparently to seek out information about Martin. This was used forthe creation of the Trump which he used to attack Martin in the middle of the PrimalPattern with. According to Llewella, Brand spent several weeks with her, and it’s possiblehe spent more time there with others.

Though Brand was crazy, he had a side which was likeable, and he put this togood use. While guesting in Castle Rebma, he seduced Allette, a servant-girl of the castle.It was just a bit of casual dalliance for him, but that night left her with a child. Themaidservant returned to her family and gave birth to Edmund, dying in childbirth. Thefamily sent a messenger to Brand, and he returned to Rebma. He might have adopted thechild if circ*mstances had been different, but he was already married to Jasra and wasplanning his destruction of the Pattern, so the additional burden of fatherhood was out ofthe question.

Brand killed the messenger and the family, and became the child’s ward, payingnursemaids and tutors to care for Edmund. When the child was old enough, he presentedhimself and taught Edmund magic, Trumps, and guided him in his assayal of the Patternin Tir-na Nog’th (secrecy was important in this matter). He divided his time betweenEdmund and his other son Rinaldo, hoping that one of them would carry on his work.

Then Brand died a villian.Rinaldo/Luke killed one Amberite, wounded another, then gave up the vendetta

and was pardoned by Queen Vialle, mostly for the friendship of Merlin, son of the manwho defeated his father’s plans.

What plans did Brand leave in store for Edmund?And is he ready to enact them?

EDMUND-· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (104)


Physically, he resembles his father quite strongly, like his half-brother Luke.That’s where the resemblance ends. Edmund definitely didn’t inherit Brand's madnessand lust for power. Brand had his good side, qualities which Corwin and the others liked,and these are manifest strongly in Edmund. This is a child of Brand who would doanything to shed the unfortunate mantle, and be known for his own accomplishementsand deeds. He’s distanced himself from his father, emotionally and mentally, anddownplays the influence Brand had in his upbringing.

He was lucky to be born with his father's talents for art, and he devotes hisenergies towards the creation of magical artifacts and artworks suited to the uniqueenvironment in Rebma.

He’s been accepted into the Sea-Court in an undefined role, now that knowledgeabout his parentage is out, and Llewella has tried to keep the others from knowing toomuch about him, for fear that they’ll kill him outright rather than giving Edmund achance to chart his own path.

Current Objectives. One strong point which Edmund will make when pressedabout his father is that he was raised in Rebma, and had little contact with Brand duringhis formative years. He heard about Brand's activities, and deplored them. As anillegitimate, he is very interested in becoming formally recognized in Amber, and will dowhat he can to prove to others that he’s not going to walk down the dark path his fathertrod.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [25 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Amber RankWARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]Trump Artistry [40 Points]Mirror Wrighting [35 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWEREdmund's Mirror Sculptures [22 Points]- Able to use the power of Mirror Wrighting andhis Conjuration synergistically, Edmund has fashioned in his studio a number of abstractsculptures made of segments of mirrors and other materials. They are sentient, and he isable to utilize them to assist him in his sorcery and his other magical pursuits, as well asbeing decorative. Several of them have been made gifts to various Houses and nobles ofthe Sea-Court.

-Mobility [1 Point]-Able to Speak in Tongues & Voices [4 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (105)

-Psychic Sensitivity [2 Points]-Powered by Mirror Magic [4 Points]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]

BAD STUFF[+2 Points]


Eager to prove that he is no son of his father, Edmund is in something of aquandary. Like his father, he's artistic, moody, and impetuous, but he has none of hisfather's lust for power, or the cruel side which Brand could manifest. Even the Amberitesadmit that when he was being kind, Brand was among their best. Corwin admitted to bothliking him and hating him. Edmund tries to keep his temper in check and behave himself.When he's getting angry, or when a foul mood strikes him, he shuts up, excuses himselfand heads into seclusion. Servants in his quarters often comment in whispers about hisprivate rages, about coming across his studio in a shambles and Edmund sleeping in themiddle of the ruin, exhausting himself with his anger lest it surface in public.

Edmund might be smiles and charm one minute, then let a nasty, surly side ofhimself out for just a moment. After that, he'll excuse himself and leave. Those trying toreach him might find him refusing Mirror or Trump contact for hours at a time, then he'llbe evasive about the reasons as to why. Visitors (or spies) might even encounter him inone of his rages, then be shocked when he emerges moments later with a calm demeanor.He’s not crazy, but believes in venting his anger immediately so that it doesn’t poisonhim. These episodes aren’t common, though, and show up only once a year or so.

One surefire way to get on his bad side is to assume that he's like his father. He is,frighteningly so, but it's the last thing Edmund wants to hear. Even the slightest hints ofsomething other than what Edmund calls a coincidence of birth can suddenly turn himsullen and uncommunicative.


As opposed to Luke, here we have a child with whom Brand spent more time,teaching, testing, and otherwise grooming to continue in his footsteps. Brand's reportedvisit to Rebma was one of many, mostly secret, journeys to see his son. He often travelledfrom Rebma with Edmund in tow, spending time in Shadow and learning magic and thesecrets of power. Brand saw his death in Tir-na Nog’th, and knew that someone had tocarry on with his plans. If Rinaldo would not be up to the task, then perhaps Edmundwould complete the work. Or they would work together.

Schooled in his father's arts, with an outlook shaped in a large part by his fatherBrand's interpretation of the order of things, Edmund is a sleeping menace, privy to manyof Brand's secrets and plans, and willing to continue with them, unlike his little half-brother Luke who has given up the life of the avenger.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (106)

Current Objectives. Bent on avenging his father's death through magical means,Edmund is at work in Rebma, hiding in plain sight. He has seen that his half-brother'svendetta was relatively fruitless, with only one Amberite casualty, and wants to do betterto prove to the world that he is a worthy successor to Brand. Edmund might even returnto Amber secretly, to investigate his father's quarters and perhaps reawaken sleepingenchantments. A likely possibility is that Edmund will be paying the Keep of the FourWorlds a visit, to try for himself that dangerous route towards power.


POWERSAdvanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]Advanced Trump Artistry [60 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERDengymer [8 Points]- Gold-hilted and chased, this sword is a mirror-copy of Brand'sPattern-blade Werewindle. Dengymer flares with a segment of the reversed Pattern ofAmber, etched by Brand with his own blood magic. A touch of the blade against any ofthe blood of Chaos, or perhaps the Tritons, causes immense damage and is usually fatal.It is also effective against supernatural creatures which might not otherwise be affectedby mortal weapons.

-Destructive Damage [8 Points]

BAD STUFF[+3 Points]

EDMUND AND RINALDO- TWO SONS OF BRANDMaybe Luke (known to his father as Rinaldo) and Edmund are more than just

half-brothers....Jasra, Luke's mother, has been identified as being from a Shadow near the Courts

of Chaos. It's likely that she possesses at the very least some rudimentary Shape-Shiftingabilities, and might have spent some of her time in Rebma disguised as a Rebmanwoman, in an arrangement similar to the one she had in Kashfa.

As such, Jasra seduced and enthralled some Rebman noble in line for the throne,either arriving in Rebma with Edmund or marrying into power and then having the child.Perhaps bearing a bastard son, or a son obviously not Rebman may have blown her coverand forced Jasra to flee Rebma, leaving Edmund behind with his nominal relatives. Hemight have grown up knowing his brother Rinaldo, visiting Kashfa occasionally. It's· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (107)

possible that he was even friends with Martin, which may have led to Martin's trustingBrand enough to allow Brand to pull his Trump and dagger stunt on him. For that matter,the three of them- Martin, Luke and Edmund might have all been friends, a triumvirate ofyoung Hellriders.

For that matter, Luke's plot against the Amber family wasn't necessarilyorchestrated alone, and that for various reasons, Luke has convinced Edmund to hold offon any bloodletting. Or it could be that Luke is playing it cool, waiting to see what hisbrother's up to, and is holding that information back from his allies in Amber and Chaos,waiting to see if that stock rises in value before he sells it. If so, it is likely that onceEdmund makes his move, Luke will be available and hinting that he knows what's goingon.

ROLE-PLAYING EDMUND AS BRAND'S SUCCESSORSo much of what Brand was up to in the Chronicles is a mystery, which means

that an Edmund following in his father's footsteps has a multitude of options to pursue.He tries to stay out of people's notice, and sometimes even denying his parentage outrightif pressed. As can be imagined, his childhood in Rebma was unhappy, and he has a scoreof new grudges to settle with those who treated him badly. Rather than turning his backand walking away like Martin did, Edmund might be seething with anger, plotting andreadying himself for his revenge upon both Courts- Amber's for his father, and Rebma'sfor himself.


Taking after his father Brand in his contempt for authority and his desire for arebellion against the status quo, Edmund is a rabble-rouser and a revolutionary, though heisn't necessarily obsessed with seeing his own seat planted on the Throne. No, Edmund ismore the anarchist for anarchy's own sake, a fly in the ointment just because someoneneeds to be. He's willing to tear down walls and free his fellows from the bonds oftyranny, though he doesn't feel much empathy with his fellow man and they don'tparticularly feel oppressed.

Recently, he has come across a number of Brand’s old experiments and isinterested in following in his father’s footsteps and seeing where they lead to. If informedabout any of his father’s activities or possessions of which he is unaware, he will showconsiderable interest, or downplay this enthusiasm to learn more through other, covertmethods.

Current Objectives. Edmund opposes whatever seems to be the consensus inRebma, whether through mutual consent or through Moire's authority. He resents the Sea-Court for their subservience to Amber, yet presents little in the way of an alternative. Hewill join losing and unpopular causes, unite with the enemies of all, and oppose any whowould disagree with him. Edmund supports, builds, then abandons and betrays causeswithout much remorse, and is quick to accuse those around of him of turning against him.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (108)

EDMUND AS MOIRE'S SONConsidering Moire's behavior with Corwin, it might be that when Brand came to

Rebma all those years ago, Moire behaved in a similar manner and bore Brand a son. Justas Martin rebelled in Rebma, so did Edmund, though Edmund has done more than leaveRebma once he was able to. Instead of traversing the Pattern and leaving, Edmund hasreturned to Rebma and continues to devil the Sea-Court and his mother, with hisrebellious nature and his refusal to abide by convention. He might be something of afamily secret, born in the years since Martin's disappearance, his existence known but to aselect few among Rebma's disenfranchised.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [25 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [5 Points]WARFARE - [5 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]Trump Artistry [40 Points]Shape Shifting [35 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERPersonal Trump Deck [2 Points]- Given him by Brand, this deck contains many unusualand experimental cards, many of which Edmund has yet to explore.

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- His mother, a Rebman noblewoman. See above.

BAD STUFF[+4 Points]


As him what he’s rebelling against, and Edmund will respond with the classicretort “Whatever you’ve got.” Opposed to anything which reeks of establishment,Edmund seeks his own goals above those of others, and tries to disrupt and subvert thestatus quo whenever possible. His methods vary, but he’s in love with the very conceptsof revolution and anarchy. Like many similar souls, Edmund defines himself by theforces which oppose him, drawing a sense of self-worth from that which he rejects. Hisisolation gives him a sense of self-importance, and separates him from what he despises.As a son of royalty, he is a classic case of someone biting the hand which feeds him,accustomed to a certain standard of living which might not be guaranteed by the anarchy· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (109)

which he espouses.


Seeking the underdogs, whether right or wrong, Edmund will champion the causeof the weak or the strong, depending on which will create greater deviance from thenormal state of affairs. He will seek out the disenfranchised, the disgruntled, and playtheir emotions like a musical instrument, offering power and liberation from convention.And just as quickly, he might pull the proverbial rug out from beneath his allies,justifying it by claiming that they were compromising their goals, or selling him out. Asan ally, he is unreliable, and might just switch sides the second they come out on top,hating a winner. Somewhat paranoid, Edmund comes very close to bringing his darkestsuspicious about with his behavior.

Constant Allies & Enemies: His closest allies in Rebma are his friends among therebels who oppose Moire's rules. He has few friends, and many who knew Brand considerhim an enemy.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (110)

GRADLONA tall, stooped figure stand before a mirror which reflected some image which

was not entirely his own, and looks over his shoulder at the viewer. Bald and clad only ina flowing, scaled cloak and some loose, long kirtle, his chest was bare and his armsstringy but agile. His eyes, deep-set and dark, were surrounded with a corona ofwrinkles, and his brows were long and moved almost free of his head. His wild beard wasforked, ears long and pointed in several places, and his nose was high and small. Hismost distinguishing feature was a mouth remarkable for its width and its sardonic curl.

A mover behind the scenes in Rebma's court, Gradlon is an enigma to mostRebmans of the royal house, and barely known to the average citizen. His origins remaina mystery, even to those who know him best. Gradlon has been in Rebma, coming andgoing as he pleases, since Lir was King, and he hints that he was there before those times,even. Master sorcerer of the seas, he might have been to the Rebman Sea-Court in thesame manner that Dworkin begat the Amberite family.

The first mention of him in the history of the Sea-Court was in the time of theTritons, when he appeared before Lir, according to legend. He was famed for showing theKing the fate of the empire he had built for himself under the sea, and introducing him tothe world of air above and the foes that awaited him there. He was Lir’s informal advisor,confidante, and teacher, and when Lir was exiled from Rebma Gradlon’s appearancesdwindled to the occasional sudden showing and departure.

Gradlon’s position is a quixotic one, and he has been alternately revered andreviled by Moire and the royals, though he shows little concern with either state. Hisappearances portend massive changes, and he has not been seen in the Sea-Court fordecades. He comes and goes as he will, and where he spends his time between hisinfrequent, unexpected appearances is unknown.

It is rumored that he is brother to Dworkin, rebel Prince of Chaos. This might betrue. Or could it be that he’s Dworkin's deep-water double, creating a world to mirrorAmber’s beneath the sea?


A sorcerer of immense power and antiquity, Gradlon is progenitor of the nobleline of the Tritons. His origins, like Dworkin’s, lie in the ancient history of the Courts ofChaos, though Gradlon was not of Dworkin’s lineage, but instead, was a form of demon.He brought his progeny to the farthest sea from Chaos, and settled there. His offspringbecame the Tritons. He abandoned them to their own devices when he began exploringthe reflected universe within the reversed image of the Pattern. His inside the thing ofDworkin’s making shaped him into the form of a human, the first such in Rebma.

Altered mysteriously by this Pattern, Gradlon became the first resident of Rebma,watching the mirror-city grow as did Amber, and seeing his children grow in power, mate· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (111)

and bear children, form Houses which carried their names past their deaths, and to see thethe formation of the Sea-Court and the citizenry. Knowing that they would eventually bethreatened by Amber, he sought a way to divide the universes, but this proved fruitlesswhen the Tritons went to war with Amber and bound the two kingdoms togetherinseparably.

Remaining aloof from all this, he continued his studies of the reversed Pattern,until in some ways, it became imprinted in him and he was able to manipulate it in wayswhich no other Rebman is able.

Current Objectives. The maintenance of the reversedPattern is what is of overridingconcern to Gradlon. He is also concerned with seeing more Rebmans walk it, and isseeking out likely subjects to traverse it. His interest in Amber's Pattern is of a lesserconcern to him, as he is more concerned with the very nature of the existence of Rebma'sPattern and how it is that it has powers equal to the original.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [85 Points]STRENGTH - [25 Points]ENDURANCE - [50 Points]WARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERSExalted "Reversed" Pattern Imprint [115 Points]-The mirror Pattern has become a livingthing to Gradlon, and he may use it to quickly produce duplicates of items and creatures(including himself) which will be formed of Pattern energy, similar to Pattern "Ghosts "Gradlon occasionally duplicates himself using this Power to confuse antagonists, to be inmore than one place at a time, and to instruct those who wish to learn from him.Shape Shifting [35 Points]Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]Advanced Conjuration [35 Points]- Gradlon can create permanent items imbued withreflected segments of Pattern with his Conjuration, and can, if needed, create a nearinfinite number of items by combining this power with Mirror Wrighting.


Nowhere in the Chronicles do we have a reliable source that says Dworkin leftHouse Barimen and the Courts of Chaos alone...

Instead, he left the Courts with a brother, Gradlon, who, inhabited the reflection ofthe realm created by Dworkin and made it real. In symmetry with his brother Dworkin,who chose to mate with a Unicorn and bear Oberon, Gradlon’s attentions went to a Sea-Horse which gave birth to Lir, who later spawned the other Tritons which once ruledRebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (112)

Gradlon and Dworkin are so much alike that they have forbidden themselves tomeet again, and do not trespass on each other’s domains without extreme reason. Gradlonregards himself the founder of Rebma, and fears a fate similar to Dworkin’s madness,caused by the damage to the Primal Pattern.

Current Objectives. If a brother to Dworkin, Gradlon's objectives might mirrorDworkin's, or he might have entirely different plans for his kingdom and the Patterntherein. Gradlon could be fiercely independent, wanting to spare his home from thedistress similar to which Dworkin's descendants have wrought upon Amber, and thismight explain the Rebman coolness towards those from Amber.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [100 Points]STRENGTH - [35 Points]ENDURANCE - [85 Points]WARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]Advanced Logrus Mastery [70 Points]Advanced Shape Shifting [65 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

BAD STUFF[+5 Points]


In the beginning there was Chaos...Then Dworkin, mad outlaw Prince of Chaos, escaped and created the Pattern,

imbuing an island of rock with the living design. Tired and thirsty from his ordeal, hewilled into being a mighty sea from which to drink. Kneeling at the water's edge as hedrank, Dworkin beheld his own reflection and he pondered what he had done...

Still full of the primal energy which had shaped a world, Dworkin knew not whathis contemplation of his image would bring about.

His thirst slaked, Dworkin turned and began the long ascent to Mount Kolvir,where he would begin with the making of Amber.

The reflection in the water, however, remained behind, wavering and chargedwith life. It turned and went down into the deep waters of this primal sea to mimicDworkin's act of creation in the city that was reflected into the waters behind Dworkin.

In time, this sea-city took on a life unlike the original.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (113)

The mirror-image of Dworkin in Rebma, Gradlon is also master of the mysterioussystem of the enchanted mirrors which ape Amber's Trump in many respects. Theoriginal Mirrorwright, Gradlon build Rebma from nothingness, and the magical mirrorsare (like what some speculate are the true nature of the Trump) the very foundation of theexistence of Rebma. The floor of the mighty cavern in Rebma is but a mirror, and thePattern a reflection of Amber's. Each mirror in Rebma creates the reverse of the originalin Amber, and would they fail, all would fall.

Current Objectives. Concerned that Amber's travails and twists of fate will inevitablybefall Rebma, Gradlon is working on achieving the undreamt of, the inscription of a truePattern within Rebma's floors, rather than the reflected version of Amber's own. He isactively seeking out characters who would aid him in this, and seeks refuge from thepowers which might move to stop him.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [100 Points]STRENGTH - [30 Points]ENDURANCE - [65 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERSAdvanced Reflected Pattern Imprint [75 Points]Advanced Logrus Mastery [70 Points]Minor Shape Shifting [15 Points]- Because he is "frozen" into being a warped reflectionof Dworkin, Gradlon's Shape Shifting is limited to altering his size and the configurationof his form, similar to a funhouse mirror gallery. He can make himself tall and thin, orvery short and wide, wavy, rounded, or any combination thereof, but cannot alter hisphysical characteristics to mimic other beings or animals."Exalted" Mirror Wrighting [75 Points]- Gradlon knows the secrets behind the mirrors,and controls all of them in Rebma. He can see through Shadow anywhere where an imageis reflected by a mirror, and can create mirror-images out of thin air and imbue them withlife in a way which classifies them as "Mirror-Ghosts."Sorcery [15 Points]Mirror Conjuration [35 Points]- Gradlon is able to conjure any item which he can view ina mirror and imbue it with magical properties. The items will in all ways mimic theoriginal item. His mastery over this makes the process almost instantaneous and withoutflaw. With this power, he created all the Mirrors which maintain Rebma's existence apartfrom Amber.

GRADLON'S REFLECTED WORLD OF REBMARebma, the Mirror City [12 Points]- Instead of being a independent kingdom, Rebma isGradlon's creation, imbued with life from a reversed reflection of Amber within the sea. Itexists wholly as a reflection, and is only made capable of freedom from being Amber'smirror-duplicate by the series of enchanted mirrors which Gradlon has placed across thecity and castle. Entry to the city is limited to the stairway Faiella-bionin, guarded by· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (114)

Rebman troops, and the underwater condition of the city is proof against most attacks.Gradlon can alter the atmosphere in Rebma to be less hospitable to surface-dwellers,should the need arise.

-Primal Plane [4 Points]-Guarded [4 Points]-Control of Shadow's Destiny [4 Points]

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- This is Dworkin, who, although not overly happy aboutGradlon's existence, provides the initial "reality" upon which Gradlon is dependent upon.

GOOD STUFF[+2 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING GRADLONExisting on an entirely different plane from the player characters, Gradlon might

seem a bit hard to understand, perhaps even cryptic as he refers to things far beyond mostcharacter's knowledge. His mind might switch from subject to subject with lightningrapidity, or he might insist on mulling a topic over when characters think it has beencovered. Whichever the case, his means of juxtaposing concepts or forcing others toconform to a previously established mode oftentimes creates new insights into situations.

Gradlon is often known for speaking with characters on a number of subjects, thenreturning hours, weeks, or even years later with questions for clarification, or replies toquestions asked and unanswered at the time of the original conversation. Whichever thecase, it will undoubtedly provide characters with some impetus for looking at theirsituation from a new angle or viewpoint.

Gradlon- Mirror of Dworkin. Gradlon might be constricted to behavingexactly as Dworkin would, which could be challenging to role-play and would giveplayer characters from Amber a sense of deja vu while speaking with him. As such, hewould be confined to actions which would imitate Dworkin, though reordered. Perhapsplayers familiar with the Chronicles would find his actions and statements eerilyfamiliar...

GRADLON AS FATHERDepending on which version you want to use in your campaign, Gradlon ranges

from being a lousy to a logical choice for a parent. Here are a couple of the options:

Gradlon as Father of the Rebman Line. Like Dworkin, Gradlon is theprimogenitor of the Rebman royal line. Through either conjuration or some mating withthe Sea-Horse, all the nobles of Rebma are descendants of Gradlon through his child. Anychild of Gradlon would undoubtedly be privy to secrets of Rebma's foundation, but mightbe restricted pretty badly from acting on that information.

Gradlon as Mirror Lord. Frankly, Gradlon would be too busy for the time· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (115)

required to raise a child, and might have shuttled his kid off into some other Reflection ofRebma to be raised by a loving family. Then one day, an old man appears in thebathroom mirror and tells his son or daughter that it is time for them to claim theirbirthright. Optionally, a character might have been raised by Gradlon all along, spendinga difficult but interesting childhood being trained in sorcery and mirror magic, only todiscover that "Dad" was one of Gradlon's animated Mirror-Ghosts!


The only way that Gradlon seems to interact with the Sea-Court is by his absenceand occasional manipulation of the mirrors, or by his indirect communication with thoseof the Court who are skilled in using the magical mirrors. Gradlon's goals are unknown,and his schemes seem to exist on a level above the player character's heads, operatingwith the fundamental forces which Rebma is based on.

Occasionally, Gradlon lets himself be seen by the Court, using younger membersfor his bidding and sometimes appearing in mirrors to offer useful bits of information, ormake strange requests for errands which seem to have no useful purpose. Only inreflection does the scope of his activities seem to make some sort of sense.

A good Gamemaster rule of thumb is to give the players the impression that theyknow about 10% of what Gradlon is up to, then switch tacks so fast that they realize thatthey don't have a clue about what he is about.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Gradlon seems to have few allies, though it is possiblethat he maintains an friendship with Dworkin, and perhaps Suhuy. Any characters whobegin the game with Mirror Wrighting abilities might have been trained by Gradlon forreasons unknown at the time. Queen Moire tolerates him, and Llewella is activelyinterested in him to see what the nature for his existence is. Both women will come to hisaid if needed, and will speak for him with the younger generation when it is necessary.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (116)

LIREffigies of Lir are common in Rebma. Carven into walls, doorways, and gates,

and executed in a wide variety of architectural and artistic styles, the quasi-mystical Lis isever present. Take a look at one of the less-expressionistic representations, and this iswhat you might see:

Massive, yet giving a sense of speed and suppleness, Lir's body is part fish, parthuman, like that of the merfolk. A long fish's body joins with a thick chest just below thebreastbone, and his neck is thick and corded. Arms long and muscular, with wide, flathands that are both clawed and webbed. Several large dorsal fins run the length of hisback, and fins jut from his forearms. He is bearded and craggy-featured, with wide-staring eyes and a wide, frowning mouth. In one hand is a massive spear.

Father of the noble Triton line in Rebma, and father to Queen Moire, Lir is themost significant figure in the history of Rebma. One of a small group of Tritons who onceruled the waters, Lir was chief among them. Some believe that he was their father, whileothers claim that he was the oldest in a brood spawned by some other sea-lord.Whichever the case, it is agreed-upon that Lir was the King in Rebma, and ruled there formillenia while the others of his blood founded Houses of their own and either died ormetamorphosized in the manner which Tritons do. Some of them left Rebma, to return totheir ancestral homeland in the Maelstrom, while Lir remained to rule the mirror-city. Inthis time, he took a wife, Moins, from among those offspring of human appearance, andshe gave birth to Moire.

His closest advisor in those times was Gradlon, the mysterious sorcerer Lir trustedand relied upon for his insight into the universe and into the heart of the strange humanswho walked the earth above Rebma. Gradlon foretold that he would battle with thepeople of the air, and the seas would run red with blood. Lir resisted, but infidelities andbetrayals were committed, and King Oberon of Amber and he soon waged war upon eachother, until Lir was driven from Rebma. Before he did so, though, Moins bore himanother child, though their marriage has been dissolved at that point, casting doubts onthe girl-child Scylla’s legitimacy and her place in the inheritance of the throne.

In Rebma it is assumed that Lir is dead, never really existed, is transformed intosome sea-monster, or was so far back into history that he has become more a myth than abeing of flesh and blood. What they do not know is that he lives still, dwelling in theLabyrinth of the Maelstrom, and rules the ancient Tritons, guiding them towards theirultimate destiny...

LIR-FOUNDER OF REBMA(300 Point Version)

Lir was the first of the folk of Rebma. His brothers and sisters, Tritons all, wereyounger than he, and allowed him to lead them, following him in his quest to found a city· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (117)

of their own away from the destruction promised them by the Maelstrom. They found aplace of power, in the initial stages of the city beneath the sea, and inhabited it, watchingit grow about them. They grew rich, complacent, and happy in Rebma, and in time,transformed or died, leaving Rebma in either case. Lir warred with Oberon, and lost,fleeing and leaving his eldest daughter Moire in command of the city, to carry on in hisstead.

He returned to the Maelstrom, and, imbued with the powers he had learned fromthe reflected Pattern, he was able to seize the kingship in the Labyrinth as well. In thatplace, he still rules, and he has abandoned all plans to return to Rebma, which brings himlittle but sorrow. Better to leave the mirror city in the hands of Moire, his daughter, thanto usurp her place and have to fend again for survival at the hands of Oberon, his enemy.

Current Objectives. If Lir has plans in Rebma, which is unlikely, then he ismoving behind the scenes, guiding Rebma towards his own ends. Perhaps he wishesnothing but peace and mutual-coexistence with Amber. He might have other plans,however, and be actively influencing Moire into a course of action which will put Rebmaat odds with Amber and Oberon's line. In the Labyrinth, he is concerned solely withstrengthening the Tritons and resisting the transformation which he fears has come uponhim at last.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [50 Points]STRENGTH - [50 Points]ENDURANCE - [35 Points]WARFARE - [85 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Shape Shifting [65 Points]Limited Conjuration [15 Points]- Lir is able to summon any Creatures of any Shadow seato his aid, and can find Artifacts which have been made or lost beneath the wavesanywhere. If he does not swim to them, then he must bid some sea-creature to bring themto him. This ability is limited by the nature of the creatures he may summon, all of whichmust be native to the sea. Any artifacts he conjures must have their origins below the seaor have been lost there. Searching wrecked ship hulks for barnacle-encased Artifactsdoubles the time needed, regardless of whether Lir or a servant does it.

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING LIR AS FOUNDER OF REBMAHe has attempted, in the past, to return to Rebma incognito, and to see how things

are in his former land, keeping informed on the job his daughter is doing. Movingthrough the streets of the city in the form of a human, he tries to gauge if she is aneffective Queen, or if she has let her people down, and rules unjustly. He might beanyone, from the servant who brings characters their morning meal, to a strangely-behaving Martin.

One option might be to have him pose as a Rebman player-character's Creature,perhaps guiding and influencing that character as a test of their worthiness to assume the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (118)

throne of Rebma.If Lir is chosen as an Ally, then he might pose as a number of different non-player

characters- Elder Rebmans, Elder Amberites, and others..., making his identityimpossible to determine.

Revealed, Lir will be overwhelming and awesome, and all Rebmans who see himwill instantly recognize him for who he is, for his image is carven across many doorways,columns, and walls within the city. To them, he is every much the symbol of Rebma asthe Unicorn is to Amber. Word of his visit will spread, and the people’s reaction to hispresence will be a lightning rod for response from the Sea-Court.

Constant Allies and Enemies: Out of sight for so long, Lir is unlikely to havemany friends in Moire's Court, though some of the older denizens might remember himand show him respect. Moire's reaction to him would be one of guarded reverence,though her alliance would be withheld until his motives are known. Outside Rebma, Lirhas many ancient allies among the sea-creatures, and knows the whereabouts of hisbrethren who still live, though they are now transformed into the metamorphosis stage oftheir evolution.


The quality of reflection works strangely in Rebma, such that though he is nolonger ruling Rebma, Lir was Oberon’s double beneath the sea, like him in many ways,so much so that they had the same tastes, strengths, and lusts...

It was not by coincidence that Oberon and Lir fell out over a woman- the ladyMoins, mother of Moire. The image of Oberon’s Faiella, dead in childbirth, causedOberon to betray his ally and take Lir’s wife for his own, fathering a bastard child inLlewella. There were wars between the two kingdoms, and Rebma often lost. Lir andMoins reconciled and had another child, but soon after, Lir left Rebma for reasons of hisown.

In the time which followed, the eldest of Lir’s offspring, Moire, took the throneand declared herself Queen, in a chain of events eerily similar to those which were to takeplace above the waves in Amber, with Oberon’s disappearance and Eric’s subsequentclaim to the crown and throne there.

From his place in Shadow, Lir observed all this, then returned to his ancienthomeland. He swiftly took on his old form, that of a Triton, and before long, was theleader of his people in the Labyrinth, and is now ruler of the Maelstrom. Lord of tworealms, he has since grown reflective and awaits the final transformation, wondering whatpath of evolution it will send him along, until he at last must take the final voyage intothe heart of the Maelstrom and see what new worlds await him there.

Current Objectives. Lir, father to Moire and rightful King of Rebma, has good reasonsfor his absence. Now that things have settled down in Rebma, and Oberon is out of thepicture, he might be thinking about returning to the old status quo, or seeing if he mightrule both realms at once. In such a case, it won’t be long before Lir makes an appearance· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (119)

in Rebma. He’ll do so with hopes of promoting an insurrection among those in Rebmawho do not care for Rebma's ties with Amber and their complacent Queen Moire.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [35 Points] STRENGTH - [35 Points]ENDURANCE - [45 Points]WARFARE - [45 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]- This ability corresponds with Advanced PatternImprint, though focussed on the Rebman universe.Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]Sorcery [15 Points] Conjuration [20 Points]Master of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement [25 Points]- His mastery of the Rebman Jewelof Judgement is supreme. With it, he can command the water of the sea, manipulatetemperatures, summon sea-creatures to do his bidding, summon storms above the water,increase or decrease the water's pressure, and change the reality to meet his ownpurposes. His command of this Jewel is continuous and is unaffected by range.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERLir's Shadow Statues [24 Points]- Decorating Rebma from many places, theselikenesses of Lir are actually living statues, conjured from some dark place in Shadow.Bred of a porous, living stone, they watch all that transpires in Rebma and reportoccasionally to Lir when he contacts them. They resemble him in all ways, and areindistinguishable from the many non-magical effigies of Lir which decorate Rebma.

-Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]-Extra Hard Claws & Spears [1 Point]-Able to Speak [1 Point]-Psychic Sensitivity [1 Point]-Psychic Neutral [2 Points]-Shadow Path [2 Points]-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]

Lir's Golden Horn [15 Points]- Formed of greenish gold, Lir's Horn is enormous,curling about itself many times and mounted upon a raised dias of gold-shot marblewithin the ancient place known as The Sea-King's Castle. It has not been sounded foryears, and superstition surrounds it. With it, Lir is able to pull things through Shadow tothe place of the Horn, to control the waters around Amber, and to sink ships whichthreaten Rebma. He has been known to shape the water into various manifestations ofsea-creatures with it. When sounded, the horn can be heard everywhere in Amber andwherever there are open seas throughout Shadow.

-Able to Speak to Sea-Creatures [1 Point]-Draw Through Shadow [8 Points]- This Quality allows the Horn to reach· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (120)

through Shadow and "fix" itself on a specific object or creature and drag it throughShadow to the user of the Horn. It is often used on ships or drowning sailors, butsometimes on creatures of power (such as Amberites or Chaosians). The time it takes topull something is a bit quicker to the time it would take for unimpeded movementthrough Shadow, and can only work as long as the horn is blown. The Endurance tosound the horn is prodigious, and after using it for this function, the user is exhausted to adegree relative to the size and distance of the summoning.

-Able to 'Mold" Rebma's Waters [4 Points]-Racks Named & Numbered Spells [2 Points]

REBMA, LIR'S PERSONAL SHADOWRebma [20 Points]- Rebma is actually Lir's domain. If he is dead, then the position ofownership is moot, but if he still lives and is at cross purposes with those of Amber, thenRebma could become a very hostile enemy to Amber, deadly due to its closeness.

-Primal Plane [4 Points]-Contains a Pattern [12 Points]-Guarded [4 Points]

BAD STUFF[+4 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING LIR AS OBERON'S REFLECTIONAs the founder of Rebma, Lir might be somewhat hard to deal with considering

the relative youth and inexperience of player characters. Gruff, regal, and cunning, heonce wore considerable power and is quite capable of taking it on again.

How will he react to Rebma and Rebman player-characters?

A Living Relic. Perhaps things have changed so much that he is bewildered bywhat has transpired in Rebma. His Rebma was not so much like Amber, and he mightfeel that the Pattern there is at the heart of this. Lir would have little to do with thefrivolous new generation, which bear little of the signs of his blood. One strategy wouldbe to have Lir speak and act crotchety old man, an act to cause others to underestimate histrue power.

Keeper of the Old Ways. Like Moses coming down from the mountain, Lir isfilled with outrage at the complacency which has become Rebma's trademark, Lir will bea stern, authoritarian firebrand, calling for violent revolution and the ways which madeRebma strong once before. His return would undoubtedly cause considerable stir inAmber.

Whichever the case, Lir returning to a Rebma will make for an exciting andtumultuous campaign, signaling a revolution in Rebma and possibly causing destructionand chaos throughout Shadow. Lir will be found at the heart of any dissent, and will useall his abilities to further his cause for Rebma's independence.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (121)

Constant Allies & Enemies: Seething with anger at Oberon, it is possible thathe extends this to include all of Oberon's line. Those he despises especially would beBenedict and perhaps Llewella, for his support of Oberon and her very existence. Hisallies are among those in Rebma who wish to see the old ways return.

LIR-KING OF THE TRITONS(500 Point Version)

Lord of the Tritons, Lir is ancient beyond knowing, perhaps even older thanAmber's foundation, maybe even hailing from the Courts of Chaos themselves. Afterexpanding briefly into Rebma and learning what he could there, he chose to return to hisold realm and the mantle of ruler there. He has ruled the Labyrinth for millenia, standingon the brink of the Maelstrom and destruction. Lir has lived longer than any Triton hasbefore transforming, and his power has only grown in the centuries.

In the Labyrinth, he rules the Tritons with wisdom, shrewdness, and power,attempting to bring their fractious nature in line with his own vision, which is to rule allthe seas of the universe, from Rebma to the Maelstrom.

Current Objectives. Lir is fascinated in learning of the current goings-on aroundRebma, and might seek knowledge of the world beyond Rebma, especially those ofAmber now that his rival Oberon is deceased.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [120 Points]STRENGTH - [70 Points] ENDURANCE - [85 Points]WARFARE - [60 Points]

POWERSVortex Mastery [65 Points] Advanced Shape Shifting [65 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]Master of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement [25 Points] - As above.

BAD STUFF[+5 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING LIR AS KING OF THE TRITONSInhuman and impossibly old, Lir is a primal creature of a race which could

predate the Logrus. With thought processes are alien and his motives unknowable, Lirpresents a formidable challenge to the Game Master to play.

Having seen most of Creation, Lir's perceptions are very different from theplayer's, and he assimilates each action, every offhand remark into an immense tapestry· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (122)

which he can view all likely outcomes.One strategy might be to have Lir speak very slowly, with great majesty, as if he

is struggling to understand the conversation. Most players will give up in disgust, thenwill be astounded when he leaps several steps ahead of them, intuitively learning whatthey seek to know and what the results of that knowledge will be.

LIR AS FATHERAn good way to deal with a lot of Bad Stuff on the part of a player-character is to

have a Rebman character be an actual son of Lir. This child would have perhaps spent alifetime without knowing who his or her real sire was, and might have been raised insome sea-shadow, perhaps by merfolk, or trapped in the Sargasso Sea. Alternately, if theplayer wants to play a Triton, then the child would have a past spent in or around theLabyrinth, and would find Rebmans as mysterious as they find her.

As such, Lir's role in the player's life will be entirely dependent upon Lir's ownplans. A Lir bent on reforming Rebma through revolution would encourage his son ordaughter to promote rebellion among the younger generation, getting them to aid hiscause. As Lord of the Tritons, Lir will send his progeny into the world, perhaps as anadvance scout into the world of Rebma and Amber.

At any rate, he will undoubtedly be a distant, unknowable father. A child of hiswho insists on spending time traipsing about Shadow with other Amberites, Rebmans,and Chaosians, is too frivolous to be of any real consequence. One interesting role herehas Lir as the strict parent, coming down on every action the character makes in a criticalway.

LIR AS A PLAYER IN THE GAMES OF THE REBMAN COURTIf for some reason Lir shows his bearded face in Rebma, it is bound to be for the

most world-shattering of reasons. Emerging into the Court, he will not be still for amoment- spending all his time plotting and seeking allies who will restore him to somemeasure of his former power. He is not a figure to be lightly introduced into anycampaign, because he has had centuries, perhaps millennia to plan his return, and when itcomes about, it will herald some significant change in the Rebman corner of the universe.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (123)

LLEWELLANext was Llewella, whose hair matched her jade-colored eyes, dressed in

shimmering gray and green with a lavender belt, and looking moist and sad. For somereason, I knew she was not like the rest of us. But she, too, was my sister.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 24)

A near-stranger to the Court of Amber, Llewella enjoys a different role whilebelow the waves in her home city of Rebma. Younger sister to the Queen and a memberof the royal family of Amber, her life is one of privilege and respect. Her mother, Moins,was the Queen of Rebma before Moire was, and Llewella is still in the line for the Throneof Rebma despite her Amberite bloodline. As such, she is also heir to the ancientbloodline of the Tritons, as well as that of the Unicorn. Wrapped in more mysteries thaneven Princess Fiona, Llewella is the ultimate cipher to the Amberites, which makes her sopotentially powerful. No one knows what she’s up to, or what to expect from her.

She remains in Rebma for a resaon unknown to many of her Amberite siblings.They wonder whether it is due to a simple fondness for her home realm, or an aversion toAmber. What schemes is she up to? What role does she play in Rebma, as sister to theQueen? None of them seem to know, which makes Llewella one of the shrewdestcustomers to come around the bend. The Amberites see her as aloof and a stranger, butwhen things are happening, Llewella is always there in the midst of the action, listeningand watching. For someone who spends most of her time in Rebma, she has a good ideaof what’s going on in Amber, and when the time is to make an appearance, or to stayaway...

She has perfected a perfect modus for dealing with the others of her family, andthat is to wait, watch, and learn, always moving and being impossible to pin down. Asprincess of two realms, Llewella has two sets of loyalties which she does everythingpossible to prevent from coming into conflict. She will strive to learn the nature of anythreat to Amber solely because it threatens Rebma by reflection, and vice versa. If anyoneknew what she was up to, they would be surprised to find her in the most unlikely ofplaces, with the strangest allies, at crucial times. Her constant vigilance at the magicalmirrors and the intelligence they give her provides Llewella with insights into goings-onin the Amber universe which no one else has.

In Nine Princes in Amber, Random was able to guess about Corwin’s comingthrough a wavering of Shadow. Llewella might stay in Rebma just for that sort ofinformation. When Corwin was on his way to storm Eric’s Amber, it was Llewella whogave Random his assessment of Corwin and Bleys’ chances against Amber’s navies, withadvice to wait until Eric is not expecting things. Considering the power of a Prince ofAmber, it is likely that Llewella was even Random’s jailer in Rebma during his staythere. No others would have been able to contain him. In that Moire held the key to thePattern room there, Llewella was likely the one who armed him with a crossbow and gavehim access to the Pattern. Deirdre, hunted by Eric, was Llewella’s guest as much asMoire’s, and was allowed to remain in Rebma for years without threat from Eric.

Without exception, Llewella is the most underestimated Amberite, and the second· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (124)

if not most powerful character in Rebma. But trying to keep an eye on her is likewatching a reflection.

Move away, and it’s gone. Turn back, and hope it’s the same.


Llewella, off in a corner, pretending to study a book, had her back to the rest ofus, her green tresses bobbed an inch above her dark collar. Whether her withdrawalinvolved animus, self-consciousness in her alienation, or simple caution, I could never becertain. Probably something of all these. Hers was not that familiar a presence in Amber.Sign of the Unicorn (p. 62)

In the succession to two thrones, Llewella is a cautious, intelligent woman whoprefers to keep a low profile and remain loyal to both Courts of Amber and Rebma. Shesteers clear of any cabals or alliances which threaten the status quo, and will do what shecan to prevent such plots. At the very least, she will alert appropriate members of eithercourt, and then watch and wait for her opportunity.

To the Rebmans, she is equally distant, but less alien and much more beloved. Herkin in Rebma see her as a potential heiress to the throne, somwhat foreign due to herAmberite background and powers, but Rebman in character and behavior. They worrythat her Amber side gives her a thirst for the throne, and watch her warily. She gives themlittle to fear, whether through innocence or extreme cunning. Her role is usually that ofliason between the folk above, and the folk below. As such, Llewella is the one who iscalled when Amber is concerned, and she is instrumental in relations between the tworealms.

In her preference for Rebma, she is most different from her siblings, to most ofwhom there is no substitute for life in Amber. In Rebma she wields power second to onlythe Queen there, and when one of her kin threaten Rebma, as so often they try, it will beLlewella whom they will have to deal.

Current Objectives. Llewella devotes her time to both Courts, spending more time inAmber and working to strengthen ties between Amber and Rebma. She'll probably beinterested in taking a more active roll in the future, and will form a catalyst for player-characters from Amber to interact with those from Rebma and Rebmans with theirAmberite kin.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [35 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [25 Points]WARFARE - [25 Points]

POWERS· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (125)

Pattern Imprint [50 Points]Mirror Wrighting [35 Points]Power Words [10 Points]- Magic Negation, Psychic Defense, Resume True Form, Trump Disrupt, and Weaken Structure.


A pair of knights wearing Llewella's livery passed us, headed in the otherdirection, saluting as they went by. I could not help but wonder whether they were on alegitimate errand or were following some standing order to keep an eye on mymovements. The thought must have passed through Coral's mind, also, because shequirked an eyebrow at me. I shrugged and kept going. When I glanced back a bit later,they were nowhere to be seen.

Sign of Chaos (p. 67)

Llewella's Rebman Guard [21 Points]- Among Rebma's finest warriors, Llewella'sknights are veteran fighters, loyal and trained to fight as a unit. Most of them are humanswith heritage from both kingdoms, which Llewella feels is adequate insurance againstany of them being swayed too far towards one court. She often sends them about Amberon missions both secret and public. There are nine of these knights, and they are skilled incovert or commando operations similar to Shadow Earth SEALs.

- Double Vitality [2 Points]- Double Normal Stamina [1 Point]- Combat Reflexes [2 Points]- Extra Hard Swords and Javelins [1 Point]- Psychic Resistance [1 Point]- Horde [*3 Points]

Llewella's Enchanted Mirror [13 Points]- Llewella's personal mirror is considerablymore powerful than the traditional Rebman variety. Small enough to be held in the palmof her hand, it traditionally shifts shape to the form of a coiled bracelet in seconds. With avariety of other qualities, it is also useful for her Mirror Wrighting abilities.

- Extra Hard [1 Point]- Able to Speak and Sing in Tongues and Voices [4 Points]- Sensitivity to Danger [2 Points]- Psychic Neutral [2 Points]- Able to "mold" Shadow Stuff [1 Point]- Alternate Form/Shape [1 Point]- Contains Named & Numbered Power Words [2 Points]

Llewella's Belt [17 Points]- A silver belt of linked shells, Llewella's belt confers upon hera number of immunities, as well as the ability to rack spells of her devising.

- Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]- Psychic Barrier [4 Points]- Can Rack Named & Numbered Spells [2 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (126)

- Confer Resistance to Normal Weapons on Wearer [5 Points]- Confer Psychic Barrier on Wearer [5 Points]

Llewella’s Arrows [10 Points]- Used against the forces of Chaos in the Patternfall War,Llewella is an expert shot with these arrows. The arrowheads are carven like the heads offish and are extremely sharp, with small fins rather than feathers. When they strike, theyimmobilize the enemy, “ freezing” them solid as well as wounding them.

- Deadly Damage [4 Points]- “Mold” Reality [4 Points]- Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]- She has a dozen of these arrows.

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Llewella's strongest tie in the Court of Rebma is hersister, the Queen Moire.

GOOD STUFF[+4 Points]


Llewella, you possess reserves of character the recent situation did not call uponyou to exercise. For this, I am grateful. It is sometimes pleasant to emerge from a conflictuntested.

The Courts of Chaos (p. 432)

Llewella, like Julian above in Arden, either was appointed to or has taken uponherself the role of Champion and Guardian of Rebma. Rebma, from its proximity andcongruence with Amber, is another way into Amber. With the strange reflective nature ofthe place, it is one which might be used to affect Amber in some harmful manner.Llewella will do all within her power to ensure that Amber is not threatened from thisquarter. When called upon, she is a valkyrie of the depths, bearing all of her martial craft,her cunning, and her allies to bear on any enemy of Rebma or Amber. This side ofLlewella is one which most of her siblings never see.

Watching Amber carefully from her vantage point in Rebma, where she maystudy her mirrors and the permutations in Shadow to learn of irregularities, Llewellamonitors events both above and below the surface of the ocean. Able to draw upon bothheritages, her resources and her determination make can Llewella an implacable enemyand a valuable ally. If need be, she will strap on her armor, unsheath her blade, and stepforth on her own to determine the extent of a threat to Rebma.

Current Objectives. With King Oberon dead in Amber, Llewella is curious about the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (127)

fate of Queen Moire, wondering if the upheavals will be echoed in some manner belowthe surface. If some Rebman equivalent of Brand emerges in Rebma, she willundoubtedly be the first to know and will alert the players and Elder Amberites to thethreat. Until then, though, she is to be found at the side of her sister Moire, keeping theQueen safe and on the throne of Rebma.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [50 Points]STRENGTH - [15 Points]ENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - [30 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Pattern Imprint [75 Points]Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERLlewella’s Scaled Armor [6 Points]- Similar to Julian’s armor, though formed ofsilver scales and in Rebman fashion, considerably more form-fitting and covering less ofthe body than Julian’s own suit. Llewella’s armor is incredibly tough and resistant todamage, yet light enough not to encumber her swimming abilities. The Extra Hard qualityrepresents the razor edges of the fin-like elements on the greaves and bracers.

- Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]- Self Sealing- Extra Hard Edges [1 Point]

Llewella’s Sword [16 Points]- Like Corwin’s Grayswandir, Llewella’s blade bearswithin its metal an image of the Pattern. Forged on the stairway Faiella-bionin, this bladeis a long-bladed greatsword, light and able to move through the water without difficulty.With a touch, the blade can set aflame the blood of creatures of Chaos, Tritons, or othersof that ilk.

- Primal Damage to Creatures of Chaos [16 Points]

The Legions of Rebma [24 Points]- The warriors of Rebma are Llewella's tocommand, through her sister Moire. Though they are not often aware of the true source oftheir orders, they will nonetheless obey them to the death. Full-blooded Rebmans to aman, they are fanatic fighters and will protect Rebma until the ocean turns black withtheir blood.

- Double Vitality [2 Points]- Combat Reflexes [2 Points]- Extra Hard Weapons [1 Point]- Shadow Trail [1 Point]- Shadow Wide [*4 Points] - The soldiers of Rebma exist in legions within

Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (128)

REBMA- LLEWELLA'S PERSONAL SHADOWLlewella's Shadow of Rebma [10 Points]- If this version of Rebma is taken, then adjustMoire's power appropriately, and assume that Llewella rules indirectly, thoughmanipulating others in Rebma to do her bidding. Rebma is guarded by its location, thestair Faiella-bionin, and the warriors of Rebma who wait at the bottom.

- Shadow of the Realm [2 Points]- Guarded [4 Points]- Control of Shadow's Destiny [4 Points]

GOOD STUFF[+2 Points]


Unlike the situation in Amber, Llewella is one of the few in Rebma who possessthe bloodline capable of allowing her to traverse the Pattern there and live. This reversedPattern in Rebma is alike and yet unlike the one in Amber, and offers her considerablepower. Llewella has appointed herself the guardian of this reflection of the Pattern, andhas mastered many of its secrets, learning that there is much that the reversed image ofthe Pattern can do which the original cannot. Like Fiona in Amber, she has become adeptat manipulating the Pattern and its energies, and has taken her understanding of it to anew level, one which allows her many abilities which would astound her Amberitebrethren.

The Pattern in Rebma remains something of a mystery to the Amberites, andLlewella and Moire have done all they can to discourage exploration of its secrets. Onlyin the gravest of circ*mstances will they allow characters access to the Rebman Pattern,and then, the debt incurred will be considerable. She regards the secret of the reflecteduniverse to the the most important secret to Rebma, and will do all to keep this from herbrothers and sisters in Amber. Too dangerous to be trusted with her kinfolk, she is thesolitary guardian of this universe, and the burden has made her secretive and reclusive,generally guarded when in conversation with her peers.

With a flip-side to creation as her playground, Llewella's powers may be vast, hermotives unknowable...

Current Objectives. Absorbed by the knowledge that Rebma's Pattern is not just areflection of the one in Amber, Llewella will be an obstacle when those from Amber tryto use it. She is intent on honing her mastery of the variant disciplines that the ReversedPattern offers, and exploring the potential that her discoveries have revealed. Anydiscovery regarding the nature of Shadow, the Pattern, and its effects on Rebma will besought after by Llewella, and any characters after such knowledge will likely be misled oreven discouraged from such exploration, perhaps even with the threat of violence or· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (129)

banishment from the mirrorworld.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [85 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [25 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERSReversed Pattern Inscription [90 Points]- With this level of Pattern Mastery, Llewella'sauthority in the universe of her Reversed Pattern is supreme. She is able to manipulate theworld of reflections with impunity, and to alter the rules of the her world there at agesture. This also confers Advanced Pattern Imprint abilities in the Amber universe ofShadows.Shape Shifting [35 Points]Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]"Pattern" Sorcery [25 Points]- Llewella has discovered the secrets of creating spellsbased upon the Reversed Pattern's energy, and is able to use it to rack her spells upon."Pattern" Conjuration [35 Points]- With the universe of the Reversed Pattern at herdisposal, Llewella is able to conjure powerful Artifacts based upon fragments of theimperfect Patterns within it. They are not native to the world of Amber's Pattern, and theirpower will quickly dissipate if brought out of Rebma.Master of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement [25 Points]- Though Moire bears it, Llewellais it’s true master, and can use the Jewel through her or in tandem with her sister.

LLEWELLA'S REFLECTED UNIVERSEReversed Pattern Shadows [30 Points]- Just as Amber's Pattern casts an infinitude ofShadows until it reaches Chaos, so does the Reversed Pattern in Rebma. These Shadowscan only be reached by one who has walked the Pattern in Rebma and knows of theirexistence, swimming or walking upon the sea-floor from Rebma and Shadow-shiftingfrom there. It is unknown at this time if there is an equivalent of the Courts of Chaos atthe polar opposite of these Shadows, a possibility that Llewella is eager to explore...

- Personal Shadow [1 Point]- Restricted Access [2 Points]- Infinite Quantity [*10 Points]- This represents the infinite number of Shadows

that Rebma's Reversed Pattern might cast. "Infinite" is a modifier some steps above"Ubiquitous."


"Llewella, you're too damned suspicious," I said."It comes of having lived a long time.""Well, I hope to live a long time myself, and I hope it doesn't make me look for an

ulterior motive in every human act."She smiled. "Of course. Forget I said anything," she told me, knowing I wouldn't.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (130)

"Have a good time."

Merlin and LlewellaSign of Chaos (p. 59)

Able to suit her mood perfectly to whatever occasion demands it, Llewella is insome ways, ironically, perfectly Amberite. In social situations, she will appear reluctantand perhaps distant, until she is actually involved. Then some portion of her charactertakes over and she reveals that she's quite accomplished at diplomacy and manipulation.

“Or her,” Julian said. “Sister, you seem possessed of a superabundance ofnaivete, suddenly.”

Her gaze locked with Julian’s, a pair of icebergs reflecting frigid infinities.

Sign of the Unicorn (p. 73)

As Julian noticed and rudely commented upon, one of Llewella’s tricks is toappear naive and demure enough to draw out the truth from others, thinking that theyneed to explain things to her when actually she is forcing them to open up at the cost ofgiving none of her own information. It is but one tactic among a small and varied arsenal.

Like Fiona, Llewella can alternate from sweet and sincere to sly and wise in theturn of a head or the twist of her lips. The only company she finds herself equalled inwith these games is in Amber, where they have turned what she sees as a set of tools intoa deadly artform. Sometimes, even she is overcome with the complexity and oftentimespointlessness of all the verbal sparring and manuvering, and cracks slightly. When sheloses her temper, she sometimes grows exasperated, and restrains her swearing to theRebman dialect. For these reasons, she usually sides with those who do not make it apoint to do their fencing with words, which usually means that she will ally herself withAmberites such as Gerard, Benedict, and Julian, the most direct of Oberon’s children.

Another part of her reluctance to spend much time in Amber’s machinations is herRebman bluntness, which lends her to speak her mind when silence or circ*mspectionwould be the better course. In Rebma, however, such openness and directness areconsidered virtues, and visitors to Rebma will see a slightly different Llewella, one whodoesn’t waste words in verbal sparring, yet maintains a distinctly Amberitesuspiciousness and parsimony with the truth.

The side of Llewella which wins hearts and minds over to her side is is hersweetly sentimental behavior, where there is none from the others in her Amberite family.She will be the one to clasp hands with a player character, give them a peck on the cheek,and blush at compliments. Being from Rebma, Llewella has the image of a naive countrygirl to some, and she will exploit this to the fullest, with comments cunningly proferred tomake those around her feel better about themselves and to shift attention from her. It’snot an act, as this is a genuine part of her personality, but it should be played when it isappropriate and not laid on so thickly that it makes her seem like a hick.

Played correctly, Llewella is likely to be the Amberite or Rebman most liked bythe characters. They should be willing to go to the wall for her, to tell her anything, and togive her exactly what she wants without her having to ask for it. If this is the case, then· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (131)

she’s exactly right.

LLEWELLA AS MOTHERFew of the other Amberites have the wide range of potential parental roles that

Llewella has. This is due to the fact that at best, Llewella is more an enigma to the otherAmberites than they care to admit. Her role as a mother will fall into one of thesecategories:

Unknowable, Distant Llewella. Raised in a different Court than her Amberitesiblings, she is unable to relate to them. After her initiation into the family, she wasresented due to the hatred foisted upon her because of her existence, and what it meant toEric’s place in the succession. This turned her more defensive than most (and for Amber,this is considerable) and has made her reluctant to expose her feelings. As a mother, shewill be away often, and rarely will she really open up to her child. It’s likely that such achild was raised by courtiers in the Court of Rebma.

Llewella, Self-Exile from Amber. Though she is as welcome in Amber as areany of the other Elders, Llewella views herself as somewhat of an intruder on the familyand regularly makes excuses to keep herself from joining them. Her children will likelybe raised in a home where Amber is rarely mentioned, childhood interest in that placediscouraged by tales from Llewella's unhappy childhood there. They might consider theAmberites to be demons, or at the very least, embodiments of cruelty.

Mother to the Heir to the Throne. In Rebma things are different. Llewellaenjoys a position of importance, second to the Queen only. If some forms of matriarchy,the lineage might pass to Llewella, should something happen to Moire or her ownchildren. Henceforth, the line of succession would be drawn to Llewella’s offspring. ThisLlewella will spend much of her time protecting her child, tutoring and grooming themfor the Throne of Rebma.

Llewella, Protector of Rebma. A guardian of Rebma, of Amber, the Patternin Rebma, or all three, Llewella is a busy woman, perhaps too busy to take on the role ofmother. Strong and weighed down by responsibility, she could be looking to her own forworthy successors to her role as protector. A child of Llewella’s might find herself sent toa number of tutors, surrogate parents, all with the understanding that it is being done totrain the child to assist in the defense of the realm. This could lead to an interestingbackground, with a child being forced to spend time working in all walks of life inRebma, from the harvesting of sea-grasses, to duty aboard one of their surface fleetvessels.

DAYLE, LLEWELLA’S DAUGHTER IN REBMAOne of the things which Llewella is none to eager to share with her siblings in

Amber is that she once had a husband in Rebma. His name was Kulwir, and he was of theQueen’s Guard, a member of the minor nobility with no title, who became a Captain ofthe Guard through his loyalty to the Queen. They fell in love, and she bore him a· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (132)

daughter almost a century ago. The girl was Dayle, educated away from Rebma and keptfrom public knowledge. Kulwir was part of an ill-fated expedition led by Moire’s sonNestor to pass through the Sargasso Sea, of which none returned. Llewella’s explorationwere futile, and she has assumed that Kulwir is dead. Dayle’s presence in Rebma is asporadic one, and any characters from Rebma will know that she is always with Llewella,and likely know that they are mother and daughter. Currently, Llewella is consideringintroducing Dayle to the Court of Amber, but recent events have caused her to delay thisevent.


"Everybody's been so busy lately," Llewella remarked when I'd finished talking."It almost makes me feel guilty."

I studied the delicate green of her more-than-olive complexion, her full lips, herlarge catlike eyes.

"But not quite," she added.

Sign of Chaos (p. 52)

Daughter of Moins, a noblewoman of Rebma, she was acknowledged by Oberonas his daughter, dragging Llewella unwillingly into the struggle for the succession there.In Amber, this complicated the matter of Eric’s succession and confused his otherwiserightful claim, and also managed to spite Oberon’s then-current wife Clarissa. PerhapsLlewella would have been happier had she remained anonymous. Oberon welcoming herinto his family was the equivalent of throwing her to the lions. Her survival andwithdrawal from Amber reveals much about her feelings towards her sire and hishomeland.

In the dramatic meeting of the siblings in the library of Castle Amber, whenBrand was rescued, each of the Amberites placed themselves in the room in a placeindicative of their role in the affair. Llewella's place was at first away from the others,pretending disinterest. Prompted into making some choice within the peculiar dynamicsof the situation, she joined Julian, Gérard, and Benedict, ostensibly the ones the mostloyal to Amber itself, regardless of who rules it.

While dealing with the new generation, Llewella is one of the Elder Amberitesmost likely to take fledgling player-characters under her arm, pointing out to them thingswhich she sees as obvious which they might overlook. She views this as an equalizingeffect, keeping the other Elders from using them too harshly.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Though she absents herself from Amber often, it is withthose who defend it that she empathizes. Her closest allies in Amber are Benedict,Gérard, and sometimes Julian. She is especially close to the Queen Vialle. In Rebma, sheis inseparable from her sister Moire, and was fond of Martin and Morganthè. Her feelingstowards the redheads in the family are generally ones of distaste and distrust.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (133)


Create FogReaches through Shadow to find a dense mist which issues forth from a space

designated by the caster. This mist is natural and is extremely thick, making vision oversix feet impossible. Using missile weapons is difficult unless some form of sense (or anextremely high Warfare) is used to determine the location of the target. Torches willbarely illuminate the area, and will quickly be snuffed out in the dampness. At night, thisspell creates an area of utter blackness.

Casting Time: Thirty MinutesLynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each: Description of Target Area,

Location of Target Area (Optional), Size (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word(Optional). Deluge

Summons a large amount of water from another Shadow into an area, enough toflood a room, roar down a hallway, clear a street, or extinguish a large fire. Emergingwith considerable force, it roars out from the Shadow aperture as if under pressure,knocking down most things or people in front of it. If braced, a powerful character likeGérard could withstand it, but if surprised (which seems likely) he would be swept underby the current. This water is typically summoned from deep below sea-level, where thepressure is incredible and the aperture becomes a large-scale relief valve, sluicing waterinto the target area until closed. It can also be used in reverse, to clear an area of water.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional fifteen minutes casting time each: Description of Target

Area, Location of Shadow Source, Size of Aperture, Duration (Optional).

Electric ShockThis spell mimics various eel’s ability to generate electric shocks with their own

body and to deliver them to beings which interfere with the caster. This spell works in aseries of steps. First it makes them immune to electric shock. Next it generates therequisite current within the caster’s body. Third, it nullifies the conductivity of the wateraround it (if the caster is submerged), making the range touch only. From this point, allthe caster has to do is touch the target or with hand, finger, tail or any other appropriateappendage. The shock delivered will be equivalent to that of a lightning bolt, and willstun most targets.

Casting Time: One Hour.Lynchpins: Additional ten minutes each: Magic of Shadow, Degree of Shock

(Optional), Trigger (Optional).

IntangibilityBecause so much sensory information under the sea comes from the sense of

touch, Invisibility is not nearly so useful as Intangibility, which allows the character tophase their body into a ghostlike form and let water currents pass through them. Thesorcerer may pass through walls, people, and physical weapons will pass through the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (134)

character's body with no ill effects. It can be also used on inanimate objects and evensections of structures, causing considerable upset if those sections are structurallyintegral.

Complete intangibility is sometimes difficult to act under, since it prevents anykinetic energy from being generated. Not being able to push against the floor makes itdifficult to step forward. Being 98% or more intangible will let weapons and objects passthrough your cell structure and still give you the freedom to move, while 100%intangibility is essential for passage through thick walls or metal surfaces. In this case, itis important to generate sufficient momentum before turning intangible.

Magical Weapons such as Corwin's Pattern Sword Grayswandir will affect evenintangible beings, as the Power which they represent is dominant over Sorcery.

Base Casting Time: Two HoursLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of

subject, Magic of Shadow, Degree of Intangibility, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word(Optional).

ResuscitateCast upon someone who has drowned, or is in the process of doing so. Forces all

water or liquid from a subject's lungs with a bubble of breathable atmosphere, and restartstheir breathing processes, including their heart or other vital organs if they have stopped.Note that this spell cannot undo brain death, a process which typically occurs at twelveminutes from actual death in most humans, about a half-hour for Chaosians, and an houror more for Amberites, continuing in duration up the Endurance ladder. The spell worksinstantaneously, and often shocks the character into consciousness. Nausea, vomiting, anddizziness are side effects for subjects with low ranking in Endurance.

Casting Time: Two HoursLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Magic of Shadow.Variations: Can also be used to "jump start" someone who has been asphyxiated

through a poison gas or smothered, though it cannot undo any damage which the gas oroxygen deprivation may have already caused.

Shape WatersAllows the caster to form an amount of water into a requisite shape which can

move according to the caster's desires. This spell can affect an area up to a thousand yardssquared, making it able to form gigantic shapes if desired, or moderate waves which canbe directed at a target. This water "sculpture" has no solidity other than that of the water,but can exert force through speed or gravity. It cannot move from the rest of the body ofwater, and must be cast in a body of water of at least twice the size of the desired"sculpture." Useful mainly for psychological value, it can also be used to create wallsimpassible by boats. Used to move water out of an area, it can "part waters," or free anarea beneath sea-level from water and keep it so until the spell is finished. When released,the waters will collapse back into themselves.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Location, Desired Form,

Movement (Optional), Size, Duration, Dispel Word (Optional).· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (135)

Sphere of AirAllows the caster to survive immersion in water, summoning an envelope of

warm, breathable oxygen from Shadow and circulating it occasionally so that theenvelope does not fill with carbon dioxide and suffocate the caster. The spell keeps thecaster from passing out and/or being crushed by the water pressure around them, but doesnot aid the caster in maneuvering underwater. A long-term spell, it is dispelled when thesubject comes into contact with another source of fresh air such as an atmosphere.

Base Casting Time: Two HoursLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Name/Description of

Subject, Size of Envelope, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word(Optional).

Water BreathingAllows the caster or subject the ability to breathe in water and extract the oxygen

from it, exhaling the unnecessary hydrogen atoms. This allows any oxygen-breathingsubject to breathe in any liquid compound which is at least partially oxygen. They will beable to "strain" the requisite atmosphere from the liquid, whatever its composition.Extremely thick liquids might present more difficulty, but are still possible so long as thesubject can draw the substance into his or her lungs. This is a disquieting effect, and takessome getting used to. Most surface or air-dwelling mammals will resist this processinitially out of fear and the genetic urge for self-survival.

WARNING: Breathing pure oxygen is somewhat intoxicating, and characters willfeel a sort of giddiness after breathing in this manner for some time. This will manifest aslightheadedness and occasional loss of balance, a sort of oxygen “ drunkenness.”

Casting Time: One and a Half HoursLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

Water ElementalSummons a water elemental to the site of the spell's casting or whichever spot

contains an amount of water equal to the size of the desired elemental. The elemental willthen inhabit and animate the designated amount of fluid and serve the caster for a limitedtime. This elemental is barely sentient, and exhibits only rudimentary intelligence. Ifdesired, the spell can be combined with Conjuration to give the elemental additionalproperties such as intelligence, communication, psychic capability, further supernatural orcombat abilities, etc...

The water elemental appears as a beautiful, transparent mer-creature, flowingfrom male to female, and is usually connected to the body of water which it appeared in.It will be almost any size desired, from the size of a coffee cup to a maximum of abouttwenty feet tall. The elemental cannot speak unless given those Qualities by Conjuration,and has the following abilities:

-It may move instantaneously through any body of water which it is connected to,making it more advantageous to summon them in a river or ocean. If asked to move fromthe "parent" body of water, the elemental is released and becomes normal water.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (136)

-The can affect a large body of water as per the spell Shape Water (see below)naturally and without restriction on duration. The amount is limited by the samerestrictions contained in the spell.

-They can invade a target's throat and force themselves down the lungs, drowningthe victim.

-They can rust or corrode any metal item placed inside their form, and can freezeor boil their own substance.

-They can propel a swimmer, or drag one down below the waters, and can retrieveany item lost in their parent body of water, so long as it is available and not confined orheld in any manner.

The water elemental will serve the summoned until one of these tasks isaccomplished, unless Conjured at which time it will dissipate when the summoner leavesthe Shadow of the elemental's origin.

Casting Time: One and a Half HoursLynchpins: Additional minutes casting time each: Size of Elemental, Desired

Location in Shadow (Optional), Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word(Optional).

Water WalkingCreates a limited surface of "hard" water beneath the caster's which allows him or

her to move freely upon the surface of the water, weather permitting. This can be a veryrough way to travel, as the spell does not calm or smooth the surface in any way, andmerely "freezes" the motion of the water for a short time while the caster steps on it. Evencalm water is somewhat rough, sloping and textured like with ripples, similar to sanddunes. Stormy seas will be similar to walking upon rocky terrain, and will be very timeconsuming. While this spell is cast, the subject will not go below the surface of the water,and can remain in one place as long as the spell lasts, rising and falling with the tide.Characters with Human Rank Endurance find traversing over stormy seas somewhatsickening and disorienting.

Casting Time: One and a Half HoursLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Duration (Optional), Area Covered (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

Power Word [LEZSINTS!]: Heat Water.This Word allows the caster to instantly speed up the oxygen molecules of the

water surrounding a target, heating it to boiling in a second. It does not require a Psychevs. Psyche battle to take effect, because the Power Word is directed at the water itself.The size of the "cloud" of heated water is about a yard across. While non-fatal to anythinglarger than small fish, it is extremely uncomfortable and can give serious burns to a beingwith an Endurance lower than Amber Rank. Small fish and other sea-life are killedinstantly, and larger sea-life is usually repelled or seriously injured. The cloud of heatedwater dissipates quickly when the surrounding currents of water move through it.

Out of the water, this spell has no effect unless the target is caught in extremehumidity or heavy rain, both of which have only minor effects. Cast upon a container ofwater or another liquid containing oxygen, it will work at full strength, heating it to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (137)


Power Word [PCHEN!]: Chill Water.Creates a cloud of instantly ice-cold water in an area of about a yard in diameter.

Not cold enough to do anyone any real damage, it is nonetheless very uncomfortable andwill startle any unexpectant targets, perhaps enough to cause them to lose theirconcentration, interrupting a spell or complex act. The typical reaction to this cloud of icywater is a muscular spasm as the body reacts to the low temperature. Life indigenous tothe bottom of the sea will not be affected at all by this, unless their own environment isfor some reason a warm-water one. It quickly dissipates into the temperature of thesurrounding waters.

The guidelines for using this Power Word out of water are the same as those forthe Power Word Heat Water.

Power Word [TIOP'HAL!]: Mirror Fog.Like the Trump Disrupt Power Word, this can be cast against one of the many

enchanted mirrors in Rebma, blocking any active connection. This can only be usedagainst a mirror which is being used by the caster, or one that is being used by anothercharacter in contact with the caster.

It works by changing fogging the surface of the glass instantly, ending theconnection. The fog is non-permanent and will dissipate quickly after the spell is used.

Power Word [STOTH!]: Force Wave.Sends a quick rapid current of water at the target, which strikes hard enough to

knock over human-sized figures who already off balance if caught by surprise. It is bestused at a moment when the target is only on one foot, such as the middle of a step, inmid-air, or while balancing on something. In the middle of an underwater leap, this canforce the target to change course slightly, depending on the strength and their momentum.This can be resisted by anyone of at least Amber Rank Strength without difficulty, buteven Gérard can be toppled by this if it catches him unawares while he is already offbalance.

Against inanimate objects or small fish, it can sweep them out of the way,knocking them in all directions or to the ground. Used above the water, it has little effect,though directed at a small body of water, can create a tremendous splash. Aiming it atsomeone's drinking cup would send the contents geysering out of the cup and across theholder.

Power Word [JEKRAST!]: Poison Negation.Some of the world's most poisonous substances come from the ocean, from the

liver of the Japanese fugu (a highly poisonous blowfish) to the stingers of the PortugueseMan-o-War. Poison Negation is a very useful Power Word which neutralizes the anytoxins in the target creature or a victim's bloodstream. It does not act as a healing spell,and cannot undo damage done to tissue or internal organs from the passage of the poison,but merely neutralizes the toxic agents within the poison so that it will do no furtherdamage to a subject.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (138)

Casting it against a poisonous creature results in their natural poison beingrendered temporarily ineffectual. They can then be handled or combated safely, and eveneaten without fear of harm. The creature's natural healing rate, however, will eventuallycause the venom to regenerate and return to its full potency.

Power Word [UKEJE!]: Dry.An extremely useful Power Word for anyone who travels from Rebma, the Coral

Branch, or just gets wet, this spell expells any water (or other liquid) and residentdampness from the character’s clothing, skin and hair, depositing it in a puddle at theirfeet. It will vacate any liquid which is not in a sealed container, so a canteen or wine-skin(if capped) would be safe, while water in someone’s boots, a sword-scabbard, or even acup held in one hand would end up on the floor. It has few if any combat applications, butin status-conscious Amber and Rebma, it has its proponents.

Extensive use of this Power Word results in dry skin and frizzing, unmanagablehair. Unfortunately, a the application of a lotion, conditioner, or cream rinse is beyond theabilities of this Power Word. Princess Florimel of Amber is working on it, however.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (139)

LORELEIArms held close and sinuously at her sides, hands flat against upon her hips, she

smiles from beneath the hood of the dark, gold-splashed cloth which enfolds her like aserape, gathered at her neck and right shoulder. Her arms are bare, and a series of goldbangles adorns her upper right arm. A slender left leg protrudes from her cloak, whichswirls lazily in the currents about her. Her eyes... dark and narrow and serene, hairwisplike and black also.

Enigmatic even to those of Rebma, Lorelei is hauntingly beautiful and possessedof an unassailable calm. Though her appearance is that of a young woman her dark eyesshow an infinity of experience within their depths. Rumored to be a sorceress ofconsiderable experience, Lorelei says little to acknowledge or discourage speculation.

She is famed throughout Rebma for her beauty, which has lured many a youngRebman male to his doom. Duels are regularly fought in her name by men who have notmet her, and those lovers who do know her are consumed by their love for her, untilabandoned for another. Those who have loved her speak little about the experience, saveto mention that the serenity she shows is a manifestation of the void within her soul, anempty, still, place which she seeks to fill with earthly experience. Perhaps this is why shenever stays with one lover for so long: she cannot find what she seeks in them, and theyseek in her something which is not there.


Intentionally seeking short-termed relationships with men of Rebma and variousShadows, Lorelei finds herself unable to exist without a lover. She is utterly drawn tothem, consumed by desire, but the feeling leaves quickly and she is soon looking forsome new lover. She will pursue them and enthrall them with a charm which is somewhatmagical in origin, then when they have become near-enslaved to her, she loses interestand seeks out fresh challenges elsewhere.

Her tastes run to kings, heroes, poets and others of repute. She providesinspiration for many, whether it be on the battlefield or in verse, and wherever Loreleitravels, one finds traces of her in the literature and history of the place.

Current Objectives. As described above, Lorelei seeks out relationships with thosewho appeal to her. She will almost always be encountered in the company of a lover,whom she will quickly abandon in pursuit of whichever player-character she might findsome interest in. If no one is available or shows requisite interest, she will have little todo with them as anything other than distant relations whom she tolerates.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [15 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (140)

STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [5 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERS"Broadcast" Empathy [15 Points]- Lorelei is able to use her fledgling empathic skillssolely to detect the emotional states and needs of others, and instill in them a desire forher as the source of the fulfillment of those needs.Power Words [10 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]

ALLIESAllies in Rebma, Amber, and Shadow [9 Points]- These men are all ex-lovers of Lorelei's,who might feel jealous and betrayed at her when away from her, but will be willing to doanything for her when she is in their presence. They are all noblemen, kings, artists,poets, mighty warriors, heroes, or other celebrities.

-Ally in Rebma [1 Point]-Ally in Amber [1 Point]-Ally in Shadow [1 Point]-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]

GOOD STUFF[+6 Points]

GM TIPS FOR ROLE-PLAYING LORELEI AS FEMME FATALEMysterious and dream-like, her presence is somewhat disconcerting to those who

have not fallen under her spell. She radiates an almost visible web of presence, a webwhich causes even the most neutral characters to find sympathy for her and grow to likeher. If she concentrates, the feeling quickly turns to a desire for her. She is usually silent,and when she speaks, it is usually in a charming manner, unconnected to the matter athand but neither facetious or inane. Rather, her statements usually connect in some wayto some deeper truth, one which might be discovered by careful consideration of thesituation. She is an excellent listener, and is skilled in knowing the proper questions toask. Men and women often find themselves telling her their life stories within minutes ofknowing her.


Lorelei uses men for one purpose only: to drain them of their souls. Like avampire, she gains sustenance from the transfusion of the life-force of other beings, andactively searches out those in whom life burns brightest- leaders, heroes, athletes, andartists. Perhaps she views it as a curse, perhaps she sees it as a trade-off. Men seek her out· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (141)

for her beauty and her love, and she takes from them their vitality. She does not activelypursue them, and in fact appears bored during most courting. Lorelei does not encouragejealousy or the meaningless attachments others make to her. She does what she needs tosurvive, by finding suitable subjects, taking from them what she needs, then moving onwhen they no longer provide her with the vitality she requires.

Current Objectives. She will seek out those in whom life burns brightest. This willundoubtedly be one of the blood of Amber. She has known other lovers from the line ofOberon, and she will do anything she can to become involved with one of them again.Though most of the Elder Amberites might overwhelm her with the force of their life-energy, Lorelei will use all her wiles and subtlety to ensnare an inexperienced Amberiteprinceling in her web.


POWERS"Cosmetic" Shape Shifting [10 Points]- Lorelei can alter her appearance in a number ofminor, almost imperceptible ways to appear more attractive to those she desires, using herEmpathy to guide her. She can change hair, skin, and eye coloration, make slight changesto her facial features, and appear to change her build subtly. She will always berecognizable, however, and cannot use the ability to impersonate another person.Sorcery [15 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERLorelei's Lovers [24 Points]- Though she rarely "drains" the men she seduces of alltheir life-force, she has done so on occasion, using her Conjuration and turning them intocreatures of her own to control. They will behave as her bodyguards when necessary,accompanying her through Shadow and adapting to the current environment. She hasonly reserved this fate to those few who have threatened her in some way, taking perversesatisfaction in seeing them as her zombielike servants.

-Immense Vitality [4 Points]-Amber Stamina [2 Points]-Combat Mastery [4 Points]-Psychic Resistance [1 Point]-Able to "mold" Shadow Stuff [1 Point]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]

LORELEI'S PSYCHIC VAMPIRISMIt's possible that Lorelei is a vampire-like being from outside Rebma, in Shadow.

Whatever her origin is, she is somehow a empty well, or a drain of empathic energy.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (142)

Somehow, Lorelei needs regular infusions of psychic energy for sustenance. She does notfeed off it permanently, however. It inevitably returns at about the rate which woundsheal in a normal person. Depression or extreme mood swings in the subject can lower therecovery rate considerably.

Through her empathic abilities, Lorelei "siphons" off Psychic energy from thosewhom she is able to gain uninterrupted Psychic connection with. She feels that this iseasiest accomplished in the context of an emotionally charged physical relationship witha willing partner, which explains her method of seeking suitable subjects. Once the targethas become responsive to a Psychic contact, Lorelei drains them of enough Psychicenergy to restore herself, without harming the subject. Lovers sufficiently high in Psychemight be her lovers for some time before she needs to move on and seek fresher vessels.

-Psychic Vampirism [10 Points]

BAD STUFF[+4 Points]


Whether a victim or a willing participant of her condition, Lorelei's behavior willseem unusual and shocking to some, offensive to others. To her, it's just survival. Shedoesn't necessarily want to seduce and abandon men constantly, but does not see anyalternatives. Knowing of her fate, some might even feel some pity for her. Lorelei doesn'twant to kill anyone, and tries to leave before "draining" too much life-force from herlovers, but when cornered or threatened, will use her abilities for harm. While shegenerally seduces only willing targets, she will not hesitate to completely drain any whothreaten or seek to psychically dominate her.


Willingly seeking out men and leading them to their destruction, Lorelei is in factthe source of the Shadow legends of the sirens, sea-women who led men to their doomswith their beauty and their haunting songs. She is known as something of a demon lover,a woman who inspires many to great heights in the expression of romantic and courtlylove, yet consumes her lovers utterly, either with her indifference or her demands.

Current Objectives. She spends much of her time in Rebma, though she does notinvolve herself with the noblemen of the Sea-Court, much to their imagined misery.Lorelei is after the conquest of men, and finds that being able to make them desire her isan affirmation of her power over them. She will be found seeking out the most potentpersonality around, and attempting to seduce and bind it to her. She often brings her findsback to Rebma, where they are feted and shown off as she would a prized pet or work ofart.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (143)

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [80 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERSSorcery [15 Points]"Exalted" Conjuration [25 Points]- Lorelei can instill in a Conjured being any desires,needs, goals, memories, or even alternate personalities she may choose. This power isidentical to High Compelling, the advanced form of the Conjuration Power, described inShadow Knight.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERThe Sirens [12 Points]- Half-human, half-fishlike creatures which resemble Lorelei butdiffer in the degree of humanity present in their appearance, the Sirens are her"daughters," Conjured from her blood and imbued with Power. Some appear as fullmermaids, some as human women with a touch of unearthliness about them. They wearno clothing, and seem to exist only to seduce men and devour their souls. They inhabitthe waters near Rebma at times, and move through Shadow with Lorelei's Islandregularly. Their song is haunting, ethereal, and as soul-tearingly beautiful as is theirappearance. Many legends in Shadow speak of them.

-Double Speed [2 Points]-Able to Speak & Sing [2 Points]-Psychic Sensitivity [1 Point]- This manifests itself in their song, which causes

men to become overwhelmed with desire for the Sirens, often running their ships agroundto be near them.

-Shadow Trail [1 Point]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]

Lorelei's Pool [20 Points]- A magical pool upon Lorelei's Island enables her to seethrough Shadow and reach minds there. She has also enchanted its waters to heal andrestore injured flesh, and to confer youth upon those who bathe in it regularly. Loreleiuses it to maintain those lovers which she wishes to keep alive for longer than mortal lifespans, and tempt the men to want to stay and live forever with her.

-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Able to "mold" Shadow Creatures [2 Points]-Regeneration [4 Points]-Confers Regeneration on User [10 Points]

PERSONAL SHADOWSLorelei's Island [9 Points]- A small rocky island usually surrounded by rapids andstorms, Lorelei's Island boasts a small castle and a tiny, hidden cove with severalsailboats. This island's inhabitants are the Sirens, Lorelei's daughter-servants which spend· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (144)

most of their time on the rocks outside the island, combing their hair and enticing sailorsto join them. Lorelei has enchanted the entire island to be able to move through Shadow.It normally skirts the Sargasso Sea, where the Sirens lure sailors to their doom there.

-Personal Shadow [1 Point]-Restricted Access [2 Points]-Control of Shadow's Destiny [4 Points]-Shadow Path [2 Points]

BAD STUFF[+1 Point]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING LORELEI AS QUEEN OF THE SIRENSManipulative and eager to assert her dominance over others, particularly men,

Lorelei is somewhat maniacal about her goals beneath her calm facade. Though sheappears to be charming, attractive, and even alluring socially, when she has targeted acharacter as one of her "conquests," she can verge on obsessive behavior, using herEmpathy and enhanced Conjuration to create in others whatever desires her charmscannot.

Resisting her affections will only increase her attempts at seeing the characteradmit that they are attracted to her. She regards this resistance as part of what makes thegame so interesting. Lorelei will invariably drive her lovers to need her with an intensitythat is almost life-threatening, then abandon them and watch their despair as they self-destruct.

LORELEI AS MOTHERWhat a mother!Lorelei's behavior makes her something of every child's worst nightmare, to say

nothing of the Oedipal conflicts this may have created in any sons she might have.Lorelei is a convenient way to explain away any amount of Bad Stuff a player

may have assigned his or her character during character creation.Perhaps she is shunned publicly by most Ladies of Rebma, and liked inwardly, or

vice versa. Her reputation in Rebma might be nothing remarkable, so long as she does notmake many enemies. To the folk of Rebma, as in Amber, her behavior among Shadowfolk is her own business.

She is likely known as the muse for many great poets, artists, and playwrights inRebma and throughout Shadow, and this gives her some degree of celebrity which manymight even respect.

Any child of hers is bound to inherit some of this admiration. How will they reactto it? What was life like growing up with Mother indulging herself with a variety of men?Would the child have no father figure, or too many?

Daughters of Lorelei might have grown up in competition with their mother formen's attention, in friendship, as teachers, or even lovers. Sons might have had theirchildhood plagued by Oedipal complex-inducing experiences, and might have foundother women difficult to get along with.

It is likely that a child of Lorelei's might have been raised away from her, amongservants or friends, or even her ex-lovers. She might be just the type to abandon any· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (145)

children she has with their fathers in Shadow, trusting them to take care of them. Shemight then return when the child has reached maturity, to tell them about their birthright,or just to renew her acquaintance with her former lover.

LORELEI'S FORMER LOVERSSeeking out men who have powerful personalities leads her to those who

command others, wrestle with great responsibility, create art or poetry, engage in heroicactivity, or are known and adored for their public identity. This makes her loversgenerally famous or powerful people.

It also gives any character who is a child of Lorelei's a wide array of possibilitiesfor the father's identity:

Nobles of Rebma. As a member of the Sea-Court, Lorelei's behavior mighthave been very brazen, cutting a swath through many notable Lords and Princes of thenoble houses of Rebma in a series of highly visible affairs, reveling in the scandal.Becoming involved with Lorelei might have even indicated some recognition of status forsome of the less-noble houses there. She may have also favored poets, warriors, or heroesof Rebma who caught her eye.

Lords of Amber or Chaos. Her attentions may have turned towards the Courts ofAmber or Chaos. Would those men be able to resist her, or would they prove too muchfor her. A possibility is that she might have even been involved with Oberon himself,lecherous to a fault, if the rumors have a glimmer of truth to them. With Rebma'sproximity to Amber, she may have had dalliances with a number of the Princes there.Gérard, Admiral of Amber's navies, might have met Lorelei on more than one occasion.

Heroes of Shadow. A partial list of candidates might include kings, poets,warriors, athletes, celebrities, rock stars, playwrights, painters, politicians, wizards,clergymen, scholars, and just about anyone possessing a strong personality or exceptionalability.


Though she spends little time in the Court, she is nonetheless a formidablepresence while she is there. Men of the Court will find themselves almost involuntarilydrawn to her, supporting her arguments or her schemes, and she is not above using hercharm to win others over to her side. Using her empathic abilities and her natural charms,Lorelei can pit friends against each other, turn sons against fathers, set brothers at eachother's throats, and destroy even the surest alliances.

This can create enemies, though, and she is loathe to use her abilities in suchvisible ends. She instead will work behind the scenes, instigating liaisons with nobleswho cannot afford to have their involvement with her revealed, gaining secrets fromlovers, or by emotionally tying others to her and using them to achieve her ends.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Lorelei has an astonishing number of ex-lovers· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (146)

throughout Rebma, Amber, and Shadow, and perhaps even in the Courts of Chaos.Though many of them may still resent her for her abandonment of them, if asked andbribed with the promise of her attention, most will come to her aid. See the section on"Lorelei's Former Lovers" for a description of those she might be able to call to her side.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (147)

MARTINMartin is unique among members of the new generation, perhaps the most

difficult to pin down. He's been many things- orphan, prince, student, Hellrider, andnow... cyberpunk musician. All of this, somehow, is fitting behavior for the offspring ofRandom.

Born to Morganthè, Princess of Rebma, Martin was orphaned soon afterwardswhen she killed herself. He grew up not knowing his father, and it is likely that hischildhood was a lonely one, to judge his current eagerness to fit into the Court of Amber.Among his friends in the Sea Court were Llewella and Vialle, and Benedict who took anearly interest in the boy.

Of these years, we have Benedict’s account:

"He came to me after he departed Rebma. He stayed with me a long while.""Why did he go to you?" Random asked.Benedict smiled faintly."He had to go somewhere, you know," he said. "He was sick of his position in

Rebma, ambivalent toward Amber, young, free, and just come into his power through thePattern. He wanted to get away, see new things, travel in Shadow- as we all did. I hadtaken him to Avalon once when he was a small boy, to let him walk on dry land of asummer, to teach him to ride a horse, to have him see a crop harvested. When he wassuddenly in a position to go anywhere he would in an instant, his choices were stillrestricted to the few places of which he had knowledge.

. . .So he elected to come to me, to ask me to teach him. And I did. He spent the better

part of a year at my place. I taught him to fight, taught him the ways of the Trumps and ofShadow, instructed him in those things an Amberite must know if he is to survive.

The Hand of Oberon (p. 181)

His plans to visit Amber someday were scrapped when Brand attacked him. It wasyears before he would venture to Amber, and only then with Benedict and his father.Between Brand's assault and his reunion, he made the acquaintance of Dara of Chaos andher son Merlin, and possibly King Oberon. The exact nature of their meeting has neverbeen specified, though Martin was quick to lie about it to Random.

Settling into the routine of Court, Martin has made every effort to become a truePrinceling of Amber and potential heir to the throne, though after a brief sojourn in ahigh-tech, fast-time Shadow, a different side of Martin emerged- clad in black leather andchains, street smart, and fitted with a cybernetic jack at the base of his skull.

Whether this is his true self emerging, or another phase, remains to be seen.

MARTIN-THE PRINCE AND THE PUNKER(200 Point Version)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (148)

"When Martin came of age," said Moire, "because he was of the blood of Amber,he determined to walk the Pattern. He is the only of my people to have succeeded.Thereafter, he walked in Shadow and I have not seen him since."

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 71)

Martin's legitimacy as Heir to the Throne of Rebma is somewhat in doubt. Despitebeing the only son of the daughter of the Queen, his father was low among the Princes ofAmber, and hated in Rebma. Add to this the fact that Morganthè and Random wereapparently never married. Her suicide cast a pall upon Martin's birth, one which has notbeen forgotten. His father’s rise to King has complicated matters even more, as it makesMartin possible Heir Apparent to Amber, by a more direct bloodline.

Whether he can take either throne and keep it... well, that’s a good question.Though liked by members of the Court, Martin's childhood was a sad one,

growing up without a mother or father. As a Prince of Rebma, he was cared for byMoire's servants and did not lack for attention, but it was a lonely upbringing for a childwith Martin's restless nature. Martin’s whole life up to the present has been defined byanother, older Amberite. He grew up as the child of Random’s sin, under the wing ofLlewella, was trained by Benedict, then found his world shattered by Brand. Only duringthe early days of the Patternfall War did he find outside influences, and those were aPrincess of Chaos and her half-Amberite son.

Current Objectives. Now, he’s looking to find his own way, and is goingthrough a pretty rapid time of adjustment. His current appearance is Martin’s way ofrebelling by tapping into in the anarchy of punk rock. Kind of ironic that he’s the son of aKing and a Princess. This might be Martin letting people know that he’s not interested inbeing a target for assassination, and has no interest in sitting on either throne for a good,long time.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [15 Points] STRENGTH - [20 Points]ENDURANCE - [20 Points]WARFARE - [45 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]"Partial" Trump Artistry [15 Points]- Martin has learned various ways of screeningTrump contacts, blocking them, identifying the caller, and avoiding Trump Contact. Hecommonly refuses to accept calls. One of his newer tricks is to try to shunt the contact offto another person he knows well, or into a special, painful Trump trap made for him byMerlin during their alliance.Power Words [10 Points]

ARTIFACTS OF POWER· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (149)

Neural Jack [8 Points]- Cybernetically wired into his cerebral cortex, the neural jackallows Martin to directly interface with a wide variety of computers and electronicequipment from Shadow. He commonly uses it with the high-tech musical instrumentswhich he favors.

-Psychic Neutral [2 Points]- This only works when Martin is "hacking" inside acomputer network, allowing him to escape detection.

-Able to "mold" Shadow Stuff [1 Point]- The plug adapts power requirements,translates computer language, and formats data flow from any appropriately outfittedcomputer.

-Confers Psychic Sensitivity [5 Points]- This represents the ability to sense andorder the computers Martin interfaces with.

Leather Jacket [2 Points]- Made of ballistic fiber and reinforced inside with metallicweave, Martin's leathers are actually a common form of body armor used in the fringes ofsociety of his Personal Shadow.

-Resistant to Firearms [2 Points]

ALLIESAn Ally in Amber [1 Point]- Benedict, who, for his own reasons took an active interest inMartin's development.Rebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Moire, Queen of Rebma and Martin's grandmother.Amber Court Devotee [6 Points]- King Random, recently interested in Martin’s well-being and ready to throw weight around on his behalf.

GOOD STUFF[+3 Points]


"Goodness! Martin's changed!" he announced suddenly. "He looks like a one-manrock video. I almost didn't recognize him. Just last week-"

"It's been over a year," I said, "for him. He's been off finding himself on somestreet scene."

"I wonder if he's finished?""Didn't get a chance to ask him that," I replied, but a peculiar thought occurred to


Bill Roth and MerlinSign of Chaos (p. 103)

Martin's evolution into a leather-clad cyber-musician took everyone by surprise,considering the speed and extreme nature of his transformation. A peek at the chronologyin Amber reveals an interesting progression of events...

Just after Merlin revealed his Trump super-computer Ghostwheel to Random,Martin disappeared into a high-tech Shadow, emerging with obvious expertise in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (150)

computers, judging from the cybernetic jack he had installed behind his left ear. In otherwords, immediately after Random gets worried about Merlin's supercomputerGhostwheel, his own son shows up with advanced computer training and the means ofaccessing a computer neurally.

Coincidence? Or has Martin begun his training for the Throne of Amber, servinghis father as a trusted spy and counter-agent?


As I passed out of the main hall and headed along the back hallway which wouldtake me to any of a number of stairs, a fellow in black leathers and various pieces ofrusty and shiny chain emerged from a corridor to my right, halted, and stared at me. Hishair was of an orange Mohawk cut and there were several silver rings in his left ear nearwhat looked like an electrical outlet of some sort.

"Merlin?" he said. "You okay?""For the moment," I replied as I drew nearer, trying to place him, there in the

dimness."Martin!" I said. "You're...changed."

Sign of Chaos (p. 99)

Prince Hal, the hero from Shakespeare’s Henry IV (Parts I and II), is something ofa rebel to his father, the King. Spending all of his time indulging in sport, wenching,carousing, and general hellraising, is everybody’s best buddy, always at the center of eachparty, and taking part in any number of wild adventures and hopeless shenanigans. Whenhe is needed, though, Prince Hal, now called Henry, finally rises to his father’s call andcasts off the burdens of his youth, revealing a leader who is accomplished, cunning, wise,and an effective king.

Martin and Hal have a lot in common. Martin doesn’t want to be King just yet,and enjoys his lifestyle of parties and exploration of the weirder parts of Shadow, butwhen things get difficult, he is right at Random’s side, learning and watching, waiting allthe while for the time when he will have to take the reins himself.

At this point, he and Random are closely allied, with Martin keeping tabs on theyounger generation of Amberites, and being groomed for his role as King, for whicheverrealm needs him first.

Current Objectives. He might be found anywhere, running secret missions forRandom, and could need allies. Martin will be more than willing to help out his peers,though word is sure to make it to Random's ear. Eager to learn of others in his generation,he’ll willingly join in player-character adventures. This serves him well- letting him fitinto the crowd and showing him a good time. The less obvious goal is that suchfriendships help Martin know the strengths and weaknesses of those he might someday· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (151)


ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [20 Points]STRENGTH - [10 Points]ENDURANCE - [20 Points]WARFARE - [25 Points]

POWERS"Cybernetic" Pattern Imprint [90 Points]- For Martin, the Pattern has taken on more thanjust metaphysical shape. The form of the Pattern has been transformed onto biologicalcircuitry inside Martin's head (some serious wetware), allowing him to use the full rangeof Pattern abilities and create Artifacts powered with Pattern Circuitry with them whichfunction in Amber or anywhere where Pattern is present. He is also able to "reprogram"Shadows using any ambient Pattern energy they contain, allowing him to be able to workwith the stuff of Shadow immediately and with impunity. Currently, Martin needs the useof his cyberdeck to accomplish most of these feats.Trump Artistry [35 Points]- Learned from Merlin’s initial tutelage, his ownexperimentation, and further studies alongside Random.

ARTIFACTS OF POWERCyberdeck, Martin's Pattern Computer [34 Points]- Using principles similar to Merlin'sconstruction of the Trump Artifact Ghostwheel, Martin has built a Pattern-basedcomputer which he can access any sections of the Pattern present in a Shadow andmanipulate them as if they were data. Looking something like a notebook computer, itcomes with a cybernetic jack which plugs into Martin's skull and allows for instantcommunication. While plugged into the "mainframe" that represents all of Pattern-containing Shadow, Martin is able to "listen in" on any Shadow desired and can evenaccess and "program" Patterns from a distance. Using this ability, Martin can rewrite thevery building blocks of any Shadow, depending on the power that the Pattern exerts there.He is very reluctant to use this ability anywhere near Amber.

-Able to Speak in Tongues & Voices [4 Points]- This represents the basicprogramming installed in the cyberdeck.

-Clairaudience [4 Points]-Psychic Barrier [4 Points]- Controlled by a program.-Able to "mold" Shadow Reality [4 Points]-Confers "mold" Shadow Reality Power on User [10 Points]-Powered by Pattern [8 Points]

Machine Pistol [4 Points]- Tucked into a holster in his jacket is a small automaticweapon, a rapid-firing pistol-sized machine gun. Given time, Martin is usually able tomanipulate the Pattern in the Shadow he is in so that the pistol will work normally. Hetypically carries a couple of spare 36-round clips for it, and Random will give him someclips of “ the pink stuff” if times are desperate.

-Deadly Damage [4 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (152)


"I'm just back from a very interesting shadow," he said. "Spent over a year there -- one of those places where time runs like hell."

"I'd judge -- just guessing -- that it was high-tech, urban....""Right.""I thought you were a country boy.""I got over it. Now I know why my dad likes cities and noise."“You a musician, too?”“Some. Different sounds, though.”

Martin and MerlinSign of Chaos (p. 99)

Martin's Cyberpunk Shadow [4 Points]- A place of unchecked urban sprawl, wheretechnology has advanced to the point of allowing human/computer interfaces, Martin'sShadow is a grim place, run by immense multinational corporations. Information is thegreatest commodity here, and life is cheap. Martin, of course, is considered to be achampion of the underworld resistance.

-Personal Shadow [1 Point]-Communication Barrier [1 Point]-Control of Time Flow [2 Points]

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- Random, as above.Rebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Moire, as above.

BAD STUFF[+3 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING MARTINMartin is still looking to see what his exact role in Amber will be. Too young and

inexperienced to make much of a King, Martin is biding his time and adventuring.Easygoing and genial, he is probably the least secretive of the Amberite family, and hishonesty and openness is either refreshing or some devious ploy, depending on how oneviews such things.

One option for the Game Master is to keep Martin changing, finding a new rolesand appearance between encounters with player characters. Where will his search foridentity take him next? GMs with a flair for the bizarre might have Martin show up as asuperhero, jet-setting spy, professional thrill-seeker, or rock star. Any number of genresmight take his fancy from one day to the next.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Martin seems to have patched things up withRandom, and is working on becoming a dutiful son, or at least what passes for it inAmber. He is chummy with Merlin, and has many who think dearly of him in Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (153)

Still Heir to the Throne of Rebma, Martin's life is valuable and of continued interest tothe Sea-Court. If he is threatened, Moire will take action in whatever way is mostsuitable- rescue, assistance, or revenge.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (154)

MOINSDark, rounded eyes echoing with some timeless aspect of wisdom, the Lady Moins

rests upon a cushioned window seat, the muted lights of Rebma behind her. In thedistance, one can see the faint trail of Faiella-bionin as it winds up to the shores nearArden. Long haired, with some of it white and most of it black. Clad modestly in a gownseemingly wrought of tiny, linked sea-shells, her cloak is short and leaves her bangledarms bare.

As with most of Oberon's women, little is said of Moins in the Chronicles. FromCorwin in Sign of the Unicorn, we know that Moins gave birth to Llewella out ofwedlock (perhaps in an adulterous birth) and for one reason or another, Oberon decided torecognize Llewella as his own, elevating her status to that of Princess of Amber.

Like most of Oberon's women, Moins and her fate remain undescribed. Here arethree versions of Moins which might be introduced into an Amber or Rebma-basedcampaign which assumes that Moins is still alive and within Rebma.


Moins was a young woman of considerable status within Rebma, her parents ofone of the older of the noble houses, betrothed by proxy to marry Lir, the King of Rebma.The subject of an arranged marriage, she was less than thrilled by the prospect ofmarrying a man she barely knew, despite having spent a childhood being prepared for thisfuture. Overwhelmed by the honor and unable to change her destiny, she was swiftlypushed by her family into what later turned out to be a loveless, political marriage ofconvenience rather than a romance. Dutifully, she bore Lir a child, Moire, and spent theremainder of her time whiling away her time within the Castle Rebma. Lir, as a Triton,was strange to her, and their union was not a pleasant one, despite the fact that they wereable to conceive.

Bored, lonely, and rejected, she suddenly found herself the center of attention of Oberon, the King of Amber, with whom the Tritons had recently been at war with.Unbeknownst to her, she was the exact image of Oberon’s wife Faiella, who had recentlydied in childbirth and leaving Oberon grief-stricken. During one of Oberon’s visits to theCastle Rebma, under the guise of finishing various details of the treaty, he crept into herbed in the guise of her husband.

Lir swiftly knew that the child was not his, and immediately prior to the birth ofLlewella, he dissolved the marriage and banished Moins to her suite within the castle. Hisoutrage brought him into conflict with Oberon quickly, though it was an unpopular war,due to the fact that Moins’ unwitting infidelity was kept from the people’s ears. To Lir’skinfolk and their Houses, they saw him breaking a treaty of alliance with Amber andfailed to support him in the battles which would rage for years to come, ending Lir’s rulein Rebma and forcing him into exile.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (155)

Before this happened, however, a curious thing happened. Moins and Lir actuallyfell in love, however briefly, and shortly after Lir had left Rebma, she bore him anotherchild, Scylla. Since that time, Moins has secluded herself in her tower outside of the city,and become a reclusive Queen Mother. She is consulted by Moire occasionally, andrespects are paid to her by her three daughters alike, but she exists outside the mainstreamof the events in the Sea-Court.

Current Objectives. As mother to the Queen of Rebma and a Princess of Amber, herroyal status in Rebma is quixotic, but undeniable. She will be interested in seeking ameans by which Scylla can be made legitimate, and her own name cleared of infamy. Todo so, she needs to know if Lir still lives, how to contact him, and if there is still a placefor his word in Rebma’s court.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - Amber RankSTRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE -Amber RankWARFARE - Human Rank [+25 Points]

POWERSSorcery [15 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERShimmer, Moins' Scaled Gown [16 Points]- Serving as a form of bodily protection and ameans for traveling throughout Shadow, the gown uses it's Shape Shift power to alter itsappearance into a wide range of outfits.

-Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]-Shadow Path [2 Points]-Able to "mold" Shadow Stuff [1 Point]-Alternate Named & Numbered Shapes [2 Points]-Confers Shadow Path Power on Wearer [10 Points]

Arm Bangles [2 Points]- Made from a variety of metals and other substances, each ofthese has a spell racked within it. Cryptic designs on each of them represent the differentspells.

-Capable of Racking a Spell [1 Point]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]- There are about a dozen bangles.

ALLIESAn Ally in Amber [1 Point]- Moins' daughter, Princess Llewella of Amber.An Ally in Rebma [1 Point]- Her other daughter, Queen Moire.An Ally in Rebma [1 Point]- The third of her children, Scylla.

BAD STUFF[+1 Point]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (156)


Unbeknownst to Lir, Moins was unfaithful to her Triton husband and King as amatter of choice. Oberon’s attentions were willingly received, and appreciated. As Queenof Rebma, Moins was quite a prize for Oberon, and he treated her so- memento of aconquest which had ceased to mean much once it had been won. The outcome of this wasan unwanted child in Llewella, a royal divorce, and Lir’s exile from his kingdom.Declining the role of Regent or Dowager Queen, Moins allowed her elder daughter Moireto become the ruler of Rebma. Since then, she has gone into her own self-exile, as if in amirror of her husband’s departure.

A recluse, she has aged considerably, and remains mostly in her own estate inRebma, appearing publicly only for affairs of state and religious holidays. Her relationwith Llewella is good, but Moire has not forgiven her the insult to her line. Scylla, thirdof her daughters, is politic about the situation. Moire dwells in one of the highest towersin Rebma, fragile and beautiful, with many mirrors hung in its walls, and uncountablesecret ways within it.

Current Objectives. Since the affair which led to her self-imposed-exilehappened in the distant past, and few care overmuch about them today, Moins hasbecome more public with her beliefs that Rebma should take steps to sever its ties withAmber and declare independence now that Oberon is gone. She will often be found in thecompany of older members of the Sea Court, attempting to gain their allegiance toRebma's future away from Amber.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [10 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Amber RankWARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]- Moins will have a variety of magical Artifactsand Creatures summoned by mirror duplication and empowering them with Conjuration,rather than paid for with Points. She may have copies of many artifacts from theChronicles and other Rebman Court members in the displays in her tower.Sorcery [15 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERGwildon [17 Points]- Resembling a six foot moray eel made of a vaguely translucent· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (157)

jade, this Creature serves as a bodyguard to Moins, lazily circling her, always at a closedistance unless she so wills it.

-Double Vitality [2 Points]-Double Speed [2 Points]-Tireless, Supernatural Stamina [4 Points]-Combat Reflexes [2 Points]- Amber Rank Warfare in biting and water-combat.-Extra Hard Teeth [1 Point]-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Psychic Neutral [2 Points]

ALLIESAmber Court Offspring [4 Points]- Unlike traditional Amber Court Devotees, thisrepresents her daughter Llewella, and does not guarantee Moins the right to walk thePattern of Amber, but does give the attention it provides."Partial" Rebman Court Devotee [3 Points]- As with Llewella, the Rebman Devotee isonly in regards to Moire's interest in her mother's well-being.

GOOD STUFF[+1 Point]


Grand Lady of Rebma, Moins is a remarkable woman. She was married to theinhuman Lir, and in his place, ruled Rebma for years as its secret ruler. With Lir andOberon, she gave birth to three Princesses- Llewella, Scylla, and Moire. Imperious andhaughty, she might have proven a more than a match for Oberon. After Lir’s defeat, shemight have stepped up to rule in his stead, but instead, abdicated her throne in favor ofher full-Rebman daughter Moire, rather than the elder but half-Rebman Llewella, adecision of political expediency rather than familial concerns.

Since giving up the Rebman crown, she has indulged in travel about Shadow andis enjoying her retirement. This aside, she has a place of honor reserved for her at allaffairs of state, and, after her daughters, she is the most important and influential personin Rebma. Ancient, she is still in full possession of her faculties and very much capableof playing the games of Court with her former skill and cunning.

Current Objectives. Despite her abdication, she has not slowed from being avery important figure in Rebman politics. Symbol of the older empire, all of Moire'sdecisions and actions are weighed against the years of Moins' rule. Moins remains asymbol of an older, brighter age to many who are against Moire's connections with theCourt of Amber.

ATTRIBUTES· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (158)

PSYCHE - [55 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE -Amber RankWARFARE -Amber Rank

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]- Through initiation into the Jewel of Judgement, she wasable to assay the reversed Pattern in Rebma, and now has the ability to manipulate itsattendant universe of reflections.Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]Shape Shift [35 Points]Attunement to the Rebman Jewel of Judgement [10 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERMoins' Mirrors [16 Points]- Decorating the walls within her tower, each mirror viewsonto a different pocket Shadow. They are empowered to allow the viewer to enter theworld depicted.

-Shadow Gateway [8 Points]- An instantaneous step through Shadow.-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]- Moins has about a dozen of the


Moins' Honor Guard [16 Points]- Fanatically loyal to their former Queen, these soldiersare older than many of Rebma's warriors, though gifted with centuries of martialexperience. Deadly and always alert, they travel everywhere with the Queen Mother.Rumors claim that many of them were former lovers of hers.

-Immense Vitality [4 Points]-Combat Mastery [4 Points]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]

PERSONAL SHADOWSMoins' Mirror Shadows [8 Points]- Each of the mirrors in Moins' tower contains agateway into one of her "pocket" Shadows which she uses for a different function.Usually similar to Rebma in some aspect, almost all of them are underwater. It is likelythat one mirror opens on a Shadow near Amber, and another within the Courts of Chaos.It is likely that one is a Personal Shadow exactly like Rebma where Moins still rules asQueen.

-Personal Shadow [1 Point]-Restricted Access [2 Points]-Control of Contents [1 Point]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]- There are an equal number of

Shadows to Mirrors.

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- Llewella, as above.Rebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Moire, as above.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (159)

BAD STUFF[+1 Point]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING MOINSAs mother of the Queen of Rebma, and a Princess of Amber, she’s got to have

learned some things about ruling. As the woman who two men warred over, she’s got toknow how to deal with powerful individuals. And in her time as Queen during the warswith Amber, she’s bound to have qualities of strength and force of personality. It mayhave been her clout which got Llewella recognized, despite the effects it would have onOberon's other children and Llewella's own wishes.

Following are some possibilities for what the Lady Moins might be like:

Queen of a Vanished Era. Not happy with the way her daughter Moire hasgrown weak, emulating the ways of the Amberites, Moins might be a firebrand, callingher people to take pride in their ways and presenting herself as a symbol of formergreatness. She and Moire could even be at cross-purposes in this. She believes thatalthough Amber is a magnificent land, it is not perfect, and Rebma should be free tochoose its own path.

Victorian Matriarch. Things haven't gotten better, they've gotten worse. Regaland always in excruciating control of herself and her surroundings, Moins is the GrandDame of Rebma, a Queen Mother who demands obedience and discipline to a moral codelong absent from the Sea Court. Seeing in Amber what has happened when the royals areallowed free reign of their passions, Moins is a strict and moralistic woman, driven by avision of Rebma which adheres to standards which many think unreachable. Her relationswith the Sea Court are strained.

Beloved and Gracious Queen Mother. As Queen Mother to a well-lovedqueen, Moins is taken care of and lives in luxury. With little political clout, she is stilllistened to and makes frequent public appearances, instilling support and goodwill in herpeople towards the Queen and her decisions. More a figurehead than anything, Moinsremains open and available for communication, and tries in her way to advise herdaughter Moire. Speaking to Moins might be the easiest way to gain the ear of the Queen.

Scandal-ridden Recluse. There are in Rebma those who view Moins having anAmberite daughter as a form of betrayal. As a free-spirited young woman, beautiful andeager to explore the world, she lived a life of pleasure which might have offended someRebmans with its excesses. Haunted by ill-will from the revelation that Llewella wasOberon's child, she remains in self-exile, bitter and withdrawn, perhaps even losing touchwith reality.

MOINS AS MOTHERThe most important thing in having Moins for a mother is that it puts you high up

in the succession for the Throne should Moire choose to abdicate without a successor.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (160)

Since Martin, grandson to Moire, seems uninterested in going back to Rebma, and Nestoris nowhere to be seen it is possible that the position would pass to a sister of Moire's.Which leaves Llewella, who’s an Amberite, and Scylla, who’s still regarded as a bastard.

The big question remains, however, as to who the father is.If it's Oberon, then the player character is like Llewella, a Princess of two realms.

This can be good because it puts one in the succession along with the Elder Amberites,but might prejudice public opinion against the character in Rebma. This aside, there arenumerous examples in our own Shadow Earth European history of Kings and Queensruling countries they were not born in.

At the very least, a childhood as sister or brother to the Queen would involve alife of luxury and privilege, with quarters in the Castle Rebma as well as numerous titlesand estates outside of Rebma. Freed from any real responsibility but gifted with all thebenefits of being royalty, children of Moins would undoubtedly have an excess of time onhand to entertain themselves explore new Powers and worlds.

A position as an ambassador, perhaps to Amber or in the Coral Ring in one ofRebma's Shadows would be a likely destination for a brother or sister to the QueenMoire. Such a task might not be chosen for the character's usefulness at doing it, butinstead for the distance it puts them from the Sea Court.

MOINS AS A PLAYER IN THE GAMES OF THE REBMAN COURTAlthough she has no real political power, do not underestimate Moins' importance

in the Court of Rebma when she is present there. Closely tied with her daughters Moireand Llewella, there is little that happens in the Courts of Rebma or Amber that she doesnot hear about. She might be an excellent source of gossip about the goings-on in theCastle Rebma, or might have privileged information about Moire's policies long beforethey are announced.

If she is nothing more than a figurehead, then she will be a very good one, usingher position to sway public opinion either for or against her daughter, perhaps serving asa spy to hear about how Moire's decisions reflect upon the people of Rebma.

Moins could also be active in Amber as well, trying to advance Llewella's causein any way possible, vying against Eric's supporters for position in the succession. It hasbeen mentioned that they have considerable ill-will for her for the effect that Llewella'srecognition had upon Eric's claim to the Throne of Amber.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Despite any difficulties in her relation with theQueen, Moire is Moins' closest ally in Rebma. After this is undoubtedly Llewella, whosees her regularly and consults her about various decisions. Equally important to her isScylla, who lets her know the underside of Moire’s rule and the Sea-Court’s doings.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (161)

MORGANTHEPetite... and quite pretty. Morganthe is black-haired and pale. Her eyes are dark

and round, though not so pronounced as in her mother, and her brows arch slightly. Cladin a formfitting, sleeveless halter of some shimmering silver material and a short, scaledpair of dark trunks, her arms show several bangles. Hair cut short, it wafts about herhead like a dark halo, an effect of an upward-moving current. A dark cloak swirls,shroudlike, around her.

Little is known about Morganthe from the Chronicles. When Corwin, Deirdre,and Random are chased by Eric's men down into Rebma, they are taken prisoner. Oncethere, Queen Moire allows Corwin and Deirdre to do as they see fit, with someprovisions, but for Random she has much different plans.

According to Moire, Random came to Rebma as a friend and quickly departedwith Morganthe, daughter of the Queen Moire. One month later, she was returned toMoire, pregnant with Martin. A few months after the child was born, she committedsuicide.

For this, Random was sentenced remain in Rebma for one year and to marry awoman of Moire's court, specifically the blind woman Vialle. That the marriage hassucceeded beautifully is unbelievable to many.

To fully understand Morganthe one must know two things- who her father was,and why she killed herself (if she truly did).


"Surely you recall," she said, "that one time Prince Random came into my realmas a friend, and did thereafter depart in haste with my daughter Morganthe."

"I have heard this said, Lady Moire, but I am not aware of the truth or thebaseness of the tale."

"It is true," said Moire, "and a month thereafter was she returned to me. Hersuicide came some months after the birth of her son Martin."

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 70-71)

Moire's beloved daughter, Morganthe was a pampered princess, leading a life ofprivilege, surrounded by loving subjects. She had everything she ever wanted, and as onecan imagine, such a life would grow infinitely dull. She studied sorcery from her mother,but never seemed to get a chance to use anything which she had learned.

Along came Random, wild and impetuous, a rebel prince from a foreign court.Whether it was his out of real feelings for him, or just to shock her mother, Morgantheand Random fled Rebma one day, off for adventure and romance in Shadow.

Perhaps Morganthe learned that she was only going through a phase with· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (162)

Random, or perhaps Random grew sick of Morganthe's rustic mannerisms and lack of the"wildness" he craved. Whichever the case, he sent her back to Rebma, knowing that she'dbear him a son.

She returned to Rebma in disgrace. Her mother had perhaps hoped for her to bethe bride of one of the Elder Princes, someone like Eric, who would undoubtedly ruleAmber one day. Not only had Morganthe gotten involved with the youngest and leastrespected of the Princes, she had gotten pregnant, ruining her chances of marriage toanother Amberite.

Suffering from the crushing disapproval from her mother and being convincedthat she had brought shame upon her country, Morganthe ended her own life shortly afterMartin's birth.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [10 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]WARFARE - Human Rank [+25 Points]

POWERSPower Words [10 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Her mother Moire, Queen of Rebma.


Moire's method of "punishing" Random for his transgressions against Rebma isodd, considering what happened to the last woman of Moire's court whom Random wasinvolved with. "She will obtain good status in this manner," said Moire, concluding that"She will recover from whatever pain he inflicts, and after his departure, she will be agreat lady of my court."

Moire's first act when Random fell into her hands should have been to hand himover to Eric with her compliments. Instead, she tries to marry him into her court, orderinghim to remain in Rebma for only one year. One might argue that she hopes that Randomwill father another child with Vialle, and depart at the end of his sentence. That childwould then walk the Pattern and perhaps give Moire some measure of its power, andbring some status to her own court.

Morganthe was undoubtedly the first attempt Moire made at this. When her planfailed with Random's abandonment of Morganthe and the subsequent birth of a bastardson, Morganthe realized that she had been used by her mother.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (163)

Did Random send Morganthe back, or did Moire send people after her,threatening Random should he go near her again. Perhaps the two young lovers were tornapart by Moire's anger at Random's lack of status. Random's refusal to speak on hisbehalf could be an admission of guilt or his acceptance of Moire's altered version of theevents. According to Moire, wrecked with grief, Morganthe killed herself.

Perhaps this is not entirely true.

Current Objectives. Is Morganthe really dead? Moire claims that she is, andRandom gives every indication of believing her. It's not hard to imagine her still alivesomewhere, though, living in exile and out of the sight of Rebma. Such an existencemight be preferred to the continual reminder of her shame. If still alive, she would beunwilling to journey to Rebma so long as Moire is in power. Morganthe will prefer toremain in hiding, and hoping that Martin is acknowledged as the Heir to Amber.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [5 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]WARFARE - Human Rank [+25 Points]

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Moire, as above.


Returned to Rebma, Morganthe will be furious at Moire's treatment of Random.Perhaps because she still loves him, because she felt that he should have been put to deathfor his crimes against her, or because she liked Vialle and thought that the sentence wastoo cruel. After a lifetime of being Moire's puppet, and decades spent away from herhome, Morganthe returned to Rebma is liable to be suspicious and at the same time,insanely curious about what has transpired in her home. She will undoubtedly campaignto see that Martin is officially recognized as Heir, as this increases her own statusimmeasurably.


Morganthe's father is never mentioned in the Chronicles. Nor is any plausibleexplanation for Llewella and Moire being sisters with different fathers- Oberon andsomeone else. A confusing genealogical puzzle given the missing father, if one exists.The possibility remains that Llewella is in fact Moire's daughter, fruit of an unionbetween Moire and Oberon.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (164)

However, if Moire herself is an Amberite, then her daughter must have carried theblood of Amber in some way. Here are three possibilities for Morganthe's father, each ofwhich have might affect her personality and actions significantly.

Oberon. If Oberon sired a child with Moire, then his own strict forbiddanceagainst incestuous marriages within the Amberite family would have been broken byRandom's affair with Morganthe. Whatever the consequences, it remains that Morganthewould have been full daughter of Amber with the birthrights that such a role provides.

Benedict. Moire's offhanded mention of Benedict could have been more thanfondness. As one of Oberon's eldest sons, Benedict would likely remember the foundingof Rebma and could have been lined up in some way for marriage to Moire. Perhaps hecould have fathered Morganthe himself. Benedict is notoriously guarded about hispersonal life (for example, his initial denial then admittance of Dara's existence). Thismight explain his fondness for Martin and the early training and friendship he providedthe boy, who was both his illegitimate grandson and half-nephew.

Random. According to Moire, Random came into Rebma as a "friend." QueenMoire has shown her affection for at least one other in the Amberite family, and Eric evenentertained the notion of marrying her. Perhaps this wasn't Random's first visit to Rebma.Moire, who bore him a child, keeps his identity a secret from their daughter Morganthe.

This horrible possibility actually goes a long way towards explaining thingswhich happened offstage. For example:

Random spies a pretty girl in the court, tells her impetuously "Run away with meand see the universe!" They leave for some fast times in Shadow, and eventually the truthof her identity comes out. Aghast, Random sends her back to Rebma, breaking the flingoff at once. Upon her return to Rebma, she learns the true identity of her lover, and isoverwhelmed with remorse and loathing. When her son is born, she kills herself out ofshame. Growing up with that behind you explains Martin's desire to leave Rebma asquickly as possible once he was able.

Current Objectives. If Morganthe is actually an Amberite, then the likelihoodof her being alive and somewhere about is highly possible. It is not unlike Amberites toabsent themselves for centuries, staying out of touch, and Morganthe might have done thesame thing, faking her own suicide (a feat Caine would have admired) and heading outinto the limitless reaches of Shadow. Perhaps news of Random's ascension to the Thronemight draw her back into the thick of things.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [5 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]WARFARE - [10 Points]

POWERS· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (165)

Pattern Imprint [50 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]

ARTIFACTS & CREATURES OF SHADOWMorganthe's Silver Armor [4 Points]- Found among the numerous priceless artifacts onthe sea-floor, this suit of partial plate has been fitted to Morganthe. Highly ornate, thesilver metal bears a sea-motif, all fluted ridges and overlapping scintillant scalessomewhat like the scales of a fish.

- Resistant to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]

Shellbreaker, Morganthe's Axe [3 Points]- A sturdy, single-bladed axe backed with aspiral-formed pick on the reverse. Morganthe's axe is serviceable and notched againstsome of the creatures she has encountered beneath the waves.

- Double Damage [2 Points]- Capable of Racking a Spell [1 Point]

PERSONAL SHADOWSRilheem, Morganthe's Sunken City [8 Points]- Situated in a deep trench which cutsacross several Shadow seas around Rebma and is closest to the Shadow-Sea realm ofR’em’hya, Morganthe rules as Queen in her own twisted Shadow of Rebma, a citywrapped eternally in darkness with mysterious and ancient Shadow creatures herservants. From this immense, vast trench, she spies on the waters of several Shadows andenjoys the opulence provided by a thousand sunken ships. A Primal Plane, this Shadow isalso populated by vast creatures of immeasurable power, upon whose slumbering psychesMorganthe draws her power for revenge.

-Primal Plane [4 Points]-Guarded [4 Points]

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- Determined by Game Master. See description above.Rebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Moire, as above.

BAD STUFF[+1 Point]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING MORGANTHE AS AN AMBERITEAs a daughter of Oberon or one of his offspring, she will demand to be recognized

with the respect and titles accorded her. In her version of Rebma, she is a Queen, and shewill not take lightly any lack of courtesy. Perhaps she has been hardened by herexperiences, and driven into madness by the sights she has witnessed in her Shadow city.

On the other hand, she might be quite charming. Intelligent and attractive, shewould not be above using other Amberites from the younger generation into her affairs.She was treated quite badly by someone, be it Moire or Random, and she might exploitthis to her advantage.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (166)


Emergent in Rebma, Morganthe will campaign for her old status and titles again.Perhaps she will even join with others as a figurehead for a revolution, challengingMoire's power. Treated badly by Amber, Morganthe will see no excuse for her mother'scozying up to them, trying to mimic their ways and attain some measure of their power.

Morganthe as a revolutionary will enlist allies from the younger generation ofRebmans as well as the older, either opposed to Amber or just in favor of separation. Shewill delight in Random's reaction to her appearance, and might try to pit Moire againstRandom, or Martin against both of them to gain strength for her side.

Constant Allies & Enemies: As Princess of Rebma, Morganthe, should she be stillalive somewhere, undoubtedly has some sympathizers in the Sea-Court, and isundoubtedly interested in seeing how Martin has turned out. Her reaction to Moire orRandom depends entirely upon which role each of them played in her life, though it isunlikely that she will feel the same towards both of them.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (167)

NESTORHe stands, arms crossed, thick shouldered, with bare arms and shoulders. Dark,

almost entirely black, eyes glare from beneath high arched brows and a high, imposingforehead. His hair is long and lank and black, and his jutting jaw sports a short, pointedfringe beard, upper lip bare. Clad only in a snug, patterned vest and short breeches, along and heavy ornate dagger hangs at his hip. Twisted and fabulous ornamentation ofdark metal decorates his arms, wrists, ears, and neck.

A younger son of Queen Moire, born after Morganthe, Nestor was a troublesomeyouth, impetuous and headstrong. He grew up fighting most of the duties and privilegesof his rank, and spent his time in personal exploration, testing his limits in combat andadventure, traveling in Amber and in other Shadows such as those of the Coral Branch.

For Rebma’s glory, he led an expedition to explore the reaches of the mysteriousSargasso Sea which borders the Seven Shadow Sea-Kingdoms, and was lost there. Nonein his party survived, or at least returned to Rebma. He has been missing for almost onehundred years. Rumors have it that the party met their fate at the hands of the Tritons.Newer rumors speak that he was not killed, and in fact, leads a small force inside theSargasso Sea, where he is the Lord of the Sea, blessed with strange powers and alliedwith even the fish and the weather themselves.


Nestor explored the Sargasso Sea and was trapped, along with the rest of his partyin one of the many small grottoes of it, cut from Shadow, from Trump, and from othercommunication. He and the others in their party have waited for their century, seizingcontrol over the rag-tag alliance of others trapped in the pocket Shadow. Nestor is theirnominal leader against the occasional Triton raiders, and others who would seek to rulethere in their exile.

Ironically, by fleeing his duties as a prince, he has become a greater leader thanever he might have learned to be in Rebma. His judgement is constantly being testedagainst invaders, challengers to his position, and against the forces of nature itself, whichsavagely attack the waters of the Sargasso Sea. In Rebma, Nestor would have been afixture of the Sea-Court, while here, lives depend on his command.

It’s possible that if given a choice between returning to Rebma as a Prince of theroyal blood, or remaining within the Sargasso Sea and continuing to rule there by his witsand his own capabilities, he would remain trapped, where he knows that he is there for areason rather than an accident of birth.

Should he feel that there is a need for him in Rebma, perhaps due to a vacancyupon the throne, he would likely choose to return home. His rationalization for leavingthe Sargasso Sea is that it provided him the proper training ground by which he learned obe a King. It might not take much to convince that him that he might not need wait for· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (168)

Moire to abdicate or die to take the Throne for his own, and it is that that has lured manywould-be conspirators into the Sargasso Sea in search of Nestor.

Current Objectives. As ruler of the Shadow grotto, he is interested in making alliancewith any potential powerful characters or beings who venture into the grotto, and inexploiting their abilities with the end goal of escaping and returning to Rebma. Towardsthese ends, he is ruthless and ambitious, but prudent.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [10 Points]STRENGTH - [15 Points]ENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - [15 Points]

POWERSSorcery [15 Points]Power Words [10 Points]

ARTIFACTS & CREATURES OF POWERNestor’s Spear [4 Points]- Carven like a long eel out of some mysterious black wood,with a blade of dark metal which runs along the shaft, this weapon returns to Nestor’shands when thrown, swimming like an eel. In addition, it is able to deliver electric shockssimilar to those generated by an eel.

-Animal Vitality [1 Point]-Mobility [1 Point]-Double Damage [2 Points]

PERSONAL SHADOWSThe Sargasso Sea Grotto [9 Points ]- Trapped here a century ago, Nestor has been able touse his sorcerous powers and imposed his will upon the place to make it his own. Thoughhe cannot remove the fact that it is blocked to Trump, Pattern, Logrus, Mirrors, and evensorcery, he is able to manipulate the environment in other ways to meet his needs. Thegrotto is a sort of pocket Shadow, cut off from Shadow and unable to be reached.Nestor’s opinion is that it was meant as a trap or prison of some sort, the victim of whichis unknown to him.

-Personal Shadow [1 Point]-Guarded [4 Points]- This quality stands for the Tritons who have slain all who

have attempted to depart, and the wildness of the Sargasso Sea itself, and the peculiarwarding which cuts off all communication, magical means of entry or exit.

-Control of Shadow’s Destiny [4 Points]- Nestor feels that though he was not bornin this place, it is undoubtedly a part of him, as his control over it demonstrates. Shouldhe be able to exit from the grotto, he will likely return to it and use it as a base ofoperations or a personal bolt-hole.

ALLIES· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (169)

Rebman Court Devotee [4 Points]- This is his mother, the Queen Moire.Triton Blood [3 Points]- Perhaps it is Nestor’s clear Triton lineage which has kept theTritons from destroying him completely.

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING NESTOR AS MISSING PRINCE OF REBMAShould Rebma need him, and he feel that the time has come to leave the Sargasso

Sea, he will be eager to leave immediately, and will use anyone who can facilitate hisescape. It might be possible that characters exploring the Sargasso Sea might receivesome fleeting contact with him, Psychic or otherwise, perhaps even as a glimpse of himin the background of a mirror or in a dream. Those able to manipulate Shadow would bemost useful to him in his plans to free himself, and he often tries to locate any suchbeings. Characters trapped in the grotto with Nestor and his men will be treated well, butthey will also be pressed into aiding him.

If this should transpire, he will return to Rebma and may well make thingsdifficult for the Queen, his mother. He bears ill-will towards many of the Sea Court forhis long years of imprisonment, blaming them for not making any serious attempts atrescuing him. Any who rescued him may find themselves pulled into a struggle betweenNestor and those who may not have wanted him back.


Nestor’s reasons for leaving Rebma and attempting to pass through the SargassoSea might not have entirely in the name of exploration. His travels and experiencesundoubtedly brought him some knowledge of the Tritons- scraps of legend, whisperedfolk-tales, leftover artifacts, and hints of racial memory. Obsessed with them, he came tobelieve that they were the true rulers of Rebma, driven from their ancestral home byOberon and his Pattern-blooded progeny. From this, he deduced Queen Moire, hismother, was nothing but Oberon’s pawn, kept in place by her half-sister Llewella, the realpower behind the throne.

Recognizing the Triton lineage within him, as one of the Royal Blood, he soughtto mount an expedition to the Sargasso Sea and beyond, to meet with the Tritons anddiscuss terms with them which might result in their supporting him, magically andmilitarily, in his claim to the Throne of Rebma. He met with them and was taught manythings, learning their magic and their secrets, in exchange for his own knowledge of hishomeland and Amber.

Current Objectives. Having planned and trained for a century away from Rebma, he isready to return and instigate his plan to make himself King, to instigate a revolutionwithin Rebma and weaken the queendom, allowing himself to become the figurehead ofsuch a revolt. From here, he would appeal to the anti-Amberite fervor of the Rebmanpeople, and then slowly bring in the Triton linkage, using their promises of assistanceagainst Amber to support his claim to the Throne.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (170)

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [10 Points]STRENGTH - [5 Points]ENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - [5 Points]

POWERSShape Shifting [35 Points]Vortex [40 Points]

ALLIESTriton Blood [3 Points] - The Tritons, as above.Rebman Court Devotee [4 Points] - His mother, Queen Moire, as above.

BAD STUFF[+2 Points]


Nestor is poised to return to Rebma as the prodigal son, and slowly to work hisway into a position amongst the nobility and populace which makes him popular,bolstering his ability to create dissent with his mother’s rule. Towards this end, he will becharming, humble, and sometimes speak about the horrors of the Sargasso Sea, tellingothers that he and his men were trapped in some place where time ran slowly, comparedto Rebma, and that he has little recollection of the horrible escape which claimed the livesof all who voyaged with him.

Eager to learn of the current political situation in both Rebma and Amber, he willbe full of questions, explaining his interest away as merely wanting to catch up on whathe has been missing for so long. Occasionally, he will slip and make reference to theTritons, or swear by Lir, the Leviathan, or even overstep his bounds in his curiosity tolearn of Amber’s interests in Rebma.

Nestor as a Triton. Perhaps the man returned to Rebma isn’t even Nestor at all,but a Triton shape-shifted into his image and containing his memories and powers. Anydifferences between his behavior before and currently can be explained by the length ofhis stay away and the experiences which shaped him. As few of the Sea Court wouldhave the ability or the wherewithal to attempt to magically divine his true nature, hecould get away with the ruse for some time, learning all he can of Rebma and its people,and doing what he can to weaken it for an invasion of the Tritons.

NESTOR-LORD OF THE SEA(200 Point Version)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (171)

An explorer cast from the same mold as Shadow Earth’s Sir Richard FrancisBurton, Nestor was driven by a hunger to know and experience life beyond what isknown and safe. He wanted to burn brightly, to see things no man had laid eyes onbefore, and to go to places unreached by humanity. As a Prince of Rebma, little withinthe Coral Circle or Amber would possess a challenge to him. Lacking the ability toexplore Shadow, he sought the last frontier left to the Rebman people... the Sargasso Sea.

Caught inside it, he swiftly made contact with the mysterious Tritons, secretiveand appearing to lack any interest with the rest of the world. There, he learned that thenoble houses of Rebma were named for the original Tritons who dwelt in the watersbeneath Amber, the children of Lir. He has met some of the transformed Tritons whoonce bore those names. He has allied himself with some, fought against one, anddestroyed another. He has spent decades exploring the Triton culture, becoming an experton the Maelstrom, and Triton magics and customs.

This embracement of another culture, both alien and ancestral to his own hasmade him an outsider in either society. Gifted with the strengths and the knowledge ofboth realms, he finds comfort and solace in neither. Instead, he remains within the seaitself, particularly the environs of the once-impassable Sargasso Sea, well-known andalmost a companion to him. The beasts of the sea are his allies, the weather his friend,and the depths of the seas his court.

Current Objectives. As Julian rules in Arden, Nestor has made the SargassoSea his own combination of realm and refuge. Any who travel into the Sargasso Sea willbe known to him, and he will seek them out if they threaten his realm, or the beingswithin. To most, he will bar passage through. In a way, he protects both Rebma fromambitious Tritons, and the Maelstrom from foolish Rebmans who would seek to followhis trail.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [5 Points]STRENGTH - [25 Points]ENDURANCE - [20 Points]WARFARE - [30 Points]

POWERSShape Shifting [35 Points] - Nestor’s shape shift forms are always those of various sea-beasts, however strange.Conjuration [20 Points]- Nestor has Conjured dozens, perhaps hundreds, of sea-beasts toprotect and defend the Sargasso Sea.Power Words [20 Points] - Nestor's Power Words are characterized as various sea-animal noises, such a dolphin's chirp, or a whale's bass siren-call. He knows the followingPower Words: Magic Negation, Psychic Defense, Neural Disrupt, Resume True Form,Pain Attack, Light Strobe, Weaken Structure, Heat Water, Chill Water, Burst of Air,Slow Water, Echo, Mudstorm, Forcewave, Luminescence. He can use them all within hisShape Shifted forms.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (172)

ARTIFACTS & CREATURES OF POWERNestor’s Spear [12 Points]- A long, dark wooden spear carven in the shape of an eel,this weapon actually is a living creature, bound by Nestor’s will into a spear-form not toofar removed from its original appearance.

-Double Vitality [2 Points]-Double Speed [2 Points]-Combat Reflexes [2 Points]-Deadly Damage [4 Points]

-Psychic Sensitivity [1 Point]-Shadow Trail [1 Point]-Alternate Form [1 Point]- Nestor’s spear can shape-shift into a short, wickedly

curved, heavy dagger of black steel with a hard wooden grip and massive pommel.

PERSONAL SHADOWSThe Sargasso Sea [10 Points]- A described in the section on the Sargasso Seaelsewhere in this sourcebook. Nestor has made the entire Sargasso Sea his personalShadow realm, and is able to manipulate it with impunity, keeping it impassable to bothTritons and Rebmans. It is guarded by the incredibly tough growths of the sargasso weed,which tangle ships, oars, propellers, and swimmers, and by a vast array of fearsome sea-creatures both great and small who work against any who venture into the Sargasso Seawithout Nestor’s leave.

oShadow of the Realm [2 Points]oGuarded [4 Points]oControl of Shadow's Destiny [4 Points]

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [4 Points]- Queen Moire, as above.Triton Blood [3 Points]-The Tritons, as above.

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING NESTOR AS LORD OF THE SEAArrogant and aloof, he has not spent much time dwelling among humans in the

past century and as such, his behavior is brusque and his manner blunt. As the self-appointed ruler of the Sargasso Sea, he will not tolerate any who threaten his position ortry to pass through where he has forbidden.

To this end, he will typically show up once, riding on some monstrous sea-beastand attended by dozens of others, who will menace any vessels which have entered theSargasso Sea. After demanding of the player characters their business there, he will eitherinstruct them to leave, or arrange an “ escort” for them. If they do not complyimmediately, the skies will darken, fierce storms began to rumble out of clear skies, rainfall in black torrents, lightning begin to strike the vessel with unerring accuracy, andbelow the water, sea creatures and sargasso weed will assault the ship’s propulsion.

If the characters haven’t overly antagonized him by this time, he will reappear andallow them the option of leaving alive. If they continue to anger him, he will sink theirvessels. Under no circ*mstances will he allow himself to be pulled into an equal situationwith the player-characters, preferring to meet them in his terms. Any combat he agrees to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (173)

will be fought underwater, where his inborn manuverability and his control over theSargasso Sea will grant him considerable advantage. Even so, he will turn such a combatinto a hunt-and-seek style of fight, using fear and rapid attacks and movement to wearany who threaten him.

NESTOR AS FATHERDistant from Rebma this past century and long thought dead, Nestor as a father

presents the player with a childhood free from all the usual baggage, and might evenprovide the character with a goal of learning what happened to him. Would a child ofNestor’s follow in his footsteps and explore the Sargasso Sea? What would they findwhen they met him?

Another option for introducing a Triton player-character into the game would beto allow a character to be the child of Nestor and one of the human-formed Tritons, or aShape Shifter’s child. This would present the Sea Court with an interesting dilemma, inthe form of a grandson of the Queen who is also of their enemy’s race. Caught betweenloyalties to both realms, such a character might, like Merlin in Amber and the Courts ofChaos, become a pivotal figure in any encounters and struggles between the Rebmanpeople and the Tritons.


Nestor’s greatest role in the Sea-Court is his absence from it and all which itstands for. Thought dead, if news of his whereabouts becomes known, his reluctance toenter the Sea-Court will generate more interest than if he were to show up and announcehimself. Enemies and allies alike will seek him out. People will accuse him of being apatriot, while others will label him a traitor. The last thing he wants to do is re-enter theaffairs of court, which, ironically, increases his importance and makes the nobles evenmore suspicious of his actions and goals...

Constant Allies & Enemies: As the son of Moire, he is on reasonable terms with her,and was friendly with his sister Morganthe. If informed about her fate and the treatmentshe received at Random’s hands, he will undoubtedly find a new enemy in the King ofAmber. Others of the Sea-Court, ally and enemy alike, have given him up for dead, a factwhich he will consider carefully when choosing new allies.

NESTOR’S ALLIES IN THE SARGASSO SEAIf characters manage to actually reach the Sargasso Sea, in search of Nestor or

inadvertently, they will come upon a scene something like this:“ The skies are all black and dark grey above you, with rolling clouds which seem

to churn but not to move. Lightning strikes downward occasionally, illuminating the vastfields of the green and brown weed which covers the ocean’s surface. The horizon seemsendless in all directions, with no sunlight in any one direction. A light rain is falling, andthere is no breeze whatsoever. You can see that your ship is not alone in this strangeplace. Other vessels rest in this place, from rusted hulks of battleships to tall, bedraggledwooden sailing ships, sails rotted and ropes withered. Many of these vessels seem to be· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (174)

covered with the weed, some overgrown as if by ivy. Others are in the process of sinking.One wreck seems to some sort of cybernetically enhanced whale, now a floating half-stripped corpse, titanium ribs shining dully in the light. You can see small fires on thedecks of other ships, and hear among the rocking of the waves human voices from manyof the other ships.”

Trapped within the Sargasso Sea is a rag-tag selection of vessels from all overShadow, from various points in history. Many of them have been at war with each otherfor generations, or months, depending on their newness. Some of their vessels have sunk,while others have been tied together to form large fortresses asea. These have becomestrange ornate as bits and pieces from radically different Shadow worlds are juxtaposed,such as ion-powered submarines being lashed to medieval biremes, with other, strangerexamples abounding.

A great many of these vessels are known in our own Shadow Earth, or roughlycongruent Shadows which bear similarly-named ships. This is due to the fact that theSargasso Sea has a presence on Shadow Earth which is more powerful than in otherShadows, and henceforth, a greater number of vessels than from other realms findthemselves trapped within it.

Here are a few of the craft under Lir’s jurisdiction:

The crew of the Mary Celeste: The crew of a vessel which lost its entire crewmysteriously, these men hail from a Shadow much like Earth in the 1870s. Their Captainis Benjamin Briggs, and he has his wife and young daughter with him along with thecrew. They have inhabited a wrecked oil tanker, having found their way there afterabandoning ship in the midst of an unusual storm asea. This group of American sailorsare armed with cutlasses, old revolvers, and rifles, and speak English.

The Waratah: A British passenger vessel of considerable size and tonnage, thisvessel was lost at sea in 1908 while traveling from Australia with a complement of 211crewmen and passengers. The ship disappeared without a trace, being caught up in theSargasso Sea. The crew of Brits and Australians nearly eradicated each other in severalsavage battles early in their exile, but the 40 survivors have settled down somewhat since.They are also armed with swords, improvised weapons, and firearms, and all speakEnglish.

The Donitz, a German Nuclear U-boat: A submarine which was caught upin the vines of the Sargasso Sea, this Nazi vessel comes from an alternate Shadow whereHitler was victorious, and the Germans joined forces with the Soviets to take over theworld. They are from a period analogous to the 1990s in technology, though the calendaryear they disappeared was 2017. They all wear brown grey uniforms, and carry pistolsand have a few automatic machine-guns. Their vessel is nuclear powered, and is stillworking, though many systems have broken down. They are able to submergeoccasionally, and have computers and a vast array of useless radar and communicationsequipment. The captain is Gustaf Swartz. They are not particularly menacing orespecially evil, but are generally disliked by the other denizens of the Sargasso Sea. Theyall speak German, and some have English, French, or Russian as an alternate language.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (175)

An Alien Vessel: Sleek and composed of some sort of plastic alloy, this shipresembles a cross between a neon striped man-o-war (the jellyfish), a manta ray, and ateardrop. Elements of it are transparent, while other parts are lit up brightly or once were,and other parts are of a strange tough greyish silver material. It floats in the water,slightly above occasionally, and the aliens inside it are not acclimated to the atmosphereinside. They are slender and range from pale green to deep blue, with bulbous heads andyellow crests along their skulls and down their spines. Their eyes are large and oval, withslit mouths and double rows of gill-slits upon their cheeks and another row beneath theirjawline. They are about four feet tall, and some of the humans of the Sargasso Sea situpon sections of their vessel to observe them while they move through the clear areas.They do not seem to notice anyone outside, but occasionally allow one of the human ortwo to enter their ship with improvised breathing equipment, and will sometimes ventureoutside in armored environmental suits of their own. They have a hive-mind andcommunicate telepathically, and can do so in most languages through imagery andsuggestion. No one in the Sargasso Sea suspects that their ship is a living organism. Theirweapons are strange and exhibit massive destructiveness.

The Lithandiel, an Elven vessel: Setting sail from an Elvish port in amedieval kingdom, these Elves had wearied of their life spans among the races of Men,and wished to return to their homeland over the sea. They were instead caught in theSargasso Sea and trapped here, and have been here for thousands of years. They bear thisannoyance with some grace. In their time in the Sea, they have learned all the languagesof the other captives and try to serve as peacemakers. They are tall, strongly built, thoughthin, and have beautiful features, pointed ears, and silky, long hair of various colors andhues. They wear exceptional finery that despite their incredible age, does not seem tohave weathered at all. Some of them are quite powerful, nearly the level of Amberites inAttributes.They use medieval weapons and armor, and some may be competent Sorcerers.Many know Power Words, and the elves can spot magic and people of special blood amile away. They have no leader, per se, but agree with Nestor’s judgement and willsupport him if necessary.

The Harlequin’s Backside, a medieval pirate vessel: This may have beenthe leader of the pirate band which the characters pursued into the Sargasso Sea (thePirate option, as above), or they could have been here for some time. Their captain isDeke, of whom little is known. He speaks many languages, Thari primarily, and hascontrol of an Artifact which he found in his journeys, a figurehead of a Unicorn with agemstone about its neck. It has been enchanted to be able to Seek in Shadow, and he usesit to choose weak vessels for pirating. If pressed, Deke will admit that he got it off awrecked vessel near Amber. Seeking more about this element can become an adventurein itself, as the Unicorn figurehead is only used for Amber’s flagships, led by Princes orPrincesses of the Realm. Which of Amber’s blood was lost at sea like this? Deke’s piratesare all armed with cutlasses, javelins, bows, and other small hand weapons.

The Poseidon, an ancient Greek vessel: This vessel is a Shadow version of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (176)

the Argo, and the men aboard the Argonauts, caught in the Sargasso Sea while sailing forthe Golden Fleece. Onboard, are the heroes Jason (captain of the vessel), Heracles,Orpheus, Castor, Pollux, Peleus, Admetus, and the sorceress Medea, amongst many otherlesser heroes. Fearing that this was a trap meant for them (as they are the greatest ofGreek heroes and demigods), they pulled the name from the vessel and are calling her thePoseidon, named for the Greek god of the sea. They give false names, and pretend to beother than what they are, but some among the crew, Heracles in particular, dislike thisruse and will shed it at the first opportunity. Many of them have exceptionalcharacteristics, and more than a few Artifacts are among them. They might be GreekShadows of the Princes of Amber, with Heracles a double for Gerard in strength andtemperament. Medea is a Sorceress, with some Power Words. The Golden Fleece, hiddenon board the vessel, may have magical powers.

Vikings: This group of Norsem*n were sailing for the new land, America,following in the footsteps of others in their clan, when they found themselves in thisstrange, twilit realm. As this is not covered in their theology, they believe that somehowthey are ghosts and that this is a land of the “ died at sea.” Otherwise, they enjoythemselves immensely msot of the time, boisterously wrestling, wenching when they can,and drinking all that comes their way. They speak Norse and some have a bit of Swedish,Saxon, and have learned a smattering of the other languages here. These aren’tHollywood or opera Vikings, however. They are usually clad in long-sleeved woolentunics and leggings, embroidered around the cuffs and edges, and use simple iron helmetsand wide-bladed swords and spears. Their shields are large, round, and wooden. Most ofthem are blonde or have light brown hair, with a few redheads. Their leader is HralfHalfgar.

The Sphinx: Not the creature, but instead a magnificent paddle-wheeled riverboat casino dating from the 1880s in some alternate Earth. Gorgeous, ornate, and alsowell-armed, it has been made the official free zone for the denizens of the Sargasso Sea.It drifted into the Sargasso Sea, unmanned, and was taken by a consortium of alliedprisoners. Stationary now, the rule of peace onboard is respected by all and none havetried to damage it. Most of those who visit it have refrained from stealing from theelegant decor, as material wealth has little place in the Sargasso Sea. Onboard, there is arule of no weapons, everything checked at the gangplank. The casino and restaurant nevercloses, and while the sargasso-weed wine takes some getting used to, the fish is usuallyexcellent, steamed with some seaweed or the ever present vines. What little cash thepeople in the Sargasso Sea have has changed hands a thousand times over, as well asweapons and personal effects, on these tables. Each of the vessels have a fewrepresentatives on this river boat to keep order. No one has been able to adequatelyexplain how a river boat could get caught in the Sargasso Sea, but no one has objected ottheir presence and lack of an explanation so far.

Other suggestions abound for characters from myth and history to be trapped inthe Sargasso Sea. There might be a Shadow version of the vessel described in Homer’sOdyssey. Onboard, they would encounter Odysseus and perhaps his mistress, thesorceress Circe. One vessel might be a stranded sea-plane, or a Vietnam war-era· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (177)

amphibious troop carrier. Any number of famous ships from history or legend could beplaced within the Sargasso Sea.

The Sargasso Campaign. The Sargasso Sea would be an excellent setting fora short or mini-campaign, wherein characters become involved with the various groups oftrapped souls and vie with them for survival, struggling to escape from their exile. Anynumber of exciting events might transpire upon these strange seas, and it could make foran interesting diversion from the usual power-centric Amber games. For a change, putthem in a setting where their strugges are over simple survival, and give them allies whoare not bursting with powers. Nautical-themed characters would thrive in thisenvironment, and any good-hearted character would welcome the opportunity to lead thestranded ships out of the Sargasso Sea and to their freedom.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (178)

OSWALDTall and broad-shouldered, with a heavy slab of a chest and thick arms, Oswald

stands in profile, a massive, ornately-hilted two-handed sword resting upon his rightshoulder. Strange lights flicker along and within its length. Hair long and swept backfrom his high forehead, his long chin is bearded, upper lip clean-shaven. A long nosesticks forth beneath dark, introspective eyes. His doublet is worked with vines andflowers, and shoulders are cloaked.

One of the most competent warriors in Rebma, Oswald is an oddity in Rebma(and more so in Amber), a honest soul, trusting in codes of chivalry and in honor. Thereis something almost priestlike in his bearing, and many find his adherence to someantiquated chivalric moral code quaint and almost pathetic. A son of Scylla, the half-sister to the Queen and a nominal Princess of Rebma, Oswald is lord of the Queen’sknight protectors, a duty he takes quite seriously. Despite this position of honor withinthe Sea-Court, he shuns the affairs of the court with its schemes, treachery, andmaneuvering for status.

He'd rather spend his time training, sharpening his war-skills and readying himselfand his men for some potential future conflict. Fearlessly loyal to the Queen, is motherScylla, and to his home, Oswald will be first in the rank of their defenders.


Ignoring his role as possible successor to his mother Scylla, sister to the Queen,Oswald has turned his energies towards filling the position of Knight Protector of theSea-Court. He shuns any responsibility of governance placed upon him, and has resistedany of Scylla's attempts to groom him for possible kingship. No, he'd rather just spend histime perfecting his warfare skills, training and waiting for a battle which might nevercome.

He is loyal to a fault, so much so that he has become a hawk when it comes toferreting out dissenters, traitors, or cabals against the Queen and the Sea-Court. He wouldpromote stability in the land, though his immediate response to plotting against the throneis an immediate, violent dispensation of justice. Moire plays him against many of herenemies in court, using him to intimidate when it would not be proper for herself or hersiblings to do so.

In the event of visitors to the Sea-Court whose motives are suspect, or whosepasts have branded them as potential risks, Oswald and his knights will be among theescorts, and are willing to serve as jailors, or even executioners.

Current Objectives. Oswald will be eager to seek out other warriors who mightbe trusted with the Queen's defense, and is somewhat fanatic about testing the loyalty ofthose he meets to see what their views are towards Moire and Rebma. He can usually be· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (179)

found within the Castle Rebma, honing his skills and patrolling about the grounds.Alternately, he can be found with his knights parading about the city, or practicing on thegrounds outside the city walls.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - Amber RankSTRENGTH - [40 Points]ENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - [35 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWEROswald's Greatsword [5 Points]- Ornate and heavy, this blade is giant sized and muchtoo unwieldy to be used by any save Oswald. The blade is tough enough to survive anyblow Oswald makes or which might be made against it.

-Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]-Extra Hard [1 Point]

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points] - This is his mother Scylla, sister to Moire.


Thought to be slow-witted or perhaps a bit insane, Oswald keeps himself from theothers of the Sea-Court and their schemes because of his intense dislike for anything buthonesty and directness in communication. He is like Gerard of the Amberite family inthis regard, staying clear of conflict whenever possible but laying down the law whenRebma is threatened. Unfortunately, his refusal to enter any schemes, cabals, andstruggles for power often end with him being used, unwittingly, in those very actions. Heis loyal first to the Queen, then to Rebma, then the Sea-Horse, then to his own word. Hewill forswear himself if he comes into cross conflict with the interests of Rebma. In this,he is Moire’s perfect pawn, a fact he is aware of.

Current Objectives. To safeguard his Moire’s rule and to prevent any dissent in theSea-Court or in Rebma itself. He will lead any investigation into crimes committedagainst nobles of the Court, or any accusations made between nobles, deferringjudgement to Moire. In case of conflicts between Amberites and Rebmans, he is animpartial arbiter, a role which he is sometimes called on to perform.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [5 Points]STRENGTH - [10 Points]ENDURANCE - [25 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (180)

WARFARE - [40 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]- Aided by his mother and Moire, Oswald was able to traversethe Pattern within the Jewel of Judgement, and bears all the powers of the traditionalPattern Imprint. It was a feat which nearly killed him, and dissuaded Moire from furtherattempts to harness the Pattern’s energy in that manner.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWEROswald's Greatsword [14 Points] - This greatsword has a fire elemental bound withinit, which burns with a white phosphorescent glare when ordered to, igniting underwaterand capable of generating searing heat. The fire elemental inside is intelligent and speaksto Oswald psychically, and is as bound to him as it is to the metal which holds it.

-Deadly Damage [4 Points]-Able to Speak in Tongues & Voices [4 Points]-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Able to “Mold” Shadow Creatures [2 Points]- This ability manifests itself in the

blade’s ability to inflict immense tearing wounds, greater than the blade alone wouldcause. In extreme instances, it will use the ability to create a chemical reaction in thebloodstream of the victim which makes their blood volatile, igniting it with contact. Thisability can be controlled and turned off.

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points] - Queen Moire, as above.

GOOD STUFF[+1 Point]


Quiet, laconic, and reserved, Oswald is the perennial outsider in the Rebman Sea-Court. He prefers to remain removed from the inner workings, but when his country calls,he is first to stand before its enemies. Restless and uneasy within the confines of the cityand castle itself, he spends much of his time exploring the Coral Branch Kingdoms and ininspecting the state of Rebma’s defenses. The Amberite he most admires is Benedict,whom many think he resembles, in manner if not in appearance. Perhaps Oswald is thereason for Moire’s recalled fondness for Benedict and her willingness to support him forthe Throne of Amber.

He is especially interested in the whereabouts of the Tritons, and with any whohave encountered them. Hypothesizing that they present the greatest threat to Rebma, heis eager to learn what he can of them, and will venture forth with whatever allies present achance to encounter the strange beings, so that he may report their whereabouts back to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (181)

Rebma and potentially lead a preemptive assault against them.

Current Objectives. Intent on safeguarding Rebma from any threat, he will bequick to contact other nobles of the Sea-Court if some threat emerges which warrants hisattention. He can be found in the Coral Branch Shadow Kingdoms on a sort of personalpatrol, seeking out dissent and possible threats to Rebma and his mother, the Queen.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - Amber RankSTRENGTH - [20 Points]ENDURANCE - [10 Points]WARFARE - [90 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]- As above.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWEROswald's Greatsword [17 Points] - Oswald's blade holds within its metal an image of asection of the Reversed Pattern of Rebma. When used against creatures of darkness, suchas the Tritons, it causes their blood to bubble and their bodies to lose form, becomingprimal sludge where the blade contacts their flesh. It can also affect supernatural creatureswhich might otherwise be able to regenerate from wounds.

-Primal Damage to Tritons [16 Points]-Contains a Power Word [1 Point] - Usually this will be Resume True Form.-Able to "Mold" Shadow Creatures [2 Points]

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points] - Scylla, as above.Amber Court Devotee [6 Points] - This is Benedict, who trained Oswald in arms. It ispossible that Benedict is Oswald’s father, but this knowledge is not public and neitherwill admit if it is true. The resemblance, however, is extraordinary.

GOOD STUFF[+2 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING OSWALDStraight-arrowed and forthright, Oswald is so direct that it is actually somewhat

suspicious. Played correctly, he should seem almost naive, asking directly what should beinsinuated, announcing out loud which is better left unsaid, and saying what is apparentlyon his mind whenever it pleases him. Impatient with the subtle word-play, he often asksfor distilled versions of events or instructions, a trait which makes some think he isincapable of understanding complexity, or distrustful of words.

The Shadow Earth military strategist and philosopher Sun Tzu wrote that thehighest form of generalship is to thwart ones enemies’ plans before they are enacted. It isa lesson Benedict knows well, and one which Oswald has taken to heart, making others· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (182)

rethink their plans, reconsider their alibis, and discard their preconceived notions of whatto say to him. In short, his peers are forced to work on his own battlefield, playing by hisrules. He knows that he is not up to the verbal fencing which passes within the Court, andhas no interest in the subtle gossips and carefully phrased insults and interrogations. Byputting on a show of being completely crass and blunt, Oswald forces others to abandontheir primary defense in the environs of the Court, their wits.

OSWALD AS FATHERThough he is somewhat young for a Rebman, it is possible that he has fathered a

child somewhere along the campaign trail or within the Court itself. Though he appears tobe blunt and emotionless when it comes to his defense of the realm, he can besurprisingly emotional, and his demeanor is not always so defensive. This is the sidewhich a child of Oswald’s would likely see. As a family man, Oswald would probablyrevere his family above almost all else, save for his duty to his land. As a military-mindedsoul, he will be big on allowing a son or daughter the ability and opportunity to exploreand to make decisions about their lives based on experience, rather than guiding themalong a path set for them by the Court.

A child of Oswald’s might not even be known to the Sea-Court, and would be aguarded secret. If so, such a child will probably find him or herself protected up to apoint, yet paradoxically allowed to make life-threatening mistakes and to risk his or herlife. To Oswald, the mistakes and chances one makes of free will are worth guarding,while the interference of others is to be prevented.


As described above, Oswald is a perfect foil to conspiratorial members of the Sea-Court, showing up out of the blue with often secret information, announcing it plainly,and refusing to listen to reason, make deals, or compromise his integrity. As such, he isboth feared, avoided, and admired. Less honest members of the Sea-Court occasionallyuse him as a monkey wrench in their enemy’s plans, sending him after desired victims byfeeding him information about what someone is up to. This has worked before, but onlyup to a point.

Incurably suspicious, he usually finds out information about those who try to usehim, and ends up bringing hidden conflicts out into the open, and in exposing secrets.Think of him as sort of a Rebman Columbo, slowly gathering information, asking thewrong questions, restating the obvious in a way which casts a new light on it, andeventually arriving at an understanding of the true situation more comprehensive than anywould like him to have. He is dogged and persistent, but when he makes up his mind toact, it will be decisive and final. Many of the Sea-Court call him Moire’s attack dog, anepithet he does not to anything to discourage.

Constant Allies & Enemies: As Moire’s policeman, he has his share of nominalallies, and can call on almost any in the Sea-Court to aid him, but he is generally a loner,without any confidantes or partners, preferring to work with his own people or alone if he· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (183)

needs to. His enemies are any who have tried to betray their loyalty to the turquoisethrone of Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (184)

SCYLLATall and slender, her brow is troubled, as if angry, and her arms are crossed her

breasts, one hand supporting the other elbow, the fist curled loosely beneath her chin.Long black hair flows about her like a dark cloud, and her gown is of black andshimmering blue-silver. Her eyes are dark and deep, and about her are three tall mirrors,angled to reflect her from three sides.

Scylla is among Queen Moire's most trusted advisors, acknowledged as half-sisterto the Queen. Though they share both the same parents of Moins and Lir, Scylla was bornout of wedlock, after Lir’s divorce of Moins, and thusly is not regarded as legitimate.After Moire took the throne, however, she embraced Scylla as a sister and invited her intothe Sea-Court, though she has refrained from an official proclamation about Scylla’slegitimacy and place in the succession.

From this curious position, Scylla spends much of her time involved in magicalresearch, and her knowledge of Rebma's secrets is perhaps unmatched by any save forGradlon himself. Enigmatic and subtle, Scylla is both fickle and friendly, demure anddangerous, and it seems sometimes to those who know her that she has a distinct andseparate personality for each person who encounters her.

Her role is that of Moire’s closest advisor, next to Llewella, and the third in thetrinity of sisters who are revered as the rulers of Rebma. With Llewella’s openlyacknowledged Amberite heritage, Scylla becomes the second child of Lir and Moins,bastardy notwithstanding. Should Moire fall, then it is likely Scylla who would becomeRegent, assuming she did not petition the Sea-Court to recognize her as its Queen. Assuch, she is more than interested in knowing all Rebma’s secrets and the strengths,weaknesses, and agendas of those who move through the castle walls.


When it comes to the mysterious mirrors of Rebma, no one knows more aboutthem than Scylla. This is because no one else embodies them in personality to a greaterdegree than Scylla, either. She is the perfect companion to everyone she meets, knowinginstinctually what they prefer to hear, their needs, their history, secrets and goals. Peoplefind themselves liking her immensely, almost uncannily, in a short amount of time, yetwhen they are away from her, they find that dealing with her is almost a one-sided affair.She manages to turn any question into another question, and avoids answering anythingdirectly, yet always seems to know the right thing to say. Her instincts are impeccable,and she rarely missteps in conversation or plotting.

How does she do this?Scylla has turned her study of the magical mirrors into more than an interest, or an

avenue of power. Instead, she has in many ways come to embody the principles behindthem at some arcane level, fusing personality and even appearance into an ability to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (185)

literally alter herself to suit those she is with, revealing little of herself while appearingand seeming to be "in sync" with those around her. Scylla is a different person toeveryone she meets, because she fuses her own personality and desires with those of theperson she encounters, making them more likely to drop their guards and reveal theirsecrets and plans to her.

She accomplished this by creating a "ghost" of herself, a manifestation of herpsyche, and uses it as a receptacle for the unnecessary components of her personality andbehavior while she is using her mirroring ability. The "ghost," which she calls Charybdis,shifts in power as Scylla comes to resemble others. It can change appearance, and evensex. While weak, it is a mere ghostlike image of Scylla, bereft of any personality of itsown, often mirroring her movements and gestures from secrecy. When Scylla needs touse her special ability to “ bond” with another person, she shifts elements of herpersonality away and mirrors those of the targeted individual. As this happens, Charybdisgrows in strength, its personality takes on the unwanted aspects of Scylla's persona,oftentimes becoming masculine and sometimes bestial. Though these are not qualitiesScylla embodies normally, but they are the barest, most basic representations of theseemotions.

Charybdis remains in hiding most of the time, but will take on an active role whilepowerful. Scylla has trained herself to attenuate Charybdis to the specific emotionsalmost immediately, so that Charybdis can metamorphosize from a wraith-image ofScylla into a hulking, physical being in a matter of moments. As such, it is the perfectbodyguard or strongarm when needed.

Current Objectives. Scylla serves Moire faithfully as advisor, and keeps herpresence strong in the Court, though not publicly, preferring to work through minoralliances and friendships. When dealing with others, she will oftentimes appear to beworking towards similar goals and will offer aid, usually in small increments, the betterto gauge the capabilities of those she meets. She is interested in learning of the fate of Lir,and would do much to see that he recognize her as his legitimate child for the sake of afuture succession.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [35 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - [15 Points]

POWERSAdvanced Shape Shifting [65 Points]- Typically Scylla uses this power to mimic thosearound her, subtly shifting her figure and physical features to meet the ideals of thosearound her. Her aura and persona also move towards the target's, though never becomingan exact duplicate. She merely seems to have a lot in common with everyone she meets.After an extended time with a subject, she actually comes to resemble them quite stronglyin behavior, personality, and physical appearance.Power Words [10 Points]Mirror "Embodiment" [25 Points]- Her study of the mirrors has rendered her able to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (186)

magically sense many characteristics and abilities of those around her and use them to"remake" herself for each person she encounters. Scylla instinctually knows what willappeal to a stranger, and this power allows her to automatically remember the "proper"responses to everyone she knows.

GOOD STUFF[+10 Points]

CHARYBDIS, A CREATURE OF SCYLLA'S INNER SELFA living personification of all the elements of Scylla's personality which she did

or does not need, Charybdis is a bodiless being composed of pure will. Its existence issomething of an abstraction, as it represents the elements of Scylla which are not neededwhile she "mirrors" another being.

Charybdis' psychic and physical strength waxes and wanes depending on how farScylla strays from her normal personality. At its weakest, it resembles a transparent,ghostlike version of Scylla, but while strongest, Charybdis is a brutish looking male witha face full of malevolence, sometimes even appearing monstrous. As Charybdis gains inpsychic strength, it becomes more corporeal, until it is almost a separate being fromScylla.

Charybdis' Attributes and abilities begin nearly identical to Scylla's while weak,but swiftly shift away from them as it grows in potency.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - Amber RankSTRENGTH- [45 Points]ENDURANCE- [35 Points]WARFARE- [20 Points]

POWERSShape Shifting [35 Points]Power Words [10 Points] Identical to Scylla's.Reversed Mirror "Embodiment" [20 Points]- If allowed to encounter others, Charybdis'mimicking ability works similarly to Scylla's, though Charybdis actually embodies thenegative qualities of those he encounters, sometimes even lapsing into grotesque parodyof normal behavior. The longer a person spends with Charybdis, the more they grow toloathe him. There is a curious fascination which this creates, though, which makes himrepellent, yet somehow compelling.

BAD STUFF[+10 Points]


What a set-up!Scylla is everyone's dream companion, friend, or lover. She's hauntingly beautiful,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (187)

many mens’ greatest fantasy embodied in flesh. Her personality is exactly what anyonewould hope in such a person. She knows exactly what they like, and shares their interestsand desires. Her timing is impeccable, and she seems to know instinctively what hercompanions would like to hear, though Scylla seems to be perfectly sincere when she issaying it. She's accommodating and even seems to know exactly what others are about tosay as they say it, even to the point of finishing sentences for people, though in a non-obtrusive manner.

As a companion, she's exactly the sort of person anyone would like to have attheir back when things get wild and theyneed someone to trust. As far as friends go, withScylla, there’s never need to argue, as she's almost always in agreement, while holdingonto her own personality. Somehow, she pulls it off without seeming like a sycophant. Asa lover, Scylla is perfect.

How's she do it? Meet Charybdis...Ranging from a pale ghost of Scylla to a forceful creature of ego, Charybdis is the

repository of all that Scylla isn't. It can be ill-tempered, abusive, unpleasant, and eventhreatening when in the fullness of its power. It is everything she disliked or doesn’t needabout current self, embodied, often echoing her words in mockery and using herweaknesses against her.

Is it fair, to create a living being and invest it with the worst that a person has tooffer? Is Charybdis a creature to be pitied?

Perhaps, but pity becomes impossible, and sympathies are stretched to thebreaking point when they're directed towards a creature who seems to enjoy beingunpleasant for its own sake. Grotesquely fascinating in its own way, Charybdis is anembodiment of the split between our public and secret selves, the acted upon and therepressed elements of who we are or want to be.

Charybdis as a Triton. Another possibility is that Charybdis is Scylla’salternate ego, the Triton part of her lineage, somehow separate and manifest in anotherbody. This being is all of Scylla’s connection with her heritage, pulled away from her as aliving emblem of all that she is not, and has rejected. She cannot destroy Charybdis, orbind it, without doing grave harm to herself, but it is always there, and always waiting toincrease its presence in her life, and force her to return to the ancient bloodline she hasabandoned. As she does not remember exactly what Tritons are like, Charybdis ends upbeing more a projected fantasy version of what one is rather than the real thing.


As advisor to Moire, Scylla is privy to all of Rebma's secrets and Moire'sschemes, and is even the instigator of many policies or decisions made by the Queen. IfMoire were any less canny a ruler, it’s likely that Scylla would be calling the shots inRebma.

Fascinated with the very existence of Rebma- its origins, history, and future,Scylla is obsessed with her observation of Rebma, Amber, and the universes they interact· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (188)

with, while her interest in the political arena and the intrigues of Court are beneath hernotice. When Moire needs advice of a political nature, she turns to others, but when theissue concerns magic, manifestations of power, or the effects of policy on the "bigpicture," she consults with Scylla and listens very closely to her advice, while not alwaysheeding it.

Current Objectives. Interested as she is in the mysteries of Rebma's nature and itsrelation to Amber, Shadow, Chaos, and the rest of the known and unknown universe,Scylla is likely to become involved in any situation where the stakes are high and thePowers are involved. She actively seeks knowledge which may further her understandingof the world around her, and will barter her services and information for the same.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [70 Points]STRENGTH - [10 Points]ENDURANCE - [25 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERSAdvanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERCharybdis [15 Points]- Appearing as a hulking Triton, bred of darkness and muck,Charybdis is Scylla's bodyguard and servitor. Roughly human in form, it seems to bemade of thick mud and blackish green scales, with white teeth and claws. It often changesshape to blend in with the environment while hunting or serving Scylla.

-Immense Vitality [4 Points]-Amber Stamina [2 Points]-Combat Reflexes [2 Points]-Resistant to Normal Weapons [1 Point]-Extra Hard Teeth & Claws [1 Point]-Psychic Resistance [1 Point]-Limited Shape Shift [4 Points]

ALLIESAn Ally in Amber [1 Point]- This is the Princess Fiona, with whom Scylla compares notesand trades state secrets when necessary.Rebman Court Devotee [5 Points] - This is the Queen Moire, who is Scylla’s greatestfriend and ally.Triton Blood [4 Points] - This is from her father, Lir.

SCYLLA-THE CRACK'D MIRROR· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (189)

(250 Point Version)

Scylla seems to be a different person to everyone she meets because she is. Herstudies in Mirror Scrying led her down paths of metaphysics and power best leftunexplored, and the experience warped her mind, causing her to mimic the properties ofthe mirrors which she utilized in her studies and her magical abilities.

When she meets a person, it takes only a matter of moments before she ismimicking them, her body and her mind shifting subtly to echo the subject of herencounters. Her persona alters to approximate theirs, and her body even takes on some oftheir mannerisms, posture, and characteristics. As she spends time with them, it increasesin magnitude to the point where she faintly resembles them, enough to be mistaken forfamily. Prolonged amounts of time can turn her into the likeness of the subject, in souland flesh, though she tries to avoid this.

She's a split personality which develops a new facet with everyone she meets.Additionally, Scylla's ability "remembers" the person's psyche and their physicalpresence, and she can "access" them later, giving her tremendous, uncanny insight into aperson's goals, behavior, history, and even approximating some of their physical abilitiesand personality.

While some would think that Scylla's mirror madness renders her unfit as anadvisor, Queen Moire wisely uses her as a sort of living recorder of the people Scylla hasencountered, letting her recall the impressions she makes and giving Moire incredibleaccess to the innermost workings of those around her.

Current Objectives. To meet everyone, and be everyone's best friend, most loyal allyor greatest love. She has little else on her mind than her involvement in Court, and theintrigues of those around her. At a moment's notice, she will drop everything and lend aidto those around her in exactly the measure necessary.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [60 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [5 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERS"Exalted" Shape Shifting [105 Points]- Scylla can instantly use her Shape Shifting tomimic another person's appearance in very subtle or direct ways, shift her persona andaura to more closely approximate another person's, and effortlessly recall the mimickedform and personality at a later date. Additionally, every new person she encounters is"stored" somehow in her cellular memory, and she can even "become" that person ifneeded, imitating them perfectly without becoming frozen in that form, regardless of theirPsychic strength. At this point, she is a repository of the entire Rebman Sea-Court andseveral of the Elder Amberites.Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]Sorcery [15 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (190)

Conjuration [20 Points]

BAD STUFF[+5 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING SCYLLA AS A CRACK'D MIRRORTalk about maddening! Scylla seems to be the soul-mate of everyone she

encounters. Too good to be true, she never starts arguments, always seems to know whatyou want, and seems to be a half-step ahead of everyone she meets. She's perfect for you,physically and mentally.

Too perfect.Though most people like to have someone around them who embodies

characteristics they don't have, or want to improve, only total narcissists would like tohave their mirror-image as a companion, and that sort of behavior wears on others. To topit off, she's not constant in how she behaves. With a group of people, she shifts frompersona to persona rapidly, her behavior and even her bearing changing to match theperson she's speaking with. It can be disconcerting, which is why she tries to keep herdealings with others to a minimum of one or two.

When playing Scylla, finish player's sentences, use retrofitting to anticipateplayer-characters' every move, and even have her act in ways that are characteristic of thecharacters. She'll be able to make astute guesses about a player-character's backgrounds,abilities, and even their goals.

SCYLLA AS MOTHERScylla has the opportunity to provide the player-character with a distinctly offbeat

background. With her shifting personalities, she can be anything from a great mother to anegligent parent who allows her child free reign. Here are some of the possibilities:

Spitting image of her child. What an experience, growing up with a motherwho was wild, unrestrained and childlike in private, but behaved very differentlypublicly! She might be her child's best friend, but such an arrangement might force thechild to look outside her immediate family for some sort of parental role-model. With amother who's just as "childish" as the player-character, it seems likely that they mighthave "adopted" another adult as a role-model and figure of parental authority.

Split Personality. It might be a very difficult childhood growing up with amother who seemed "different" every day. Unpredictable and erratic, Scylla might makea childhood very rough, with the child feeling like they were being raised by a successionof strangers who uncannily resembled each other. Alternately, Scylla could use thisselectively, switching to an appropriate persona as desired, using their abilities to theirfullest in different situations.

Charybdis, Childhood Friend. Imagine being raised with an "imaginary"playmate who was something like your mother most of the time, then shifted to becominganother person entirely, someone who could be mean and abusive at the drop of a hat. On· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (191)

the other hand, having Charybdis the Triton around might result in a child with firsthandknowledge of this ancient lost race and their onetime place in Rebma. Such a childhoodwould result in a character with ears filled with the folklore of the Tritons, and their ways.

One factor of being a child of Scylla's would be some familiarity with many of thedifferent personalities, and may possess some "unexplained" insight into the behavior andpasts of other members of the Sea-Court, the Court of Amber, or even the player-characters.


She knows everyone very well, almost inside out, and seems to have an ability tomake allies with almost anyone. These could be tremendous assets to any activity Scyllaundertakes, or to anyone who allies themselves with her. She seems to know exactlywhat's going on in most people's heads, and can guess with some degree of accuracy as towhat they're up to at any given time. She's the perfect conspirator, which is why Moirekeeps her at her side. This might be out of fear, however, as Scylla's ability to mimicothers and use what she gleans from their persona can also apply to Moire.

Scylla has been placed in the role of Moire’s strongarm in some situations, ones inwhich Llewella’s or Moire’s intervention would be unwarranted or politically insensitive.Next to Llewella, Scylla is perhaps the most rough-and-tumble member of the Sea-Court,rising to each occasion as she encounters it, using her gift to seek out the necessaryqualities in any given situation and rising above them. Sometimes, she has a little helpfrom Charybdis.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Scylla has many allies and enemies in the Sea-Court, most of which she has a great deal in common with. She has many past lovers,some of which might harbor some feelings of jealousy towards any who fill that rolecurrently. As Moire's advisor, she is aligned with the Crown, but time has shown that tobe a very malleable position, as her interest may carry over to the Queenship of the mirrorcity, a role she feels she may be better suited for than Moire.


EarthquakeCreates a disturbance within the earth in a designated area by exerting force from

Shadow deep beneath the area, finding "stress" areas and forcing them to shiftinadvertently. This is then magnified and creates an earthquake of a variable intensity.Used effectively, it can destroy buildings, cities, and even small countries, depending onthe desires of the caster. This spell will open fissures in the ground, alter landscapes,cause buildings to collapse, and throw even the most well-prepared character to theground.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional fifteen minutes casting time each: Description of Target

Area, Magic of Shadow, , Dispel Word (Optional).· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (192)

FloatCreates a magical approximation of the property of buoyancy within the subject

item which no earthly force can submerge. This buoyancy is not natural and does notadhere to the laws of physics, making it possible to put tremendous force upon smallitems limited only by the strength of the fastening. While, with this spell, it would betheoretically possible to suspend a ten ton block of marble from a small cork, in reality itdoes not work out due to the impossibility of fastening the weight to the aforementionedcork. If more force is exerted, the bonds tethering the item will simply break. It can becast upon a person, but the person will float on the surface of the water, making itextremely difficult to swim or propel oneself. Of course, combining this with the spellAnchor will do the trick. Unlike the spell Water Walking, this does not provide any sortof solid footing for moving across the water.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Magic of Shadow, Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

Force RamSummons a channel of energy which pushes the water ahead of it into a kinetic

missile, sized and shaped like a medieval battering ram, and directs it at a subject withincredible force and velocity. Duration is instantaneous, but the channel from which theenergy is brought forth must be directed by the caster, or he or she will be caught into themidst of it and thrust forward at the head of the spell's energy. Use the caster's WarfareAttribute (compared to the subject's, if any), to determine whether it hits the target or not.Capable of breaking down walls, doors, knocking heavy things over, and pulverizingnormal humans. The wake of the spell is also powerful enough to unbalance most human-sized targets.

Base Casting Time: Thirty MinutesLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each. Direction of Conductive

Channel, Distance of Channel (Optional), Magic of Shadow, Trigger.

Repel WaterCreates a special field around the caster, keeping water from touching him or her.

Useful in rainstorms, or asea on a ship, or from keeping dry when wading through water.Note that this field merely repels water and does not provide any atmosphere of its own.Submerging oneself within water with this Spell active will result in the caster losing anybreathable air with extreme speed within a few breaths.

Casting Time: Thirty MinutesLynchpins: Additional five minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Area (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

Summon StormReaches across Shadow to bring forth radically different weather patterns and

affecting existing ones to create adverse conditions, making a storm which will continueto worsen until it is spent. Particularly large storms can remain for months and even· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (193)

years, altering weather conditions in a Shadow indefinitely. Hurricane force winds,flooding, lightning, tidal disturbances, etc... are all characteristic of these winds. They canbe directed against an enemy fleet, or on land, either way to devastating results..

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional fifteen minutes casting time each: Location of Target Area,

Area of Effect, Intensity, Movement (Optional), Description of Target (Optional),Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

UndertowOpens a gate through Shadow and drains a specific area of the water directly

below the subject, creating a small vacuum which draws the subject downwards towardsthe source of the vacuum with considerable force and speed. This spell basically creates amagically enclosed area into which the water will pour, sort of an elongated funnel ordrainpipe, into which the subject will be drawn along with the water which surroundsthem. The subject is then released when they reach the source of the vacuum, or is pulledthrough to the Shadow location where the water is deposited.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Depth of Vacuum, Shadow Location, Size, Dispel Word (Optional).

Water SpoutCreates a geyser of water which sprays upwards into the air. This can be used in a

number of ways, to upset a small boat, to forcibly pull something it is directed into thespout and out of the water, or to move a quantity of water from one place to another forsome purpose such as stopping a shipboard fire. It can even be used as a crude watercannon. The water summoned can be either cold or hot, and the direction the spout "fires"in is up to the caster.

Casting Time: One HourLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Magic of Shadow, Direction

of Spell (hand motions are used to "target" the spell's source and direction of force), Sizeof Spout, Temperature (Optional), Shadow Source of Water (Optional if special type ofwater is desired), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word (Optional).

WatersightThis spell causes a transparent film to form over the caster's eyes which allows

magically enhanced vision in the darkness of the ocean depths. Color sense is virtuallynonexistent, and only dark shades can be differentiated from light ones. The vision issomewhat warped, with objects and persons wavering somewhat, but gets easier todecipher with experience. The range of this vision is the normal range of human sight,with everything seeming colorless and dim rather than black at extreme distances.

Casting Time: One and a Half HoursLynchpins: Additional ten minutes casting time each: Name/Description of

Subject, Magic of Shadow, Range (Optional), Duration (Optional), Dispel Word(Optional).· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (194)

Power Word [LAKTZO!]: Luminescence.Bioluminescence is the natural ability of many lifeforms to generate natural light

from their bodies. Many undersea plants also have this characteristic. This Power Wordbriefly ignites any latent bioluminescent quality in the fish or plant life in an area about ayard across. Harmless, it creates a cloud of luminous particles which typically coat sea-creatures or plants, which is highly visible. If cast on water only, then the cloud will befaint, depending on the amount of luminescent particles in the water.

Useful for a signal flare, the Power Word can also be used to distract or misleadan opponent. It dissipates in a matter of minutes, sometimes lasting for a few hours whilethe particles lose their charge. Higher concentrations of the particles (i.e. murky water)might glow for some time, while clear water will lose the charge quickly. Because manyof the creatures from the ocean floor already have this quality to some degree, using thisPower Word will brighten the light produced significantly.

Power Word [WXEIST!]: Mudstorm.This is most useful when cast on the ocean floor, as it summons up a blinding

cloud of dirt, grit, sand, and plankton particles from the ground upwards, possiblyallowing the caster to take the advantage in a fight, use the time to escape, confusemissile weapon attacks, or distract an opponent.

The Power Word is cast at the ground before the caster, and the silt, sand, andvegetable matter will billow upwards into a cloud of about three yards across and thesame height. Currents will quickly dissipate the particles, but in a still chamber, thesediment can take some time to settle. In an area with no sediment, this Power Word isuseless, though it can be used to stir up a cloud of small items (like Trumps) to a lessereffect.

Power Word [Djelel!]: Slick.This Power Word creates a slick, frictionless area about a foot in diameter upon

any surface it is cast at which lasts a few seconds, then fades away. It is typically used incombat to cause an opponent to lose his or her footing, grip on a weapon, or escape fromsomeone’s grasp. Other uses the Power Word can be put towards are enabling “ stuck” orextremely heavy objects to be moved briefly, or toppled. Casting it on an object thrown toanother character will ensure that it is impossible to catch properly, unless a net is used.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (195)

SELENELong, lustrous hair frames a oval-shaped face from which peer hazel eyes beneath

arched brows. Pearl-white skinned, her lips are rich and full and dark green above hersmall chin. She wears a long garment emblazoned with many sea-creatures which hangsfrom her shoulders only, leaving her arms free and her hands clasped before her.

A mystic and seer, Selene possesses the ability to study the movement of thepermutations between the Pattern and the stuff of Reflected Shadow, gaining intuitioninto the nature of the future. Perhaps one of the most secretive of the Rebman Court,Selene sets herself apart from her brethren in her distaste for the machinations of Courtand the endless struggles for the small and relatively meaningless measures of power.

Feared by many of her peers because of the power which this might give her overthem, Selene remains aloof from the rest of the Sea-Court, spending much of her timeaway from Rebma. Her ability to "see" into future events affects Selene's behaviorsignificantly, making most around her wary of what she might admit or refer to.

The nature of this oracular power is unknown to the Sea-Court, and Selene guardsher secret zealously for fear that it will be used against her by her unscrupulous peers andother sorcerers in Rebma. Only Vialle, with her enchanted sculptures, has any insight intohow Selene’s prophesizing is accomplished.

Unrelated to the royal family, Selene is instead a Rebman of human descent,whose family was one of those who settled in the undersea realm in centuries past.Selene’s own studies into magic and metaphysics put her on the fast track to power, andshe has seen many things, paid unguessed-at prices for her knowledge and her secrets.She serves as a consultant to Moire, and sometimes as a foil to the Sea-Court, actingagainst them in secrecy to prevent catastrophe.


To Selene, differences between time and space are meaningless.Through careful experimentation with her sorcerous abilities, Selene has become

aware of various wavelengths a sort of psychic energy emitted by Shadow and by theenvironment in Rebma, and is sensitive enough to their patterns to be able to predict howthese energies might behave in the future.

She uses this information to make herself valuable in the greater scheme of things,always being in the right place and making the right allies in the affairs of the Sea-Court.Selene's guidance is capricious, however, and she might mislead a character just to ensurethat they end up doing what the future has decreed. Under no circ*mstances will shereveal what is going to happen in any but the most general terms. Her ability is such thatshe cannot manipulate the events of what is to us the future any more than we can changethe past around.

This feeling of predestination makes her somewhat uncomfortable to be around,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (196)

as one gets the feeling that no matter how active she may be, Selene is simply waiting forexpected things to happen.

Current Objectives. Selene's role in events is usually that of prophetess orcommentator. She will act in a manner consistent with the nature of what powers shedraws her visions from. Because she can see with some accuracy into the future, she actsaccordingly to help bridge the gap between her present situation and her role in thosefuture glimpses. She works behind the scenes, and is present when the forces of theuniverse begin to move into a new alignment.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [60 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank Rank

POWERSEmpathic Fortunetelling [70 Points]- As described below, Selene is able to "see" into thefuture, predicting the path of building events and anticipating the outcome of variousactions.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERThe Moirae, Selene's Water Elementals [38 Points]- Three in number, the waterelementals are named Anticipation, Recognition, and Remembrance. All appear to bemade of flowing water and are mostly transparent. The first appears as a young sprite-likecreature and is almost clear, while the middle elemental is an bluish-green tinged woman,and the latter an old crone the color of sea-foam white. The Moirae are able to becomecompletely immaterial, coagulating into the above described forms when called bySelene, who consults them in her divination, using them to expand her awareness intoadjacent waters.

-Resistant to Damage [1 Point]- Weapons pass through them and cannot harmthem unless somehow able to affect magical beings (like Corwin's Grayswandir).However, their material presence is limited to the watery form, with those limitations.

-Able to Speak in Tongues & Voices [4 Points]-Precognition [8 Points]- The next step up from Extraordinary Psychic Sense, this

Quality confers upon the Moirae the ability to selectively glimpse into the future, gainingdetailed information about the course of events. They can Psychically contact multipleminds at once through Shadow, and can "eavesdrop" on Selene as if in through a Trumpcontact.

-Alternate Form [1 Point]- Being animate amounts of water, they can shift frombeing cohesive beings to creatures entirely of spirit energy.

-Confers Precognitive Quality on Owner [5 Points]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]- There are three of the Moirae.

GOOD STUFF· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (197)

[+2 Points]

SELENE- ORACLE OF REBMA AND HER PROPHETIC ABILITIESHow does she do it?Good question. Here are a few answers.Like Vialle, Selene is able to use her Psyche and magical senses in an unorthodox

manner. In the short story "The Salesman's Tale," (printed in Amberzine #6 andgenerously excerpted in Shadow Knight), Vialle uses various examples of her sculpturesand mobiles to form a bizarre arrangement in the center of the room which then seems tobecome invested with a sentience issuing prophecy and shedding new light on matters athand. Vialle claims that she must move the pieces herself, and places them in a roughcircle, naming them Memory, Desire, Caution, Risk, Heart, Head, Chance, and Foresight,with Tongue to speak for the group. She then appears to meditate for a moment, thenspeaks with the sculptures. This is a manifestation of Vialle's empathic abilities, whichincreases immensely with the increased sensitivity of her sculptures. Just as an increasedsurface area absorbs more sound waves, Vialle is able to augment her Psyche with thesculpture to enhance her sensitivity to the flux and manifestations of power whichsurround her. Selene is able to do the same, though without any need of the "props"which Vialle uses.

Vialle claims that the source of this ability stems from "the powers of the earth Iwork with," Selene's is instead bound into the element of water. This way, Selene sensesthe movement of future events in much the same way she feels current wash about her,navigating time as though it were the currents of the sea which surrounds her.

Alternately, this power might be the manifestation of some sort of sensitivity tothe emanations of the pattern and Chaos which ripple through Shadow and an ability torecognize various forces at work and guess how they might be acting, or might be someresonating affect of Psychic energy. Alternately, there is the possibility that the AmberUniverse is in some sort of behavioral loop, which repeats itself with a new cycle ofrebirth and resurrection. As such, Selene is privy to the secrets of the universe, and willparcel that knowledge out as it is required of her, but will refrain from volunteeringanything more than necessary.


"He definitely knows we're coming?""What do you think? Is he a cretin?""No.""Then he knows. If I could guess it in Rebma, then he knows in Amber- and I did

guess, from a wavering of Shadow."

Random and CorwinNine Princes in Amber (p. 102)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (198)

Gifted with an uncanny ability to see the way that Shadow is warped in subtleways by the manipulation of power in Rebma, Amber, or Shadow, Selene is able to sensethe flow of events and make accurate guesses about the outcome of most courses ofaction.

You might compare her ability to someone who is able to stand on a beach and,merely by looking at the waves splashing on the shore, figure out the movement of shipson the water, the shape and location of other nearby continents and islands, what forms oflife are present in and above that water, and the weather which affects that body of water,along with whatever other body of waters are connected to it. She does this with reality,however, seeing how the flux of activity in Rebma and elsewhere is affected and might beaffecting other Shadows.

Current Objectives. If anything, Selene is Fate's watchdog, steering events intoconjunction with the Pattern's great plans for the universe. She does this throughobserving Shadow and its permutations, and parceling out information, clues, and makingrequests to align the present with the state of future events which she has seen in Shadow.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [65 Points]STRENGTH - Amber RankENDURANCE - [10 Points]WARFARE - [15 Points]

POWERS"Visionary" Pattern Imprint [90 Points] - Selene's understanding of the Pattern enablesher to see how it interacts with Shadow, and to infer what forces are at work in Shadowand with the force of the Pattern, which includes most of the royals in Rebma and all ofthe Amberite nobility. Her comprehension of the interplay between Pattern, Shadow, andChaos allows her to make accurate predictions about the outcome of significant eventsand to understand the unseen forces which shape them.Power Words [15 Points]Sorcery [10 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

SELENE- PROPHETESS OF THE PATTERN, AND THE PATTERNPerhaps Selene's role in Rebma is similar to Fiona's in Amber, or Dara's in the

Courts of Chaos, that of a messenger and sometimes manipulator behind the scenes,independent but occasionally subject to carrying out the goals of the power which sheserves. If so, Selene will be actively seeking to recruit characters onto her (and thePattern's) side in affairs, leading and misleading them as necessary to see that thePattern's goals and the future state of affairs are guaranteed.

She will rarely let her connection with the Pattern be known unless it becomesobvious, instead keeping her role in affairs somewhat secretive. Selene has goals of herown, schemes and maneuvers which concern affairs greater than the Sea-Court, so herallegiance will not be easy to ascertain.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (199)


Like Princess Fiona in Amber, Selene is privy to events of great import, caretakerof great powers and knowledgeable about the grand design, but prefers to remain mostlyoffstage. She secludes herself in Shadow or Rebma’s reflected universe, watching eventsunfold in Rebma and the Triton Court. From there, she is able to sense the course offuture events and maneuver her fellow Rebmans into positions where they will best servethe balance between the Leviathan and the Sea-Horse.

At some point in the past, Selene made contact with the Tritons, revealing herlineage to them as a daughter of Lir, and was taught in their ways and allowed exposed tothe Leviathan, the source of their Vortex power. Thusly, she bears the mark of bothpowers of the Rebman universe within her, and is an important figure in the strugglebetween the two worlds.

Current Objectives. Her goals are those of the balance between the Leviathan and theSea-Horse, making her an occasional ally, or traitor to both. She seeks to preserve thecurrent state of affairs in Rebma, and to keep the Tritons in check. As a mover and shakerbehind the scenes, she will seek others who will serve her plans. Of all the Rebmans, sheis the one most likely to be encountered in the Labryinth.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [85 Points]STRENGTH - [5 Points]ENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERS“Reflected” Pattern Imprint [35 Points]- Selene’s version of Pattern Imprint is a lesserversion of the real thing, based on a reflected copy. With it, she can travel through thereflections of Shadows, warp those Shadows to her own needs, freeze them as images,cause Shadow “ stuff” to mimic other Shadow “ stuff,” and store spells in chunks ofShadow reality.Vortex [45 Points]- Alone among the Rebmans, Selene has mastered this power. She isextremely secretive about using it, and will rarely do so with witnesses around.Advanced Mirror Wrighting [50 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERSelene's Scrying Pools [13 Points] - Located within her Shadow Delphi, this pool isfilled with water which resembles a fluid mirror and allows Selene to focus her powersupon it and use it as a psychic "antenna" for her prophetic abilities.

- Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (200)

- Powered by Mirror Magic [4 Points]- The scrying pool has all the abilities of themagical mirrors of Rebma and is powered by the force which makes them work.

- Confers Psychic Sense Quality Upon User [5 Points]

PERSONAL SHADOWSSelene's Shadow Delphi [5 Points] - Hidden deep within Shadow, Delphi is a fragment ofa Shadow consisting mainly of a city at the base of a great mountain which is adjacent tomany other Shadows. At the crest of this mighty mountain is an opulent templemaintained by an order of philosopher-priests. The ways to this great city are difficult tofind, though they are rumored throughout Shadow. The city below is full of great sages,scribes, and sorcerers who have some to speak with Selene about the futures of theirworlds.

- Personal Shadow [1 Point]- Control of Shadow's Destiny [4 Points]

ALLIESRebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- Selene is related in unknown way to Moire, who treatsher as an equal and offers the full protection and resources of the Sea-Court.Triton Blood [4 Points]- This is one of the line of the Tritons, perhaps Lir himself, whoseblood runs strong in Selene.

BAD STUFF[+2 Points]


Distant, secretive and aloof, she will rarely reveal the exact nature of what isgoing on in plain language. Instead, she will comment upon the current course of eventsin the past tense, as if they already happened, informing them of the consequences.Sometimes, she will try to let characters know the forces which are working without theirknowledge, almost as an “ elsewhere” narration.

Any advice she gives is less than reliable, however, as Selene will readily admitthat she might mislead or lie to characters to ensure that they fulfil their duties in thecourse of fate, and she will never need to be told what is happening. Characters who meether will find that she already possesses all the information which they do, often knowingmore about their actions and the consequences thereof than they do. Selene does notbelabor this point, which would be boorish or annoying. She simply assumes thatcharacters will be able to understand that she seems to know everything, and that she cando little about it other than see that it happens as it should. Her view of the world is oneof rigid predestination, and a Game Master should present Selene as someone who hasresigned herself to the fact that she must act, and that others are only as free to behave asthe future’s past permitted them.

SELENE AS MOTHERImagine a mother who knew your every move, before you could even make it!· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (201)

The only thing you would have from her would be your thoughts, and when you tried toput them into action, she already expected it and was ready to act accordingly. She wouldtell you to do something with full knowledge of whether you would obey, or how good ajob you might do.

While this would make for a mother who would be impossible to deceive, Selenewould also be much more understanding when it came to reasons for doing something.She has an understanding of human nature which goes beyond mere empathy, and canpoint out to her children the long-term results of their actions.

Regardless, this would make for a mother who seemed a bit aloof, or distracted.She might even be more than a little unnerving, hinting about her child's future andknowing everything which lies in store for a child. It might drive a kid crazy, or reassurethem that mother knows best.


She is in a unique position, being the only known Rebman to bear the marks ofboth powers within her, and rather than become a pawn or bargaining chip in the strugglebetween them, she has chosen to serve as a sort of referee between them. Selene has madedeals with neither power, and uses them against each other to strengthen her position,knowing that her ability to see into the future of events makes her extremely useful toboth Courts.

Sometimes her visionary abilities force her into positions where she must misleadher own people in Rebma to ensure that the primal balance between the two realmsremains intact. That she will do so, without apology, in the midst of otherwise honestservice to her Queen makes her counsel particularly difficult sometimes to accept.

Constant Allies & Enemies: She remains close to her Queen Moire, and tries to stayaway from many of the other members of the Sea-Court, though she will consult them orinform them whenever fate decrees that she must do so. She has made enemies withineach Court, each of whom regard her as a traitor due to her divided loyalties.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (202)

VAUGHNShort and stocky, he stands almost in profile, long-fingered hands resting on the

pommel of a heavy, wide-bladed, burnished broadsword. A look of wariness colors hissturdy-boned face, and gray eyes peer out from beneath craggy blonde brows. His dirtyblonde hair is worn short in a page-boy crop, and he wears a thick moustache whichframes his mouth and chin. A tan cloak rests on his shoulders, and his leather jerkin isworked in pale blue and gold. His shoulders and arms are armoured in metal plate.

Obviously no full-blooded Rebman by birth, Vaughn serves Queen Moire as theAdmiral, a position which entails seeing that there are no unknown or unwanted ships inthe waters above Rebma, and to ensure the safety of ships which trade with Rebma. Hiscounterpart in Amber might be Gérard, Admiral of Amber's navies, and the two of themcommunicate regularly, though they are not on close terms.

His origins are shrouded in mystery. An experienced mariner and soldier, Vaughnmade his way to Rebma several centuries ago, and, it is rumoured, was the Queen's loverfor a short time. She awarded him the title of Admiral and the requisite powers and dutieswhen he proved his worth in an engagement with some sea-borne raiders who eluded thetraditional defenses of Rebma. As few Rebmans would be comfortable with a life spentabove the water, Vaughn is perfect for the job.

If Vaughn spent more time in Rebma, instead of in hidden coves above it, hewould undoubtedly be the source of many rumours about the nature of his longevity andhis martial prowess and physical abilities. His apparent resentment of those in Amberproves to be even more of a mystery, for his similarities to those Princes and Princesses.


In his position as Admiral, he is responsible for the front line of defense ofRebma. If that entails him coming up against the Lords of Amber, he is ready to do so.He can't be bought, or evaded while he is in his boat, surrounded with his forces. Hecommands nearly a hundred ships in peacetime, and can raise more if needed. Vaughnknows all the coves and waters around Amber and the ways through Shadow which leadto them nearly as well as Gérard, and is always ready to defend his adopted homeland.

Current Objectives. Protecting Rebman waters from unwanted incursions is Vaughn'sjob, and he does it well. He is interested in ferreting out possible threats to Rebma (andsometimes Amber by extension) and will seek information regarding any future threats toRebma which come from the sea.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - Amber RankSTRENGTH - [15 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (203)

ENDURANCE - [10 Points]WARFARE - [20 Points]

POWERSShadow Walking [3 Points]- Through some means unknown to Vaughn, he is able totraverse Shadow, though with little control, often finding his way onto recently travelledpaths through Shadow. He is unable to alter the attributes or substance of that Shadow inany way other than directly.Power Words [15 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERVaughn's Shoulder Armor & Gauntlets [10 Points]- These heavy, armored sleevesand shoulder-plates are highly resistant to damage, and Vaughn uses them in combat tomake physical blows, arrows, and parry weapons. He usually keeps the gauntlets off untilhe needs them, perhaps in pitched combat.

-Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]-Extra Hard [1 Point]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]- There are, of course, two arm-guards

in this set.Vaughn's Cloak [2 Points]- Made of thick, padded leather, it prevents him from beingburned in ship-to-ship attacks which use flame, Greek fire or similar volatile fluids.

-Resistant to Firearms [2 Points]

VAUGHN'S FLAGSHIP AND MARINESTimber-Breaker [10 Points]- A tall, sleek black galley, equipped with twin rows ofoars and bearing the Sea-Horse of Rebma upon its sails, this ship is Vaughn's owncommand, and he will be found on its deck always. The prow is built for ramming, theship is somewhat faster than most ships its size, making it a formidible weapon whenused offensively, which Vaughn is an expert in. It is also armed with catapults, ballistae,and grappling ladders for ship-to-ship combat. There are nine others in the fleet like his,the rest being normal ships.

-Double Speed [2 Points]-Extra Hard Prow [1 Point]-Shadow Path [2 Points]-Named & Numbered Quantity [*2 Points]-There are a total of ten of these ships.

Vaughn's Marines [15 Points]- A rugged group of half-Rebmans and "normal"humans, Vaughn's force is hand-picked and ready for combat. Most are armed with shortsword, pike, and longbow, and all are skilled in using the ship's weapons. There areusually about 120 marines on Vaughn's flagship at any given time, and more are availableshould he need to summon help from other ships.

-Double Vitality [2 Points]-Double Stamina [2 Points]-Combat Training [1 Point]-Horde Quantity [*3 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (204)

ALLIESAn Ally in Rebma [1 Point]- Queen Moire, who watches over Vaughn and sees that noharm comes to him in his role as Admiral of her small fleet of ships.

BAD STUFF[+1 Point]


Though Vaughn seems unusually powerful for a denizen of Shadow, there areseveral precedents for this sort of character, such as Old John, who served Oberon andRandom as a spy and sometime assassin. Vaughn is another of those rarities, a trulysuperior Shadow denizen with "reality" enough to challenge some of the weaker andinexperienced Amberites.

Because he has never explained his origins, a number of possibilities are availableto explain his abilities: Vaughn may have been a resident of some Shadow in which anAmberite spent time enough in to make him more substantial than other Shadow folk, orcould have spent time as a child in close enough proximity to an Amberite or ChaosianLord to gain his own "reality." It's even possible that he contains some strain of the bloodof either Amber or Chaos, too diffuse to be of any good except to boost his abilities up totheir current levels.

Whichever the case, he's lived centuries, seen many things, and is no fool.Assuming that because he doesn't have the Blood of Amber, or access to the greaterPowers doesn't make him helpless, a mistake which has cost many who threatenedRebma.


No mere Shadow denizen by birth, Vaughn is instead a noble Rebman, likeMartin, and potential heir to the throne should Moire vacate it. He is her son, and hisfather is from Amber. When he was born, he was sent away from Rebma to learn aboutShadow and when he returned, he was made admiral of the Rebman navy. His closenesswith Moire was misinterpreted, or was deliberately created to shift suspicions from hisreal origin. Now, as Admiral of the Seas, he is entrusted with the defense of the watersabove Rebma, which is the front-line of defense against attack. In the event of cross-purposes or even war with Amber, Moire has selected the most likely choice for herrealm's security, an Amberite.

Current Objectives. Concerned highly with the defense of what might one day be hisfuture kingdom, Vaughn is often willing to seek out sources of trouble and attempt to nipthem in the bud. If being friendly with the younger generation of Amberites will furtherRebma's cause, then he will do so. It is also possible that he will use his relationships· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (205)

with those in Amber to learn what he can of Amber's weaknesses, possibly in order toexploit them one day.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [15 Points]STRENGTH - [35 Points]ENDURANCE - [15 Points]WARFARE - [35 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERVaughn's Sleeves & Gauntlets [12 Points]- As above.

-Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]-Double Damage [2 Points]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]

Vaughn's Sword [9 Points]- Deadly and heavy-bladed, it is specifically weighted tomake it useful for breaking through even the thickest of wooden planks, making itespecially useful for ship-board defense. Capable of hacking through a ship's mast ifbacked with enough force, it is much heavier than most blades its size.

-Invulnerable to Damage [8 Points]- No natural force can damage this blade, normay any lesser Power affect it.

-Extra Hard [1 Point]

PERSONAL SHADOWSThe Sargasso Sea [8 Points]- A curious feature of the seas surrounding Rebma is acircular current, a part of which washes over Rebma. The center of this current is hiddennearby in Shadow, and is known as the Sargasso Sea, thought to be the end of theRebman universe. This "wheel" current is circular and curiously, is a sort of trap, lifelessbecause of the constantly circulating current, but somewhat warmer than surroundingwaters. This is one of the main sea-borne defenses of Rebma, and Vaughn can expand ordecease its size and activity when desired, confounding ships and swimmers alike,shifting them through Shadow to his own realm where his forces may deal withinterlopers and invaders. It is also possible that like Julian’s command of Forest Arden,Vaughn’s ownership is of only a small part of the Sargasso Sea. See the section on theSargasso Sea for more details.

-Shadow of the Realm [2 Points]-Guarded [4 Points]-Control of Time Flow [2 Points]

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- The exact nature of Vaughn's Amber Court Devotee isunknown. Options for the Gamemaster are described below.Rebman Court Devotee [5 Points]- This is Vaughn's mother, Queen Moire.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (206)

VAUGHN AS A SON OF AMBERDue to the various incursions of many Amberites into Rebman waters, several

Amberites are likely subjects to be Vaughn's father. These are described below:

A Dead or "Missing" Amberite. Someone like Osric, Finndo, or even Delwinare all likely choices for Vaughn's parentage. Whether the Amberite is still alive, or if so,whether Vaughn is aware of it, is a matter to be decided by the Gamemaster.

A Known Amberite. Frankly, given Rebma's close proximity and relativeseclusion from Amber, it is surprising that there aren't more Amberites born there.Vaughn could be the son of someone like Benedict, or Eric, or even Random. Each makessense in its own way: Moire's fondness for Benedict expressed in Nine Princes in Amber,her reluctance to marry Eric (perhaps because of a bad past together or Eric's refusal toacknowledge his offspring), and an especially twisted motive for Moire's hatred ofRandom. Seducing the pretty young daughter of a woman he once loved isn't far beneaththe old Random, and might explain why Vaughn can never be "recognized" as anAmberite.


Oberon's lusts went beyond the one noblewoman, Moins, with whom he fatheredLlewella. Taking another lover in Rebma, he had another son, but due to complications inthe succession at the time and a desire for some form of family stability, he never gotaround to acknowledging the bastard prince.

Now Vaughn continues to favor Rebma, though he spent much of his youth awayfrom that place. Though his apparent task is to protect Rebma from outside threats, hisprimary duty is to see that Amber's navies are never in a position to threaten Rebma, andshould the two countries ever go to war, Vaughn has made many preparations which willlimit Amber's effectiveness in any sea-borne conflict. If there is such a confrontation,Vaughn is determined that Rebma will stand untouched, or that the price of invasion willbe too dear for Amber to pay.

Current Objectives. Any way Vaughn can learn about Amber's defenses, her navies,and her forces, he will do whatever is required. Whether this requires spies, falsealliances, friendships without substances, false raids through proxies, an so on, isunimportant to Vaughn. To him, Rebma must be kept free of the House of Oberon'sinterference for the present and all the future.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE- [25 Points]STRENGTH- [45 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (207)

ENDURANCE- [60 Points]WARFARE- [45 Points]

POWERSPattern Imprint [50 Points]Power Words [20 Points]Conjuration [20 Points]

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERVaughn's Armored Sleeves & Gauntlets [52 Points]- As above, with someadditional powers specific to each gauntlet. Most importantly, they increase his strengthprodigiously, to the point where he would be able to compete with Gérard in a limitedfashion.

-"Exhalted" Vitality [16 Points]- Wearing the armor, Vaughn has the strength ofGérard in his shoulders, arms and hands only. This is enough to crush bones, breakswords and other weapons, punch through stone, and tear steel plate. Note that it is notenough to pick enormous weights up, as this requires support in the back and legs. Still,given his Amberite vitality and Endurance, Vaughn can lift far more any mortal and andis among the stronger of the Amberites.

-Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]-Extra Hard [1 Point]-Confers Vitality on Wearer [5 Points]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]

Vaughn's Right Gauntlet [8 Points]- This allows Vaughn to touch and manipulatemagical forces to the point where he can resist them physically (such as a magical shield),or to affect magical conditions or supernatural beings which cannot normally be touchedby physical forces. Similar to Corwin's blade Grayswandir, it can affect presences in Tir-na Nog'th.

-Psychic "Presence" [8 Points]- This is an augmented version of Psychic Defense,which allows for the gauntlet to have a substantial Psychic presence as well as a physicalone, letting him manipulate ethereal or magical constructs which are otherwise intangible.With this, he can affect immaterial beings and attempt to block spells with wouldotherwise have no physical component.Vaughn's Left Gauntlet [12 Points]- With this, he is able to reach through Shadow ina fashion similar to Logrus manipulation, and seize specific items and bring them to hishands. He is also practiced at wielding it within a particular Shadow, to yank weaponsfrom opponent's hands or pull doors from their hinges with his prodigious strength.

-Shadow "Summoning" [8 Points]-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]- It is with this that the gauntlet is able to

locate the desired items or beings.

GOOD STUFF[+3 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING VAUGHN AS A SEA-BORN PRINCE OF· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (208)

AMBERBy his reckoning, Vaughn was abandoned by his Amberite father, who thusly

deserves little concern or emotion. He's a Rebman by birth, if not by appearance, and ishappy to dwell there and guard it as its defender against those who envy Rebma's richesor see it as a weaker cousin to Amber. More than content to keep his true identity a secretfrom his relatives in Amber and Rebma, Vaughn wants no part in the ridiculous strugglefor succession. As he sees it, all he has is time on his hands, and if it is destined for himto rule, he will.

Paradoxically, as the defender of Rebma, he spends little time there, and will besomething of an enigma to most Rebman player-characters. Many of them have heard ofhim, but never seen him. When Vaughn does appear in Rebma, it is usually secretive andvery briefly, though for official events he is often forced to attend. His place, is on thedeck of a ship, and he is rarely comfortable with any of the niceties of his status inRebma.

VAUGHN AS FATHERBusy with the defense of Rebma, it is unlikely that Vaughn would ever take

enough time aside to raise a child, much less train one for a life in the Courts of eitherAmber or Rebma. Still, though, he has been alive for a few centuries, and travelledwidely in Shadow before settling in Rebma, and the opportunities have presentedthemselves in the past. It's even possible that he might have a mistress in Rebma, inAmber, or in more than one Shadow port of call.

Vaughn as an Exceptional Shadow Denizen. For characters who don't wantto ally their characters with either Court (Amber, Chaos, or Rebma) by having thebloodline, Vaughn presents an opportunity for a father whose mysteries are intact.Finding out the truth of their father's origins, and their own, presents many interestingopportunities for role-playing and adventuring throughout Shadow.

Vaughn, Prince of Rebma. As a "secret" Prince of Rebma, Vaughn is a ripechoice for characters who wish to be related to the Court but have little desire to be a partof it. Growing up with the navy, perhaps even on a ship, the character will have adifferent view of Amber and Rebma. perhaps even seeing themself as part of some sort ofbuffer between the two lands. Such a character would be welcome in the Court, thoughnot too common a presence.

Vaughn as a Son of Amber. Whether first or second generation, havingVaughn be related to the House of Oberon and possessing the blood of Amber allowscharacters to have their cake and eat it too. They can be from Rebma, and be of the newgeneration. The only trouble might come when the succession is considered, for whateverreason, and the character's father's illegitimacy is questioned. Perhaps seeing thatVaughn's claim to the throne of Amber (however distant) is established would be a just,noble, and self-serving cause, just the kind that appeals to many Amberites.

VAUGHN AS A PLAYER IN THE GAMES OF THE REBMAN· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (209)

COURTIf he can be considered a player, it is through his deliberate absence from the

Court and the significance which that represents. Preferring the salt- and wind-washeddeck of a ship to the finery and manners of Court, Vaughn will absent himself as much asis possible without being remiss in his duties.

He's stubborn, and convinced that anything is allowable in the defense of theRealm, and will take nothing short of complete success in battle or even in socialdealings. Vaughn has little time for the elaborate rituals of conversation and manuveringwhich captivate so many of his peers, and will grow exasperated quickly if subjected tomuch.

On the sea, however, he is a different man, revelling in the sensations of being onthe water. Whatever may be said of Vaughn, he loves his job, and will let nothing get inthe way of his performing it to the best of his ability.

Constant Allies & Enemies: As maritime defender of Rebma, Vaughn has close tiesin Amber with Gérard and with Caine, and communicates with Moire regularly regardingthe status of events. If needing to get a message through to Random, he will do sothrough Llewella, with whom he is amiable but not close. He has few enemies in the Sea-Court, but few close friends either. He might have made alliances with other expatriateAmberites such as Delwin and Sand, and be a steady source of information for them,exchanging this for some unknown favor or knowledge.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (210)

VIALLEChosen to wed Prince Random of Amber in revenge for his shabby treatment of

Queen Moire's daughter Morganthè, Vialle was a woman of Moire's court, low in statusbut dear to the Queen. She was blind, and her prospects were slight for a suitablehusband. Moire expected Random to cause Vialle some pain, then leave after the year ofhis sentence in Rebma, perhaps giving her a child. Whatever the results of the marriage,her status would be enhanced and she would never know hardship.

Something funny happened on the way to the end of that year, though. They fellin love. When Random went after Eric, and was captured and imprisoned in Amber,Vialle asked to be imprisoned with him. For two and a half years they dwelt in thedungeons of Amber together. As Corwin said, "The fact that the marriage workedbeautifully was a something which still amazed me." Not only that, but it was a marriagethat changed Random from the runt in a pack of Princes into the man best suited to beKing of Amber.

Vialle is a woman with surprising depth of character. Gentle and wise, she bringssomething new to the Court of Amber- compassion.


"He will marry with a girl among my subjects who is named Vialle. She is blindand has no wooers among our kind."

"Are you certain," said I, "that you do the best thing for her?""She will obtain good status in this manner," said Moire, "though he depart after

a year and never return. For whatever else may be said about him, he is a prince ofAmber."

"What if she comes to love him?""Could anyone really do this thing?". . ."She will recover from whatever pain he inflicts, and after his departure she will

be a great lady of my court.""So may it be," I said, and looked away, feeling a sadness come over me- for the

girl, of course.

Moire and CorwinNine Princes in Amber (p. 72)

Vialle is unique among the Rebmans and the Amberites in that she is completelywithout guile. Innocent and friendly, she genuinely cares about Random and her friends.She was a favorite among Moire's subjects, despite her lack of status. Moire's decision tomarry her to Random was a difficult one to make, but turned out surprisingly well.Moire's condition that Random remain in Rebma for one year was twofold- to lend· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (211)

legitimacy to the marriage (perhaps even ensuring an offspring), and for Vialle'sprotection, to keep Random under Moire's watchful eyes.

Current Objectives. As a Queen of Amber and a Rebman noble, Vialle is using hernewfound influence to see that relations between the two kingdoms are beneficial to bothnations and without strife. She is very active in making herself a model Queen of Amber,strengthening Amber and, as a welcome side-effect, Rebma. She is close to Moire, andkeeps her abreast of developments in Amber and what effects they might have on Rebma.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [50 Points] STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]WARFARE - Amber Rank

POWERSTrump Empathy [40 Points]- Through intuition, Vialle is able to grasp the inner principlesof the Trumps and apply them, even without sight. She is able to use many Trumpabilities instinctually, from Trump Identification, Trump Defense, Creating TrumpArtifacts (her sculptures), Trump Memory, Trump Spying, along with the basic ability tosense the physical and emotional condition of those around her or in Trumpcommunication with her. Had she sight, she would likely be Fiona’s rival in Trumptrickery.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERVialle's Signet Ring [16 Points]- Merlin described the ring as follows- "The band was of gold, thestone a milky green; the prongs of its setting caught it in a fashion to suggest some mantic spiderguarding dreamland treasures against the daybreak world." Incredibly valuable, Vialle's ring was agift from Random upon his enthronement, and was loaned to Prince Rinaldo to place her protectionover him. Powered by Trump, the ring allows Random or Vialle to "listen in" on the holder of thering by concentrating on the other.

-Able to Speak [1 Point]-Extraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]-Powered by Trump [4 Points]-Confers Extraordinary Psychic Sense on Wearer [5 Points]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]- There are two rings, the other of which is held by


ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- Random, as above.Rebman Court Devotee [4 Points]- Queen Moire, who views Vialle as a surrogate for herlost daughter Morganthè.

GOOD STUFF[+4 Points]· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (212)

VIALLE-QUEEN OF AMBER(150 Point Version)

It is somehow fitting that the Queen of Amber would be a Rebman subject. Fromher place in the Court of Rebma, Vialle along among the Amberites knows the sideeffects of Amber's schemes and their callous attitude towards the countless ranks of merehumanity. It is that attitude which set them upon the course of infighting and fratricide,and threatened to destroy the Universe in the process. In his love for Vialle, Randomknew humility and perhaps humanness, and became the man best suited for the kingship.

Moire may even have known that one day Random would become King ofAmber. Perhaps in Rebma, through its magic mirrors, or through some permutation inShadow only she was able to understand, Moire had a sense of what was to be and actedbrilliantly, enabling her to at once teach Random some humility, keep him away fromEric and Corwin's feud, and marry him to one of her own royal line, strengtheningRebma’s position and guaranteeing future goodwill between the two realms.

Current Objectives. Vialle as Queen is working to strengthen Amber through the newgeneration, hoping that in them, the ancient vendettas and rivalries will know an end. Shewill make every effort to understand them better and to ensure that they are not used astools in the Elder Amberites' games.

ATTRIBUTESPSYCHE - [70 Points]STRENGTH - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]ENDURANCE - Amber RankWARFARE - Chaos Rank [+10 Points]

POWERSEmpathic Magic [40 Points]- Vialle’s magical abilities concern physical and emotionalhealing, emotional manipulation and soothing, extrasensory perception, and the ability todetect emotional states in subjects without relying on conversational or visual clues. Shecan use these similar to several disciplines used by high-level Psyches, though her poweris less obtrusive, more natural, and easier to conceal from those it is used upon.Trump "Sculpture" [25 Points]- This variant ability of Vialle's lets her sculpt busts ofpeople which function similar to Trumps. The busts are in all ways similar to Trump,except that they are much less portable. It takes several days to make a proper TrumpSculpture, and Vialle must have a psychic picture of the subject, or have touched theirfacial features herself.

CREATURES & ARTIFACTS OF POWERVialle's Trump Sculptures [20 Points]- A side effect of Vialle's Trump Sculpture Power,these are busts of many of the Elder Amberites which she uses in conjunction with her· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (213)

Empathy to communicate and sometimes spy on the subjects, though only at Random'sbidding, which is rare. Excellently sculpted, they will only be recognized as TrumpArtifacts when they are touched. They each carry a psychic impression of the Amberite,which Vialle can ask questions of and the simulacrum will attempt to answer in the voiceand personality of the subject. They have been placed in many strategic points throughoutCastles Amber and Rebma.

-Able to Speak in Tongues & Voices [4 Points]-Psychic Neutral [2 Points]-Powered by Trump [4 Points]-Named & Numbered [*2 Points]-Vialle keeps about a dozen at any one time,

split evenly between Amber and Rebma.

ALLIESAmber Court Devotee [6 Points]- Random, as above.Rebman Court Devotee [4 Points]- Queen Moire, as above.Family Friend [2 Points]- Rinaldo, King of Kashfa, whom Vialle forgave his vendettaagainst Amber, placing him under her protection. It is a debt which he will gladly laydown his life to repay.

GOOD STUFF[+3 Points]

GM TIPS FOR PLAYING VIALLE Vialle is a woman of extraordinary character, gentle and with a core of strength

which many of the Amberites admire. In some way, she softened the anger and thebitterness that made Random a rebel against his siblings and his father, and her presencein Amber has brought some light into what was sometimes a very grim place.

In many ways, treat Vialle as the calm in the eye of the storm. Events in Ambercan get pretty crazy, but Vialle will always be the one with the sensible solution or thewords of wisdom at times of crisis. With the younger generation, she will treat them witha mixture of motherhood and companionship, reminding them of their duties to Amberand their kin, while being truthful and direct with them, warning them of the plots whichswirl about them.

Vialle virtually defines integrity and decency, and is the closest embodiment tohuman morality the Court might offer. She's got nothing to hide. Perhaps her blindnessmay be thought of a metaphor for her personality. She has no schemes, takes part in noplotting, and needs little to make her happy. Vialle may be the strangest of Amber's longline of Queens, and perhaps for this reason, she will outlast the others.

VIALLE AS MOTHERAs child to the King and Queen of Amber, Vialle's child will automatically

become Heir to Amber, assuming legitimacy. One advantage such an offspring mighthave over Martin, Random's and Morganthè's son, is that any child born into wedlockwith Random and Vialle is legitimate, and by Corwin's interpretation of the succession,that means they take precedence over any bastards.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (214)

Though Vialle seems a bit young for children, and has only been married toRandom for a decade or so at the time of the events in Merlin's books of the Chronicles, itis possible that Random and she have already had a child, providing a proper heir to theThrone in the event that Martin is not recognized as such.

Such an offspring would have an interesting life, being protected by Random andperhaps spending a youth in fast-time Shadows (or even Shadow Earth), learning thesurvival skills necessary to become a Prince or Princess of Amber. No matter where theirchild is born and raised, Vialle will undoubtedly spend considerable time teaching thechild and seeing that it has attention and love, hoping to avoid the fractious brood whichOberon sired.

VIALLE AS A PLAYER IN THE GAMES OF THE AMBER COURTAs Random's wife and advisor, Vialle will often give Random wise counsel

which he might otherwise ignore. Such advice will generally be to proceed on the side ofcaution, and to use violence as a last resort only, though she is no stranger to the moreunsubtle ways of diplomacy.

As Queen of Amber, Vialle is well-skilled in diplomacy and negotiation, and is acompetent hostess. Her blindness causes many to underestimate her resources, andperhaps it is this that makes many respect her, for she turns it into a strength.

As she said to Corwin, blindness "can embitter a person, or it can give him agreater joy in those things which he does not have." Vialle is clearly the second sort ofperson, and this makes her beloved by those she now rules.


Absent from Rebma on a full-time basis now that she has responsibilities inAmber, Vialle continues to be an important figure in Rebman politics through herposition in Amber, her friendship with Llewella and her relationship with Moire. Shereports to them on Amberite affairs (within the bounds of state security, of course), andacts as an ambassador between the two nations. Her loyalties are now to Amber, however,and it is Amber and her husband Random which she will side with in event ofdisagreement with Amber and Rebma.

Constant Allies & Enemies: Obviously, Vialle's closest ally in Amber is Random,though she is on good terms with most of the Amberites, particularly Corwin, Gérard, andMerlin. She knew Martin from his childhood and is fond of him, and has known and likedLlewella from their days together back in Rebma. Queen Moire is also closely allied toVialle, and even King Rinaldo of Kashfa owes her for the official protection she extendedto him.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (215)

THE PEOPLE OF REBMAThe people of Rebma are strange to those of Amber, possessing different

appearances, language, dress, behavior, and many other factors which are emphasized bytheir environment. Curiously, Rebmans find little unusual or unsettling about Amber'sfolk, and are accustomed to dealing with the reactions of surface dwellers towards theirways and their selves.

Appearance. The Rebmans presented in the Chronicles differ greatly in personalappearance. Centuries of breeding with surface dwellers have created a gene pool inwhich almost permutation of coloration and physical characteristics are possible.Following are descriptions of four Rebmans of different amounts of Rebman blood. Howthis affects the appearance of Rebman citizens and nobles is a matter for the Game Masterto decide on an individual basis.

A Noble Rebman- Queen Moire

A woman sat upon the throne in the glassite room I almost recalled, and her hairwas green, though streaked with silver, and her eyes were as round as moons of jade andher brows rose like the wings of olive gulls.

Moire, as seen by CorwinNine Princes in Amber (p. 69)

Moire is as pure-blooded Rebman as they come, bearing little of the signs ofhuman lineage. Green hair, pale skin, arched eyebrows, rounded green eyes, and greenlips. Like the guardsmen whom Corwin encountered at the foot of Faiella-bionin, sheappears slightly inhuman, possessing a strange grace and stillness.

Those with the undiluted royal blood of Rebma have pale skin tinged with a fainttrace of green, blue, or even pink. Their hair is usually dark and ranges from the blue,black, or green end of the color spectrum- occasionally purple or crimson. These colorscan be bright, subdued, or mere highlights in otherwise black hair. Bodily hair is scarce,almost nonexistent. Lips, the inside of the mouth, nipples, and the surrounds of the eyeare usually a concentrated shade of the skin tone, or might match the hair color.

Eyes are often rounded and catlike, with widely dilating pupils which allow everyfraction of available light to enter. At the ocean floor, natural light is scarce and the eyesadapt to collect as much as possible. Most Rebmans' eyes might seem entirely black inRebma, the pupils shrinking in proportion to the available light. In daylight above thewater, the pupils might resemble mere slits, surrounded with color which is usually green,though sometimes blue, hazel, gray, or even violet. It is likely, though unknown, thatRebmans have an inner eyelid to protect their eyes from bright sunlight.

These characteristics of the royal line of Rebma shows descent from the Tritons,and the common folk of later generations show more of the results of human-Rebmanintermarriage. The advantage of Triton Blood allows the character the benefit of the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (216)

distinctive Triton lineage and direct descent from those beings.

An Amberite-Rebman Noble- Llewella

"Everybody's been so busy lately," Llewella remarked when I'd finished talking."It almost makes me feel guilty."

I studied the delicate green of her more-than-olive complexion, her full lips, herlarge catlike eyes.

"But not quite," she added.

Sign of Chaos (p. 43)

Like Moire, Llewella's complexion is greenish, her hair green, eyes catlike. Sheappears to be exactly what she is, a Rebman of noble blood. This is confusing due to thefact that Llewella's blood is second generation Amberite, as she is Oberon's daughter.One would think that the blood would be dilute, and she would show more signs ofhuman blood, due to her nearness to an Amber parent. The Triton lineage shows stronglyin Llewella, which raises questions on her mother Moins.

Another Amber-Rebman noble- Martin

He was several inches taller than Random, but of the same light build. His chinand cheekbones had the same general cut to them, his hair was of a similar texture.

MartinThe Hand of Oberon (p. 279)

Martin, on the other hand, looks just like his Amberite father. No mention is madeof any tinge to his skin, any oddness to his eyes, or an odd hair color (at least, a naturalhair color, considering his current orange mohawk).

Though his mother is the daughter of the Queen of Rebma, Martin doesn't showany of his Rebman lineage in his features or coloration.

Little is known of Morganthè, especially regarding her father. Her description inthe Rebman Court section of this sourcebook lists as a possibility her being the child ofan Amberite such as Oberon, Benedict, or even Random himself. If this is the case, thenshe herself may have shown little Rebman blood, and henceforth, her child would haveshown almost none. See her description for further details.

A Rebman Subject- Vialle

Vialle is only a little over five feet tall and quite slim. Brunette, fine featured, verysoft-spoken.

The Hand of Oberon (p. 189)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (217)

Vialle, one of Moire's subjects, also seems to have little of the appearance of theRebman royal line. Nothing is mentioned of any exotic coloration or physical features,and from this we can conclude that she might be an example of a normal denizen ofRebma, human in appearance due to generations of breeding with surface dwellers.Without knowing who her parents are, it is difficult to speculate on Vialle's geneticmakeup.

A possibility is that Human-Rebman unions are often born with birth defects(such as blindness) due to some genetic quirk, making "normal" Rebman-Human childrensomewhat rare. Of course, dominant Amberite genes being what they are, this would notaffect Amberite-Rebman offspring. Perhaps this sheds new light on Moire's willingnessto subject Vialle to marriage with Random and her own coupling with Corwin.

Physique. Due to their constant immersion and the swimming that they mustdo in their waking hours, Rebmans are unusually fit and strong. Their diet is especiallyhealthy, consisting mainly of foods found within the sea, so they tend to be extremelylong-lived, and enjoy superlative health for most of their lives. They are usually thin orlean, and generally have a musculature which is pronounced about the neck, chest,shoulders, and legs. Rebmans are also, obviously, incredible swimmers for the most part,being capable of a grace and speed in the water that few surface dwellers can match. Theycan maneuver at high speeds in water with precision, and accomplish with ease a numberof feats which would tax Olympic-level swimmers. They can spring from the water as adolphin can, swim indefinitely, fall into water from great heights with relatively littleinjury, swim against extreme currents, and other appropriate feats. Rebmans do not sufferfrom any disorientation while underwater, and can find their bearings quickly, even inextreme darkness or turmoil while immersed.

Making Rebmans More Fishlike. There is no reason that GameMasters and players couldn’t choose to make their Rebmans even less human lookingthan Moire and Llewella. Like the woman shown in one of the Trumps on the cover ofthe rulebook, Rebmans might possess scales, a variety of fins protruding from forearms,calves, cheeks, and in place of hair. They might have vestigal tails, or ridges of fin alongtheir spines. They might be outright inhuman, with cold blood and an entirely differentskeletal system and musculature. Eyes could be fishlike and black, and long “whiskers”could protrude in place of facial hair. Perhaps a form of racial discrimination exists inRebma, with those showing signs of “ fishiness” being held to be superior to the human-like Rebmans, or disliked for their old and inferior bloodline.

It should go without saying that portraying racism in a role-playing game is adelicate matter and should only be handled with the utmost reluctanc. It should never beintegrated into a game where such a portrayal can limit the enjoyment of the players andthe possibilities their characters have in exploring and adventuring in a world free frommany of the problems of this one.


"Llewella...."· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (218)

She muttered something I didn't understand in some lisping Rebman dialect. Justas well, probably.

Merlin and LlewellaSign of Chaos (p. 102)

The official language in Rebma is Thari, which is also the tongue of the Amberand the Courts of Chaos. Due to the differences in their histories and the number ofunderwater races with which the Rebman people do commerce with, there is an unofficialargot of Thari called Tyree, which is best described as having a lisping, high-pitchedtone. Most Rebmans speak both Tyree and Thari, and while the languages are related, it isnearly impossible for a speaker of only one to understand the other without someexperience listening to it. Some other languages spoken in the surrounding kingdoms ofthe Coral Branch are Theril, Sarree, and Tyri, all of which have a common backgroundwith Tyree. Speakers of only Thari will be hard-pressed to comprehend these branchtongues without knowing the Rebman roots in Tyree. When speaking in Thari, mostRebmans betray their Tyree accent initially, though it fades with time spent abroad.

Diet. The Rebman diet is considerably healthy, compared to medieval standards andthose to be found above the water in Amber. As can be expected, it consists mostly offish and shellfish, with considerable sea-greens and other vegetables grown below thewater and harvested by Rebma’s “ farmers.” Some foods are brought below from Amberfor special occasions, but mostly, Rebmans eat their own diet of bounty from the sea.They drink little wine or alcohol in Rebma, or for that matter, much liquid at all, andbaked goods are unheard of. Vegetables are popular, as are fruits and other natural foods.Soups, broths, and stews, for obvious reasons, are not consumed in Rebma. Walking intoa Rebman kitchen is an interesting experience, for the flavors of all the foods beingprepared permeate the waters, in some cases making a rich, though varied broth of itsown. Careful consideration is given to selecting harmonious meals which will not createwild clashes of taste.

After we had eaten- and I had learned the trick of eating underwater, which Imight detail later on if circ*mstances really warrant-

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 73)

On the rare occasions Rebmans do drink liquids like alcohols, it must be donethrough steel straws or other specially created drinking vessels. Using a normal goblet orvessel is possible, though pouring must be done very carefully and drinks are sippedslowly and carefully. Rebmans eat with the usual implements, though spoons are rarelyused for obvious reasons, and hands are used much more than above the water’s surface.It is considered poor form to “wash” one’s hands in the water above the table, and smalltowels are usually provided for this task.

Dining in Rebma requires particular deftness and attention to what one is doing,not so much due to difficulty, but to avoid food drifting out of the mouth while chewingor speaking. For these reasons, meals in Rebma are usually silent affairs. Drinking from· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (219)

Another unusual characteristic of Rebman dietary practices is their habit of many smallermeals or snacks during the day, other then three large ones. This continual feeding keepsthem from growing hungry and gives them a continual supply of energy which they needgiven their environment and the effort needed to dwell in it. Due to their lack of a day-night cycle, Rebmans tend to eat whenever they feel like it, and group meals are notcommon affairs.

Temperment. This trait differs just as greatly from individual to individual inRebma as it does above the water, though there are some noteable characteristics aboutthe Rebman psyche which are worth describing here. As one can imagine, a lot of theRebman concept of self-identity is tied up with their feelings towards Amber.

Rebmans exhibit a wide range of feelings towards Amber, from loathing, dislike,grudging respect, fascination, and even outright embracement of all things and personsAmberish. In speech with non-Rebmans, Rebmans have an almost unconscious tendencyto constantly refer to Amber and Rebma, seperating the two and always clarifying orexpounding on any differences between features or conditions between the two realms.Many Rebmans see themselves as underdogs, or the losers in a war which was neverfought, and resent Amber for its supremacy in the universe of Shadows. To counter this,there is a strong sense of pride in the Rebman identity, and this leads Rebmans to do andsay things when outside Rebma which emphasize their “Rebmanity.”

For the most part, they are a peace-loving people, and generally stoic when itcomes to the trials which the outside world inflicts upon Rebma and her people. In mostinstances, these trials are often in the form of Amber and its progeny, a fact that is not lostamong the Rebman public.

Another interesting characteristic of the Rebman people is their tendency towardscasualness about areas of human behavior such as sex, nudity, and violence. All of theseare a part of the way of nature around them, and they do not object to any of them unlessit is taken out of its proper context as a part of the rich and varied tapestry of life beneaththe sea.

Customs. Rebmans are surprisingly practical in their daily lives, and equallyformal in their politcial relations. They are direct in speech, and blunt almost to the pointof tactlessness (or so it seems to Amberites). They rarely do anything without reason, andthough their behavoir seems sometimes remote and strange, it is usually with good cause.Take swimming, for example:

After about twenty paces, my brother said “Screw!” and stepped off the staircaseand began swimming downward alongside it.

“It is faster that way,” said Moire.“And it is a long way down,” said Deirdre, knowing the distance of the one in

Amber.So we all stepped off and swam downward through the darkness, beside the

glowing, twisting thing.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 17)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (220)

Swimming is common, though indoors it is customarily prohibited or at leastfrowned upon. This is not due to any sense of decorum, but rather the uncomfortablepossibility of being kicked in the face by a passerby or family member. Anotherdisadvantage is the chance of kicking over things with strong currents or wayward limbs. Most people only swim outdoors or while alone. Children are routinely prohibited fromswimming in the house. To do so indoors in company is considered rude, howeverpractical, a fact which many surface dwellers learn eventually.

Rebmans make many pets of sea-dwelling creatures, from the dolphins they swimwith to small scavengers they keep in their homes. These beings are never kept penned orleashed, and are allowed to roam free. They are also fond of sports involving swimmingprowess and manuverability, and of other games involving boards and heavy tiles orcounters. One popular variation of the traditional puzzle is a mirror minorly enchanted tofreeze an image within, then break into shards, which must then be reassembled correctlybefore the image is released and the mirror’s integrity restored. From there, another imageis able to be captured.

Dress. As one might imagine, the freedom and demands of dwelling underwater, evenin Rebma's unique environment, creates a radically different fashion sense. Corwin'sobservations about the clothing of Rebma's soldiers and Queen Moire indicate that scantgarments are preferred, allowing for freedom of movement and grace in swimming.

Traditional garb consists of trunks or kilts of scaled material, usually either fromsome sea-creature or made of metallic weave, short cloaks, and wide belts from whichhang weapons or pouches. This manner of dress is standard for both men and women,with some variations offered by current styles or personal preference.

There is no taboo for nudity, and in some quarters, it is commonplace. Childrenreach their early teens before beginning to wear clothing, and women commonly go bare-breasted in Rebma. This casualness regarding nakedness is sensible and unselfconsciousto Rebmans, and they regard surface dwellers who continue to wear surface clothingwhile in Rebma as somewhat prudish and quaint.

Ornamentation is commonplace, with rings, wristlets, armlets, anklets, bangles,earrings, various hair ornaments, necklaces, torcs, pendants, medallions, or other forms ofjewelry regularly worn. Clothing is often decorated with repeating patterns or motifs fromsea (shells, small fish, waves, coral formations, etc...), and solid colors are often edgedwith decorative borders. Clasps for belts, cloaks, and kilts are often in the form of sea-shells.

All clothing is typically of colors which are found on the sea-floor, or are colorswhich blend harmoniously with the strange lighting there. Silver is more commonly usedthan gold, and gems or precious substances worn are traditionally of colors such as blue,green, grey, turquoise, white, black, or pale pastels such as salmon, mauve, and teal.

Many Rebmans who travel away from their homes adopt the dress of theirnewfound home, such as Llewella, Vialle, and Martin, who wear garb appropriate toAmber. In Rebma, they might revert back to their Rebman manner of dress, perhaps evensurprising their traditional-dressing kin folk.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (221)

Arms and Armor. Rebman fighters are known for their speed and skill. In aworld where few people wear armor of any sort, due to its clumsiness and weight, theemphasis on combat has switched to quick maneuvering and attacking, with dodges andparrying being trusted more than shield-work.

Weapons. While in Amber, the longsword, saber, or rapier is commonly used,those weapons see little function in Rebma, due to their emphasis on steady footwork andbalance. The watery environment in Rebma creates situations where more convenientweapons are needed. Short, double-bladed swords are common in Rebma, and are thetraditional weapon of their military. Daggers are also common, with patterns such as thewavy blades of the Malaysian kris are regularly used. Long and short spears are useful intimes of war, and thin-bladed axes are often used, with long spikes on the reverse.

Missile weapons are uncommon due to their lack of reliability, though spears andheavy javelins are sometimes used at relatively short ranges. A Rebman crossbow exists,though it is more like a spear-gun than an actual bow. These are used infrequently due tothe slowness of reloading and their inaccuracy.

Armor. When an opponent can swim around you, attacking you from above ordown very low, the need for speedy maneuvering and uninhibited movement is high.Because of the weight of most metal armors and the difficulties they place uponswimmers, most Rebmans deign to wear any form of armor, save for kilts or trunks ofscaled metal to protect the groin and abdomen. Greaves for the arms and legs aresometimes worn, as are shoulder plates and the occasional light breastplate. Helmets arecommon for soldiers during wartime, bearing high, wavy plumes of bright, sometimeseven luminous colors.

Transportation. While using sea-beasts for as beasts of transport is a popularimage in many myths and figures prominently in much of Rebman artwork, the fact ofthe matter is that many sea-creatures are difficult to train, unwilling to bear humanpassengers, or even anatomically suited for such use. As the Sea-Horse is the symbol ofthe Rebman people, it is considered sacrileige to ride one. Dolphins and porpoises areactually quite willing to let others “ ride” them, but cannot survive the environment of thedepths around Rebma, and few bother to swim down Faiella-bionin. However, some havebeen brought into Rebma, where they are safe from the pressure and the cold. Largerbeasts such as whales are occasionally used, but they present a host of other difficulties.Actual domestication of sea-creatures is unheard of, but it is not uncommon for Rebmansto “ hitch” a ride on a sea-creature, using enchantments or harnesses to guide them, or toConjure creatures for a short-term use. A variety of specially shaped harnesses, leads,tethers, and even saddles are available for the different sea-beasts used in this manner.There are even some chariots or palanquins which are designed to be borne by sea-creatures, though these are infrequently used.

One of the more novel means of transportation available to Rebmans is a variationon a sailboat, a small craft with a large sail-like fin used to catch currents and to use themfor propulsion. These range in complexity and size from something similar to a sail-boardto a large vessel shaped like a catamaran with a forward-sweeping sail-fin. These are the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (222)

most popular means of transportation from the waters surrounding Rebma to thekingdoms of the Coral Branch. Other vessels, from simple steam-powered submersiblesto fission-powered submarines have been tried, with varying though limited degrees ofsuccess.

The traditional swimming gear of swim-fins (or flippers) is also available to mostRebmans and is commonly used. Other gear, such as face-masks, goggles, weightedbelts,water-flashlights & torches, and wet-suits have been introduced to Rebma, thoughhave had little practical use and are uncommon.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (223)

BRINGING THE SEA TO LIFECorwin's lack of knowledge about Rebma before traversing the Pattern there, and his lack

of interest afterwards, leaves us in the dark about many of Rebma’s mysteries. What we do knowabout Rebma presents us with a curious mix of the unexplained impossible (survival in thepressures on Faiella-bionin, fires burning in Rebma, and breathing underwater), and the hinted-atconditions which are affected by the environment such as the activities of the water on thePattern and the trick of eating underwater.

This section presents players and Game Masters with many details and descriptions ofexactly what the sea-floor is like, and how it might affect role-playing.

Anyone familiar with oceanography or marine biology will no doubt find manydiscrepancies in this sourcebook. The purpose of these guidelines is not to provide anauthoritative guide to the Earth's waters (of which there are many such guides), but to provide ageneral set of suggestions on how to utilize the undersea environment in Amber roleplaying.

LIVING UNDERWATERFollowing are a number of ways in which day-to-day living conditions in Rebma are

affected by the underwater environment and ways which they might be brought into the role-playing arena by Game Master and player alike.

Life Under Pressure.Going underwater involves moving into areas where the air-pressure inside the body is

often shifted out of balance with the air which surrounds humans above the surface of the water.Though those who visit the city of Rebma have an immunity to these forces, they are describedin full below to allow the Game Master to understand the physical environment which surroundsRebma and how it might be altered within Rebma, or used in campaigns.

Decompression. Rapidly moving from one pressure to another can be harmful onhuman tissue, due to the pressure of the oxygen in the environment acting against oxygen storedin human tissue. Due to the Pattern’s influence in Rebma and the Coral Branch, Rebmans areprotected against this harmful effect, but most sea-life is without any such ability to surviveserious changes in their surrounding pressure. Almost all sea-creatures have a range of depth(and its attendant pressures) to which they are accustomed, from which they stray onlymarginally, preferring to exist entirely in a narrow horizontal world. Many fish, when brought upfrom their depths, suffer painfully and can even die instantly from being unable to make therapid adjustment needed to survive the changes in pressure. Many marine animals are incapableof these changes.

Humankind, on the other hand, is similarly limited to the upper reaches of the sea,without assistance of technological or magical help. In a world where the atmospheric pressureincreases threefold for every hundred feet, man's role in unaided sea-exploration is veryrestricted.

At ten atmospheres or more, normal humans (or Human Ranked in Endurance) simplycannot handle the pressure without powerful diving equipment. Chaosians have a better time of it(perhaps you might allow them to survive in depths of up to 15 atmospheres) and AmberiteRanked characters could survive much deeper, even using the Attribute Ladder as a rough guide· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (224)

to how far the relative Amberites could survive before being injured or even killed by thepressures which come to bear upon them.

Drowning. In the breathing process (as practiced outside of water), the spongy tissue ofthe lungs fill with oxygen, which then pass through the cell walls into the red blood cells.Normally in Rebma, the oxygen in the water is separated by a similar process, and the remaininghydrogen is expelled. If for some reason, a character passes beyond the protection of Rebma'sboundaries, then drowning becomes a threat.

First, as the lungs fill with water, characters may begin to lose muscular control. Theymay panic, thrashing about. As the brain is deprived of oxygen, they will likely loseconsciousness, blacking out and going limp. Remember that it's not just a matter of holding one'sbreath. The crucial factor is how long a character can survive without oxygen being pumped intothe bloodstream, which feeds the brain. Holding a mouthful of expelled carbon dioxide isactually counter-productive to spending time underwater without an oxygen supply. GameMasters might use Endurance as a relative measure of how long a character can hold out againstdrowning.

The heart and brain of a character Ranked Human level in Endurance will continue tofunction for several minutes after drowning, making resuscitation a possibility to anyone withsome first aid training. Chaos Rank Endurance allows characters considerably more time,perhaps fifteen minutes of functionality, and Amber Rank and above characters can survive formuch greater lengths of time.

Some potential side effects of near death by drowning are respiratory problems,occasional fainting spells, dizziness, and possible brain damage. Characters' Endurance andShape Shifting abilities will negate or shorten recovery time dramatically.

To be fair, however, there are cases of people surving drowning in ice-cold water forgreater periods of time, and people recovering from death due to the combination of cold anddrowning. These instances are flukes, or minor miracles, but could be invoked to give playercharacters a fighting chance against such implaccable foes as cold and water.

Movement Underwater. Surface dwellers find their movements hampered by theirclothing, causing most Rebmans to adopt dress of clinging or minimal clothing. Swimming isdifficult while fully dressed, due to the weight and drag which clothing causes, making mostvisitors consider the virtues of native dress. Similarly, running is next to impossible, as well asother activities which require speedy, unimpeded movement. Jumping, however, is made easier,due to the buoyancy which the water provides to the human body. Characters will find thatclimbing and other activities which utilize their muscular force in opposition to their body weightare much easier while beneath the water.

One interesting side effect of this is the apparent grace and stateliness of the Rebmanbody language. They seem to be very impressive, moving with a reserve that appears dignified tosurface dwellers. This is in fact a response to the fact that rapid movement is difficultunderwater, and that slow, steady movement is sure and less tiring.

Injuries Underwater. Because of the greater pressure of the environment, getting hurtin Rebma can be additionally complicating in some cases, less so in others. Slashes and light stabwounds are generally treated the same, though with the traditional Game Master dramatic license(describing a character's lifeblood as swirling away before her eyes is very dramatic and sounds· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (225)

life-threatening, even if the injury is relatively minor). Bruises and concussion wounds willbecome harder to deliver and to receive, as the force of the swing is blunted somewhat by thewater. Falls will be much less severe, and suffocation holds its own special conditions. Fire as aform of damage is almost negligible, unless it is sorcerously created or chemical in nature.

Perception.Under the sea's surface, human senses do not work the same as they do in the world

above. Our sensory input determines most of what we know about the world around us. To alteror limit that input can change a lot about what we experience. It can be frightening, exhilarating,and even empowering. Additionally, most Amber characters aren't limited to the traditionalhuman senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. They also have a variety of Psychicsenses, from simple Psyche, to Logrus Vision, Pattern, and other magical means of perception.Following are some ways in which the primary senses are changed or limited, and somesuggestions for dealing with the others while in Rebma or otherwise underwater.

Sight. Vision is somewhat limited in the depths of the ocean, due to the scarcity ofavailable light caused the tiny particles of plankton and other matter which shroud the upperlevels of the ocean. Despite the amount of matter in the waters above, the water below issurprisingly clear, due to several reasons, the two main ones being that most of the matter aboveis consumed by various sea-creatures, and that in the darkness of the ocean floor, plankton(which is a plant and uses photosynthesis for sustenance) has a difficult time growing. Thisrelative clearness allows light sources greater range on the ocean floor than in the upper reaches.despite this, though, the floor of the ocean is dark. Pitch black in some places. Sight based oninfrared vision or ultraviolet vision won't work very well, because those rays are filtered outbefore they reach the depths of the ocean. Thusly, most of the light in Rebma is artificiallygenerated. The limitation this places on Shadow Shifting is considerable, which is why one of thefirst changes a Shadow Shifter will make regards the available light and their ability to detect it.

Hearing. Sound is not affected the same as light when underwater. In fact, the oppositeis true. Sound travels more than four times faster underwater than in air. Because water is moreelastic than air, it enables sound waves to pass through it more effectively. Sound not onlytravels faster, it travels farther, enabling creatures like whales to fill oceans with their echoingsongs, communicating over vast distances. While some would think the sea is silent, this far fromthe truth. In fact, an astonishing variety of sounds can be heard, from the above-mentioned songsof various sea-creatures, the sounds of waves above crashing on themselves and on the shores,and any man-made sounds such as sailing ships, engines, and even sonar.

Random glanced at me from where he moved at my left side, and I heard his voice. It wasas though I had my ear pressed against the bottom of a bathtub and each of his words came asthe sound of someone kicking upon the side.

Nine Princes in Amber (p. 65)

Though the sounds the characters hear might sound different to them initially, theyshould be delighted to find that their sense of hearing has increased immensely. Due to the fact· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (226)

that sound passes through water more easily, the vibrational waves for many sounds can even befelt by especially sensitive characters. Shape Shifters might wish to modify their bodies tobecome more receptive to these sound waves, greatly increasing their range of hearing.

Other Senses. Of the remaining senses, smell and taste suffer the most, unaccustomed ashuman olfactory nerves and taste buds are to the salt-heavy environment under the ocean. First-timers to Rebma (or other undersea kingdoms) will first find that they are effectively "blind" inthese senses, with salt overriding the tastes and smells of everything. Once some time is spentthere, characters will be able to differentiate between smells and tastes, finally becomingreceptive to the full spectrum of taste and scent around them.

In fact, they will be able to taste or smell some things better than ever, because of thewater's ability to carry particles and keep them in the water for longer than the particles mightlast above water. Cutting someone might result in the smell (and taste) of blood lingering in thewater for hours, depending on where it is done and what types of currents move through there.Similarly, characters might be able to actually "smell fear," by both tasting and smelling theparticles of nervous sweat released from another being. With use of the Shape Shifting power,this ability can even be sharpened to perform as a sort of natural lie detector, if desired.

The body's ability to sense things through touch will be augmented somewhat also.Obviously, the character's nervous systems will be registering "wet" all the time while in Rebma.The factor of temperature will become very noticeable, with characters receptive to the slightestdifferences in water temperature, due to different sources such as currents or physical activities.The motion of water is also easy to detect, and especially sensitive characters will find that theycan even "listen" to their bodies to feel the currents about them. In pitch blackness, this can beused to maneuver, or to detect the presence of someone moving to attack the character. Blindedcharacters can "feel" the movement of others, physical barriers, and objects in the waters aboutthem much more effectively than they can sense them in air.

Sea creatures use a variant of the sense of touch called the lateral line system, in whichthey sense the flow of water and movement around them through various pores within their skinand the way it affects small detecting organs, similar to the way people hear by feeling thevibration of sound waves against the eardrum.

Magical Senses. Various types of enhanced senses can have different, none, or the sameeffects if used in Rebma, depending on which is used and how the Game Master views Rebma.Here are some suggestions for different types of perceptions and how they might be affected:

Psyche. Using Psyche to sense psychic, mental, or magical presence and activity isunaltered in Rebma. The ability for Psyche to detect the presence of the Pattern, ShadowShifting, Chaos, objects of Power, Trump, and other abilities depends entirely on the characterusing the Attribute and the situation. Depending on the Game Master's view of Rebma, thepresence of the Pattern there or the existence of an alternate Rebman universe might affect someor all of those abilities.

Warfare. Two of the five categories under the Warfare Attribute might be affected whilein Rebma: Tactical Vision and Strategy. This can play havoc with the character's ability, lettingcharacters weaker in that Attribute take advantage of them initially. Characters from Rebma willundoubtedly know how to exploit these advantages, though Game Masters might feel justified in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (227)

turning the tables around for Rebmans out of their element.For example, Tactical Vision might be affected positively, with characters gaining more

information about the intentions of those around them due to clues gained from other senses suchas touch and scent, improved by immersion in water.

On the other hand, Strategy suddenly takes on a new dimension, that of the waters aboveand possibly below the character. Suddenly, troop movement, flanking, lines of communication,supply lines, ambushes, and so on are all greatly different in a Rebma. Personal combat suddenlybecomes greatly different with characters able to swim in from above and move rapidly out ofthe way through diving or quick swimming.

Superior Warfare might be able to get the most of a missile weapon, but it won't make itwork well if it can't normally in Rebma. Bows are still next to useless, as are firearms and mostprojectile-throwers, due to the resistance of water.

Despite these disadvantages, one of the elements of Warfare is the ability to learn, adapt,and turn one's weaknesses into strengths, and vice versa. It seems likely that most Amberiteswith reasonable Warfare Attributes have trained for the experience of fighting underwater, andwon't take too long to adapt.

Pattern Mindwalking, Looking Through the Pattern Lens, DetectingTraces of Pattern, and Pattern Recognition. All of these abilities which use the Patternto sense the presence of other people, places, or things can be used in Rebma without difficulty,as Rebma's own Pattern can be used for this purpose. If it has been established in the campaignthat Rebma's Pattern is somehow distinct and independent from Amber's, then it might be moredifficult to manifest these abilities for adepts of Patterns other than Rebma's own. Traversingboth Patterns should enable characters to use their abilities without difficult in both places.

Logrus Sight. Because the Logrus is far from its point of origin, in Rebma Logrus Sighttakes a bit more time to bring to mind, but otherwise works identically as anywhere else. Thetype of information about Pattern or magic in Rebma that will be gained through examinationthrough the Logrus Sight depends on whatever view the Game Master takes of Rebma'sexistence.

Psychological Aspects.Among the greatest ways that life in Rebma differs from Amber is in the mind-set which

must be assumed. With Rebma, the Game Master presents the existence of an entire new world,or even a new universe, for Amber players to explore and adventure within! The fact that it issimilar to the "known" universe in many ways makes the differences that much more interestingto exploit an utilize in role-playing.

For some idea of what this is like, try to imagine that there is a place which is almost amirror-image of your home. People look very much the same there, buildings are near identical,and so on. There are some weird differences, however. They speak a different language, similarto yours, and everywhere there are the sights of the half-remembered, instilling in you a strangesense of deja vu no matter where you go. Even for an Amberite, this is an unsettling experience.Accustomed to thinking of their home as the focal point for the universe, in Rebma they arestrangers in a land that it exactly like Amber, though reversed. Say you don't like Amber thatmuch. In Llewella's case, this leads her to wholeheartedly embrace the place as her home. Martin,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (228)

however, seems to hate Rebma for what it's not (namely, Amber), and didn't return after leaving.The simplest thing that may be said of Rebma is that while Shadow might offer an

infinity of new experience, Rebma is the place which alters what is known and forces it to belooked at in a new light.

In most Tarot symbology, the sea and water has extreme emotional or psychologicalconnotations. As one of the most powerful forces in the Amber universe is Trump, based on ourTarot cards, this should be the case in Rebma as well.

The Sea as Reflection of Self. Consider what a mirror does: when you look at one,you aren't paying attention to the mirror itself. No, you're looking at your reflection. Mirrors,curiously enough, allow you to look away from yourself and yet see yourself in a way clearer andmore objective than you can without one. Humankind, throughout history, especially inliterature, have looked to the sea to "find themselves." as the lure of the sea as a means of self-examination is powerful.

Looking Into the Soul. Alone in the sea, one looks inward rather than outward. Theunchanging landscape on the ocean's surface and the darkness of the depth serves as a sort ofcultural deprivation tank, ridding a person of the distractions of other people, responsibility, andduty. This can be an enlightening experience, stripping away all the cultural "junk" which makesup so much of the human character and revealing what is beneath it.

The Sea as a Living Being. Another way to view the sea is that is an enormous livingbeing- amorphous bodied with salt-water for veins and currents its arteries. It has numerousparasites, and numerous sources of foods within it. In some ways, it can be viewed as a self-contained system in a way that dry land cannot. If the Jewel of Judgement, source of the Pattern,can be regarded as the focus for Amber's existence, then the Rebman Jewel is every much thesource of the world of Rebma and the Rebman universe. Contemporary marine biologists areeven considering the evolution of species from a water environment to land as being the sea itselfmoving onto land for greater diversity.

The Natural Order.The sea is rich in life, teeming with a myriad variety of creatures of which we have

identified but a fraction. These creatures exist in a delicate balance of ecosystems and habitats,with behavior which has been delineated over millions of years of evolution. In the sea,everything has its place, and every creature has a part in the immense, deceptively calm storm ofturbulence which makes up life in the waters of the world. The deepest reaches of the sea areknown to house some living beings, making the sea one giant basin of life, similar to any forestor jungle on earth, though far more diverse in the variety and function of life there.

The Struggle for Food. At the very base of the food pyramid is plankton, a variety ofsingle-celled organisms which support most of the life in the sea. It grows plentifully in mostwaters, and all a fish has to do to collect it is open its mouth and swim. Above this are creatureswhich eat the plants which grow within the sea, protein-rich vegetables such as kelp. Next arethose creatures prey on the smaller fish, perhaps hunting them down individually, or swallowing· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (229)

whole schools of them at once. This expands to larger fish, and finally to the great predators suchas sharks, who upon death, return to enrich the sea water around them.

Geography.Unlike what most people might believe, the sea is not one vast, rippled plain which sinks

away from the land and has little in the way of its own landmarks. Imagine a place with cliffsthousands of feet tall, mountain ranges thousands of miles long, and entire chains of activevolcanos, some taller than Mount Everest. Trenches several miles deep are not uncommon, andcoral reefs the sizes of small islands are regular. Abyssal plains thousands of miles across arealso there, as well as valleys much larger than anything imagined on the Earth.

In short, the world of the sea is majestic, dealing in a scales more than most humans canever comprehend. Even the stalwarts of Amber and Chaos, who are accustomed to such things inShadow, are sometimes taken aback by the suddenness and the incredible variety ofenvironments which the sea has to offer.

Currents. The sea even has its own system of currents, similar to air currents, sendingmillions of gallons of warm or cold water through areas regularly. Many exist near the surface,but there are many below the water's surface, sometimes a mile or two deep. This forcetransforms terrain over the course of the centuries, and affects all the creatures who dwell in thesea. It renews the waters, and brings in fresh water and life into the area. Most Rebmans arefamiliar with these currents, and use them when traveling beneath the waves. These are used likeair-currents are used for airplanes, or highways for motor vehicles, and their use is commonplaceamong Rebmans, as well as much of the sea-life, intelligent or not.

Some of the major currents are marked on nearby rock formations, identified in ancientrunes. In heavily-traveled areas, there are even stone markers, or towers with large basins of themysterious fire which burns underwater. These light-houses are used in a manner similar to thoseabove the water, for navigation and safety, though the risks are considerably less. Similarly, asmany of the buoys in Amber’s waterways are lit at night by oil, while chained far below them,are matching buoys lit to shine beneath the waves for the folk of Rebma and those they deal with.Tampering with any of these buoys was a crime punishable by death in Oberon’s time.

Undersea Vents. Various fissures open into the sea from the superheated magma corebeneath, forming two distinct types of formations: a large shelf of rock which is cooled magmaand a fissure in which water collects and is heated to extreme temperatures and circulatesoutward. In both formations, water from the surrounding area is warmed and plays host to manyforms of life which could not develop elsewhere. Larger forms of natural creatures arecommonplace, and the mineral-rich water supports many various forms of bacteria which processthe minerals in a bizarre version of photosynthesis called chemosynthesis.

Contents. The water on the ocean's floor is surprisingly clear, due to the fact thatparticles of matter are either consumed or dissolved before they sink to the ocean's depths.Consequently, the floor of the sea is not covered with the muck that seems to make up the bottomof much-shallower rivers and lakes. The surface of the sea-floor, instead is made up of rock andhardened layers of mineral sediment, littered with the occasional bones of sea-creatures which donot rot away or dissolve. Many metals coalesce out of the minerals in the water and form nodules· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (230)

of metal, congealed lumps of raw metals such as copper, nickel, manganese, and cobalt. It ispossible that they might also contain traces of precious metals such as gold, silver, or even amysterious metal found in the sea known as orichalcum. They range in size to that of a largemarble to watermelon-sized lumps, united in the fact that they are all formed about a bit ofdebris.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (231)


This section is designed to help players and create Amberites from Rebma likeLlewella or characters from the city of Rebma such as Vialle. As such, they would likelybe from the Sea Court itself, in line for the turquoise throne of Rebma! Why create aRebman character? Perhaps you'd like to create something different, with an origin inRebma or the waters thereabout. The new Powers are probably unfamiliar to the others inthe group, and you might be interested in the novelty. Other reasons could include puttingoneself away from the struggle for the Throne of Amber (as Llewella is), or getting inline for the Throne in Rebma!

Following is a selection of optional and unique rules for character generation as itapplies to Rebma, so players and Game Masters alike can customize characters whoseorigins involve that place. A number of different ways are presented which the GameMaster can choose according to the needs of her campaign, or with a consensus of theplayers.


Before the initial Attribute Auction begins (or before any latecomers bid into theAttribute Ladder), the Game Master should be familiar enough with this book to knowwhat version of Rebma she is more comfortable with.

Answers to the following two questions are ones which the players deserve toknow before any Points are spent.

How do Rebmans compare to Amberites? Are they weaker or stronger?What are their starting Attributes? How many Points do they begin with? What otherPowers might be limited, or might they have an advantage in? What avenues of CharacterAdvancement might they have that Amberites do not?

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Amber Diceless Roleplaying is a game withoutlimits. It allows the character the option of creating and destroying entire worlds. Theopen-ended character generation system puts players in a large amount of control overtheir character's conception and abilities. This sourcebook offers options to charactercreation which, in some ways, might be seen as limiting for player characters. The GameMaster is not only free, but encouraged, to change any suggestions given, ignore anyguidelines, or create new rules based on what it best for his or her campaign and players.

As Amber players and Game Masters often have very definite ideas about whatworks in their campaigns, it is necessary to limit certain avenues of characterdevelopment as concerns the Powers. For example, if the Game Master has decreed thatno one but the blood of Amber may traverse the Pattern, and that Rebmans do not count,then the Rebman Court Devotee loses the “ Pattern place holder” quality. The GM mightalso see fit not to use either of the new versions of Pattern Imprint presented here. Non-player characters and Powers should be tailored to fit the Game Master’s conception of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (232)

Rebma, with some player input as to what they want out of Rebma in the campaign.Hence, some of these suggestions for rules might limit the Rebman characters in

terms of initial Points, Attribute levels, or available Powers, Artifacts, Creatures,Shadows, and Allies. This is done in different ways to simulate the differences betweendifferent conceptions of Amber and Rebma.

Player characters, on the other hand, should have the benefit of the doubt, andrules of fairness should always apply.

When playing in a mixed campaign of Amberites, Chaosians, and characters fromShadow (or beyond!), no player character should be penalized with the choice of theirorigin. It is recommended that all players begin with the customary 100 Points (with a 20Point ceiling on Contributions), and all Attributes at Amber Rank, regardless of theirbackground.

CREATING AMBERITES FROM REBMAThe player may use the full 100 Points allowed any Amber player character, and

spends them just as he or she would normally. They are treated identically like anyAmber normal character, with the new Powers and Advantages allowed Rebmancharacter.

What makes the character an Amberite from Rebma is the purchase of eitherAmber Court Devotee or the Power of Pattern Imprint or Advanced Pattern Imprint.Purchase of either Amber Court Devotee, Pattern Imprint, or Advanced Pattern Imprint isnecessary if the character is to be considered an Amberite. If none of those are chosen,then the character is either a Native Rebman or one of the other options suggested below.

As 100 Point characters, the would-be Amberite may start out with morebeginning Character Points than her Rebman counterparts, and might be considered tohave more opportunity for character options, and a clear numerical advantage inAttributes and Powers available.

Still, this is not to say that the Rebmans are helpless against those from Amber.Good, intelligent role-playing and strategy can never be outgunned by spending Points allover the place. The well-played Rebman character, in her home environment, with allies,Artifacts, and Creatures at her disposal might just be more than a match for an Amberitenew to his powers and unfamiliar with that world.

CREATING NATIVE REBMANSImagine the thrill of being actually native to the undersea world of Rebma, ancient

and mysterious. Perhaps you might be a member of the Sea Court, a royal family memberwith your own designs on the throne. Your people are only partly human, being of mixeddescent of the sea-dwellers who once ruled these waters. You will have many strange andnew abilities at your disposal, abilities which will surprise the Amberites and othersurface dwellers you encounter.

You can be as exotic looking as you would like- skin of pale white, sharkskingrey, luminescent green, olive, or even covered with translucent scales. Maybe your hairis purple, black, green, or blue. Perhaps your body is covered with markings like certainfish have. Your eyes could be dark and round and flat, or as human as you'd like.

If that isn't to your tastes, then you don't have to look alien at all. In fact, you· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (233)

could choose to pass for a human or Amberite. One example of a native Rebman like thisis Vialle, a pale-skinned brunette with none of the features typically associated withRebmans.

Initial Character Points for Native Rebmans.This varies, depending on what sort of view the Game Master has about Amber

and Rebma's relation to it. If Amber is the dominant reality, and Rebma just a reflection,then this might be handled in a few different ways:

Rebmans are Weaker than Amberites: Being from a mere Shadow, whichisn't as potent as the real thing, Rebmans just can't stand up to the Amberites when itcomes to raw ability and power. This can best be simulated by limiting the initialCharacter Points which native Rebmans begin with.

Players wanting to create character who are members of the Court of Rebma beginwith the usual 100 Character Points to begin with, though all Attributes begin at ChaosRank. Chaos Rank is the normal starting Attribute for Rebmans, and they may buy up toAmber Rank and sell down to Human Ranking as they wish.

Alternately, the characters can view this as having their abilities begin at AmberRank in all Attributes and only 60 Character Points to bid and buy Powers, Artifacts,Creatures, and Shadows with. The Game Master might have an opinion on this, so it isbest to consult him beforehand.

Numerically, the effect is the same in either case.

Rebmans are Equal to Amberites: Who says that Rebma is any less real thanAmber? Rebma is just as powerful a place as Amber, or Tir-na Nog'th. The onlydifference is that reality is twisted. Amber is one Shadow of the Primal Pattern, andRebma is another. Therefore, Rebmans should have abilities and power equal to that heldby the Court of Amber.

Give native Rebmans the full 100 Character Points and start them with theirAttributes at basic Amber Ranking. Let them spend their Points as they want.

Rebmans are Superior to Amberites: Not a likely possibility, but one thatbears some consideration. Perhaps Rebmans are actually more than Amberite, beingdescended of the legendary Tritons and infused with the blood of Oberon, King of Amberand Lir, Lord of the Tritons. Thusly, they gain the best parts of both genetic packages.

Give them 100 Points, begin them with Amber Ranking in all Attributes. A GameMaster might want to disallow the choice of Pattern for those who do not purchaseAmber Court Devotee, in addition to the Power of Pattern Imprint. This will createpowerful characters, full of potential to rival their kin above the ocean's surface.

This can be easily balanced by enforcing a 10 Point ceiling on Contributions.

Suggestions for Native Rebmans. Many players are unfamiliarwith Rebma. Perhaps it has not come up in the campaign yet, or perhaps the possibility ofplaying a character actually from there never crossed the player's mind until now.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (234)

Some helpful suggestions and pointers might be appropriate when it comes timeto spend those Points left over from the Attribute Auction.

Allies. First off, don't take Amber Court Devotee, because that makes you anAmberite From Rebma, not a Native Rebman. A little bit confusing, but this distinction isimportant depending on how Game Master would like to handle the Powers (mostimportantly, Pattern Imprint). If the Game Master has decided that Rebmans cannot walkthe Pattern (as Corwin assumed in Nine Princes in Amber), then the only way to do so forRebman characters would be to purchase Amber Court Devotee in addition to PatternImprint. If Rebmans can walk the Pattern (and purchase Pattern Imprint or one of the twoversions of Rebman Pattern Imprint), purchasing a Rebman Court Devotee is necessary ifthe Power is not bought at the time of character creation.

For example, Vialle is a Native Rebman because she has no apparent lineage fromthe Court of Amber. Her ties to the House of Oberon are through marriage, rather thanblood. Llewella and Martin, however, are Amberites From Rebma, as they can trace theirbloodlines back to Oberon. Llewella can do so directly, and Martin through Random.However, there are Rebman versions of Allies given in this section which eitherAmberites, Amberites from Rebma, Native Rebmans, or others are invited to purchase.Additionally, the Triton lineage may be purchased with the advantage of Triton Blood,which serves to show the Triton background and allows characters to purchase the Vortexpower later.

Chaos Court Devotees are possible, an example being a Shape Shifted Chaosianvisiting Rebma in the form of a native or some sea-creature. Such a visit may have beenlong enough to generate offspring, perhaps even an entire egg-load of hundreds of themin the case of sea-creatures!

Rebman Character Allies. As an Amberite, Rebman or perhaps both,characters are still fledglings in an unfriendly world. Spending a few Points can allow thecharacter to begin with an Allies, Friends, or Devotees from the Sea-Court of Rebma, orgive them the Triton lineage. These allies are treated identically to the ones described in the Amber rulebook.Those options are also available to any beginning player-characters.

An Ally in Rebma. Thought not a member of the Sea-Court, this ally issomeone who is nonetheless familiar in that place or at least known there. Examplesmight be retainers, minor court functionaries, highly placed servants or advisors, andvisiting dignitaries. As with Allies in Amber, it is someone with the power to affectothers and get things done. They will remain loyal to the character, serve as a source ofinside information, and will aid them in whatever they are able to. 1 Point.

Family Friend. These are members of the Sea-Court, related to Queen Moireand the royal line by blood, Family Friends range from Moire herself to lower membersof the Court such as Vialle. They will usually be willing to go out of their way to lend ahand, seek characters out if they're in trouble, and might make sure that the character iswell informed about what's going on. 2 Points.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (235)

Rebman Court Devotee. These are from the same cast of characters as theFamily Friends, but for one reason or another, they feel very strongly about the characterand will do everything they can to keep the character intact and happy. They will defendthe character even if it means putting themselves in jeopardy, will keep tabs on thecharacter and make sure that the character is not being led into some sort of harmful trap.They'll betray their friends or relatives for the character, change sides if need be, and evenkill for them. This also signifies that the character is a member of the royal family ofRebma, giving them possible access to the Power of Pattern Imprint (Rebman orotherwise) and potentially placing them in the succession for the throne of Rebma.

It is cheaper than Amber Court Devotee, due to the relatively slow turnaround ofrulers in Rebma and the possibility that full, Amberite Pattern Imprint is not allowed.This will differ from campaign to campaign, however. Consult the Game Master beforepurchasing Rebman Court Devotee. 4 Points.

Triton Blood. Rare in Rebma, this gives the character an ally or backgroundshowing relation to the mysterious Tritons. Monstrous and feared in Rebma, the Tritonsare thought by many to be the ancient ancestors of the Rebman people. Contact with theTritons is unheard of, and many believe their existence to be wholly mythical. TakingRoyal Blood as an Ally means that the blood of this ancient race still runs strong in yourveins, through some recent contact with the Tritons in your family history or geneticinflexibility. This Ally is the perquisite for the Vortex Power. Due to the scarcity ofTriton intervention in Rebma, this a relatively inexpensive Ally, though not particularlyuseful elsewhere unless the Tritons become important in the campaign. Often, characterswith Royal Blood look more “ fishy” than normal Rebmans. 3 Points.

Powers. Unless the Game Master has decided that Rebmans can purchasePattern, then buying Pattern Imprint automatically makes one a member of the RoyalHouse of Amber, as well as a member of the Rebman Sea-Court.

Logrus will be very uncommon in Rebma, as few Rebmans venture so far fromtheir native waters to encounter the Courts of Chaos. However, the Tritons use theVortex, a power akin in some ways to Logrus. See those descriptions for details.

Trump Artistry may have been supplanted in the Rebman Court by the ability ofMirror Wrighting. If so, instruction in Trump Artistry would have had to come from anAmberite or Chaosian teacher, or apprenticeship above the waters.

Shape Shifting is an ability that a surprising number of Rebmans possess. Manysea dwellers are able to manipulate the structure of their bodies in a way that resemblesShape Shifting, and the Tritons also possess Shape Shifting which they use to assume theform of a variety of sea-creatures.

Magic Powers such as Sorcery, Conjuration, and Power Words are just ascommon in Rebma as they are in Amber, and may be purchased freely.

Artifacts & Creatures. Most Artifacts or Creatures purchased bycharacters from Rebma will be suited for that environment or able to adapt to the waters.A horse purchased as a Creature would be uncomfortable there, unless it possessed some· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (236)

form of Shape Shifting. Birds or other fliers would detest dwelling there, and are veryrare. Unfortunately, many of the traditional Rebman Creatures, such as fish and their kin,are equally more uncomfortable or even threatened by life above the water.

Being paid for out of the character's initial Points, however, means that theCreature or Artifact is part of the character's "portfolio," an integral part of theirbackground. The Game Master should make every effort with the player to reachreasonable grounds for the existence of any Artifact or Creature the player pays Pointsfor.

Personal Shadows. What kind of a Shadow is it? How is it reached?Is it a reflection of Rebma, or is it something completely different? Many Rebmans withPersonal Shadows choose ones which are like Rebma in many ways, giving rise tolegends throughout Shadow of sunken cities such as those found in the Coral Branchkingdoms of Atlantis and Hy-Breasil.

Stuff and Player Contributions. These are all usedexactly as they are described in the Amber Diceless Role-Playing rulebook. Refer tothose sections for details and guidelines on how they work. Stuff works identically forRebmans, and Player Contributions are worth exactly the same amounts. The maximumof 20 Points allowable in Player Contributions holds true for Rebmans, as well.

CREATING A SEA-DWELLERPerhaps your tastes lie to the exotic, and you'd like to role-play a being from

neither Amber, Chaos, or Rebma. There are still many Shadow seas with intelligent lifewithin. While denied the power of the Pattern or the Logrus, these creatures can be quiteeffective, possibly possessing high Attributes, Magical Powers such as Sorcery,Conjuration, and often with a wide range of powerful Artifacts and servant Creatures.

Visiting Royals: The Court of Amber sometimes employs Shadow dwellers asservants and minor functionaries. There are undoubtedly reflections of Rebma deep inShadow somewhere, such as our Shadow Earth Atlantis. Perhaps characters could bedelegates from some adjacent sea-Shadows, ambassadors to Rebma from their version ofthe Golden Circle.

Ancient Races: The Sea-nymphs or the Merfolk in the Bestiary section areexamples of sea-dwellers who have their own culture and could be played as playercharacters. Treasures from a million sunken ships would be available for Artifacts forsuch beings. The limit to these sorts of creatures are only those imposed by theimagination.

Different Versions of Rebma.In the first book of The Chronicles of Amber, Rebma is treated as little more than

an interesting footnote to Amber. As far as Corwin, Random, and Deirdre know, Rebma· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (237)

is Amber's reflection in the sea, naught more. Amber, after all, is the only reality, and it isonly natural that it should cast some strong Shadows into the air and water nearby. ThePattern in Rebma is just a reflection of the Pattern there, and has the same effects as theoriginal.

Trouble is, Amber isn't what they thought it was. In The Hand of Oberon, Corwinlearns that Amber and the Pattern there are Shadows of another, Primal Pattern.

This leads us to the inevitable question: If Amber is just a Shadow, then whatdoes that make Rebma and Tir-na Nog'th? Are they third generation Shadows twice-removed from the source, or are they something more? Could they be equal in importanceto Amber in the overall scheme of things?

Are there other secrets behind those realms, which even the Blood of Amber isnot privy to?

This sourcebook provides some answers to those questions and fields a number ofnew ones along those lines to enrich your Amber campaigns with new material andviewpoints, and in the process, frustrate players who thought they had a line on theoverall Amber universe.

A Note to Game Masters: Following are four different views about the natureof Rebma, using different approaches. How you react to them will affect the way you useRebma in your campaigns. This section is mostly useful for Game Masters, but playersmight want to know what they options are for creating characters or even playing inRebma-based campaigns. Read them all, but don't feel a need to decide upon one of themjust yet. Familiarize yourself with the rest of the sourcebook, and choose which feels rightfor your campaign, be it new or ongoing. Choose a single version you like, a combinationof two or more different ways of viewing Rebma, or leave things purposefully vague untilthe time is right for revelation. Foreshadowing different versions of the truth, presentingmultiple explanations for events, or even using non-player characters to mislead playercharacters is are all tried and true means of keeping the players in the dark while whettingtheir appetites for some illumination.

This sourcebook presents four major explanations for Rebma's existence andmany more conditions which cross between the major four versions. As with Amber,every time Rebma is used in a campaign it will be unique, with many differentexplanations for events and conditions provided so that no Game Master is forced to relyon a Rebma that is not shaped entirely his or her own choice.

Here are four ways of looking at Rebma. There can be many others...

Rebma, Shadow of Amber. The commonly believed version of Rebma's origin isthat of a Shadow of Amber beneath the waves, twisted and strange in many ways,familiar in others. The Court of Rebma is a weaker version of Amber's Royal Family,though possessing personalities and goals more suited to the temperament of theirdomain. Without Amber, Rebma is nothing. As Moire said to Deirdre in Nine Princes inAmber when she refused her the loaning of troops to storm Amber, "As you know, thechaos would be reflected in my own realm."

Perhaps Rebma is an alternate version of Amber, one in which qualities of manyof the Amberite doubles there are reversed or emphasized where they were originallylatent. The Benedict-double of such a place might be a jocular fellow, admitting to his· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (238)

own failings. Would a Rebman Bleys less of a show-off, or would Rebma's Fiona displaysome modesty about her latent superiority over everyone about her. Perhaps a Rebmanversion of Brand is something of a hero? This might explain some of the personalityswings of those Amberites who visited there.

While this sourcebook doesn't provide exact doubles versions of the Court ofAmber, there are many similarities between some members of the Sea Court and theHouse of Amber. These can be emphasized or ignored according to the Game Master'swishes.

Rebma might even be a female reflection of Amber, a Queendom wherecompeting Princesses vie for the throne and the male Royals aren't seriously consideredin the succession. Opposite gender versions of many of the Amberites could be found insuch a version of Rebma, and the pecking order would be considerably different.

Rebma, Someone's Personal Shadow. Amber Diceless Roleplaying allows forthe creation of Personal Shadows for beginning characters and elder Amberites alike.These can be as common as Personal Shadows, which have no special significance to thewhole of Shadow (but considerable importance to the character and the campaign), toprominent Shadows of the Realm, adjacent to Amber or the Courts of Chaos. Finally,there are the mysterious Primal Planes, which might exist outside of Shadow, andcertainly existed before it.

Rebma might be one of these, either a Shadow of the Realm or a Primal Place.The question remains, then, whose Shadow is it?

Moire's? This seems likely, but the likely is not always the case in Amber. IsLlewella the Keeper of Rebma, just as Julian is the Warden of Forest Arden? DoesRebma belong to Oberon? Or is it someone else's?

Rebma, Reflection of the Primal Pattern. Similar to the first version, butdifferent in significant ways. Upon his discovery of the Primal Pattern in The Hand ofOberon, Corwin speculated that Amber was created by Oberon, for whatever reasons,perhaps to hide the Primal Pattern behind a facade. If this is so, then it is equally possiblethat Oberon did the same with Rebma and Tir-na Nog'th, creating three secondaryversions of the Pattern, one in Amber, in Tir-na Nog’th, and in Rebma. This makes allthree versions of equal importance to the cosmic scheme, and it might be that Oberonchose Amber to dwell in simply for convenience's sake. Another idea would be that hechose to create Amber as a guardian place for the first reflection of the Pattern, and madeback-up copies in Rebma and Tir-na Nog'th.

If this is so, then Rebma's Pattern might cast an infinity of Shadow reflections ofRebma, and that these Shadows can be reached in a variety of means- from ShadowWalking from Rebma or teleporting from the center of Rebma's Pattern. This universemight be the Rebman universe of Reflections.

What if the Shadows can only be reached by those who have walked Rebma'sPattern? This might make Rebma as important as Amber in relation to its own Shadows,and limits the interference from members of the other Courts.

Rebma, Unique and Independent. If one had to distill the ten Amber novels andthe role-playing game into one point, then that point might be "There’s always another· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (239)

way of looking at things." Moire and the Amberites who went there (Corwin, Deirdre,and Random) seemed certain that Rebma was a reflection of Amber, with Amber beingthe source of its existence. Just like Tir-na Nog'th.

Well, that can't be the case!Corwin's visit to Tir-na Nog'th showed him a world of ghosts and prophecies, of

people from his past and scenes from his future. There dwelt ghosts of Lorraine, andhimself, and of Deirdre, and others. If Rebma is so alike Amber as Rebma, then where arethose Amberite doubles in the Sea Court? Why is Rebma ruled by Moire, rather than aghost Oberon, Eric, or Random? If Rebma is naught but a Shadow of Amber, then why isLlewella content to dwell there? Has Llewella’s long-term presence there changed it intoa Shadow of her own preference?

Rebma is likely to be much more than just a reflection of Amber. It is a world likeAmber, perhaps sharing a common origin, but unique and strong, and only thetemperment of those who dwell there keep Rebma's affairs from being those of Amber.When Eric's men pursued Corwin and his siblings down Faiella-bionin, the Gateway ofRebma, they turned back rather than face Moire's soldiers. Eric had every reason to wantCorwin dead, but he held back, for whatever reason, and Corwin regained his memoryand returned to challenge him. Eric must have suspected that this would be the inevitableoutcome of Corwin's voyage to Rebma, yet he hesitated.

Why?How is it that Eric, Lord of Amber, might fear reprisals from some Shadow

kingdom? Could it be that Rebma and her people are much more than mere Shadows orreflections?

Using the Different Versions of Rebma in Character Creation.It is not necessary for the Game Master to divulge the secrets of Rebma, and to

reveal what the origins of the place are. This is a function of the campaign itself, andspelling it out before things even begin would kill a lot of the mystery that exploring thisstrange world can evoke.

As a Game Master, you owe it to the players to be truthful at this stage of thecampaign, because to mislead them now would be unfair (and would put them on guard,making it difficult to mislead them in the campaign itself). But the flip side is that youwant to keep them in the dark about the important things.

It is recommended to tell them exactly three things before character generationbegins:

1. How many Points do they get? See the section on Creating RebmanCharacters for details on this. The traditional amount is 100, but if Rebmans are weakerthan Amberites, they might begin with only 60 Points, for example. However, any lesserCharacter Creation Point total should apply to all beginning player characters, not merelythose with Rebman origins. Fairness is the name of the game, and everyone should beginwith the same opportunities.

2. Where do their Attributes begin at? Amber Diceless Role-playing givescharacters starting all Attributes at Amber Rank, which they are able to sell down or bidupon in the Attribute Auction to Rank as they wish. If the campaign posits that Rebmans· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (240)

begin with Attributes all at Chaos Rank, then this is an important thing to make clearbefore Points start flying, as anyone wishing to be Ranked in an Attribute will have tospend an additional 10 Points to get the Attribute up to Amber Rank.

Option. If the Game Master is unsatisfied with the fact that all Chaos and HumanRank Attributes are considered to be more or less equal (because to Amberites, they are),then it might be possible to allow an Human Attribute Ladder which begins at HumanRank and lets characters spend up to 14 Points to Rank themselves against their superiors,the Chaos Ranks. Spending 15 Points will place the character at Chaos Rank in theAttribute. This can be then extended from Chaos Rank up to 9 Points, after which theLadder switches to Amber Rank and the traditional Ranking system. Whereas it doesallow for more customization among Shadow Dwellers, it also creates more bookkeepingproblems initially and should be carefully considered before integrating it into acampaign.

3. Are any Powers restricted? Most important among those, of course, isPattern. Perhaps the Game Master's version of Amber is such that only the blood ofAmber can walk the Pattern, making any Rebman Pattern Initiates actually Amberiteswith dilute, but potent enough strains of the Blood of Amber.

The Game Master should announce what conditions exist for each Power beforethe players begin to spend the Points remaining from the Attribute Auction. The sectionon 'Powers and Rebma" provides suggestions for each Power and how they work inRebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (241)

MIRROR WRIGHTINGStrange mirrors decorate walls everywhere in Rebma, both inside and outside the

Castle. They are of all shapes, forms, and all manner of construction. Many of the peopleof Rebma make them, and they provide glimpses of realities other than those before them.There are several ways the magical mirrors can be made, though the most common iswith the Power of Mirror Wrighting, which works with the forces of reality andperception in a manner new to the Amber universe.

Though this power is used most in Rebma, it is in no way limited to that place.The ten books of The Chronicles of Amber are full of mirrors. They're everywhere, fromFiona's magical hand mirror in Blood of Amber, the mysterious Corridor of Mirrors inSign of Chaos and “Hall of Mirrors,” and Dworkin's magical mirror of teleportationwhich he and Merlin use in Knight of Shadows. Mirrors play even more of a part in theshort stories set after the Chronicles, particularly in “ The Shroudling and the Guisel,”“Coming to a Cord” and the aforementioned “Hall of Mirrors.”

The Mirror Wrighting powers are surprisingly flexible and can be used in avariety of situations, allowing characters access to a unique form of Power which haslittle in common with the other Powers of Trump, Pattern, and Logrus. Like Trump,Mirror Wrighting is a "neutral" Power, available to any who practice it and free frominterference from either Power. The best place to learn it, however, is in Rebma.

Below are many examples of the Mirror Wrighting Power in use during role-playing. The user is a beginning Mirrorwright named Westley, a child of Benedict andMoire, grown up and seeking adventure outside Rebma. Westley is played by a playernamed Anne.


35 Points.A magical artform developed in Rebma's distant past at the same time as

Dworkin's manufacture of the first Amber Trumps, the practice of Mirror Wrighting hasbecome a highly specialized Power taught in Rebma. It takes years of training andapprenticeship, during which time the would-be Mirrorwright learns the arts of glassmaking, annealing (the heating and cooling of glass to reduce brittleness), the sciences ofoptics and reflection, and possibly a variety of craftsmanlike skills used in the making ofthe mirror-frames.

They confer many powers similar to the Trumps of Amber, but are a different sortof Power and are not connected in any way. The mirrors are less useful than the Trumpsbecause they must remain stationary while in use to work properly. The Power ofAdvanced Mirror Wrighting allows the Wright to carry smaller, portable mirrors. Theonly advantage the mirrors have over Trumps is that they are a more durable medium forthe underwater environment of Rebma. They are not limited to mimicing Trumps,however, and have a number of other abilities and uses.

At 35 Points, it is an expensive minor Power, even at the basic level, but is well-· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (242)

balanced by the range of abilities it confers.

Attribute Tips for Mirror Wrighting. As is the case with most of the Powers,Psyche is essential for powering the rituals and enchantments used in making andutilizing the magical mirrors. The higher your Psyche, the better control you'll have usingthe mirrors, manifesting itself in greater range, clarity, and adding more power for theother magical effects which are part of the Mirrorwright's bag of tricks.

Weaknesses of Mirrorwrighting and Mirrors. One of the biggest drawbacks to themirrors is that they aren’t very portable, and aren’t that durable. Making smaller mirrorswhich can fit into small cases decreases the chance of one breaking, but limits theirusefulness in transporting items or beings through them.

Another significant weakness which sends many Mirrorwrights back to theworkshop over and again, is that breaking a mirror, assuming one has the ability tophysically attack it, is the simplest means of ending any magical process it might be inthe midst of. This will also break any enchantments upon it, or any special properties themirror might have had. This must be done by being in physical proximity to the mirror, orwithin proximity to it. Trying to destroy a mirror when it is spying on an area rather thanthrough another mirror, for example, will not work.

When two mirrors are linked, and one is being used to look through or to travelthrough another, and one is broken, the other mirror will alsobe destroyed. This makesduels between Mirrorwrights somewhat rare, as doing so will inevitibly cost bothenchanters their prized mirrors.

To offset this liability, most Mirrorwrights spend Points to make some of theirfavorite mirrors Artifacts, adding in qualities such as Resistance to Damage.

Mirrorwright Abilities

Creating the Mirrors. Castle Rebma's walls are hung with many of thesemirrors, and they can be found throughout the city in the homes of some nobles and theworkshops of sorcerers. The process of enchanting a mirror involves numerous chantsand rituals to be said over the molten glass as it is drawn, cut, tempered, annealed,polished and silvered. The entire process takes between a few days to a week until themirror glass itself is finished, depending on size of the mirror, the experience of theMirrorwright, desired quality and the presence of others to share the dirty work ofactually making the glass. Working alone, an inexperienced Mirrorwright would takealmost a week to prepare the mirror-glass. Experienced Mirrorwrights are able to create astandard mirror ready for use within a couple of day's time.

When the mirror is finished, then the mirror is framed and then installed in theplace of its use, if it is not stationary.

Mirror Spying. Though the use of the magical mirrors of Rebma is somethinglike a telephone, it offers the Scribes the ability to "listen in" on the mirrors themselves,by concentrating on the mirror which one wishes to spy upon. The Mirrorwright may spythrough one mirror by concentrating his or her Psyche upon their own mirror and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (243)

establishing a link to the desired mirror. Avoiding actual contact, the Mirrorwright is ableto observe what transpires in the place of the subject's mirror, sometimes withoutdetection. a Mirrorwright may also listen in on a conversation between two others, usinga similar method, like picking up an extension for a private telephone call. The mirrorwill depict whichever of the two sides the Mirrorwright wishes to watch, and with a littleconcentration, the mirror can be made to reflect both of the speakers, switching back andforth as they converse.

Mirrorwrights may also create mirrors designed to spy on places or beings,without actively needing a Psychic connection. This form of mirror spying is a passiveconnection, and cannot be detected by any normal means, only though extremely highPsyche, special magical spells of detection, or by an Advanced Mirrorwright. A characteror area undergoing any type of magical purification or disenchanting process (such astraversal of the Pattern or Logrus) would instantly disrupt the connection, forcing themirror to be re-enchanted once the Mirrorwright has reestablished a Psychic “ fix” on thesubject.

GM: Okay, Westley. You’re back in your chambers in the Castle Rebma. What are youdoing?Anne: Well, I need to find out where Llewella is. Can I use the mirrors for that? I imaginethat I would have one or two in my room.GM: You tell me. They’re you’re quarters, after all, and you’ve spent plenty of time tofurnish them as you’d like.Anne: Okay. There are three of them. Two small ones and one big one- one on thebedside table, one over the table, and the large one is against the wall. I’ll activate the bigone with a touch.GM: The surface of the mirror rings like a bell would and ripples like quicksilver whenyou tap it. Your reflection fades, to be replaced by . . . what?Anne: The first one I’ll use to look in on Llewella’s room. She’s got a big mirror over herbed, that faces the door. That would be a good one to spy through.GM: Okay, you know that mirror well. You remember that Llewella is pretty secretiveand doesn’t trust anyone. Are you concerned that you might be setting off a magicalalarm or something? Trying to detect one might take a while...Anne: No, I don’t care. This is pretty important. The other mirrors I want to select are onein the throne room, facing the throne, and another near the front hall, where people enter.That should cover things if she wants to enter the castle physically.GM: Okay, as long as you wish or until something else breaks the connection, thesemirrors will display the image reflected in those mirrors.Anne: What do you mean, something breaks the connection?GM: Well, if another Mirrorwright seeks to use the same mirror, the connection will go tothe one with the higher Psyche.Anne: Any other way the connection can be lost?GM: Well, if someone notices what you’re doing and decides to stop it, or uses one of themirrors for something else like teleporting through or two-way communication.

Blocking the Mirrors. A Mirrorwright is able to "blank" their own mirror sothat they cannot be accessed by other mirror users. This can be done several ways. The· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (244)

first and most common is to simply set up a Psyche block in a mirror so that contactcannot be established without a vastly superior Psyche overcoming the blocker in PsychicCombat. Very effective but ridiculously obvious, similar to taking the phone off the hookto avoid calls. Because this manner of blocking requires the presence of a Psyche to wardit from incoming contacts, the sorcerer is obviously home.

A more subtle manner is to "hide" the mirror from other callers. It is possible tocloak them so that they are invisible to anyone who would contact them. This makescontact difficult to establish because the other mirror simply find it. Taking the telephoneanalogy further, it would be like getting an unlisted number. One direct method of doingthis is to pay a few Points to make a mirror into a personal Artifact, and buying someform of Item Shape Shifting. If the mirror is not a mirror anymore, it cannot be used tospy through.

A third way of limiting contact is to "screen" all contacts, which requires someconcentration and subtlety. All Mirrorwrights can sense when contact is being attemptedfor their personal mirrors, and can try to identify their caller by relaxing and focussing onthe active mirror's location. Mirrorwrights with high Psyches are able to identify normalcallers without their probes being noticed. Callers with high Psyche might notice thecontact and would be able to cut off the contact before their identities are revealed.

As Rebma is not so dangerous as Amber, and callers rarely have the ill intentionsthat the Amberites sometimes have for each other, there has been little need to developcounter blocking or other, more extensive uses for the mirror contact.

Like the Trumps, placing a mirror in a darkened room or covering it with heavycurtains is a sure-fire way of blocking contact with other mirrors. With no light enabling areflection, contact is impossible.

Blocking the mirror has the additional effect that it also blocks the mirror fromMirror Transportation, an ability used by Advanced Mirrorwrights. When a Mirrorwrightwho is blocking the mirror senses that someone is trying to teleport through, he or she canshut it off by focussing Psyche to form a block. The would-be visitor will find contactdifficult to establish, and will not be able to make a clear enough contact with the mirrorunless the two opposing Mirrorwrights enter Psychic Combat, the winner establishing theconnection or blocking it, according to their choice.

Anne: I’ve been here hours. No sign of Llewella?GM: Nope. She might not be around. Want to look elsewhere?Anne: Oh no! I forgot to check her quarters in Amber!GM: Good idea. Which mirror will you switch views on?Anne: The one watching the front entrance. I want to hook it up to the one in herchambers in Castle Amber, over the fireplace. I’ve seen it plenty of times when I visitedher there.GM: Okay, you project your awareness into the mirror, and reach through it to Amber,where you know a mirror is at, but you don’t seem to be finding it.Anne: Huh?GM: Nope, there’s definitely no mirror in that room.Anne: Maybe she redecorated...

Unbeknownst to Anne, Llewella’s mirror in Amber is warded powerfully against spying,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (245)

and does not register to any initial probing by novice Mirrorwrights. If Anne had a highPsyche or was an Advanced Mirrorwright, she might be able to “find” it with somemagical elbow work, but it simply can’t be accessed at her current level of ability.

Enchanting Normal Mirrors. Mirrorwrights are also able to enchantnormal looking glasses for use as magical mirrors for short periods of time, usually onlyone or two uses. Using a normal mirror for extended periods of time is frowned upon bythe Mirrorwright Guild, as using non-magical mirrors in this manner gives them a trace ofundisciplined magic which, unless purified through ritual, makes the mirrors flawed andunreliable, often with random effects and limited range, which might affect other mirrorsnegatively. This only takes a couple of hours.

Additionally, there is a ritual known to all Mirrorwrights which is used to "clear"normal mirrors from any enchantments, rendering them normal and powerless. It takesaround twelve hours to accomplish and involves uninterrupted concentration.

GM: With a smirk and a comment that you, Westley, should try to look good for herreturn tonight, the Countess closes the door. You hear a heavy bar slide across it, and thesounds of footsteps in armor settling in outside.Anne: Ack! Trapped to be a love-slave to a Countess of Chaos! Oh, the indignity of it.I’ve gotta get out of here before she comes back! She thumped me in combat, so I don’twant to try that again...GM: What are you doing?Anne: Windows?GM: None that you can find. You think you’re in some sort of a Pocket Shadow trap.You’ve heard of these from Lorman.Anne: And I don’t have Pattern or Logrus! I’ve got to think of something. Describe theroom in full detail to me.GM: Okay. It’s a small cell, not too unpleasant, with a small cot bolted to the floor, apitcher of water near the door, and a small desk with a few drawers and a chair. It lookslike some sort of vanity table. There’s a comb, a safety razor, and a washcloth on it, asmall green bottle, along with a basin. Also, a toothbrush. Above it is a mirror.Anne: The green bottle...?GM: Cologne.Anne: Wait a second... How long do I have?GM: You have no idea how time works here. This is the Courts of Chaos, remember? Anne: Right. I’m going to start enchanting the mirror above the desk to contact Moire. Isit big enough to pass through?GM: If you squeeze.Anne: I’ll get cracking on that, then.Time passes...GM: You’re almost finished with the ritual when you hear footsteps down the hall.Anne: I’m going to pour everything into it and try to reach Moire’s big mirror. She saidshe’d be waiting for my contact.GM: It’s a long way, but you finish the ritual and reach through Shadow, all the way toRebma. It’s taking everything you’ve got!Anne: Where’s the Countess?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (246)

GM: Westley can’t tear his attention from the mirror or he’ll lose the connection. Youthink you hear someone in the room, saying something. They seem excited. At this pointthe mirror clears and you finally see Moire. Luckily, she’s standing before a mirrortalking with Llewella.Anne: Whew! I’ll yell for help.GM: You can see their eyes over your shoulder as something clawed and heavy graspsWestley’s neck. Moire and Llewella reach out, and their hands come through the mirrorand clasp your wrists and hands.Anne: Ouch! I’ll try to step through the mirror.GM: They pull, your neck feels like it’s being wrenched, and you can hear the Countess’demonic howl as you slip through the mirror-frame and into the cool waters of Rebma.Your knee bangs the frame of the mirror as you go through.Anne: Ouch! I’ll look back at the mirror.GM: You see the Countess in some huge, ape-like form covered with scales. She raisesher fist, swings it at the mirror, and then the mirror in Moire’s chambers shatters! Moireand Llewella let go of you. Moire looks at the broken mirror on the floor and winces.Llewella says “Cold feet, eh?”

Fortunetelling. Gazing into the mirrors of Rebma, a Mirrorwright cancommand it to portray a scene from the future, reflected clearly for a few moments. Thesevisions are always mysterious and rarely seem to relate to the immediate future, thoughthey inevitibly portray something which comes to pass. The mirrors will never give theMirrorwright exactly what they want to see, and will instead tease them with a fragmentor small clue rather than a complete set of images.

Occasionally, the mirrors will offer these visions without prompting, foretellingsome doom or fortune which may come to pass. No one knows for sure whether themirror omens are prophecies or warnings, as other Mirrorwrights report that they aregenerally unreliable, occasionally accurate and sometimes completely wrong.

Anne: That does it! I’m going to find that rat Caine and kill him. I draw my sword andhead to the throne room. He should be there.GM: Westley’s walking down the hallway when he sees his reflections in the mirrorsalong the walls. He notices that his reflection is facing the other direction, and seems tohave trouble walking. As he passes a mirror, his reflection moves across it in the oppositedirection. There’s a red cloud around him, and his hands are behind his back grabbing atsomething.Anne: What?! What do you mean? I’m stopping.GM: Well, you can’t see much through the red billows of blood which seems to betrailing back from the direction of the throne room, but Westley is definitely staggering,with his chest thrown out and his back arched. His legs seem to be moving slower andslower with each step. As you stop to look closer, the reflection stops with you, but youcan see something sticking out of your back, up pretty high, with an emerald-lookinggleam on the end of it. You’re grabbing at it, but just can’t get it.Anne: I’ll sheathe my sword, close my eyes, count to ten, and work on an apology.GM: When you open them, you’re looking at your normal reflection...Anne: I’m going back to my room.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (247)

Would this have happened in the campaign has Westley persisted in trying to killCaine? That’s up for the Game Master to decide. The mirrors become a powerful tool forinfluencing players, so caution must be taken to allow some of the prophecies to becometrue, regardless of the player’s action, and others to turn out false no matter what theplayer does to bring them about. They’ll have the devil’s own time deciding whichimages are “ true” and which are “ false.” These images are a great weapon to take thewind out of a character’s sails, or to cast doubt on the best-laid plans.

One rule of thumb might be to use the character’s Stuff total as a guide to theaccuracy of the forecasts. Good Stuff characters will gain valuable insights into theirfutures through the mirrors, while Bad Stuff Mirrorwrights might be misled time andagain, only to be shown truth when they’ve given up believing in the veracity of themirrors.

Creating Psychic Contact through Mirrors. Like the Trumps, themirrors can be used to psychically attack, cast Spells, or use Power Words through theconnection at a target. Due to the more complex nature of this exertion and the difficultyin maintaining concentration while releasing the lynchpins, this ability is available onlyto Advanced Mirrorwrights.

The process is identical to that used by anyone familiar with the Trump, in whichone contact a target through the mirrors and holds the connection. a successful Psyche vs.Psyche struggle allows one to establish the psychic conduit one needs to send their spell,psychic assault, or Power Word and send it through.

Recognizing & Using Other Enchanted Mirrors. At the GameMaster's discretion, this ability allows the Mirrorwright to identify and use any mirrorswhich might be enchanted, despite the owner and intention and power with which theywere created. The Power renders the Mirrorwright able to sense the magical qualities (ifany) present in a mirror and give them an instinctual feel for how they might be utilized.

It is recommended that the Game Master be deliberately vague about the nature ofany unfamiliar mirrors, letting the character develop a "feel" for them through experience,guesswork, and trial and error experimentation. Additionally, the Game Master mightwant to provide a few "unreadable" mirrors, to make the player cautious. Cloaking thepurpose of a mirror might be an ability from another, undescribed level of the MirrorWrighting Power.

ADVANCED MIRROR WRIGHTING50 Points. Or an additional 15 points if you already have Mirror Wrighting.

These examples assume that Anne’s character Westley, after some adventures, hasincreased his Mirror Wrighting to the Advanced level of the Power.

Attribute Tips for Advanced Mirror Wrighting. Psyche is still the most· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (248)

important attribute for this Power. Endurance is helpful for long-term exertions of scryingor special manipulations, but Psyche is of primary importance.

Advanced Mirror Wrighting Abilities

Mirror Detection. This ability enables the Mirrorwright to sense when beingobserved by a magical mirror, to determine when someone else is being observed, andwill know when entering an area which is in the range of reflection of a magical mirror. Ifthe “ spy” is currently observing the character or place, this will be instantly obvious to aMirrorwright. If the subject or target area is not currently being observed, theMirrorwright must consciously search for the mirror connection. Magical means ofseeing, such as through the Pattern Lens or Logrus Sight, can also detect such spying.

If encountering a spied-upon being or area, an Advanced Mirrorwright may inturn create a reflection of the spying and view the spy through their own mirror. The two-way status will be obvious to anyone observing from either side. If willing, theMirrorwright can use other abilities such as establishing communication, creating aPsychic contact, casting spells, or even reaching or stepping through the spy mirror if sizepermits.

GM: You’ve just opened the door to your chambers when you become aware that you’rebeing observed.Anne: From where? How?GM: Magically. This area is now a focal point for a magical mirror. They’re using yourown mirror.You can see the one that is being used across the room from you. You’reclearly visible to whomever is on the other side of that connection.Anne: Okay, I’ll pretend that I don’t notice and go over to a bookshelf. While I’m doingthat, I’ll activate the mirror on the other side and turn it into a two-way transmission.GM: You know that they will be aware that you’re messing with the link.Anne: No problem. I want to know who’s spying on me. As I do that, I’m going to draw astiletto from by sleeve, using a book to hide it.GM: Right. You get the dagger out just as the mirror image wavers, then changes to oneof a smallish, odd-looking fellow standing with one hand on the mirror. His eyes widenwhen they meet yours.Anne: Is it that sorcerer who’s been bugging Flora?GM: You think so. It looks like he’s shutting the mirror connection. What are you doing?Anne: I’m going to flip the stiletto at him before he can end it.GM: His image begins to shimmer, but then the stiletto hits his image dead center in theforehead, shattering the mirror. You see shards of him falling to the ground, then theimage reverts to normal in the broken glass.Anne: Hope that hurt!

As described in the section on Weaknesses of Mirrorwrighting and Mirrors,Westley has now destroyed two mirrors- his own and the one used by the spying sorcerer.

Mirror Transportation.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (249)

He turned me and led me towards the room's darkest corner, where I had notnoticed that a tall, curiously framed mirror hung. It exhibited an odd reflective capacityin that it showed us and the room behind us from a distance, but the closer weapproached its surface, the more indistinct all of its images became. I could see what wascoming, coming. But I still tensed as Dworkin, a pace in advantage of me by then,stepped through its foggy surface and jerked me after him.

I stumbled and regained my footing, coming to myself in the good half of theblasted royal suite in front of a decorative mirror. I reached back quickly and tapped itwith my fingertips, but its surface remained solid.

Merlin in Dworkin's studyKnight of Chaos (p. 204)

Through the looking glass, you may use your mirror as a form of personaltransportation, taking you and anyone you lead across space and through Shadow whereyou can emerge from another, non-magical mirror. It requires a moment or so of fullconcentration (at least Chaos Rank Psyche), and visualization of the mirror which will beentered. It is important that the you know what the mirror looks like and where it is toestablish the contact. In the above quote, Dworkin was able to transport himself andMerlin through to Random and Vialle's chambers because he knew about the mirror fromOberon's reign. If they had removed the mirror, Dworkin and Merlin might have emergedin a storage closet, or worse. It is up to the Game Master (and the player's Bad Stuff total)to determine what happens if the target mirror is broken or otherwise damaged.

Some tips, though. The mirror must be of a size that can be walked through, as thepassage must be uninterrupted by physical activity such as crawling or wriggling througha smaller-sized mirror. Likewise with the mirror which must be transported to. Steppingthrough one human-size mirror into a smaller mirror could mean big trouble (at the veryleast, the character might bang his or her knees and forehead on the frame).

Mirrorwrights traveling from one enchanted mirror to another already enchantedhave a much easier time. It requires less concentration, so a character with Human RankPsyche can do it, if he or she concentrates.

Substitutes. Similar to using normal mirrors in place of traditionally enchantedones, Mirrorwrights are able to use other reflective surfaces for their Mirror Wrightingabilities in emergencies. These surfaces can be tableware made from polished silver orgold, even well-polished weapon blades and armor. The list of acceptable materials couldgo on for pages. The only requirements for emergency use as mirrors are that the surfacebe able to reflect images clearly enough for the Mirrorwright to visualize their ownreflection within them and be of a size which enables some significant reflection to beshown. Using other objects like this requires a considerable expenditure of Psyche andEndurance, and the contact will always be fleeting and have the "long distance" weaknessof signal strength. These items can be used only once for such emergency contact, asusing them for this purpose dulls the finish in a strange manner which requires polishingand purification for them to be used again.

Advanced Mirrorwrights who have attempted this ability on the surface world· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (250)

have met with remarkable success using still pools of water, and there are a few suchpools near Amber and Faiella-bionin and in the Golden Circle which have becomepermanently attuned to the mirrors of Rebma and may be used as regular magical mirrors.These "scrying pools," as they are known, are met with a mixture of fear and awe by thenatives of those Shadows, occasionally giving glimpses of a surreal world beneath thesea, with pale-skinned humans swimming lazily by.

Anne: I need to get in touch with Flora.GM: Well, you’re in the middle of a Hellswim and you don’t have a Trump or a mirror.For that matter, you’ve got nothing on except for your swim trunks.Anne: Okay, I’ll find a nice outcropping which juts out of the water, one with a nice poolin the center of it.GM: You so do, splashing up onto a small rocky island. A bunch of manatee are barkingat you, and the weather is cold and windy. The smell of fish and bird droppings isoverpowering.Anne: Let’s try this one again. Westley will slide back into the water, swim in a largecircle, and return to a smaller island, with no manatee and better weather. And no birds. Iwant a still pool.GM: Westley emerges onto one side of a very similar rocky island. It is dark and quiet,and the moon makes a silvery disk of a small pool of water in the center. A mermaidsitting on one edge of the island looks at you, shrugs, and turns back to doing her nailswith one of those round, flat sand dollar shells.Anne: I’ll crouch down over the pool and concentrate on the mirror over Flora’s vanitytable.GM: You seek her reflection in the mirror, and then it comes to life. She’s in a scantnightgown and is putting her hair up for the night and gasps when Westley’s imageappears in her mirror.Anne: I’ll avert my eyes tactfully and tell her what’s up.

Reflection "Storage". If the Mirror Wright wishes to, she can "store"reflections within the glass, calling them forth when needed. It is done by presenting thedesired person or item in front of the mirror, concentrating, and willing it to rememberthe image it reflects. Later, at any time, the Mirrorwright may call forth the reflection anduse it in further applications of Power. This ability has several applications:

In this instance, Westley has left a large mirror in Corwin’s chamber with a note that it isa gift from Moire. Westley is convinced that Corwin is up to no good, and wants details.The mirror is a large one. Following are examples of what Westley can do with a mirrorhe has set to record all that transpires before its plane of reflection.

Playback. Conversations using the mirrors can be replayed and experiencedagain, perhaps studied for unnoticed elements, hidden meaning, or details which wereoverlooked. The only drawback is that these images can only play forward one time, frombeginning to end, in real time. They cannot be “ rewound,” or “ fast forwarded,” but canbe “ paused.” Once the image is finished being shown, it disappears from the mirror’smemory.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (251)

Shape Shifters might find this useful in perfecting disguises, using the mirrorform for a guide to alter their own reflection. The Game Master should recognize this bylowering the time needed and increasing the believability of the shifted disguise.

Westley can order the mirror to replay all the events which have transpired before it.Unfortunately, as he left the mirror in Corwin’s room for three days, he’ll either have toput aside an equal amount of time, perhaps in a fast time Shadow, or can watch bits andpieces when he is able, “pausing” it each time he needs to leave.

Copying items. The Mirrorwright may create a ready pool of useful itemswithin his or her mirror, to be summoned forth at a later date and invested with solidity.Perhaps they can be then Conjured forth and invested with Points to create duplicates ofArtifacts.

Given that Corwin was undoubtedly bearing his blade Grayswandir, Westley can orderthe image to stop, then reach through the mirror and pull from it a non-magical replicaof Corwin’s Pattern-Sword. He could also grab a silver rose off Corwin’s cloak, oranything displayed in the mirror. Combining this ability with Conjuration might makethem magical, though creating Pattern Artifacts could require an Advanced PatternInitiate, at the GM’s discretion.

Cloning. a much more sinister use of this ability might be to summon thereflection of a character or non-player character, invest them with reality, and either killit, providing an identical corpse to the original, or even worse, a "clone" of the originalwhich could be Conjured to have independent reality. These beings will be similar to thePattern and Logrus Ghosts described in Shadow Knight, though backed with the weakerPower of Mirror Wrighting.

Supposing Westley wants to make people think that Corwin is up to no good. He canreach through the mirror and draw through a replica of Corwin, though a mirror-image(with opposite handedness, etc...). This will be just like a Pattern-ghost, though weakerand without any Powers. If the image is attacked, it will shatted like a mirror, falling tothe ground in shards which will then disappear. Adding some Conjuration to the processwill make for a more durable Mirror-Ghost.

Disguise. A Mirrorwright may utilize the image stored within a mirror,animating and replacing it with their own mirror’s reflection. This allows them to pretendto be others, pulling an image from someone they have spoken to before and animating itto match their own movements and voice. It can also be used to disguise parts of thereflection, such as the background, or even items or scenes from past communications.This is very difficult to accomplish well, and a simple Psychic contact will usually revealthe truth (unless the Mirrorwright using the ability is also capable of Shape Shifting theiraura). The Power Word Mirror Fog can also be used to dispel these illusionary disguises.

This disguise is just as weak as the mirror image described above. If the characteris damaged, or brought into contact with any Power (Logrus Tendrils, Spells, etc...) orany item with some measure of Power (a Pattern-blade, for example), then the image· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (252)

collapses into reflective motes and disappears. Traversing the Pattern or Logrus destroysthis image upon the first step.

Westley has another idea, but it involves him appearing like Corwin. He doesn’t knowany spell of disguise, so he tries to use Mirror Wrighting to grab the aforementionedimage of Corwin and use it to cover his own self. As long as he avoids being damaged incombat or enters a Psychic contact with someone, his disguise will fool people at somedistance for a brief period of time. Anyone who knows Corwin well will notice thedifference in body language, posture, or stride. And to top it all off, he’ll have to becareful not to get into a fight and to stay away from any magic.

Entering the Reflected Plane Within the Mirror.What lies within a mirror? Is it merely glass? Is it the wall behind?On our Earth the answer is so, but in Rebma, the world of the reflected has a

reality of its own, one which one can feel and perhaps enter.Advanced Mirrorwrights have the ability to summon within their mirrors

reflections of places they wish to view, and enter those reflected worlds. Reversed anddisorienting, this experience is beyond description, and few Mirrorwrights make apractice of doing this regularly. Here are some of the options available to Mirrorwrightswhen they enter the Mirrorworld.

Simple Reversion. The most obvious possibility would be for the world insidethe looking glass to be identical in all aspects to the one outside, save for the reversedaspect. This might be a potential training ground for younger members of the Court ofAmber or Rebma, or a variant form of Shadow travel. In this world, relatives will behaveidentical to the way they would outside the mirror, save for being left-handed where theyare right, etc...

Omens and Portents. The world within the glass might be one similar to thedreamy Tir-na Nog'th, a place of prophecies and ghosts, where reflections of relatives andfriends behave in strange manners. Trips into these worlds will be strange and perhapsfraught with dangers, as nothing is as it seems and little from the outside world applieshere. This reflection might present a world where Rebma is primary, and Amber thereflection. Anything can happen here.

Opposites. Perhaps one might enter the world of the mirrors to encounter aworld filled with polar opposites of what one is used to. a kind-hearted Caine? Llewellaflighty and personable? a serious, well-mannered Random? It could take one to anAmber where Brand was a heroic figure, with Corwin the dark trickster. These are someof the possibilities one could find in a world of opposites.

Meeting Oneself. One aspect of these counter-worlds within the mirrors is thatthey provide the character the chance to encounter herself, and observe how they interactwith others from an altogether new vantage point. This would allow players to answer thehypothetical question "Would you like yourself if you met yourself as a stranger?"· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (253)

Perhaps in an opposite world, a Mirrorwright could encounter a self whichrepressed qualities are freely open, and ones dominant traits are kept within. a valuablelearning experience, but an unsettling one.

A weird opportunity for role-playing presents itself here with the player mighttake on both roles in such a meeting, possibly challenging herself with actions either didor opportunities missed.

The Mirrorworld. Introduced in the short story “ The Shroudling and theGuisel,” the Mirrorworld is inhabited by at least two types of creatures which dwellbeyond the limits of reflection. Shroudlings and guisels might be only two of many racesto be found in the Mirrorworld.

Infinity. Stand between two facing mirrors and what do you see? An infinitenumber of reflections are generated by this, each identical to the original.

In some ways, this infinite series of reflections represents Amber and herShadows. The only difference being the farther one gets from Amber, the more thereflections loses definition. This might be true of the Rebman mirror-shadows, also.

Traveling into one of these reflections might change it in some way, creating achange throughout the series. In fact, though use of some Power over Shadow (Pattern,Logrus, Trump, Sorcery, etc...), a character might reshape the universe within the mirrorto her own desire.

Mirror Prisons. It is possible for the Mirrorwright to create a trap on the otherside of a mirror. The prisoner cannot escape unless by use of a major Power or byAdvanced Mirrorwrighting. Their image will continue to be displayed in the mirror’ssurface, and people outside can converse with them, but cannot reach through the mirrorwithout being trapped themselves.

This is done by travelling through the desired mirror and sealing off all exits inthe reflected world, or by freezing the image of a prison cell or other confined area withinthe mirror. Then the mirror is placed in a spot where it will be encountered by the desiredtarget or targets. The mirror can then be set to activate on at a different range of distancesor conditions. These can vary from type of target, specific target, or any reasonablecondition which the Game Master allows. Typically, these mirrors are set to entrap aspecific individual or anyone passing too close to one. The mirrors can also be set to alertthe Mirrorwright when they are activated, but will not let them know if the entrapmentwas successful.

Actually trapping a target requires that the Mirrorwright be able to win in aPsyche vs. Psyche struggle with the target. This is done passively and without theMirrorwright knowing what is happening, unless some wards have been set. The mirror-trap can be adjusted so that when the victim’s image would be reflected upon the mirror,merely by walking within range of sight of it, the mirror automatically pulls them into it.It could also be adjusted for a specific person, Corwin, for example, and would only workon him.

Taking the above example to another extreme, Westley is convinced now that Corwin isclearly a traitor and must be stopped. The mirror he left in Corwin’s chamber has been· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (254)

accepted and Corwin seems unaware of its power. Sneaking into the chamber, Westleyreplaces it with an identical mirror which is designed to trap Corwin in a mirror-imageof his old cell in the dungeons of Amber, a bit of poetic justice. Westley has gone throughand eliminated Dworkin’s Trump etchings and replaced the burnt bedding. The mirror isset to trap Corwin when he is reflected onto the mirror, which will be as soon as heenters the room and turns on a light. Westley sneaks off and waits for the ward he laidupon the mirror to go off and let him know that Corwin is a prisoner.

Another adjustment to these mirrors is the condition of confinement. Some can bearranged so that anyone reaching through on the outside is trapped as well, while othersare set so that things can enter from the outside, but not the other way. A common way isto arrange things so that they can be reached through and the target freed only by theresponsible Mirrorwright, who must be present and committing the action.

Once trapped, a prisoner is free to attempt to use any of their Powers they can toescape. The mirror reflection is outside the normal universe and therefore Pattern, Trump,Logrus, Conjuration, and Sorcery are unable to work there, which would make the trapespecially debilitating. Shape Shifting and Power Words work fine, though, and anySorcery spells which draw on the magical energy (if any) of the reflected prison. On theoutside, the Mirrorwright can control whether or not the prisoner can see out or cannotsee the other side of the mirror-trap.

Breaking the prison mirror could have one of two effects, which the Game Mastershould decide before the mirror is broken. Either the prisoner is effectively trappedbeyond the reach of most conventional Powers, or they are freed. The Mirrorwrightshould be unaware which outcome would happen. The choice might depend greatly onwho is being trapped and what resources or Powers they have to bear upon their captivity.A character with Pattern Defense up and running when the mirror-trap is broken is likelyto appear, while an average Joe Shadow probably evaporates.

Two days later, Westley gets a twinge that his mirror-trap has been activated. He returnsto Corwin’s chamber, boldly striding in without knocking. Depending on what the GameMaster thinks Corwin is capable of, two possibilities are likely...

Westley sees Corwin’s face in the darkness of the mirror. Corwin looks angry and hisgloved fists pound on the walls around him. Westley can now taunt him, break the mirrorand imprison Corwin “forever,”or just hide the mirror in some dark corner of Shadowand let Corwin stew for a while. Corwin, inside the mirror, can either see Westley’sgloating face, or can see nothing. Westley can choose to reach through and free Corwin,or leave him sealed up in this prison to die. He can try to grab Grayswandir, or push aspear through and try to stab Corwin. If he’s feeling nice, he can pass him a sandwichand a can of soda. The decision is up to Westley. Corwin is totally in his power unless hecan figure some way out using some major Power. Or...

Westley enters Corwin’s door confidently and is somewhat surprised to find the tip ofGrayswandir pointed at his throat. The Pattern gleams along its length. A very much freeCorwin is sitting on a chair facing the doorway, a half-full wineglass in one hand. Themirror lies in shards at his feet and across the floor. The frame is hacked into flinders.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (255)

Corwin smiles, and says “Close the door. Next to it is a broom. Don’t try anythingstupid with it. You can sweep up while we talk. Get to work or die.”

MIRROR WRIGHTING AND OTHER POWERSThis section describes how one might combine the Power of Mirror Wrighting

with other Powers to achieve a variety of interesting effects and unique mirrors.

Combining Mirror Wrighting with Power Words. As describedabove, at the Advanced Rank of Mirror Wrighting, a Power Word user can send themthrough at a target directly. Otherwise, the Power Words are used only within the caster'sproximity, as with any other Artifact (see below).

Combining Mirror Wrighting with Sorcery. As with Power Words, amirror can be as a Psychic conduit to cast spells through only by AdvancedMirrorwrights. a mirror bought as an Artifact (see below) can be used in a number ofother ways. Spells can be cast upon mirrors, however, creating mystical means of scryingand to portray images. Possible uses of this combination of abilities is best judged by theGame Master.

Combining Mirror Wrighting with Conjuration. What if aMirrowright can use Conjuration to duplicate items shown before the mirror?

To do this, the Mirrorwright displays the desired item or creature to the mirror,and "fixes" its reflection within the glass. Then, he or she figures the total time spent perPoint of Artifact or Creature as the Conjuration rules describe, and halves it. Thislessening in Conjuring time is because there is already a reflection present. TheMirrorwright knows the secrets of imbuing a reflection with the "essence" of the item,rather than a mere visual display.

The Mirrorwright/Conjurer must concentrate upon the reflection. At the end of therequired amount of time, the Artifact or Creature becomes "real," an exact mirror imageof the original with identical appearance, weight, and composition.

Restrictions to this are as follows:

1. The reflected copy will not be in any way magical or enchanted unless theoriginal is. Duplicates will not possess any qualities the original does not, unless Pointsare spent on making it so. A character can thusly Conjure a mirror image of a weapon,and then spend Points to make it a personal Artifact, adding any Qualities or Powers atthat time.

2. The item will be an exact mirror image of the original. Henceforth, a bookor text will be reversed and unreadable without the aid of another mirror or intense andlong-term concentration. a clock will show a reversed face, numerals, and will runcounter-clockwise, a right-handed person will become a lefty, etc... Effects will not bereversed (i.e. a torch which burns cold), but the reflection will be the opposite of itsoriginal form. Coins duplicated will bear unreadable script, and heads on them will facethe wrong way.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (256)

3. The reflection is only useful so long as it and the original are within visualrange of the mirror. Taking either out of the room where the mirror rests or concealingthem in some way causes the copy to disappear instantly. Spending the requisite Pointson such an item once it is made, however, allows the Mirrorwright to treat it in all wayssimilar to the original.

4. If the original item or the mirror are altered in any way (broken, ShapeShifted, etc...) the reflection will disappear or behave likewise. Breaking the mirrorsimply causes the copy to dissipate. Breaking the reflected item will cause the copy tobreak identically. Using some Power on either mirror or original item ends the reflectednature of the copy and causes it to vanish. Again, items with Points invested in them willbehave in whatever manner their owner wishes.

5. Creatures or living beings copied will be soulless husks, without will orvolition. Personality and behavior are a facet of Psyche and cannot be duplicated. Theitems will be nearly inanimate, as the energy which moves them is simply not present.Commanding them will garner no response. They are entirely without volition, save forthe action of vital bodily functions. Spending Points on these beings, making themCreatures, invests them with whatever Qualities and behavior is chosen. Once anappropriate level of intelligence and sentience is paid for, then the creature or "clone" willbehave exactly as would the original being.

Conjuring Oneself. Taken to extremes, the Mirrorwright might even go so faras to Conjure reflections of herself, duplicates which can be stored within the mirrors andsummoned forth at a moment's notice. This is dangerous, however, as any reflection isbound to feel that their own existence is equally valuable.

At the moment of actual summoning, the reflection of the Conjurer simply forththrough the plane of the silvered glass, with memories identical of the Conjurers up to themoment of creation. The Conjured reflection can be dealt with then as the Conjurer seesfit.

Confusion might ensue as to the roles of the Conjurer and the conjured, creatingmany opportunities for Game Master abuse upon hapless players. Players who fail to takebasic precautions to prevent this might find their own reality in question.

Combining Mirror Wrighting with Pattern.It is possible for a Mirrorwright with Pattern Imprint to enter the reflected world

of their mirror and use Pattern to Shadow Shift away from it, in effect entering a paralleluniverse which exists only within the mirror entered.

The reflection of the mirror entered would be one primary source of this universe,such as Amber is to Shadow, and moving further away from the original mirror worldwould effectively allow a Mirrorwright to travel as far as the reflected version of theCourts of Chaos, if that place is what lies at the other end.

Crossovers. This is a fantastic opportunity to create crossover adventures usingthis ability. What is to say that the reflection is any less real than the original. Entering· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (257)

these worlds could be an ideal chance for different Amber campaigns to coincide andinteract.

Imagine the arguments about which reality is the valid one!

The Hall of Mirrors. The Hall of Mirrors might be connected to the ability ofMirror Wrighting. Sometimes found in various places throughout Castle Amber, may bea collection of many such mirrors, enchanted to take the viewer to alternate reflections oftheir own world. One possibility might be that in all of the alternate Ambers, there is onlyone Hall of Mirrors which alternates between them, displaying each reality as an imagewithin the silvered glass.

Creating Mirrors as Artifacts. Investing Points in the mirror and turning itinto an Artifact allows the mirror to be used as a traditional Artifact, from which single ornamed & numbered Spells or Power Words may be cast from it. Some forms of PsychicDefense would be very useful for an enchanted mirror, and Extra Hard is a healthyprecaution.

Mirrors with some type of Psychic Quality can be used to establish Psychiccontact, as per the Advanced Mirror Wrighting ability, and Sorcery or Power Words canbe used through it.

Many Mirrorwrights use their mirrors to rack a few spells for unwanted callers orpotential targets. Investing a Mirror with the ability to communicate creates a mirrorwhich can be used as a non-player character, replete with personality and quirksaccording to the Game Master and player. If the player wishes, it might even have anactual appearance which shows in the mirror when the personality is being contacted, inplace of the Mirrorwright's reflection.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (258)

THE MIRRORS OF REBMAThe Power of Mirror Wrighting is not the only way the Game Master can or

should represent the presence of mirrors in Rebma. Doing so would be the equivalent toestablishing that every painting in Amber is in fact a Trump, or that every item in the cityis an artifact of some sort. Following are a number of alternate ways of integrating themirrors into the campaign play, which should keep even the most astute of Mirrorwrightson their toes and allow the Game Master better opportunity to customize their own imageof how Rebma “works.”

THE REFLECTION OF TRUMP ARTISTRYMirror Wrighting allows practitioners the ability to create and use the magical

mirrors which hang throughout Rebma. These mirrors are Rebma's answer to Trump,uniquely suited for the underwater environment and similar to Amber's own means ofcommunication.

Just as the Trump depict the Amberites and enable them to communicate andteleport through Shadow, the mirrors provide the Court of Rebma those selfsameabilities. There are other disciplines which come with the Mirror Wrighting ability, whichare detailed in the power's description.

Trumps in Amber provide the link between art and reality, perhaps even beingartifacts tied in with the very forces of creation. Rebma is something of a special case,however. It is hinted that it is not a real place, in the purest sense, but possibly only areflection of another place, the eternal city of Amber. What role would Trumps have in aRebma which is nothing but a copy of a higher reality? The Trumps which in Amberstand for reality and provide many of the Amberites the ability to focus their awesomepowers are not quite appropriate in Rebma, due to the nature of the place. Instead, thewalls of the City and the Castle Rebma are hung with mirrors, symbolic of Rebma'sreflected nature, used similarly to the Trumps, though with some differences.

The Trumps seem to be static, picturing the subject as it was originally depictedfor as long as the card exists. Since the Trumps are nearly invulnerable, this can be forquite a while. This is as it should be for the immortal denizens of Amber. The idea thatRebma is a “ ghost city” or a mere reflection of Amber, means that it is of a fleetingreality and will change its form as Amber does. These mirrors work similarly to this,reflecting any who stand before them, offering their power to the subject of the reflectedimage they portray.

MIRRORS AS REFLECTIONS OF THE PATTERNIn Prince of Chaos, Corwin's Pattern-ghost hints to Merlin that the segment of the

Pattern reproduced within Corwin's blade Grayswandir might be in some way much morethan a small reproduction of the original. "Maybe it's the other way around," he replies toMerlin's assumption that Corwin' sword contains some copy of Amber's Pattern. IfCorwin's blade contains some representation of the Primal Pattern, similar to the Jewel ofJudgement or the alternate versions of the Pattern in Rebma and Tir-na Nog'th, then thisextends to Brand's Pattern blade Werewindle and Bleys' own golden Pattern blade. InKnight of Shadows, Merlin observes that "this excerpting was from the Pattern's end,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (259)

whereas Grayswandir's was from a point near the beginning." This may have been so fora variety of reasons, and Rebma might have similar reasons.

In Rebma the mirrors symbolize everything about the nature of the city. Rebmaexists as a reflection of Amber, and events above the water in Amber are believed toinfluence events below in Rebma. In Nine Princes in Amber, Random claims to haveanticipated Corwin and Bleys' attempted invasion of Amber by observing "a wavering ofShadow." Moire will not lend Corwin and Deirdre troops because of the chaos it wouldbring her own realm.

In short, Rebma is a mirror of Amber, and mirrors in Rebma have specialimportance. The Pattern represents Amber's existence, and the Mirrors in Rebma do thesame in that place. It could be that the mirrors of Rebma contain either a segment of thePattern or a "frozen" reflection of part of it. If so, is it Rebma's Pattern, or Amber's, whichis duplicated in the mirrors?

Mirrors as Pattern Artifacts. Perhaps the mirrors are what makes Rebma areflection of Amber. In this scheme, Oberon or Dworkin forced Rebma into becoming areflection of Amber by placing the Pattern Mirrors there, using them to force an ancientcity (perhaps inhabited by the Tritons) to conforming with the reverse image of Amber.Once the mirrors are taken away, perhaps Rebma and its people will revert to theiroriginal forms.

If so, then the mirrors are what keep Rebma in "synch" with Amber. Removing ordestroying them would break Rebma from its ties with Amber, allowing it to actindependently without fear of retribution. Such mirrors would be warded withconsiderable power in the form of ancient enchantments and curses which protect themfrom tampering by younger generations. Who would be the custodian of the mirrors?Llewella? Queen Moire? They might seek to use player characters for their own ends,much in the subtle manner which the Pattern blades move throughout Shadow and aidtheir owners to achieve the Pattern’s ends.

Two uses of Pattern Mirrors are as follows:

Resisting Power over Shadow. Shadow Shifting and using the Pattern toinfluence probability in Amber is extremely difficult, if not impossible, due to thepresence of the Pattern, which lends "reality" to the environment around it. One view ofthe Pattern-Logrus Universe is that Shadow is created between the two poles bycorruption of one in the other's domain. Therefore, any Shadows near Amber are not"perfect" in the way that Amber is, due to the small amount of the Logrus' corruption.This Chaos taint increases until one reaches Ygg, at which point the domain becomes theprovince of the Logrus, touched with the inflexibility of small amounts of the Pattern.This accounts for the existence of Broken Patterns and the Logrus equivalents mentionedin Merlin’s books of the Chronicles.

Though Rebma contains a Pattern, it is Reversed, making it a curious case. Is it"less" perfect than Amber's, or is it somehow equal? If it can be considered to be inferiorthan Amber's, then it must contain some corruption of Chaos. The Reflected Image of thePattern, placed throughout Rebma in the form of the mirrors, lends strength to Rebmaagainst the touch of Chaos, and perhaps against Amberites who decide that ruling a"second-class" version of Amber is enough for them. By strengthening Rebma's reality· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (260)

with Pattern Mirrors, this limits the Pattern Imprint ability to manipulate Shadow inRebma and alter probability there.

Pattern Defense. Bringing the Pattern to mind can act as a potent defenseagainst invasive Sorcery, Trump, and especially the force of the Logrus. Could it be thatthe Pattern Mirrors in Rebma have been placed there to protect the Castle and Queenagainst hostile magic or the forces of Chaos? This last-ditch line of defense might havebeen established long ago by the House of Rebma to keep their Amberite counterpartsfrom launching an assault upon their realm, or to slow the advance of the Courts of Chaosin the early days of Amber, almost as a frontier garrison. Perhaps Rebma has not alwaysbeen so tranquil, and the Pattern Mirrors are for use protecting the royal line from its ownpeople.

FOUNDATIONS OF REBMAWhat if the mirrors are ancient Artifacts predating Rebma's creation? Left by

some ancient race, they may have been specifically created by some figure from Rebma'sprehistory to form a city from nothing. If so, they might be the foundation for Rebma'sexistence, each mirror imbuing some part of Rebma with the reflected reality of theequivalent section of Amber's own Castle Amber. Perhaps the ceiling of the chamber ofRebma's Reversed Pattern is a giant mirror, casting a reflection of Amber's Pattern intothe sea-floor of the dungeons beneath Rebma.

What happens when they are moved or altered? Does the area revert to someoriginal form, or does it simply become susceptible to change? Did the mirrors changewhat was already there, or did they create something from nothing? The mirrors mighteven be the evolutionary force in Rebma which changed the Rebmans from a race of sea-dwellers such as the merfolk or Tritons into their current human forms. Would they beginto become more or less human if the mirrors were tampered with?

This possibility is rich in role-playing potential, as it gives player-charactersconsiderable power over Rebma and its people. Messing around with the primal forces ofRebma's existence is bound to attract attention from all sorts of Elder Amberites andRebmans, both kindly disposed towards, or vehemently opposed to, change in Rebma.

ARTIFACTS OF REBMAAnother possibility is that the Mirrors may be a set of magical Artifacts left by the

founders of Rebma, currently owned by Moire, by Llewella, by several members of theCourt, or by the people of Rebma. They are displayed throughout the castle walls, insideand out, placed strangely and can be found in many different shapes and sizes. Perhapsthey are feared, or idolized. Legends may have grown from disturbing reflections withinthem, of reflections which do not conform to the reality before them.

In the short prolog to Trumps of Doom which takes young Merlin through his firsttraversal of the Logrus, his uncle Suhuy, Master of the Logrus, berates him upon hiscompletion of that initiation, saying “ ...And a fool not to have borne a blade and soenchanted it . . . or a mirror, a chalice, or a wand to brace your magic.” The inclusion of amirror in this list implies that perhaps mirror artifacts are not unheard of within theCourts of Chaos, and are not unique to Rebma and thereabouts.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (261)

If the mirrors are Artifacts in the proper sense, then several questions must beasked...

Whose Artifacts are the Mirrors? If they are Artifacts, then the questionremains as to who paid the Points for them and who created them. From their descriptionin Nine Princes in Amber, we have no idea about how long they've been there or whatthey're used for.

Several people might own the mirrors. Among them are:

Queen Moire. Moire, Queen of Rebma keeps the mirrors for her own use,utilizing them in a variety of ways. Handed down through the lineage of Rebman rulers,or perhaps her own devising, she has paid the full amount of Points for them and they arewithin her province. Moire uses the mirrors in her surveillance of Rebma and Amber,communication, and even as focus for defensive magic. Some of the mirrors are evenprisons for the souls of those who have offended Moire, displayed so that all might seethe price of dissent.

Llewella. The "Deep Player in Everyone's Favorite Game" version of Llewellain the Amber Diceless Roleplaying rulebook attributes the mirrors to her, the product of"Modified Conjuration." According to this description, the mirrors are empowered tolook into the related position in Castle Amber. As such, they represent a highly efficientspying system. Llewella might also use them for her own spell use, or perhaps hasenchanted them so that they might "record" all that happens in Rebma before the mirrors,storing their reflections so she can later view them and see all that transpires withinCastle Rebma.

Dworkin. Perhaps Dworkin himself founded Rebma to house the sea-boundreflection of the Pattern. If so, he would certainly have created some system of keepingtabs on what happened in the kingdom beneath the sea, ensuring that no plotting againstAmber went unnoticed. Dworkin as owner of the mirrors is one possibility, because in thesame way he can be said to be the "owner" of the Pattern and the Jewel of Judgment.

Lir. The Triton King, Lir might have created the mirrors using Conjuration forany of a variety of reasons. It is possible that the mirrors contain shortcuts throughShadow to the Triton's kingdom, or they might have formed a Triton equivalent of theTrumps. One possibility has Lir creating the mirror Artifacts to cast reflections of theroyal family onto his own people in Rebma, altering them from their old forms into near-human creatures for their own survival, or to enable them to compete with those ofAmber. Perhaps the reverse is true, with the Mirrors maintaining the Triton line andkeeping Rebma different from Amber in various ways, such as the appearance of hercitizens and keeping Rebma from being populated by reflections of the Amberite royalfamily like Tir-na Nog'th appears to be.

What are the Mirrors Used For? Having strangely shaped and placedmirrors hanging inside and outside of the walls of Castle Rebma seems to be more than· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (262)

an artistic statement. There must be some function to the mirrors, or a variety of functionsand ways they can be used.

Communication. Like the New Power of Mirror Wrighting describes, themirrors provide the Rebman people with a system of communication similar to theTrumps of Amber. Whether or not the mirrors require the Power to use, or are able to beutilized by anyone with the requisite Psyche and rudimentary training is a matter for theGame Master to decide. The range and limits of the mirrors are also within the GameMaster's realm of control, though it is recommended that if the Power of MirrorWrighting is not used, then the mirrors be fairly ineffectual, perhaps useful only withinRebma.

Essential Qualities for communication mirrors are the Psychic ones such asPsychic Sensitivity, Sensitivity to Danger, and definitely one of the Item Trump ImagePowers such as Contains a Trump Image and Powered By Trump.

Transportation. Like the Trumps, the mirrors might enable a Rebman toteleport themselves to somewhere in Rebma, in Shadow, or in Amber. Perhaps themirrors are linked to mirrors in the homes of the Rebman people, and teleportation islimited to the mirror of the Rebman House depicted. They might be forced to viewreflections of places in Shadow, which can then be visited by the power of the Mirrors.Or else they look upon the equivalent positions in Amber, and provide transportation aswell as viewing there.

Mirrors used for Transportation would perhaps need both the Shadow Seek Powerand Powered by Trump to allow instantaneous teleportation between place to place.

Worship. In Knight of Shadows, Merlin learns of the practice of worshipingAmberites which embody traits admired by various Houses within the Courts of Chaos.Perhaps the practice is not so unique to Chaos, and the people of Rebma have long alliedthemselves with the Princes and Princesses of the House of Amber. Moire speaks of afondness for Benedict, and Vialle admits to Corwin that she was fascinated by stories ofhim while she grew up in Rebma.

Each of the mirrors might contain an image of the Amberite which lays dormantuntil willed to appear, providing some means of spying on each of the Elder Amberites,with each mirror attuned to a specific Amberite. The process might be another variant ofTrump Artistry allowing only one-way, undetectable Trump Contact.

Characters from Amber might be surprised to find a mirror whose frame is carvenwith their own emblem or personal sign, perhaps wrought in a frame of their own colors.

Mirrors which would allow the viewers to summon images of others would needContains a Trump Image and perhaps Psychic Sensitivity to convey a sense of thedepicted Amberite's presence, and Psychic Neutral to avoid detection.

Containers or Prisons. Moire might not be the benevolent matriarch weimagine she is. The mirrors could be traps, imprisoning the souls and/or physical bodiesof those who have dared plot against her, displayed within and without the walls ofRebma for all to see and be warned by.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (263)

Using a similar process, the mirrors might also be a form of "Spirit Trap" for pastrulers and Nobles of Rebma, which can be summoned through concentrating and bringingforth their reflection. In this way, wisdom might be had from the spirits of old, counselingMoire or others in Rebma from the vantage of an aeons-old perception of Rebma.

Mirror traps might need the Quality Invulnerable to all Conventional Weapons toavoid destruction which would release the inhabiting entity, and Psychic Barrier with themodifier Confer Quality on Inhabitant.

Magic. Magical mirrors have places in much of Shadow Earth myth and folklore.Rebma's mirrors might be used in the elaborate magical rituals common to Sorcery orConjuration, perhaps even being used to store spells. Perhaps many of the mirrors containdefensive spells for Moire's use, or they might contain various spells which aid in theday-to-day maintenance of Castle Rebma.

Mirrors of this type might be little more than 1 or 2 Point Artifacts with thequalities Able to Rack a Spell or Named & Numbered Spells, or they might be createdwith qualities of Intelligence ranging from Able to Speak to Able to Speak in Tongues &Voices. They might also be able allow the user to have some Control Over Shadow, withsome Conferred Qualities or Powers. Especially precious mirrors would naturally needsome form of Resistance to Damage, and maybe even some Psychic Resistance.

Affecting Rebma's Reality. As described in the section on Foundations ofRebma, the mirrors might be some form of Shadow manipulating force which moldsRebma into a duplicate of Amber, or perhaps the opposite is true and the mirrors are whatmakes Rebma different. The reality in Rebma might be further controlled by the users ofthe mirrors, though wholesale and indiscriminate use is likely forbidden, restricted onlyto those of the Royal Line such as Moire and Llewella.

Whichever the case, the mirrors would need the Powers of Item Control ofShadow, from Able to "Mold" Shadow Stuff to Able to "Mold" Shadow Reality. Perhapsthose Powers are Transferred, or the mirrors are themselves Intelligent and Able toCommunicate and alter or maintain Rebma's reality on their own or on the command ofMoire.

Can Characters Have Mirrors? Sure! All they have to do is pay thePoints, and they'll gain their own, Personal Artifacts tied in with their own destiny. Themirrors don't have to follow any of the suggestions given here, either. They can beportable, players can give them the ability to change their forms, or other Qualities orPowers can be added. There's nothing here that says the player's mirror has to be anythinglike the others.

Helping a player create one for a personal Artifact might be a great way ofmisinforming the player about the others, making him or her assume that all the mirrorsin Rebma follow the same rules. Then, when they try to use a different one, they'll be infor a nasty surprise...

MIRRORS AS WAYS INTO SHADOW· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (264)

He turned me and led me toward the room's darkest corner, where I had not notedthat a tall, curiously framed mirror hung. It exhibited an odd reflective capacity in that itshowed us and the room behind us with perfect clarity from a distance, but the closer weapproached to its surface, the more indistinct all of its images became. I could see whatwas coming, coming. But I still tensed as Dworkin, a pace in advance of me by then,stepped through its foggy surface and jerked me after him.

Merlin, in Dworkin’s chamberKnight of Shadows (p. 203)

As you can imagine, Shadow Shifting from Rebma can be a long and difficultprocess, due to the darkness, the immense pressure, intense cold, and overall vastness ofthe ocean floor. Characters without some degree of Shape Shifting or Adaptation areunlikely to survive long enough outside of Rebma's boundaries to make even the smallestof Shadow Shifts. As Corwin unwillingly demonstrated in Nine Princes in Amber andPrince of Chaos, imprisoning an Amberite in darkness is the most effective way ofpreventing a Prince or Princess of Amber from using their ability to manipulate the stuffof Shadow.

Since Rebma is surrounded by the darkness of the sea, lit only by the mysterioustorches, Rebma represents a problem for those who wish to travel from there into Shadowwithout marching up Faiella-bionin and through Arden. Trumps are one method, andwalking the Reversed Pattern are other options of leaving Rebma, but the first dependsupon having a contact outside Rebma and the second needs the royal blood of Amber (orRebma, if the Game Master is allowing Rebmans to walk the Pattern).

Ways into Shadows. The mirrors transport the user into a particular Shadowwhich the mirror is "set" for. Perhaps the mirror is linked to a twin in the appropriateShadow, similar to Dworkin's mirror which took him into Oberon's chambers. Likelychoices for these mirrors' destinations would be Shadows near to Amber, such as theGolden Kingdom, or the Coral Branch kingdoms. Perhaps one even leads to ShadowEarth, or some hidden mirror is linked to one within the Courts of Chaos.

Ways into Other Reflections of Rebma. The mirrors are used in place ofShadow Shifting to allow the Rebmans transportation between Rebma and her ownShadows, the Shadows described as the Coral Ring. The mirrors might also be used toenter the Shadows cast by Rebma's Pattern, allowing the characters to use the mirrors toenter another universe.

Ways into the Mirror World. The short story “ The Shroudling and theGuisel” introduces Merlin to the shroudlings, a race of vampire-like creatures whichdwell within the plane behind the mirrors. “ I am the fleeting shadow in your mirror,”says Rhanda, a childhood love of Merlin’s who is revealed as a shroudling. She mentionsclosing and locking a mirror as if it were a door, making it entirely black and unable to beused for vision or travel. She says of her people, the shroudlings, “We all of us make ourhomes beyond the bounds of reflection” staying out of the visible reflections within amirror and dwelling outside them. Traveling to their abode, Merlin observes the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (265)


The inside of the mirror seemed the same as the room without, but turned around.Rhanda led me to the farthest point of reflection, to the left, then stepped around acorner.

We came into a twisted, twilit place of towers and great residences, none of themfamiliar to me. The air bore clusters of wavy, crooked lines here and there. Sheapproached one, inserted her free hand, and stepped through it, taking me with her. Weemerged on a crooked street lined with twisted buildings.

This experience hints at a mirror world similar to Rebma, a place where peopledwell within the reflected images of another realm. Rebma might be home to creatureslike the shroudlings, or they might be known to them. Again, the strangeness of Corwin’svoyage to Rebma might have been implying that Rebma is in fact in another reflectedplane, only visible through the ocean’s mirrored surface.


One of Castle Amber's intriguing anomalies, the Corridor of Mirrors, in additionto seeming longer in one direction than the other, contained countless mirrors. Literallycountless. Try counting them, and you never come up with the same total twice. Tapersflicker in high, standing holders, casting infinities of shadows. There are big mirrors,little mirrors, narrow mirrors, squat mirrors, tinted mirrors, distorting mirrors, mirrorswith elaborate frames -- cast or carved -- plain, simply framed mirrors, and mirrors withno frames at all; there are mirrors in multitudes of sharp-angled geometric shapes,amorphous shapes, curved mirrors.

Knight of Shadows (p. 217)

One feature of Castle Amber is the mysterious Corridor of Mirrors. According toMerlin, it appears at odd intervals, and usually with some purpose. Time and spaceappear to have no meaning to the Corridor, and those it seeks out are advised to walk itslength. Oftentimes, those within receive visions, omens or ill portent. Sometimes they areinjured. Some visitors never return, while others emerge with gifts of an unusual nature.No one in Amber seems to know what power it works on, and how it may be controlled,though long-lost Amberite Delwin appeared to Merlin there and gave him the gift of aSpikard in Knight of Shadows. The mirrors from the Corridor and those throughout Rebma could be one in thesame. What if the Corridor of Mirrors represents some version of both cities, combinedand manifested in some way in Amber? One of the playtests had the Corridor of Mirrorsknown in Rebma as the Corridor of Portraits, which appeared occasionally with livingpaintings of various known and unknown Rebmans and Amberites.

The Corridor of Mirrors might display its visions to those in Rebma, or perhapsthe Corridor is in some way, some twisted version of Amber, or an unknown version of it.Perhaps the mirrors in Rebma are linked to those in the Corridor, feeding them power tomove throughout Amber, bending time and space at will to serve its own mysterious· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (266)

purposes.The sourcebook Shadow Knight offers some other speculations about the Corridor

of Mirrors which might be utilized for use in Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (267)


Like Amber’s Golden Circle, Rebma is surrounded by a set of adjacent Shadowswhich are known as the Coral Branch. As all seven of them are in some way related to thesea and the depths, they are also known as the Shadow-sea Realms. The routes betweenRebma and these Shadows are old and are well-traveled, and many from Rebma ventureforth into the Coral Branch, and vice versa. Beyond this is a mysterious encircling massof vine-choked water, shot through with strong currents and inhabited by anunimaginable array of sea-creatures. This is the Sargasso Sea. Few in Rebma’s historyhave ever passed through the Sargasso Sea, and those who have ventured even a shortway within it have told of strange forces at work there, almost as if nature itself attemptsto keep explorers from passing. Legends have risen about vessels stranded in clusters,ghost-haunted, and about twisted and mysterious skeletons caught up in vines at alldepths.

According to popular belief, beyond the Sargasso Sea is the Maelstrom, thegigantic whirlpool which is the end of the universe’s oceans, where all water, and all lifewhich sprang from it, returns to spiral away into oblivion, or some other state ofexistence.

Rebman metaphysicians and mapmakers present theories which insist that whilethe Sargasso Sea has proven thus far impenetrable, it is no more a barrier than the ForestArden of Amber, and that when its secrets are plumbed and its expanses charted,navigators who pass through it will learn that there is an entire universe beyond theSargasso Sea, a Rebman universe of Reflections rather than of Shadows. They feel thatthe Maelstrom does exist, but is the Rebman equivalent to the Abyss in the Courts ofChaos, and that Rebma is equally as important as Amber, its Pattern being one of threereflections of the Primal Pattern, rather than a reflection of Amber’s.

This means that Rebma is the pole of existence for its own universe of reflectedShadows. This reflected Universe, while similar in many respects to Amber and Chaos',is not an exact duplicate at the two poles of existence which make up the source-points,and therefore exists almost parallel to the Amber-Chaos universe of Shadow. Bothuniverses contain an infinity of Shadows/Reflections, but is due to their sources that theydiffer. Reflections radiating from Rebma will reflect Rebma rather than Amber, and theTriton Court's adjacent Reflections are their own and not copies of the Courts of Chaos.

How does this affect things?It makes Rebma's existence much more important in the universal scheme,

allowing it a different universe for the scions of Rebma to explore. With this freedomcomes a fearsome price, the enmity of the Tritons, primeval ancestors of the Rebmanswho dwell in their world at the other end of the reflected universe.

A New Universe of Possibilities. Allowing a Rebman universe ofReflections allows Game Masters the ability to give Rebmans the full run of Powers andfull Attributes. Introducing the Rebman universe later in a campaign alters nothing, as itis unlikely that any characters have previously attempted to Shadow Shift from Rebma. Ifso, it can be explained that "the conditions weren't right" or that there is a mental· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (268)

discipline unknown to the character which allowed such a shift. Without being aware ofthe Rebman universe, characters might have simply shifted back to Amber's own array ofShadows.

This allows Game Masters the option of running Rebman-based campaigns whichhave little or nothing to do with Amber. Instead, Amberites may seem like distant cousinswhen in Rebma and its world. Their affairs have no bearing on what happens in Rebma orin the Reflections, save for curiosity's sake. Threats from one universe might spill into theother, which can make for an intriguing mega-campaign, with families from both worldsstruggling to overcome it.

Positing a Rebman-based universe also adds weight and mystery alike to Amber'sairy reflection, Tir-na Nog'th. If it is possible to shift from Rebma into other Shadows orReflections, then it seems likely that the same holds true for Tir-na Nog'th, greatlyincreasing the size, and story potential, of the Amber universe.


Like the Golden Circle of closely-located Shadows with which Amber does trade,Rebma has an alliance of nearby Shadows with which it does commerce. Known as theCoral Branch, these Shadows are all like Rebma, underwater cities with a strongmedieval flavor. These Shadows bear strong similarities to Rebma, and may have beensources for early human settlement of the City Rebma if it was not always a place formen.

At some point in its past, Rebma sent a diplomatic mission to these kingdoms, orsimply invaded them. Perhaps one or two of them first encountered Rebma on thebattlefield, attempting to invade Rebma itself. As can be expected, they failed, and nowtreaties of peace and trade bind them together. As Rebma is a place of a Pattern, exerts apull upon neighboring Shadows, drawing them towards it. Rebma's military, alone oraided by Amber's navies and troops, has always been strong enough to withstand anyassaults, and has been quick to sign mutually beneficial treaties with the neighboringShadows which are suitable candidates into the Coral Branch.

Traveling to, from, and within the Coral Branch. Here are many of thedifferent ways how the different Shadow Kingdoms of the Coral Branch are accessiblefrom Amber or from Rebma:

Physical Travel or by Shadow-Shifting. Travel to these Shadows isfrequent, and the passages through them are well-worn and clearly marked, strong enoughthat even persons unable to traverse Shadow independently are able to voyage freelybetween Rebma and these Shadows, and from Shadow to Shadow in many cases.

These passages are known, laid down by the folk of Rebman ages ago, and manyof them are able to be traversed both ways, though the way into Rebma is sometimesblocked with obstacles similar to border defense. This can take the form of humanguardsman, creatures, underwater phenomena such as boiling seas, labyrinthine passageswhich must be swum, and coral reefs through which there is only one correct route.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (269)

Passage upon these ways through Shadow can be done in many different methods,depending upon the nature of the path and the denizens of the Shadow. Swimming,walking, hitching a ride on a willing sea-creature are all methods of traversing theseShadow ways.

Occasionally, creatures or people from these Shadows accidentally find their wayinto Rebma by stumbling across these ways through Shadow. This accounts for thepresence of many non-Rebmans in the population, and might also be a supporting reasonfor the non-human appearance of the Rebman people due to untold centuries ofinterbreeding with non-humans.

Trump. Just as in Amber, Trumps can contact people within the Coral Branchand visit them or bring them through. Trumps can also be created depicting areas withinthe Coral Branch, or at one of the many physical access points.

Mirrors. Several versions of the magical Mirrors of Rebma offer constantgateways and through Shadow and into the Coral Branch, which also look out onto thosevistas. Using one of these for transportation might be as easy as utilizing a Trump, ormight be a secret known only to Mirror Wrights.

The Golden Circle. Most of these realms of the Coral Branch are also manifestin Amber’s allied Golden Circle Shadows. In some of them, the existence of the undersearealm is known and some contact has been made, which could range from truce, war, tosteady trade and open pledges of defense. In others, the submerged worlds are merelegends and are known only to a few with some degree of magical power. Methods oftravel from the Golden Circle Shadows to the Coral Branch Sea-Shadows and the exactcorrelation of which is connected to which should be defined by the Game Master whenappropriate.

THE KINGDOMS OF THE CORAL BRANCHEach of these Shadow kingdoms is given a description of the land itself, the

people, the government and society, its leader and any notable personalities, quirks suchas magical practices, and finally, a description of their relationship with Rebma.

HY-BRASAILOnce this land was an island, above water, when it befell a curse brought upon it

by the king. When the waters engulfed Hy-Brasail, the cowardly king fled the island upona mighty white horse which could tread water, or so Hy-Brasail's folklore states. Thepeople found that they did not drown, but could not breathe air any more either. It hasbeen many generations since this has happened, and the vanished king's name is lost tohistory, though his deed has not. Legend has it that he will return one day, to atone for hisdeed and bring the island above the waters once more. Presently, the realm is led by agroup of the prominent citizens.

Hy-brasail's folk are similar to the Rebmans, though are not so "fishy" inappearance and coloration. They are generally blonde, fair-skinned, and fine-featured.They dress still in clothing of elaborate make and speak a language similar to Thari.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (270)

There are no cities in Hy-brasail, merely large villages. The people are not warlike in theleast, though they are somewhat magically adept and they claim to have elf-blood inthem.

Rebma does trade with them, and many of the fair-haired Rebmans are descendedfrom the folk of Hy-brasail. They have perfected the art of weaving cloth underwater, andtheir silks and other fabrics are prized throughout the Coral Branch.

The Hy Brasail Embassy in Rebma. As there is no actual king or queen inHy Brasail, this embassy exists mostly as a center for trade negotiations, the chief importinto Rebma being the gorgeous, multi-colored cloth. The staff of this embassy rotatesquite frequently, and none of the ambassadors has proven especially noteworthy ormemorable. The embassy is a modest one, low and without much decor, though insideand outside are several of the elaborately-woven tapestries the folk of Hy Brasail areknown for. They conduct several tours daily for those who fancy the tapestries and rugs.

ATLANTISThe people of this land also claim to have once been dwellers of the surface

world, sunken in ages past to dwell in the darkness of the sea-floor. According the theAtlanteans, their island was once a great port visited by vessels from many worlds.Somewhat immodestly they claim that they were culturally superior the all around them,and their arts, philosophies, and technology were to the zenith of their world. Littlewonder that hubris intervened, and caused a cataclysm which sent their land to thebottom of the sea.

The Atlanteans worship a god known as the Lord of the Dark Face, and arethemselves dark-skinned. Their language is closer to the Rebman dialect of Tyree thanAmberite Thari, and they have an extensive literary history, though also excel in a systemof storytelling using empathic transmission of images, emotions, as well as spokenwords. Their Queen Antinea, is a powerful ruler, though something of a voraciouspredator when it comes the able-bodied men who enter Atlantis. By right of Queenship,she “marries” many suitable visitors the Atlantis, who then are either passed on to herhandmaidens or put to death through elaborate ritual sacrifice. Antinea is a sorceress andhas access to other sources of power, some of which might be very potent.

Most Atlanteans, male and female, undergo upon adulthood a series of ritualscarrings, which leave ornate designs rife with coincentric circles, bands, and otherdesigns etched into most of their exposed skin. These are usually lighter than their skin,making them stand out quite prominently. Shaven skulls and general hairlessness iscommon to better exhibit these scar tattoos.

Though few male Rebmans travel there, they are nonetheless loosely protected bya treaty which Moire has with Antinea. Rebmans sometimes voyage the Atlantis to seekout lost libraries and to examine the "marvels" of Atlantean technology which more oftenthan not turn out to be hyperbole. Many Atlanteans venture to Rebma to study sorceryand learn in Rebma's academies.

The Atlantean Embassy in Rebma. Queen Antine’s ambassadors are proudlyAtlantean, openly worshipping their God of the Dark Face, whose visage is displayed onthe front of the elaborate temple-embassy. The architectural style evokes both Greek and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (271)

Incan elements, and is carven with baroque serpents whose eyes are all trained upon theDark Face. More than a few of the ambassadorial staff are sorcerers, and others are seenstudying those arts in the academies and universities of Rebma. They have managed toaccumulate a small following of worshippers from among the Rebman people, thoughmost Rebmans find their religion somewhat involved, over-complex, and contradictory tothe Rebman temperment. The High Priest Ambassador is named Selsimbog, a robust,lively man, somewhat corpulent and bald-shaven, with ritual scarring decorating all hisexposed flesh. His garments are bright and ornate, and he is always seeking knowledgeon the world outside Rebma. His joviality hides a mind like a surgeon’s blade, and it isthe origin of many plans both subtle and far-reaching.

R'EM'HYADark and alien, this land is inhabited by a race of creatures who were once men,

but now bear the signs of their intermingling with a race of aquatic, batrachian natives ofthe land. From webbed fingers, hunched backs, pale, slack features and increasingtendency towards baldness, the vestiges of human appearance are slipping away from theR'em’hyans.

Their souls have been long lost to their dark masters, beings of alien horror whichrest in a form of stasis, entombed though still alive, waiting until a certain mysticalconjunction allows their release. It is possible that they were sealed into their tombs byancient Rebmans. It is also likely that they share some roots with the Tritons.

The land is overrun with alien ruins, temples, and buildings of some arcanegeometry which defies logic. Time and space are warped within this land, and manymortals who view it go mad. The baleful presence of the slumbering entities is immense,and their power is tapped by many sorcerers and conjurers. Bargaining with these beingsis sometimes rewarding, though the end cost renders any gains moot. This does not stopthe numerous souls who deal with them, however.

They have little trade with Rebma, though the sorcerers of Rebma sometimesbarter with the R'em'hyans for ancient scrolls or magical artifacts. Though it is forbidden,some Rebman sorcerers make pacts with the alien entities which secretly rule the land,most often to their disadvantage.

The R’em’hyan Embassy in Rebma. The batrachians of R’em’hya have asmall embassy with which Rebma does little commerce or negotiations with. Thearchitecture is formed of simple, dark stone, carven with runes and strangeconglomerations of fish and humanoid. Inside, one gets a nauseating feeling that thephysical laws of Rebma no longer apply. The embassy is, like Atlantis’ embassy, more atemple or shrine to their unusual fish-gods than a proper political establishment, and theplace seems to exist as only a point at which sorcerers of Rebma and R’em’hya cancontact each other and bargain for artifacts, magical knowledge, or make pacts withentities from both lands. Seen through magical vision of some sort, the building radiatesdark magic and ancient, secret enchantments. This embassy is shunned by most Rebmans,and the R’em’hyans are invited to few royal parties or events. Their Ambassador is adistressingly genderless being named Vursp, squat and pale, who is clearly only partlyhuman.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (272)

THE SHINING ISLEVery little is known of this tiny land, for it only appears in the waters near Rebma

a few times each year, disappearing to some unknown location in the time between itstime in the Rebman universe. The island boasts only one city, seemingly made of radiantgold and white marble. The people of the Shining Isle are beautiful and fine-featured, andseem to be of some alternate race. They claim that their world has three locationsthroughout the year; undersea, on dry land, and high above the earth in the sunlit skies.The amount of time they spend in the Rebman universe differs from year the year,sometimes dwindling to mere days, sometimes remaining for most of the year. They seemto have no small amount of power, though its nature is unknown. Otherwise, theyresemble the Amberites somewhat in nature, which is why Rebmans wish to learn moreabout them.

The Shining Isle Embassy in Rebma. The tall, golden folk of the ShiningIsle have an embassy which is as mysterious as their homeland. It is composed of thesame vaulted architecture and white and gold marble of which the buildings on theirhomeland are made. It is simple and open, and seems more like a summer pavillion thanan embassy. Open to the streets, there are apparently no hidden chambers, nopassageways, and little that indicates any inhabitance. Then, as suddenly as their landappears in Shadow, the ambassadors are suddenly present in Rebma, the building openand ready for any business. The two ambassadors are known as Zheath and Illunya, bothslender, graceful, seeming like blonde nature-gods. They are likely to be brother andsister, so close is their physical resemblence and their mannerisms. Open and charming,they are also equally exasperating in their unwillingness to reveal any of the secrets oftheir land. In the times they are not in Rebma, the pavillion is used by Rebman youths asa place for secret assignations and sometimes a place to while time away within.

KÊR-ISYet another island kingdom supposedly sunken due to the misdeeds of others.

Kêr-is was ruled by a wise king Nereus who failed the rein in his mischievous daughter'sbehavior. The land was bordered by a sea, which continued to rise until a great wall hadbeen placed about it to shield it from the waters. The sea rose and they built the wall ever-higher, until it was higher than the highest mountain in the land, yet due to the sorcery ofthe king, it withstood the pressures of the water. The king's folly was to leave a gate in tothe wall, to which he kept the keys. He believed that none would dare open the gates,though his daughter did so and flooded the land. Disgraced and mad in his grief, the kingwanders the land in rags, disguised and in search of the lost keys so that he might seal thegate and attempt to restore his land again.

The people are normal enough, and over the centuries have adjusted well to theirnew way of life. They resemble humans, and live in a medieval fashion. Much of their artconsists of the various descriptions of the Great Flooding and somewhat fanciful accountsof what transpired before the disaster. The great wall which surrounded the city is now inruins, though sections of it are still magnificently high and proud. The gates still standopen. Nothing is known of the fate of the king's daughter.

Their trade with Rebma is mostly for necessities, and they have looted their once-magnificent royal treasury in search for funds with which to trade for Rebman alcohol,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (273)

metal, and cloth. The folk of Kêr-Is have yet to learn the secrets of making fireunderwater, so they must barter with Rebma for magical lights, torches, and other aids totheir survival.

The Ker-Is Embassy in Rebma. This once-proud realm has now been reducedto being something of a Rebman charity case. They are content to provide incrediblyunbalanced trades with the folk of Ker-Is, giving them all the neccessities of survival inreturn for whatever leftover treasures the submerged folk can muster. Without a King, theland is in a state of chaos, and their ability to negotiate with the Rebmans bears witness tothis. If not for Moire’s sufferance, they would have long since been invaded by one of theother sea-kingdoms. Currently, their embassy is little more than a modest set of offices ina small building, seeming more like a merchant’s shop than anything else. The woman incharge of this office is named Camast Carin, and she is extremely young for her position,having been appointed the role by a nobleman who wished her out of the land. Shedreams of adventure, and particularly in seeing her land restored to its once-dry state,from which it can reclaim its lost honor and dignity. She will be quick to recruit anywithin Rebma who might aid her in the search for the missing golden keys and the madbeggar-king of Ker-Is.

BOTTOM CANTREDNamed for its location in the farthest reaches of an undersea valley, Bottom

Cantred is a small kingdom on the absolute bottom of the sea. Ruled by Sethenin, adrunkard king, Bottom Cantred is a fairly typical Shadow Kingdom, though somewhatrough. Due to the lack of any real leadership and the erratic behavior of Sethenin, BottomCantred is somewhat isolated from its neighbors, and lawlessness is frequent in the majorcities. The outlying villages are more peaceful, generally ignoring the king's erraticbehavior. Because he does not tax excessively or rule with an iron fist, and because theland is free from most invaders, they tolerate him.

The people of Bottom Cantred are effective farmers and harvesters of sea-life, andthey deal with Rebma directly, rather than through the King. He resents this, but doeslittle about it because should he strike out against them, he will undoubtedly be deposed.Bottom Cantred is actually ruled by a series of farmers and harvesters of sea-life, whopolice their own lands.

The Bottom Cantred Embassy in Rebma. Though Sethenin is actually Kingof Bottom Cantred, the ambassadors are all merchants from the land’s richest families,who have created an alliance with smaller growers to represent their wares in Rebma. Theunusually high air content of the water and protein-rich bottom-soil makes theirvegetables and sea-plants especially tasty, and they are prized in Rebma. The embassy isdirectly adjacent to the open market, and adjoins with a large, well-guarded warehousefor storage of their wares. In fact, this embassy is little more than a glorified sales andshipping warehouse. As the Queen Moire happens to favor the foods which BottomCantred can provide, the standards of diplomatic behavior are applied somewhatleniently.

LYONESSE· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (274)

An unusual kingdom, Lyonesse exists as the underside of an immense floatingisland the size of a small continent, something which can only be found in Shadow. Forthem, the underside of the island is the land on which they dwell, but they do not liveupside down. Instead, they cling the it as a ceiling, with no floor below them. Thekingdom's towers reach downward into the ocean depths, and people swim from tower totower, guided by a series of ropes and nets which seem the encase the land of Lyonesse ina giant web. From a distance, it appears the be a series of perfectly formed stalactites litin places, as if hollow, surrounded by a glittering web of nets.

The King of Lyonesse is Cedric, who is aloof and lets his servants do the actualruling of the kingdom for him. He spends much time in the lowest reaches of his tower,farthest from the ground-ceiling which Lyonesse is founded upon, immersed in sorcerousstudies. From this place, he is often seen looking up at the city and the surroundingvillages which exist on the underside of smaller islands adjacent the Lyonesse.

The folk of Lyonesse are somewhat friendly, and their knights adhere the a rigidcode of chivalry. They ride various sea-beasts, including some domesticated, giant sea-horses. Their trade with Rebma consists of many different items from Rebma and otherkingdoms, for the people of Lyonesse are curious about the world.

Somewhat curiously, they believe that the land under which they dwell is thereflection of a greater land which is on the upper side of the land. They regard this placeas a sort of heaven, and none of the Lyonessians have traveled there and returned to speakof it.

The Lyonesse Embassy in Rebma. More the model of a standard embassythan any other, Lyonesse’s is tasteful and well-crafted, with many examples of theartwork and sculpture of their people exhibited inside the large common hall. Outside thehigh building, Lyonessian knights stand ready, their somewhat old-fashioned arms andarmor cumbersome but effective. These knights are famed for their ability to maintainconcentration and vigilance without betraying emotion. The place is very much like asmall keep, well-defended, and provisioned for some time should the need ever arise,though it is unlikely. Holm, the ambassador to Rebma, is a seasoned veteran withabundance of chivalry, manners, and a gruff charm that belies his years. He is alwaysimpeccably dressed and every bit the retired general. His sword arm has not grown stiff,either, in the time of his assignment in Rebma.

Rebma’s Universe as a Reflection of Amber’s. Another possibility isthat the Rebman universe mirrors Amber's more or less exactly, though beneath thewaters. This way, for every Shadow that Amber has cast, there is a reflection of it in theRebman universe, a watery counterpart. Every creature, place, item, or condition mayalso be found in Rebma's universe. This means that Rebmans who have traveled throughthese Reflections of Shadow might be familiar with Amber's universe. In fact, they mightknow more about the other players than could be expected, having encountered them inanother universe.

If so, this leads to the prospect that all Rebmans are copies of Amberites, thoughaltered somewhat. What if a Rebman player was a different, distorted version of anAmberite somewhere? Imagine the possibilities if some of these doubles were to travel tothe Amber Universe, or vice versa!· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (275)

THE SARGASSO SEALocated in the ocean which covers Rebma and borders Amber, the Sargasso Sea is

a giant area of the ocean, unmarked by any borders, yet differentiated by the mass ofmarine plants (or seaweed) which float upon the surface, moving in vast sheets in a great,circular tide. This sea is so great a feature that it exists in some fashion in many of theneighboring Shadows in Rebma and in Amber’s universe alike, and threatens many aShadow byway with its presence. It envelopes the Coral Branch Kingdoms and preventspassage outside their reaches, and in some places, intrudes upon them in minor ways.

Named for the sargasso weed, a thick vine which has small, gas-filled bulbs whichfloat on the surface, the Sargasso Sea has created a mystique that its impassibility onlyheightens. Though the plants themselves are mostly harmless, they have given rise thesailors’ legends of thick matted islands of vegetation, and small grottos of stranded ghostships which are overgrown with seaweed and peopled with various undead, ghosts,monsters, or cannibalistic sailors mad from their captivity within the Sargasso Sea. Seamonsters of all descriptions are thought the inhabit the islands and forests of the SargassoSea, and in many of the reaches of the Sea, this is true.

The people of the Coral Branch Kingdoms however, the Sargasso Sea issomething else as it protrudes downward into the waters around their realms. It surroundsthem with its roots and dangling tendrils, making it an upside-down forest- a bizarre Rebman equivalent to the Forest Arden. This vast expanse of vegetation is full of life,ranging from clouds of plankton and immense schools of fish, the gigantic creatures outof a thousand maritime legends.

This sea-forest extends down into the water for hundreds, sometimes thousands offeet (some will claim miles!), and the tides move it the create a constantly shiftingtopography. The brave its depths and pass through it is the dream of many Rebman child,and untold numbers of souls have tried and failed.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (276)

THE TRITONSIt was a huge gray door of some slate-like substance, bound in metal, towering to

twice my height. I remembered something about the size of Tritons as I regarded thatdoorway.

Corwin outside the Rebman Pattern roomNine Princes in Amber (p. 74)

It’s with awe and fear that Corwin eyes the doorway to the Pattern room ofRebma, reminding him as it does of the powerful Tritons, ancestors of the Rebmanpeople. These aquatic gargoyles glare, stare, and menace wherever one goes withinRebma, whether it be the doorway entering the city where two stone Tritons hold aloft thegreat arch, the four statues at each corner of the Queen’s throne, or from their places asarchitectural details on a thousand buildings. Their presence is always felt, and though thefeelings of Rebman people are mixed in their regard for the Tritons, it is always temperedwith respect and no small amount of fear. The Tritons are their living ancestors, legendsholding on to life, though hidden in the dark recesses of the sea.

The Tritons are an unknown quantity for inclusion in any Amber campaign. Theyare mysterious, powerful, and have agendas all their own which will bring them intoconflict with the Lords and Ladies of Amber and Chaos, as well as their descendents inRebma. Many Tritons worship a dark, strange god with a philosophy which is alien andhorrible to those of Rebma. They dwell in a place which is nearly uninhabitable, teeteringon the edge of extinction and annihilation. Tritons are the ancient progenitors of many ofthe species of the sea, and in them one can see the beginnings of life within the waters.

Amber’s relations with the Tritons stretch far into time-lost memory, with only afew of the Elders remembering what the Tritons were and what they meant to Amber.Most of the current generation of Amberites know little of the Tritons, save for theirname, and have not learned to respect them. Speak to older Amberites such as Corwin, orBenedict, and the story is much different, for they remember a time when the Tritonsdealt with Amber, a time before Moire and the nobles of the Sea-Court.

The Rebman people still bear signs of their Triton lineage in their coloration andtheir demeanor, and it is through the great Triton Lord Lir that Moire, Queen of Rebma,traces her royal blood. In her, the Triton blood runs purest, or so the legends go...

Origins.Inhabiting the area of Shadow past the Sargasso Sea, the Tritons claim the lands

beyond that vine-choked expanse of water, their home being a mysterious labrynithwhich exists in and around the massive whirlpool known as the Maelstrom. Few haveventured there and returned, and fewer of those returned sane. They have proven to beunreliable sources of information on the Tritons. Those of Rebma and elsewhere who dohave ongoing contact with the Tritons generally wish to keep this a secret. As the Tritonsdo not communicate with historians or biographers, little of their past and origins areknown, but speculations in the universities of Rebma are abundant on the matter.

The Tritons themselves claim that in the beginning of time, there were eight great· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (277)

Tritons, named Gradlon, Anieres, Siomal, Riadne, Niobe, Voth, N’realle, Monemnis, andFlorian. From these eight all the creatures of the sea are descended. The Tritons are aremarkably divergent race, consisting of a variety of different breeds and types, withmany singular examples of the species. Each of them is in some way reminiscent of somerace of sea-creatures, showing some traits of the species which they have spawned.

Scattered throughout the section on the Tritons are descriptions of several sampleTritons from throughout the Labyrinth, Shadow, and even in Rebma. They can bedetailed for use as non-player characters by Game Masters, or used as suggestions bywhich to create other Tritons.

Tritons and Amber.A few of the noble family of Amber remember what the Tritons were, and how

they once inhabited the city of Rebma before it came to fully reflect Amber. Others knowthem only by name and reputation, or by chance references within the histories of Amber,or as a notation in one of the many volumes within Amber’s excellent library. Corwin, forone, never faced them directly, but remembered hearing of their might and their ferocityfrom Oberon when he was a child, and how the Tritons were among the greatest of theenemies his father, the King, had to face in the early days of Amber’s founding. Benedict,on the other hand, was around for the later part of those wars, and remembers firsthandencountering the Tritons in battle, and ranks them first among the long list of enemieswho have threatened Amber. Gerard and Caine have each encountered examples of theTritons in their sea-voyages, and both remember those experiences well. Neither isentirely sure that they encountered a Triton directly, however.

Llewella, on the other hand, has firsthand knowledge of the Tritons, havingexplored the Triton Labyrinth through her magical mirrors, and having met secretemissaries from the Tritons in Castle Rebma. As their existence is generally kept from thecitizens of Rebma, even Martin knows little of them other than their legendry. Vialle,likewise, has been informed of their existence by Llewella and Moire upon her ascensionto the queenship of Amber, but she has not encountered them physically.

Ask Llewella directly about the Tritons, and assuming that she has reason forbeing charitable with the information, and this is what you might hear:

“Ancient ancestors of the Rebmans, the Tritons were among the first of the beingsof Power from places beyond and within Shadow to be drawn to the new realm of Amber.Some of the mightiest of their number ventured forth into the waters near Amber, andthere they found a series of catacombs which bore within it a design of great power, thePattern. They crafted a castle about it, and a city about the castle, realizing only as theydid so that their efforts were identical to those of the folk of the surface, and that in theirown cool marble upon the ocean floor, they had created a double of a mighty city whichsprung into being upon the breast of Kolvir... Amber.

“Their leader was Lir, and they began to breed and populate the city, laying uponit a mighty enchantment which rendered its waters safe for those of the surface world.They brought rescued sailors, “drowned” children, and uncountable others to the city,and bred with them until slowly, they began to lose all the signs of their lineage and cameto resemble the sons of man. But Tritons of the old blood still walked among them, andruled them, and founded the great noble houses of Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (278)

“There were wars, early on, with the folk of the Shadow Seas which borderedRebma, and with the people of the airy reaches above Rebma. The Tritons held onto theirland, their city, and the Pattern there, and grew stronger. In these times, the king of thatgolden realm above the seas came to visit Rebma. His name was Oberon, and he and Lirmade a pact with their own blood that their lands would be united in peace. WhenOberon’s wife, Faiella, died in childbirth, he was lost in madness and in sorrow, andsought to put his kingdom into order as best he might. It was at this time that he venturedto Rebma and met the Queen there, wife of his ally Lir.

“Lir’s queen, Moins, was a powerful woman, human in semblance, beloved by allin Rebma, renowned for her beauty. Mother of a princess, Moire, she was everything aQueen should be. Moins was, alas, the mirror-image of Oberon’s dead wife Faiella,whom he still greived for. Though Oberon knew the folly of his actions, he sought Moinsas his wife, and brought his forces against Rebma to see that she was made a widow. Lirwas thought killed in the battle, as were most of the Tritons who bore signs of the oldblood. The battle was reflected into Amber itself, and both cities knew destruction and theharshness of war. The victor, King Oberon, sought out Moins and knew her briefly in thelong days that would follow, before realizing that she was truly not the woman he hadloved and lost above the waters, and that Moins’ grief for her lost husband overcame allhis entreaties. Finally, Oberon and his children departed Rebma, leaving Moins and herwatery city to its mending and recovery.

“In his sorrow, and perhaps as a means of repairing the damage he had done, heerected a mighty stairway linking the two realms, and upon the top of it, a cairn of stonesas a shrine to Faiella. The stairway became known as Faiella-bionin in the old tongue,and serves as a symbol of the alliance of Amber and Rebma and the link which can neverbe severed between them.

“Moins ruled as queen for a short while after that, until giving birth to myself,Llewella, daughter of Oberon from the time after the wars. Whether she loved him, ormerely accepted his advances, is best unknown to history. My mother Moins quietlywithdrew into mourning for Lir, and my sister Moire became Queen of Rebma. WhenOberon officially recognized my status as one of the Princesses of Amber, the Tritonlineage in Rebma seemed to live on only in Moire and a few others, and they have beenhidden since those times. They are thought by most to be no more. Moins dwells stillamong the people of Rebma, venerable and wise, and sorrow surrounds her like ashroud.

“To this day, I prefer the realm below the seas to that above. Perhaps it is theTriton blood within me, calling from the depths...”

How much of it is true, and how much legend, Llewella will not say.The Tritons of the Labyrinth have heard of Amber through their King Lir, and

knew of Oberon and his early generations. They are familiar with the existence of thePattern, and the Unicorn, and know of Rebma’s relationship with that realm, though theyhave little information on Castle Amber or the current royal family. Some of the Tritonshave encountered Amberites such as Llewella, Caine, and Benedict, and remember themwell. They know somewhat more of the Courts of Chaos, having areas of the Labyrinthwhich coincide with areas within the Shadows which make up the many Ways within theCourts. Some of Chaos have sought knowledge from the Tritons, with varying degrees of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (279)

success.As for Rebma, they regard it as their lost kingdom, a place which once was theirs

but has become corrupted beyond redemption. They deal with some Rebmans in secrecy,and are worshipped there, but have little official contact with the city other than a fewspies and Triton half-breeds who walk undetected among the Rebman people. If theopportunity presents itself to reclaim Rebma, they are likely to be divided as to how to goabout doing so, or even whether it is a worthy endeavor considering how little they haveto gain and how much they stand to lose from a conflict which might involve Amber.Any plots on the part of the Tritons to this end are likely to be subtle, extremely cunning,and comprehensive enough to checkmate Amber’s moves in one sweep. The scenario “AFire in the Sea” offers one such plot the Tritons might use to seize Rebma and paralyzeAmber from response.

Morholt, a Triton in Rebma. Head of House Niobe, one of Rebma’s noblehouses, Morholt has infiltrated Rebman society and funnels information back to his KingLir. Of the oldest blood, Morholt is huge in size, though mostly human in appearance.Heavily muscled and over seven feet in height, his hair is long and black, and his beard isthick. Tendrils drift from inside both manes of hair. His skin is scaled lightly, pale whitein color, and his ears are pointed and quite long. A sorcerer, he is also an accomplishedshapeshifter, and has several magical artifacts on his person at all times, including a largecleaver-like sword and and bracelets with various enchantments laid into them.

His goals are to slowly subvert the Queen’s rule in Rebma by making her seemout of touch with the people and allied with Amber, before Rebma. His House works onstirring dissent within the populace and by increasing the number of those who worshipthe Tritons and the old ways. As an enemy, he is somewhat brash, and bridles at takingorders, but others of his House are much more subtle at the careful manipulation of thepeople of Rebma.

Morholt is used as a major non-player character in the scenario “A Fire in theSea.”

Appearance and Powers.As a species, the Tritons are physically imposing and are well-adapted for the

rough conditions of their home realm. Full-grown Tritons are large, with full-grownspecimens ten to twelve feet in height, and weighing around half a ton in muscle, fins,claws, scales, and bone. They are either humanoid or are mer-men in form, depending onwhich shape they find most comfortable. Older Tritons have slid along further inevolution into their sea-forms and will be more like fish-like than man-shaped. Theirheads are heavy, with thick necks. Fins sprout from the sides of their heads, jawlines,forearms, backs, legs, and in a few other places. They grow long whisker-like antennasupon their foreheads, with some getting these on their face and jaws. Their arms areusually thick and are proportionally longer than a human’s, reaching down to their knees.They are not, however, hunchbacked, and are usually barrel-chested, with wide, powerfulshoulders. Their hands and feet are long-fingered and webbed, with extremely sharpretractable claws. Some Tritons have suckers on the insides of their arms and in the palmsof their hands. Some have masses of fin and antenna-like growths in place of hair, whileothers often have one large dorsal fin upon their skull. Their eyes are usually large and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (280)

dark, set beneath craggy brows. They have no noses, and their mouths are wide andridged with sharklike teeth.

Their general size varies greatly depending on the species of their lineage, withthe largest being Tritons bearing the characteristics of whales, and the smallest beingthose of shelled creatures, though there is a wild amount of divergence amongindividuals. Younger Tritons are often the size of humans, and can shift easily into thoseforms to disguise themselves and pass among creatures of the surface. Tritons continue togrow as they age, so massive Tritons are generally among the most powerful. Theirlifespans are incredible, making them nearly immortal, and as they age, they become lesshumanoid and farther along the change cycle, until at last, near the end of their lifespan,they generally appear as a large or even monstrous version of the species which theyresembled in their lifespan. They are still capable of shifting back to their normal,humanoid Triton form, but as they age, the form which feels most comfortable to themseems to evolve from Triton to the sea-creature, slowly, until it is that form they return toreflexively.

Ultimately, they become entirely creature and are only partially sentient, generallygrowing over the centuries to enormous forms. Many legendary creatures of sea legendryare giant, ancient Tritons, their bipedal forms long forsaken. These creatures are crafty,unguessably powerful, and formidible opponents. Those which have held onto theirsentience are calculating, crafty, wise, and possess vast memories which span millenia,and are often sought out for aid, whether it be sorcerous or merely philosophical innature. These Tritons are the masters of the seas they inhabit, and are usually aware of allthat transpires within them. The most horrible of these are those Tritons which haveundergone considerable metamorphasis under influence of Leviathan and the Vortex,which shape the Triton’s form into something twisted and dark. Even the Tritonsthemselves fear these grotesque and oftentimes evil creatures which were once theirkindred. Some believe that Leviathan represents their ultimate genetic destiny, being thefinal evolution of their incredible lifespans.

Tritons are of indeterminate gender, possessing characteristics of both and beingable to reproduce asexually. They can shape-shift into forms more male than female, orvice versa, and there are some which naturally exhibit qualities in either direction. Theyreproduce via self-fertilization and egg-laying, and are fiercely protectice over theiryoung, whose numbers dwindle with each passing century. A typical Triton of reasonablehealth can reproduce once per decade for the first two centuries of their existence, whichslows until they are able to only produce an offspring once in several centuries. It is notuncommon to find a Triton who has gone into monstrous form birthing a small, human-ormer-formed child. Legends throughout Shadow depict the affairs of these children of thesea-kings.

Nemain, a Triton Foundling in Rebma. One of the servants of the Sea-Court, Nemain is Moire’s captain of the guard and is one of the more formidible warriorsin all of Rebma. She is uncertain of her past, and was in fact brought by Moire to Rebmaas a child, from one of Moire’s journeys to the Labyrinth. Nemain is loyal to the Queen,and to Rebma, however, and will dedicate her life to the defense of Rebma from theTritons should they threaten it. If her background were to be revealed to her, however,would her zeal for her duty change?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (281)

Nemain is described more fully in the section on the Castle Rebma.

Triton Shape Shifting. Their use of Shape Shifting is usually restrained(though not limited) to the species of sea-life which is closest to their racial memory.While they are capable of other forms, these feel unnatural and unpleasant to them, andare forms they will avoid. Their characteristic shift-form will be present in the Triton’snormal appearance, easy to detect in most cases, with white and black orca Tritons, hard-shelled and armored Tritons, spined Tritons, huge-boned and smooth grey whale Tritons,Tritons who are almost boneless and ethereal like jellyfish, along with various mer-formsand human-shaped, almost Lovecraft-inspired batrachian shapes. None of these differentforms has any real advantage or disadvantage for the purpose of play. They typicallyremain in their Triton form unless they need to change for travel or combat, unlike theShape Shifters of the Courts of Chaos.

Unlike Chaosians, there is no sense of “ vogue” or flair to their changes- they aremerely a useful function of Triton biology. Tritons tend to limit their Shape Shifts intoany combination of forms or qualities between their normal body and the shape of themarine lifeform their bloodline is related to, such as a lobster-formed Triton “ shelling”up or forming pincers on one arm for combat, but otherwise remaining in a humanoidform. A Triton selecting a piranha as an alternate form will make a really big piranhawhen shifted, but can also choose only to elongate the jaws and to loosen the entire neckand chest structure, enabling the Triton to swallow human-sized prey! Many other Tritonshave learned the art of generating bioelectricity, such as that created by electric eels, andcan deliver powerful or even fatal jolts of this energy to their foes. Others can emit cloudsof dark ink, some have poisoned spines, and some even swell to enormous sizes tofrighten off less-than-sentient attackers.

The Game Master should consult the section on Creating Sea Dwellers for ideason what natural weapons, advantages, and other abilities the Triton might choose toexhibit from the aquatic kingdom.

Tritons often shift their forms to display the lower body of a fish (or whatever sea-form they are accustomed to) for greater speed or mobility when swimming. In case theTriton is not humanoid to begin with, then humanoid may be selected as the alternateshape which can be transformed into. These are among the highest of the Tritons, and it isthe humaniod Tritons whom have the most dealing with the outer worlds.

Their Shape Shifting ability is closely tied in with the Triton’s view of the oceanand their place in its rulership. They feel that their transformation has many philosophicalelements which reflect their destiny and their role in the sea. Many among the Tritonsfear that they are a twilight race, slowly dying off and dwindling in numbers, becomemore bestial as the centuries pass, until finally they will become nothing more than sea-creatures.

Tritons are feared for their use of the power of the Vortex, conferred upon themby their worship of the Leviathan. This power is not common among them, and is onlyfound among the most daring and the oldest of the Tritons, though a few youngersorcerers have survived the ordeal and emerged with the Power. Many among the Tritonsuse the arcane discipline of Mirror Wrighting, often spying on Rebma through theirmirrors. There are rumors of a terrible few, ancient Tritons who have access to darkerforms of power than Vortex. A great many older Tritons are minor Sorcerers or use· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (282)

Power Words, usually selected from the list of sea-based ones provided in thissourcebook.

Use of Vortex affects the Triton’s Shape Shifting ability, warping their bodies toimitate Leviathan and the Maelstrom. Tritons who are able to access the Vortex will findthat it warps their body into a gradual melding of their natural form and that of a kraken.These Tritons are easy to spot, and are respected and somewhat feared even within theTriton world.

Dagon, a Triton Warped and Consumed by the Vortex. Hidden in adark pocket of Shadow in a place called Rilheem, a creature which was once a Tritonrests, waits, and plans. Bound into a crypt of powerful wards and inpenetrable wallsharder than stone, this creature is monstrous and completely alien to even the Tritons. Ithas been warped and bloated by the Vortex, and now is enormous and unrecognizeable asa Triton. Dagon appears as a combination of mer-creature, toad, and squid, combining allthe worst features of each. Buried by other Tritons in fear, the evil god-like being reachesthroughout Shadow, seeking those who would have power in exchange for its freedom.All it can do is feel hunger, which can only be sated by devouring entire worlds into theVortex.

Unable to destroy Dagon, Lir and the Tritons have repeatedly bound it intocaptivity with spells and enchantments of increasing complexity and power, keeping itdocile until it grows in strength and cunning as it seeks its freedom. Now, Dagon’stwisted awareness has begun to look beyond the realm of the Vortex for the next beingwhich will attempt to free it...

Dagon is used in the scenario “Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.”

Other Adaptations. All Tritons possess a number of interesting adaptationswhich allow them to thrive in their harsh environment. All of these abilities used intandem make the Tritons the kings of the sea and the master of the underwater world.Taking one or more on beneath the waves is an act of extreme bravado or folly. Theirundersea adaptations are as follows:

Breathing Underwater. The Tritons may travel wherever they wish within awatery environment, extracting oxygen enough for sustenance, and also lowering theamount of oxygen their bodies need. This ability is of little use in breathing in non-oxygenated atmospheres, such as vacuums and alien world Shadows.

A side effect of this is that the Triton is able to speak while underwater, anywhere,and may henceforth hold conversations and use Spells, Power Words, etc... withoutdifficulty.

Swimming. Heightening the Triton’s ability to move through the water, thisability works in two ways:

Firstly, it strengthens their muscles and adapts them to the motions mostconducive to rapid, tightly controlled swimming. It gives the Triton an instinctualunderstanding of maneuvering in water, and maximizes their physical attributes to aidthem in swimming.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (283)

Secondly, their bodies produce an oily film released through the pores, slipperyand slick, which helps them move unimpeded through the water. This ability does notimpair motor functions or make the hands too slick to handle weapons or other items. Itmight be rendered useless if the body is covered with clothing, hence the scanty garbcommon to the Tritons. The less impeded with clothing or armor a Triton is, the more thisability aids them in moving through the water.

Immunity to Cold. The Triton can submerge without discomfort in the coldestof waters. It also allows survival in cold environments, though long-term exposure tointense, unrelenting cold can harm aTriton just as it can anyone else, though to a lesserdegree.

Resistance to Extreme Pressures. As Corwin observed during his fight onFaiella-bionin, stepping forth from the bridge can be fatal. The pressure of the deep watersurrounding Rebma is incredible, able to crush the life out of any surface dweller whodares step from the protection which Rebma's gates and stairway offer.

Tritons can survive without damage the changes in pressure that come fromalmost any but the deepest of waters. It prevents cramping, deafness, depressurization,and other factors which characterize deep-sea diving. Tritons can swim freely up from theocean's floor to the surface and vice versa, without the time consuming necessity ofbecoming acclimated to the gradual change in pressure.

Enhanced Vision. The bottom of the sea-floor is quite dark. Tritons may alterthe structure of their eyes to maximize the available light and provide illumination.Accustomed to the darkness of the Maelstrom and their Labyrinth, they are somewhatsensitive to bright light, but only momentarily. A Triton using this ability will appear as iftheir eyes have become pools of blackness, absorbing any available light.

Directional Sense. Tritons can always remember a clear feeling of the directionthey traveled from, and can always estimate the depth which they are at. Further sensingallows the Triton to get an approximate feel for the compass points.

Clued into regular tidal currents or familiar with the undersea topography, aTriton can navigate easily. However, this ability does not provide any clue to thewhereabouts of a place the Triton has never been, and will not help find something if theTriton has no idea where to find it.

Increased Touch Sense. Known in the animal kingdom as the lateral linesystem, this sense is closely related to the sense of touch, allowing fish to sense themovement of other beings in their vicinity and to sense obstacles. This sense extendsbeyond the fish's line of sight, and is how they are able to maneuver in utter darkness.Currents create vibrations in the channels which are transmitted via the nervous system tothe brain where the information is processed like other sensory input. Altered currentsregister differently, and can be easily detected.

Aneena, a Young Triton Exile in Rebma. Daughter of a powerful and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (284)

relentless Triton Lady, Aneena sought to flee the Labyrinth and to find a place with thedescendants of Lir in Rebma. She is young, uncertain about her powers and the role shewill play in Rebma, and her knowledge of the Tritons’ goals in Rebma keeps heragonized about what she must do. Does she betray her heritage and tell the Rebmans whatawaits them on the other side of the Sargasso Sea, or does she remain quiet and risk beingbranded a traitor should the Tritons seize Rebma? This is compounded by the fear of herbloodline being discovered.

A shapeshifter, Aneena has survived in Rebma by changing form often, takingmultiple identities and dwelling among the transient population of gamblers, homeless,tourists, and visiting scholars and students. Her natural form as a Triton is genderless andappears to be a mer-creature with a translucent body, with long and full fins like a maneacross the back of the head, down the spine, and onto the fish-tail. Her usual form whilein Rebma is that of a small, slender woman, with pale, almost white eyes and hair, cutshort.

Player characters might encounter Aneena while travelling within Rebma, ormight intercede in her being captured by agents of the Tritons who seek to return her tothe Labyrinth. From there, the possibilities grow. A possible romantic interest? A spy inenemy territory? A possible double-agent? An ally in the Labyrinth? An ambassador ofpeace? Perhaps all these, and more...

Dress and Armament.Tritons tend to wear even less than Rebmans, mostly going naked, with ornate

jewelry and ornamentation about their necks, ankles, wrists and arms. Their scales aresometimes decorated, fins often pierced and strung with long slender tendrils. Like theRebman people, they are fond of ornamenting themselves with baroque and ornatejewelry which might be worn anywhere on their forms, from bracelets, leg bands, torcs,crowns, collars, bangles, necklaces, belts, bracers, circlets, various rings, and other jewelswhich might be set into a number of fins or loose folds of their hide. They tend to favoritems with some origin in the sea, such as pearls, but also choose colors which accentuatetheir natural forms. Their jewelry and ornamentation is always of metals which will notrust, such as gold, silver, platinum, oricalchum, and other unknown but valuable alloys.

When expecting combat, their armor is fitted to their form very closely, accentingtheir naturally frightening appearance. The metal is generally embossed and scaled in themanner of fish, or fashioned in the form of sea-shells and marine life, with spines, ridges,and fins, with grotesque or even beautiful helmets topped with plumes like the fins offish. Tritons are fond of using weapons such as spears, tridents, and short swords (tothem- a broadsword to others!), and are adept with nets and long hooked polearms. Theynever use shields and show little interest in missile weapons, though some will use such ifabove the water’s surface outside the Labyrinth or the Maelstrom.

Language.From their thick throats and powerful chests come deep, quiet voices, which are

often quite slow and hesitant in grammar, precise and enigmatic in content. Tritons arenot known for conversation, and what little they venture is often more valuable than itseems. Rather than an oral history, Tritons have a strong racial memory which eventually· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (285)

manifests itself during the passage into adulthood. Some of them have rumbling, or evenburbling voices which are reminiscent of crashing waves.

They speak in an extremely outdated and formal version of Tyree, the Rebmandialect, though their vocabulary is much more tied into the sea and its denizens, using agreat many nautical terms and idioms particular to their race and realm. Few Tritonstravel outside the Maelstrom, so their knowledge of other languages is limited. Theirversion of the Rebman language incorporates many sounds of the sea, from the cry ofwhales to the bark of dolphins, and Tritons claim that they can understand much of thespeech of sea-creatures. With their incredible lifespans and the amount of similaritiesthey have with many of the species of the sea, it seems likely that they are notexaggerating. They have the greatest kinship with those creatures whose lineage theyshare.

When role-playing them, the Game Master might even adopt a pseudo-formalmanner of speech, using the occasional “ thee” and “ thou,” if comfortable with it. UseMoire’s manner of speech from Nine Princes in Amber as a guide for the way they mightelevate their common speech. Be careful not to overdo it, though, as it can quicklydegenerate into silliness or artificiality, but by using occasional verbal clues, a GameMaster can get across the impression that they speak an archaic version of the languagewithout resorting to accents. Another good trick for Triton speech is to lace it withmetaphors for the sea, water, and undersea life, throughout the conversation. Theirlanguage is rich in these figures of speech, which can make playing them distinctive andmemorable. Care should be taken not to turn their speech into a series of bad puns, as thiswill destroy a good deal of the mystery and menace they present.

Madoc, the Sea-Wizard. Long having left his home in the Maelstrom andthe Labyrinth, this Triton sought wisdom and knowledge elsewhere in Shadow. One ofthe few Tritons to excel in the art of Mirrorwrighting, he showed disdain for the Vortexand the risks that it entailed, and perfected his magical skills in Sorcery, Conjuration, andother disciplines. He found an unusual floating island in Shadow adjacent to the CoralBranch, and settled in, building his castle and domain with his strange powers. It coversthe entire island and exists in mirror-image, both above and below the island, jutting intothe waters. He has bred his “ children” to look after both aspects of the keep, beautifulharpies for the airy side, and manta-like mermaids for the water side.

Due to his extensive use of the unusual principles of the mirror magic combinedwith Shadow manipulation, he has created a Shadow realm where down and up, air andwater, and gravity have little of their former deliniation. The method a visitor uses to getthere will determine which element they find. Characters entering it by boat might lookover and see the keels of vessels protruding up into the air, and similar visitors paddlingas if above the water, tips of oars splashing through into the air. Plunging into the water,the character will emerge as if they swam from below, as if the water is only a surfacethat they have passed through. The other boat will be on this surface now, and they willsee the keel of their own. Those who swim below the waters to his keep will find that theborder between air and sea is equally strange to them, with the surface of the waterappearing to lead above water, but merely changing direction when passed through.Madoc’s keep is filled with odd little tricks and sleights like this, and he will often let hisservant children entertain the characters, or abandon them altogether for several hours· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (286)

before making an appearance.In person, he is ancient, crochety, bald as an eel, finely wrinkled as parchment,

and sleight in stature for a Triton (but plenty big for a human). He appears forgetful,absent-minded, and somewhat in love with laughing, to the point of annoyance. When heis above the water, his robes are deep blue and are patterned with fish and other sea-life.A closer look will reveal that it is an exact duplication of the sea surrounding his keep,and if it is stared at too long, one will see tiny swimmers and fish, moving as they dooutside the keep. The robes move lazily on their own, as if rocked by currents. Whilebelow the water, his robes display blue skies and clouds, harpies wheeling in the breezeswhich billow his robe. When he gets excited, storms grow outside and onto the robes, anddark currents flow through the waters. A skilled magician and collector of magicalartifacts, Madoc has a wealth of knowledge and a perverse sense of humor, oftendemanding information, services, or items in exchange for what he has which will renderthe original request useless or unworkable.

Despite his whimsy and weirdness, characters who take him lightly might missthe dangerous glint in his eye, and find themselves in a great deal of trouble...

MAELSTRÖM.Beyond the Sargasso Sea which border’s Rebma’s seven sea-Shadows is the

immense whirlpool known as the Maelström, a fearsome funnel of water which spiralsaway the an unknown location. Situated on the periphery of this funnel, the islands andundersea tunnels and cliffs which make up the domain of the Tritons are constantly on theedge of this roaring descent into nothingness. It links to many different Shadows, andlegends of it resound throughout most Shadows in the talk of sailors and map-makers.Ships, men, islands, and even cities from the beginning of time have been pulled into thewhirling waters of the Maelstrom, and it exists in memory as a place far more frighteningthan death. The Maelstrom is more than capable of seizing pieces of Shadow itself anddrawing them into its waters onward to their end.

Visibly, the Maelström is hundreds of miles across, though accuratemeasurements are impossible for something so large and fluid in substance and scale. Itfluctuates in size, and sometimes motion, occasionally becoming a roaring vortexsurrounded by storm, then fading to a calm rotation of its waters. It borders on many ofthe ways through the Sargasso Sea, and the Tritons guard all known approaches. Despitethe dangerous storms which issue from it and are drawn into it, the Tritons persevere intheir choice of domain, linking the islands and cliffsides along it with a series of tunnelswhich they call the Labyrinth.

The skies above are always dark colors, sometimes grey, but mostly black, blue,purple, and even crimson, though sometimes a deathly white sky forms above, or densefogs form overhead. Storms rage above the Maelstrom and from many places within it,caught along in its vortex just as the waters in it are. Tornadoes tens of miles high roarout from several places in the vortex at any given time, and winds howl across the voidwith a chorus of banshee-wails. Looking down into the Maelstrom, you can see cloudsand mist at the terminus, lightning flashes within them, and many storms circlingdownward into the whirlpool. Every form of bad weather known in Shadow seems toafflict the Maelstrom and the Labyrinth, and the Tritons withstand it all.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (287)

The Maelström's origin is unknown, though Tritons believe that is the terminusfor the universe, where all the waters of the Universe spill eventually. They claim that thewaters of the world will wash all matter, living and unliving, into the Maelström at whichpoint the cycle will renew itself. In Rebma, little is known of the Maelström, save for thatit is at the opposite end of the Universe, and that it is inhabited by Tritons. Neither scrapof knowledge gives rise to much desire to explore the place, and Rebmans, for the mostpart, stay away, using it as a children’s bedtime story of the darker sort.

THE TRITON LABYRINTHA vast, underwater realm of connected tunnels, grottoes, sunken cities, sea-

vessels, and hidden shoals and reefs, this place is home to the Tritons. Bordering andpartly inhabiting the giant vortex of the Maelström, the Triton Labyrinth is rough anddangerous, and growing up in it is as hazardous as it is instructive. It is mysterious andunknown to most Rebmans, popularly imagined as a place of perpetual cold and alienhorror, which is only partly true. To Tritons, there is beauty there, and magic, but of adifferent sort than Rebmans appreciate. Unknown to the Rebman people, the tunnels ofthe Labyrinth connect throughout many similar places within the kingdoms of the CoralBranch and in the Cavern of the Seas near Rebma, reaching through Shadow andconnecting them to the Maelstrom. It is even possible that they connect to the mysterioustunnels in the dungeons of Castles Amber and Rebma, offering Tritons access to thePatterns there!

The walls of the many caverns and tunnels of the Labyrinth are carven with bas-reliefs depicting ancient creatures of marine nature, while others show mosaics of colorswhich cannot be seen by human eyes. Statuary is everywhere, and there are tunnels whichlead into ruined cities made by men and a thousand other creatures, as well as immensesunken vessels which have become a part of the Labyrinth. Nothing is permanent in theMaelstrom, however. Sections of the Labyrinth are often breaking off and spiralingdownward into the center of the Maelstrom, into oblivion or beyond. This constant fluxhas done much to shape the Triton philosophy of fatalism. As such, the Labyrinth isalways in turmoil- changing, growing, shrinking, or altering its direction. A sunkenBronze-age city might be reached through a rusted nuclear submarine, and strange non-Euclidian geometries might lead one into once-sealed crypts where ancient alien godsslumber. “All that was lost can be found in the Labyrinth, and all that was past of theLabyrinth can be lost,” is a common Triton saying.

One of the more horrible aspects of the Labyrinth is that occasionally, a Tritonmight step through one of the junctures between Shadow-masses which has beendevoured by the Maelstrom, and inadvertently fall into the whirlpool, never to be seenagain. This unsteadiness in their world makes them very cautious, slow to move into newareas, and extremely wary of venturing into new areas of the Labyrinth. They prefer toremain in the parts of the Labyrinth which have survived the longest, though the youngermembers of them often venture into the unstable areas in search of territory to claim astheir own. Sometimes their very presence there stabilizes the section of the Labyrinthenough to make it last, while other times, they simply disappear into the Maelstrom andare never spoken of afterwards.

The major areas of the Labyrinth are the most solid, and those are the ones which· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (288)

are dwelt in by the majority of Tritons. Their throne hall, massive, cold, and lit byluminescent stones, is their pride and their most awe-inspiring edifice. It has beenunderwater, has been above water, and has been in other states in the ancient times whichit has survived. All of the tunnels of the Labyrinth eventually connect to the throne hall,and it is a central part of their social order, and their meeting place. It is a massive cavernas high as it is long, into which a hundred tunnels enter at various places along itsimmensely high walls, which tower to hundreds of feet in height. Unlike the regal halls ofmen, this cavern is vertical, with hundred-foot stalactites and stalagmites decorated withmillenia of finery. There are dark corners to the throne hall into which even the Tritonswill not enter, and some of the caverns are sealed with stone and ancient glyphs, themenace and power emanating from them obvious to all. The accoustics of the hall aresuch that there are several places where one might speak and be heard throughout.Naturally, the throne is located in the best of these places, so that the Triton Lord Lirmight hear all that is said in his throne hall and his voice might boom out, over alldissent. The walls of the throne room are decorated as the rest of the caverns of theLabyrinth, carven and painted, mosaiced and set with a million precious stones, recoveredbooty from the sea-bed, and mirrors throughout.

When describing the Labyrinth to players, the Game Master should do everythingwithin her power to convey the strangeness and the alien, dark majesty of the place andthe Tritons themselves. Their Labyrinth is ancient. Tritons legends state that it isimpossibly old, predating the Courts of Chaos. Carven from prehistory, they say it is thesource for all life in the seas and the rest of the universe. It is a place of giant underwatertunnels, mazes, ruined cities and citadels beneath the waves. The waters of the Labyrinthare extremely cold, darkness is almost a tangible element in that water, rather than a mereabsence of light. Lit only by strange lichen, phosphorescent fish, and mysterious fires likethose in Rebma, the world of the Tritons is difficult and inhospitable to outsiders. Still,within it are giant caverns and openings into the air above the sea, and many places in theLabyrinth provide excellent vantage points into the Maelstrom.

Tritons, being somewhat philosophical, believe that their domain reflects thenature and configuration of their deity, Leviathan, in its multiplicity of long twistingpaths which reach througout Shadow from a central node within the Maelstrom. Those ofthe Courts of Chaos will see many similarities in the way the Shadows connect andweave throughout, but even their own tumultous realm is nowhere as unstable as theTriton Labyrinth.

It is supposed my many of the Tritons that Lir, their King, has within his powerthe ability to stabilize and to weaken various areas of the Labyrinth, in a manner similarto that used by the Shadowmasters in the Courts of Chaos. Attempting to do so is apopular goal among many less fatalistic Tritons, who would see their Labyrinthstrengthened against the inevitibility of the Maelstrom. Those who worship Leviathanclaim that the Labyrinth is actually a manifestation of their deity, and that it is sentientand can detect all which transpires within it. For these reasons, they stress that vigilanceand devotion to it are essential for all Tritons, to avoid angering it and causing the entireLabyrinth to thrash and withdraw into the Maelstrom’s eye. Any disruptions within theLabyrinth’s sprawling corridors and junctures are said to be signs of Leviathan’sdispleasure or his blind hunger.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (289)

Affecting Shadow Within the Maelstrom.Most characters who venture into the Maelstrom will find that their ability to shift

and alter Shadows have changed somewhat when they attempt to do so within theMaelstrom. As the Maelstrom is essentially a giant Shadow disposal, the rules governingthe interaction of Shadows are a bit different here, allowing the Game Master plenty ofopportunity to tweak the player’s attempts at trying to dominate this immense plane ofexistence.

These are not case-by-case guidelines, nor are they set in stone rules by which theMaelstrom must be run in your campaigns. They are instead some suggestions for wayswhich the use of the Powers might be different in this place, making it seem unusual andthreatening to player-characters. Every Game Master has a slightly different perception ofhow the Powers work and interrelate, and these guidelines should be used, ignored, ormodified to take personal style and needs into account.

Primal Place. Firstly, the Maelstrom is a Primal Plane along the lines ofUndershadow, a place where one cannot easily alter Shadow or shift its contents.Characters can shift to the Maelstrom, and can move away from it, but it represents theterminus of their ability to voyage. Unless they are prepared to go into the very heart ofthe Maelstrom, they can go no further than the Maelstrom. It represents an end ofexistence every much as real as the Abyss of Chaos. Like the sentient tree Ygg whichmarks the boundaries between the realms of the Pattern and the Logrus, or even Corwin’sPattern, the Maelstrom is an immutable part of the universe which can only be fed, nevershrunk or eliminated, save by direct intervention of the two great Powers.

The Pattern. As mentioned above, using the Pattern to move towards or awayfrom the Maelstrom is possible, though the way may be difficult. The “ royal path”strewn with roses and red carpets is unlikely to be accomplished in this place.

Seeking objectives within the Maelstrom is easier than one might suppose, thoughthe object of one’s search might be at a point inaccessible to the character, or aparticularly dangerous point. Some suggestions for this might be to have a goal to befound in a section of a Shadow caught in the lower spiral of the Maelstrom, about to gointo the terminus. Retrieving an item or being from this place will be an adventure initself. Summoning an item sometimes brings more than the desired item. For example, acharacter seeking a sword just around that spur of rock might find a escape boat full ofstarving pirates or sailors, confused and lost, run aground.

Bringing the Pattern to mind is possible here, though it is nearly as weak in theMaelstrom as it is in the Courts of Chaos. Using it to affect probability, to manipulateShadow, and so on can often have deleterious effects, seeing how the fabric of Shadow isalready weak and damaged in this place. Depending on the character’s Stuff total, theresults can range from mediocre to disastrous! Using the Pattern for defense againstmagical threats is still potent here, and can resist some or all of the abilities manifested bythe Vortex.

Using the Pattern as a Lens can be done here with considerably more ease if theitem being sought has some magical or exceptional quality. In this place of entropy anddestruction, items and beings of Power stand out readily, and can be found easily with thesight granted by the Pattern. Disguising the Pattern here is next to impossible. Pattern-· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (290)

Inprinted characters stand out in the Maelstrom like lighthouses on clear nights, and areeasy to spot by Triton with even the most rudimentary magical perceptions.

The Logrus. The Logrus will come to mind easily in the Labyrinth, though inthis place, it has been corrupted somewhat by the Vortex, and will seem to have adifferent “ flavor” to it. Characters will feel that something is not right about the Logrus,and they will find that their use of its powers in some ways begins to imitate that of theVortex. Logrus Tendrils will seem to be more pliable and resemble Leviathan Tentacles,and so on...

Logrus Sight will occasionally give flashes of Leviathan, for a moment, startlingthe Logrus Master with that insight into the nature of the Maelstrom and the vortex.Seeing Tritons who use the Vortex will reveal a dark aura about them, an air of entropyand the image of the Leviathan becoming clear above them. Watching them in fullmanifestation of the Vortex can have adverse affects. See the section on the Vortex fordetails on the dangers of viewing it magically.

Spells stored in the Logrus tend to decay much more rapidly in the Maelstrom,and using the Logrus frequently will hasten their unweaving. Spells which might havelasted for weeks without maintenance will fall apart within a day or so, and some willbegin to have adverse or unexpected effects within hours of remaining in the Maelstrom.

Summoning Creatures of Chaos, Logrus Servants, and so on are all able to bedone in the Maelstrom, though they will all have the taint of the place, and in many caseswill be kindred to the Tritons or Leviathan itself. Such beings will be more difficult tocontrol than otherwhere.

The big gun of the Logrus Master, Primal Chaos, can be summoned into theMaelstrom, though the effects are not the usual. Bringing Primal Chaos into being in theMaelstrom increases the power of the waters which make it up. Instantly, storm cloudsappear overhead, and the terminus of the whirlpool expands in size directly. Areas ofShadow are pulled into the whirlpool, and the Primal Chaos will form directly over thecenter of the whirlpool in a form like a tornado. Controlling the Primal Chaos, oncesummoned, will be near impossible save for the highest of Psyches, and the best course ofaction will be to take cover and let it burn itself out.

Trump. The Trumps work without hindrance within the Maelstrom and theLabyrinth, though using them to contact someone inside or outside the plane is at theextreme of the Trump’s range. The Game Master might emphasize this by making voicesquite small and the psychic impression from the other end being barely perceptible, or bysimply not allowing contact when the Maelstrom is raging, claiming that something isinterfering with it. As the forces over the Maelstrom are similar in nature to a ShadowStorm, this would be a likely outcome. There aren’t very many Trumps within theMaelstrom, so detecting traces of them is fairly easy to accomplish.

Shape Shifting. While this ability could be said to work unhindered here, aparticularly sinister Game Master trick might be to have the character’s Shape Shiftability affected by Leviathan or the Tritons the longer they remain in the Maelstrom.Characters could find that their shifting involves elements which they hadn’t planned,such as suckers on limbs, vestigal tentacles forming, and other slightly “ fishy” elements· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (291)

of their appearance. Shifting these away will take only a moment, but characters mightfind that these elements continue to prop up when they lose their concentration.Eventually, they will be forced to keep concentrating on remaining in their normal forms.

Shape Shifting into the form of a Triton should give the character quite a jolt. Ascreatures of Power, most Tritons have incredibly strong minds and powerful Psyches,which will overcome all but the most adept Shape Shifter. Losing personality in a ShapeShift into Triton form is inevitable, and characters might even find themselves stuck inthe form of a Triton! Of course, there are ways to recover from this, but they usuallyinvolve traversing the Pattern or the Logrus, which aren’t anywhere close by.

Sorcery, Power Words, and Conjuration. All of these work normally in theMaelstrom, save for the Vortex’s deleterious effect upon racked Spells. Spellsconstructed freshly within the Maelstrom should work without any untoward effects orproblems, though when racked they deteriorate quickly unless checked constantly. PowerWords are unchanged, and the unique nature of the Maelstrom as a magnet for bits ofShadow stuff make Conjuration behave as expected.

Mirror Wrighting. Like Trump, the magical mirrors work without hindrance inthe Maelstrom, though they are only slightly more common than the Trump are. Most ofthe enchanted mirrors in the Labyrinth were found or recovered from Shadow, thoughseveral unscrupulous Rebman Mirrorwrights have traded knowledge of their making anduse for power and information from the Tritons. Llewella has several areas of theLabyrinth under surveillance through her magical mirrors, and it is likely that others ofRebma who know of the Tritons’ existence have similar setups.

Triton ReligionMany of the Tritons worship Leviathan, which has its own mysterious Power to

offer its followers. Other gods are worshipped, but for the most part, the Tritons give theirobesiance to Leviathan. Many of them are devout cultists, while others pay Leviathanonly lip service and view it more as a symbol than as something to be worshipped. Stillothers believe that Leviathan is one of them, the oldest of all Tritons, grown monstrousand swollen with the weight of aeons, and insane beyond comprehension. The King of theTritons, Lir, views Leviathan in such a manner, but does not worship it. Other Tritonsworship a number of sea-creatures such as the fish-god Dagon, Neptune, Poseidon, andothers. While these beings share the same names as many worshipped in Rebma andthroughout Shadow, the Tritons for the most part depict them to be Tritons in form anddeed.

None of these gods have the same impact upon their culture and lives thatLeviathan does, for it is from this dark, god-like entity the Tritons have learned one of thesecret powers of the seas, which they call the Vortex. This mysterious force has ties tothe Maelstrom which they believe is the center of the Rebman universe. The fewRebmans who have encountered Tritons claimed that the encounter was horrifying, andthat seeing the Vortex in use is to view an altogether evil and alien manifestation of force.

VORTEX· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (292)

Vortex stems from Leviathan, an entity of great power in the form of a krakenwith an endless number of infinitely long tentacles which reach through Shadow. Ancientand horrible, this being is the enemy of the Rebman Sea-Horse. It’s possible that theLeviathan is merely a guise for the Logrus, suited for the Tritons, and that Vortex is avariant of Logrus. Whichever the case, Vortex is used by Tritons primarily, and manifestsmany of the characteristics of their home realm, the Maelstrom and the Labyrinth.

If using point totals when creating Triton NPCs, then consider Vortex to be a 45point Power. If the Game Master has decided that the Vortex is merely an alternateversion of Logrus, then it is recommended that Tritons who are already Logrus Mastersshould be allowed to purchase Vortex for an additional 15 Points. There are few, if any,non-Triton Vortex users.

As this is a highly dangerous and oftentimes fatal Power, the ratio of Vortex usingTritons to non-users is surprisingly low, much less than, for example, Logrus Masters toothers in the Courts of Chaos. Vortex users should be considered rare and extremelydangerous, and are not cannon fodder by any means.

Shape Shifting is required to survive the initiation into the Vortex’s power. This isdue to the fact that the ritual of initiation requires one to remain underwater for days,borne through the tentacles of Leviathan, venturing into the heart of the Maelstrom andthrough it, reemerging into the Maelstrom alive. This cannot be accomplished withartificial breathing aids or the simple Rebman ability to breathe water.

NOTE: While these abilities (and even Leviathan itself) might seem somewhathorrible and almost evil in the Amber universe, it is important to realize that theserepresent primal powers and forces of elemental natures. Applying human moraljudgements to them is a pointless task. To call Leviathan or the Maelstrom evil becauseof its all-consuming nature would be akin to hating gravity, or lightning, or other forcesof nature. The Triton belief that Leviathan was the progenitor of all life in the seacoincides nicely with this aspect of its power: once the last of its business of creation isfinished, it must now take the role of destroyer as a part of the cycle of existence.

Attribute Tips for Vortex. Psyche and Endurance, more than anything are thedriving forces for the ability to manifest the alien force which is the Vortex. Psyche isrequired to handle the concentration necessary to keep from being destroyed by theMaelstrom, while Endurance is required to handle the awesome forces which movethrough the Triton’s body and into the outside world.

Warnings for VortexLike the Logrus, there are quite a few dangers involved in using the Vortex. Even

the initiation ceremony is an ordeal, and most Tritons who attempt it do not succeed, andare swallowed by the Maelstrom. Those who have undergone and survived their trialbecome able to manifest the power of the Maelstrom in the form of the Vortex, anincredible and dangerous Power.

Uncontrolled Shape Shift. The Vortex has another strange side effect in thatuse of it affects the Triton using it, often warping their bodies in strange manners, which· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (293)

eventually transmute back to normal. As they continue to use it throughout their lives, theeffects grow more and more pronounced, lasting longer and becoming evident even inshape-shifted forms. For these reasons, the Power is not commonly used by manyTritons, and experienced Vortex users are easy to identify. If any non-Triton is able tosurvive the initiation into this Power, they will show the signs of the Leviathan to an evengreater degree than the Tritons, and Shape Shifting the stigmata away is much moredifficult.

Madness from Viewing Vortex. Seeing the tentacled monstrous horror ofLeviathan and the howling manifestation of the Vortex can drive one mad. Unlike LogrusMasters, the Tritons are immune to the horror of Leviathan, believing themselves being apart of it genetically. However, when they summon the Vortex to do their bidding, anywho behold the Vortex, or Leviathan may be chilled to the bone with the sheer horror anddark, destructive power which Vortex symbolizes. Other users of Vortex are similarlyaffected.

Losing Control. Summoning forth a whirling Vortex of destructive forcerequires superhuman concentration. Unlike Logrus or Pattern, the Vortex does not dispelitself. When the Vortex initiate ceases paying attention to the powers they havesummoned, terrible things can happen. The powers can rage unchecked, growing, andpossibly even threatening the Triton. It will disappear in a variable amount of time, frommere seconds to days depending on the size of the manifestation. If left unchecked,greater uses of the Vortex will ravage any Shadow it is brought into.

Self-Annihilation. Vortex is hungry, cold and quite alien to humancomprehension. It is entirely possible that a Triton summoning Vortex might be takenthemselves for the Maelstrom to devour. This is the greatest threat which the Vortexpresents- the ability to become swallowed whole by the powers which the Triton hassummoned. Losing concentration through being attacked or other adverse conditions, theTriton becomes the focal point for the forces which he or she has summoned. If given thechance, the whirling Maelstrom will attempt to drag its creator into it beforedisappearing. This has been known to happen even to well-rested, attentative Tritons,who fed their Power’s immense hunger. This is also a part of the Triton fatalism, thateven their deity must be fed, and makes no allowances for its prime worshippers.

Sensitivity to Pattern. Like the Logrus, the Vortex is opposed to the powerwhich the Pattern (Reversed or otherwise) represents, and is susceptible to it. Bringingthe Vortex to bear against a Pattern, a character with Pattern energy manifesting in someway, or a Pattern artifact produces an incredible backlash of destructive energy whichboth forces will feel.

Sensitivity to Mirrors. If the Power of Mirror Wrighting is being used as aTrump substitute, then it is possible that Vortex power is similarly vulnerable to them.Whether it would also be vulnerable to Trump is a matter for the Game Master to surprisethe characters with.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (294)

Vortex Abilities. The following abilities are offered to the Triton who becomesa focus for the Vortex's energy. Many of these abilities have a description from a role-playing session of how characters might encounter that Ability when used by a Triton.

Tentacles of Leviathan. Similar to Logrus Tendrils, Leviathan Tentacles canbe manifested and utilized in physical combat, manipulation, or to provide a link forspell-casting. These take the form of animated watery tendrils, and are composed of waterwhich is taken over for use by Leviathan and the Triton. The Tentacles can move throughShadow or within the Maelstrom to retrieve or affect items, and can be used with aStrength equal to the Psyche of the Triton. In combat, they are considered to be at theTriton’s Warfare Attribute level. If the Triton is distracted, the items held by theLeviathan Tentacle are often pulled into the Maelstrom or sent on a chaotic coursethrough the area where they were released, ending up in a random location. One severelimitation is that Leviathan Tentacles are only able to be manifested within the water, orfrom a body of water into open air. Underwater, they are visible as darkened, twistingtentacles of dark, oily-looking liquid. Non-magical weapons pass through them withoutharming them, while weapons of some magical power can affect and interact with them.

When a Triton exhibits this power, their own limbs take on the form of theTentacles initially, stretching out from the body and becoming pliable, until tapering offand being replaced with the Leviathan’s Tentacles. The limbs return to normal when theTentacles are dismissed.

Anne’s character Westley, Matt’s character Lorman, and Sandra’s characterTanith have all found themselves in the Labyrinth by accident. While attempting toescape, they run into a Triton who obviously knows Vortex.

GM: Okay, the big scaley figure moves from the darkness of the next chamber. Oddly,part of that darkness seems to be coming around it, like a shroud. Its arms are extendedbefore it, tapering and seeming to become coils of some sort. The water chills aroundyou, and you can see some kind of tendrils forming in the water between you.Anne: Ack! Let’s get the hell out of here. Westley is pulling out his Trump deck.GM: Okay, Gerard’s Trump is still on top. He was in the flagship when you last spoke, anhour ago. I’ll get back to you when you have contact.Matt: Lorman is going to keep the Pattern to mind to try to defend himself against anysorcerous attacks. Remember, I had it up a minute ago.GM: Right. Tanith?Sandra: With a shout, Tanith draws her Pattern-blade and lunges between these two andthe Triton. That’s what it is, isn’t it?GM: From the statues you’ve seen, the legends you’ve heard... yep, that’s her guess. Asshe does so, the dark tendrils seem to finish solidifying and sweep through the watertowards you, writhing as they do so.Sandra: Yikes! How many are there?GM: More than a few, perhaps a dozen or so, some longer than others. Like having thebottom end of a squid pointed at you.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (295)

Sandra: Okay, then I’ll draw a main-gauche from my boot with the other hand and weavethem both in a defensive arc around me.GM: Your blade, bearing the image of the reversed Pattern in Rebma, forged on Faiella-bionin cuts through the dark coils, boiling the waters where it severs them. They dissipateas severed. Your dagger passes right through the tendrils, however, and one brushes yourarm, chilling it to the bone and slamming you roughly to one side.Anne: That means me, doesn’t it?GM: You were next in line through the door.Anne: Is my Trump contact through?GM: It’s only been a second or two. Sorry. Two of the dark tendrils wrap about you, oneon your neck and another around one of your legs. They are like ice, and incrediblystrong. You are being lifted off the ground. What are you doing?Matt: I’m leaping forward, with the Pattern still to mind, and Lorman will grab at thetendrils with his own body.GM: The tendrils strike your body, some others trying to grapple with you at the sametime. When they come to contact with the Pattern-energy you’re filled with, there’s a...well, do you know what anti-matter and matter do?Matt: Oh, no...GM: But not so fatal. You’re thrown across the room, and the Triton roars in pain as itslimbs seem to be twisted and burnt. Trumps scatter across the room, floating in thecurrent. It turns to flee, but you can see other movement in the chamber behind it. Whatare you doing?Anne: I’m getting my Trumps...Sandra: Not now! Tanith grabs him and Lorman and pulls them through the tunnel out ofhere!

Magical Vision and Spying. By forming a prism or lens of water, the Tritoncan view magical qualities and any traces of Power such as Logrus, Pattern, or inidentifying the origin of an item. By extending this lens along one of Leviathan’stentacles, the lens can be used to spy through, imbuing the water with a quality whichconveys any images along its length to the Triton. This tentacle can move anywhereLeviathan’s tendrils can, though only where there is water enough to form the tendril.With considerable concentration, it can be extended through the Maelstrom into theoutside world, even as far as Rebma or beyond! Such a tentacle appears to have either aclear lens at the end, a staring eye, or the Triton’s face, if desired.

After their run-in with the Triton, the characters have fled to one of the surfaceareas of the Labyrinth, and are on an outcropping near the Maelstrom.

Matt: Would you look at the size of that thing...Anne: We’re out of the water, at least. I’m going to try to find a still pool to use as amirror surface to get us out of here.GM: Tanith, you were watching the water tunnel you came through, right?Sandra: Yes, with my sword out and pointed at it.GM: Okay, you notice the water rippling in a peculiar fashion, seeming to form into aface on the surface.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (296)

Sandra: Um, guys...Matt: What is it?GM: As she speaks, the surface of the pool seems to swell, with a face on the end of it.Tanith?Sandra: I’m standing back, but my sword is at ready.Anne: Westley has found a human size puddle and is enchanting it. Okay?GM: No problem, Wes. Okay, the water seems to form a column, about a foot in diameterand almost ten feet high. It moves slowly, like a snake, and you can see the surfacerippling. Bits of algae and grit are in it, slowly sinking.Sandra: My sword is ready to swing.GM: It bends slowly, and you can see the face of the Triton you fought formed across thewater’s surface. It almost looks like a dark tunnel and you can see his real face at theother end. It opens its mouth as if to speak...Sandra: “ Eat this!” I shout as I stuff the blade through the open mouth and down thethroat!GM: Oh!

Movement within the Maelstrom. The Triton becomes able to use thetentacles of Leviathan to move within the Maelstrom with ease, pulling oneself alongthem or following their movement and being brought to the desired destination. As thetentacles reach through the Maelstrom into the Sargasso Sea and beyond, it is possible forTritons to travel all the way to Rebma with this ability. The focal point for all of thesetentacles is the heart of the Maelstrom, where Leviathan exists, and traversing themwithout controlling the direction takes the Triton to the very heart of the Maelstrom andcertain oblivion. Occasionally, the ever-hungry Leviathan grasps a Triton who manifeststhe Tentacles and pulls them into its maw.

Creating the “Eye” of the Storm. When manifesting the destructive natureof the Maelstrom Tritons can summon an “ eye” of the storm to surround them, shuntinganything which attempts to interfere with them into the Maelstrom and destruction. Thiscan also be used when in a storm or other tumult of activity which might be threateningor otherwise disruptive. This ability might be most useful in a hail of arrows or othermissile weapons, in adverse weather conditions, or to resist being assaulted by otherforces of nature. To draw intelligent or living beings into the eye of the Maelstromrequires a Psyche versus Psyche struggle on the part of the Triton and the intendedvictim.

Moments after having its speaking tendril attacked, the Triton decides it’s hadenough of the annoying characters.

GM: With your arm still held out in the midst of the destroyed water tendril, you noticethat the wind has suddenly picked up around you.Sandra: What?Matt: Oh no. I’ve got a very bad feeling about this, you guys.GM: Suddenly the Triton bursts out from the same tunnel you came through, standing onthe surface of the water. Water splashes you both.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (297)

Anne: Is it ready yet?GM: Just a second or two more... In the meantime, the sky darkens suddenly, and theTriton growls lowly at you, belching out the words “You should not have come here”with a great pause between each syllable.Anne: Ready?GM: Yeah, you see your room on board the flagship now. It’s empty.Anne: I’m through, then reaching after them.Matt: I’m running towards Westley’s puddle and following him through.GM; It’s starting to rain... hard. The wind howls.Sandra: I’m holding one arm up in peace, my sword arm at my side. “We didn’t mean tocome here, and we’re leaving now.”GM: With that, the storm overhead just lets loose. The Triton raises its arms above itshead, and you can see streamers of some sort of dark energy heading up into the stormand all around you. Lightning hits the ground near you as a clap of thunder booms. Youcan barely stand against the wind.Sandra: I’m heading for that puddle now...GM: You’re not sure where it was, now that it’s so dark.Sandra: Oh no! I’m grabbing a rock and holding on tight!GM: The air seems to be pulled from your lungs and your skin is being scoured by thehard rain. You’ve got to close your eyes or be blinded. You are deaf from all the thunder,and your eyes see flashes of light through the closed lids.Anne: Can I reach through and get her?GM: Yes, you see the dark sky through your mirror, each raindrop making ripples as ithits. It’s really hard to see, but after a second or two you realize that she’s next to thepuddle, lying on the ground.Anne: Okay, I grab a foot and pull her through.GM: Something’s pulling at your leg. It might be Westley.Sandra: I’m holding on. It might be the Triton.Anne: What?!Sandra: Hey, Tanith’s a major Bad Stuff character. She would make that mistake.GM: Good call, Sandra.

Inflicting Horror. A psychic image and impression of Leviathan can bebrought forth to "cloak" the summoner, instilling in those who view it a sense of alienhorror, dread, and sometimes causing those of weak wills to flee in terror or pass out infright. It is even possible to instill temporary or permanent madness in those who see thehorror of Leviathan.

Psyche is the key to resisting this horror, as mentioned above in the section onDangers of the Vortex. A character of Human Rank Psyche might pass out instantly, oreven go insane. Combined with a Human Ranking in Endurance, this might lead to heartseizures, or literal death from fright. Chaos Ranked characters might flee, or be blastedwith the baleful psychic presence enough to disrupt any concentration, such as spell-casting, or even making them lose the image of the Logrus which they had summoned.Amber Ranking or above allows the character to behold Leviathan's image without illeffects, though they will undoubtedly be shaken somewhat by its presence.

Using some form of magical viewing or sensing, such as Logrus Sight or Pattern· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (298)

Lenses will be even more startling and can even lower one’s resistance to the horror.Crafty player-characters who attempt to access this horrific impression or create a

mental “ snapshot” for their own use will find that it begins to corrupt them in subtleways, coloring their vision, giving their world-view an aura of evil and menace. Otherswill notice that their eyes have gone entirely dark for a moment, for example, and theywill seem to be snarling when their faces are relaxed. Their perception of the world willslowly begin to change, darkening their every thought. They will see threats where thereare none, death in the midst of life, and horror where there is laughter and peace. Viewingthem magically will reveal this horrific taint upon them, and normal people will findthemselves uneasy around the character. The character will slowly feel aliennated, untilthey have in some way rid themselves of the psychic imprint. Means of doing this couldrange from a simple desire to purge it from their system, traversal of the Pattern or theLogrus, or some magical ritual.

Continuing where they left off, the Triton has let the eye of the Vortex lapse andwants to confront this strange intruder.

GM: Okay, suddenly, everything goes quiet. It’s almost as deafening in its own way asthe storm was.Sandra: Okay, I’m opening my eyes and rolling onto my back, my sword ready...GM: You can see the Triton standing about five feet away from your boots. It is biggerfrom down here, if that’s possible. There’s something about it, though, some sort of aurahanging over it.Sandra: What? Is it attacking.GM: No, it doesn’t seem to be, but there’s something very creepy about it. You’re gettingimages of something vast and cold, and alien.Sandra: This dude?GM: No, it’s a similar sensation to when you saw the Serpent of Chaos for a moment.Sandra: And this is like that?GM: Well, it is writhing, and even the sight of it is filling you with awe and a little bit offear. It seems to be getting more real, closer by the moment, as if it is replacing the Tritonand coming to you. You see that it is some sort of giant kraken, and one of its huge darkeyes focusses on you.Sandra: I’m looking for that puddle.GM: Even looking away, you feel that awful presence upon you, burrowing into yourmind and tearing at your soul.Anne: Can I see this?GM: No. You only see the Triton standing there over Tanith.Anne: I’m pulling her through.GM: Tanith sees a white hand in Westley’s sleeve poke up through a puddle next to herboot, and grab it. What are you doing?Sandra: I’m through that thing like lightning.

ADVANCED VORTEX MASTERY· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (299)

If creating Triton NPCs, it is another 20 Points added onto the original 45 Pointsfor Vortex. If the Game Master regards Vortex as a variation of Logrus, then AdvancedLogrus Masters can buy Advanced Vortex for another 10 Points.

Attribute Tips for Advanced Vortex. As before, Psyche and Endurance areequally important in manifesting and surviving the Maelstrom’s force.

Advanced Vortex Abilities

Multiple Tentacle Use. At the Advanced level of this Power, the Triton isable to manifest up to a dozen Leviathan Tentacles, each of which can act independentlyat the Triton’s full Psyche or Warfare level of ability. The Triton can arm them withweapons, use them to seize a number of opponents, or attack a single opponent with all ofthem. Other than the numbers, they are identical in all ways the the lesser version of thisability.

Tritons manifesting multiple Leviathan Tentacles will find vestigal limbs growingfrom along their sides, or their arms will begin to branch out from the fingers down to theshoulders into long thin tendrils.Excessive use of these abilities makes these extra limbsthicker and more difficult to Shape Shift away.

Summoning the Maelström. The most horrible power of the AdvancedTriton is to summon to his or her side a link to the giant Maelstrom. This will manifest asa whirling construct of chaotic force, depending on where it is summoned. Alone, it is amatrice of force which resembles a whirlpool, the center emptying through Shadow intothe Maelstrom.

This force can them be imbued into an environment for additional effect. Createdin, atop or under water, it becomes a whirlpool. In the air it takes the form of a mightyhurricane or a small tornado, depending on the effort poured into it. In flames, it becomesa mighty whirling funnel of flame. On dry earth, it manifests as an earthquake whichtwists the landscape around it in a spiral path. It can be used any material or condition towarp it into the whirlpool effect which spirals away to the Maelstrom. It can destroycities, warping and twisting the stone and metal itself into the whirlpool configuration.

Being caught in this is disorienting, and sweeps small items instantly into thewhirlpool. Human-sized or larger beings can resist it with their Strength versus this linkto the Maelstrom’s Strength, which will be equal to the Psyche of the Triton.

The fate of those caught and swallowed by this force is to be deposited in theMaelstrom where they will eventually be swallowed by it and be destroyed. The amountof time this takes is equivalent to the level of activity the Maelstrom is at. If calm, it willtake some time, but if it is roaring and powerful, then it will take only minutes or evenseconds.

Role-playing the fate of a player-character or beloved Elder caught up in theMaelstrom (and any attempts at rescue) would make short campaign in itself, allowing fora high level of action and a opportunity to encounter the Tritons firsthand in their lair.Characters caught in the Maelstrom can also explore many of the things which aresimilarly caught up in the swirling waters- ancient vessels, modern ships, small islands,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (300)

floating or half-submerged cities, and other flotsam.

The Blackness of Leviathan. The Triton can summon a cloud of blacknessissuing from his or her own body, which can fill a small area or even the entire sky,depending on how much effort is placed into the attempt. This cloud is not physical,instead, it is highly magical and effectively shuttles any light particles in an area into theMaelstrom. It cannot be blown away, any natural light produced in the area will beswallowed so long as an active effort is made on the Triton's part to keep the darknessactive.

It can be dispelled in areas by magic-based light. This requires the source of thelight (such as the spell-caster) to succeed in a Psyche versus Psyche struggle to dispel thedarkness. In this case, the darkness is dispelled in an area equal to the size of the magicallight produced, with outlying areas being confined to a sort of "greyness" until thedarkness disappears entirely.

This darkness can be extremely hazardous to those who use the Pattern to shiftthrough Shadow, as it requires a visual fix on one's environment to manipulate the stuffof Shadow.

On another occasion, Lorman has found himself pursuing a Triton through downthe halls of Castle Rebma.

GM: Okay, the servant seems to be losing her human form as she runs, turning intosomething scaled, larger and more gangly. Where there was hair there’re now fins. She’sabout fifty feet ahead of you.Matt: I knew it! I hate those guys! I’m grabbing a torch as I run.GM: Easy to do, as they’re not bolted down or anything. She turns a corner into an areayou remember had a lot of doors. What are you doing?Matt: I’m stopping, drawing my dagger, and thrusting the torch around at head level first,then turning the corner.GM: Okay, you do that, and emerge into a small junction of several corridors and smallrooms. She could have gone anywhere.Matt: Okay, Lorman begins to open each door, one by one, with the tip of the dagger andthe torch ready.GM: The weird light of the torch casts a lot of crazy shadows, as you do so. You open afew empty rooms, and then notice that the shadows are getting deeper. Much deeper.Matt: Huh? I move the torch around more.GM: Your vision seems to be fading. You can’t even see your arm, and the end of thetorch is a greenish-yellow glow that seems to be a long way away.Matt: Can I see anything else?GM: Nope. What are you doing?Matt: I guess I’ll try to find a new torch.GM: As you turn, a clawed hand grabs the back of your neck and you can feel clawspricking your naked back, near the base of your spine, as if in warning. From next to yourear, you hear the voice of your chambermaid, strangely altered. She says “You were kindto me, so I’ll let you live... for now.” What are you doing?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (301)

Corruption. The Vortex summoner may use his or her link with the Maelstrom tocorrupt and alter the environment or substance of a place. Eventually, it will completelydecay and will begin an inevitible slide towards physical destruction in the Maelstrom.This can be done in several ways depending on the ends which the Triton wishes to putthe power to. To do so, the Triton summons the power of the Vortex and instills a portionof the Maelstrom’s essence in whatever substance or place they wish to affect. If the itemor being is able to resist, then its Psyche must be overcome. Things or areas that arestrong in Pattern energy are especially resistant to this ability.

Some of the ways the Vortex can corrupt an environment, substance, being, oritem are as follows, in an increasing degree of severity.

Decay. The Maelstrom's essence can cause wood or cloth to rot, vegetation towither, wounds to fester, water to stagnate, food to spoil, stone to crumble, metal to rustand weaken, and similar destruction of the condition of an item. Used on a living being, itcan cause debilitating, life-threatening illness or a general physical wasting away.Instilled in an area, it can destroy fertile land, turning it into wasteland. Minor effects likethis can be accomplished with a few minutes of effort. If possible, the substance willreturn to normal in the natural amount of time for such recovery. For example, stagnantwater might renew itself in time, but rusted metal will continue to deteriorate.

Despair. The psychological aspect of corruption instills in the target a lack of thewill to live, bringing feelings of despair, fear, self-doubt, self-loathing, and other mentalailments. Used selectively, it can demoralize a person, or cause them to exercise theirworse traits, and eventually lead them on a self-destructive course of self-hate. It isespecially useful for "conditioning" suicidal troops, fanatics with little regard for theirown lives. This takes more time, requiring at the very least some sort of psychicimpression of the being or group to be affected. A few hours at the minimum, withrecovery time dependent upon the original psychic condition of the subject. A healthy,well-adjusted person might overcome their despair quickly, while a suicidal loner mightnever recover and continue further along the path of despair.

Entropy. Used against an entire Shadow, it can eventually create conditions ofinstability in the stuff of that Shadow. This can work directly, by making an areauninhabitable through natural disasters (blight, plague, famine, earthquakes, etc...) or byspeeding depletion of resources and pollution of the environment until the Shadowbecomes uninhabitable. To do this requires serious investment of time and effort, perhapsa full day of concentration while in the Shadow. The ability of the Shadow to recoverdepends upon the type of Entropy brought upon it, but if given the momentum of enougheffort on the behalf of the Vortex, the destruction will continue until the entire Shadow isnothingness.

Projecting Awareness Through Shadow. The tentacles of Leviathanreach from its place in the Maelstrom through Shadow, into the Sargasso Sea and theCoral Branch Sea-Shadows, and even into Rebma, in a manner similar to the LogrusTendrils. They might even reach into Shadow, the Courts of Chaos, and Amber! Users ofthe Vortex are able to extend their consciousness along these tentacles, shifting their· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (302)

awareness into places other than their physical locations. If they possess any magicalabilities, they are able to magically affect the world, but not physically. This is a difficultand maddening process, which requires supreme concentration and will be disruptedinstantly should their bodies become disturbed significantly (the equivalent of what itmight take to wake a deep sleeper).

The time required is the same for Shadow Shifting, though the user of the Vortexdoes not have to physically move from their location. Killing the defenseless body of aprojecting Tritonr frees their spirit, which will decay within a time equal to the relativePsyche of the character unless they are able to inhabit another body, which could provideGame Master’s with another interesting option for hidden threats to player-characters.


The Tritons present the Amber Game Master with an opportunity for a group ofenemies which are tough, mysterious, and unknown to even the most astute Zelaznyreaders amongst their players. By extension, the Tritons make the Rebmans themselvesseem more elusive, and perhaps heir to secrets all their own which have profoundinfluences on the way the universe works.

It is highly recommended not to let the players begin with much, if anyinformation about the Tritons, save for a smattering of legendry, if anything. Rebmansmight throw in Lir’s name every so often, and the Triton decor in Rebma should alwaysbe emphasized, as well as occasional references to “ the old blood.” When characters askquestions about the Tritons, they should be shushed or told that the Tritons are justlegends and nothing to be worried about. Most Rebmans feel as comfortable talking ofthe Tritons as the passing stranger would feel expounding his or her religious beliefs asrelating to damnation and the heirarchy of Hell. If the characters get it into their headsduring the course of a stay in Rebma, their search for information should be conflictingand scarce, with numerous metaphysical and legendary interpretations of their existencewhich leave the characters knowing less than they began with.

The Labyrinth, Leviathan, and the Tritons themselves, are not monstrous. Theinhuman Tritons may seem fearsome to the people of Rebma, but imagine how theTritons must view their scale-less, puny, decadent offspring! For millenia, they have beenhappy to leave each other alone, with minimal contact. The barrier of the Sargasso Seahas been breached only a double dozen times in their memory, and more often than not,the results were tragic for those concerned. With the new shifting of power in the Amberuniverse, however, the Tritons have become much more active, and are likely to beputting ancient plans into effect, increasing their actions in and around Rebma. Long-though extinct, they might emerge from the depths and attempt to seize the reflected cityof Rebma.

If the two races are brought together again, what will be the results?A generation gap spanning millennia?War?Mutual admiration... or extreme loathing?Perhaps all of the above.The potential for such an encounter provides plenty of fodder for high-stakes role-· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (303)

playing and adventure. Will player characters be instrumental in bringing the two racestogether? A "first-contact" scenario is always exciting, and, like with Amber and Chaos,the fact that the two realms have known of each other from the beginning doesn’t affectthis at all. Rebman player characters might even find themselves in the roles of Merlin orMartin in Corwin's books of the Chronicles, used by the forces of both sides towards endsthey do not completely understand.

Creating Triton Non-Player Characters.Given their incredible age and their scarce numbers (there might be anywhere

from fifty to a few thousand of them, depending on the Game Master’s needs), theTritons should be formidable individuals, and not cannon fodder. Tritons should beconstructed from at least 100 points, with older ones ranging anywhere from 200 to 400points!

If Tritons are more numerous in the campaign, then the Game Master should bewilling to lower these totals for the “ grunts” which exist only to be killed in large-scalecombats. An alternate to this is to make the rank and file of the Tritons many of their sea-beast hybrids, some of which are described in the Bestiary section.

Triton’s Attributes are usually Chaos Rank or above, and Tritons which areintended to be worthy adversaries should be Ranked in most or all of their Attributes.Most possess the Power of Shape Shifting and some powerful fewhave Vortex, withmany of them also having Sorcery or some Power Words. Some will also be Conjurers orMirror Wrights, though these disciplines are not common in the Labyrinth. A nastysurprise might be to have a select few exceptional Tritons be Logrus Masters (or perhapssome Leviathan variant of that Power). Triton Pattern initiates are unheard of. MostTritons will have at least one or more Artifacts or Creatures in the form of weapons,armor, or other adjuncts.

Throughout this section, we have seen several sample Tritons, from Aneena,Madoc, Morholt, and Dagon. Additionally, Lir’s identity as a Triton is described in theRebman nobles section. Each of them represents a Triton at a different stage ofdevelopment and aspect, from Lir’s ancient strength, Madoc’s wisdom and whimsy,Morholt as a Triton in his prime, the alien evil of Dagon, to Aneena, a somewhat youngand inexperienced Triton who has disguised herself as a human and lives among theRebman people. No Attributes are given for these Tritons, as they will differ fromcampaign to campaign. Each of them would make a worthy ally, or a deadly foe.

Some Sample Triton Names.Following are a few Tritonish names for quick reference. Game Masters can grab

one from the list if nothing presents itself.One method for creating names for Tritons or other sea-creatures is to take a word

or name of a creature acquainted with the sea and modify it slightly, shortening it,combining it with another, or merely changing a few letters, creating a name which isreminiscent of the sea and sea-creatures.

For example, take a word like “ urchin” (as in sea urchin). Harden the “ ch” to a“ k” or a “ qu,” and change the “ n” at the end to an “ st.” Now you have Urkist, a greatname for a Triton lordling.

In some cases, a word can be used unmodified as a name. Just as the names· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (304)

Robin, Wolf, Fox, and Kitty are all found in our society (not to mention Zelazny’s ownCoral and Sand), names such as Anemone and Moray might be common in Triton (andRebman society). One great character name from the playtesting was a Triton namedCoel, short for “ coelacanth.” Sure, the pronounciation is way off, but the name isevocative of something sea-like, and that’s what is important when coining a Tritonname.

Another naming trick which works equally well for Rebmans is to take half aname and “mirror” it upon itself, creating a name which is or is close to being apalindrome (spelled the same backwards as forwards). As you might have noticed,Llewella’s name is one of these. One of the sample Tritons, Aneena, is another namefollowing these rules.

Taking names from history or mythology are also good choices, and astute readersmay have noticed that most of the Rebman Sea-Court have such names, though they arerarely the same as their mythological connotation would suggest! Scylla, Lorelei, Dagonand Cymbeline are all examples of this. Zelazny did this trick often with many of hisAmber characters. Moire’s name is defined in French as “ a watery pattern.” Morganthe,her daughter, may have been named for a the medieval tradition of a “morganatic”marriage, one in which a woman marries a noble of greater status than herself, gainingnone of his titles or his inheritance, which will, instead, pass to her offspring. Trickynames like this are especially interesting ones, which can add depth as well as wry humorto an other wise simple part of character creation.

Following are a bunch of names which use one, more, or none of the above tricks.

ArlefBarikBorquelChalfGelflorGiswolKelothMrastNoraneRiilkRoftSantarSeldrakeShadrachShendathSemathShuulSliskTchalmTluurasVoornVreenZirn· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (305)


Though these were all chosen as Tritonish names, but there’s no reason theymight not make good Rebman, Chaosian, or even Demonic names!· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (306)

A REBMAN BESTIARYThe sea-floor contains many beings, natural and otherwise, which are ripe for

role-playing potential as possible encounters, allies, and enemies. Corwin mentionsseeing carvings of mermaids, sea-nymphs, and dolphins.

Some examples of creatures which can be found in or near Rebma are presentedhere for the Game Master's use. These descriptions can be used to create more detailedindividual creatures for the players to use as Creatures or for Game Masters to use as foesor encounters in the campaign.

The question to remember when introducing these creatures is "Why is thiscreature here?" If the campaign calls for a army of pushover creatures, the give them lowattributes and weak fighting abilities. An unstoppable juggernaut can be fashioned out ofmany of the natural creatures simply by increasing its size and combat potential, as wellas its ability to withstand damage. Tough shells, hides, immense mass, and limitednervous systems might make a creature incredibly difficult to incapacitate. Thesupernatural creatures can be expanded many ways, with human or above intelligence,sorcery, magical Artifacts or other special abilities.

Natural Creatures. Sea-dwelling mammals and fish with no magicalor human-like characteristics, natural creatures are more common and less likely tointeract with player characters than their supernatural counterparts. These animals areinvariably wild, with the main behavioral patterns revolving around hunting and/oreating, and reproduction. Rarely will they perform complex actions or continue to attackwhen they have been seriously injured.

For a quick, off-the-cuff judgement, most of these creatures might have ChaosRank Strength and Endurance, with Human (or below) Warfare and Psyche. Exceptionswill be noted in the descriptions.

While using natural creatures, common sense asks (for example) what chance adolphin would have against a human armed with a sword. Well, why would the dolphinbe attacking a human in the first place, and why would they remain available enough toget hacked up? Would it be working alone? Why wouldn’t it use its maneuverability andspeed to confuse and tire the attacker, until possibly trapping it or getting a easy shot at asnout attack in a vital area?

Note: These descriptions are in no way intended to provide an accurate picture of real-lifeanimals, but merely describe the creatures of Rebma's seas in Amber Diceless Role-Playing terms. The Shadow Earth equivalents of these animals may differ in many waysfrom their Amber equivalents. While on our Shadow Earth, some of these are fresh-watercreatures and others are salt-water creatures, these distinctions are not necessarily thesame throughout all Shadow.

Chimerae- Also called elephant fish, these are medium sized fish which have large eyesand long, pointed tails. They are odd-looking fish, with long snouts and pectoral finswhich resemble elephant ears, and belong in the same family as sharks and rays. They arebottom dwellers and do not attack humans. Many of these ugly creatures mistaken formonsters by violence-prone characters, only to be revealed as pets when crying children· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (307)

swim up to protect them from their attackers.

Dolphins- Sea-going mammals, dolphins are usually found in small groups and areunusually playful and friendly to humans. They are considered a sign of good luck to thepeople of Rebma and sailors everywhere, and representations of them are everywhere.They range from six to fifteen feet long, and are usually grey. Rebman youths often swimalongside them, sometimes even riding them in fun. In times of crisis, dolphins willattack with their snouts, "bumping" their targets powerfully and repeatedly. When thisattack method is used by a group of dolphins, it can be devastating. If a Rebman ismounted on any type of sea-creature, nine times out of ten it will be a dolphin.

Manta Rays- Large flat predators, the manta ray is shaped something like a triangle oran elongated diamond, moving through the water by flapping their wing-like fins.Generally colored blue or black on top and white beneath, their eyes are set just behindtwo short stalks which jut forward from their bodies. Their mouth lies between the eyes.They have long, whip-like tails, and are hostile to swimmers. Rebman thrill seekerssometimes attempt to ride manta rays, though injuries doing so are common. One species,the eagle ray, has poisoned spines in its tail which can paralyze or kill a swimmer. Thesethings, fearsome in combat, are also good for portraying a mood. Even a “ flyby” mightbe used to devastating effect in making characters nervous.

Octopi- Sometimes called devilfish, the octopus is an eight-tentacled creature with abulbous, sack-like body. They use their suckered tentacles to snare prey and break shellsapart, and their horny jaws cut the food apart for digestion. They can grow up to thirtyfeet long, from tentacle-tip to tentacle-tip, though some monstrous ones have beensighted. They move by siphoning water through their body, and can also release a cloudof black ink-like substance from the same glands. Octopi are able to change their bodypigment to match their surroundings. Some octopi can emit a paralytic poison. Giventheir penchant for wedging themselves into whatever nook or cranny they can fit into,they are great for rude surprises, either to terrify or just for immediate shock value.

Sea-Horses- Revered in Rebma, these beings are strange and are considered sacred andinviolate. They range in size from less than a centimeter long to several feet in lengthfrom the tip of their head to the tip of their usually curled tail. Sea-Horses larger than thisare rare, and are considered especially holy. Many types of Sea-Horses are able to blendin, chameleon-like with their surroundings.

In Sea-Horses, the sex roles are reversed, a feature which might explain theirlinkage with the matriarchy of Rebma. Upon the male's fertilization of the female's eggs,the female deposits hundreds of eggs within a sack in the male's "abdomen." The femalethen roams over a large territory defending her mate, while the male remains in the samesmall area while pregnant, anchoring itself with its tail to a plant or coral reef. Thepregnancy lasts about three weeks, at which time the small sea-horses are free to roamand eat. The male then seeks out another female mate to continue the cycle ofreproduction with.

They have a curious means of fighting, should anyone commit the unpardonable· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (308)

sin (to the Rebmans, at least) of threatening one. They rear their head back and snap itforward, delivering a solid blow with their snout. They also use their tails in a form ofwrestling.

Characters might consider themselves lucky if suddenly engulfed within a smallcloud of sea-horses.Sharks The white shark is the most common shark, a long-bodied fish feared throughoutmany Shadows for its single-minded determination while hunting. The white shark is apredator par excellence, able to detect the scent of blood in water from incredibledistances. Rapid swimmers, their killing frenzies make them implacable, deadlycreatures. While their teeth are not especially hard, they exist in several rows which maketheir grip a difficult thing to get free of. They typically hunt in packs, and can, onoccasion, reach lengths of forty feet or more. Some other varieties of shark includehammerheads, basking sharks (which enjoy floating on the surface and eat onlyplankton), and the mammoth whale shark (which grows up to 60 feet long but is not ahunter). As a threat, they can be fearsome to swimmers, but a stationary character withany degree of protection can carve one up pretty badly with a blade, provided it doesn’tget a jaw-lock on them.

Squids- A sea-mollusk similar to the octopus, the squid is formed of a long, flat-headedbody, from the base of which protrude ten or more tentacles, two of which are longer thanthe others. They can range up to 55 feet long, including tentacles. Larger specimens arecalled Krakens, and can be immense in size. Like octopi, squids move by channelingwater through their body, can emit ink-like clouds, change skin pigmentation, and havesuckers on their tentacles. They are feared and hated by the Rebmans, as the Kraken arethe symbol of the Leviathan which represents the Tritons. One of these, though not muchof a threat to anyone, might be good to make player-characters nervous.

Whales The name covers a wide variety of giant, sea- and ocean-dwelling mammals.They differ from fish in that they breathe oxygen, have horizontal tail fins, nurse theiryoung, and are warm-blooded. Several different varieties exist, but some characteristicsare common. Because of their immense size, any descriptions of whales should give themphenomenal endurance, a consequence of the sheer amount of damage their tissue cansustain before they are incapacitated. Great for use as larger mounts, some Rebmans evenstrap small pavillions to the backs of these creatures. They are also useful as atmosphere,with their lonely, piercing songs wailing in the background to put an edge onto any scenein the wild waters outside Rebma.

Killer Whales- Large-bodied predators, killer whales are sometimes called"orcas" on Shadow Earth, and can be deadly foes of anyone who anger one. Growing upto thirty feet in length and weighing over ten tons, they are white underneath and blackskinned above. Despite their name and common belief, killer whales are actually largeporpoises and not whales at all.

Blue Whales- The largest natural creature on the planet, the blue, or sulphur-bottom whale reaches lengths of 100 feet, weighing over 150 tons. Fastest of the whales,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (309)

they are dark blue on top and a chalky yellow beneath. They do not have teeth, butinstead have bony ridges in place of teeth called baleen which strain food as they swim.Their strength simply cannot be measured in relation to humans. Even Gérard would beovercome in a contest of Strength with a Blue Whale, should one be somehow arranged.

Narwhals- Fairly small as whales go (a mere 18 feet long and 2 ton weight), themale narwhal is distinguished by a long spiral ivory horn which protrudes from the leftside of its head to a distance of nearly half of its body length. Females have no horns.These creatures are sacred to Rebmans, as they bear the horn of the Sea-Horse which issymbolic to Rebma. Hunting them for this horn is forbidden, and Rebmans routinelydestroy whalers who attack narwhals. King Oberon forbid the hunting of narwhals in agesture of goodwill with Rebma.

Supernatural Creatures. Beings which behave in ways which arenot natural, or have some element of magic in their origin or actions. Most are rare, andare usually only encountered when they want to be met. These are not "monsters" andshould not be treated as such. Instead, they are at the very least beings with a somerudimentary sense of intelligence, their own goals, motives, and are provided here asinteresting encounters, rather than "wandering monsters" or similarly named cannonfodder.

Many of these beings are partly (or temporarily) human in form. The reasons forthis vary, though the most common belief is that the Triton stock has influenced allcreatures of the sea in some way, and that the quirks of genetics have allowed thesecreatures to evolve in a variety of different ways which are still vaguely humanoid.

Asrai- Small beings related to jellyfish, though with a shape that is suggestive ofhumanity, though pliable and shifting slowly. They are luminescent and give off low,almost musical notes which sustain themselves for some time. Asrai are about four feetlong, from their vaguely human-shaped head to the ends of the longest of their manylimb-like pseudopod which hang from their small, rounded "torsos." They are translucent,and seem lit from within with colors such as white, pale green, and crimson. They driftlazily in small groups, and the noises each makes are different, creating an ethereallybeautiful, if alien, form of music. Rebman music often imitates the sounds of the Asrai.Not so interesting as encounters, as they aren’t intelligent, but their unusual music mightmake a good background for a conversation set in Rebma, and a small group of themmight seem almost magical in the darkness of the waters elsewhere.

Fastitocalon- A mammoth sea-turtle which is the size of a small island, unusuallybuoyant, which floats adrift on the ocean currents, often being mistaken for an island. It'sshell is rough and rocky, festooned with small trees and other growths, for theFastitocalon never submerges because it is unable to. Immeasurably heavy, its shell isseveral feet thick and the creature has been identified as several hundred yards across. It'shead and flippers are massive, crusted with barnacles and various other sea-parasites, andare rarely above surface, perhaps due to their immense weight. The beast feeds by leavingits mouth open and skimming seaweed and algae from the ocean's surface, as well as· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (310)

small fish and plankton. No one knows if the creature is intelligent, because its ancientmind is closed and altogether too alien to be understood. Only one of these beasts hasbeen sighted, but zoologists in the Sea-Court claim that several chains of islands whichwere once mapped and are now absent were in fact a mobile family of Fastitocalon. Theold cliche of landing onto one of these beasts unknowingly could be used in a campaign,or even subverted by encountering people who choose to dwell on these beasts’ backs.Characters might even discover some ruins left on the back of a submerged Fastitocalon.

Fideal- A type of intelligent and mobile sea-grass, this tough plant is long, almost thirtyfeet from the thick, spongy base to end, and grows in clumps. Its leafy, apparently food-rich limbs drift in the current, inviting creatures to graze upon it. When fish or otherbeings stimulate the limbs by chewing upon them, the Fideal's limbs flatten themselvesacross the new prey and begin to wrap about it, injecting it with a paralytic poison fromthe small, hidden barbs at the center of each frond-like limb. From this point, the Fidealdraws it into the thick, mossy base and absorbs the meat from the captured creature. Itthen extends the limb again and waits for another unwary target. The Fideal's limbs areunnaturally tough, and the strength of the creature is considerable. Once inside thespongy base, a series of grating teeth go to work on the meal, quickly reducing a hand-sized fish to liquid in moments.

Swimmers can recognize a Fideal from the scraps of bone and shell which areoften strewn around the sea-floor around its base. Some divers actually seek out theFideal near sea-shores, searching for ornaments or precious items which may be havebeen possessed by human victims. Unintelligent, these are good for sudden encounters inotherwise safe areas, though a character with decent Strength or Warfare should makeshort work of a Fideal.

Hydra- A serpentine creature, somewhat like a multiple-headed dragon, but withoutwings or the ability to breathe fire. Ranging in size from twenty to forty feet, the creatureis roughly a third tail, a third body, and the final third a mass of between three and elevenserpent-like necks, terminating in long, slender skulls. Generally, most hydra have sevenor nine necks. The necks are long and tough, each armed with a fearsome array of fangs,horny scales, and a thick skull which houses only a rudimentary brain and eyes. At thebase of where the necks meet is a mass of wavy cilia, almost like a mane. Closeexamination of these cilia will reveal that each is a tiny, unformed neck and head, a skullthe size of a thumb-tip at the end. When the hydra loses a full-grown head, another growsto replace it relatively quickly over a period of about two weeks to a month, perhapsgiving rise to legends of regeneration. Unlike myths would have, the severed neck-stumpswither and soon are absorbed by the body (sometimes even being devoured by the newlybudding head, when food is scarce), rather than growing anew. Their fore and hind limbsare at a stage between clawed feet and flippers, with the benefits of both, and their tail islong, thick, and flat, as is much of their body.

Killing one is an arduous and dangerous task, due to the number of heads whichare actively able to strike an attacker. Heads which have been severed continue biting forseveral minutes, similar to snakes. Hidden in the trunk, where the heads meet, is thebrain-case, surrounded by a thick shelf of bone. Destroying or causing serious trauma tothe brain will not kill it immediately, but will throw it into a violent death-shock, all· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (311)

heads losing some coordination and thrashing about with considerable speed and force.The hydra typically rests in a small cave or coral reef, usually with its necks

protruding into the water, where it can feed on small to-medium sized fish. If hungry, itwill readily attack a creature much larger than itself, and they have been known to bringdown small whales, wearing them out with continual attacks, clinging fast to them, andkilling them through multiple small injuries leading to death through blood loss.Oftentimes, sorcerers hide magical treasures further back in hydra caves to preventwayward heroes from stealing them.

Icthyocentaur- This bizarre offshoot of the traditional mer-creature appears as a humanwith the lower torso replaced with the tail of a dolphin and the forelegs of a horse. Theirorigin is uncertain, and their existence is even suspect, despite their presence in manycarvings and ancient bas-relief sculptures. It is speculated that the Icthyocentaur is a anoffshoot or missing link between the Kelpie and the Merfolk, though the latter deny thisas a possibility, for obvious reasons. Many Rebmans hold them in special reverencebecause of their superficial resemblance to the Sea-Horse. If they did or still do exist,whether they were intelligent or merely possessing an animal's instincts is a mystery.They might be encountered in some distant Shadow-sea, or in some pocket of reality.

Kelpie- According to legend, the Kelpies are a peculiar breed of sea-horse which appearon shores, waiting until they are mounted by unwary riders. They will then rush into thewater, drowning the riders. In Rebma, these horses do exist but are very peaceful andnever behave in such a manner. Many Kelpies have been domesticated for use in Rebma.They will often be used by Rebmans to summon people from the surface of manyadjacent Shadows. Some of them never returned, providing the source to this legend.When found free in the waters surrounding Rebma, they often appear in small herds.

In appearance, Kelpies are smallish, almost pony size, and their coloration rangesfrom black to white, though dun is not an uncommon color. They are distinguished fromnormal horses by the slight gills on either side of their neck, and the fact that their hide isalways wet and is more seal-like than equine. Their hooves are cleft, and a close lookinside their mouths reveals pointed teeth. Their swimming ability is very good, and theyare equally swift above water. Kelpies eat a variety of sea-grasses and plants, and cannotsurvive more than a few hours out of water. Characters seeking a mount while near watermight find themselves upon the back of a Kelpie, much to their alarm. Llewella’s ownhorse Moss is part Kelpie.

Kraken- Gigantic squids, the Kraken sometimes reach lengths of a hundred feet or more,including tentacles. Thought to be lesser cousins of the Triton's deity Leviathan, Krakenare fearsome and destructive, tearing boats apart and challenging blue whales. Unlikemost squids, the Kraken has a horny beak surrounding its mouth which can puncture mostarmor. They are able to discharge black "ink" from their bodies, turning water for leaguesaround black as night and hindering any underwater attackers. By some means, theKraken is able to detect creatures within this cloud of ink and attack them freely.

As can be seen, Krakens are highly deadly, and encountering one should be a life-changing event. Gérard and Caine often talked about sending a fleet to hunt one and killit. Thankfully, there may be only a few Kraken in existence near Rebma or Amber.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (312)

Leucothea- Similar to a lamprey in shape, the Leucothea is much larger and much moredeadly. As long as a ship and as wide around as a man is tall, the Leucothea attaches itselfto gigantic creatures such as the blue whale, and drains them of bodily fluids and softtissue quickly. They are the only sea-creature which can threaten the immenseFastitocalon, finding gaps in their bodily armor or attaching themselves to fins or thesofter tissue near the neck. They threaten boats by occasionally smashing into them,mistaking them for edible prey. destroying wooden hulls with ease. They are unintelligentand hunt only by instinct, and only release their grip when they are finished with the mealor have decided that it is not to their taste. These creatures are more useful as atmospherethan as an actual encounter.

Liban- A disturbingly merfolk-shaped fish, this being trails long fins which appear to bearms and hands, and a crest of loosely flowing fins upon their heads and upper backswhich appear to be hair, though are usually not colored specially except at the tips. Theyare typically pale and shimmer somewhat due to their reflective scales. Their necks seemto have folds of loose skin beneath them, similar to those of some lizards. Liban might berelated to Mer-Folk, but they are predatory and unintelligent, and their mouths aredistinctly inhuman, opening similarly to a piranha's, allowing objects the size of a humanhead to be swallowed whole, directly through the expanding neck skin. Nasty creatures,they might make intriguing encounters within the depths near Rebma, and will attackalmost anything that they think they can eat.

Llamhigyn- The feared water leaper, this creature is more a threat to those on thesurface than below the sea, though they sometimes attack sea-dwellers who havedisturbed them or threatened their food. The size of horses and frog-like in build, theirhind legs are powerful and they have the unusual ability to swallow large amounts ofwater and air at once and store them in a special bladder in their lower abdomen, makingthem buoyant enough to hide directly the water's surface. They remain in shallow water,hiding themselves among sea-vegetation, and wait for surface-dwelling creatures such assea-birds, swimming mammals, and humans to happen by. The water and air is expelleddirectly from the bladder through the usual course, and they kick at the same time withtheir hind legs, erupting from the water at their target with their clawed forelimbs andwide, open mouth full of rows of sharklike teeth, ready to snatch their prey.

Underwater, they are fearsome when threatened, locking onto a target powerfullywith their jaws, raking with fore-claws, and kicking with their rear legs. This method ofattack can strip a limb down to bone instantly, and Rebmans fear them and leave themalone. They tend to dwell in waters near rivers, and might be encountered at the mouth ofthe River Oisen, which feeds into the sea near Rebma. Characters voyaging in Ardenmight hear of some of Julian’s men being brought down by one of them at the river’smouth.

Loriag- Wispy and ghostlike, the Loriag might be a single entity, or an entire species. Itappears as a human clad in a billowing, hooded cloak and loose robes, and appears onlyin the dark of the night during storms at sea. The Loriag stands upon the waves, or on· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (313)

small rocky juts, and shines brightly with a light which can be seen from some distance.In storms where visibility is hindered, ships will make a course for the Loriag, mistakingit for a light-house or other beacon, and almost always sink. Sailors traditionally speak ofthe Loriag as a female being and often give offerings to the Loriag before sailing. In truth,the Loriag's gender (if any) is a mystery, and the sacrifices and offerings rarely make adifference in the fate of ships which behold the Loriag. Great for use as lures forcharacters who can be stranded on small islands or ashore, only to reach the Loriag andpull aside the robes, to find something horrible beneath.

Marool- A sea-devil, malicious and ravenous, which is in the form of a large fish with awide, flowing crest of reddish yellow membranes which makes is seem to have a fierymane. It has many protrusions and circular markings upon its flat brow, whichcamouflage its eyes by making it appear to have dozens of eyes. They are large, almosttwenty feet long, and have long wide mouths full of sharp teeth. They feed like sharksand can sense blood from miles away. Rebman scouts and swimmers report that theyseem to excrete a phosphorescent foam when excited. Marools have a keening, almostexultant bark, which sounds often before they feed. They will eat almost anything living.A great creature to use as the subject of a hunt by Rebman youths, or an encounter when acharacter is in a hurry and absolutely can’t stick around to fight some sea-monster.

Merfolk- Sometimes called Merrows in plural, the Merfolk are sea-creatures which havea very human-like appearance upon their upper half, and the trunk and body of a largefish for legs and abdomen. They have an elaborate society and dwell in peace with theRebmans. Little is known about their culture, though it might mimic Rebma's in manyways. They probably have a leader who is a King or Queen of some magical ability. Thelevel of intelligence among Merfolk varies widely, as does their appearance. Some arehighly civilized and beautiful by human standards, while others are almost entirelymarine and bestial.

Rumors of beautiful mermaidens luring ships to their doom are highly apocryphal,though merfolk would not be above doing so if threatened by those ships. These tales areusually the results of encounters with Sea-nymphs (see below). Legends of them aidingships have circulated among sailors, but are usually discounted. They occasionallycommunicate with Queen Moire, and will aid the Rebman people by serving as spies,scouts, or soldiers. On the whole, they are not magically gifted, but extraordinaryindividuals do exist who are in touch with the spirits and creatures of the sea.

Legends about merfolk perishing once taken ashore are most likely true, as theshock to the system being taken from one atmosphere to another is deadly to mostspecies. There are rare Merfolk with the Powers of Shape Shifting or Adaptation, whichmakes visits by them to the surface survivable. Characters seeking allies outside of theRebman Sea-Court but still underwater will find the Merfolk to be invaluable friends.

Murgan- The name, translated from Tyree, means "Sea-Born," and is a catch-all title forthe grotesque and misshapen offspring of sea-dwellers and humans which do notresemble humans. They are often partly fish and partly human, though other species andcombinations exist. Mer-creature varieties include eel-like amphibious dogs, bird-fish· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (314)

combinations with scales instead of feathers, crab-squid combinations with a multiples ofshelled grasping claws, and squids with human heads. Some of the creatures which aretermed "Murgan" are doomed from birth, and exist in pain. Others, like horned andarmored sharks, are fearsome. They range from being completely animalistic to highlyintelligent and capable of conversation with humans. Some may even possess magicalabilities such as Sorcery or Power Words, while others might even be capable of limitedShape Shifting. Many are amphibious, though they fare poorly out of water.

When a sea-creature is spotted which defies classification, it is referred to as"Murgan" and either pitied, ignored, fled, or attacked. Murgan are usually singular,though some exist in groups, hatched from the similar flawed brood. Sorcerers in Rebmadeny any role in the creation of Murgan, though the bestiary of the noble House Niobeare full of Murgan, specially trained samples of which patrol their waters for intruders.Anytime the Tritons are encountered, there are likely to be large numbers of thesecreatures in the waters around. The Sargasso Sea is full of Murgan.

Nereid- A species of semi-intelligent creatures with forms which are a combination offish and human, with greyish or white skin and long, flowing hair which ranges fromwhite to greenish-black and seems to contain slender tentacles within it, as well as small,strange bubble-like globes which are full of phosphorescent light. Their bodies are sleekand sexless, and their size is slightly smaller than human. Hands and feet are onlyvestigial, being mostly similar to flippers. Long wavy fins decorate their legs and backs,and they have the flat, wide teeth of herbivores. Their language is similar to that of bothwhales and dolphins, a mixture of deep keening and high-pitched whistles and clicks.Their body language is elaborate and they enjoy traveling in small packs and playing withthose they encounter.

Occasionally one will be encountered which wears some form of ornament,usually scavenged from some sunken ship or cast-off from Rebma, and there are somewhich have a limited grasp of the Rebman language. They seem able to communicatewith any other sea-creatures which have a form of communication. They are seeminglyincapable of violence, and will flee if threatened.

Legend has it that these creatures are the children of an ancient Rebman sorcerer,perhaps even a Triton, called Nereus. This venerable wizard, nicknamed "The Old Man ofthe Sea", may still be alive and ruling the Nereids from a place within some secretShadow-sea.

Nicor- A particularly vicious sea-creature thought to be a form of sea-going troll, theNicor is human-shaped, hunched, and bulky through the chest and shoulders, with a thickblack oily hide and an unusually supple skeletal system which allows it movementthrough small sea-caves and coral reefs. Larger than humans by about a third, their levelof intelligence is low. They fight with long, needle-sharp teeth and long claws. Theypossess a limited shape shifting ability allowing them the ability to naturally camouflagethemselves for their hunting. They eat fish or any other flesh that comes their way. Agood guard for Rebman sorcerers, or a henchman for Tritons, they can be taught to useweapons. Their manner of speech is booming and slow, and sounds like horns playingunderwater.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (315)

Orc- A loathsome sea-monster which some feel was sent by a sea-god to punish theunfaithful the Orc has nothing in common with its Tolkienesque namesake, springinginstead from the legends of Charlemagne and his paladins. This creature is immense,covered with tough scales between which grows short, dark hair like that of a seal. It hasa form described as being like nothing spawned by nature, with strange musculature, anda wide, flat tail. It uses clawed forelimbs to attack, stuffing living beings whole into awide mouth with tusk-like horns on either side. The Orc typically thrashes around whenabove water, and is very difficult to even see clearly, much less fight. Some have notedthat the scales are tougher than stone.

The Orc is a creature of habit, and it (or they- as no one knows if there is morethan one) typically tends to find some island community, ravage it, sink the boats, andcontinue doing so until they make an offering to it, which usually is a sacrificial maidenchained to a rock on the shore. This continues until the community has run out ofavailable sacrifices, or some hero comes along and defeats the Orc. A good-heartedplayer-character wandering around in Shadow could do worse than to defeat one of thesecreatures.

Sea-nymph- Sometimes appearing as pale human females, beautiful and frail, Sea-nymphs legendarily exist merely to entice sailors to their dooms. This is not entirely true,as it is their appearance and their haunting, song-like language which distracts sailorsfrom their duties. As Sea-nymphs prefer to rest and congregate on rocks, this greatlyincreases the likelihood of accidents or collisions. They are unconcerned with the resultsof such sinkings, and only on occasion do they see fit to rescue sailors from drowning.Legends of romances between Sea-nymphs and humans are merely so.

Their true forms are varied, as they are shapeshifters with several forms,sometimes appearing as dolphins, merfolk, or many other natural sea-creatures.Traditionally, they prefer to remain mammals, and are usually amphibious. Perhaps theirorigins lie within the Sea-Court as a side result from some breeding program whichfailed. One possibility is that they are the offspring of Dworkin in one of his shape-shifted forms, the union between he and a mermaid.

Nymphs are also called Oceanids. They make great “ things to be seen at adistance only” or described as being among the decor of a room.

Sea Serpent- The term Sea Serpent covers a wide number of types, from beings bestdescribed as ocean-dwelling dragons, to primeval beings similar to dinosaurs. They existin a number of forms and behavior patterns, and tend to dominate the area which theyhunt within. Most of them are unintelligent and unable to communicate, but there arespecimens with almost human intelligence. Legends beneath the sea mention mammoth,ancient sea-drakes with the ability to use magic.

Typical Sea Serpents are between 35 to 50 feet long, and weigh multiple tons.They have incredibly tough skin layered with blubbery fat and hard muscle, and arecapable of destroying a sea-vessel with little effort. Vaughn, the Admiral of Rebma’sfleets, is often called on to fight these creatures when they threaten sea-lanes orfishermen, and he might in turn give the task over to player-characters.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (316)

Selchies- A race of were-seals, they inhabit the rocky waters above Rebma and theshoals of the small islands near Cabra. They have the ability to shed their seal-skins andlive on land as humans do. Selchies are a group of overlarge great grey seals which spendmuch of their time behaving as seals do, eating, fighting and sunning themselves onrocks. No one has ever spoken about witnessing the Selchie transformation between theseal-form and human. Some rumors state that they cannot return to the sea without theseal-skin (a magical garment apart from their human form), and that possessing oneenables the wearer to become a Selchie. Whether they are seals with magical abilities orhuman shapechangers is unimportant and an academic one at best.

The females of these seal-folk (also called the Roane) sometimes take humanform and dance wildly on the beaches or on small rocks in the moonlight, a sight whichhas entranced many sailors and undoubtedly driven ships aground. If they are disturbed intheir dancing, they will transform into seals and flee the area, not returning for years.

Intelligent and aloof, though friendly, they make for interesting backgroundfriends, much as Merlin’s demon playmates might have been.

Sheerie- A watery version of the Will-o-the-Wisp, appearing as a phosphorescent globewhich bobs through the water, luring those who behold it to their dooms. Sometimescalled corpse candles, they are rumored to be the ghosts of sailors drowned at sea,entranced and abandoned by mermaids or sirens. Little is known about them, and they arenever encountered in groups, only alone.

Shellycoat- This being makes a habit of inhabiting giant, abandoned shells from giantsnails or other mollusks. This practice has earned them the name, “ shell-coat.” When ashellycoat takes over a snail-shell (sometimes by attacking and devouring the snailalready inside!), it then spins a web-like membrane across the front with a small irisopening which connects to the shellycoat’s nervous system. The membrane is like adrum, and works in the same way that fish detect the movement of water through theirpores. They then open the membrane when sensing a disturbance in the water and springout, powerful muscles expanding to burst forth suddenly on a sea-creature. All that thevictim sees is a mass of dark green tendrils ridged with tiny suckers, before being draggedthrough the barbed jaws into the mouth of the beast, which opens directly into thestomach.

Dragging one from the shell, or catching one between homes reveals that theyhave a long body somewhat like that of a snail- white and vaguely translucent, with thebrain located somewhere in the “ tail.” It is disquieting to see the remains of a previousmeal being digested in the long stomach of the shellycoat. They range in size anywherefrom being the size of a basketball (shell and all) to being able to swallow a mancomplete.

Undine- Thought to be a renegade form of water-elemental, the undine is a beingamorphous in form and mostly translucent or even transparent. They have many flat eyeswhich are a vaguely milky-white in color, and can form their flowing bodily mass to formpseudopods or limbs. They generally feed by merely spreading their body out like a sail,and catching a current, absorbing all living matter which they encounter. Larger creatures· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (317)

are engulfed whole, or are sometimes devoured from within, with the undine entering thecreature through its mouth, gills, or other orifices and slowly digesting its tenderer innertissue until the “ host” is dead. Smaller undines might dwell within a whale or large sea-creature for months, living like parasites. Undines have been captured with body massesin the range of tons. Often one can see elements of their most recent meals within theirbody, with skeletons or shells taking long to digest, and metal or stone taking longest.

A fatalistic bit of warning has passed down through the Rebma people regardingundines- “ If you see a group of skeletons drifting towards you, you’re probably alreadyon your way to joining them.” These could be good, eerie creatures a character mightmeet near the waters of the Maelstrom, or in some of the seas of Chaos.

Water-Wraith- Not, as the name suggests, a form of undead, but a creature similar toone of the Mer-Folk, though much larger and with the lower half of a serpentine bodyjoined to their human-shaped torso. They are dark green or black, and have rubbery skinwhich is mottled and often seemingly loose, and hunched backs are common. Muscularand very powerful, their arms are quite long, almost six feet when extended in full, andtheir clawed hands, when open, are almost a foot and a half across from base to finder.Their heads set low into their necks, and their eyes are almost catlike. Water-Wraiths areintelligent and can speak, and some magically-abled Water-Wraiths exist in legends.They breathe air and water alike. It is possible that they are a form of half-Triton, perhapsa mixture of Mefolk and Triton. They are shunned by the Mer-Folk, and the Tritons’reaction to them is to simply ignore them.

They generally inhabit underwater caverns and grottoes, often collecting refuseand treasures from wrecked ships or other prey. Their favored means of attack is to basetheir tail somewhere solid and slowly rise out of the water, relying on fear to immobilizetheir prey until they can seize it with their long, tough arms and drag it below the water.While underwater, Water-Wraiths are vicious opponents, using their long serpentinebodies to twine about their foes and quickly raking them back and forth with their razor-sharp claws.

Constructing Sea-Creatures. Many sea-creatures have specialabilities with which they use to hunt and survive. The following is not intended to be alist of Qualities and Powers, but is instead a listing of some unusual characteristics whichsea-creatures sometimes have which might be used in inventing natural and supernaturalbeings for use in and around Rebma.

Camouflage. Many fish have an appearance which is designed to mimic theirenvironment, either for defense or an edge in hunting. This can range from protectivecoloration to the chameleon-like ability to change their color to match that of theirsurroundings. Some fish are similarly bright colored, which serves to distract potentialhunters. Fish like the porcupine fish actually inflate their bodies to appear larger andmore threatening. The Artifact & Creature Powers of "Item Shape Shifting" can simulatethese abilities.

Natural Weapons. Teeth, spines, razor-edged fins, club-like snouts or fin· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (318)

buffets all serve to subdue or damage the prey of the sea-creatures. Most fish do notpossess any means of using tools or weapons, or even the intelligence to recognize themfor what they are. "Extra Hard" can be used to describe some edged natural weapons. Anoctopus or squid, possessed of some guiding intelligence, might be able to use a numberof weapons simultaneously.

Size. Simply making a normal creature an enormous specimen of its species canturn it into a considerable threat. The larger a creature gets, the harder it is to hurt it.Hacking away with a sword might take hours before a hundred-yard long Kraken noticesthat it's being assaulted, and large-scale explosives or precise attacks on weak pointsmight be needed to kill such a beast. Never forget the sheer bulk a giant creature will beable to bring to bear upon attackers, where a swipe of a tail is force enough to send mostcharacters sprawling and even topple small buildings. Such large creatures will invariablybe concerned primarily with gathering food, and if characters do not appeal to them as asource of nutrition, then they might be ignored entirely.

Poison. Many fish and jellyfish sport poisonous spines of no small toxicity.Effects of these can range from mild paralysis to outright death. The potency of thesepoisons should be decided by the Game Master, though it is unlikely that any varietywould be immediately life-threatening to anyone with Amber Rank Endurance. TheQualities of "Double" or "Deadly Damage," with slower acting effects, can duplicate thepresence of poison for natural weapons which are not in themselves extremely damaging.

Exotic Abilities. The sea is an incredible place, with an astonishing variety oflifeforms. These exhibit characteristics which are sometimes difficult to understand.Game Masters should be free to equip their creations with exotic abilities such asvenomous clouds, ink clouds, electric shock, hinged jaws which can accommodate beingslarger than the fish itself, burrowing, limited flight, and light-producing organs.

Some creatures like the anglerfish have artificial organs which resemble bait toattract prey, and the striped parrot fish is unusual in that it encloses itself in a bubble of itsown mucus before going to sleep! Lungfish can exist outside of the water for months,hibernating in mud during the summer, barely breathing, existing on the fat stored in itsbody.

Obviously, a wide range of abilities exist for enterprising Game Masters, alsoallowing them the ability to create any number of other abilities and rationalize themusing natural abilities and needs.

Other Senses. Many fish do not depend on sight for sensory input, due to thedarkness of their environment. Most fish have a sense called the lateral line system,closely related to the sense of touch, which uses a series of short canals in the fish's bodyto give it relatively detailed information about movement or objects in its vicinity andsometimes beyond its line of sight.

Other Creatures. Other varieties of natural fish which might be interest to GameMasters for color are sailfish, swordfish, sunfish, barracuda, blue marlin, flying fish,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (319)

sawfish, various jellyfish such as the man-o-war, the poisonous lionfish, porcupine fish,lampreys, eels, oarfish, lantern fish, and the deep-sea angler.

Checking with an encyclopedia will reveal a variety of sources for fish and othersea-life with which to surprise characters and provide verisimilitude to the setting. Chartsshowing which fish dwell at different levels are common in encyclopedias and referenceworks, and full-color plates showing a magnificent variety of undersea life can provideexcellent Game Master sources.

Mythology and folklore is an excellent place for those who would like to addadditional supernatural creatures to the list of those given here. The sea has alwayssymbolized a kind of mysterious, terrible provider of life, and many mythologicalcreatures have come from its depths.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (320)


While Rebma seems to be the mirror image of Amber, enough differs to make it a uniqueand unsettling place. Player characters expect their Powers and abilities to work in a particularfashion. They are notoriously naive when it comes to the fact that in Amber, nothing is certain.

Nothing gives the Amber Game Master greater glee than being able to throw a new curveat the players, and knock them down due to their assumptions. This section deals with ways thata Game Master can alter the very rules of the game while players use their powers in Rebma,throwing confusion and perhaps wonder into even the most jaded players.

Following are suggestions as to how use of the Powers in the Amber universe mightdiffer in Rebma.

PATTERN IMPRINTAs with Amber's Pattern, Rebma's Pattern is deep within the dungeons of Castle Rebma,

located within a locked chamber with mighty doors of dull metal. Inside, the Pattern is identicalto Amber's, save that it is reversed.

The presence of a functional Pattern in Rebma is the element which makes the place verydifficult to define. Could it be a simple reflection of Amber's Pattern, or is it a reversed versionof the Primal Pattern? Unlike the Broken Patterns described in Merlin's books of the Chronicles,Rebma's Pattern is assumed to work similarly to Amber's, and serves as such for Corwin.Innovative Game Masters may wish to create their own versions of Reversed Pattern Imprint, orallow characters to do so while role-playing.

First, some important questions must be asked:

Are Rebmans permitted to purchase Pattern Imprint? This is a very important point,and can affect play considerably, as well as the versions of most of the Rebman Court membersdescribed in this sourcebook. Corwin, when meeting Moire, speculated that she had failed innumerous attempts to send her people along the Pattern in Rebma. They had all apparently failed.

Of course, Corwin's memory wasn't up to par when he mentioned that, and it turned outthat he was wrong about a lot of other things that he believed before the return of his memories.

So, the question remains: Can native Rebmans, with no Amber origins, purchase PatternImprint? There are three answers:

No. If this is so, then the only way a Rebman may walk the Pattern is to be of Amberitedescent, which is described in game terms as purchasing Amber Court Devotee, or starting witheither Basic or Advanced Pattern Imprint. Only those Rebman Court members with Amberiteblood (Llewella, Martin, Edmund, Dayle, and possibly Moire) possess Pattern Imprint.

Yes. If this is true, then purchasing “Rebman Court Devotee” guarantees the character achance to walk the Pattern later on in the campaign, should the Points become available, despitetheir apparent lack of Amberite parentage.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (321)

Note: The word “apparent” is used because the version of Rebma might involve someinvolvement with Oberon and Amberite bloodlines at some point in Rebma's distant past. Thiswill only affect character creation if the Game Master feels that it should.

If Rebmans can walk the Pattern, then the Game Master should select versions of theRebman Court members which take Pattern Imprint.

Maybe. There are a wealth of possibilities here, which might make for some interestingspeculation, and adventure ideas in their own right.

What if the blood of Rebma is such that they are able to walk only their own, weaker,version of the Pattern?

What about the Rebman Jewel of Judgement? Moire, who is probably not an Amberite,wields the Jewel of Judgement there with some facility. According to what Dworkin told Merlinin Knight of Shadows, the attunement to the Jewel of Judgement is actually a higher attunementthan walking the regular Pattern offers. Perhaps Moire has essayed the Pattern within the Jewelitself, and is capable of walking the two-dimensional Patterns in Rebma and Amber as a result.Could she bear other Rebmans along it, such as Corwin did Random in The Courts of Chaos, andwhich Merlin attempted with his half-brother Jurt in Knight of Shadows?

Using Pattern Imprint in Rebma.Rebma isn't just another Shadow of Amber. If it is, then it's a Shadow of Amber with a

fully functional Pattern in it. In Merlin's books of the Chronicles, we learn that there are quite afew reflections of the Pattern in Shadow, mostly in the Shadows bordering Amber. Manysorcerers use them as sources of power, using dangerous and imperfect magical initiations suchas the Way of the Broken Pattern (dealt with in Shadow Knight).

Everyone from Amber seems to assume that the Patterns in Rebma and Tir-na Nog’th arethe real things. This seems logical. In The Courts of Chaos, Brand being able to walk the Patternin Tir-na Nog’th or Rebma would have been just as catastrophic as if he had trod the one inAmber.

From what we saw of each, the Patterns in those places aren’t flawed like the BrokenPattern which Merlin repaired (Knight of Shadows) was, and both of them operate at fullefficiency. Corwin, Martin, and Random trod the Pattern in Rebma, and it served each of them invarious ways, and Rinaldo claims that he and Dalt each walked the Pattern in Tir-na Nog'th andgained their powers over Shadow from there. This lends credence to the possibility that Rebmaand Tir-na Nog'th are just as real, metaphysically speaking, as Amber is, due to the fact that theirPatterns are just as potent. As such, using the Pattern in Rebma is similar to that in Amber, withsome differences:

Traveling through Shadow. As was demonstrated during Corwin's battle withEric's men on Faiella-bionin, the waters surrounding Rebma are not so friendly as those withinthe city. When Corwin asks about this, Deirdre glosses over it with an annoying remark, keepingthe details from the readers. Since Corwin never returns to Rebma, the point becomes moot afterthat. Here are some ways which it might be different in Rebma:

Shadowwalking. Obviously, the first change one will make is the life-or-deathnecessity of altering the water into something breathable. It is extremely difficult, and might be· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (322)

impossible so close to Amber. A better idea might be to simply walk up Faiella-bionin, to thebeach and walk across it. Shape Shifters have an advantage here, being able to swim from Rebmain an aquatic form which requires less or no oxygen.

Can it be done while manipulating Shadow? Good question, and one depending on therelative skill of the Amberite at both Shape Shifting and Shadow Walking. A wiser choice mightbe to change to a form which is entirely sea-dwelling, then attempt to Shadow swim, then changeforms at one's leisure when the destination is reached.

Not everyone has the benefit of time, however, and Game Masters should make anyplayer's attempt at Shadow swimming while Shape Shifting both dangerous and unpredictable.

Player characters who are from Rebma and possess Pattern Imprint have a much easiertime at it, due to their familiarity with the surroundings.

Hellriding. Bringing horses into Rebma is difficult, due to the horse's natural instinctagainst putting its nostrils underwater. A little Psychic boosting is usually necessary, thoughhorses who are veterans of Hellrides are perhaps more willing to enter Rebma. Unless one hasconsiderable ability to manipulate Shadow in Rebma, or has the ability to use Advanced ShapeShift and alter their horse's breathing requirements, the possibility of Hellriding is almost nil.

However, horses designed as Creatures with special abilities (such as "Able to MoldShadow Reality" or "Limited Shape Shift" would have an easier time of it), or other creaturesindigenous to Rebma can make acceptable mounts, as well. A mount like Morganstern wouldprobably charge straight down Faiella-bionin without hesitation, while Merlin’s Tiger might balkat it.

Shadow Resources. Just as the other abilities are affected, so will this function ofPattern be altered. One cannot logically expect to find certain items below Rebma, such as eitherof the two birds Corwin used to send messages with in Nine Princes in Amber, though it wouldn'tbe impossible for him to find Grayswandir in the wreckage of a sunken ship near Rebma.

You should use your imagination to think of plausible explanations for the appearance ofitems sought in Rebma. If no good idea comes up, or the Game Master deems it extremelyimprobable, than the item cannot be found. Extensive, time-consuming searching or majormanipulation of Shadow might increase the odds of finding a desired item.

Using the Pattern near Rebma. Like in Amber, using the Pattern in Rebma to affectreality is next-to-impossible. The Pattern in Rebma "reinforces" reality there and makes all butthe slightest manipulation of Shadow possible. Still, as Corwin discovered in The Courts ofChaos, it is possible to manipulate Shadow even in Amber, if one uses the Primal Pattern as thebasis for "reality."

A thought came to me then, concerning my newfound strength. It seemed possible that itmight have been purely psychological reasons which had barred me from performing suchmanipulations earlier. Until very recently I had considered Amber herself the single, immutablereality from which all shadows took their form. Now I realized that she was but first amongshadows, and that the place where my father stood represented the higher reality. Therefore,while the proximity made it difficult it did not make it impossible to effect changes in this place.

Corwin, Hellriding from the Primal Pattern· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (323)

The Courts of Chaos (p. 333)

Here Zelazny proposes that the only reason manipulating Shadow in Amber is thoughtimpossible is because Amberites considered Amber to be the supreme reality. Corwin'srevelation about Amber’s place in the universe allows him to freely manipulate Shadow on hisHellride from the Primal Pattern. Draining and more difficult than elsewhere, the process is notout of the question.

If Amber is merely a Shadow of the Primal Pattern, then Rebma may be another equalShadow, which means that manipulating Shadow there should be possible to any who haveknowledge of the Primal Pattern. If Rebma is considered to be a Shadow of Amber, then alteringits reality should be correspondingly easier than doing so in Amber.

It might be that initiation into the Primal Pattern is somehow dominant over Initiationinto the normal Pattern in Amber. It was only after Corwin had walked the Primal Pattern that hewas able to shift Shadow in Amber. This is a matter for each Game Master to decide within theircampaign framework, but might go considerably towards explaining the powers over Shadowdemonstrated by Oberon, Dworkin, Fiona and Brand, all of whom walked the Primal Pattern.

The Jewel of Judgement and Rebma. Merlin, in his own books of theChronicles, learned that attunement to the Jewel of Judgement represented aligning oneself witha "higher-order" version of the Pattern.

If this is true, then the Primal Pattern itself is nothing but the first Shadow of the Jewel ofJudgement. Manipulating Shadow at the Primal Pattern is possible for Initiates of the Jewel suchas Oberon and Dworkin, both of whom attempted to do so in repairing the Pattern from Brand'ssabotage. With the Jewel, Brand was certain of his ability to rewrite existence wholesaleaccording to his own scheme. Other Initiates, such as Corwin, Random, Merlin, and perhapsCoral might find it possible to alter the Primal Pattern itself.

Perhaps this is how many of Oberon's tricks were accomplished, through selectivemanipulation of Shadow reality in Amber and at the place of the Primal Pattern. The Jewel'sabilities of weather and temporal control may have been side-effects of this ability to manipulatethe Primal Pattern.

With the Jewel considered in this light, it becomes clear that someone in possession of itmay remake the Universe at will. Even time, the one constant in the Universe, is not free fromalteration. Perhaps Brand's plans involved traveling back through time to the very creation of thePattern and recasting himself in the role of Dworkin, perhaps resulting in a Brand-centered worldwith no trace of the existence of the old Amber.

Maybe this is why Dworkin, in Knight of Shadows, saw to it that the Jewel of Judgementwas put in the care of the newest and least ambitious of the Amberites. Coral, an outsider to theCourt and newly come into her power, represented the closest thing to innocence in Amber, andDworkin though she was the most trustworthy recipient of the Jewel. The growing number ofInitiates of the Jewel increased the chance that someone would use it as Brand would have.

But what does this have to do with Rebma, you ask?As stressed elsewhere in this sourcebook, Rebma has both a Pattern and a Jewel of

Judgement of its own, one reversed and the other differently colored from Amber's "originals."

How does the Rebman Pattern relate to Amber's? One suggestion is that theReversed Pattern is a thing apart from Amber's Pattern, with some different abilities. Another is· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (324)

that Rebma's Pattern is weaker than Ambers, the reversal representing the fact that it is bothidentical and somehow, inferior. In this way, the Pattern in Rebma (and possibly Tir-na Nog'th)might be considered to be steps between Amber's Pattern and the Way of the Broken Patternintroduceded in Merlin's books of the Chronicles and explored in Shadow Knight. Pattern-wielding Amberites might find it easy to manipulate reality in Rebma, hence, Rebma's reluctanceto enter into any sort of glasnost with Amber.

One way of looking at it might be with an analogy of a computer alias. For those who arefamiliar with computers, it is possible to create a desktop icon, or "alias" of a file or programwhich can be placed onto the desktop or in a menu rather than being buried within a folder or inthe system. This double appears more or less exactly like the original file, but when it is opened,it merely routes the command to the location of the original file, which opens instead of the alias.It might be that the Rebman Pattern, and Tir-na Nog’th’s are along the lines of aliases, whichdraw their power from Amber's version of the program These Patterns might look a bit strange,and are found in different places, but walking one of the doubles is the same as walking theoriginal.

What happens when more two or three people traverse these Patterns at the same time.Would the system crash?

How does the Jewel of Judgement relate to Amber's? The existence of such athing can be viewed as just a reflection of the "real" one in Amber, or perhaps as an equivalent. Ifit is reflected from the Amberite Jewel, then it might be considered to be weaker than it. Perhapspeering into the blue sapphire might reveal a reversed version of the Pattern within a blue sea.

If the Rebman Pattern was written with the Rebman Jewel of Judgement, perhaps thereality in Rebma is immune to Shadow shifting by those who are not Initiates of Rebma'sPattern. This assumption increases the probability that Rebma is one pole of a parallel universewith the Tritons and their Maelstrom at the other end.

Walking the Pattern in Rebma. As Corwin learned, walking theReversed Pattern is just as difficult and life-threatening as it is in Amber. Added to the usualdifficulty is the fact that the waters in the Rebman Pattern room are icy one moment, heated toboiling by the sparks shed from traversing the Pattern. Currents rush by with incredible force,threatening to sweep a character from the Pattern at any moment, alternately lessening and thenbeginning anew, as if the waters themselves resist the attempt.

Add to this danger the threat of an attack while upon the Reversed Pattern. While attacksfrom the air are unusual when one walks the Pattern above in Amber, a strong swimmer cancontinue to mount an assault upon a Pattern walker, swimming about and above them. To theattacker, the only danger rests in setting foot, even momentarily, upon the reversed Pattern itself.

How is the Rebman Pattern Different From Amber’s?Following are some other ideas for ways that the Pattern (and Pattern Imprint) might

differ from it's Amber counterpart.

The Rebman Pattern affects those who walk it. Here's an interesting possibility: theRebman Pattern might actually affect the character of those who walk upon it, possibly makingthem a bit more decent and caring individuals. Numerous times throughout the ten books of the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (325)

Chronicles, Zelazny mentions that the walking the Pattern is actually a means of attunement toits power. Merlin is told that it, in effect, involves being remade in the Pattern's image.

Those who have walked the Pattern in Amber, with few exceptions, are willing to go toany measure to rule Amber in Oberon's place. Yet those who walked the Pattern in Rebma, andthose who probably walked it initially, are among the most sane of the Amberites.

Consider them individually...

Corwin. Corwin's driving force in the books is his hatred of Eric, inextricably boundwith his desire to be Lord of Amber. For him, Amber is the prize in the deadly, no-holds-barredgame he has played with Eric all his life. It takes him as far as to lead an assault upon Amber,twice, and when the crown is finally in his grasp, he turns it down, realizing that he does notreally deserve the honor.

The old, pre-amnesiac Corwin was not, as we understand, a nice guy. Nasty, moody, andvengeful, he often looks back at those days in shame and regret. After his return from his exile onShadow Earth, his brothers and sisters often commented on his change of character. Mostassumed that it was the time spent as a mortal, bereft of all the powers afforded him by his royalblood. Perhaps it was the glimpse into his own mortality, and the subsequent desire to see somemeaning come into his life.

But what if it was something different?In the short story “Blue Horse, Dancing Mountains,” Corwin overhears Dworkin

speaking of him in the midst of a mysterious game in which the pieces are those of the forces ofAmber and Chaos. Of Corwin, Dworkin says, “ and I have several pieces of his memory I foundyears ago drifting above the Pattern in Rebma.”

Aside from the intriguing implication that Dworkin was in Rebma after Corwin’straversal of the Pattern there, this suggests the possibility that the Pattern there “ edited” hisrecollection somewhat, leaving out parts of his memory which might have been central to his oldpersonality. Perhaps this is how the post-Rebma Corwin was so much a nicer fellow.

What if it was the Pattern in Rebma which changed him by eliminating old hates andresentments, even subtly instilling in him a conscience which he might have once repressed?Only the intensity of his hatred with Eric was all that was left, and even that disappeared withtime.

Random. As Corwin put it, his brother was “ a homicidal little fink, who I recalled hadalways been sort of a rebel.” Not exactly the sort of fellow cut out to be the King of Amber. Yetsomething happened to Random during his time in Rebma, in his marriage with Vialle, that gavehim the strength of character and the maturity to assume the Jewel of Judgement and rule Amberas the choice of the Unicorn. Could it have been the Rebman Pattern at work on Random?

At the closing of The Courts of Chaos, when Corwin reviews his feelings towards his kin,of Random he says "he no longer looked as he once did- the brash younger brother we delightedin tormenting- for there were lines on his face which I had not noticed before, signs of somedepth to which I had paid no heed. Perhaps my vision has been colored by recent events, but heseemed somehow nobler and stronger."

Llewella. Of all the Amberites, here's one who sticks out like a sore thumb, because she,of all the others, shuns Amber, spending as little time there as possible. Corwin mentions that herpresence was unfamiliar in Amber, and it seems likely that she spends all her time dwelling in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (326)

Rebma. As a daughter of Moins, noblewoman of the Court of Rebma, and sister to Queen Moire,it is likely that Llewella grew up in Rebma, and probably walked the Pattern in that place.Perhaps the Rebman Pattern instilled in her a peace and contentment which her brothers andsisters lacked.

Broken Patterns. Here's something to give the powers-that-be a real headache! Notonly do we have Amber and it's ring of Broken Patterns, imperfect versions of the Patternreflected into nearby Shadows, but there's the possibility that Rebma's Reversed Pattern has it'sown array of Broken Patterns radiating from it within the Coral Branch of Shadows!

What would these be like? Would they provide alternate abilities to their initiates andadepts, being based on a reversed version of Amber's Pattern? Could they be known assomething else, such as "Warped" Patterns, whose major flaws are wavering in the lines, as ifthey were funhouse-mirror reflections of Rebma's Pattern?

Would the Shadows (or Reflections) which are cast by Rebma's Pattern contain theseWarped Patterns? Are these Shadows near-duplicates of Rebma, or Amber in some strange way?If they are similarly potent, then perhaps the Shadows of the Coral Branch are peopled with somesorcerers who are initiates or adepts of these Warped Patterns. What sort of control would Rebmahave over them?

If, as Corwin speculated, Queen Moire and her people were denied the power of thereversed image of the Pattern, then it goes without saying that many of them will have attemptedto traverse, and probably some will have succeeded in, the Warped Patterns. Perhaps Moireherself is an adept of that order, rather than a full-fledged Pattern Imprinted character.

Game Masters wanting to explore further along these lines might wish to create adescription of the Power of Warped Pattern Initiation and Adept for use within the Coral Branch.

Corwin’s Pattern. Scribed by Corwin just before the triumphant battle of thePatternfall War, Corwin's Pattern became something of a thorn in the sides of both Powers,independent and different from the Pattern of Amber, and in a proximity to the Logrus to make itsomething of a nuisance, weakening it by its very existence.

Was the creation of Corwin's Pattern duplicated in Rebma's universe? If Rebma'suniverse is but a mirror held up to Amber's universe, then it seems very likely that Corwin'sPattern is duplicated into Rebma's universe. What is it like, if so? Is it separate from its creator,or is it somehow connected, as Rebma's Pattern is to Amber's? Is there a reversed version ofCorwin's Pattern in the Rebman universe? Is it the same Pattern, somehow bridging the twouniverses, or possessing a double existence?

. . . I thought of our flight to Rebma and my walking of the reversed Pattern there for arestoration of much of my memory. . .

Corwin, scribing his new PatternThe Courts of Chaos (p. 389)

Corwin’s thought while making the new Pattern are of his years on Shadow Earth, andhis adventures beforehand. Rebma, and undoubtedly Moire, are a part of them. Perhaps Rebma isa part of Corwin’s new Pattern. Could Corwin’s Pattern be considered another reflected versionof Amber's, based as it is on the original?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (327)

Perhaps the Pattern of Rebma was somehow a creation of Princess Llewella's, inscribednear Amber at some point in Amber's distant history, perhaps unknown to her siblings.Llewella’s mother Moins may have been a woman of Amber, rather than Rebma. Llewella, whoseems in many ways to be an opposite to her brothers and sisters, is a natural source for aReversed Pattern. She might give Corwin some tips on what it's like being a creator. If Llewellais the scribe of Rebma’s Pattern, then perhaps all the Rebman Shadows are merely whims of herstaken from some Shadow Atlantis.

Perhaps Moire herself was the source of the Pattern in Rebma, making it with the blueJewel which she bears.

Moire and the Pattern. Corwin speculates as to how many of Moire’s subjects shehad send along the Pattern in some attempt to gain that power for herself and for the realm. Heconcludes this thought with the certainty that she had failed. Moire may have gone about such anact in a few ways.

The first of them might have been a voluntary event, choosing only the best and thegreatest of the Rebman folk, through some version of a tournament or a testing process to selectthe most fit candidate for the task. Legends from old England have it that tournaments grewaround the blade Excalibur, the winner being allowed to try to draw it from the stone (and anvil,in some versions of the myth) and, in doing so, prove themselves the rightful King of England.Moire might allow doughty warriors the chance to prove their mettle in battle, games of wits, andtests of character before allowing the victor the chance to attempt the Pattern. With fanfare, shewill lead them down to the design itself, shimmering in the dark floor of the deep chamber, andlet them set foot upon the pathway of power. Those who are destroyed would be judgedafterwards to have been unworthy, and the stakes for next year’s games would be so muchgreater. On the other hand, there is no reason that she would tell anyone about the exactconsequences of walking upon the Pattern if unable to do so. Perhaps the true nature and extentof the Pattern’s powers are unknown to the normal Rebman people. Perhaps instead of atournament or competition, it is done as a lottery, with the “winner” getting to try their luck atthe Pattern’s mercy.

A second means might be for Moire’s geneaologists to spend much of their time trackingdown characters with some relation to the Court of Amber, and pressuring them into attemptingthe Pattern-walk. Through the successes (if any) and failures of such an attempt, her scholars andmetaphysicians can debate the exact qualifications for survival upon the Pattern and seekcandidates based on those recommendations. Moire might even use the Pattern as a means ofprofit, charging considerably in either goods, services, or political concessions for the right ofothers in Rebma and the Coral Branch (or elsewhere) to attempt the Pattern there. Perhaps sheallowed Corwin a free trip, and others pay dearly for the attempt.

A more gruesome means might be to have the captured enemies and prisoners of Rebmabe sentenced to walk the Pattern, an underwater version of walking the plank. With her scribesready to chronicle the results of the attempt, and a bevy of guards armed with long spears, poles,and spear-guns at the ready, condemned prisoners might be forced to place their foot upon thePattern and try to succeed. Moire, steely eyed and calm, would watch and see what the resultswould be. The guards could prod such a victim through the traversal with long poles or spearbutts. Her reasoning in this case would be simple: If the guinea pig survived, they would thankher for allowing them access to this power. If they failed, then it was no loss. Of course, herguards would be ready to place crossbow bolts through any who succeeded and tried to harm· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (328)

Moire. They would be encouraged to return to the Castle Rebma for a debriefing or interrogationabout the experience.

This might make an interesting origin for a player-character, beginning their play on thefirst step of the Pattern, and role-playing through their background as they continue to traversethe Pattern. In this case, the Game Master could alternate describing the effort and directions ofcompleting the Pattern and intersperse it with background role-playing in one series of sceneswhich would create a character’s background and interweave it with current events. In the case ofthe Rebman Pattern, they would instantly find themselves immersed in Rebman power politicsupon completion of the Pattern.

Swords of Pattern. We know of two, possibly three blades in Amber which contain asegment of the Pattern- Corwin's sword Grayswandir, Brand's Werewindle, and Bleys' ownPattern-blade. The origin of these blades was only hinted at in the Chronicles, linking them insome way to the magical rings called the spikards, which existed before the Pattern was drawn.Even that is vague, considering that it was noted that each blade excerpted different sections ofthe Pattern. Corwin’s Grayswandir was forged upon the steps of Tir-na Nog'th.

Are there blades which contain segments of the Reversed Pattern in Rebma?Some versions of the new characters in this sourcebook possess Pattern weapons. Perhaps

there are more.

LOGRUS MASTERYEverchanging emblem of the Courts of Chaos, the Logrus is infinite and always in flux.

Amber's Pattern represents the opposite of this, establishing order to the places in the Universewhere it is inscribed. Where the Pattern is present, the Logrus is weak. Not ineffectual, mind you,but just weakened. As Rebma's Pattern has similar if not identical properties to Amber's, it seemslikely that the effect it has on the Logrus is congruent.

If the Game Master's version of Rebma contends that it is a lesser version of Amber, thenthe Pattern there will hamper the Logrus to a lesser degree. A Rebman Pattern which is equal inmetaphysical strength to Amber's will limit the Logrus identically. Just as in Amber, Logrususers will be few and far between in Rebma, and manifesting their abilities will be tantamount todeclaring war upon those who are initiates of Rebma's Pattern.

As in Amber, the presence of a Pattern (albeit reversed) in Rebma makes the magicalenvironment a bit unfriendly to Logrus Users, though it is still possible to summon and controlthe Logrus, even in Castle Rebma. Merlin's experience summoning the Logrus in Castle Amber'sPattern Room ended with a backlash of energy and a cacophony of sound which threatened toknock him unconscious, but from his chambers above in Castle Amber and even on the wharf inCity Amber, the Logrus could be summoned easily.

So, other than the Reversed Pattern Room, Rebma is free game for Logrus Masters.Reaching through Shadow sometimes takes time, however, and using Logrus Summoning can betime consuming considering the fact that the seas around Rebma are vast.

Using the Logrus close to the Pattern. Consider the following quote from Bloodof Amber (p. 56), in which Merlin chooses to use the Logrus to send out for a blade:

A moment's meditation and the Logrus danced before me. Shortly thereafter, I was· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (329)

reaching through it in search of the proper weapon- neither too long nor too heavy, properlybalanced, with a comfortable grip - with a wide dark belt and scabbard. It took me close to threeminutes, partly because I was so fussy about it, I suppose- but hell, if prudence required one, Iwanted comfort- and partly because it is harder reaching through Shadow in the vicinity ofAmber than it is almost anywhere else.

Manipulating Shadow. Corwin discovered in The Courts of Chaos that it was notimpossible to manipulate Shadow in Amber using the Pattern. If this is so, then it shouldn't bemore difficult to change the Shadows in Rebma. If the Game Master's view of Rebma is that it isa Shadow of Amber, then manipulating the Shadow environment should be easier than in Amber.For a conception of Rebma equal in strength to Amber, the Shadow should be just as difficult.

Summoning and Controlling Creatures of Chaos. The variety of creaturesable to be summoned in Rebma is restricted, of course, to creatures which can surviveunderwater. The Logrus Master should understand this and specify it when summoning them.The waters outside Rebma are dark, and cold, and unfriendly to those beings of Chaos.

Summoning Primal Chaos. Only the most insane or reckless of Logrus Masterswould attempt to summon Primal Chaos into Rebma, just as in Amber. The presence of thePattern in Rebma will work to counteract the Primal Chaos, forcing the character to continuallyfeed psychic energy into it to keep it in existence. It is unlikely that it would survive for longunaided, and it would be very visible, psychically, to anyone with Pattern or Logrus. In the Courtof Rebma there are many who would react angrily towards summoning such forces into Rebma,and would react accordingly.

Black Channels. These extensions of Logrus Tendrils run from the Courts of Chaos,throughout Shadow, and perhaps right into Amber itself. One manifestation of the BlackChannels was the Black Road which led up to the foot of Mount Kolvir, upon which Amberrests. In Prince of Chaos, Merlin’s demon servant Gryll takes him along a black path throughdeep waters on the way to Chaos.

How did this affect Rebma?Corwin’s Black Road might have been mirrored into the Rebman universe, with a "Black

Current" trailing from the Maelstrom to Rebma, or it may have been altered in some othermeans. As in Amber, this channel might have provided access to Rebma for a variety offearsome aquatic monsters and beings, and even the Tritons themselves. Shadow Knight bringsup the possibility of Black Canals, the waterways which allow demons and aquatic creatures ofChaos passage throughout Shadow, upon which Merlin and Gryll undoubtedly traveled partlyalong.

On the other hand, perhaps the Black Road had little affect in Rebma, and the mirror-image remained unsullied by its presence.

Another possibility is the existence of "Black Vortexes," whirling paths which connect tothe Maelstrom of the Triton Courts. It would seem likely that these would be the preferredmethod of traversing Shadow Reflections for the Tritons and their attendant servants.

TRUMP ARTISTRY· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (330)

Described in the "New Powers" section is the Power of Mirror Wrighting, which mightbe considered a variant of Trump Artistry, using enchanted mirrors to achieve many of the sameeffects. Few of the abilities which make up the Trump Artistry Power are limited or benefited inRebma, though those which are affected are listed below. Aside from these few exceptions, theTrumps can be used in Rebma as they could anywhere else, at full potency.

Making Trump and Trump Sketches. Depending on how the Game Masterviews the creation of Trumps and the tools defined, there might be considerable difficulty inmanufacturing them on the floor of the sea. Inks and paints have a tendency to remain fluid whenbelow water, and most painting surfaces will not survive the soaking. One interesting variationcould be enameled Trumps painted on porcelain or some substance which would not get wetbefore being made into a Trump.

Trump Vulnerability. Depending on your view of the invulnerability of finishedTrumps, they may not be damaged by their being submerged in Rebma. Corwin’s deck servedhim all right after his time in Rebma. The same may be said of Trump Artifacts.

Trump Sketches, on the other hand, are not so indestructible, and might becomedestroyed if brought into Rebma, depending on what they are manufactured of and how longtheir duration in Rebma is. Protecting them in airtight cases or some other form of sealedcontainer would suffice to keep them intact.

On the other hand, maybe after a couple of days in Rebma, Trumps get soggy and beginto swell up, the pigments upon them running. Imagine a character’s expression when they reachfor their Trumps in Rebma:

Sandra: Tanith is taking up Benedict’s Trump. It should be on top of the deck, from the last timeI used it.GM: Okay. When you reach into the case at your belt, your fingers dig into something wet andsquishy, like paste. It’s stuck all over your fingernails.Sandra: What?!?!?GM: You look, and your Trumps have all disintegrated. You’ve been in Rebma for two weeks.They got waterlogged and just turned into a congealed mass of inky paper. Llewella turns andsmirks at you, noticing your distress. She says, “Didn’t you ever wonder why no one seemed touse them down here?”Sandra: They’re ruined?GM: Yep, and Tanith can see a little orange, yellow, and brown smear on your fingertip whichwas probably Benedict. Care to try to contact him?Player: Aaaurrgggghhh!

Seen this way, Llewella’s absence from Amber might be that she does not possess a deckof Trumps which last, so she has no way of getting in touch with the family members other thanthe mirrors.

Rebman Trump Artists. Though the Power of Mirror Wrighting has been provided,there may be Rebman Trump Artists in existence who use the traditional arts which were taughtby Dworkin of House Amber. Details of their art are best left up to the Game Master and theplayer-character Trump Artist, such as the issue of materials used and the process of applying ink· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (331)

or paint underwater. What would the image be upon the back of the Trump decks? A UnicornThe Seahorse is more likely.

If the Tritons exist in the Rebman universe, would their symbol be a kraken?

Trumping to Prevent Drowning. One of the bigger differences betweencampaigns is in how long the Gamemaster rules it takes to make a Trump contact. Sometimes, itis almost instantaneous, while other times it can take several minutes or more. Characters willinevitably find themselves where the water isn’t breathable, and this can cause a lot of problems,death being paramount. Trumping out is the instinctual solution to this dilemna.

Some guidelines to this situation which are universal:A character finding themselves drowning and attempting to Trump out of the situation

had better be in a place or form where they can see the Trump clearly enough. In the depths ofthe ocean, there’s little light to spare, and even Corwin needed a match to use Dworkin’slighthouse Trump sketch.

They’d better be able to hold their breath until they get contact, and hope they reachsomeone who’ll pull them through without being asked.

The character will arrive dripping wet. An option for the Gamemaster would be to bring alot of surrounding water along with the character, even more so if someone’s trying somethingtricky like a Trump Gate. Used this way, it might become a minor secret weapon.

Pulling an unwitting someone via Trump into an area they can’t breathe would be aneffective means of assasination.

Another possibility is an unwilling Trump, where a character might actually be able toTrump someone without the actual card in their vision. This would be almost second nature forTrump Artists, but would also be an interesting, one-time-only means of saving a character fromdrowning.

SHAPE SHIFTINGThe concepts to consider here is practicality and sensibility. As anyone can see, life on

the sea-floor has evolved along radically different lines than creatures above the water, either onland or in the air. Shape Shifting offers player characters the ability to instantly alter their bodiesinto new and perhaps unique forms. Sometimes, these forms might not be the best of choices,given the environment.

Shape Shifting to Prevent Drowning. Naturally, the first concern of any ShapeShifter on the sea-floor is "How can I breathe?" While this isn't a concern in Rebma, due to theunique condition of the water there, elsewhere in Shadow becomes a consideration becomes veryimportant. Characters with Shape Shifting might find their bodies automatically taking care ofthis feature when they travel into waters less accommodating.

Shape Shifting into Animal Forms. Obviously, many animals are structurallyunsuited for life underwater. Turning into a giant bird, for example, would leave the characterhopelessly unable to move due to the difficulty which the water presents in moving the wingsrapidly enough to even begin a glide. Most mammals, while not inconvenienced greatly, will farepoorly against their sea-going equivalents when beneath the water.

Shape Shifters might begin to learn some new forms, taking on aquatic shapes and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (332)

learning the abilities of swimming, maneuvering in three dimensions, and the ability to drift.These should be encouraged in Rebma, allowing the Shape Shifter to explore natural formswhich offer a wide range of interesting possibilities. Consult the Bestiary for details on manyaquatic creatures.

Floating. Most fish (as opposed to aquatic mammals) have a small bladder in theirbodies called an air bladder, which allows them to remain buoyant. This is a small bladderwhich fills with air or gases from the fish's bloodstream. Without it, they would constantly haveto keep swimming to keep from drowning, which is the case with many aquatic mammals likesharks or rays. This organ allows the fish (or Shape Shifter) to move from different depths and toremain in them with ease. As they swim downward, the pressure contracts the bag, and whenswimming upward, the bladder expands and fills with oxygen and other bodily gases.Knowledgeable Shape Shifters will have experience with these, and be able to grow them anduse them instinctually.

Avatar Forms for Rebman Shape Shifters. Rebmans who possess ShapeShifting will seek avatar forms which reflect the world around them- aquatic creatures ormerfolk, perhaps even Tritons. These forms should reflect some aspect of the character'spersonality, i.e. a peaceful Shape Shifter might not choose the form of a tiger shark as an avatar.Elemental forms based on air or earth would be popular, perhaps appearing as a tower ofbubbles, a shambling mound of sediment, or a human-shaped coral reef. Water elemental formmight appear as little more than a ripple in the water, offering a limited form of invisibility.

CONJURATIONPerhaps the least understood Power in the game, Conjuration is the ability to summon up

objects, either creating or finding them, and investing them with magical Qualities or Powers. InRebma, the only significant changes might be in the nature of the things summoned. Many ofthese changes would be the matter of personal preference, rather than any restriction.

Creatures might be chosen from aquatic life, as surface creatures would stand out greatly.An intelligent Creature in the form of an eel or even a shellfish would be able to pass almostunnoticed in Rebma, while a striped cat or eagle would certainly attract attention.

Where does the Conjured Creature come from? Depending on the GameMaster's view of how Conjuration works, summoning Creatures which do not breathe underwatermight be fatal to them, if they have to physically travel through Shadow to the Conjurer. A viewof Conjuration in which the Creature automatically appears from thin air would be the easiest toaccomplish in Rebma.

Can it be used underwater? Artifacts will usually be, but are not limited to, thingswhich are easily used under the sea. Weapons such as throwing knives, arrows, whips, or nearlyany missile weapons are next to useless in Rebma. Heavy armor is rare, due to the hindrance inmaneuvering in it. Shields are similarly difficult to use. Most hand weapons may be used freelywithout difficulty, and items with other functions will be unaffected by submersion in Rebma'swaters.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (333)

CONSTRUCTSHybrids of Shadow and Artifact, Constructs are perhaps the most important addition to

the Amber universe presented in Shadow Knight. The question remains as to whether Constructsare in fact a relatively new addition to the universe, something known but not emphasized, or anancient part of the order of things, woven into the background and only recently pushed into thespotlight by the younger members of the Houses of Amber and Chaos. Whichever is the case, itis certain that if Constructs have a place within Amber, they are likely reflected in some mannerinto Rebma, and vice versa for the Courts of Chaos and the Triton Court.

The presence of Constructs unique to Rebma depends on the Game Master'sinterpretation of Rebma. Does Rebma have a universe of its own Shadow Reflections? If so, thencharacters should be able to make Constructs based on the Reflections of Rebma just as theywould Shadows of Amber.

Or might they behave differently? Could it be that Reflections only mimic Shadows, andthat they don't have innate power of their own to fuel Constructs?

One important question regarding existing Constructs is if Rebman Constructs accessShadows in Amber's Universe. If they can, what about the other way around? Are theManifestations of Constructs used outside their universe "cut off" from the source of their power,or can they find other compatible sources? If the Rebman universe is a mirror-image of Ambers,then each Shadow will be duplicated somewhere there. Could the Construct automatically seekout the exact duplicate of it's "home" Shadow source, or would that take some guidingintelligence? Is it even compatible? If the answer is yes, is it possible for characters with therequisite ability and knowledge to build Constructs which "straddle" both universes, accessingShadows in Amber's and Reflections in Rebma's universe at the same time?

Has it been done before? Is this the possible source of the immense power of the Fount ofthe Four Worlds?

If Constructs are available in Rebma, many members of the Sea-Court will likely haveConstructs of their own. Some of the possibilities include upgrading various Artifacts andPersonal Shadows owned by the Rebmans described in this sourcebook into Constructs, orequipping them with new Constructs beyond their character descriptions.

If Constructs are not available in Rebma, there are a few likely reasons why. First, asmentioned above, that there is no Rebman universe. Second, that the Reflections of the Rebmanuniverse don't possess innate power, and are but ghostly duplicates of the Amber universe'sShadows. Third, that some force prevents them from being created, such as the immutability ofthe Reflections, or a different set of physical and metaphysical laws governing the Rebmanuniverse. There are a lot of reasons why they might not work, but clever players might be able tofind a way around obstacles. It would be a worthy goal for many players.

In fact, the Mirrors of Rebma might in themselves be a form of Manifestations ofConstructs. There are a variety of possibilities. The Mirrors might be Manifestations ofConstructs which access power out of Amber itself, creating the "backbone" of Rebma's reality.Denied the power of Pattern, Rebmans might use Mirror Constructs instead. The existence of theentire Rebman universe might be tied into the Mirror Constructs, with a different Reflection ormore existing for each Mirror in Rebma. Further Reflections might be created through thecreation of Mirrors, or the utilization of existing Mirrors.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (334)


10 Points.The birthright of anyone born of at least one full-blooded Rebman parent, this

enables the character to breathe underwater in most places, with additional benefits.While all those in Rebma and its lands are able to breathe normally, or at least without illeffects, this power lets Rebmans and others travel to places where Rebma's enchantmentdoes not protect them.

A minor Power at best, this can best be described as a Shape Shifting variant withfewer benefits, though more suited for the environment of Rebma. This Power workseverywhere in Shadow where Shape Shifting will, and beneficially, comes with few of thedangers inherent in Shape Shifting.

Adaptation is usually not even a conscious Power, as most who have it use itinstinctually and without effort. The Power's very nature makes it most useful as anautomatic power, without the need to remember or concentrate on its manipulation.

Dangers of Adaptation. Because some of the uses of this power involve bothinternal and external manipulation of bodily tissues, it can leave the users open for someweaknesses which should be considered.

Rapid Changes in Surroundings. Teleporting (or Trumping) from one type ofatmosphere to another is dangerous, especially if the environments are radically differentin nature.

For example, it would not be wise to Trump from miles below the ocean's surfaceinto the fiery plane surrounding the Keep of the Four Worlds if one were speciallyadapted for survival in the first of those places. Near instant searing of the lungs,blindness, and dehydration would be immediate effects if attention is not paid to thetransition, and depressurization would create potentially deadly results. For higher rankedEndurance scores, this becomes less of a threat, but is almost always discomforting.

The Gamemaster should initially ask the player attempting such transitions inenvironment if they have any preparations to make. If these do not become a standard partof any Trumping or teleporting, then the Gamemaster should feel free to inflict uponfoolish characters traditional diving maladies such as the bends, burst eardrums, suddennausea or vomiting, dizziness, unconsciousness, and possible respiratory failure as naturalconsequences of rash behavior. See the section on "Injuries Underwater" for details.

Time Needed for Adaptation. Unlike Shape Shifting, conscious Adaptationis very quick and requires little concentration. Changing single features such as alteringbody temperature is quick, only requiring five or ten seconds. Electing to completely alterone=s own body to survive comfortably in a hostile and different underwater climate cantake up to thirty seconds. Since it usually takes much longer than that to reach one'sdestination while swimming, this amount of time is rarely inconvenient. Changing backto one's normal state is almost instantaneous, but usually must be willed consciously.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (335)

As with Shape Shifting, one's physical condition is of utmost importance whenusing Adaptation. Healthy, well fed characters with higher Endurance scores will be ableto Adapt and survive sudden changes in environment far better than tired, malnourished,or characters ranked Human level in Endurance.

Endurance Limitations. Because the process of Adaptation is far less taxingand involves much less manipulation of bodily tissue, Adaptation is not as tiring as ShapeShifting, and may be attempted a few times throughout a day for Human RankedEndurance characters, often for Chaos levels, and Amber or higher-ranked characters mayuse Adaptation continually for prolonged periods of time, Shadow-swimming throughoutmultitudes of differing types of watery environments.

Attribute Tips for Adaptation. Adaptation is a function of Endurance, andhigher Endurance will allow characters greater flexibility in changing their bodies to meetnew environments. It will also aid tremendously when the character makes the mistake ofchanging environments without considering the dangers and adjusting accordingly.

Since Adaptation does not cause one to change their personality in any significantfashion, high Psyche is not a requisite.

Adaptation Abilities

Adaptation confers the following benefits to its users:

Breathing Underwater. Unlike in Rebma, where the watery environment isaltered so that those from above might breathe and exist there without harm, the waters ofthe ocean floor surrounding Rebma are not so hospitable. Stepping off Faiella-bionin andswimming or walking away from Rebma are each deadly to surface dwellers andRebmans without Adaptation.

This ability allows the user to travel wherever one wishes within a wateryenvironment, extracting oxygen enough for sustenance, and also lowering the amount ofoxygen the body needs. This ability is of little use in breathing in non-oxygenatedatmospheres, such as vacuums and alien world Shadows. The Power of Shape Shiftingmight be of more use here, allowing the character to Shape Shift into a being withdifferent respiratory requirements.

A side effect of this is that the character is able to speak while underwater,anywhere, and may henceforth hold conversations, use Trumps, Spells, Power Words,etc...

Swimming. Heightening ones ability to move through the water, this abilityworks in two ways:

Firstly, it strengthens muscles and adapts them to the motions most conducive torapid, tightly controlled swimming. Adaptation gives the character some instinctualunderstanding of maneuvering in water, and maximizes their physical attributes to aidthem in swimming.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (336)

Secondly, it allows the body to produce an oily film which is released through thepores, slippery and slick, which aids in making the character move unimpeded throughthe water. This ability does not impair motor functions or make the hands too slick tohandle weapons or other items. It might be rendered useless if the body is covered withclothing, hence the scanty garb common to those in Rebma. The less impeded withclothing a Rebman is, the more this ability aids them in moving through the water.

Use Strength as a judge of the character's swimming speed, since Strength is ameasure of muscle and it's applications, and speed and power swimming is a physicalactivity which builds and demands muscular ability.

This film quickly dissipates in outside air. One interesting potential use for it is inStrength versus Strength Combat, where it might make a wrestler slippery and difficult tohold onto.

Immunity to Cold. By both strengthening the body's resistance to cold andlowering a character's body temperature, this ability allows submersion withoutdiscomfort in the coldest of waters. It also allows survival in cold environments, thoughlong-term exposure to intense, unrelenting cold can harm a character with Adaptation justas it can anyone else, though to a lesser degree.

Endurance is the barometer of how much this ability will allow a character towithstand. Allow Human Rank Endurance characters the ability to remain in very cold(35-50 degrees Fahrenheit) water for long stretches of time without discomfort, ChaosRank to survive freezing water or atmospheres (15-35 degrees), and Amber Rank theability to remain in frozen waters for long-term periods of time. It is even possible thathighly Ranked characters with this ability might be able to survive being frozen in ice fora short time, hibernating until thawed.

Resistance to Extreme Pressures. As Corwin observed during his fight onFaiella-bionin, stepping forth from the bridge can be fatal. The pressure of the deep watersurrounding Rebma is incredible, able to crush the life out of any surface dweller whodares step from the protection which Rebma's gates and stairway offer.

Adaptation allows the character to survive without damage the changes inpressure that come from swimming downward, upward, or out of the confines of Rebma.It prevents cramping, deafness, depressurization, and other factors which characterizedeep-sea diving.

With Adaptation, a character can swim freely up from the ocean's floor to thesurface and vice versa, without the time consuming necessity of becoming acclimated tothe gradual change in pressure.

This ability involves toughening the tissues of the body, alternately swelling themwith blood and oxygen or dispersing them to meet the required pressures. Endurancegoverns the ability to resist these changes, and the ability of the body to adapt todifferences in pressure. A Human ranked character would be able to move down to about200 feet or so beneath the surface without distress, and a Chaos Ranking in Enduranceallows submersion up to 500 or so feet. Amber level allows the character to continue atdepths of around 1000-1500 feet below the surface without harmful effects. Ranked· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (337)

characters may venture beyond this with some caution, with the points determiningroughly the depths they might survive without considerable harm.

A character such as Corwin, with superiority in Endurance (if he possessed theAdaptation Power), would be able to survive depths unheard of, unexplored save forwithin immensely strong pressurized diving bells.

Rapidly changing from one atmosphere to another, can be devastating if thecharacter is not prepared for the change. See the section on "Dangers of Adaptation" fordetails on this.

Enhanced Vision. The bottom of the sea-floor is quite dark. If not the strangefires which burn everywhere in Rebma, the city would have been quite dark. Enhancedvision allows a character alter the structure of his or her eyes, to maximize the availablelight and provide illumination. However, like sea-creatures from the lowest reaches of theocean, once the point of utter blackness is reached, this vision fails to be useful, though itallows for the user to see things which are illuminated, such as many forms of sea-lifewhich produce bioluminescence, the ability to produce light from their bodies.

Looking into the eyes of a character with this ability in use shows their pupils tobe almost entirely black, similar to the way a cat's eyes dilate to allow night vision. The"flip-side" to this ability is that Adaptation allows the character to shrink the pupils tomere pinpoints, allowing only the slightest amount of light in. This is automatic andnearly instantaneous, preventing the Rebman character from being blinded from a suddenteleportation or change in lighting.

Advanced Hearing. Sound carries a shorter distance underwater than it doesin air. Though it is not useless below the ocean surface, fewer creatures are able to rely onit as a primary sense. This ability allows the character's hearing to develop to aphenomenally acute level, which allows for the inner ear to pick up the faintest of soundwaves passing through the water. Very useful for any natural forms of sonar, or listeningfor the songs and noises made by the creatures of the deep. This Power allows thecharacter to hear below the ocean at a range of approximately double the abovegroundrange for noises. Of course, the "loudness" and quality of the sound affects the character'sability to detect it.

Directional Sense. Oceans are vast, greater than most humans' ability tocomprehend. It can be easy to get lost while traveling through them, especially when theyare unfamiliar. Directional sense allows the character to remember a clear feeling of thedirection they traveled from, and gives a rough estimate of the depth which the characteris at. Further sensing allows a player to get an approximate feel for the compass points.

Clued into regular tidal currents or familiar with the undersea topography, acharacter can navigate quite easily. However, this ability does not provide any clue to thewhereabouts of a place the character has never been, and will not help find something ifthe character has no idea where to find it.

Increased Touch Sense. Known in the animal kingdom as the lateral linesystem, this sense is closely related to the sense of touch, allowing fish to sense the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (338)

movement of other beings in their vicinity and to sense obstacles. This sense extendsbeyond the fish's line of sight, and is how they are able to maneuver in utter darkness.

Consisting of a series of channels under the skin of most fish, the Adaptationpower uses the human pores for this ability, allowing them to sense the presence anddirection of changes in the flow of currents around them. Currents create vibrations in thechannels (or pores) which are transmitted via the nervous system to the brain where theinformation is processed like other sensory input. Altered currents register differently, andcan be easily detected.

This ability can be turned on and off by the character, and with concentration canbe used aboveground to detect the movement of air about the Rebman. Drawbacks to thispower is that clothing hampers it, and rain renders it similarly useless.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (339)


25 Points.

Alone in the still darkness of the waters of the ocean floor, the Rebman peoplehave developed the Power of Empathy, allowing them to speak and contact to each otherpsychically, through either physical of Psychic contact. Dwelling underwater, the extremepressure, lack of light, and relative uselessness of other human senses have strengthenedthis ability.

Empaths can sense others from great distances, read surface thoughts,communicate telepathically, judge others' levels of Psyche, and even mask their ownPsyches, hiding from psychic detection. They can use Empathy to mask or shift pain(physical or emotional) away from those hurting, and it can be used to speed healing andthe regenerative process. Empaths can dominate weak minds in a manner which rendersthem open to suggestion. Vastly weaker opponents can be paralyzed physically ormentally.

It comes with dangers, though, which make it a Power which should be usedjudiciously. Opening one's mind with another, forming an Empathic link, is a two-waystreet, and a helping hand might turn into a beachhead for an enemy assault into theEmpath’s own mind.

Attribute Tips for Empathy. Psyche, Psyche, Psyche. Like all the Powerswhich depend upon manipulation of magical energy (whether originating from the user orsome focal point), Psyche is the dominant Attribute for Empathy. Some of the naturalabilities which Psyche provide Amberites with are in fact untrained aspects of theEmpathy Power.

For long-term use of Psyche or extensive use of its healing capabilities, Enduranceis useful to support the Psychic exertion and negate any ill-effects from an Empathic linkwith a wounded mind.

Warning: Vulnerability of Empathy

Susceptibility to Psyche. A character who uses Empathy does so by "openingthemselves" to the flow of Psychic and other energies throughout their immediate area.This has the unfortunate effect of leaving them somewhat defenseless against hostilePsyches, which might take advantage of this undefended state to attempt Psychic assaultof some type. In game terms, assume when anyone who is using Empathy and comesacross a hostile mind, that potential enemy should have the time to attempt a Psychicattack immediately, before the Empath can raise their Psychic shields. Think of it as onefree attack. If the Empath is not attacked in those first few seconds of Psychic contact,then the chance is lost and the Empath is allowed to be "on guard" to the other Psyche.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (340)

Vulnerability to Magic. Similarly, using Empathy on another character leavesthe mental gate wide open for a magical attack such as Power Words or Racked Spells.Since the Empathic Link is two way, magical attacks can be made from either party andwill generally succeed unless some interference takes place.

Susceptibility to Trump. The Power is also vulnerable to users of the Trumps,which can be used while an Empath is using Empathy to get a look within the Empath'smind. Whereas Empathy is passive and receiving, Trump Artists are able to use theirTrump Spying to gain a much better look inside the Empath's mind. Similarly, a high-Psyche character using a Trump to contact the depicted character while that character isusing Empathy allows the Trump user to force contact and hold it open in a way thatnormal situations do not permit.

Empathy Abilities

Empathic Links. Like a traditional Psychic Contact, this Power allows anEmpath to create a psychic link between two or more characters which can be used forPsychic Combat, spell use, or other Empathic abilities. This ability can double for theMicro-Spell of Mind Touch described in the "Sorcery" section in the Amber DicelessRoleplaying rulebook on p. 64.

It can be done two ways: over distance or by touch.The limit to range for distance is usually either line of sight, or in complete

darkness, a mile or so. Empathic Links over greater distances or for otherwise unseencharacters is possible through use of the Trump, Magical Scrying Mirrors, or othermagical means of vision, provided the image the Empath receives is an actualrepresentation of the character which is happening concurrent with the attemptedEmpathic Link. For example, a closed-circuit television image of the character wouldwork, while a videotape would not.

Touch has a range of, appropriately enough, touch. It must be a skin-to-skincontact. Contact with Logrus tendrils is also permitted for establishing this contact, solong as the desired contact is not imbued with the Pattern. As you can imagine, thiseliminates most Amberites from this attempt at Empathic Contact, owing to thevulnerability of the Logrus to the Pattern and its Initiates.

The Empathic Link is essential to the use of most of the Empathy abilities.Without this connection, many of the Empathic abilities are limited to only a fraction oftheir potential.

This ability is different from a simple use of Psyche to attempt a Psychic Contact,as it is more a "passive" ability. Using Psyche to open a mind up for Psychic Contact is an"active" manipulation of Psyche- one literally forces a contact, feeling outward with one'swill and turning attention upon the target's Psyche, which will either resist or allow thecontact. One way to think of it as a walkie-talkie contact, beaming a message and hopingthe target will respond.

Empathic Links, however, work in the opposite manner, opening the Empath toPsychic emanations from another character or creature. The specific Psyche which you· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (341)

want to contact is then "tuned in," much like a person will tune into a radio station,adjusting it until the clearest signal possible has been achieved.

Sensing Psyche. Rather than "tuning in" to a specific Psyche, an Empath mayinstead attempt to locate Psyche in this manner, opening herself up to Psychic presences.Naturally, the higher the Psyche, the easier it will be to spot, though magical assistancesuch as Artifacts with Psychic Defense might negate this. Distant Psychic presences willbe faint, corresponding with their relative strength.

Recognizing Auras. One other effect of the power is the ability to recognizepeople by their Psychic auras if they are otherwise invisible, disguised, or unseen. Thecharacter must be reasonably familiar to the Empath and must have been "scanned" bythem at least one time before to be recognized. Items or clothing belonging to othercharacters might carry some lingering presence of the character in them, depending onhow long they were owned and the frequency of their use. For example, Corwin'sGrayswandir or Gérard's favorite drinking horn would have a considerable trace of theirpresence, but some dice Random used once in Vegas or a little-worn dress owned byFlora would not have any trace of their auras.

Sensing Surface Thoughts. Once an Empathic Link is established, it is easyto determine the target's surface thoughts in a non-obtrusive manner which is far subtlerthan Psychic probing. Essentially, this involves quieting your own thoughts until you can"feel" the other's surface thoughts, as well as their general physical or emotional state.

Empathic Probing. Further sensing of the link's emotional state or thoughtprocesses is possible, though this will be rather obvious to any target possessing near-to-human intelligence or a Psyche which is at least Chaos Ranking. This is made easier by awilling target, as a Psyche vs. Psyche battle must be won if the target resists. Losing thePsychic battle also ends the Empathic Link.

Psychic Neutral. Instead of disguising an aura, the Empath can also elect tomask it completely, rendering it impossible to detect except by the highest-ranked Psycheusers. This essentially "cloaks" the mind by allowing any Psychic sensing to pass throughit unaltered, effectively blending the Empath's Psyche with the background Psychicenvironment. This is not obvious to those who attempt to sense around the Empath'sPsyche and look for the "blank spot" because the cloaking in all ways mimics thebackground Psychic energy radiation.

Psychic Neutral characters are also considered out of contact forWhile Psychic Neutral, the character cannot do any of the following; remain

hidden while attempting any manipulation of the Empathy power which requires aPsychic Link; summon the Pattern or Logrus to mind; use Power Word or Spells; orcommunicate via Trump or Artifact Psychic Quality. Any attempt to do any of theseresults in the character becoming instantly recognizable to anyone Psychically scanningthe area where they are. Once "located" they cannot hide from the searching Psyche againif the searcher remains aware of them.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (342)

Sensing Psychic Qualities. The Empath is also able to identify if any PsychicQualities are possessed by a character, Artifact, or Creature. This does not enable theEmpath to learn what their exact nature is, or the extent of the power, but merely identifythat power in a general manner, such as "highly Ranked," or "is intelligent andPsychically Sensitive in some way," and so on...

The Empath will also be able to recognize if a character possesses Pattern Imprintor Logrus Mastery, though the level will not be determinable.

Psychic Communication. Through an Empathic Link which is especiallystrong (either a very unsuspecting, distracted target or a willing recipient of the contact),the Empath can project simple messages or emotional states. These must be relativelyshort and simple to understand, perhaps defined by the Empath in no more than a dozenwords.

The recipient will "hear" this message as a little voice in the back of their mind,though they are free to act accordingly depending on how they would receive themessage. A willing target will instantly understand the message "Don't open the woodenbox- it's booby-trapped!" while someone in the middle of a sword fight who hears anagging little voice telling them "You left the oven on back home" would be unlikely tostop the fight to check.

Judicious use of this ability with an unknowing target can sometimes result in thetarget's thinking of the Empath's message as either conscience, or a hunch. Whether theywill act on the voice is determined by their personality, which, of course, the Gamemasteris in charge of unless the message is received by another player.

Emotional Manipulation. In subtle ways, the Empath is able to influence atarget's emotional state for better or worse through the Empathic Link. This can be donein two ways: by projecting a desired emotion and hoping to instill it in the target, orthrough dredging up memories from the target which caused those emotions and causingthe target to experience those feelings again.

The first of these is the most common, as it can be done through a normalEmpathic Link and can be directed at an unwilling target, so long as the Link is notbroken. If the target is aware of what is being attempted and attempts to resist, then asignificant superiority in the Psychic struggle can turn the tables on the Empath, causingthem to experience the emotion themselves.

The second method is only useable with a willing target, one who has opened hisor her mind up to the Empath and attempts to psychically assist the Empath into findingthe appropriate emotional triggers. Whereas this ability is impossible against a resistingtarget, a target who trusts a hostile Empath and allows them to enter their mind isvulnerable.

ADVANCED EMPATHY· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (343)

45 Points. Or, if you've already got standard Empathy, then another 20 Points.

At this level of mastery, your character is deeply in tune with the fields of Psychicenergy which bind all living things together. You understand the connection between thepsychic and physical worlds, and can act upon this knowledge. With this Power, you areable to manipulate Psychic emanations and profoundly affect the physical states of others.

Attribute Tips for Advanced Empathy. As before, Psyche is all important,though the need for high Endurance becomes more important here.

Empathic Healing. With Advanced Empathy, one understands the relationbetween soul and body to an incredible degree, and can use that knowledge to manipulatethe body's natural healing processes by influencing the thoughts and emotions of thewounded or sick character. Essentially, this speeds a character's healing rate to that of ahigher Ranked Endurance. If Human, then healing is done at Chaos Rank. Chaos-Rankedcharacters heal at a rate equivalent to Amberites, and low- or non-ranked Amberites healat the upper reaches of the Attribute ladder.

This healing takes place at this rate only for as long as they are in the care of theEmpath. When the Empathic treatment stops, then healing resumes at he appropriatespeed.

Energy Draining and Lending. Empaths are also able to tap into thePsychic fields generated by living beings and draw power from them or lend them psychicenergy for their own use. Either way, the energy can be used to refresh exhaustedcharacters, aid them at times when concentration and energy are important anddesperately needed (when walking the Pattern, for instance), to power spells or PowerWords, or to aid healing.

This can be done at a minor level without the need for any Psychic Link, but anyextreme borrowing of power requires that connection.

To drain power, the Empath simply opens his or herself up to the Psychic"environment," sensing the location of nearby Psychic presences and absorbing anyambient energy. The amount of energy found depends on the inhabitants of a place andtheir proximity. In the middle of an Amberite dinner ball, one would find plenty of highPsyches available to absorb energy from, though it is possible that they might resent thepractice or find some way to sabotage it, while in the middle of the desert, the onlyPsychic presences would be those of small lizards, birds, plants, and insects, which wouldbe barely nourishing.

An Empath can drain energy from a subject until the subject reaches the point ofunconsciousness. To drain this much requires a Psychic Link and a willing donor, or avast superiority in Psyche and a winning Psychic Combat.

To give power is much easier, requiring that the Empath concentrate on thesubject and will them the energy they need. While anyone of Amber Rank or higherPsyche can do this easily, Empaths are able to do so much more rapidly and understand· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (344)

the process better, and are able to give up their own energy until they reachunconsciousness and are unable to continue.

Shape Shift Aura. At the Advanced Level of Empathy, an Empath can alsoalter their Psychic aura to disguise their Psychic identity. This ability is identical in allways to the Advanced Shape Shifting ability of the same name described in the rulebookon page 55.

Mind Reading. With a successful, non-resisted Psychic Link, an Empath canread another character's mind fully, able to root through memories, thoughts, emotions,and their subconscious mind. This usually requires at least close proximity, or touch to befully effective, and is very obvious to the character whose mind is being read. Sections ofmemory can be partitioned off as "closed," but these will be obvious to the Empath.Attempts to force entry to these sections which are off-limits turns the Psychic Link into aPsychic Combat.

Mind Control. With a willing subject, or a considerable advantage in Psycheand after winning a Psychic Combat, the Empath may take control of the victim's mind,hypnotizing them to reveal information or behave according the Empath's wishes. Thiscan only force a character to do something that they might conceivably normally do, orsomething which they might not object to doing. If the Empath asks the character toreveal some secret they would never do otherwise, or forces them into a course of actionwhich might threaten their life, then the Mind Control is broken and cannot bereestablished unless the Empath has regained the trust of the character to be controlled.

Against high Psyches and other Empaths, this is a dangerous ability because atthose levels of Psychic use comes the ability to mimic psychic domination, letting theacting Empath believe they have enslaved another character when they have not. The"controlled" character might use the opportunity to mislead or even get close enough tosabotage or attack the Empath.

Limited Precognition. One other ability of opening oneself up to the Psychicemanations surrounding the Empath is the ability to gain a very vague sense of futureevents or possible outcomes of actions about to be taken. This Empath can use this totarget the events in the next few moments or several years in time. The significance of theaction or occurrence is the relative judge of how well the Empath can sense it-insignificant or meaningless decisions will hardly register, while ones which haveprofound effect upon the future will be much easier to comprehend.

This ability is entirely within the Gamemaster's province. Extensive abuse of thisprecognition can he handled by making every event wrought with significance, because tosomeone who is obsessed with the effects of their actions, every action is ofearthshattering importance. The Gamemaster should be only too happy to spell out thedread consequences of trivial and mundane actions if the character continues to abuse thisability. The color of a shirt can affect the character's chance of surviving an encounterwith a Fire Angel. Selecting Chinese Chicken Salad over Taco Salad for lunch mightdestroy entire Shadows with the chain of events it could set off.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (345)

A character who ignores the none-too-subtle warning signs should slowly begin toslide into Gamemaster-encouraged paranoia, spending their time obsessed with thesecrets of the Kennedy assassination, the vast machinations of the Illuminati, PaulMcCartney's supposed death in the sixties, and other conspiracy theories. In Amber, thisobsession with plots might become something of an advantage, though there are plenty ofElder Amberites who are willing to exploit such suspicions.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (346)

REFLECTED PATTERN IMPRINT"I feel they will let you walk the Pattern in Rebma, which, while it is the

reverse of that in Amber, should have the same effect. That is, it gives to a son of ourfather the power to walk among Shadows.

"How will this power help me?""It should make you to know what you are."

Random, to CorwinNine Princes in Amber (p. 62)

There are many Shadows of Amber, and undoubtedly others which areunderwater like Rebma. As Corwin said in Nine Princes in Amber, "Amber was thegreatest city which had ever existed or ever would exist. Amber had always been andalways would be, and every other city, everywhere, every other city that existed wasbut a reflection of a Shadow of some phase of Amber." Perhaps the most significantdifference between all these Shadow Ambers and Rebma is that unlike all Shadows,Rebma contains a real Pattern, reversed but intact and working much like theoriginal’s

Why is this so? Is it some strange reflective quality of the water in Rebma?Are the mirrors of Rebma in some way tied in with its very existence, rather than justan outward manifestation of its nature as double of Amber?

In Nine Princes in Amber, Random speculates that the Rebman Pattern, "whileit is the reverse of that in Amber, should have the same effect."But then, it might nothave the same effect!

What if the Pattern in Rebma is an entirely different construct in nature,similar only superficially, such as the likeness between the Pattern in Amber andCorwin's own Pattern. Different makers instill in their Patterns different identities,characteristics, which might make Rebma's Pattern very different from the PrimalPattern or Amber's own version of it.

However, no one is certain about that. Random thought that it would work torestore Corwin's memories, and he was right. Corwin thought that shifting Shadow inAmber was impossible, and then did it. What assumptions about Rebma's Patternmight turn out to be wrong?

Different Versions of Rebman Pattern Imprint. Because of thedifferent interpretations of Rebma and its place in the Amber universe which thissourcebook sets forth, included here are some different ways in which the RebmanPattern can be used in play. The Gamemaster should tell you, the player, which one isappropriate, and will work with you to tailor your character's background to fit theversion of the Pattern Imprint chosen.

There are three different ways you can run the Rebman Pattern Imprint:

Identical to Amber's Pattern. Rebman Pattern Imprint is identical tothe traditional Amber Pattern Imprint described in the rulebook. This keeps thingssimple and requires no "fiddling" to remember who has which version of the PatternImprint.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (347)

The “Reversed” Pattern. An interesting twist to this might to have theRebman Pattern Imprint equal in all ways to Amber's, but somehow attuned only toits own universe of Reflected Shadows. Amberites will be unable to use their PatternImprint to affect Rebman Shadows, and vice versa. Becoming attuned to the otherPattern's Universe might require the character to traverse the other Pattern, or tofigure out some special trick. It is recommended that traversing both Patterns does thejob and allows Amberites or Rebmans to use their Pattern Imprint abilities in bothuniverses. Perhaps this additional attunement might be worth 15 or more Points. Sucha cost (represented in a sudden influx of Bad Stuff) might explain why Corwin hadsuch a rough time of it immediately after traversing Rebma's Pattern and heading onto Amber!

This concept of the Rebman Pattern was described in the Amber rulebook inthe section "Improving Existing Powers” on page 119. Though the Rebman Patternwas not mentioned, it is an appropriate description. In Rebma’s case, the “ flip-side”of the universe would be the world of the Reflections, the reflected versions of theShadows of the Amber universe of Shadows.

The Reflected Pattern. This version is a little weaker than Amber'sown, and differs from it in some ways. It is designed around the concept that, like theBroken Patterns introduced in Merlin's books of the Chronicles, and detailed inShadow Knight, the Pattern in Rebma is a reflection, or Shadow version of Amber'sPattern, and is less powerful. Even if the line is taken that the Rebman Pattern isequivalent to Amber’s, with no differences, Reflected Patterns might be found withinthe seven kingdoms of the Coral Branch, with “Reflected” Pattern Adepts ascommon as “Broken” Pattern users.

Using all Three Versions. There's no reason why you can't use all threeversions of Rebman Pattern Imprint. Simply allow the player characters to choosewhich version they will take, and ask that they keep things straight regarding theabilities offered. After all, the Primal Pattern is supposed to be a copy of the oneinside the Jewel of Judgement, and the powers they confer are somewhat different.Broken Patterns offer different abilities than the one in Amber does. Traversing theRebman Pattern (or the Amber Pattern, for that matter) may offer more than oneavenue of power, making it possible to use all three versions, creating a rich mosaicof variant Pattern Imprints to confound and delight players.

Following is the new version of Pattern Imprint specific to Rebma, ReflectedPattern Imprint. Consult the rulebook for a description of traditional Pattern Imprint.

REFLECTED PATTERN IMPRINT35 Points.Located below the Castle Rebma in its cavernous dungeons is a replica of

Amber's Pattern. In some strange way, due to the nature of Rebma, the Pattern is not aShadow of the original, but a reflection. A perfect duplicate in every way, it still doesnot have the full strength of the real Pattern, because it is merely a reversed image.

The Reflected Pattern Imprint versus other Pattern Imprints.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (348)

Due to its nature, the Reflected Pattern Imprint is cheaper than the standard PatternImprint, and is always weaker than the original in contests of ability. It is somewhatsuperior, however, to Broken Pattern. There is no version Advanced Reflected PatternImprint, as the next step is to traverse the normal Pattern in Amber and gain all theabilities which the standard Pattern Imprint described in the Amber rulebook offers.This traversal costs the difference between the two Powers, which is 15 Points. It maybe possible for Adepts of the Broken Pattern to traverse the Reflected Pattern for acost of 10 Points, or 25 Points for those with only Broken Pattern Imprint.

Attribute Tips for Reflected Pattern Imprint. Endurance is all importantto survive traversal of the Pattern itself. Psyche aids the character in manipulatingShadow and Pattern, but it is Endurance which provides the stamina and physicalability to withstand the rigors of walking the Pattern. Though Amber RankedEndurance is needed to survive the real Pattern, the Rebman character's Endurancemust only be Chaos Rank to successfully complete the Reflected Pattern.

Reflected Pattern Imprint Abilities

Traveling through Shadow. Walking the Reflected Pattern, like the"normal" Pattern, allows you the ability to manipulate Shadow and move through it.This is done in a similar manner, by altering the environment to suit your desires.Shadow traveling from Rebma takes a few forms; Shadow Walking, Hellriding, andShadow Swimming, each with its particular advantages and disadvantages.

Shadow Walking is the way most familiar to the Court of Amber, and issometimes used by Reflected Pattern adepts. The easiest of the three ways of travelingthrough Shadow, Shadow Walking is also time consuming, though it requires lesserconcentration than Hellriding or Shadow Swimming. This way is sometimes lessdesirable than the others due to the immense distances that the sea-floor covers, andthe relative slowness of moving through water along the floor of the sea. It ofteninvolves climbing over or into difficult obstacles such as reefs, chasms, and mountainranges.

Hellriding is somewhat uncommon, as it requires a beast with some meansof rapidly moving underwater and the concentration to keep the beast under controlunder what might be difficult circ*mstances. The floor of the sea is not the smoothestof surfaces to ride on. Rebmans sometimes train Kelpies (described in the Bestiary)for the ride, along with particularly large versions of some natural sea life such asdolphins, rays, seahorses, or even whales.

Swimming through Shadow is the main way that Reflected PatternInitiates move through Shadow, bending it to their will and altering the features of thelandscape until it resembles that which they seek. On a mental level, it's done exactlylike regular Shadowwalking, but instead of walking, the Shadow swimmer must keepswimming to effect the changes and traverse Shadow. Corwin proved that it waspossible to shift Shadow by moving in a circle, though it is much easier along a linearpath. The same is true of swimming through Shadow.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (349)

"Mirror" Patterns. Similar to the circle of Broken Patterns whichsurround Amber, the kingdoms in the Coral Branch, Rebma's circle of Shadows,contain imperfect replicas of Rebma's Pattern. Rather than being Broken and missingsegments, they are wavy where the original is straight, sometimes separating into splitpaths, making the correct traversal more difficult than Amber's own. There can beonly one correct path, and this makes these ersatz Patterns much more dangerous andunfailingly fatal to those who attempt them.

Creating Mirror Images of Items. By bringing the Reflected Pattern tobear upon the stuff of Shadow, the character is able to reproduce items or creaturesimbuing them with the desired shape. These will be the exact doubles of the item as ifreflected in a mirror rather than "cloned." This ability requires that the character havea clear memory of the item, and a piece of Shadow "material" of the same substance(a rock, dagger, book, small animal, etc...) and of equivalent size. By concentrating onthe original and invoking the reflection of the Pattern, the item is forced to conform tothe shape desired.

No magical qualities or intelligence other than what the item already possesseswill be present in the duplicate, unless the player and the Gamemaster agree to let thenew item be treated as player character Artifact or Creature, with points spent by theplayer to ensure the item's connection to his or her character.

This ability can also be combined with Conjuration or Mirror Scrying toprovide a means of creating doubles with identical Powers and Qualities.

Warping Reflections. Ever look into a funhouse mirror or a curvedmirror? Notice how the reflection changes? The original is unaltered, but thereflection is warped by the refractive qualities of the mirror. Reversed Pattern Initiatesare able to similarly warp the Reflections in various manners, changing the physicaldimensions, appearances, or even distances of the substance of the Reflections theyoccupy. This ability requires some mobility and a clear mental image of what iswished to be accomplished. For example, a wide chasm can be altered to be narrowenough to step across, or vice versa. Thick walls can be made thin enough to breakthrough with ease. Swords can be bent into spirals. This can only alter the physicalshape of items, and cannot change the materials they are made of, or their innerattributes such as intelligence or magical qualities.

"Freezing" Items or Characters. By concentrating on an item,situation, or creature, and reinforcing that image with the power of Rebma's ReversedPattern, the item can be forced to remain true to that image, frozen in place as ifstopped in time. If the desired creature is capable of Psychic resistance, then a Psychicdomination over the creature or person is required for the "freeze" to be successful.This freeze does not slow down or stop time, nor does it hold the laws of physics atbay. Thus a bird “ frozen” in midair would crash to the ground, and anyone “ frozen”could be pushed over.

At the victim is unaware of their frozen state, Psyche or Powers such asTrump, Pattern, or Logrus are still unable to be. Spells which require lynchpins areunable to be cast, nor are Power Words, or Conjuration. Shape Shifting is impossible,as the character has no awareness of being “ frozen.”

This quality of being "frozen" also makes items or creatures resistant tomanipulation by Logrus or other magic. To be able to affect subjects which are being· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (350)

actively held in stasis by the Pattern Initiate requires a successful Psychic struggle tosucceed, and subjects which have been left "frozen" might take considerably moreeffort to alter than similar, non-static items or creatures.

This can also be expanded to a room, a place, and with effort and constantexertion, can even be used to freeze an entire Shadow. As long as the charactermaintains some willpower to keep the place frozen, the Shadow will remain frozen.When another Pattern initiate evokes the Pattern in an attempt to manipulate the“ frozen” area or Shadow, a Psychic battle will ensue, the winner’s desires met.

This ability requires the Reversed Pattern initiate to maintain someconcentration on holding living or conscious beings frozen. Smaller items can be“ frozen” without maintainence, though larger areas require effort to prevent naturallaws from affecting them.

Using the Pattern in Rebma. In Rebma it is extremely difficult toutilize the Reflected Pattern, due to character's proximity to both the Rebman Patternand the Amberite one. However, it is much easier for characters to use traditional(Amber) Pattern Imprint in Rebma than it is for Rebman Pattern Initiates to use yourabilities in or around Amber, due to the relative strengths of the two parent Patterns.

Though it might be difficult, it is not impossible. Corwin thought it wasimpossible to use Pattern in Amber, and was surprised to learn that all it took to do sowas the belief that it was possible.

Walking the Pattern. Walking the Reflected Pattern is difficult, evenmore so than the Amberite Pattern due to the condition of the waters which cover it.These boil and surge when the Pattern is traversed, with powerful currents whichthreaten to sweep characters off balance and to certain death. While the Patternadheres to the feet of those who walk it, the currents can upset a character while onefoot is in mid-air, potentially forcing it down onto the black areas between the lines.

Like Amber's Pattern, however, walking Rebma's "purifies" the walker insome manner, remaking them into a higher version of him or herself. This destroysany standing enchantments or magical alterations.

Standing in the center of the Rebman Pattern, you are able to transportyourself to anywhere in your memory. Unlike the ability granted by Amber's Pattern,the Rebman Pattern can only send you to a destination which you already have a clearmental image of. This stems from the limitation of the Reflected Pattern that it is notcreative on its own, but instead is limited to what it is "presented" in the mind of itsuser.

Advanced Perceptions. This allows the character the ability to lookthrough a myriad of Reflections at once, opening a "window" through the reflectionswhich appears within the mind of the Pattern Initiate. This creates an effect somethinglike an endlessly regressing mirror image (when you hold two mirrors together andget infinite reflections of each with the other). Since these reflections are not exact,differences can be observed. This way, characters can search through the Reflectionsto find a specific subject, or observe the differences in the Reflections to find adesired Reflection to voyage to.

Time required for this ability is equivalent to the ability of PatternMindwalking described in the description of Advanced Pattern Imprint in therulebook.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (351)

Reflected Shadows. Whether through an act of creation or discovery, theReflected Pattern Initiate may force Shadows to mimic others. This does not makethem any more "real" than the original, but allows perfect duplication, a feat whichseems to be impossible with traditional Pattern Imprint. In The Hand of Oberon,Corwin told Vialle "A shadow is never precisely like that which casts it. These littledifferences add up... Personality is the one thing we cannot control in ourmanipulations of Shadow." With Reflected Pattern Imprint, this is not always thecase. You can alter or affect events in a Shadow to mimic those in other Shadows, oreven Amber.

This cannot be done on a large scale, however, as the amount of knowledgeand effort expended would be too great. This can be used to "mirror" a specificperson, creature, item, event, or situation, but little more than that before thereflection falls apart. Too many factors must be taken into account for this sort ofmirroring , making large-scale manifestations of this ability impossible. Anyinterference other than observation will end the “Reflected” state of the Shadow andturn it into a normal Shadow.

Mirroring Shadows. One of the advantages of the Reflected Pattern isthat it allows for greater manipulation of Shadows providing you are moving throughShadow, with the intention of having the subject Shadow conform to another in somerespect. Among these might be appearance, weather, inhabitants, etc...

Why would you want to do this?Well, for starters, to create doubles of places you want to inhabit your ideal

Shadow, or to "bring" elements from a nearby Shadow to another more distant onewithout the time required for the trip out to the other. This means that you canimagine radical changes in a Shadow and step through a relatively small number ofShadow changes (even as few as one) to find the desired items or creatures.

You can force Shadows to conform to the rules of the introduced elements,and can affect these elements as you would any other Shadow stuff. This creates theability to create duplicates of items or creatures in adjacent Shadows for your use orto be used offensively against others.

For example, in Shadow you can seek out the perfect army of fearsome,devoted Shadow warriors to serve you in Amber. On the way back from there, youuse the Pattern to manipulate the Shadows which you have already passed through(and didn't find exactly what you wanted) to have the same troops you gathered in the"source" Shadow. Another step through Shadow, and there are more of the same,ready to do your bidding. This can even be increased geometrically, doubling theamount each time until the army is beyond human ability to count. This doesn'tpresent the threat you might think it does, however. Logistics (training, supply lines,etc), communication, and organization make an army function, and such an armywould have considerable difficulties with those functions, to say nothing of howquickly others would notice such a force and be able to deal with it.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (352)


45 Points.Vortex is a Power which stems from the Leviathan, an entity of great power in the form

of a kraken with an endless number of infinitely long tentacles which reach through Shadow.Ancient and horrible, this being is the enemy of the Rebman Sea-Horse. It is possible that theLeviathan is merely a guise for the Logrus, suited for the Tritons, and that Vortex is a variant ofLogrus. Whichever the case, Vortex is used by Tritons primarily, and manifests many of thecharacteristics of their home realm, the Maelstrom.

If the Gamemaster has decided that the Vortex is merely an alternate version of Logrus,then it is recommended that characters who are already Logrus Masters should be allowed topurchase Vortex for an additional 15 Points.

Either Adaptation, the Triton “Limited” Shape Shift, or Shape Shifting are required tosurvive the initiation into the Vortex’s power. This is due to the fact that the ritual of initiationrequires one to remain underwater for days, venturing into the heart of the Maelstrom andthrough it, reemerging into the Maelstrom unharmed, or not returning at all, in the cases of thosewho do not survive it. This cannot be accomplished with artificial breathing aids.

NOTE: While these abilities (and even the Leviathan itself) might seem somewhathorrible and almost evil in the Amber universe, it is important to realize that these representprimal powers and forces of elemental natures. Applying human moral judgements to them is apointless task. To call the Leviathan or the Maelstrom evil because of its all-consuming naturewould be akin to hating gravity, or lightning, or other forces of nature.

Attribute Tips for Vortex. Psyche and Endurance, more than anything are the drivingforces for the ability to manifest the alien force which is the Vortex. Psyche is required to handlethe concentration necessary to keep from being destroyed by the Maelstrom, while Endurance isrequired to handle the awesome forces which move through the Vortex master’s body and intothe outside world.

Warnings for VortexLike the Logrus, there are quite a few dangers involved in using the Vortex. Even the

initiation ceremony is an ordeal, and most Tritons who attempt it do not succeed, and areswallowed by the Maelstrom. Those who have undergone and survived their trial become able tomanifest the power of the Maelstrom in the form of the Vortex, an incredible and dangerousPower.

Madness from Viewing Vortex. Seeing the tentacled monstrous horror of theLeviathan and the howling manifestation of the Vortex can drive one mad. Unlike Logrus, theTritons are immune to the horror of the Leviathan, believing themselves being a part of itgenetically. However, when they summon the Vortex to do their bidding, any who behold theVortex, or the Leviathan may be chilled to the bone with the sheer horror and dark, destructivepower which Vortex symbolizes.

Losing Control. Summoning forth a whirling Vortex of destructive force requires· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (353)

superhuman concentration. Unlike Logrus or Pattern, the Vortex does not dispel itself. When theVortex initiate ceases paying attention to the powers they have summoned, terrible things canhappen. The powers can rage unchecked, growing, and possibly even threatening the VortexMaster. It will disappear in a variable amount of time, from mere seconds to days depending onthe size of the manifestation. Greater uses of the Vortex, left unchecked, will ravage any Shadowit is brought into.

Self-Annihilation. Vortex is hungry, cold and quite alien to human comprehension. It isentirely possible that a character summoning Vortex might be taken themselves for theMaelstrom to devour. This is the greatest threat which the Vortex presents- the ability to becomeswallowed whole by the powers which the character has summoned. By losing one'sconcentration through being attacked or other adverse conditions, the Vortex Master becomes thefocal point for the forces which he or she has summoned. If given the chance, the whirlingMaelstrom will attempt to drag its creator into it before disappearing.

Sensitivity to Pattern. Like the Logrus, the Vortex is opposed to the power which thePattern (Reversed or otherwise) represents, and is susceptible to it. Bringing the Vortex to bearagainst a Pattern, a character with Pattern energy manifesting in some way, or a Pattern artifactproduces an incredible backlash of destructive energy which both forces will feel.

Sensitivity to Mirrors. If the Power of Mirror Wrighting is being used as a Trumpsubstitute, then it is possible that Vortex power is similarly vulnerable to them. Whether it wouldalso be vulnerable to Trump is a matter for the Gamemaster to surprise the characters with.

Vortex Abilities. The following abilities might be offered to the player who becomes afocus for the Vortex's energy.

Tentacles of the Leviathan. Similar to Logrus Tendrils, the Leviathan Tentaclescan be manifested and utilized in physical combat, manipulation, or to provide a link for spell-casting. They can move through Shadow or within the Maelstrom to retrieve or affect items, andcan be used with a Strength equal to the Psyche of the Vortex master. If distracted, the items heldby the Vortex tentacle are often pulled into the Maelstrom or sent on a chaotic course through thearea where they were released. One severe limitation is that the Leviathan tentacles are only ableto be manifested within the water, or from a body of water into open air. Underwater, thetentacles are visible as darkened, twisting tentacles of water.

Magical Vision and Spying. By forming a prism or lens of water, the Vortex mastercan view magical qualities and any traces of Power such as Logrus, Pattern, or in identifying theorigin of an item. By extending this lens along one of the Leviathan’s tentacles, the lens can beused to spy through, imbuing the water with a quality which conveys any images along its lengthto the Vortex master. This tentacle can move anywhere the Leviathan’s tendrils can, though onlywhere there is water enough to form the tendril. With considerable concentration, it can beextended through the Maelstrom into the outside world, even as far as Rebma or beyond! Such atentacle appears to have either a clear lens at the end, a staring eye, or the Vortex master’s face, ifdesired.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (354)

Movement within the Maelstrom. The Vortex master becomes able to use thetentacles of the Leviathan to move within the Maelstrom with ease, pulling oneself along them orfollowing their movement and being brought to the desired destination. As the tentacles reachthrough the Maelstrom into the Sargasso Sea and beyond, it is possible for Tritons to travel allthe way to Rebma with this ability. The focal point for all of these tentacles is the heart of theMaelstrom, where the Leviathan exists, and traversing them without controlling the directiontakes one to the very heart of the Maelstrom and certain oblivion.

Creating the “Eye” of the Storm. When manifesting the destructive nature of theMaelstrom Vortex masters can summon an “ eye” of the storm to surround them, shuntinganything which attempts to interfere with them into the Maelstrom and destruction. This can alsobe used when in a storm or other tumult of activity which might be threatening or otherwisedisruptive. This ability might be most useful in a hail of arrows or other missile weapons, inadverse weather conditions, or to resist being assaulted by other forces of nature. To drawintelligent or living beings into the eye of the Maelstrom requires a Psyche versus Psychestruggle on the part of the Vortex master and the intended victim.

Inflicting Horror. A psychic image and impression of the Leviathan can be broughtforth to "cloak" the summoner, instilling in those who view it a sense of alien horror, dread, andsometimes causing those of weak wills to flee in terror or pass out in fright. It is even possible toinstill temporary or permanent madness in those who see the horror of the Leviathan.

Psyche is the key to resisting this horror, as mentioned above in the section on Dangers ofthe Vortex. A character of Human Rank Psyche might pass out instantly, or even go insane.Combined with a Human Ranking in Endurance, this might lead to heart seizures, or literal deathfrom fright. Chaos Ranked characters might flee, or be blasted with the baleful psychic presenceenough to disrupt any concentration, such as spell-casting, or even making them lose the imageof the Logrus which they had summoned. Amber Ranking or above allows the character tobehold the Leviathan's image without ill effects, though they will undoubtedly be shakensomewhat by its presence.

Using some form of magical viewing or sensing, such as Logrus Sight or Pattern Lenseswill be even more startling and might even lower one’s resistance to the horror.

ADVANCED VORTEX65 Points. Of course, if you’re already a Vortex Master, then another 20 Points. If the

Gamemaster regards Vortex as a variation of Logrus, then Advanced Logrus Masters can buyAdvanced Vortex for another 10 Points.

Attribute Tips for Advanced Vortex. As before, Psyche and Endurance are equallyimportant in manifesting and surviving the Maelstrom’s force.

Advanced Vortex Abilities· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (355)

Summoning the Maelström. The most horrible power of the Advanced Vortexmaster is to summon to his or her side a link to the giant. This will manifest as a whirlingconstruct of chaotic force, depending on where it is summoned. Alone, it is a matrice of forcewhich resembles a whirlpool, the center emptying into the Maelstrom.

This force can them be imbued into an environment for additional effect. Created in, atopor under water, it becomes a whirlpool. In the air it takes the form of a mighty hurricane or asmall tornado, depending on the effort poured into it. In flames, it becomes a mighty whirlingfunnel of flame. On dry earth, it manifests as an earthquake which twists the landscape around itin a spiral path. It can be used any material or condition to warp it into the whirlpool effect whichspirals away to the Maelstrom.

Being caught in this is disorienting, and sweeps small items instantly into the whirlpool.Human-sized or larger beings can resist it with their Strength, which will be equal to the Psycheof the Vortex Master. The fate of those caught and swallowed by this force is to be deposited inthe Maelstrom where they will eventually be swallowed by it and be destroyed. The amount oftime this takes is equivalent to the level of activity the Maelstrom is at. If calm, it will take sometime, but if it is roaring and powerful, then it will take only minutes or even seconds.

The Blackness of Leviathan. The Vortex master can summon a cloud of blacknessissuing from his or her own body, which can fill a small area or even the entire sky, dependingon how much effort is placed into the attempt. This cloud is not physical, instead, it is highlymagical and effectively shuttles any light particles in an area into the Maelstrom. It cannot beblown away, any natural light produced in the area will be swallowed so long as an active effortis made on the Vortex master's part to keep the darkness active.

It can be dispelled in areas by magic-based light. This requires the source of the light(such as the spell-caster) to succeed in a Psyche versus Psyche struggle to dispel the darkness. Inthis case, the darkness is dispelled in an area equal to the size of the magical light produced, withoutlying areas being confined to a sort of "greyness" until the darkness disappears entirely.

This darkness can be extremely hazardous to those who use the Pattern to shift throughShadow, as it requires a visual fix on one's environment to manipulate the stuff of Shadow (orReflections).

Corruption. The Vortex summoner may use his or her link with the Maelstrom tocorrupt and alter the environment or substance of a place. This can be done in several waysdepending on the ends which the adept wishes to put the power to. To do so, the adept summonsthe power of the Vortex and instills a portion of its essence in whatever substance or place theywish to affect. If the item or being is able to resist, then its Psyche must be overcome. Things orareas that are strong in Pattern energy are especially resistant to this ability.

Some of the ways the Vortex can corrupt an environment, substance, being, or item are asfollows, in an increasing degree of severity.

Decay. The Maelstrom's essence can cause wood or cloth to rot, vegetation to wither,wounds to fester, water to stagnate, food to spoil, stone to crumble, metal to rust and weaken, andsimilar destruction of the condition of an item. Used on a living being, it can cause debilitating,life-threatening illness or a general physical wasting away. Instilled in an area, it can destroyfertile land, turning it into wasteland. Minor effects like this can be accomplished with a fewminutes of effort. If possible, the substance will return to normal in the natural amount of time· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (356)

for such recovery. For example, stagnant water might renew itself in time, but rusted metal willcontinue to deteriorate.

Despair. The psychological aspect of corruption instills in the target a lack of the will tolive, bringing feelings of despair, fear, self-doubt, self-loathing, and other mental ailments. Usedselectively, it can demoralize a person, or cause them to exercise their worse traits, andeventually lead them on a self-destructive course of self-hate. It is especially useful for"conditioning" suicidal troops, fanatics with little regard for their own lives. This takes moretime, requiring at the very least some sort of psychic impression of the being or group to beaffected. A few hours at the minimum, with recovery time dependent upon the original psychiccondition of the subject. A healthy, well-adjusted person might overcome their despair quickly,while a suicidal loner might never recover and continue further along the path of despair.

Entropy. Used against an entire Shadow, it can eventually create conditions ofinstability in the stuff of that Shadow. This can work directly, by making an area uninhabitablethrough natural disasters (blight, plague, famine, earthquakes, etc...) or by speeding depletion ofresources and pollution of the environment until the Shadow becomes uninhabitable. To do thisrequires serious investment of time and effort, perhaps a full day of concentration while in theShadow. The ability of the Shadow to recover depends upon the type of Entropy brought upon it,but if given the momentum of enough effort on the behalf of the Vortex, the destruction willcontinue until the entire Shadow is nothingness.

Projecting Awareness Through Shadow. The tentacles of Leviathan reach fromits place in the Maelstrom through Shadow, into the Sargasso Sea and the Coral Branch Sea-Shadows, and even into Rebma, in a manner similar to the Logrus Tendrils. They might evenreach into Shadow, the Courts of Chaos, and Amber! Users of the Vortex power are able toextend their consciousness along these tentacles, shifting their awareness into places other thantheir physical locations. If they possess any magical abilities, they are able to magically affect theworld, but not physically. This is a difficult and maddening process, which requires supremeconcentration and will be disrupted instantly should their bodies become disturbed significantly(the equivalent of what it might take to wake a deep sleeper).

The time required is the same for Shadow Shifting, though the adept of the Vortex doesnot have to physically move from their location. Killing the defenseless body of a projectingcharacter frees their spirit, which will decay within a time equal to the relative Psyche of thecharacter unless they are able to inhabit another body.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (357)

THE ELDER AMBERITES AND REBMAFollowing are a number of suggestions as to what the Elders might be up to when they

would be visiting Rebma, including some guidelines as to how they might be met, who theymight be with. These can reveal surprising sides of the character which players might notnormally get to see, as well as seeing them involved in matters which are natural for their rankand role in the universe.

Here are the elders and their places in Rebma, in alphabetical order...

Benedict. Trying to Trump Benedict if he is known to be in Rebma, the character mightcome across the following scene:

“ Benedict is sitting on a low couch, with his shirt removed, head down as hands rub hisshoulders. His torso is covered with fresh scars, and the stump of his arm is still startling to see.Behind him, Moire sits, legs curled beneath her as she massages his lean neck and back. Strewnacross Benedict’s lap and across the floor are a number or charts which depict Rebma’s defensesand surroundings. In his hand is a quill pen of some sort, and you can see notations upon themaps as he studies them.

He looks up at you and says ‘This had best be important...’”

Bleys. Characters studing one of the mirrors in Rebma might be startled to see this visionwithin it:

“ Two figures pass through a series of twisting tunnels, going deeper through the darkwaters. The taller of the two follows, and in one hand he bears a torch which burns yellow-green.In his other hand he bears a golden blade, and the Pattern flares within its metal. He moves historch to clear a small cloud of tiny fish which dart before his eyes, and you see that it is PrinceBleys. His guide is small and hunched, and cloaked. Bleys pauses, saying something, and thesmall form turns, revealing that it is an ancient, wizened Triton. You recognize some of themarkings on the wall as being those from the Cavern of the Seas.”

Brand. Imagine springing this on a character....

“ Following the mysterious Trump which depicted the massive tower outside Rebma, youwent to that place. Seeing lights from within, you crept up to one of the floor-level windows andpeered through the grate. Inside, you can see that the center of the place is nothing but a largehollow space, wall mounted with a spiral staircase of metal. The walls are adorned with mirrors,and something white and bright moves between many of them, frenzied, as if trying to escape. Inthe glare, you can see two forms standing on different points upon the stairs. Both are red-haired.One is younger, and you recognize him as Edmund. The other’s face causes your blood to runcold when you see him. Brand. He turns and looks directly towards you, and he smiles and fadesout in a rainbow of light which reflects crazily across the interior of the tower...

“What are you doing?”

Caine. In a bar in the city Amber, you overhear one of Caine’s former lieutenants talkingabout their captain. One of them relates the following tale:· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (358)

“We were in the waters above Atlantis, on the flagship Unicorn, when the bosun sawsomething rising from beneath the waters, moving fast. We brought the ship to port, so that wecould fire the cannons Caine had provided the flagship with for that voyage. They worked in thatplace, I reckon. Anyway, the thing surfaced, and I’d be lying to claim that I didn’t soil myself.

“ It was the size of a small mountain, scaled and covered with pale, dark bumps and amass of tentacles which floated in the water almost ten ships-lengths alongside it. One terribleeye opened.

“Gods, you could sail a dingy within that blackness.... It regarded us, and Caine cancelledthe order to fire. The first mate muttered something about krakens, and Caine corrected himwithout turning his head.

“ ‘No,’ said in that voice of his, ‘that, my good man, was a Triton.”“ They seemed to regard each other for a long while, and damned if we weren’t all quiet.

All you could hear was the creaking of the ship, the splash of waves against that monster, and thecries of seagulls as they landed on this new living island.

“ Finally, the thing rolled and went under, and we rocked to the undertow for a fewminutes. Caine stood still on the deck, watching it until it was gone from sight and the waterswere still again. We thought he was joking next, when he said, and I remember it exactly...

“ ‘We’ll need bigger guns next time, and more ships.’”

Corwin. Characters in Castle Rebma might run across this scene:

“While walking through the mirror-walled corridors of Castle Rebma, you find a doorajar. It’s never been opened in your memory. It is the room to Deirdre’s chambers from her exilein Rebma, which have been locked since she departed Rebma. You can hear something soundinglike cursing, coming from inside. Peering through the gap between the door and frame, you seesomeone large, in black and silver sitting with his back to you. Black haired, a silver sword lieson the bed next to him. One of his hands holds a Trump, the other clutches a black garment,which floats around him in the water, like a big black ink cloud with silver trim.”

Dworkin. Characters seeking to traverse the reversed Pattern in Rebma might arrive tofind that it is already in use...

“You open the heavy, basalt doors, and light shines from within. You pull the doorfurther open and see a hunchbacked figure walking at one side Pattern there, which glimmersfrom the floor. Lines of force fill the air around them, almost as if the Pattern is raising into theair, being freed of the tracery upon the floor, and you look upwards to see that the ceiling of theRebman Pattern Room is mirrored, and upon it is an identical image of the Pattern. On theceiling is another man, this time taller, thinner, balder, and bare-chested, but equally strange andsomehow related. For a moment, the two men seem to be mirror-images of each other, and arewalking in perfect synchronization, exactly at opposite points surrounding the Pattern. The linesof energy seem to be moving between the two images, and the waters rush and boil as they passbetween the paths. You see exactly above you, an image of yourself staring back, and youwonder for just one crazy moment which one of the two images is the real one...”

Fiona. Characters might be in Castle Amber, and encounter the following scene:· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (359)

“You’re walking through the Castle Rebma, and notice you’re in a hallway which seemsidentical to Amber’s Hall of Mirrors. You turn around and see that the hallway now stretches offbehind you into the darkness, as if you have been walking in this corridor for some time. Somuch for that appointment with Moire. It’s funny, though. You never heard of anyone being inthe thing when it’s been seen, but down the hall a little way, you see someone in a green dress,with red hair. Getting a little closer, you recognize your aunt Fiona. You can hear voices, andyou notice that light seems to be coming through the mirrors near her. A voice barks your name,and you turn to look at an unfamiliar man who regards you from the mirror nearest you.

“ Fiona turns to you. You see that each mirror is filled with these images of men andwomen, strangers all, but eerily familiar. She says ‘We’ve been waiting for you. It’s time for youto venture forth and meet our relatives in the mirrorworld.’”

Flora. Characters might bump into her in the city proper, where she occasionally shops.

“You almost collide with a man who staggers out of a one of Rebma’s finer botiques,carrying an armload of packages and bundled garments. He drops many of the boxes, allowingyou to see his face. It’s Bill Roth, who says unceremoniously “Good to see you again. Nowplease take some of these...” You hear your name called, and Flora bursts out the door, escortedby a beaming shopowner and her tailors. You’re a bit startled to see Flore barebreasted, dressedall in the latest and most fashionable Rebman garb, but the feeling passes when she’simmediately surrounded by a small cadre of devoted Rebman gallants. Apparently, they werewaiting outside. Bill Roth looks at his watch, shakes it, then groans.

“ ‘I have no idea how long I’ve been captive in there... Good thing this isn’t working.’”

Gerard. Characters might find themselves invited to a formal dinner, and be placed nextto a surprise guest...

“You’re seated and a moment later, a massive hand closes over your shoulder. Lookingup, you can see a big forearm connected to an even larger bicep, and the whole thing merginginto a shoulder like a slab of beef. A beaming face with a fringe beard sits next to that shoulder.

“ ‘Thank goodness someone else from Amber is here,” he says as he eases his solid frameinto the chair beside yours. ‘I’ve forgotten how to drink down here and don’t want to look thefool.’”

Julian. Reaching Amber’s master of the hunt via Trump might yield this image:

“ Seated upon the mighty horse Morganstern, Julian rests, blade naked in his hand and asmall patrol of Rebman guards to either side of him. Two trails of bubbles emerge from thedemon horse’s nostrils, while Julian has on a breathing apparatus attached to his own face, scaledand white like his armor. His cloak billows in the current around him, and they stand upon thecliff-edge of a dark, deep undersea grotto. Inside, strangely colored lights shine from below, thethe men ready their spears and brace themselves.”

Random. A venture into one of Rebma’s seedier gambling dens, perhaps in assistance of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (360)

Vialle, who cannot seem to locate him and doesn’t want to trouble him with aTrump, couldlocate Random doing what he does best:

“ There, seated in the back, you finally see him, among all the other people who shout,gesture, shake dice, and clutch cards. Random has his back to the wall, and his feet upon thetable, grinning around a cigar. The stack of coins next to him is prodigious, and the music in thecasino is strange. It takes you a while to realize it, but it’s some kind of jazz being played onmedieval instruments. He smiles when he sees you, nods, and lays his cards on the table.

“ ‘Party’s over, boys,’ he says to the rough crowd of gamblers and musicians he’s sharingthe table with as he scoops up all his winnings. ‘Gotta get back to work.’”

The Younger Amberites- Merlin, Dalt, Coral & Luke. None of these youngerAmberites gave any word that they had been to Rebma, so they might go there just to see theplace for the first time. As such, any of them might be guesting in the Sea-Court with Llewella orMoire and spending the day sightseeing. For some variety, you could have Merlin exploring therusted, sunken ruin of a nuclear vessel outside the Coral Branch, wearing a radiation suit andtaking readings. Dalt might have expanded his ransacking repertoire to Sea-Horse shrines. Coralcould be looking at the Sea-Gate, or just swimming somewhere with her sister/demon friendNayda. As for Luke, he’d likely be in the middle of a group of Rebman investors, explaining insimple terms how the business arrangement will work for them, making both groups rich.

The Chaos Factor- Mandor, Dara & Suhuy. Visitors from the Chaos ends ofthings might find their interests aimed towards the Vortex rather than Rebma and the reversedPattern. Suhuy, Master of the Logrus, could be encountered while surveying the Maelstrom froma cliffside or drifting above it upon a filmy. One might hear of Dara dining with Moire herself,trading stories and complaining about Corwin. Mandor’s tastes are esoteric enough that he couldbe parleying with a Triton, playing chess with Lir himself, or back in Rebma bartering for somefine Hy-Brasail wines.

Amberite Worship in Rebma.In Merlin's books of the Chronicles, we learn that when defeated by Amber, the denizens

of the Courts of Chaos took to a strange sort of fascination and even worship of their conquerors,feeling that the Amberites possessed something that the Courts had lost. According to theHellmaid Gilva in Prince of Chaos, "There grew up a brisk trade in Amber memorabilia from thewar. People became fascinated by our conquerors. Biographical studies of the royal family soldvery well. Something like a cult began to take shape. Private chapels such as this began toappear, dedicated to a particular Amberite whose virtues most appealed to someone." This isfrom a world as ancient and opposed to Amber as can be imagined.

Now consider Rebma, caught for so long in Amber's shadow, lying, so to speak, atAmber's feet. The Rebman people would only naturally show considerable interest in theirAmberite counterparts, and a similar condition might exist in Rebma as does in the Courts ofChaos. Consider this passage from The Hand of Oberon between Vialle and Corwin, as theyspeak to each other for the first time:

"Why do you ask me these things?"· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (361)

"I want to understand you," she said. "Ever since I first heard of you back in Rebma, evenbefore Random told me stories, I wondered what it was that drove you. Now I've the opportunity-no right, of course, just the opportunity- I felt it worth speaking out of turn and order beyond mystation simply to ask you."

In many ways, her behavior towards Corwin is similar to Merlin's step-brother Mandor'swhen Mandor met the object of his personal worship, the Princess Fiona, in Sign of Chaos. Itdoesn't take too much imagining to see that Rebman worship of (or at the very least, extremeinterest in) the Lords and Ladies of Amber is inevitable.

How can this be used in play? Several ways:

A Family Tradition. Rebman characters, upon creation, might wish to choose a"patron" Amberite which their family worshiped in Rebma. Note that for the members of theRebman Court described here, these have not been assigned to allow the Game Master thefreedom to ignore or choose his or her own appropriate focuses of devotion which are specific tothe versions used in the existing campaign.

Parental Worship. Another possibility for half-Amberite Rebmans is that thecharacter's parent actually is the Amberite worshiped by the Rebman half of his or her family.This is a way of assigning Devotees or Allies in Amber, and can also create an interestingmotivation for the character to wish to spend more time with the parent. Perhaps the worship isunknown to the Amberite, or the truth behind the character's birth has been kept a secret. Imaginegrowing up worshiping someone like Benedict and then finding out that he was your father. Sucha revelation would be emotionally profound, creating a character with exciting potential for role-playing.

Cults of Personality. What if the Amberites deliberately foster this worship, appearingoccasionally to their followers and serving as living gods to the Rebman people? Regarding theRebmans as primitives, certain of the Princes and Princesses of Amber might seek glorificationand worship in Rebma. After all, to the immortal children of the Unicorn, the Rebmans are justanother batch of imperfect reflections of themselves, to be disposed of or used as needed. It's notnice, but little in Amber is when examined. This explains Llewella's preference for Rebma. InAmber, she's just one princess among many, but in Rebma she's a visiting god. Random's ownbehavior in Rebma might be a result of this contempt for the Rebmans and their feelings.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (362)

ADVENTURING IN REBMAIn The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny achieved a masterpiece of multiple-

world fiction, creating a universe where anything can exist, any adventure can be had, anyhero can be found. For role-players, this presents a world which is literally only limitedby the player's imagination and the Game Master's approval.

His description of Rebma, however short, was tantalizing in what it was able toevoke about Rebma's similarity to Amber and what made it different. Everything in thissourcebook is based in some part on the groundwork laid in those few pages of NinePrinces in Amber where Corwin and his siblings visit Rebma. Just as Amber itself ismade real through the small amount of it we have see, through that small section, Rebmabecomes a world both familiar and fresh, a wonderful setting for Amber adventuring.

Following are suggestions and discussions of elements from the novels whichmight be expanded to base campaigns upon, or enrich them in some ways. This sectionalso covers elements introduced in the latter five books of the Chronicles, as detailed inShadow Knight.

Each is followed by a number of adventure “ shells” in bold text which areoutlines for adventures, ideas, elements, sub-plots, or so on. Some adventure shells have a“ pearl” in italic text, meaning a special twist which might make things more interesting,the nugget inside the adventure which might be especially important, or the secret at theheart of things. These are not usually comprehensive enough to make into an adventure.Rather, they are provided as suggestions to get Game Masters thinking, or as separateelements from which a larger, universe-threatening plot can be constructed. As with thenovels, a series of apparently disparate events can build into one massive plot whichseems obvious in retrospect.

Amber.Amber’s involvement with Rebma is old and many-faceted, and characters might

find themselves easily drawn into Rebma through a variety of causes. Politicalmaneuvering, manifestation of Power in some form, or personal quests could all bringRebma into the campaign’s center stage.

The section on “Why Rebma?” in the beginning of this sourcebook offers a largelist of ways in which Rebma can be used in an Amber campaign.

One night, the Rebmans look up in horror to find a naval battle being foughtabove them, with ships afire, sailors falling into the water, and ships ready to sinkatop the City Rebma. Moire contacts Amber in a panic, demanding to know what isgoing on and why a naval battle is being fought atop Rebma. Random is perplexed,as there are no ships in the Amber navy out there, and the Lighthouse at Cabra hasspotted nothing amiss. Is this a ghost image of some great sea-battle, or some visitorsfrom another reality visible only to Rebma?

Amberites.The Elder Amberites have many reasons for being interested in Rebma, from

Random’s past there to Llewella’s making it her home. The section on “Amber andRebma” describes many Amberite’s pasts or views toward Rebma. Once Rebma is· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (363)

introduced into a campaign, characters will undoubtedly be quick to develop relationshipswith that place all their own.

Some of the Amberites have obvious reasons for being connected with Rebma.Among these are Llewella, Martin, and Random. Here are a few suggestions for ways theelder Amberites might be involved...

Oberon might have some other children hidden within Rebma, like Llewella,who are just waiting for the right moment to step into the spotlight. Alternately, hemight be Moire’s father as well as Llewella’s, and has left some sealed messagelegitimizing her birth to further complicate things in Amber and Rebma.

Moire’s fondness for Benedict could come from a long-standing relationshipbetween them. His reappearance in Amber might have caused troubles betweenthem. Perhaps she is interested in making their relationship a union, and isconsidering asking for Benedict’s remaining hand in marriage. Offspring ofBenedict or Moire might be called in to act as go-betweens in this arrangement, orthey might object to things and attempt to make things difficult.

As mentioned in the section on Edmund, Brand spent some time in Rebma.What was he doing there aside from looking for information on Martin? What elsemight he have learned? Would he have found allies? What experiments and half-finished enchantments would be left for the curious to discover? Fiona claimed thatBrand saw Corwin’s interference in Tir-na Nog’th. Would he have gone to Rebmaseeking further illumination? Perhaps Moire’s involvement with Corwin a part ofsome scheme of Brand’s, to slow his brother down or delay him indefinitely inRebma.

Corwin’s fling with Moire might have resulted in an offspring. This childwould have access to the Powers of Rebma and Amber, and would be considered theheir to Rebma unless a challenger existed. Perhaps the child was raised in a fast-time Shadow, or enough time has passed to make them old enough to enter the race.Alternately, such an offspring can be introduced to the campaign as a child,presenting a chance to see a non-player character grow up in the campaign,reappearing throughout several sessions, older each time. As the issue ofRebma/Amber time discrepancy has never been addressed, and the time-spanbetween events in the first five books and the later books of the Chronicles neverdelineated, a child could have grown to full maturity in Rebma for campaigns setafter events in Zelazny’s books.

The Moire/Corwin offspring is a very desirable selection of background for aplayer-character, and might be assigned or suggested during character creation, perhapsto a character with a surplus of Good Stuff.

What did Deirdre spend her time doing in the couple of years she wasapparently in Rebma? Still allied with Corwin, and there with Random andLlewella, could she have made some plans of her own? Would she have seen herown death at Brand’s hands? Could she have done something to prevent it? Perhaps· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (364)

the Deirdre pulled over into the Abyss was a mirror-double of the real Deirdre? Ifso, what has the real one been up to since?

Eric must have done something to have earned Moire’s enmity. Perhaps heand she have a child of their own, or he behaved much as his brother Randomtowards the Queen or one of her daughters. Why would Oberon officiallyacknowledge Llewella over Eric, and what would Eric have done about it? PerhapsEric or his men made attempts upon Llewella’s life to eliminate her from thesuccession at some point in the past.

As the master of Amber’s fleets, Gerard has had ample opportunity to dealwith Rebma. What is the nature of their defense agreement? Does Gerard haveRebman mariners working for him? Could he call upon Moire to aid Amber in itsdefense? A simple, non-”threat” adventure might take place at sea on a hunt tobring down a Kraken which has sunk one of Amber’s trade vessels. Perhaps aKraken attacks the ship the characters are on. Oberon’s prohibition against killingnarwhals might result in an Amberite navy ship being dispatched to capture agroup of whalers who ignored the ban. Gerard was regent of Amber for some years(perhaps even decades!), while the others were battling the forces of the Courts ofChaos. How would relations between he and Moire have gone during that time,when neither was certain as to the fate of the rest of the family?

Julian, as Warden of Arden, has a lot of chances for involvement withRebma. His men might intrude on Rebma pursuing an escaped prisoner or fugitive.A conflict with Rebman guards kills some Rebmans, and Moire is enraged,demanding the foresters be turned over to Rebma for imprisonment, or else war isthreatened. Perhaps the fugitive is offered sanctuary by Moire, and used as ahostage against Julian’s apology.

Dworkin’s experiments with repairing the Primal Pattern might haveinvolved Rebma at some fundamental level. In the story “Blue Horse, DancingMountains,” during their mysterious game, Dworkin tells Suhuy “...I have severalpieces of his memory I found years ago drifting above the Pattern in Rebma,”explaining that Corwin is often underestimated. What was Dworkin doing there?What other memories are drifting above the Pattern in Rebma? Does Corwin stillhave those memories, or did the Rebman Pattern choose which memories it restoredto him? This goes well with the possibility that it changes those who walk it.

Other Amberites could have a greater variety of reasons for meddling in Rebma’saffairs. Delwin’s involvement with the Corridor of Mirrors might cross over to Rebmaand its mirrors. Did Osric or Finndo have anything to do with Rebma in the early days ofAmber’s founding? Would Caine have figured out how to listen in on the mirrors, as hedid the Trumps? Fiona and Bleys would naturally have exhibited some interest in thereversed Pattern there. Ever fascinated by power, Merlin might even take a trip down toRebma to assay the reversed Pattern, to add it to his list of attunements andaccomplishments. Florimel might even have some irons in the fire in Rebma. Luke,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (365)

interested in his father’s past, might follow Brand’s steps down to Rebma sometime,seeking answers to his father’s madness. Even an Amberite as obscure as Sand couldhave had connections in Rebma before departing Amber. Would she have kept them?

Involvement with elder Amberites doesn’t have to be confined to the oldergeneration of Amberites, or even known Amberites...

A mysterious character washes up in Rebma from a sunken ship and isrescued by Rebman gatherers or hunters. Taking the unconscious form to CastleRebma, Moire recognizes that the figure has traces of Pattern within their blood.One of Random’s spies (or another source close to one of the player characters)alerts Amber to this new relative. The only trouble is that the Amberite hasn’tawoken from the strange sleep, and Moire has refused to release her.

The Cavern of the Seas.The mysterious Cavern of the Seas, described in the “ Points of Interest” section

of this sourcebook, is a classic source of adventure ideas. Sealed and perhaps unexplored,characters with an adventuresome bent can be the ones to open it, or could be summonedto investigate it if it is trespassed in. A locked room has a certain appeal to it which manycannot resist. A part of the growing up “ ritual” in Rebma may have involved entering theCavern of the Seas, much as Shadow Earth children brave the terrors of haunted houses toprove their courage.

Something has broken into the Cavern, or broken out of it. Magical wardsset to alert Moire of intrusions in the Cavern have gone off, and she asks charactersshe is friendly with to investigate. What could have come through? Who would havea reason to enter? Where do the tunnels lead? Perhaps one tunnel leads to thePattern in Amber, and characters find tracks leading in that direction, arriving onlyto see a mysterious figure upon the Pattern in Amber, wreathed in sparks...

A flashback for a Rebman character might have them doing the inevitableduring their childhood and opening the Cavern to explore. Perhaps they sawsomething within which they have repressed for years. It could be that they releasedsomething which has returned to haunt them.

The Cult of Amberite Worship.Though it is unknown whether Amber and Rebma ever fought a war, Amber

probably would have come out on top in such a struggle. Perhaps Rebma worshipsAmber in a manner similar to the Courts, with a secretive cult for each differentAmberite, with hidden shrines and temples. Who might be a cultist, and who would theyworship? What would that mean, living so close to Amber?

An interesting analogy might be made to the ancient Greeks, who believed thatthe gods lived on Mount Olympus. The gods were powerful and mysterious in manyways, and deserved to be worshiped, but were also recognizably human, with flaws andearthly attributes. They could be tricked, would seduce or marry mortals, and could evenbe trapped or killed. This bears a strong resemblance to geographical description we haveof Amber, which rests on the slope of Mount Kolvir, with the city Amber beneath it near· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (366)

the waterfront. Imagining that the worship of Amberites carries down past the city Amberinto Rebma isn't too difficult a stretch.

For that matter, perhaps the worship of Amberites is public and encouraged, withopenly displayed statues of the Amberites displayed throughout Rebma, oaths sworn ontheir names, tales told and songs sung of them, and festivals devoted to their worship.Maybe each Amberite has such a place entirely devoted to them, with Llewella being thesource of Rebma's worship. Corwin might have once called Avalon his own, and Bleys'Avernus gives every notion of being such a place. Such an arrangement might be viewedby us as a bit egocentric, but for masters of an infinite number of worlds, it would be onlynatural.

Adventures with this aspect might concern personal effects being stolen fromAmberites to decorate Rebman shrines (this can also be extended to Chaosianshrines). Characters might find valuable or prized personal possessions being takenunder mysterious circ*mstances, or be asked by Elder Amberite friends or parentsto investigate. Alternately, characters can be accused of the theft, and be forced tosearch for the culprit to prove their innocence. Being able to enter through a mirrormakes it possible to frame someone easily if the Rebma cultist is so inclined.

Dara imprisoned Corwin within his own shrine in Prince of Chaos. Theremight be Rebmans with the same intentions, both worshiping the Amberite andrevenging themselves for some past wrong. Characters might find themselves caughtup in such a trap, or perhaps trying to find and rescue a relative who is imprisoned.

Some cultists might have much less sinister motives in mind. They might justlike to admire their patron Amberite, without any designs upon them or theirpossessions. Consider this scene from the short story “Coming to a Cord” whereFlora meets a strange visitor who has just stepped into her chamber from hermirror:

“Who are you?” she asked.“Well, I’m a sorcerer,” he said. “I was hiding in your mirror, as I have every

night for a long while. I have this crush on you and I like to watch you as you go aboutyour business.”

“Peeping Tom- a voyeur!” she said.“No,” he said. “I think you’re a nice looking lady, and I like watching you.

That’s all.”

Characters might find themselves catching someone glancing at them from acorner of their mirror, or find the items near their mirror missing. They could bevisited, as was the case with Flora’s admirer, who showed up in trouble and seekinghelp, with Merlin’s creature at his heels.

Other ways Amber worshipers might make themselves known is throughmirror spying which suddenly becomes noticeable, where a character suddenlyturns around to see someone looking at them through their mirror, quickly· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (367)

disappearing. Game Masters can use the old horror movie trope of having someonevisible in the mirror, as if in the room with the character, who turns around to findthat they are alone, then back to the mirror to see that it is now empty. Ambercultists who were Mirrorwrights would likely have spy mirrors permanentlyattuned to their subject of worship, or looking into Amberite’s chambers. Especiallybold ones might announce themselves with a sudden, cryptic Trump or mirrorcontact, then disappearing.

Rebmans skilled in Sorcery or Empathy might send dreams of the ocean, orRebma into the sleeping minds of the Amberites to gain their interest and promptthem to visit Rebma. This might even take the part of making a character“sleepwalk” to Rebma, or visiting them in their dreams, inviting them or enticingthem to Rebma. The nature of these dreams will differ from character to character,but could range from romantic to blood-soaked, mysterious to open and affable.

Demons.Some questions to consider before introducing demons into Rebman-based

campaigns: Are there demons in Rebma? Can they be summoned there? What about theTriton Courts? Do they use demons there? Do demons have some place in the pre-historyof the Triton Courts and the Rebman universe? If Rebma's creation is tied into Amber's,then what are the demons doing there? What are aquatic Rebman demons like? Howabout Triton demons? What about their Powers such as Shadow and MagicManipulation? Are these as effective in Rebman Reflections as in Shadow? Will demonsfrom the Courts of Chaos be weakened if brought into the Rebman universe, or will theythrive?

Rebman reflections of demons could be much nastier than the Tritons. Theycould be primal beings of protoplasm, like intelligent jellyfish, capable of all sorts ofstrange Powers, Shape Shifting and Sorcery being the least of them. Like themysterious ty’iga, these Rebman demons could have all sorts of strange new Powersand capabilities.

Another idea would be to look to the writings of another author, H. P.Lovecraft, whose visions of Cthulhu and his dark kin and fearsome inhumanservants would present an altogether alien and alternative to demons as known inAmber and Chaos.

Perhaps Triton player characters grew up alongside these demons, and havesome for playmates and friends, such as Merlin’s old buddies Glait, Gryll, andKergma. A Rebman character may have grown up with a Triton childhood friend,thinking it was a demon or something else, not knowing the truth of their friend’sidentity. This could also apply to Amberite or Chaosian characters with a childhoodspent near the sea, who would likely be magnets for Tritons to seek out.

A character from Chaos might even mistake a Triton for a demon, or aRebman making the same problem, only reversing the assumption. How would· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (368)

Tritons react to demons, and vice versa?

Faiella-bionin, the Stairway into Rebma.The mysterious stairway to Rebma is the most direct means of getting into Rebma

for those who are not able to Trump in or otherwise teleport. As such, it might have somespecial significance to those in Amber. It is noteworthy that it is guarded at the base by asmall continent of Rebman guards. Against Amberites?

An Amberite player-character awakens on the beach next to the cairn ofstones marking Faiella-bionin one morning after heading to sleep peacefullyelsewhere in Amber or in Shadow the night before. They are wet, fully dressed andarmed, and have no memory of how they got to the beach. Checking with anyoneelse will reveal that the character has been missing for a couple of days.

“Beach Blanket Amber.” A lighthearted adventure might be played like a1950's style beach party movie, with the teenaged “Elder” Amberites filling in forFrankie Avalon and Annette Funicello on a sunny day on the shore near Faiella-bionin. Period dialogue would be required in this sort of outing, Daddy-O!Something wacky happens, and the characters all must get to the bottom of things intime for the hot dog cookout and beach dance contest. Those weird Rebmans mightbe responsible. Warfare could decide the beach volleyball game between Amber andRebma, if only Benedict would play. Who would Trump back to Amber for themarshmallows? Trump Artists could finally do those “swimsuit” Trumps they’vealways wanted to do. Musical numbers would be entirely optional, but appropriatemusic would help a lot.

One way to incorporate this into a campaign would be to make it part of someweird trap or hallucination. As one of Luke’s dreams concerned some of Lewis Carroll’screations, someone from Amber might have a guilty secret liking for these films, drawingthe characters inadvertently into a trap based on this genre.

The Fount of Power.Many of the possibilities for the Fount of Power's relation to the Rebman universe

are brought up in the section on Constructs, with the exception of one: the possibility thatthe Fount of Power accesses more than just a Shadow from each of the four majorelemental groups.

What if it is a Construct capable of bridging different universes, with the Amberuniverse being one of the four Shadows which it accesses? Amber's universe might beone of these, and Rebma's another. The first assumption is to assign Amber the earthelement, but is that right? Merlin entered the valley which surrounds the Keep in an areaof volcanic activity, likely the fire Shadow. Could it be that Amber's universe representsthis fire segment of the Keep's surrounding universe? Rebma's universe would be thelogical choice for the water section, and Tir-na Nog'th for the airy section.

If the Fount truly bridges universes, the fact that it has been fought over forcenturies is easy to understand, considering the incredible power it represents.

Perhaps extensive use of the Fount of Power is “draining” Rebma of magical· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (369)

energy somehow, causing great concern and making it more difficult to use Sorcerythere. Enchantments which draw on magic there are failing, and the power of theReversed Pattern is waning. In some versions of Rebma, the entire realm may bethreatened with simply fading away, drained of all magical force.

Rebman Sorcerers might enlist the characters into making a try at the powerof the Fount. Rebma itself might send troops against the Keep of the Four Worlds inyet another attempt at capturing it. Non-player characters connected with theFount, such as Luke, Jasra, Jurt, Julia, or even Brand might be drawn into conflictwith Rebma in this matter, and draw characters into it.

Ghosts.So we know that the Logrus and the Pattern can manifest themselves based on

imprints made of various Lords of Chaos and Princes of Amber when they traversed thetwo powers. They somehow create these "Ghosts" by wrapping the desired appearancearound a tracery of power and instilling within the Ghost an edited version of theoriginal's memories and personalities, then send them on various errands, to delivermessages, or set them to guard something or someone, or kill them.

Can Rebma's Pattern create Ghosts? Who has walked it? From the novels, weknow only of three people who have traversed Rebma's Pattern- Martin, Corwin, andRandom. Martin to claim his birthright, Corwin to regain his memory, and Random tokill Eric. Llewella, undoubtedly, has walked it as well. Who else?

As far as other possibilities go, can the Vortex manifest Ghosts? If Trump Ghostsexist in the campaign, can the mirrors of Rebma create them? What about EmpathyGhosts, which might be entirely immaterial beings which exist only as emotional states orfeelings.

Characters who have traversed the Rebman Pattern might be shocked whenthey come face to face with a reversed Pattern Ghost of themselves, sent by theRebman Pattern to do its bidding.

Mirrors.The mirrors of Rebma are rife with possibilities, and the section on the Mirrors of

Rebma details a number of ways they can be introduced or explained in the Rebmanuniverse. Here are a number of adventure ideas using the mirrors or the concept ofreflectedness:

A coordinated attack issues from beings of the Mirror World. Is it theShroudlings? A guisel? Another strange creature? Perhaps it is that strange colorfrom the Borges quote which prefaces this book, heralding the war between theworld of the reflected and reality. Is it an army of mirror doubles which steps forthto do battle, or do the fish of the sea lend their strength to this assault?

Some ages-old, secret crime is witnessed in a mirror when a characteruncovers a long-hidden mirror. Perhaps the crime was foul murder, and theperpetrator an Elder Amberite or one of the Sea-Court. Is this a real image from the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (370)

past, or a dark secret brought to light?

Mirrors elsewhere in Amber and Shadow suddenly quit reflecting and theworld they depict is similar to our own, but the doubles which inhabit it areenacting lives completely apart from those which their originals live. Somehow, theanswer lies in the reflection of the Pattern in Rebma.

A simple warp or tweaking of a reflection in a mirror one morning mightleave a slight magical residual trace upon a mirror, prompting a player toinvestigate further.

For some reason, during the morning ablutions, a character is driven totouch the mirror. Suddenly, there is a spot of dizziness, and the character realizesthat they are clasping hands with their reflection, who looks just as surprised asthey do. The double tries to enter through the mirror, and claims that they are theoriginal. An alternate means of doing this to make the character even moreuncertain about which universe is real is to have the two meet on one side of themirror, or in some grey place which is the domain between the mirrors, where theymust choose which world to enter. The double may enter this world, claiming to bethe original.

Game Masters really on the ball might go along with the player’s naturalassumption that their character is the “real” one and that the mirror image is the fakeone, then slowly introduce elements into the background which finally convince theplayer that they are in the wrong universe and not the other way around.

A character meets an Elder Amberite (maybe even their parent or Devotee)who doesn’t recognize them. Is it a Pattern Ghost, or some duplicate from anotherreflection of Amber?

The mirrors in Rebma begin reflecting another world instead of their own...Amber. Why? Who is responsible? Alternately, the mirrors reflect a Rebma which,horrifyingly, lies in ruins on the sea-floor, uninhabited, vine-choked, and fallen torubble. They might reflect some other version of Rebma, perhaps one where Martinor Llewella rules.

A character inadvertently manipulates or damages a mirror, perhaps outsideof Rebma, finding it in some dusty storage room in Amber. They release a non-player character or being trapped inside the mirror, who thanks them for theirfreedom (or attacks outright), then leaves, planning on revenging themselves forcenturies of imprisonment. What was trapped inside? Who put them there?

One quick, quirky little suspense grabber is to have a character suddenlynotice while in Rebma that they have “reversed” and that they are now left-handedwhere they were right-handed, that scars or other distinguishing marks are now onthe opposite side of their body, and that their possessions have similarly undergonesuch a reversion. What would cause such a thing? Is it a localized effect, only· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (371)

affecting characters while they are in Rebma?

A character discovers a mirror which has in it a small “pocket” Shadow ofthe reflection of the room bound into it. Outside the reflection is nothingness, as thisShadow is cut off from other Shadows. If placing something of power within it, itmight turn up missing! Can the Mirrorwrights of Rebma point out a solution to thisdisappearance?

In the prolog to Trumps of Doom, Suhuy, Master of the Logrus, beratesMerlin for daring to assay the Logrus before he was ready, and to have done soapparently unprepared. He says “...And a fool not to have borne a blade and soenchanted it... or a mirror, a chalice, or a wand to brace your magic.” A mirror.Perhaps Chaosians might seek specially enchanted mirrors in Rebma. Maybesomeone in Rebma has traversed the Logrus and enchanted a series of mirrors withits magic. What would happen to an already enchanted mirror being taken throughthe Logrus? Remember, not all the mirrors in Rebma need be the results of MirrorWrighting...

After a strange Shadow storm over Rebma, there is a lack of anycommunication from there. Bothered by this, player characters go or are sent toinvestigate. They arrive to a true “ghost city,” a completely deserted city. Perhapseveryone is gone without a trace. Perhaps characters will notice faces first glimpsingout of mirrors, pale and ghostly, caught in some mirror trap. They continue tobeckon towards the characters, silently pleading for help or escape. A charactercaught in such a deserted Rebma might find that it has become a trap, where allstreets reflect back upon themselves, and escape from the city via Trump or Sorceryis impossible. Traveling away from Rebma only brings one back to the city gates.Slowly, the characters are “herded” into the hungry mirrors.

The “twist” to this adventure idea might be to have the world reflected in themirrors be the real one, with the players somehow caught in the deserted reflected world.Those figures in the reflections are trying to reach the characters and bring them throughinto the real world. In such a scenario, the mirror world will begin to lose reality, imagesfracturing or slowly fading while the characters try to figure out how to escape.

Other Reflections of Amber.Amber's reality is so strong that it casts a reflection into the sky and the sea.

Actually, if one wants to argue metaphysics, the Primal Pattern is the prime reflector,throwing three reflections into existence. Rebma onto the ocean floor, Tir-na Nog'th inthe clouds, and Amber onto the summit of Kolvir. Perhaps there is another Amberduplicate somewhere, which has remained unknown for all these millennia to everyoneexcept for Dworkin and Oberon. Could another version of Amber exist somewhere?

If such an Amber exists, who inhabits it? Is it a race like the Amberites?, or subtlyaltered like the Rebmans? Do ghosts of the Amberites inhabit it such as in Tir-na Nog'th.How would one get there? One possibility is that the unexplored dungeons beneathAmber lead to such a place, unknown except to mad old Dworkin.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (372)

In a twist on the old tale of a sailor’s wife who waited for him to return longyears, only to have him come back changed somehow, perhaps an Amberite noble oreven a child of Moire’s returns to Amber or Rebma from centuries away, only tofeel that it is the wrong place, that things are not the way they are remembered.Perhaps the character has crossed from one reflection of Amber to another.

Characters recently visiting Rebma find themselves in an Amber which isreversed, as Rebma seems to be. Returning to Rebma will find it “normal,” as if it isthe original and Amber the reflection. Is this a universal flip, or is it confined to thecharacters? What force could accomplish this? Have the characters slipped intosome reflected universe?

This is a good way to begin a crossover campaign or adventure, with Amberitesof all description and universes suddenly converging in a “normal” Rebma seekinganswers.

The characters attempt to contact someone in Rebma, only to find that theycannot be reached. Alternately, Gerard’s marines notice that the lights of Rebma,usually visible at night below them, are all dark. An investigation onto the sea-floorreveals that Faiella-bionin ends at nothing, and the entire city of Rebma is missing.The chamber of the reversed Pattern is exposed, and the Pattern there is missing ordamaged, perhaps shattered as if a broken mirror. Has Rebma slipped into analternate universe of its own? Or does it disappear like Tir-na Nog’th at times?

The Patternfall War."I will not give you troops to aid against Amber. As you know, the chaos would

be reflected within my own realm," said Moire when Corwin, Deirdre, and Randompetitioned her for sanctuary in Rebma.

If Rebma mirrors Amber in events, then Queen Moire might have some roughtimes in store for her, based on what happened after that in Amber with the Black Road,Brand’s return, the war with the Courts of Chaos, and the death of Oberon and crowningof Random. The campaign scenario "Sign of the Leviathan" shows what happens whenevents in Rebma echo those in Amber and their confrontation with an ancient andpowerful enemy.

Another possibility is that the events in Rebma have already happened, and Moireis the one chosen by the Seahorse to take the Throne. Tir-na Nog'th is known as a place ofomens and fates, which makes Rebma a likely place for such events as well.

During a visit to the Rebman Pattern, the user discovers that it is shattered,or gone entirely from the floor of the Pattern room. What has happened? What doesthis mean for Rebma’s future? Is this a congruent event to Brand’s attempt atdestroying Amber’s Pattern?

Alternately, a character visits Rebma’s Pattern, only to find that it isaltering, lines moving, stretching, and warping out of shape slowly, flowing likewhite mercury across the floor of the Pattern Room. Why is this happening? Can itbe restored? How? What would happen if it were traversed?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (373)

The Powers at War.So the Serpent of Chaos and the Unicorn of Amber hate each other's guts. Always

have. They'll do anything to hurt, embarrass, or inconvenience the other. Merlin evenmuses on the possibility that both royal families are nothing but expendable pawns intheir deadly, ages-old game.

How do the Sea-Horse of Rebma and the Triton of the Triton Courts get along?Not much better. Whether they are mere reflections of the Unicorn and Serpent, or beingsin their own right, they have the same antithetical relationship. It might not even bepersonal. As universal principles, it might not be within their ability to feel any other waytowards their opposites.

On the other hand, the Sea-Horse and the Triton might have more in commonwith each other than the Unicorn and Serpent, and might not have the ages of bad bloodbetween them. As reflections of the originals, they might even feel a sympathy for eachother, caught in a war not of their choosing.

The Sea-Horse and the Leviathan are in conflict, and are calling upon anycharacters affiliated with either to declare their allegiance. A character like Merlinwith a double allegiance would find themself especially hounded by the Powers.

While in the Amber universe, the characters encounter one of the Powers,manifesting as either the Serpent or the Unicorn. If threatened, they are aided bythe appearance of the Sea-Horse or the Leviathan. When the other Power appears,characters hear dialogue between them stating that they were pledged not tointerfere in each other’s universes. How would the Sea-Horse fare against theSerpent? What would the characters owe for such assistance afterwards?

The Rebman Jewel of Judgement.The Amberite Jewel of Judgement is easily the most powerful magical artifact

mentioned in The Chronicles of Amber. The origins of the Amberite Jewel of Judgementremain cloaked in legend and mystery, creating a similar mystery for the Rebmanduplicate. About Queen Moire's neck, hanging betwixt her bare breasts on a crystalnecklace, is a large sapphire, the Rebman Jewel of Judgement which she wears as theQueen of Rebma.

Due to conflicting stories about the nature of the Jewel of Judgement, there areseveral possible explanations about this Jewel and its powers and origin, and the reasonsfor its existence in Rebma. If Rebma is just a reflection of Amber, then the sapphire Jewelof Judgement borne by Moire is simply a copy of Oberon's Jewel, and its powers arelesser and its existence reliant upon the original. This could explain the fact that Moireseems to wear it at all times, which would be deadly to a wearer of the original. Since thepowers of the Rebman Jewel of Judgement are less than those of Amber's original, thelife-draining effects of the Jewel are less potent as well.

Still, in Nine Princes in Amber, Corwin intuits that Moire would do anything togain the power of the Pattern for herself and her kingdom. It would be unlikely for her towear a gemstone bearing the Pattern within it, as she could not access the powers withoutbecoming attuned to it herself. Without the strength that the Pattern grants, such long-· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (374)

term exposure to the Jewel of Judgement might be fatal to a non-Amberite. If QueenMoire is not the blood of Oberon (his sister, daughter, or whatever), then it makes littlesense for her to wear the Jewel of Judgement.

And Moire is nothing if not a sensible woman.Whether the Rebman Jewel is equally powerful as Amber's is a matter the Game

Master must decide. The powers of such a Jewel of Judgement might differ significantlyfrom the original's, however. The description of Moire in the Rebman Court sectionprovides some variations on the Jewel of Judgement.

Characters needing the Jewel of Judgement for some universe-saving activity(and they always seem to need the Jewel of Judgement), might seek out Moire’ssapphire version of it, if the original is not available. Campaigns set post to theevents in Knight of Shadows might have Coral possessing the Jewel of Judgement,meaning that it is off limits to casual use. What sort of a deal would Moire make forthe loan of her Jewel?

Rebmans.The Rebman people themselves, noble and otherwise, present a gallery of

interesting ways to draw characters into Rebma’s politics or manipulations of power.

A Rebman noble visiting Amber is murdered brutally in Castle Amber. Theidentity of the assailant is unknown, though an Elder Amberite (perhaps a parent,ally, or devotee of one or more of the characters) was known to have harbored ill-feelings and is suspected in the murder. Alternate versions of this could be adisappearance, or reversed to an Amberite noble (or Elder) killed or disappearingwhile in Castle Rebma.

A Rebman noble foolishly attempts to walk the Pattern and is destroyed, at acrucial time in negotiations between the two realms, or as with Coral, they succeed,needing an Amberite’s help to make it through. Would they seek out the characterfor guidance in the future? Is the non-player character really a Rebman, or theoffspring of an Amberite? How would the character react to meeting a new familymember in this manner?

Encounters in the streets of Rebma might range from an attempted mugging(as Amberite royals are not known so well in Rebma), to an attack by a mob ofrevolutionaries (for Amberites who are recognized). Quick non-threateningencounters might just be having a character knocked over by a large fish, or beingasked for directions by another non-Rebman. Characters who disobey the unspokenrule about swimming in the street might accidentally kick someone in the face, orhave the same thing happen to them.

Player characters notice over a series of time that a Rebman ally or friend (ora player character herself!) is growing noticeably “fishier,” almost as iftransforming into a Triton. Is this a backwards slide in evolution, or is it astrengthening of some vestige of Triton genetics. Is it confined to the character, or is· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (375)

everyone from Rebma affected? Or perhaps the Rebman Pattern is losing its battleto keep the folk of Rebma human looking.

Characters onboard a ship near Rebma might see some Rebman youthsswimming with a group of dolphins. Perhaps they speak to the ship, or parley withthe Amberite vessel for some information about weather conditions.

Morganthe returns from the Shadow Sea she has been in, exiled after fakingher death. She declares Random’s marriage to Vialle invalid, as she and Randomhad married when they fled Rebma almost a century ago, a marriage which wasnever voided. Random, unwilling to take Oberon’s approach to marriage, istroubled. Is it really Morganthe? Characters are asked to determine if it is her, whatshe wants, and why she has returned to Rebma. Perhaps Martin is involved, seekingthe mother he never knew.

Someone is vandalizing Shrines to the Sea-Horse. Is it some Rebmanequivalent to Dalt, or something more sinister? Could it be the Tritons striking fearinto the hearts of the Rebman folk by attacking their emblem?

The Rebman Universe.Rebma is one of three reflections of the Primal Pattern, the others being Amber

and Tir-na Nog'th. From the Pattern in Amber stretches the reaches of Shadow, whichlead to the Courts of Chaos. It might be that each of the three Patterns split off with theirown array of Shadows which converge in the Courts of Chaos, parallel with each other.Another possibility is that they reach an alternate version of the Courts, with Rebma'sPattern opposed by the Vortex.

What would a universe of Rebman-based Shadows be like? The section on theCoral Branch describes an array of Rebman Shadows which might be used as examplesof a Rebman-based Shadow universe of Reflections. Would all of them be underwater?Would the denizens lose traces of humanity with distance from Rebma, until they werenothing but fish in the Maelstrom?

Shadows/Hellriding/Shadow Shifting in Rebma.What happens when one leaves the boundaries of Rebma headed further out to

sea? Since Rebma is close to Amber, Shadowshifting is very difficult, but not impossible.Will a traveler find other civilizations like Rebma's as they go further out? Will they walkthrough the Rebman version of the Golden Circle? Or will they simply drown?

What if Shadowwalking from Rebma (and Tir-na Nog'th) enabled one to enter anall-new set of Shadows? Since they are equally powerful as the one in Amber, then theyshould have the ability to cast Shadows of their own.

Imagine that instead of a bi-polar universe, all of Shadow strung between twogreat powers, Amber, Rebma, and Tir-na Nog'th are three equally powerful poles ofexistence which access a different set of Shadows each. It is ironic that with threePatterns (or five, if you count Corwin's Pattern and the Primal Pattern... or six, if youcount the one Merlin repaired... or fourteen, if you consider Jasra's statement about thePatterns near Amber in Knight of Shadows) the universe becomes a hell of a lot more· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (376)

Chaotic. The notion of Rebma and Tir-na Nog'th accessing new Shadows (and what might

lie at the other end of them) creates a great number of new options for adventures (not tomention origins for new Amberites).

Shadow Storms.Weather on the sea floor is pretty uniform, unlike the surface world. Aside from

currents which can be charted and vary little over millennia, there is little variety to theclimate underwater. Temperature remains mostly the same, seldom varying by more thana few degrees according to depth, and even the severest weather above sea level has littleeffect on the depths.

The exceptions to this are the Shadow Storms, which are feared in Amber andthroughout Shadows which know about them. Similar to natural storms in outwardappearance, Shadow Storms rip up the landscape as they pass through Shadows, changingthe stuff of Shadow, uprooting people and items and depositing them in adjacentShadows, sometimes even destroying entire Shadows outright. The effects of these arenot confined to the surface, either. Beneath the sea, and perhaps even underground, theShadow Storms wreck havoc upon what they touch, disrupting sea-life, sinking ships andsometimes even entire cities. Though Shadow Storms are relatively rare in Amber andRebma, they are still feared in both places.

Strange survivors of a Shadow Storm are swept into Rebma and encounterplayer characters. Perhaps they view them as threats, or as potential allies forreturning home.

A small island kingdom, perhaps one not far away from Rebma in Shadow, issubmerged by the disruption caused by a Shadow Storm. Player characters mightbe dispatched to find out what happened there, investigate the wreckage, and evenlay claim to the new underwater city in the name of Rebma.

Or for the opposite, a kingdom like Rebma is thrust into the air and needshelp before it is destroyed by contact with the surface. Immensely powerful Shadowmanipulation might be needed here to restore this place to its original home.

For a heroic, lifesaving mission, have the characters trying to aid thedenizens of a Shadow which is about to be hit by a Shadow Storm tsunami orthousand foot tidal wave.

The approach of a mysterious Shadow Storm is depicted in a propheticreflection by one the mirrors of Rebma, and players are dispatched to try to divertit.

A strange undersea Shadow Storm is created by the Tritons as a prelude toan attack. Characters are caught into the midst of it and encounter the culprits, ascouting party for the invading force.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (377)

A sorcerer (perhaps even a player character) inadvertently creates a ShadowStorm which manifests over Rebma. Can it be stopped before it destroys Rebmaentirely? How would the reversed Pattern react to a Shadow Storm in its proximity?

Someone interfering with the reversed Pattern somehow create such aShadow Storm, which begins to alter the very form of Rebma in new and mysteriousways. Characters are drawn into this by the Rebman Pattern itself, much asCorwin’s Pattern sought out Merlin’s help.

Spikards.Handy little items of power, these rings surfaced late in the Chronicles, and might

even be the source of future troubles in the Amber universe. Extraordinarily powerful,possession of one turned Merlin into a sorcerer capable of spell-throwing with the rateand effectiveness of a machine-gun, providing him with all sorts of power. He even hadtwo of them, one formerly owned by King Swayvil of Chaos (thoughtfully booby-trapped for Merlin by his relatives Mandor and Dara), and the other one supposedly provided byBleys, who might have worn one or two himself. Delwin had one in Merlin's dream. Andlet's not forget the signet ring of Oberon's which Dara seems to have possession ofnowadays.

Are there spikards in Rebma? Out of the nine which Suhuy knew about, three areaccounted for in the Chronicles, and Shadow Knight presents the possibility that Bleyswears three more of them. Where are the rest? They might be scattered throughoutShadow, in Amber, the Courts of Chaos, or even in Rebma.

Take another look at Corwin's description of Moire, where he claims that she "hada ring upon every finger, and each ring had a stone of a different blue within it." Perhapsthese are the Rebman versions of the spikards, which she keeps to herself, or they'recopies which she has made herself.

One or more of Moire’s rings are spikards, and alerted to this, Delwin comesknocking inside the Corridor of Mirrors, seeking her aid in constraining theirpower. Unfortunately, someone else in the Amber universe would have the powerfor their own... Would characters aid her if she were threatened, or try to claim aspikard for themselves?

The Succession in Rebma.What we know of Rebma's genealogy from Zelazny seems a bit strange. Random

first refers to Moire as "your sister's sister" when speaking with Deirdre about takingCorwin to Rebma. This implies that Moire and Llewella sisters, unless there is someother unnamed Amberite in Rebma. Deirdre and Llewella are only half-sisters, as Deirdreand Corwin share the same mother (Faiella). When speaking to Moire, they only refer toLlewella as "the Lady Llewella," not mentioning their kinship. Moins is named asLlewella's mother, with Oberon as sire. Is Moire's father a different person, or is she anunrecognized daughter of Oberon?

Corwin, Eric, & Deirdre's mother, Faiella, curiously bears the same name as thestairway into Rebma, Faiella-bionin. The reason for this is never given, and like many of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (378)

Oberon's women, Faiella's origins are never alluded to. Is it possible that Corwin's &Deirdre's mother was, like Llewella's, from Rebma? Eric, full brother to both Corwin andDeirdre reportedly considered asking Moire for her hand in marriage once he hadcrowned himself King of Amber. Rebma is the closest of Amber's allies, which wouldmake such a marriage desirable. It seems likely that Oberon felt much the same, andmight have spent more time in Rebma than we know.

Considering Oberon's lusty nature, other, Rebma might have more than a fewillegitimate Amberites among its citizens. The section on the Sea Court describes thisorigin as possible backgrounds for some of the characters there, including Moire herself.

Moire dies or disappears, and Martin is dragged kicking and screaming intothe struggle for the succession. Not wanting to be alone against a bunch of claimantsto the throne, he enlists others of his generation like Merlin and the playercharacters for assistance in this struggle for supremacy.

Tir-na Nog’th.Double of Amber in the sky, Tir-na Nog’th might be very connected with Rebma,

or not at all. Is it possible that they are directly above and below each other, with thestairway upon Kolvir following the same path as Faiella-bionin, only longer? How dothey interact?

Characters visiting Rebma find it inhabited by reflected versions ofthemselves and the elder Amberites, just as they would find in Tir-na Nog’th. Whatis up in Tir-na Nog’th, and what has happened to the Rebman people?

One morning at dawn, a Rebman swimming on the surface noticed someonefalling through the fading image of Tir-na Nog’th. The figure splashes into theocean, and is rescued and taken to Rebma, or to the beach near Faiella-bionin. It isan exact double of one of the player characters or an elder Amberite. When thefigure awakens, it claims that it is the original, though the world it comes from has aslightly different history.

This is another great way to introduce crossover characters into an ongoingcampaign, or for a guest appearance with a group who is all from one Amber universe.

The Tritons.The Tritons also present a new challenge to Rebmans and Amberites alike. The

biggest question is whether or not their existence is known in Rebma, or whether they aremerely phantoms from history, ancient legends and nothing more. As is mentionedelsewhere, a “ first contact” scenario could be an intriguing way to introduce them and toemphasize their strangeness and power.

Characters find themselves in conflict with a group of Tritons with the sameobjective. One possibility might to be have a small group of characters, or even onecharacter alone, while seeking something in Shadow or some area connected withwater, encounter a small group of Tritons with the same objective. It could be a· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (379)

duck and run scenario, like Random’s battle with Fiona’s grey Shadow servantswhen he sought to release Brand.

Similarly, a character might be drawn into an encounter with the Tritons inthe same manner, called for help by a captive, and pursued to the very gates ofRebma or Amber by the Tritons.

Characters could even run into a military offensive, with a small group ofcharacters trying to take a Triton-held fortress undersea, a sunken vessel, or byinfiltrating the Labyrinth in search of some source of Power, a captive ally, orinformation about the Tritons and the Maelstrom.

Undershadow.If the Powers-that-be (namely the Pattern and Logrus) are able to find this neutral

ground where characters are unable to manifest those Powers freely, then maybe thereversed Pattern and the Vortex have a similar set-up, perhaps appearing as a bottomlesstrench, or a featureless underwater plain, lit from all around rather than above. Lifeless,sterile, silent and motionless, it might be an eerie change to someone used to theturbulent, lively sea, bursting with life and beauty.

It might even be possible that Undershadow is something of a neutral ground formore than just the two great Powers in the Amberite universe, with the reversed Patternand the Vortex using it also, along with other universal Powers unknown to the denizensof Amber or Rebma.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (380)

A REBMAN THRONE WAROne means of providing a shakedown run for both new and old players and Game

Masters is the Throne War, letting you jump instantly into intense Amber role-playing. Astaple of conventions and the ultimate "beer & pretzels" way of playing Amber, theThrone War is a simple, no-holds barred struggle for the Throne of Amber (or in thiscase, Rebma).

Just like its Amberite counterpart, the Rebman Throne War is quick, deadly, usesall the rules, and provides an evening's worth of gonzo role-playing excitement.

Why Run a Rebman Throne War?For introducing Rebma to a novice or experienced group of Amber players,

nothing beats running a Rebman Throne War as a prelude to the actual campaign. Itprovides an easy-to-run, easy-to-ignore-once-it's-over session of Amber role-playingcentered in this new kingdom. Using a Throne War in Rebma is useful for letting thecharacters get the "feel" for new Powers and the different political climate, and providesthe Game Master a chance to choose how Rebma works best in his or her campaign.

Like Martin, characters might just leave Rebma and never return. Or they mightcome back to it time and again. A Rebman Throne War can also work as a "side"campaign to a larger campaign set in Amber, with player and non-player charactersperhaps making appearances in the major campaign.

Character Creation for a Rebman Throne WarA Rebman flavor of Throne War involves many of the same elements of the

Amberite version, though with some small differences...

Positions. As in the Amber Throne War, characters may, in addition toAttributes, Powers, Artifacts, Creatures, and Allies, bid for positions. These mightinclude the Castellan of the Castle Guard, General of Rebma's Armies, Sheriff of the Cityof Rebma, Admiral of Rebma's Fleets. Additionally, they may bid on one of the two otherpositions:

Heir Apparent. This position is an interesting one, which basically places thecharacter next in line for the throne. This amounts to making the character the officiallyacknowledged eldest son or daughter of the Queen, born while in wedlock and first in anyreasonable accounting of the succession. While this position doesn't guarantee any specialability at gaining and holding the throne, it makes the character the most legitimatechoice for the job, and might serve to influence others (such as those from Amber) as tothe rightness of the claim.

Amber's Ambassador to Rebma. While this position in some ways adeterrent towards claiming the Throne, it is useful for alliances and might be purchasedby players who want to become "the power behind the throne." Officially sanctioned byKing Random in Amber, the Ambassador basically affects Amber's policy towards thesuccession in Rebma. They can create a situation where Amber feels that they must· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (381)

intervene and place their own choice for ruler on the throne of Rebma, or give thesuccessor their blessing and pledge to support them against any uprisings or coupattempts.

Artifacts. The Rebman sapphire Jewel of Judgement is the most powerfulmagical artifact in Rebma, equivalent to Amber's own ruby Jewel. Most precious of theCrown Jewels, it has many arcane powers over the physical world which make itinvaluable for any would-be monarchs. The auction for the Jewel will guarantee that theplayer begins with the Jewel (perhaps given to him or her for safekeeping by the Queen)sometime before play begins. The character is familiar with the basic powers which theJewel offers (see page 131 in the rulebook for a description), but is not yet Attuned to theJewel.

Other Artifacts such as Moire's Coral Scepter may be also auctioned off.Characters desiring Trump decks or enchanted Mirrors may either pay points or they maybe auctioned to the top few bidders.

Allies. As is proven so often in Throne Wars, it's not what you know, it's whoyou know. In Rebma, however, the priorities are sometimes a bit different. In a RebmanThrone War, the most important ally is the one who has the least presence in Amber...Llewella.

Llewella. Sister to the Queen, Llewella's allegiance is very important to anywould-be successors, as she is the link to a whole different set of relatives and potentialallies above in Amber. Depending on which version of Llewella is used, she might rangefrom a useful contact to the player's link with Rebma's enchanted mirrors, or its reversedPattern.

Other allies who might be useful in the Rebman Throne War are Gradlon, or evenyoung Martin. Scylla or Selene are also good choices for allies as well.

Starting Things.Once characters are created and the rivalries in place, the Game Master should

begin the Throne War with a similar passage to the one from the Amber Throne War,gathering a majority of the players within one place and setting the crown up for grabs tothe one who can take it and hold it. The section on Adventuring in Rebma presents manysmall adventure “ shells” which can be added to this Throne War to complicate things.

Resolving a Rebman Throne War.This is done just as an Amber Throne War, with the winner being the character or

cabal which seizes power and are able to hold it against the threat of their siblings, eitherthrough killing them, bullying them into submission, neutralizing them, or making deals.As mentioned above, the possibility for making a “ side” Rebman campaign whichinteracts with the regular Amber one provides a lot of opportunity for great role-playingin an alternate to Amber!· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (382)

REACH OF THE LEVIATHANThis adventure is best suited for characters with strong ties to Rebma, perhaps through

parents, allies, and/or birth there. Amberite characters can be drawn into it through havingDevotees or Allies request their help, or by being pulled into events by Random or by actions ofthe Tritons against Amberites themselves. It is suitable for a short campaign or a single-sessionadventure, depending on how much depth the Game Master wants to put into it.

The Threat Summary: The Tritons have made their move against Rebma, sendins a series ofstrange beasts through Shadow, after Rebma. Seeking the source, Moire was lured away fromRebma and captured. The Tritons seek mastery over all of the Rebman universe, from theMaelstrom to City Rebma itself, and would like to destroy the reversed Pattern beneath CastleRebma and return to their former glory.

Getting Started.The characters have all been summoned to the Throne room of Rebma for various

reasons, by various functionaries of the Court, Llewella, or others who might have connections inRebma. The unusual thing about the summoning is that Queen Moire was not the one to summonthem in what seems like business for the crown of Rebma. She cannot be reached via Trump orother means of communication, and has been out of touch for several months.

Recently, though, odd and disturbing visions of Moire have been seen in the Mirrors ofRebma, and there is cause for sudden worry, that sinister forces are behind her disappearance.Finally, the Sea-Court decided to act, and called this meeting of those who could help them.

Here are some options for reasons why the characters would have for being present inRebma:

Rebman Characters: The news in the streets of Rebma is that the Queen is dead. Thetruth of the matter is that she’s just disappeared and has been missing for several months, and noone knows where she’s gotten to. Naturally, any noble members of the Sea-Court will beconcerned with Moire’s disappearance, whether for her safety or regarding the future of thematriarchy. Characters with any connection to Moire, Llewella, or Scylla will be expected toattend a meeting of the nobility concerning the fate of the realm.

Amberite Characters: Random wants characters in Rebma representing Amber’s bestinterests, in an official or unofficial status. Alternately, Vialle is willing to pull in any markers ofher own and seek player-character assistance in finding Moire. Members of the Sea-Court havealready contacted Amber asking for assistance or advice in the matter of their missing Queen. Asabove, Llewella will be using any means necessary to see that any characters she can influencewill be there to assist in the search for Moire.

If characters still resist, tell them that Queen Vialle herself has decided to attend themeeting, and put it into clear perspective that King Random would greatly appreciate it if shewere accompanied and that nothing should be allowed to happen to her during her visit. Herinsights during the initial scene will be useful.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (383)

Chaosian Characters: Depending on how relations between Amber and Chaos aregoing, Chaos might not want to see Amber aided, or it might be very interested in ensuring peacein Rebma and in Amber, perhaps as a favor to King Merlin. Alternately, members of the variouscults of Amberite worship might be willing to pitch in for Llewella, her daughter Dayle, Martin,Benedict, or even Corwin in this matter. It’s possible that there is even a cult of Moireworshippers in Rebma, and maybe they’re twisting arms to get someone to help out in Rebma.Perhaps someone from Amber thought that this might require the knowledge of a Lord of Chaos,and asked one to attend the meeting and at least offer their opinion on what is happening andensure all that Chaos is not responsible for this matter.

Gathering of Player Characters.When everyone has had the chance to head to the Rebman throne room or to react to the

decision of others who wish for them to attend, let them spend a few minutes in introductions,catching up on old news if they already know each other, and in pondering the reasons for themeeting. Some characters may know some of the information from the Background, or the GameMaster should have couple of non-player characters on hand (such as Llewella or Scylla) whowould be willing to share this knowledge.

As mentioned above, Vialle might have decided to be present for this meeting. Other non-player characters in the Sea-Court who might be there include Oswald, Dayle, Edmund, andSelene. Retainers of the Court will include Nemain, Trevalyan, and Aubert (all described in theCastle Rebma section). If they are present, take time to make sure the players know who they areand have some chance to interact with them, learning what role they play and something abouttheir personalities to differentiate them from background characters.

At an appropriate time, read the following:

“As you assemble in the Throne Room near the empty throne, you hear a commotionoutside the chamber. Servants shout and you can hear the sounds of armor and weapons movingtowards the room.

What are you doing?”

Allow just enough time for the characters to prepare for battle, hide, ready spells, etc...before reading the following scene to them.

“ Suddenly, the doors swing open and something dark moves behind them..Inside to the room bursts a huge manta ray, mottled black and grey, long spade like tail

thrashing behind it. It spreads its wings to their full width of nearly twenty feet, and somethingglimmers bluely at its chest.

Behind it follow a number of soldiers, bearing spears and shortswords as they chase itinto the room.

What are you doing?”

The manta is a messenger from Moire, and will not attack unless assaulted. About itsneck is the Rebman Jewel of Judgement. It will face any character attuned to it, if one exists. Ifapproached, it will remain still and allow the Jewel to be removed, at which time it will turnabout and leave the room to flee into its home waters. If forced into combat, use the statistics· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (384)

from the Bestiary section. It is a wild animal, however, and will not engage in combat withcharacters unless cornered. One means of tempering blood-thirsty characters would be to havethe manta ray flee once wounded. Just as it attempts to leave, they recognize the Jewel for what itis, and may have to give chase throughout the castle’s corridors.

Since it's likely that somehow a character will attempt to seize the Jewel, either by forceor by simply taking it from the manta ray, read the following description when they do so. If theydon't do anything, the ray remains for a few moments, shrugs off the Jewel’s chain and flees. TheJewel of Judgement falls slowly to the ground on its crystal chain. Proceed with the followingscene:

As your hands clutch the Jewel, it flares into life. Bright blue sparks shoot from it,illuminating the bones in your hand, though there is no heat. The mirrors which fill the ThroneRoom flicker at the same moment, their images wavering until they take on the form of QueenMoire, surrounded by a thrashing darkness which seems to extend tentacles across her, holdingher fast.

She looks at you directly and speaks:‘My children, my subjects... When you hear these words, I will likely be dead. The threat

is great, and I am overcome. Make Rebma strong, and defend her against this evil...’Suddenly, a thick ropy tentacle begins to move across her face, engulfing her in

blackness. Only one arm and face are left visible.She screams, and her last words are muffled as the mirrors go dark, then shatter outward

all at once. Broken glass fills the room in a blizzard of glittering silver shards.What are you doing?”

Characters must decide what to do and quickly. The character with the Jewel ofJudgement doesn’t know it, but she has just picked up a hatful of trouble and responsibility. Alarge force of sea-creatures is on its way to Rebma, and they’re especially interested in gettingthe Jewel of Judgement and bringing it back to Rebma. But, of course, there’s no way ofknowing that yet...

Background.Recently, the Shadows of the Coral Branch have been seeing more than a few mysterious

sea-monsters and creatures attacking the people there. While this sort of thing is not uncommon,the severity, nature and frequency of the attacks has worried Moire considerably. Any characterswho spend time in Rebma will know of this, and might have even met one or two of thesecreatures in battle, or heard of them, or even seen one of their dead bodies.

This has troubled Moire. Worried that the events in the Patternfall War and the death ofOberon might be somehow reflected in Rebma, it has been common knowledge that the QueenMoire was seeking for some means of forestalling this fate. Seeking information about these sea-mosnters, she was alerted to the origin of these beasts in the Shadows beyond those of the CoralBranch, possibly even sent by the Tritons. She absented herself from the Court, and has not beenseen for several months.

In the meantime, the Tritons have alerted their agents in Rebma that the Queen is out ofthe way and encouraged them to start rumors that Moire is dead, and to try to get the people ofRebma to revolt against what might be an Amberite occupationary force. They have been in themarketplaces and in the streets, spreading word that the time of Moire’s rule is over, and that a· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (385)

return to the old ways is at hand. They have gathered a large number of allies among the outcasts,dissidents, and rebels among the Rebman people, and await the signal from the Tritons to begintheir revolution.

Moire managed to venture to the Maelstrom, and allowed herself to be captured by theTritons. She was then taken to meet Lir, the King of the Tritons, and attempted to understand thereasons for the assault. Since then, she has been engaged in an elaborate game of cat and mousearound the Labyrinth and the Maelstrom, sending messages to Rebma via the mirrors, andseeking to stop the invasion force of sea-creatures which threaten Rebma and the Coral Branch.She is currently involved in a dangerous game, seeking allies among the Tritons who would notsee Rebma fall and trying to elude capture.

The Jewel of Judgement was a dead giveaway to her location, though, so she sent it backto Rebma for use by the defenders, borne upon the neck of a manta ray which she conjured andsent through the reflected Shadow-seas.

Though she had left word with a servant that she would be absent for some time, thattime passed and she was feared dead. The last few days, however, her image has been seen inmany of the mirrors of Rebma, weeping with arms outstretched as if to beckon for aid. Theseimages were always very quick to disappear and did not repeat themselves. The mirrors alsowent black for a time immediately afterwards. Someone decided to act and summoned assistancein the form of the characters.

What Happens Next.It's possible that this just might turn into a Throne War at this point, with all the

characters going for the Rebman Jewel of Judgement, fighting it out until one is ready to take theThrone. This would be disastrous, and is what the Tritons are hoping for. If the city’s defendersbegin to squabble amongst themselves, the Tritons will move quickly, hitting Rebma from avariety of sources, using the Vortex to summon a funnel which deposits them right next toRebma at the time of crisis.

Tracking the Ray. Characters may decide to track the manta ray back through toMoire. This is possible to those who have Adaptation and Pattern Imprint (or Shape Shifting andLogrus), as the path the ray took was through many Shadow seas from its origin in theMaelstrom. The characters who follow this option will be in for a real battle, as they must firstenter and pass through the impassable Sargasso Sea, where Tritons lie in wait for them. Herethey might find an ally, or an enemy, in Nestor, Moire’s long-lost son. His description containsmore information on the Sargasso Sea and what might be encountered therein.

Seeking Moire in Shadow. Again, this is an option available to those who possessPattern Imprint or Logrus and the means of surviving underwater, whether it be shape-shifting orcreating a sorcery-powered submarine. Getting there will be an incredible battle, with encountersalong the path with a number of Tritons, sea-monsters, and Shadow traps created to bar the wayto outsiders. After their voyage, characters will arrive to find that they are now at a portion of theTriton Labyrinth, which is charitably described as an unfriendly place to Rebmans andAmberites.

Trying to Reach Moire. Hidden in the Labyrinth, Moire is outside the range of most· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (386)

Trump contact, and will be avoiding any magical detection (not knowing who it is from), so thatavenue of contact is useless. Currently, Lir has influenced the Maelstrom to shield it frommagical detection, so basic magical or Logrus-based searches are fruitless. The old standby ofwalking the Pattern and ordering it to take one to Moire’s side will work, though characters willbe in for a surprise when they arrive...

The Tritons’ Plan.A large group of the Tritons, led by Lir, have decided that the time has come to regain

their sister realm in Rebma. To do so, they are prepared to destroy the image of the reversedPattern there, thinking that it is the source of the realm’s mirroring of Amber.

They haven’t bothered with an intricate plan of attack, trusting instead in the possibilitythat the Rebman people will prove their greatest allies. The Tritons have lured Moire away fromRebma, trusting that the chaos this causes will weaken things and create the opportunity to gettheir agents at the forefront of a revolutionary force opposed to the Sea-Court.

With the power of the Maelstrom, the Tritons have opened a dark current similar to theBlack Road. They are currently moving their forces along this current towards Rebma. Shape-shifted Tritons from within Rebma have already infiltrated the Castle Rebma and are reporting tothem about what is happening there, and are waiting for the opportunity to strike a blow againstRebma by actively encouraging the rescue attempt. This will string those best able to defendRebma throughout Shadow or lure them to the Maelstrom, where they will fall into a number ofthe Triton’s ambushes and dead ends.

Meanwhile, back in Rebma, the weakened forces will hopefully fall easily to the Triton’spower, aided by a number of bizarre creatures of the sea. From there, they will be able to use theRebman Jewel of Judgement to redraw the Pattern in a Triton manner, or use it to cause enoughdamage to the original that Rebma is broken from its curse of mirroring Amber. Once ensconcedin Rebma, they can return the folk of Rebma to their original Triton bloodline, and defend theplace from Amber.

The forces the Tritons are arraying against Rebma are as follows:

The Tritons: Creatures of the primal deep, these beings are ancient, powerful, andaltogether alien to the Rebman people who evolved from them. The section on Tritons in thissourcebook describes them fully. They are all armed for war. Powers they might possess areVortex, Shape Shift, Sorcery, Power Words, Conjuration, and perhaps one or two will know ofMirror Wrighting. They may have Artifacts such as weapons or armor, and will likely have avariety of Creatures surrounding them, both personal and Conjured (see below). In addition,there a vast number of “ rank and file” Tritons who are not full Tritons, but are half-breeds andcan be used as cannon fodder in this conflict.

The Sea-Monsters: They have been busy in a the depths of their Shadow Seas and inthe Maelstrom collecting, conjuring, and otherwise assembling an astonishing variety of sea-creatures with which to assault Rebma, to serve as shock troops, mounts, and terror forces. Thesecreatures are truly sea-monsters, with little place in any normal eco-system. The Game Mastershould detail these in as frightening a manner as possible, from lobster-armored sharks tohumanoid jellyfish with multiples of poison stinger-tipped limbs. Combine a octopus with a crab,for a creature with pointed, armored limbs and two massive pincers, coming from within a cloud· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (387)

of inky, stinging, blackness. A jellyfish might be the size of a small house, enveloping targetsand swallowing them whole, first stunning them with powerful electric tendrils. Take many ofthe creatures from the Bestiary section and make them into monsters by combining some othertraits. These are the undersea versions of many heraldic beasts, so feel free to combine them withelements from mammals and avians. They should frighten and dismay the Rebman forces.

The Shadow Storm: To top it off, in addition to their own forces and the vast hordes ofsea-monsters, they have utilized the power of the Vortex to summon the undersea equivalent of amighty Shadow Storm, which is moving through the Sargasso Sea towards the Coral BranchShadows, destined to hit Rebma and cause untold damage. An undersea Shadow Storm takes theform of vast, powerful currents which tear through solid materials, sweeping a vast wall of debrisahead of it which chokes the sea and smashes through the delicate eco-system, leaving death inits wake.

The Revolutionaries. Led by Lord Morholt of House Niobe, the Tritons’ ace in thehole is a group of a few hundred angry and desparate townsfolk and Triton cultists who arewilling to attack the Castle Rebma. They don’t have a real chance of succeeding, but thecommotion they raise in the streets and about the castle will be enough to distract most of themembers of the Sea-Court, and might even weaken the city’s ability to defend itself against theTritons’ attacking forces. Their plan of attack is to lay seige to the castle, then retreat beginlooting the merchants’ areas. In doing so, they hope to draw large numbers of the Rebmansoldiery out of their positions of defense and into the narrow streets, where they will be less ableto defend Rebma from the Tritons’ sendings. The characters should be surprised to find that theonce-quiet streets of the city are suddenly filled with torches and shouting townspeople,surrounding the castle.

The Throne War Option.As mentioned above, after all feel that Moire is dead or lost, opportunistic members of

the Sea-Court might choose that moment to make their move on the Throne. This would furthercomplicate things for the player-characters and perhaps drive a wedge of conflicting interestsbetween them. There’s nothing from stopping the character with the Jewel of Judgement fromrunning down to the Pattern chamber and declaring herself the new Queen, though the length ofher rule might be somewhat brief, even if everyone swears allegiance to her.

Rebman characters should be torn between the following courses of action; uphold therealm by defending it; rescue Moire from whatever fate has befallen her; prevent someone fromseizing the Crown; perhaps support one of the claimants to the Throne; and perhaps even try forit themselves. Amberites might want to stabilize things, no matter what the cost, whether itmeans supporting someone new to the throne, or coming in and declaring Random’s candidatethe regent. Perhaps Llewella would be asked to take the Throne for the time being, or her sisterScylla. Queen Vialle of Amber will want to be there, and will likely need a bodyguard (anotherway to get the players there).

The Rebman Jewel of Judgement.Always prized by those who would do ill towards the Pattern, the Rebman Jewel of

Judgement is no exception. Throughout the adventure, the character bearing it will be the target· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (388)

of any number of Triton assassins and hit squads, in addition to any renegade Rebmans who seekto rule the mirror city for themselves. Giving it to them at the beginning of the scenario putsthem in a position of responsibility, and makes them ground zero for any assaults or Tritonrecovery teams. As the most powerful artifact in the Rebman universe, it is a beacon to thosewho can sense power, and the Tritons are adept at this. As the Tritons are shape-shifters, andmany of them have already infiltrated Rebma and even the Sea-Court, they could be anywhere oranyone, from Llewella herself to the “ returned” Queen Moire. The trade-off for this danger isthat the Jewel will provide no small means of defense, and might be the solution to ending thethreat.

The Dark Current.Searching the area around Rebma and in the Shadows of the Coral Branch, characters will

learn of the places where the initial sea-monsters surfaced. A new wave of these creatures shouldattack while the characters are doing their investigation, regardless of where they are, in Rebma,the Coral Branch, or the Sargasso Sea. Examining the corpses of these with any magicaldetection reveals that they have something akin to the feeling of Chaos about them, but differentin some manner. Perhaps their flesh and blood erupt into flame when struck with Patternweapons such as Grayswandir, or they erupt in a hissing burst of foulness and steam.

At this point, the Courts of Chaos might be suspect. If contacted, or through agents, thecurrent ruler of Chaos (Swayvil, Merlin, or whoever...) will insist that they have nothing to dowith this assault. Characters might get sidetracked on an investigation into the Courts, whichcould provide a valuable “ red herring” to get them away from the action while the Tritons movethrough the Dark Current towards Rebma.

Tracing the creatures back to their source will reveal that they came from the DarkCurrent, a whirling, powerful undersea current which is does not let light shine through it, and isdisrupting the waters about it wherever it passes. It gives off a feeling of dread to those of Amberand Rebma, and all of the sea-life around it is dead or nonexistent. The waters about it aredisrupted, their normal currents deadened, terminating normal currents wherever they cross itspath. This has disrupted the feeding habits of untold sea-creatures, and caused havoc with thosewho travel the currents between the Shadows of the Coral Branch. It is eerie and still about theDark Current.

In some areas, the Dark Current is wide enough to pass a submarine through. In others, itis barely wide enough to accommodate a human sized swimmer. It is growing slowly, and thereverberations it is sending along the Shadows around it are that something large is comingthrough it in the direction the current is rushing, towards Rebma.

Entering the Dark Current. Touching the Dark Current or entering it is a dangerousproposition. Merely putting one’s hand into it will see it disappear as if into a river of theblackest ink, and the sensations one feels are a numbness and cold which creeps up to the elbowimmediately. Sensations from the hand or any appendage thrust into the Dark Current will notpass outside or inside of it. Doing this for any length of time is dangerous, as there are anynumber of creatures swimming along it which might wish to take a bite out of a character’sexposed limb. Putting a light source inside it will only swallow the light.

The only way to experience it is to enter it. Doing so will suddenly sweep the characteralong on the powerful current. It is possible to see, though dimly, and all light from outside dims· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (389)

and sound does not pass into the Dark Current. This experience should be analogous to Corwin’sencounter with the Black Road in The Guns of Avalon, where a Pattern Weapon was required toguide him through it for any distance. Any Tritons can use the Dark Current without harm.Characters with Shape Shift or Triton Blood will all be able to move within the Dark Currentwithout difficulty, and can extend this to those they travel with. It is sweeping away from theMaelstrom and towards Rebma with considerable force, ending somewhere in the waters within afew miles of the City Rebma, but it is slowly encroaching and might move into the city’s wallswithin a few days.

Normal characters cannot breathe the waters of the Dark Current without drowning, sothey should take some precautions, from SCUBA equipment, magical protection, to steam-powered mini-subs if need be.

Following the Dark Current Back to the Maelstrom: If the characters are readyfor an incredible fight, both in Endurance and in Warfare, they can try to swim back to the sourceof the Dark Current. This will take days, and they will be assaulted at every juncture by theTritons and their dark servants moving along it. While outside, the Dark Current seems to ebband swell in diameter, inside it appears constant, though this is perhaps a feature of the darkness.If they can make it through the entire Triton host and their army of sea-monsters somehow(perhaps through Shape Shifting into a disguised form or hiding out while the bulk of them pass),they will emerge into a black pool which exists upon a vast rocky plain. The light overhead isflat, grey and purple, and overcast with a dark ceiling of what might be clouds. Next to them,they will hear the dull roaring and feel the reverberations of the Maelstrom. Going to the edge ofthe rocky plain will reveal that this is an outcropping, hanging over some abyss. Looking overthe edge will give a magnificent view down into the infinite dark swirling vortex into which allseas flow.

The Labyrinth.Once upon the rim of the Maelstrom, the characters will be able to see that there are a

number of structures, almost like islands, built both around the rim of the massive whirlpool andwithin it, currents eddying around them. Some appear to be moving slowly in the direction of thecurrent. The structures at the bottom, nearest the terminus of the whirlpool, are quite ancient inappearance, while the structures nearer the top and along the rim all appear to be newer. In theMaelstrom are thousands of bits of flotsam and jetsam, including the very vessels they camefrom in some places. Corpses of huge marine beasts are caught in the whirlpool, next to scraps ofbuildings and even things as exotic as automobiles and futuristic wreckage of all sorts. It appearsobvious that everything here spirals away into the darkness at the bottom of this vortex.

Size is impossible to judge. The opposite rim of the Maelstrom might be a hundred miles,or a thousand. Likewise the bottom of this hellish funnel. The air above the Maelstrom isespecially clear, though there is little light. In small areas inside the Maelstrom, however, onecan view storms and lightning. Only the center of this vortex is shrouded in mist.

Exploring around the rocky plain will reveal that there are any number of small poolssimilar to the one the characters emerged from. Many of them are full of dark water, some withclear, and some of water filled with phosphorescent mites, glimmering greenly or yellow in thedim light from above. Entering any of these will reveal that each is a tunnel to one of the otherstructures of the Labyrinth. Most are larger than human size, while others are a tight squeeze.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (390)

Characters with Shape Shifting will have a much easier time of it than others. Characters whocannot normally breathe water will find that they can breathe these waters, as they can in Rebma,though the waters are far colder and are of a somewhat higher water pressure than the waters inRebma inflict.

These tunnels each end in some section of the Labyrinth or in some adjacent Shadow.Some of them end in the Maelstrom itself, leading to ways which have been swallowed.Characters might make some wrong turns and end up staring at the Maelstrom from a muchcloser view than they’d like.

Inside the Labyrinth, they will undoubtedly encounter Tritons, created as above. Theywill also realize that the Labyrinth is ancient, perhaps as old as the Courts of Chaos, if not aheretofore undiscovered section to it. Characters will undoubtedly ponder whether the TritonLabyrinth is the watery reflection of the Courts of Chaos, or some metaphysical counterpart. Asalways, the Game Master should let them try and find out for themselves. In the meantime, throwa lot of really tough Tritons at them until they are chased away or captured.

A Friend in a Strange Place. At some point, any characters fleeing through theLabyrinth will find an unusual ally. The clawed hand of a Triton, silvery and green, will reachthrough a dark alcove from someplace the characters have just passed, and grab them. It willwhisper to them “ Silence,” and try to usher them into a hiding place while a squad of Tritonscomes by looking for the characters. It will hide them, then turn as if to speak to them.

If any of the characters have brought the Jewel of Judgement, the Triton’s eyes willwiden and it will reach for the Jewel. It will mutter in shock “You brought it into their grasp...”

Attacking this particular Triton is a bad idea, for this is actually Moire, using her MirrorWrighting ability to cloak herself in the image of a Triton. If injured, she will scream and theywill be detected by a group of theTritons which passed by, returning to investigate.

She will not reveal her identity to the characters, as the Tritons have attempted to trickher in the time she has been hiding in the Labyrinth, and is unsure if they are the real thing. Shewill urge them, “ Flee, back to Rebma, and use the Jewel to stem the Black Current!”

Before they have a chance to spend much time with the mysterious Triton, the characterswill be discovered, and she will flee, escaping while the characters are either captured by theTritons or are able to get away from Rebma. Attempting to find the Triton who aided them isfruitless, as Moire is using all means possible to avoid detection.

Meeting the Sea-King. If the characters are captured, they will be taken before Lir,Lord of the Tritons. They will find that they are not alone, as Moire is also a prisioner of theTritons. She is unconscious and encased in a translucent bubble of hardened water which driftslazily above his heavy, lichen-encrusted throne.

King Lir is an impressive sight, a huge Triton of vaguely humanoid form, ancient andpowerful at the same time, with a massive trident of dark metal leaning upon the arm of hisrough throne. They will be forced to their knees by their Triton wardens. Lir leans forward, andhis voice rumbles:

“Have you come to join the Tritons in their hour of triumph?”

If the characters are his prisoners, he will let them know about the details of the plan, intrue villainous manner...· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (391)

“Now we will see the cursed image of the Pattern erased from Rebma’s cellars, so thatthe city might once return to its form as a stronghold of the Tritons. Once the Jewel of Judgementis in our grasp, our victory is assured!

“Once she awakens from her sleep...” he gestures at Moire, “ She will certainly tell uswhat she did with the Jewel.

“Our armies now swim towards Rebma, and our agents from within the city tear itapart.”

With this, he will order the Triton wardens to place the characters in the hard-waterbubbles and leave, to prepare for the coming battle.

If the characters actually had the Rebman Jewel of Judgement on them, then Lir willdetect it and order it brought to him. His speech will be pretty much the same, though changed toreflect the fact that he’s got the Jewel now and is feeling pretty good about that.

Moire’s Whereabouts.Queen Moire is being held as a prisoner in Lir’s great hall. No harm seems to have come

to her, though her rings and scepter have all been taken from her. She is slumped against thebottom of the water-bubble, as if unconscious. Her flesh is paler than normal, and she isbreathing shallowly.

The bubble prevents any Trump contact, mirror use, magical sendings, or psychic energyfrom passing through it, making her a prisoner. It could be destroyed by contact with the Patternor some artifact using the Pattern, but there are few to be found lying around in the Maelstrom.

Other bubbles around her, drifting in the high, twisted hall, are either empty or containothers of Lir’s enemies, trapped as she is. Perhaps there are a few skeletons or corpses for effect.Some of the beings are denizens of the sea, intelligent races such as merfolk or selkies. Othersmight be completely unknown to Rebmans, such as armored lobster-men or intelligent shellfish.Perhaps other Rebmans are present. If Nestor has been introduced into the campaign and is up tono good, he might be a Triton spy, the original trapped here alongside his mother. Even somelong-lost Amberites or Chaosians could be imprisoned in these bubbles, characters whodisappeared so far from their homelands that no rescue was ever attempted.

Freeing “Moire.” Assuming all of the characters aren’t captured, or manage to freethemselves, then they’re likely to try to free Moire. When they do so, they’re in for a roughsurprise. If they manage to bring her out of the bubble, Moire’s skin will suddenly turn intoquicksilver and run off her body, revealing scales, fins, and claws beneath. The characters willrealize that they’re holding an unconscious Triton identical to the one who helped them. By now,the real identity of their benefactor should sink in. At this point it should be clear to them thatthey need to get out of the Labyrinth, find Moire again, or seek other allies there.

Possible Resolutions.As mentioned before, though this adventure was designed to be used as a longish one-

session game, it can be expanded to campaign length without difficulty.Unlike the forces of Chaos, the Tritons aren’t expecting a battle on their home turf, and

could be defeated should the characters figure a way to bring troops through using a Trump Gate,· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (392)

a mirror, or some other magical means. Could they be beaten by the forces of Rebma alone, orwould Amber have to lend troops?

Not all of the Tritons are united in this invasion force. Characters might be able to seekallies from within the city Rebma, such as the secret Tritoness Aneena, who could providevaluable information on the Tritons’ goals and methods. Or they could find assistance from oldMadoc, who is happy with the way things are and is no friend to Lir. Bringing Nestor out of theSargasso Sea would make a powerful force to combat the Tritons.

What would the outcome of the battle be? Can an undersea version of the Concord, thePatternfall Treaty, be negotiated? What will become of relations between the two worlds nowthat they know of each other’s existence?

Once the Rebman Jewel of Judgement is brought into play, will it prove enough todestroy the Dark Current, or are other means needed? What will become of the forces headingalong the Dark Current? What of the Shadow Storm? Will it hit Rebma, or can it be divertedsomehow? Can the Dark Current be subverted, or destroyed before it reaches Rebma? Whatforces would do the trick?

What if Moire is killed at the edge of the Maelstrom? Would some Sea-Horse choose asuccessor? What situation awaits her return, should she survive?

A note to the Game Master: While this adventure is intended to reflect in many ways theevents in the first five novels of the Chronicles of Amber, going so far as to mirror all thehappenings in these books would be an exercise in overkill. Rebma and the Tritons should bedistinct enough in their dealings to transcend the trap of just following some other events. Theyshould always be portrayed as if they have freedom in action, and are not just puppets to fate.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (393)


This adventure is suited for characters from Amber or Rebma, and serves as anintroduction to Rebma for parties or characters with no experience there.

The Threat Summary: Stricken with a progressive magical curse which quicklytransforms the blood of Amberites into unusual mirror “ opposites,” the player charactersmust discover the source of the problem and restore themselves before they are destroyedcompletely.

However, despite what the characters are led to believe, the true threat is not a“ reversal plague,” but instead, the characters are trapped within a, deepening, seeminglyinfinite mirror trap in which the world around the characters reverses and changes as theyget farther away from the real world of Amber. Initially, the players should be led tobelieve that something is the matter with them, rather than the world they are in.

Seizing on their confusion, the offspring of an old enemy waits for the rightmoment to strike and finish what his father started.

A Warning to the Game Master: This adventure can be a very difficult oneto run. It requires considerable deception on the part of the Game Master. Characters maybe split up than in usual Amber games, and will find themselves encountering multipleversions of the Elder Amberites and even each other, with different relations and behaviortowards the player characters.

This adventure, more than many others, requires considerable effort to keep thingsstraight. One piece of advice is to list the different levels of the mirror trap on a piece ofpaper and make constant notes to oneself about exactly where each character is, and whothey’ve encountered, and what their stage of transformation should be. Things shouldmove pretty fast, but the Game Master should be sure to role-play the different stages asbeing distinct and recognizeable.

Getting Started.Each player with Amberite origins should describe exactly where he or she is and

what they happen to be doing. The Game Master should role-play each character'spersonal scene until they reach a point where they go to sleep (are knocked unconscious,collapse from exhaustion, etc...).

Characters from Rebma begin play in the same manner, but are not affected by thefollowing events unless they have an Amberite Devotee or parent, in which case they aretreated as Amberites for the purposes of this adventure. They will be called into theadventure soon enough.

If players do not specify what activities their characters are up to, then assumethat they are back in their homes in Amber, Chaos, Rebma, or Personal Shadows, asleepin their beds or whatever place they inhabit.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (394)

Game Masters should try to role-play each of these intial scenes in one-on-onerole-playing with the player brought away from the rest of the group. Providing all theclues to everyone at once might give away too much too early, and will also bore theother players who are hearing similar things happening in each segueway into the actualadventure.

Dreams and Omens. The best means of starting this adventure is with thecharacter in the middle of a dream sequence, where the character specifies where they areand the Game Master acts as if the adventure is actually beginning. What they don't knowis that they are actually back home in bed, dreaming whatever is happening. Eventsshould rapidly move out of control, and the characters will find that their powers cannotchange the outcome of events.

Various strange events seem to be happening within these dream "adventures."For some reason, minor events seem to transpire the opposite or reverse of what isexpected, not dominating events but merely adding a creepy resonance to things.

Whenever the players go to sleep, those of them who are particularly high inPsyche or possessing some form of precognitive power will invariably have an ominousdream.

Following is a list of sample events which might be integrated into these dreams.Each character who is in one of these dreams might experience one or more of theseeffects. It is advisable to use them sparingly throughout the adventure, to give charactersa hint of what is to come later and increase their dread at the future permutations of thisstrange threat. Mix them up throughout the adventure and spread them out to createplenty of paranoia.

-They find their swords (or some other noticeable item of clothing) belted on thewrong side, or their wrong hand is the one they use.

-One or more people who they know appear in their opposite gender. This shouldnot be obvious because of the extreme differences in appearances, but characters shouldfind the changed individual extremely familiar but nonetheless a stranger, until the truthdawns on them as to the true identity.

-People moving backwards and away from the character.-Right hand drive vehicles becoming left hand, and vice versa.-Things falling upwards, liked dropped items or water dripping.-Very subtly, characters (like Elder Amberites) familiar to the characters are

behaving in a manner exactly the opposite to what they are known to be like. This can besubtle, but unnerving, and considerable fun for the Game Master. Imagine a naive Caine,or a jaded, cynical Gérard. Fiona might be completely inane and flighty, and Benedict aharmless buffoon. This depends greatly upon the Game Master's interpretation of thesecharacters. This behavior begins to be noticeable in a slight degree, then becomes moreoutrageous as the dream progresses.

-A reversed version of the character's surroundings.-People begin to speak backwards. For fun, the Game Master might actually

attempt this, but it might be easier just to tell the player what's happening and let themdecipher what they're hearing, if they're able.

-Mirror images, if they are incorporated into the dream, begin to behave exactly as· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (395)

the character would, though not in reflection. That is, if the character's image enters themirror from the right side, then the image will come from the opposite side. The characterraises her right arm- the image will raise the right arm (the left one from the character'spoint of view).

-Time moving backwards (actually, since Oberon is the only one known to be ableto do this, what's actually happening is that the character's perceptions of time are runningin reverse, but don't tell them that).

Note that these events shouldn't dominate the "adventure," at first, unless thecharacter pays particular attention to them initially. For minor instances, let the characterfind out that it was just some minor "glitch" in their Shadow world, and let them "correct"it with whatever Power they bring to bear upon it. Things should go horribly wrong, withpowers backfiring in strange ways and even putting the character in a life-or-deathsituation which seems as if they have no chance of survival. Maybe even kill themoutright, taking them just to the point where everything fades to black.

At this point, the character will probably begin to reject what is happening. If not,the result is the same. Let them wake up suddenly, sweating or shouting in bed. It wasjust a dream, they realize. Things should seem normal at first. If they want to makeTrump contacts to check things out, let them do so, but have them informed that there’s ameeting of the family in the Castle Library, as soon as possible. No one who is availableseems to know what's going on.

What's Happened? It might happen instantly, or might take a while, but thecharacter should be led to believe that they've been "reversed" in some way, switchingtheir bodies so that they are suddenly left-handed where they were right handed, movingscars or distinguishing features to their opposite place. Their possessions and clothingdon’t seem to have made the change, however. Characters notice this when strapping onswords (which don't feel like they're hanging right), servants combing characters’ hair the"opposite" way, clothing which fits wrong, etc...

Unless possessed of some Shape Shifting qualities, Artifacts like swords mightbecome difficult to use if designed for one hand (as most rapiers, sabers, and basket-hilted broadswords are), and might become unwieldy. Any unaffected beings will noticethe strangeness of the reversion.

A player character who tries to examine the phenomenon should be toldsomething like the following:

“Your memories are of you weilding your blade in battle in your right hand butwhen you think about it, your left hand moves instinctually towards your weapon. Only itdoesn’t feel right any more, like the hilt was fitted to another hand.”

This will take a bit of tricky role-playing, and the Game Master should use everytrick in the arsenal to try to plant the seed of doubt in the characters’ heads about what isright, wrong, and going on.

This first effect is actually a magical transformation of everything around thecharacter by a combination of powerful Shadow Shifting, psychic suggestion, illusionaryspells, and simple substitution of identical items created through Mirror. It was done· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (396)

solely as a sleight of hand trick while the characters were afflicted with the mysteriousdreams, and was done to disorient them and to set them off balance and along the wrongpath.

Who's Been Affected? Only those of the blood of Amber have been affected bythis unusual reversal. This includes any characters who have Amber Court Devotee,Pattern Imprint, or are otherwise related to the Court of Amber. Even some members inthe Courts of Chaos have felt the effects of this strange phenomenon. Characters whoseorigins lie outside Amber will report nothing unusual, except for small comments on howcharacters look "different" somehow. If pressed, they will realize that this is due to theslight factors of posture and facial expression which have been switched with thereversal.

How is this Possible? Edmund, the villian in this piece, has been a student ofBrand’s for some time. This was one of Brand’s half-completed mega-spells left inRebma, and draws on the power of the reversed image of the Pattern for power. But sucha powerful spell needs serious fuel, and Edmund has done this with his own blood curse,inflicting a nearly fatal wound on himself to initiate it.

Edmund has refined his father’s spell, added his own twists, and executed it onthe “weaker” members of the family, the next generation of the player characters. Thismirror trap is the equivalent of the Wonderland Bar trap which Julia Barnes placed Lukeinto in Sign of Chaos, with complex Sorcery, Conjuration, Mirror Wrighting, andreversed Pattern use substituting for hallucinogens.

As such, it is extremely powerful and convincing. Edmund has been watching thecharacters through the mirrors of Rebma for some time, using Psychic suggestions andTrump mind-reading to glean what knowledge he can from the characters. From themirror world he obtained reversed duplicates of all the player characters’ items andartifacts, and wrapped them in spells to make them appear like the real things.

While the characters were caught up in Edmunds dream-sendings, they weredrawn into the first stage of the reflected world, which he altered through use of thereversed Pattern to resemble Amber in all ways. The only difference is that the images ofthe Elders Amberites are reversed doubles, powerful in the way that long-term Shadowduplicates of Amberites would be, but not entirely the same. He has enacted his reversionspell upon these reflections to make the player characters feel that the whole family is inthe same situation.

The player characters are the first to enter the mirror world trap. He’s also stolenthe Rebman Jewel of Judgement and sent it via his mirror-ghost far into the mirror-reflections, just to lure characters after it, and to bolster its reality from within. Thepresence of the Jewel and the characters will strengthen the infinity trap by virtue of theirblood and ability to manipulate Shadow, and from there, Edmund will strike out at theother Amberites, drawing them one by one into the trap, until Amber is weakened enoughfor the physical side of his attack to be implemented.

His final goal is to replace all of the elder Amberites with mirror-doubles who aresubservient to him, until he is able to recover from the blood-curse wound and remake thePattern in his father Brand’s image.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (397)

Gathering of Player Characters.Slowly, the player characters will learn that they are not alone in the first step of

this mysterious transformation. It is likely that they will use Trumps or seek out others toask about what has happened and compare notes. After these initial contacts with theirelders, parents, and allies, it becomes clear that most of them have undergone the samemetamorphosis.

At some point, they will either contact King Random, or he will contact them,directly or through their parentsand Devotees, and will demand to know what they mightknow of the transformation. He has called an emergency meeting which will be held inthe library immediately. Random will not accept anything short of a few minutes delay,and implies that the characters will be held in some suspicion if they do not attend.

If in the Courts of Chaos: Players will be contacted by Merlin, Prince of Chaos, and informed that he has undergone this mysterious transformation as have othersin the Courts such as his mother Dara. He is trying to keep this a secret, suspecting someplot on the part of his enemies, and will only speak to characters he trusts.

Merlin has already spoken to Random, and has received permission to send alongan emissary to report on the event, as well as to testify that to the best of his knowledge, itwas not the doing of someone from the Courts.

Another option is to have Merlin ask characters from the Courts to verify that itwas not from there, having them do some detective work, seeking out the sourcewherever it might have sprung. Visiting the meeting in Amber is the most likely place tostart, to hear their theories. Additionally, Merlin is not above asking the characters to spyfor him on the progress of the investigation and the current doings of various Amberitesnow that he is no longer a fixture of Court there.

Experienced Sorcerers, Shape Shifters, or Logrus Initiates might even be asked tooffer their services to the House of Amber as a gesture of goodwill.

They can arrange their own transport via Trump (as Hellrides take far too muchtime all the way from the Courts to make the meeting), or Merlin will use the Spikard orhis Trump computer Ghostwheel to give them a lift.

If In Rebma. Non-Amberites, if there are any in the campaign, are immune tothe curse. One means of getting them involved might be to begin with a characterdiscovering Edmund, who has just seriously wounded himself in the Rebman PatternRoom. They might be on hand to hear his cry of pain through the closed door, or rousedby Moire who wants them to investigate the sound a guard heard from inside.

Getting there, they will encounter the following scene:

“Opening the room, you can see a great cloud of blood everywhere, billowing upfrom the middle of the chamber. Curled up in the center of the reversed image of thePattern is a man clad in black trunks, with red hair. He is moving slightly, and clutchinghis stomach, where the thickest of the cloud of blood seems to be coming from. ThePattern is reacting badly to the diffuse blood in the room, and sparks are shooting offfrom it where the blood-tainted waters are settling onto it.

“What are you doing?”· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (398)

Getting Edmund off the Pattern should be a chore in itself, then trying to get theblood out of the place before it damages the Rebman Pattern further might be another bitof work. From there, they’ve now got a slightly-damaged Pattern and a badly-woundedEdmund.

Examining Edmund will reveal that he was impaled on someone’s sword, runclear through. The wound went through his side and out the back, not hitting any vitalorgans but still causing massive bloodloss. No weapon is to be found. After seeing thathis condition is stable, Moire orders an investigation into the attack. As the first on thescene, guess who’s in charge?

Time-wise, this event occurs before the characters are drawn into the dream trap.It might be a good idea to begin with the discover of Edmund, or to make sure that histreatment takes enough time for the players to be caught into the dream trap. If they arespread throughout Shadow, then the time-juggling becomes much easier for the GameMaster.

In the Library at Amber.All of the Amberites available are in the Library when the characters appear there.

Describe the scene to them.

"There is an undeniable air of tension as you step into the large room. Most ofyour Uncles and Aunts are here, and tempers seem to be running low. You hear lowarguments, and the silences are even louder. Angry accusations move across the Library,unspoken but still present. Across the room, you see some of the family of Amber alreadyarrived. In one pairing by the fireplace, you see Random's wife Vialle speaking toBenedict. Clustered near the desk beneath a portrait of Oberon, are Random and Flora.Leaning against a suit of ornate armor, Martin is speaking with Coral and Luke. Yourappearance causes many heads to turn.

What are you doing?"

Game Masters might wish to add to or subtract from the Amberites in attendancedue to events in his or her campaign. For example, Osric and/or Finndo might be there,along with Caine (if his death in Shadow was a ruse). The presence of Martin, Coral, andLuke is based on post-Shadow Knight campaigns. If those characters are not being used,then feel free to eliminate them altogether from the adventure.

When everyone is present, Random will begin the meeting. He will first make anynecessary introductions (for example, if characters are from the Courts of Chaos he willexplain their presence) and will call the family to order. Chairs will be pulled up, andpleasantries will be dispensed with.

Random begins by stating that Julian is in Arden, and is defending Amber andwill listen in on Random's Trump, as will Gérard in Amber's harbor. Llewella, likewise,is in Rebma and is monitoring the event from there. She has reported to Random that theRebman version of the Jewel of Judgement was taken from Moire’s chambers as sheslept, and cannot be located. Edmund, one of the Sea-Court members, was assaulted· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (399)

within the Rebman Pattern Room, and was only recently discovered. He lives, but is ingrave condition. The Rebman Pattern has been damaged somewhat. These are bothRebman state secrets, and Moire would appreciate help in the investigation. It is likelythat this strange occurrence and the current condition of the Amberites are connected.

Random has word from Fiona that she is working on ferreting out the solution,but is unable to attend the gathering. They have been unable to reach Bleys via Trump.Now Random wants the opinions of qualified characters and or sorcerers and will letthem speak first.

If the characters have their suspicions, this is the time to air them. After somearguments and discussion about this, it becomes clear that although this alteration is fairlyminor, it is undoubtedly the beginning of something altogether more sinister.

If nothing is agreed on, or no course of action decided upon, then Random willdismiss the group and let them pursue their own investigations, with the admonition thatthey all contact him should things change or if any information is learned, with a warningthat if Amber is threatened further, they might be called to fight in its defense at amoment's notice.

Background.Using a major manipulation of the magical mirrors in Rebma backed with the

image of the reversed Pattern and the power of a blood curse, Edmund, Brand’s son inRebma, has invoked the change upon the House of Amber (or a single member of it- seethe section on The One Character Option). This is part of his plot to avenge his father,using the progressive nature of the enchantment to weaken and disorient the family andthusly strike at a time when they are vulnerable, incapacitating them and allowing himtime to complete his father’s work on the Pattern in Amber.

After stealing the Rebman Jewel of Judgement and faking his own assault, inwhich he laid the blood-curse elements, Edmund sent it deep within the mirror trap tostrengthen those reflections and lure the elders and members of the Sea-Court after it.

Edmund's abilities in Mirror Wrighting are considerable, and combined with hisinheritance of his father's incredible psychic and artistic gifts, he is quickly able to utilizea powerful spell which he fuels with his own blood curse, allowing his hatred to flow outacross Shadow and Amber to alter the blood of Amber.

Meanwhile, he commands a several legions of troops from reflected versions ofRebma, all well-armed and trained, and willing to do his bidding in this assault. As he isnot a particularly gifted general, these are mainly for harrassment purposes, and are a last-ditch defense should plans need changing. He has readied them to be able to leap throughspecially-prepared mirror-gates into strategic points in the Castles Rebma and Amber,where they will assault and seize command. He doesn’t think they’ll actually accomplishthis, however, but they will provide a distraction and might get lucky and actually killsomeone important.

Along these lines, he has also prepared a small floatilla of ships with similarinstructions, to sail into Amber’s waters and make a nuiscance of themselves, then toengage and retreat, trying to draw the navies of Amber out away from the city, just longenough for the final segment of his plot to be put into effect.

And so, his plan is simple- to prepare his forces and cloister them close to Amber,in some hidden Shadows near Rebma. Another small force of navy he has massed in a· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (400)

Shadow sea just outside Amber's Golden Circle of allied Shadows. The spell is cast, andEdmund lets it run its course, pulling first the younger generation of Amberites into themirror trap, then the older ones. He then creates a feint asea, to draw Amber's navy andsome of the nobles out of Amber, and then moves in for the kill, his foot soldiers pouringthrough the mirrors within the Castle Amber. From there, he captures one or more of theroyal family and performs a human sacrifice upon the Pattern within Amber’s dungeons,erasing it, then redrawing it with Rebman Jewel of Judgement in a manner his fathermight have appreciated. To accomplish the last part of this plan, he needs only severalhours in which he can do this, and after that, it won’t matter.

The One Character Option.One option for especially devious Game Masters is to run this adventure as is

described, with all of the Amberite characters participating. However, only one of them isactually in the mirror trap, and the others are merely characters in the dream, acting asthey would normally behave in the real world. They must all be led to believe that theyare all experiencing this effect, and are working together to escape.

Slowly, at opportune times, tell characters one by one that they have awakenedfrom their terrible dream about what happened in the mirror universe (though don’t letthem know that that is what happened). One way to do it might be to take each playeraside, or write a note, explaining that they weren’t actually there, and that they wereinstead elements of one character’s dream. They then realize that none of the adventureactually occured to them, but it is really happening to one or more of the others in theadventure. Another way might be just to suddenly shift with the character in the mirrorworld one moment, then waking up in bed the next. The Game Master may have themremember everything about what happened in the mirror trap, or perhaps they did noteven share the dream and do not remember anything aside from their own propheticdream at the beginning.

Rather than short-changing them in opportunities, it frees them from the mirrortrap and clears the way for them to aid their fellow Amberites, as well as to get to thebottom of the mystery and act against it from a place they might actually do some good.They might awaken to find that Castle Amber is empty, and that Edmund has alreadybegun the erasure of the Pattern...

The Mirror Trap.This spell was originally designed by Brand during his sojourn in Rebma and left

in a mirrored grimiore, inscribed upon sheets of silvered glass. Edmund discovered thisand added his own spin to things, and put it into motion, creating the special mirror whichreflects into infinity and traps the victim within, slowly moving them deep through theinfinite reflections until they are unable to return to the real world.

The initial stage of the spell takes the form of a dream, placing the character in theinitial stages. From here, the characters will encounter mirrors throughout the reflectedworld, mirrors which will naturally reflect the character. The nature of the spell is thatwhen a character is reflected into the mirror within the trap, they will trade places withthe reflected image, moving deeper into the infinite reflections.

As these reflections move away from the “ real world” , they begin to differ in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (401)

many ways. Characters in each level of this mirror curse will experience that most of thedenizens within are suffering from one or more of these effects, described below. Addedto this is the fact that Edmund will send a number of Rebman soldiers and assassins afterthe characters trapped in the mirror world to ambush and harass the characters.

The major differences of the mirror world reflections are as follows:

The First Level. The first effect has already transpired at the beginning of theadventure. Amberites wake up to find that their bodies have been "reversed" from right toleft, an exact reflection of themselves. Aside from any minor inconveniences, this doesnot affect characters in any major way.

This is described in the intial segment.

The Second Level. Their entire world has now shifted, and they are findingthat they remember things the opposite of what they now are. This will cause lots ofmisdirection, confusion as the characters are instinctually turning the wrong way, openingthe wrong doors, getting lost within the castle or city, and so on. This is a nuiversalreversal which they will encounter no matter where they journey to.

This is the easiest level to portray, as it involves lots of physical description anddoesn’t rely on players noticing small details. Instead, it is in their faces!

The Third Level. Characters might next find that relations between them andtheir relatives have switched and are the opposites, i.e. an enemy becomes a closeconfidante, while a friend openly attacks or insults a character. Play on this with a lot ofasides and through feeding the characters misleading information about how theirperceptions view each other’s actions.

This can be a little difficult to bring out, but should be subtle and may not even beimmediately noticed by the players, so careful are the elder Amberites when they interactwith each other. Little clues might give it away, from how Flora keeps fingering herdagger and watching characters like a hawk, or how Julian is embracing the character,telling her how happy he is to see her.

The Fourth Level. From here, characters and non-player characters willexhibit personality “ reversals,” with characters embodying character traits exactlyopposite their normal behavior. This is very difficult to bring across, and should beplayed broadly but without turning non-player characters into caricatures. This should beembodied in the characters by Game Master prompts like "No, you don't feel like doingthat, you feel like..." and even by coloring the character's perceptions to reflect the newmind-set.

Allow them free will, but constantly give them suggestions as to how their newlyaltered personalities would act and react. It should constantly be a tug-of-war between thecharacters actions and what they are actually feeling. Particularly eager or experiencedplayers might even be asked (away from the group), to go ahead and role-play theircharacters as if aspects of their personalities had been switched. It could make for somechallenging role-playing!

Meeting Elders this way can be a blast, especially when Fiona shows up in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (402)

battered armor, weilding a battleaxe and sounding like a gung-ho marine, or having Cainelament that he would have trust and respect between his brethren. Try not to overdo thisor it becomes farce. Also, keep the number of Elders encountered to a minimum, asthrowing a large group of these altered versions at the characters at once can be taxing forthe Game Master, and they will lose some of the finer points of personality, reverting tomere charicatures.

The Fifth Level. The next big step is when the characters and NPCs have theirgenders switched. It does not affect Attributes in any way, but psychologically, may bevery upsetting to many of the Amberites. Again, aside from the social implications ofthis, there is little effect upon the characters’ abilities and powers.

This could be the most fun element of the whole adventure, allowing thecharacters to meet cross-gendered versions of their elders, and having things happen tothemselves. It will make for some weird role-playing, though.

The Sixth Level. Soon, perceptions begin to switch, making characters hearsounds backwards. Since they are all stuck in this form of perception, however, they willbe able to relate to each other as normal, though all of Shadow and Amber will be"reversed." Tastes will be odd (due to the molecular interaction between their taste-budsand the food consumed), smells "wrong" and visual information will be reversed in timeperception, making things difficult to synchronize in the mind. By this step, things will beextremely difficult to role-play, and the Game Master might wish to limit encounters tothe absolute necessary just to keep things moving.

The Seventh Level. Finally, characters will begin to get younger, yearsdropping off them in minutes. Younger members of the House of Amber will only have afew hours of life left in them. This level should be the final one, and can be milked for allthe suspense it can be. By this time, things will have gotten down to the last tensemoments, and this can be used to really scare the players confronting them with their ownmortality. They retain all their thoughts and memories, however, and can use any Powersor skills which do not require exertions which they are incapable of, i.e. babies might notbe able to wield large weapons due to the awkwardness of their new size. Shape Shiftingmight remedy this, however. Psychic abilities can continue to be used until "unbirth."

Role-playing this can be interesting, with characters gradually losing many oftheir Attributes which depend upon their physical bodies, such as losing dexterity forWarfare, Strength, or even Endurance as they get younger and weaker.

Other Levels. Game Masters are encourgaged to add any other “ reversed”elements to the stages listed, placing them between or instead of those presented here.Some suggestions might be a world where physical rules are reversed or altered (thingsfall up, sound is seen as waves, etc...), or a place like Merlin’s photographic negativeShadow from Knight of Chaos.

Another intriguing level would be to have one full of oddball, warped versions ofthe Powers, where they act in strange ways and have different results. Adept charactersmight try to duplicate these results themselves, or even learn them and attempt to recreate· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (403)

them once outside the mirror-trap. This kind of experimentation can lead to manyopportunities for player characters to fiddle with their own abilities, and give the GameMaster openings with which to inflict all manner of torture upon them.

If this spell is confined to one character, any characters who “die” off throughviolent means or even through the final effect of the spell will not be actually injured ordie, but will instead awaken from the dream part of the curse, unharmed. The GameMaster should withhold this information or let the characters know that they will be dealtwith later. Perhaps a word outside the gaming area or through a note will explain thingswithout getting anyone upset about their characters’ “deaths.”

Communication. One important element which makes this adventure tricky isthat the characters may be on opposite sides of the mirror and try to reach other. If thecharacters outside try to reach someone outside the mirror trap, all communication worksas normally. Characters inside the mirror trap trying to reach someone else within themirror trap will have one of the following things happen:

If the character is in the same general phase of the reflected trap, then they willreach the desired character without difficulty.

If they are in different stages of the mirror trap (i.e. one is in the gender reversionstage, while another is in the initial self-reversion), they will instead encounter a versionof the desired character from the “ caller’s” current phase.

The means of communication shows somehow some reversed element, like theimage moving backwards in time, moving out of synch, or so on...

Under no circ*mstances will characters be able to communicate across the barrierof the trap. It is warded, backed with extensive shielding, magical energy drawn from thereversed Pattern within the Rebman Jewel of Judgement, and shunted aside using aTrump sleight devised by Brand.

Pacing Things. The transformation will occur at opportune points in theadventure, depending on the rate at which the characters more towards success. Oneoption might be to fill the adventure with mirrors, hanging in strange places. Every time acharacter encounters one, their reflection within becomes the character, and they havetaken another step into the infinite trap. The new level will exhibit some of the newqualities described above, then will move onto the next step slowly in ways.

Quick-thinking parties will find the changes occurring at an rapid pace,encountering mirrors everywhere and being reflected into them. In this case, all six of themajor steps happen during the adventure, with only moments left at the finale. This isbest for a dramatic conclusion.

The Game Master should pace the transformations to match the speed at whichcharacters more towards the truth. Slow parties which chase every red herring might beurged into action by a couple of rapid changes and then given some time to think and actbefore the next one comes.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (404)

What Happens Next.

Free Time. After Random dismisses everyone, the players will be free to dowhat they like. They have not been asked to remain in Amber, and were encouraged toseek out their own sources to the problem. Their only commands were to keep in touchand to be ready if they are summoned back to defend Amber.

Their investigation or activities towards restoring themselves can now begin.

"Fixing" Things. Characters with basic or Advanced Shape Shifting might tryto transform themselves back to their "original" forms. This is next to impossible, due tothe fact that they change is at the genetic level, and feels "right." It is easy to switchdistinguishing features from one side to the other, but a factor like handedness is a part ofpsychological development and perception, and cannot be changed so easily.

Gender is easy for Shape Shifters to alter, but even so, characters will not be ableto keep Shape Shifting themselves anew with each transformation because they have"lost" the memory of what their old forms were like. To their minds and bodies, thingsare just as they always were and will be difficult to manipulate.

Advanced Shape Shifters will be able to pull the switches with some work,however, and might suspect some that their condition involves some manipulation alongthese lines. Allow them to alter other characters using this ability, but don't tell them thatit won't last past the next time the change occurs.

By the time of the fourth reversion, characters will be in a lot of trouble, andshould be concerned enough to try anything.

Spell casting simply might not even work on the final stages of the mirror trap,because of the impossibility of manipulating time backwards in Shadow and Amber. Anyattempts to do so might even trigger the next stage of the curse, at the Game Master'scaprice.

Characters might assume that the Jewel of Judgement is somehow responsible fortheir predicament in its later stages. After all, Oberon used it to warp time, didn't he?Assuming that they can get hold of the artifact, their hit-and-miss experiments might bevery interesting to the Game Master.

Two important things to remember are the response of the Elders and the othercharacters to this restoration, and that to do so means revealing part of the nature andscope of their Powers. Since Shape Shifting others requires Psychic dominance over thesubject, few Amberites will be willing to let another person freely alter their mind andtheir bodies, even if it means going on with the strange transformation uncorrected.Similarly, most Amberites will be reluctant to reveal that they possess Shape Shifting andmight use it secretly or not at all to keep others in the dark about their abilities.

Talking to Edmund. When Edmund awakens from his initial wound-inducedcoma, (and let it be some time into the investigation, to allow healing time and theRebman characters time to hear about what’s happening in Amber), he will tell them thefollowing:

“ I was just going to sleep, drifting off in my chair in my chambers here in the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (405)

castle. I was awakened by hearing my name called, and I looked to find my own image inthe mirror upon my wall. I asked what he wanted, and the image grabbed me and pulledme through the mirror into the center of the Pattern. I was surprised to be there at first,and pulled away.

“ Then I realized that I had a sword sticking through me. He pulled it out, andsmiled, and then vanished, saying ‘Rebma will be destroyed.’”

Checking with the facts that he was in the castle, and that his room bears evidenceof this strange tale will seem to match his story. That’s because it’s partly true. Edmunddid summon a mirror-ghost of himself to do the actual stabbing, and it did vanish oncethe task was done. He will go back to sleep, to rest and recover, until he can slip awayand check on the progress of the mirror-curse.

The Attacks. Characters will also be occasionally attacked by strange beings ofShadow, conjured by Edmund and sent into the mirror world to harry the characters, or tokill them directly. He has also dispatched some of the Rebman mercenaries, who willstrike from positions of surprise and ambush. They are unaware that their mission is aone-way voyage, as Edmund has no intention of bringing them back alive. Less agressivecharacters might somehow use this to their advantage, if they can speak with theirattackers and convince them of Edmund’s true disregard for their lives.

Investigating Further. More than one line of inquiry might present itself tothe characters. The Game Master should be ready to improvise whatever course ofinvestigation the characters embark upon, using the threat of further transformation tointensify the need for a search.

Here are some likely avenues which the characters might follow in their search forthe source of the transformation and some suggestions as to the results they mightencounter:

Oberon. But he's dead, isn't he? Insisting that Oberon is alive and might beresponsible will be met with laughter, careful consideration, or outright contempt,depending on who one asks. Since he was assumed to go over the Rim in Chaos into theAbyss, investigations might be somewhat difficult. Still, though, there might be enoughof the old fellow's spirit, as well as unfinished business to provide a number of redherrings and false trails to keep the characters busy until the next change comes about.

The Courts of Chaos. Merlin insists that he's innocent, and that the threatdoesn't come from the Courts. He might be lying. After all, he is half-Chaosian, and spenthis formative years there rather than in Amber. When the time came for him to make achoice between Amber and Chaos, which way did he go? Characters might think there'salso the possibility that he doesn't know what's going on in Chaos (it is pretty big), and isunaware of the source. Merlin might not take well to characters traipsing across theCourts making accusations and causing trouble.

Dworkin. While he isn't connected with the plot, Dworkin provides an excellentadvisor and might be able to aid the characters, provided he's in his right mind, that is...· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (406)

Dworkin could identify the source of the problem in a general way, and point them in theright direction, if he's asked properly. Apparently unaffected by the mirror-transformation, the old sorcerer might be more interested in studying the characters andseeing what happens next than in restoring things to their original states.

The Pattern. If a Game Master has been run Amber for any length of time, thenit's likely that he or she's sick of players running to the Pattern and announcing "Take meto the source of the problem" whenever they get stuck. In this situation, any Patterns thecharacters encounter are going to be mirror reflections of either Amber’s or Rebma’s (inwhich case, it will look normal). They might be alarmed to find that it has little or nopower in each reflected world.

Characters in the real world might find that the Pattern regards the ReversedPattern as the source of the problem, and will send the characters there. Given thePattern's cavalier attitude about the Amberites it uses as its pawns, it might be completelyunconcerned about the transformation, instead sending characters to deal with other,unconnected problems. At the very least, getting the Pattern to help out in this mattershould take some coercion or a major expenditure of energy on the character's parts.Perhaps they'll have to repair another Broken Pattern, destroy something Chaotic inorigin, or swear loyalty to the Pattern, even above Amber.

Shadow Shifting. Characters who try to Shadow Shift to the source of theproblem will encounter a lot of traps placed by Edmund, who has prepared for thispossibility both in the mirror world and the real world. These can range from the Tritons,sea-beases of immense power, Shadow traps, or other obstacles. Of course, there is alsothe horde of anti-Amberite Rebman warriors who are undoubtedly along the way toEdmund’s front door.

Rebma. Most players should eventually realize that news points towards Rebma.The "coincidence" of Moire's disappearance and the transformation happening so closetogether, and Rebma's association with mirrors will lead most players to make theobvious connection relatively fast. If the players have not been to Rebma, it might be agood time to introduce them to the city in the sea.

Llewella isn't accepting Trump contact from anyone other than Random, socharacters will have to make the trek down Faiella-bionin all by themselves. Somesoldiers will show up, and perhaps try to take the characters into custody. Alternately,Edmund’s men might meet and assault them on Faiella-bionin. Since Edmund’s assault,no one is taking any chances. Unannounced characters may be marched under guard intothe Castle to meet with Moire and Llewella. Will player characters be courteous, or willthey react angrily to the Queen’s caution? Imagine the difficulties that might developshould the characters be thrown into Rebma's watery dungeons!

Edmund’s threat originates from a small ruined tower outside Rebma, whereBrand practiced his magics. The tower is blessed with a spell which keeps a bubble ofbreathable air within it. Within it are many of Brand’s old experiments and artwork,including some interesting Trump Mirror combinations. Mixed among these areEdmund’s own creations and a full rack of defensive spells designed to discourageintruders. Feel free to improvise these, though don’t make it too difficult for the players· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (407)

to succeed.

Potential "Scenes."These are two events which can be used in the scenario to provide clues,

fascination, and even danger. It is not necessary to use either of them, and they areprovided here merely as options to be used should the Game Master see fit.

The Corridor of Mirrors. At an opportune point in the adventure, perhaps evenimmediately after the meeting in the library, one or more of the characters will encounterone of Castle Amber's most unusual features, the Corridor of Mirrors.

Read the following description aloud to them:

"You turn the corner heading back to your own chambers, discussions from thelast few hours echoing in your head, when you realize that you might have made a wrongturn in the castle.

"With a sinking feeling, realization dawns on you where you as you look alongthe long corridor, countless mirrors of every description and size hanging upon the wallin every available bit of space.

"Lamp and candlelight flickers, briefly, as a gust of wind comes from behind you,and you turn to see that the way you came seems to have disappeared.

"What are you doing?"

Characters will find that Shadow Shifting from the Corridor is impossible and theTrumps are "dead," perhaps due to extreme distance. Let them play with their Powers fora while, and if they insist on fleeing, then let them do so.

To those who brave it and walk down the Corridor, read the following section:

"You see an astonishing number of mirrors of all types and shapes, from small,hand-sized mirrors to large, body-length ones, with some framed in jewels and preciousmetals, and some in simple unfinished wood, and all manners of frames between thesetwo extremes."

After walking for a while, read the following:

"One catches your eye. It is framed in your own colors, and is somehow familiarto you, as if you had chosen it for yourself. You catch your reflection within, and watchin horror as it begins to shift, transforming itself into something new."

Game Masters can clue the characters into the next transformation at this point, orone in the future some steps removed, perhaps even showing them several stages in rapidsuccession, ending in the characters growing younger, unaging though their teenage yearsand childhood, until they are babies, then embryos and finally nothing.

"You hear a chuckle from a mirror down the wall. In an ornate green frame, yousee the leering image of Brand, puffing on a black cigar. He's looking right at you and· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (408)

speaks:"And so it goes. Pity. I never really got a chance to know you. However, if

existence is cyclical, perhaps there's a chance that I will."

He is arrogant, and if he is questioned about his involvement in thetransformation, he will deny it with the following statement:

"Apparently, belief in rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Notthis time. I can tell you that you'll have to look deeper. The seeds of your undoing wereplanted a long time ago, and I was the gardener. I just added water, and voila!

"It's good to see the sprout doing what it was intended to... Which reminds me... Ihave something for you." He begins to pat his jacket, as if searching for something, thenfrowns.

"Could you hold this for me?"At this point Brand extends his hand through the mirror-plane and offers the

smoking cigar to you. What are you doing?"

If characters take the cigar, it seems real to them. If they try to grab or attackBrand's arm, then he will snatch it back before they can do so, dropping the cigar andwaving his finger with a warning of "Naughty, naughty."

Brand searches his pockets until he gives up. He speaks again:"I suppose you can keep that one. It is customary, after all."With this, he leans back and cackles wildly, and his image begins to shimmer, as

if in water. Finally, it wavers and disappears entirely.Another voice speaks, this one from opposite the mirror."An ill-begotten one, that fellow is."Examining the mirror this comes from reveals the image of an old man, bent and

bald, with a forked beard and wide, dark eyes. He is naked to the waist, and a cloakdepends from a clamshell clasp at his throat.

"Hear this. It has transpired that your destiny is being forced to conform to yourorigins. The cord of your life has been folded, and your end will be your beginning.Perhaps the ends will meet, and the cycle be renewed, but this seems unlikely. Thepresent therefore, warrants urgency. Look into the mirror, and into the past, and seek youranswers there. Who you saw, though he has passed from existence, his reflection dwellson. Now go. More I cannot say."

He holds up a hand, and it is long and gnarled, with the rudiments of websbetween the fingers, and the nails are sharp and long, like claws. He gestures and speaks aword of power.

There is a moment of dizziness and a dark shape moves across your eyes, and yousteady yourself to see that you are back in Amber once more."

The character finds he or she is standing in the hallway in Amber where theydisappeared from. If holding onto the cigar, they see that it is still smoldering.

The Game Master can spice this scene up with other talking mirrors, or even someaction such as that which befell Merlin in Knight of Shadows. Whether the action actuallytranspires or is part of the illusion of the Corridor of Mirrors is up to the Game Master to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (409)

decide.After this scene, sharp players should be able to pick up the references to

reflections, mirrors, and the cigar's connotation as a gift given for the birth of a new child.They might definitely choose to seek out Llewella or go to Rebma to find out that whenBrand was there, he fathered a child with a lady of Moire's Court. Edmund’s parentage isnot general knowledge, so only members of the Sea-Court will know this. Llewella andVialle both know the truth about Edmund, as does Moire.

A Distress Call from Moire. At one point, a character with some Rebmanbackground might get a distress call from Moire, or even if they happen to be standingnext to a mirror in Rebma, they might observe the following scene:

"You see your reflection in the large mirror next to you suddenly blur, twist, andtake on a new form. It is Moire, absent Queen of Rebma, and she is struggling up a rockycliff side, broken arm cradled against her side. Her hands and feet are bloody and she iscovered with grime. Behind her, you see the forms of strange flashing creatures whichseem to reflect the ground beneath them. Their outlines are that of winged combinationsof man and pteranodon, swooping down on her.

“ She suddenly falls and you see that her leg is chained to the ground, the linksthick and pulled across the rocks in her path. At the base of the chain, you can see analtar. She beckons for you to help her.

“ The sky shifts crazily behind her as she moves. The image flickers, then shescreams as the creatures are upon her, beaks clashing and snapping shut with her blood.The mirror begins to crack along the edges.

"What are you doing?"

In fact, this is another of Edmund’s little traps. If characters step in, they will beentering some pocket reflection, deep within the infinity trap, and will find that this is notthe real Queen. This is what they might encounter...

“Moire’s hand on your own grasps hard, and claws dig suddenly into the flesh ofyour wrists. She looks at you, and her smile widens, teeth sharpening until it is a gapingmaw. Her body begins to elongate suddenly, in mimicry of the winged creatures whichcircle above you. They all shriek in laughter at once...

“What are you doing?

Edmund's Plans.Once the enchantment has been placed upon the Amberites, Edmund heads back

into Shadow to gather his forces for their assault upon Amber once the Princes andPrincesses are weakened and distracted. Following are the different elements of Edmund'sstrategy:

The Sea-Attack. First, he begins by a feint, sending his ships on a sea-attacktowards Rebma. These fleets are few in number, but he has used his power of MirrorWrighting and his Pattern abilities together to create duplicates of his fleet, solely for· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (410)

appearance's sake. To the observer, they will appear to be fleets moving together, perhapsin rigid discipline, but anyone with high Warfare will swiftly realize that there issomething highly unnatural about the way the ships are arranged.

In battle, the duplicates of the ships are useless, as they all respond to the samethreat in a synchronous fashion, with each set of duplicates mirroring the actions of theoriginal. Fighting these mirror-forces will be unusual, as they appear to be fightingseveral battles at once, or struggling against ghosts.

The Battle in Amber. While the ships of Rebma are occupied in Shadow withthe fleet, Edmund's creatures of the Shadow seas will emerge from the waterfront inAmber, breaking docks and fighting their way from the harbor up the main boulevardtowards Amber. This will be noticed immediately, as alarms will sound in the city andmilitia will be alerted.

At the same time, soldiers and mercenaries from Rebma will begin to enter CastleAmber through any of a number of mirrors within the Castle. This attack might catchsome of the player characters or Elder Amberites with their proverbial pants down, intheir quarters, or just walking along the hall when assaulted by armed men pouring fromfull length mirrors. Breaking any of these mirrors prevents further passage, but Edmundis counting on enough men getting through to kill or secure the undefended castle.

Distracted by the events in Shadow and with the curse, Benedict has been caughtunawares by this force, and will take a short time to marshal his forces. Julian's forestersare moving from Arden via Trump Gates, but this battle gives players the chance to provethemselves, and stand firm to defend Amber on the streets of the city. See the descriptionof Edmund for his Shadow troops.

This battle will continue for some time, until the water begins to boil over andchurn, darkening over a great area. From the depths, emerges a massive Kraken, half athousand feet long, weighing hundreds of tons, summoned and commanded by Edmundand intent on destroying Amber. The damage it can wreck is incredible, and the struggleagainst this creature and Edmund's forces should tax the players to their limits.

The Pattern. If he has been successful in waylaying or distracting all of theAmberites, then he will make his way to the dungeon of Amber with whatever captive hemight have gained from the course of the adventure. This could be one of the player-characters, or an elder Amberite. If characters are successful, they will arrive just as he isready to begin the sacrifice, or immediately after it (the victim in question being neardeath). This sets the stage for a battle upon the Pattern itself, similar to the ones fought byCorwin and Merlin at different points in the Chronicles.

Especially vicious Game Masters might have the characters arrive too late, andemerging into the Pattern Chamber to find it in the process of being remade to Edmund’sspecifications. What would happen if they stopped him in the midst of scribing a newPattern?

Or even worse, what would his own Pattern-world be like?

Edmund's Own Mirror World. Through some clever manipulation ofShadow and mirrors, Edmund has made his base within a unique tower in which he staysto use his mirror magic. Located some distance from Rebma, it was used by Brand on· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (411)

some secret visits to Rebma. It appears as a ruin, though there are a number of spells andguards to keep intruders out. There is only one small entrance at the base of the tower,which shimmers with a silvery light. Stepping through this will reveal that inside thetower is an atmosphere of air, breathable and warm enough to be comfortable. Charactersstepping through the barrier will find that their clothes and hair have dried instantly.

The lower chamber is empty save for a narrow spiraling staircase, which leads tothe second floor, inside which a number of mirrors hang upon the walls. They are allreflecting what appears to be a much larger room. The room, like the tower, is merelytwenty or so feet in diameter. Entering through one of the mirrors takes characters into amuch larger circular room (at least one hundred yards across) , full of worktables, easels,magical experiments, and bookshelves filled with grimiores. and the mirrors of theenchantment.

Hidden in this hidden mirror world, where he coordinates the attack, Edmund isstill with allies and has prepared for the possible discovery by characters. His mirrorservants will be ready to defend him, and he is ready to use his powers and his controlover the Rebman Jewel of Judgement to stop the characters before they can threaten hisplans. Characters might have to battle multiple versions of Edmund, which he cansummon from other mirrors, or even any mirrors they pass before might sprout duplicatesof themselves.

Smashing the Mirrors. If the characters smash any of the mirrors, theduplicates from that mirror disappear, instantly, shattering as if made of glass, piecesdissipating before hitting the floor.

However, some of the mirrors show reflections of an infinite number of mirrors,though they do not face other mirrors. These should be identifiable as the mirrors used toenchant the characters by their borders. For example, a Corwin mirror would be silver-framed, and oval, with a silver rose worked into the frame at the bottom. A Benedictmirror would be rectangular and tall, with a plain wooden frame, carven with green vinesand small orange flowers. Use elements of the characters’ dress and emblems topersonalize mirrors relating to them. Smashing these mirrors is not adviseable, as theywill further trap the characters inside them.

They radiate magic, but cannot be affected by it, shunting it back at the user.Characters touching the plane will find that they can easily enter the first reflection. Onceinside, the character can use all spells or Powers allowed within the mirror world, thoughnot to affect things outside the reflected world. Once inside, Trump works, as does anyother sorcerous means of communication. Using something like Logrus, characters can bereached through the reflections and brought back to the first reflection.

Escaping from the first reflection of the mirror world is easy, as all is required isfor someone outside the mirror to physically reach into the mirror and pull someone backthrough, as if in a Trump transport. Logrus extensions will not work in this instance.Once the trapped subject is outside the mirror, it can be safely destroyed.

Inspecting the mirrors magically will reveal which of them are in use, trappingAmberites, and which are inactive, waiting for use.

The Game Master might provoke a lot of speculation and foreshadow introducingother of Oberon’s lineage by providing mirrors for Amberites the characters might nothave met, assume dead, or do not know about.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (412)

Encountering Edmund.This seems like a lot to do for one man, though he has been planning this all

along, perhaps with the assistance of Brand, before he fell into the Abyss. The GameMaster should use a version of Edmund which presents the greatest challenge to theplayer characters, perhaps even adding some new Powers to Edmund’s roster to present amore formidible foe. Brand may have instructed his son Edmund in the initiation into theFount of Power, giving Edmund the ability of a Living Trump, or perhaps he translatedthat energy into becoming a Living Mirror.

Edmund’s Allies: Edmund doesn't have to be in this alone. It might be that heis merely the pawn of some other Rebman, Amberite or Chaosian who is using this as achance to weaken Amber. He could be allied with another villian from the Amberuniverse, or from Rebma. Brand himself may have survived and be guiding the attack insecret.

Rebmans who want to see Amber weakened are not exactly scarce, and severalpossess sufficient motive for the deed. The mysterious Tritons might even be aidingEdmund's quest for vengeance, with their real goal being the destruction of Rebma. Thiscould lead into other campaigns involving the Tritons, perhaps even introducing them tothe Rebman world.

Elder Amberites such as Bleys are not above trying for the throne again, andmight be using Edmund for bait, to weaken the Amberites before stepping in and endingthe spell once they are on the throne. It might even be that Brand is back, using his son asa puppet to get back at his kin.

The Courts of Chaos aren't out of the picture, either. There are plenty of thosewho aren't happy to see a half-Amberite on the Throne, and are willing to do anything todefeat their conquerors. Stung by the outcome of the Patternfall War, they might bewilling to use Brand's son to accomplish what they couldn't do beforehand.

The Elder Amberites. Following is a list of the Elder Amberites as theywill appear at the beginning of the adventure, and their availability once the mirror-trapcontinues.

RANDOM AND VIALLEAs King of Amber, Random is concerned about what the transformation might

entail, and wishes to know both how it was done and why. Worried that some old or newenemy has found Amber's weakness, he wants things stopped and the perpetrator broughtto Amber or killed outright if necessary.

As Queen, Vialle wants to see the strange transformation stopped, and the Courtrestored to normal, but if there is a means in which it can be done without bloodshed, shewill opt for that plan. If the characters need allies in Rebma, she will be quick to aid themin whatever means that she can.

Trump. They will take any and all Trump contacts, and Vialle will receive anycommunication by the mirrors of Rebma, if they are used. This creates the possibility ofproviding a clue for player characters.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (413)

FLORAAlways knowing whatever side her bread is buttered on, Flora has seen fit to toss

in her lot with Amber, and by extension, Random. If she looks like she's on the losingside of a power struggle, she will claim that she was just loyal to the throne foremost andnot the person on it, and change sides in a flash. She suspects that this might be the workof one of the "lost" Amberites like Delwin or Sand, or the work of an insider like Bleys orFiona.

Trump. She will accept any Trump contacts, but will do so surreptitiously, toallow for any conspirators to contact her. She will also be very active on the Trumps,hinting that her alliances are not set in concrete.

JULIANSuspecting his red-haired brethren, Julian is spying on characters through the

Trumps in the same manner which he learned from Caine. Believing, rightly so, that thiseffect is a prelude to an invasion, he has intensified his troops in Arden.

Trump. Julian will ignore all but the most persistent Trump contacts. He,Random, and Gérard have special messengers, special Trump signals, and hawks todeliver messages, keeping him in touch with the important folk.

GERARD AND BENEDICTThe defenders of Amber, they suspect most of their brethren, but are not confining

their investigation to the family. Gérard is stationed aboard the flagship, and when theships of Edmund's fleet appear on the horizon, he will set out to battle them, leavingAmber mostly undefended by sea.

Ready for everything, Benedict was most surprised to find that his missing armhad switched sides, but it cut his abilities down not one iota. Contacting Amberimmediately, he began to marshal his forces in Amber for the possibility of an invasion.After the meeting, he can be found in the armory or training fields conducting drills andoverseeing troops.

Trump. They are both wary of using Trump, suspecting that the cards might bethe source of the problem, or at least of locating them, but will receive most contactsbriefly.

MARTIN, LUKE AND CORALThe Amberite "Brat Pack," minus Merlin, these three have thrown together in a

quick alliance. At Random's urging, Martin is along with them to offer assistance andalso to see what they're up to. If Rebma is suspected, Martin will reluctantly act as guidefor the group while there. He'll stick close to Amber most of the time, though.

Coral, with her missing eye transposed, is curious to know what will happen nextand is here on behalf of Merlin as well as herself. She is very reluctant to allow anyone toattempt to use the Jewel of Judgement in any magical rituals or experimentation. She'llhave Ghostwheel bring her back to Chaos after the meeting and will remain there withMerlin, perhaps aiding him in his own investigation.

Luke has his theories about the source of the trouble, though he is unaware of the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (414)

culprit. While he feels he might make more headway towards the problem on his own, heis present more as show of solidarity with the family than out of any obligation. He mighthead to the Keep of the Four Worlds to speak with his mother and perhaps see if theFount can be utilized for his restoration.

Trump. Both Luke and Martin have their own ways of identifying callers, andwill use Trumps cautiously. Coral will be the most receptive to such communication.

FIONAAs soon as the transformation happened, she instantly went into hiding, and

recognized that the problem was linked somehow with the reversed Pattern in Rebma.She is there now, with Llewella, trying to communicate with it, with a very good idea ofwhat will happen next. She is unaware of Edmund's existence at this time.

Trump. She will not answer Trump contacts for any reason whatsoever, andremains hidden magically, hoping to shield herself from the next phase of the attack.

LLEWELLAAssuming the position of Regent when Moire disappeared, Llewella began her

own investigation into her sister's absence. Knowing that an Amberite ruler on the throneis very unpopular with the Rebman people, Llewella has kept a low profile, and most ofthe Rebman people are unaware that Moire is missing with the Jewel of Judgement.Llewella is using her magical mirrors to try to learn the secret to the transformation and toferret where in Shadow her sister might be.

Trump. Llewella is not taking Trump calls, preferring to spy surreptitiously andthen make her own calls afterwards, pretending that she was out of contact or unable tospeak at the time.

MOIREMoire's Jewel of Judgement was taken from her and is now being used by

Edmund. She is now hiding out in Rebma, trying to get to the bottom of things using herconnection to the reversed Pattern and sorcery. Unless the characters come to her withimpeccable credentials, or she has dealt with them in the past, she will not see them,instead referring all callers to Llewella.

Trump. Moire's Trump feels odd to the touch, and when it is tried, the featuresclear themselves, leaving the character holding a mirror Trump which reflects their ownfeatures. Any attempts to force contact will simply be reflected back at the character inthe form of a self-directed Psychic assault (giving a massive headache, and nothingmore). She cannot be reached in any way by the Trumps.

BLEYS AND CORWINBoth are missing from Amber, and have been for some time. No one knows the

whereabouts of either, nor has anyone been able to reach either of them by Trump.Corwin routinely blocks his Trump communication, and Bleys is somehow out of reach.Their exact locations and activities are left to the Game Master to define.

CAINE· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (415)

Unless the Game Master is running a campaign which is independent of events inthe Chronicles, Caine is thought to be dead by everyone in Amber, killed by Luke invengeance for Brand's death. Still, though, he was dead once, and came back none theworse for wear, so anything is possible. His death happened "off camera" and away fromAmber, making it possible that he was never killed at all. If Caine is still alive, then it'slikely that he's in hiding, spying on his siblings via the Trumps as he is wont to do. Hewill not appear unless it suits his purposes, and he might be biding his time until he isable to revenge himself upon Luke.

Player Character "Sockets."Ways in which characters might be "plugged" into the scenario, defined according

to their parents, Allies, goals, Attributes, Powers, or Stuff, or by other means.Offspring of Brand. Somehow, the idea of remaking Amber in an alternate

image rings a bell somewhere. Any child of Brand might suspect his or her father of suchbehavior, and rightly so. This might lead to the character seeking out any hints of Brand'sexistence, or even contacting others who might know such as Jasra or Luke. Perhaps theyeven know about Edmund's existence and the truth of his parentage.

Offspring of Llewella. Suspecting that the transformation is in some waylinked to Rebma, Llewella might order any child of her into investigating or assisting theAmberites in their search for the culprit. Wishing to keep Amberite influence in Rebma toa minimum, this might even take the form of guiding them in Rebma, or keeping them offthe track while Rebmans work on the problem.

Offspring of Moire. The vanished Queen's children will be very interested inseeing what happens, and the suddenness of the disappearance and the events in Amberare too coincidental. They will be the first to seek out allies to help find their missingmother, or to see that she is never found if the character's eyes are on the Throne ofRebma.

The Victim if a One Character Trap.If the spell is directed only at one or two characters, then these characters will

probably be the children of characters who aided in Brand’s death. Children of Caine,Corwin, or Fiona would be first among the potential victims, while a case could be madefor any offspring of the Elders who were present at the Patternfall War.

Possible Resolutions.Once events begin to start, the question remains "How do we stop them?" How

will the characters figure out who is responsible for their changes, find him, and then stophis plan and foil his invasion. Some likely outcomes are finding Edmund and simplykilling him or forcing him to reverse the spell, destroying the magical mirror, or comingup with a counter-spell to reverse the effects of the curse.

When the spell is stopped, the prime mirror destroyed, the players (or player) willrevert to their old bodies once more with nothing amiss save for injuries and alterationswhich occurred on the adventure.

Alternately, the characters might be stuck in their new forms, and only allowed to· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (416)

change internally. Perhaps a trip through the Pattern will fix things. Repairing thereversed Pattern in Rebma might do the trick. Suddenly "youthful" characters might haveto seek out fast-time Shadows to restore themselves to their proper apparent ages.

If the Game Master feels like doing it, then the entire adventure could havehappened inside the mirror world, with all of the invasion, summoned creatures, andevery other facet a part of the mirror curse. However, while easier on the Amber universe,the “ It was all just a dream” ending has few positive effects. Having the attack comingwhile many of the characters are caught dreaming in the mirror trap is a much bettersolution.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (417)

THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEAThis adventure is best suited for player-character groups from Amber or Rebma, or anycombination weighted heavily in those two directions. A few Lords of Chaos might be welcome,as well.

The Threat Summary: Rebma is threatened by an unknown entity which has raised a largearmy of the dead. It is heading towards the city in a fleet of sunken, rotting ships which sailbeneath the water. Can the player characters stop the fleet of the dead before it destroys Rebmaand attacks Amber?

Getting Started.Here’s how to get things going for any player-characters, to get them into one group and

informed of the situation before turning them loose to investigate or encounter the problem. Thedifferent beginnings take into account the backgrounds of the player-characters.

Anyone in Shadow. One of the more vivid means of beginning this adventure for thosein Shadow is to have them encounter the fleet of the dead firsthand in the initial stages.Characters will be in their private Shadows, perhaps inland, when they will hear a rumor thatsomething strange is going on in the oceans of their world. In medieval worlds, these will comefrom town criers and horse-backed riders, while more high-tech characters might find outfirsthand with coverage on their appropriate Shadow news network.

They will learn that there have been attacks on ocean-going vessels by ships whichseemed to rise from beneath the ocean’s depths, crewed by rotting corpses. The undead attackersoutnumbered the defenders, and swiftly defeated them. After fearsome battles, the losers weresunk, and the mysterious death fleet submerged again to continue on its way. Some few survivorsmanaged to spread the word of what was happening. All types of ships are being assaulted, fromfreighters, yachts, warships, to fishing boats. There are rumors that submarines (if appropriate)have been lost to the armada.

Putting the characters on board one of the attacked ships is an even better way ofbeginning things, letting them encounter the battle firsthand. You might begin the scene like this:

“You’re relaxing on the main deck, sunning yourself and listening to shuffleboard beingplayed across from you. Kids splash in the swimming pool, and the waiter deposits another pinacolada next to your booth. The afternoon sun burns brightly even through your sunglasses. Astatuesque, incredible beautiful movie starlet has just seated herself next to you, and is lookingaround for someone to rub oil upon her back. You remember seeing one of her movies on cable.She looks better in person. Her eyes settle on you.

“ Suddenly, you hear a commotion from the railing, and hear some splashing. A momentlater, screams. Some foul smell invades the salty air, and you recognize it as death.

“Heading to the railing, you see the masts of ships poking up through the clear, tropicalwaters around the cruise liner. They stretch out for miles, like a desiccated forest of rotted treesand tattered sails. The stench comes from the corpses which hang from the masts, clutching atswords and axes. You realize that they are moving, and waiting, anticipating the battle. You’re· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (418)

surrounded. The starlet clutches your arm, in fear.“What are you doing?”

Battling the things is a waste of time. They are so plentiful that engaging them in hand tohand combat is like trying to extinguish a forest fire with a water pistol. They will swiftlyoverrun the ship, killing all on board. If the character tries to shift Shadow and take the boat withthem, they will realize that this ghastly armada is strewn throughout several adjacent Shadows,and is larger than can be imagined. Soon, this vessel will join the ranks of the fleet of the dead.

Characters from Amber: Random, King of Amber, has summoned you via Trump ormessenger to the Castle Amber immediately, stating that a threat to the realm presents itself andhe has need of all of the Royal Family of Amber in this matter. He does not offer anyone achoice in this, and his manner is unusually grave. If characters refuse his authority to lead them, afew seconds later they will receive a visit from their parent or Devotee, or an Amberite Allyletting them know that this is a matter which threatens all of Amber and Shadow. If thecharacters still don’t want to join their siblings, let them sit this one out, reminding them thatAmberites have proportionately long memories...

Characters from the Courts of Chaos: he King of Chaos has summoned thecharacters to the Thelbane, residence of the master of Chaos. He commands you to travel toAmber, giving you a Trump of Random if you do not possess one immediately.

Characters will know that recently there has been some sort of disturbance in the BlackZone, the area of Shadows analogous to Amber’s Golden Circle. The King of Chaos will explainthat recently, some dark necromancy has been enacted in Shadows near Chaos creating a fleet ofthe dead, an assemblage of animated corpses and skeletons which sail the ocean floor uponsunken vessels. This fleet is moving through Shadow, growing in size and sending out ripplesthrough Shadow in both directions, towards Amber and the Courts.

The King of Chaos would like you to assure Random directly that the threat does notstem from the Courts and is not an attack violating the principles of the Patternfall Treaty, and islending assistance in accordance with that agreement. Additionally, the destruction the deathfleet is causing is troublesome to Chaos’s allies in the Black Zone and other Shadows, so hewould like it stopped once more is known about the nature of this threat.

Characters from Rebma or from Shadow: The people of Rebma and otherShadows may have experienced the threat in some small measure already, through seeing thedead of Rebma and the Coral Branch Shadows beginning to crawl from their undersea graves andcrypts, or corpses standing upright in once-sunken vessels, waiting for the approach of theghastly fleet. Game Masters should personalize these encounters with the living dead vividly,threatening them with these undead beings in a matter similar to the manner described above. Ifthey don’t try to contact Moire or anyone in Amber about this, they’ll be Trumped by Llewellawho informs them that their experience is widespread.

Shadow-based characters might have had similar experiences and been contacted by theLords of Amber or Ladies of Rebma to assist and inform in this emergency.

Gathering of Player Characters. They can be drawn either into an audience with· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (419)

Moire in Rebma and/or Random in Amber, and then urged to work together towards stoppingthis threat before it reaches Rebma’s waters. Speaking with Random or Moire, they will learnthat this fleet is incredibly large, and is growing rapidly. It is being led by some force or beingwho is able to traverse Shadow. Initial attempts at putting obstacles in its path failed.

Characters are asked to learn what they can of this threat, and to seek any ways to stop ordivert it before it reaches Rebma, its apparent destination. The unspoken understanding is thatthere is no guarantee that it will stop at Rebma, and may move from beneath the waves to assaultAmber.

Elder Amberites will offer any assistance they can in this matter, though many of themhave their own roles in Amber’s defense.

Julian is guarding the shores near Arden, with Benedict assembling some men to defendRebma. Bleys is in charge of the defense of City Rebma, and is placing troops along the mainconcourse and strengthening the castle’s defenses. Gerard is sailing from Amber with navies ofAmber in an attempt to meet them in some Shadow Sea shallow enough to encounter thedeathless fleet in nautical combat. Llewella is in charge of the defense of Rebma’s Pattern, andher half-sister Moire is working with Random in coordinating the forces of Amber and Rebma.The members of the Sea-Court are filling their usual positions in Rebma, strengthening it againstthe assault. Corwin is heading to his own Pattern to see what may be learned there, and to defendit. Fiona’s whereabouts are unknown, but it is suspected that she’s trying to lay Shadow obstaclesin the armada’s path. Any others are in their usual places, such as Luke in Kashfa, preparing toresist the fleet with Kashfan regulars supplemented with Dalt’s mercenaries. They areundoubtedly preparing to Trump through to Rebma if needed.

Background.These are the events prior to the characters’ being sent against the undead fleet, so that

Game Masters can better understand what has transpired beforehand, and can use thisinformation for the characters to learn later in the scenario.

The ultimate villain in this piece is Dagon, the monstrously transformed Triton describedin the section on the Tritons. Over the millennia, it came into contact with one of the spikards,and was able to project its psyche into the spikard, waiting centuries for the right vessel todiscover the ring and wear it. Possessing them, it would then use their sorcerous abilities to raisea fleet of Shadow-powered undead vessels and troops, and cause it to grow in size as itapproaches Rebma, until it is unstoppable. Many have found the ring and been killed by it overthe centuries as Dagon sought to get it into the hands of someone of sufficient power to serve it.Now that time has come. It has found a host.

The Identity of the Admiral of the Dead Armada.Here are some suggestions as to who the guilty party might be. Each of them can send the

outcome of the adventure in a radically different direction, and the Game Master should choosecarefully which to use.

Nereus and the Dream of Power. Some Shadow folk can grow in power to the pointwhere they are able to present a danger to the Blood of Amber or Chaos. Nereus is one of theserare souls, a Shadow sorcerer with an unquenchable thirst for power. He was from the BlackZone near the Courts of Chaos, which breed some powerful sorcerers. Unfortunately, Nereus’· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (420)

interests lie in the dark arts of magic- and he was prepared to pay the price of his soul for whatforbidden knowledge could be his. He roamed across the Black Zone seeking enlightenment,collecting magical knowledge and growing in power. But this was not enough, and he went tobed each night, taunted by images of power just outside his grasp.

One night, as he slept, he dreamed that he was in a massive crypt-like structure made ofblack marble, upon which was carven a silvery design of some sort which shimmered in the air.He realized that he was underwater when he saw bubbles leaving his mouth across his faceinitially. Strangely, he saw torches burning on either side of him, and realized that they wereactually burning upwards underwater, and he was floating horizontally, facing downward. Thecrypt seemed to be sealed with the design, he saw, and he was filled with the irresistible urge todamage the design and open the crypt. Inside, he was sure, would be great power, beyond any hehad known before. The design resisted him when he touched it, sparks flaring and burning hishands to charred ash. He railed against the wall, shouting “How am I to free you?” to the entityhe knew slumbered within, thinking that this was another of his dreams which denied himmastery over magic. He could not have been more mistaken.

A gleam then caught his eye where before had been only bare stone. He looked down andsaw a small circle of silvery metal. He picked it up, examined it and pulled it onto his finger,exactly as a certain Prince of Chaos had done with a similar ring. Now he was overcome by theforce which resided within the spikard.

An Amberite. Putting the adventure closer to home, the identity of the leader of theundead fleet might be someone from the family. They might have stumbled across the spikard intheir travels, not knowing that it had become the host for Dagon, a powerful Triton’s psyche.Putting on the ring, the result was the same. Except for perhaps Oberon, Fiona, or Brand, none ofthe Amberites could withstand the millennia-old psychic force which the ring imposed uponthem, and they were possessed. This might be the better choice, as it raises the stakesconsiderably, and makes it that much tougher to rationalize killing the possessed leader outright.

Here are a few choice Amberites who might be wearing the ring:

Bleys. Desirous of the throne still, Bleys might be working with Dagon, allowing it todestroy Rebma in return for the use of the undead armada to lay siege to Amber and take thecrown for himself. He will likely have a sorcerous component to his assault, and will be able toeasily avoid most of Fiona’s Shadow obstacles. Direct one-on-one combat with him could proveto be suicidal unless the one going against him is the equal of Benedict.

Caine. If Caine is alive still in your campaign, he is no friend to the Tritons, and wouldhave been doing what he could to subdue, destroy, or harass them. The spikard might have beenrecovered and placed on his finger before he realized what it was, dooming him to serve underthat which he despised. As an enemy asea, his tactics will be much more difficult to overcomethan any mortal or Shadow sorcerer.

Gerard. Venturing forth on one of his many trading missions, Gerard found the spikardand slipped it onto his finger, not knowing what power it represented. Not especially powerful inpsychic defenses, he was immediately overcome and is now the host to the Triton Dagon’s soul.It could not ask for a fitter body. Armed with an arsenal of spells and raw magical energy fromthe spikard, with millennia of cunning, and the strength of Gerard... what a combination!· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (421)

Perhaps it would be best for the characters to surrender now.

Though only three choices have been listed, this section could be expanded to includealmost anyone of the royal house of Amber. Anyone from Corwin to Llewella can be theDagon’s catspaw in this adventure. Long-lost relatives like Osric, Finndo, Sand, or others mightbe bearing the ring, or it could be on the hand of one of the newer family members such asMartin, Dalt, Coral, Luke, or even Merlin.

If one of the Amberite royals is chosen to lead the dark armada, a “ dead” Amberite mightfind themselves in the position of first mate. If any Amberite was lost at sea, or died out inShadow, this might be a great place to put them, at the side of their sibling in this death quest.

A Member of the Sea-Court. Selecting someone from Rebma as the villain meansthat they were more likely to encounter the spikard, and their own goals might be much more inline with the Dagon’s scheme to restore the Triton rule to Rebma. Some likely suspects in thiscategory include:

Morganthe. Lost in Shadow for long decades, she came across the spikard and sought itspower to revenge herself upon the injustice committed upon her by Random and her motherMoire. She willingly accepted the symbiosis with Dagon, with the only difference in her plansbeing that she will not stop the dead fleet after it destroys Rebma. Instead, she plans on attackingRebma first, and then using the vast army of the dead which would be produced to invade Amberand kill all who live there. She will see the seas run red with blood for her revenge, and is lost inmadness and hatred.

The Possession.Regardless of who placed the ring upon their finger, the result was the same. Instantly,

the being who wore the ring was lost, possessed by the entity which may have slept behind thecrypt. It awoke as a synthesis of human and Triton, the victim’s body playing host to the ancient,evil Triton. Upon one hand was the spikard, filling the symbiosis of the two with unimaginablepower.

Shortly thereafter, the reborn Dagon began a much bloodier quest for might, harvestingsouls through sacrifice, then trapping them within the many spokes of the spikard. From there, itbegan using necromantic arts to reanimate the bodies of those slain in the seas of Shadow, anddirected them towards the city of Rebma and the reversed image of the Pattern which shone fromthe darkness of the ocean’s depths. With the spikard, it was able to use the rotting, rusting,twisted remains of vessels which have sunk and caused them to sail along the bottom of ahundred Shadow seas with their deadly complement of undead warriors.

The Triton plans to invade the city of Rebma and put all to the sword, spear, and trident,so that they might join the army of the dead. From there Dagon will destroy the Pattern in Rebmaand free the primal power therein. It has been gathering its forces in secret for some time, andnow they have grown to the point where they are ready.

The fleet has now set sail through Shadow for Rebma, and Amber afterwards.

A Note on Sources: The name Dagon stems from both the fallen angel described in Paradise Lostand the ancient god worshiped by the Phoenicians (or Philistines, as my accounts vary). It is not· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (422)

H. P. Lovecraft’s creation from the excellent and highly inspirational Cthulhu Mythos stories.No disrespect or copyright infringement is intended.

Who is Responsible?While Nereus’ dream implied that beneath the Pattern in Rebma is buried some creature

of a marine biologists’s nightmarish fantasies, it is likely that the dream was highly symbolic andcan be interpreted in many ways. The truth behind what is happening can be one of severalstories:

The Return of the Spikards: In the time after the deaths of Oberon, Lord of Amber,and his ancient nemesis King Swayvil of Chaos, the Powers are weakened perhaps greater thanthey ever have been before. This might explain their blatant manifestation and desperatemaneuvering in Merlin’s books of the Chronicles. As the image of Delwin explained to Merlin inPrince of Chaos, “we may never meet- unless certain ancient powers come loose.” Now is thetime that those powers are coming loose, and the Amber universe will never be the same again.These powers seek to weaken the Powers further, and one step of this plan is to use the spikardsto harass the Pattern and Logrus. Merlin forces the Logrus to do his bidding armed with aspikard. Now Dagon is the vessel of the Pattern’s downfall.

The Tritons: The dream was a message sent by the Tritons, plotting to destroy Rebma.They came across a spikard and rescued it from the Maelstrom, seeking to use it against thereversed image of the Pattern. This might occur after some initial defeat at the hands of theRebmans or Amberites earlier in the player characters’ adventures. The dream symbolized thesleeping power of the Tritons, Lords of the Deep, and the containment which the Patternpresented them. The victim is possessed by a powerful Triton Lord named Dagon, an extremelyancient Triton.

Dagon is immense and evil, with highly ranked Attributes, Advanced Vortex, Sorcery,Conjuration (and High Compelling), and Advanced Shape Shifting. Additionally, he is themaster of a spikard. Dagon should be constructed with a pool of about 400 to 600 Points,depending on the relative power level of the campaign. He resides in his corporeal form back inthe Maelstrom, tended to by Tritons.

Lir, Founder of Rebma: Unable to remain in Rebma, Lir fled into the Maelstrom,sending dark stone Shadow Servants into Rebma to masquerade as statues and inform him ofRebma’s fate. Now that Oberon is dead, and the Pattern in Amber weakened in its struggle withthe Logrus, Lir has chosen this time to strike against Amber and the Pattern.

Taking on the identity of Dagon, Lir has sent this human tool against the city of Rebma,and then onwards to Amber itself through its hard-to-defend harbor. Perhaps some of the tunnelsin the room of Rebma’s Pattern lead to Amber’s own Pattern... In one fell swoop, he willrecapture his former city and destroy the cursed Pattern therein!

The Courts of Chaos: The Logrus is not above using a human tool to seek thedestruction of its antithetical enemy, the Pattern of Amber. The dream-test of Nereus may havebeen a set-up from the very beginning, similar to the trials Merlin was forced to go through inKnight of Shadows, where he was forced to choose his allegiance. It might have been the same· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (423)

dream for the other bearer of the ring, if it is not Nereus.Will the bearer of the ring use the power of the Pattern to gain strength, or assail it to free

the submerged force of Chaos? His answer was obvious, and the Logrus granted him a tool ofsome power, the spikard, with which to reach his ends.

The entity known as Dagon is the Logrus itself, Leviathan, or merely a Logrus-Ghost ofsome departed Lord of Chaos. Alternately, it can be a bodiless spirit similar to the ty’iga whichpossessed Nayda and others of Merlin’s acquaintances.

This entire assault is a way of bringing immense power to bear against Amber withouttaking direct responsibility, or risking any of the Houses of Chaos. If Nereus succeeds, then hewill have done what the Logrus was longing to do for millennia. If he fails, then there willalways be another tool.

One method of foreshadowing might be to present the dream of Nereus to a player-character connected with Rebma as happening to them. Ask them for their responses and actions.More likely than not, they’ll be judged “ unworthy.” If they actually choose to try to free Dagon,then perhaps the Game Master might want to arrange things with them ahead of time, lettingthem play two roles, of the villain and one of the heroes, secretly sending commands to theundead fleet!

The Villain and Dagon. This synthesis of human and possessing entity is a powerfulone, though the strain of Dagon’s influence upon the victim’s form is beginning to show.

If Nereus. Nereus was a human male in his apparent fifties, with pale skin, a long, forkedbeard and curled, dark hair, and dark, fathomless eyes. He had a cavernous voice and was tall andthin. Possessed by Dagon, Nereus has become heavier towards the waist and lost some of hiserect posture. His hair is falling from his head, and he has begun to look sort of greenish-grey inskin tone. His fingernails are now long and have darkened, and the flesh of his mouth and thesurrounds of his eyes appears to be a sickly bluish purple. Veins are clearly visible beneath hisskin. He wears a long robe of black and green, covered with silver, rune-carven scales and plates.Upon his right hand gleams the spikard.

Nereus’s exact Attributes and Powers should be up to the Game Master to decide, basedon the level of the player characters in her campaign and the source of his possession. Forexample, if he is a tool of the Logrus, then he should be able to use Logrus Mastery at somelevel. If he is possessed by a Demon, then he should be able to manipulate magic in the mannerwhich they can.

Some suggestions are a very high Psyche and Endurance, with at least Amber Rank inStrength. He is a capable Sorcerer, with Power Words and Conjuration. He also bears a spikard,and has other magical Artifacts and Creatures at his disposal. He should be as formidable anenemy as any Lord of Chaos or Amber, perhaps more so due to the ruthlessness of his quest forpower and the price he has paid for it.

If Amberite. Still recognizable, the Amberite doesn’t look healthy at all, however. Keptalive in the cold ocean depths solely by the power of the spikard, the victim’s skin is pale andclammy, with hair plastered to the side and eyes hollowed-out sockets. Not having eaten or sleptin weeks, the Amberite will be thin, with an inhuman light burning from their eyes.

All of their Attributes will be altered by the possession. Strength will be augmented bythe raw energy which can be drawn through the spikard. As the character is the channel through· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (424)

which all of the energy is drawn, their Endurance is incredible, making the Amberite tougherthan normal. Psyche is the equivalent to Dagon, which could be higher than even Fiona’s, whileWarfare will be the same. Dagon is able to take what it will from the mind of the host, so tactics,skills, and even personal information are all accessible.

The Fleet of the Dead. This ghastly fleet is animated by the spikard, drawing onambient magic in Shadow as it passes through, growing in size and numbers with each day. Thedark enchantment summons spirits of those killed by the fleet and returns them to their bodies,binding them to the task of sailing the bottom of the sea upon wrecked and sunken ships, causingan immense aura of suffering and horror which radiates from the dead fleet throughout Shadow.All they encounter, they slay, and force to join their deathless crusade. Every Shadow which hasships is finding that they are moving to join Dagon’s fleet. Drowned corpses are walking acrossthe floor of the sea to step on board rusted hulks of battleships, standing alongside the dead froma hundred Shadows as they prepare for Rebma’s destruction.

A fleet of this size has already caused considerable rippling through Shadow,unfortunately serving to awaken others of the drowned dead, who await their chance to join thedamned fleet. The Game Master should pull out all the stops to make this threat a horrific one,describing the decomposing remains and the amazing variety of sea-vessels arrayed againstRebma. While the dead are no major threat individually, they exist in such masses and radiatesuch an aura of terror that few can stand effectively against them.

What Happens Next?This is entirely up to the player characters at this point. Will they confront the fleet of the

dead directly, though its vessels now number in the thousands, perhaps half a million dead soulsunder Nereus’ command? Will they try to track the fleet back to its point of origin, and learnmore of Nereus’ past and his recent change?

How can the fleet be stopped? Will it take the combined efforts of Amber, Rebma, andthe Courts of Chaos, or is one of these working against the other two? Will the Sign of theUnicorn be forced to intervene? Can the dark fleet be diverted, or dispelled?

The answers are ultimately up to you, the Game Master, and the players, through theireffectiveness at this challenge.

There is no one answer to this problem, and the Game Master should be willing toimprovise the results of the player characters’ actions.

Some suggestions are to keep the action coming, and the undead advancing like asteamroller. Bring them all the way to Rebma’s gates. Engage characters in combat with thedeathless navy more than once, perhaps even letting them take command of one of the sunkenvessels to use against the others.

How will they find the Dagon-possessed host in the midst of all his forces, and how willthey fare against him or her in combat? What if it is a family member? Can they be saved? IfDagon is destroyed, what will become of the fleet? A character trying to claim the spikard forthemselves might fall victim to the same possessing entity, which might make for a suspensefultwist of events, or a subplot to surface later.

SUCCESSIn past play tests when this scenario has been run, characters often sought out the fleet· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (425)

directly. Most groups used Trump gates, or Pattern teleportation to put themselves on the deck ofthe flagship, and assaulted the enemy directly. When the villain has been Nereus, they’ve usuallybattled him for a while, then chopped him into pieces. Putting an Amberite behind that ringcomplicates things, but the usual solution seems to end with an Elder losing a hand. Maybethey’ll hold a grudge, maybe not.

Other courses of action have been to try to shut down the spikard through using otherspikards against it, wielded by Merlin and other characters. Once Dagon’s spikard is shut down,the fleet of the dead falls apart, ceasing their ghastly animation, and sinks back to the depths ofthe sea. One group managed to discern the link between Dagon and the spikard, and split theirgroup into two- one battling the dark armada while the others sought to destroy Dagon in his lair.This outcome proved to be the most suspenseful, as the two events were timed simultaneously sothat the monster Triton was assaulted physically and psychically at once. Its death was that muchmore memorable.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (426)

DEAD IN THE WATERThis adventure is suited for any group of Amberites, Rebmans, or even Chaosians.

The Threat Summary: Caught up into a pocket Shadow within the mysterious Sargasso Sea,with other beings from across history and Shadow, the characters must race against time todiscover why the Shadow is collapsing around them and escape it before they are destroyed inthe Primal Chaos which approaches from all sides.

Getting Started.This adventure is set within the Sargasso Sea. To begin the adventure, it is essential that

all or most of the characters will end up trapped in a small pocket Shadow within the SargassoSea. The Gamemaster should study the section on the Sargasso Sea, bearing in mind that this is asmall part of it which exists outside the universe of Shadows, perhaps as a Primal Plane. Oneaspect of it is that it has been made to draw others in for some reason, and lies in the way ofmany ships which try to cross any of the versions of the Sargasso Sea, pulling them into itsreaches. To aid the Gamemaster in getting the characters inside the trap, enclosed are a numberof ways to go about it. Some of these methods follow:

A Sea Voyage: The characters may just be in their downtime, spending it on board oneof Amber’s vessels of their mighty fleet. As Corwin said of Amber’s fleets in The Hand ofOberon:

Our ships sail all the shadows, plying between anywhere and everywhere, dealing inanything. Just about every male Amberite, noble or otherwise, spends some time in the fleet.Those of the blood laid down the trade routes long ago that other vessels might follow, the seasof double dozen worlds within every captain’s head.

This fact of Amberite life means that many of the characters from Amber will have spentsome time on ships, and might long for them. Traversing the Shadows upon a trade vessel is oneway to relax, and a less strenuous means of traveling through Shadow. Contrary to what Corwinsays, female Amberites spent a bit of time onboard, as well!

Alternately, the characters need not be on an Amberite vessel. They might be on anyShadow ship, in any sea, when they will encounter the cross-Shadow manifestation of theSargasso Sea, which exists in many Shadows, trapping all manner of ships from across historyand the alternate worlds of Shadow.

Military Training: The characters are undoubtedly just back from some adventure, orbetween them, and have Advancement Points to spend. Many of them are probably putting someof these towards increasing their Warfare. Rather than merely state “Okay, you’re now up half aRank in Warfare,” the Gamemaster might want to characterize this with several sentences, suchas “As part of your continual training in the arts of war, you have set asea with some ships ofAmber’s navy, to examine and participate in some naval battles in Shadow.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (427)

Seeking Pirates: The characters are working with Gerard, Caine (if he is still alive),Corwin, or some other naval-oriented Amberite to assist in getting rid of a particularly nastygroup of pirates in the seas of the Golden Circle, or further outward in Shadow. These pirateshave been plaguing the trade ships of Amber, and appear capable of traversing Shadow. Thecharacters will be on a Amberite warship or scout vessel, bearing the green and gold Unicornstandard, and below it the colors of the Prince of Amber who leads the ship. If there are morethan one character interested in the sea, with considerable naval experience, they might be theCaptain of the vessel themselves. Another option is to have the characters on more than onevessel.

The characters could have been sent by the above-mentioned Prince of Amber, or perhapsif the Gamemaster wants, they can have the Elder Amberite with the characters on the vessel as anon-player character, or on a separate vessel which will not be trapped in the Sargasso Sea.

Hunting: A monstrous kraken has been sighted in the seas outlying the Golden Circle,and the characters have been swept up with the excitement of a kraken hunt. The monstrouskraken has already attacked a half-dozen vessels, and caused a lot of panic. The King of Amberhas agreed to have the kraken hunted, both for the safety of the ships, and in some part to offerhis kin the sport of hunting such a creature. If this is the case, Caine would be an ideal choice tolead the kraken hunt, while Gerard would be a logical second choice. Llewella might be along forthe adventure and to help find the creature, or she could be leading the expedition.

This route to the Sargasso Sea could be an adventure in itself, with hunt for the immense kraken and the battle with it taking up much more time than an introduction. Not all Amberadventures have to be about saving the universe from destruction, arcane manifestations ofpower, or about cutthroat political scheming. The kraken hunt should be handled much like awhale hunt, though with a creature who can fight back fiercely and with much more destructivepower.

Looking for Someone: A beloved member of the Sea-Court is lost in the Sargasso Seaand Random or Moire has asked the characters to help search. There are two options for themissing character. The first is Vaughn, the leader of Rebma’s small fleet, whose ship was driveninto the Sargasso Sea during a savage sea-storm and was lost. The other choice is Nestor,Moire’s missing son, an adventurer who dared to explore the Sargasso Sea and has not beenheard from for some time. In Nestor’s case, Moire had a prophetic dream, or a flash of somethingwhich might have been an attempt by Nestor to contact her, and she believes that he is alive inthe Sargasso Sea.

Summoned by Trump: The characters may have been summoned by a relative or allywho is involved in one of the above reasons, and asked to help out at the last minute. Perhaps thistook the effect of Gerard shouting over a sudden Trump contact to grab his really big sword andto come through to help kill the kraken, or something to this effect. Another option would be tohave someone like Caine trying to Trump out and the trap bringing all the player charactersgathered on the other side of the Trump contact into the Sargasso Sea instead.

Personal Missions: There are many other reasons characters might have to want to beasea. If none of the above options present themselves, the Gamemaster might let the player· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (428)

character roleplay for a while with the eventual goal of getting them onto a boat and near one ofthe Shadow manifestations of the Sargasso Sea. Once near it, they will find that they cannotescape being pulled into the Sargasso Sea.

Into the Sargasso Sea.Whatever the reasons, the characters will find themselves a ship, and will begin to notice

a strange storm-front seemingly surrounding them, moving rapidly inward, appearing whereclear skies were a moment ago. On the water’s surface are a number of strange vines filled withtiny bladders which look like wine-skins. They seem to be coming up from below, as ifswimming to the surface. They quickly foul any oars, rudder, propellers, or any other form ofpropulsion. The sailors are all worried, as the storm seems to be racing across the sky towardsthem, closing on all sides, it seems.

Characters will find quickly that they are unable to use Trump, Sorcery, Logrus, orPattern against the storm, or to escape via any of those routes. Those who have Advancedversions of any of those powers will realize that the storm is some sort of Primal force whichpredates the Pattern and Logrus, elements of which are occasionally encountered. Sometimesthese forces can be controlled. Other times they are wild and unchecked, with strange forms andbehavior. This may be one of those instances.

The characters find their vessel slowly drawn into an isolated realm of the Sargasso Sea,in something approximating a pocket Shadow, but more related to the strange Undershadowencountered by Merlin in Knight of Shadows. Describe the realm as below, customizing it to fitthe circ*mstances in which the players seem to find themselves in this situation:

“ The skies are all black and dark grey above you, with rolling clouds which seem tochurn but not to move. Lightning strikes downward occasionally, illuminating the vast fields ofthe green and brown weed which covers the ocean’s surface. The horizon seems endless in alldirections, with no sunlight in any one direction. A light rain is falling, and there is no breezewhatsoever. You can see that your ship is not alone in this strange place. Other vessels rest in thisplace, from rusted hulks of battleships to tall, bedraggled wooden sailing ships, sails rotted andropes withered. Many of these vessels seem to be covered with the weed, some overgrown as ifby ivy. Others are in the process of sinking. One wreck seems to some sort of cyberneticallyenhanced whale, now a floating half-stripped corpse, titanium ribs shining dully in the light. Youcan see small fires on the decks of other ships, and hear among the rocking of the waves humanvoices from many of the other ships.

“What are you doing?”

What Happens Next.The next course of action will undoubtedly be to try the various escape routes from the

Sargasso Sea.

Sailing: If the player-characters can somehow raise enough of a wind through Sorceryor some other manifestation of power, they can sail until they circle the globe and will not findanything other than the sargasso weed and other wrecked or stranded ships. This is a realm cutoff from the universe of Shadows, and cannot be exited by normal means. Attempting tomanipulate the Shadows here will result in serious danger, as described below in the section on· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (429)

“ The Destruction of the Shadow of the Sargasso Sea.”

Trump: Characters will quickly find that the Trumps are dead in this place to anythingoutside the Sargasso Sea. They can talk to each other, but can’t reach anyone outside. Even the“ let’s all work together” trick doesn’t work in this case. Any Trumps of characters or placesoutside of the Sargasso Sea feel “ dead” to the characters within, and likewise for charactersoutside looking in.

Pattern: Characters will find that their abilities to manipulate Shadow have disappearedhere, as well as any conferred by Artifacts or Creatures. In fact, they cannot summon the Patternto mind, or utilize any abilities which it grants. Artifacts which are based on the Pattern will belifeless and ineffectual here, as well as any Creatures which may have elements of the Patternwithin them. Corwin’s Grayswandir might lose its glimmer here, show no element of the Patternwhatsoever, or merely be weak as a normal blade.

Logrus: As with the Pattern, the Logrus is unable to manifest here in the Sargasso Sea.Any spells which characters might have “ hung” on the Logrus are gone, as are any abilities fromthe Logrus. Characters cannot use Logrus Extensions or Logrus Sight, and any Artifacts orCreatures with any special Logrus-based powers have temporarily lost them. Merlin’s Frakirwould be a simple strangling cord here if it is considered to be a Logrus Artifact.

Sorcery: One of the few powers which still works (more or less) here, Sorcery is onlylimited in that the spells which require the “Magic of Shadow” lynchpin or the “ ShadowOpening” or “ Shadow Manipulation” micro-spells are all going to have to be reworked, so anyalready hanging spells with this element will simply fizzle out when cast. Redoing the spell tomake it powered by the ambient magic in the Sargasso Sea (and there isn’t much) can make themwork, though at lessened effectiveness.

Shape Shifting: Completely unaltered, though characters able to Shape Shift toCreatures of Power will find that those beings, like Dragons, cannot exit the Sargasso Sea anybetter than can the characters.

Conjuration: Any Conjurable Creatures or Artifacts are limited to any items which canbe found within the pocket world of the Sargasso Sea. The Gamemaster should be the judge ofwhat these items are, and how they might appear to the player character who Conjured them.

Mirror Wrighting: These will work similar to the Trumps. If the characters possessany mirrors “ keyed” to another player or item within the Sargasso Sea, then they will workwithout difficulty, but the mirrors will be “ dead” and not show any reflection whatsoever if anattempt is made to contact someone or someplace outside the Sargasso Sea. Trying to enter theMirror World will be of limited effectiveness, as the reflected world is just as cut off from therest of the Amber universe.

Others Trapped in the Sargasso Sea.The characters will quickly see that they are not the only ones who have been stranded in· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (430)

this pocket of the Sargasso Sea. There is a rag-tag selection of vessels from all over Shadow,from various points in history. Many of them have been at war with each other for generations,or months, depending on their newness. Some of their vessels have sunk, while others have beentied together to form large fortresses asea. These have become strange ornate as bits and piecesfrom radically different Shadow worlds are juxtaposed, such as ion-powered submarines beinglashed to medieval biremes, with other, stranger examples abounding.

Some suggestions for the major groups or personalities in the Sargasso Sea are:

Nestor: Son of Moire, an explorer into the Sargasso Sea, he was trapped here with agroup of fellow adventurers. Most of them have since died, and only he remains sane. He leftRebma before any of the characters were likely born, so he will not recognize them. A statue waserected of him within the Castle Rebma, and characters will likely recognize him from there. Ifhe is used, then choose a version of Nestor which does not have any form of Pattern Imprint.

Vaughn and the Timber-breaker: The Captain and flagship of the small Rebmanfleet, Vaughn may have been pulled into the Sargasso Sea recently. His marines, still well-trained and equipped, have managed to defend themselves from any attacks. As with Nestor, theversion of Vaughn should be without Pattern Imprint in any form.

The crew of the Mary Celeste: The crew of a vessel which lost its entire crewmysteriously, these men hail from a Shadow much like Earth in the 1870s. Their Captain isBenjamin Briggs, and he has his wife and young daughter with him along with the crew. Theyhave inhabited a wrecked oil tanker, having found their way there after abandoning ship in themidst of an unusual storm asea. This group of American sailors are armed with cutlasses, oldrevolvers, and rifles, and speak English.

The Waratah: A British passenger vessel of considerable size and tonnage, this vesselwas lost at sea in 1908 while traveling from Australia with a complement of 211 crewmen andpassengers. The ship disappeared without a trace, being caught up in the Sargasso Sea. The crewof Brits and Australians nearly eradicated each other in several savage battles early in their exile,but the 40 survivors have settled down somewhat since. They are also armed with swords,improvised weapons, and firearms, and all speak English.

The Donitz, a German Nuclear U-boat: A submarine which was caught up in thevines of the Sargasso Sea, this Nazi vessel comes from an alternate Shadow where Hitler wasvictorious, and the Germans joined forces with the Soviets to take over the world. They are froma period analogous to the 1990s in technology, though the calendar year they disappeared was2017. They all wear brown grey uniforms, and carry pistols and have a few automatic machine-guns. Their vessel is nuclear powered, and is still working, though many systems have brokendown. They are able to submerge occasionally, and have computers and a vast array of uselessradar and communications equipment. The captain is Gustaf Swartz. They are not particularlymenacing or especially evil, but are generally disliked by the other denizens of the Sargasso Sea.They all speak German, and some have English, French, or Russian as an alternate language.

An Alien Vessel: Sleek and composed of some sort of plastic alloy, this ship resembles· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (431)

a cross between a neon striped man-o-war (the jellyfish), a manta ray, and a teardrop. Elementsof it are transparent, while other parts are lit up brightly or once were, and other parts are of astrange tough greyish silver material. It floats in the water, slightly above occasionally, and thealiens inside it are not acclimated to the atmosphere inside. They are slender and range from palegreen to deep blue, with bulbous heads and yellow crests along their skulls and down theirspines. Their eyes are large and oval, with slit mouths and double rows of gill-slits upon theircheeks and another row beneath their jawline. They are about four feet tall, and some of thehumans of the Sargasso Sea sit upon sections of their vessel to observe them while they movethrough the clear sections. They do not seem to notice anyone outside, but occasionally allowone of the human or two to enter their ship with improvised breathing equipment, and willsometimes venture outside in armored environmental suits of their own. They have a hive-mindand communicate telepathically, and can do so in most languages through imagery andsuggestion. No one in the Sargasso Sea suspects that their ship is a living organism. Theirweapons are strange and exhibit massive destructiveness.

The Lithandiel, an Elven vessel: Setting sail from an Elvish port in a medievalkingdom, these Elves had wearied of their life spans among the races of Men, and wished toreturn to their homeland over the sea. They were instead caught in the Sargasso Sea and trappedhere, and have been here for thousands of years. They bear this annoyance with some grace. Intheir time in the Sea, they have learned all the languages of the other captives and try to serve aspeacemakers. They are tall, strongly built, though thin, and have beautiful features, pointed ears,and silky, long hair of various colors and hues. They wear exceptional finery that despite theirincredible age, does not seem to have weathered at all. They use medieval weapons with AmberRanking in some cases, and some may be competent Sorcerers and Empaths. Many know PowerWords, and they can spot magic and people of special blood a mile away. They have no leader,per se.

The Harlequin’s Backside, a medieval pirate vessel: This may have been theleader of the pirate band which the characters pursued into the Sargasso Sea (the Pirate option, asabove), or they could have been here for some time. Their captain is Deke, of whom little isknown. He speaks many languages, Thari primarily, and has control of an Artifact which hefound in his journeys, a figurehead of a Unicorn with a gemstone about its neck. It has beenenchanted to be able to Seek in Shadow, and he uses it to choose weak vessels for pirating. Ifpressed, Deke will admit that he got it off a wrecked vessel near Amber. Seeking more about thiselement can become an adventure in itself, as the Unicorn figurehead is only used for Amber’sflagships, led by Princes or Princesses of the Realm. Which of Amber’s blood was lost at sea likethis? Deke’s pirates are all armed with cutlasses, javelins, bows, and other small hand weapons.

An unnamed ancient Greek vessel: This vessel is a Shadow version of the Argo,and the men aboard the Argonauts, caught in the Sargasso Sea while sailing for the GoldenFleece. Onboard, are the heroes Jason (Captain of the vessel), Heracles, Orpheus, Castor, Pollux,Peleus, Admetus, and perhaps even the sorceress Medea. Fearing that this was a trap meant forthem (as they are the greatest of Greek heroes and demigods), they pulled the name from thevessel and are calling her the Poseidon, named for the Greek god of the sea. They give falsenames, and pretend to be other than what they are, but some among the crew, Heracles inparticular, dislike this ruse and will shed it at the first opportunity. Many of them have· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (432)

exceptional characteristics, and more than a few Artifacts are among them. They might be GreekShadows of the Princes of Amber, with Heracles a double for Gerard in strength andtemperament. Medea is a Sorceress, with some Power Words. The Golden Fleece, hidden onboard the vessel, may have magical powers.

Vikings: What’s a nautical adventure without Vikings? This group of Norsem*n weresailing for the new land, America, following in the footsteps of others in their clan, when theyfound themselves in this strange, twilit realm. As this is not covered in their theology, theybelieve that somehow they are ghosts and that this is a land of the “ died at sea.” Otherwise, theyenjoy themselves immensely. They speak Norse and some have a bit of Swedish, Saxon, andhave learned a smattering of the other languages here. These aren’t Hollywood or opera Vikings,however. They are usually clad in long-sleeved woolen tunics and leggings, embroidered aroundthe cuffs and edges, and use simple iron helmets and wide-bladed swords and spears. Theirshields are large, round, and wooden. Most of them are blonde or have light brown hair, with afew redheads. Their leader is Hralf Halfgar.

The Sphinx: Not the creature, but instead a magnificent paddle-wheeled river boatcasino dating from the 1880s in some alternate Earth. Gorgeous, ornate, and also well-armed, ithas been made the official free zone for the denizens of the Sargasso Sea. It drifted into theSargasso Sea, unmanned, and was taken by a consortium of allied prisoners. Stationary now, therule of peace onboard is respected by all and none have tried to damage it. Most of those whovisit it have refrained from stealing from the elegant decor, as material wealth has little place inthe Sargasso Sea. Onboard, there is a rule of no weapons, everything checked at the gangplank.The casino and restaurant never closes, and while the sargasso-weed wine takes some gettingused to, the fish is usually excellent, steamed with some seaweed or the ever present vines. Whatlittle cash the people in the Sargasso Sea have has changed hands a thousand times over, as wellas weapons and personal effects, on these tables. Each of the vessels have a few representativeson this river boat to keep order. No one has been able to adequately explain how a river boatcould get caught in the Sargasso Sea, but no one has objected so far.

Other suggestions abound for characters from myth and history to be trapped in theSargasso Sea. The characters might find a Shadow version of the vessel described in Homer’sOdyssey. Onboard, they would encounter Odysseus and perhaps his mistress, the sorceress Circe.One vessel might be a stranded sea-plane, or a Vietnam war-era amphibious troop carrier. Anynumber of famous ships from history or legend could be placed within the Sargasso Sea. If anAmberite or Chaos Lord is among the trapped, it should be someone without Pattern Imprint orLogrus Mastery, or any way to use powers over Shadow. This is crucial to the plot, as describedbelow in the section on “ The Destruction of the Shadow of the Sargasso Sea.”

“The Flying Dutchman.” This mysterious vessel, or some Shadow of it, has the ability to enter the Sargasso Seaand leave it at will. Unfortunately, it appears irregularly, and only in the midst of one of thepowerful and infrequent storms which come through the Sargasso Sea. No one knows its exactname, but it has been christened by those who know the legend of the Flying Dutchman.

When it appears, it is as a black ship of indeterminate make, with elements of both amedieval sailboat and a Viking long ship. It is lit by a wreath of multicolored flames, with an· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (433)

apparently evil, shrieking skeletal captain at the rudder. Some claim to have seen another figureon board, a demonic form, horned and clawed, in the garb of a cabin boy.

The Vikings in the Sargasso Sea claim it is the vessel of Stote, a Viking who stole anenchanted ring from Odin, and was cursed to sail the seas forever. Could they be right? What sortof ring would bring down the curse of a god? A spikard?

It is up to the Gamemaster to determine what lies aboard this vessel, and if they can reachan arrangement with the captain to take them from this place.

Destruction of the Shadow of the Sargasso Sea.The immediate problem, exemplified by the presence of the Amberites, is that any use of

the Pattern to try to get out of this Shadow is causing it to constrict and fall apart. In effect, thecharacters are the reason the Sargasso Sea Shadow is suddenly in danger. Using these powerswill cause the characters to intensify the storm overhead subtly. When they start to try to usetheir Pattern Imprint or Logrus Mastery abilities, tell them the following:

“You don’t see any immediate effects, but you can sense something feels ‘wrong.’ ThePower isn’t able to manifest here, but maybe if you try a little harder to call it to mind...”

Doing this will bring the following response:

“You’re not sure if it’s working, but the storm clouds overhead are sure getting darker.The waters are churning as rain begins in earnest. Whoah! A bolt of lightning just struck nearyou, vaporizing itself in the water. You can smell burnt weeds. Are you keeping on with it?”

Players that don’t get the hint that this is not a good thing will hear:

“ The skies have taken on an ugly color of black and blue, and you can see lightningshooting through different levels of storm clouds. The thunderclaps are louder, and leave yourears ringing. The rain is a black torrent at this point. You are soaked to the bone, and your vesselis taking on a lot of water from both the rain and the splashing of the waver over the sides as theship is tossed from side to side. Some men are shouting, and others are heaving their lunchesoverboard.

“What are you doing?”

By this point, it is too late. The characters have started the destruction of the Sargasso Seaplane around them with their interference. Alerted to its presence, the Pattern and Logrus areboth trying to break through it and integrate it into their universe of Shadow. Unfortunately, thisis going to destroy it altogether in the process. When the storm has died down (assuming thecharacters stop their use of Power), they will notice the following:

“Off in the horizon, your eyes seem to be playing tricks with you. You could swear thatthe waterline is somehow rising out there, crested by white foam. Looking at it for a momentmore, you can see that the water seems to be folding inward, raising as you watch, getting higherand higher. That’s not all. It appears to be growing closer. In this light, you can see about fiftymiles, and the water is already growing to a few miles in height like a fence around the vessels. Itis moving inward and growing proportionately.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (434)

“What are you doing now?”

The characters’ eyes aren’t mistaken. The entire Sargasso Sea realm is beginning toshrink, folding in on itself due to the characters’ actions. The walls of water seem to be closing inon the characters at a rate best determined by dramatic effect. If the characters don’t try to usePattern or any Shadow manipulation abilities again, the destruction is slow but steady. Usingthose powers causes the wall of water to leap upward and inward proportionate to the force of theuse of the Power. This is a great tool for dramatic effect.

As the walls of water near, they will begin to draw ships into them, engulfing them withwater. Slowly, the walls of water will meet above the characters, creating a bubble of waterwhich closes rapidly around the characters’ vessels.

Other Complications.Perhaps the characters’ presence has started some sort of a war between the denizens of

the Sargasso Sea. They might be forced to take sides immediately, or be caught up in a battlebetween two opposing forces. Will the stick around long enough to explore the realm, meetingthe various groups and personalities therein, seeking information and assistance.

As the destruction of the Sargasso Sea becomes apparent, things might go to hell, all thepretenses of peaceful alliances disappearing and blood thirst coming to the fore. Old grudgesmight be avenged, and the characters might find themselves the targets of the enmity of all theother trapped souls. A full-scale battle at sea might be just the setting for the final confrontation,with an eclectic mix of energy weapons, firearms, and swords alongside sorcery in a free-for-allbattle as the Sargasso Sea closes like a fist around all.

The Nazi U-boat has been threatening to use the nuclear weapons at their disposal. Willthey do so now? What of that kraken from one of the openings? Is it around? If it was in theopening scene, the ending would be a great place to bring it back, as it raises from the shrinkingdepths, striking out in fear at the human vessels. Is that mysterious cybernetic whale mentionedat the beginning, though stripped of vast amounts of flesh, might still be alive, driven by aninternal generator. Perhaps it can be reactivated, and might engage the kraken.

Lots of possibilities exist to turn this into either a dramatic, fast-paced one shot adventureor a multiple session role-playing opportunity involving many of the curious denizens of theSargasso Sea. The Gamemaster should pace this adventure according to the tastes of his or hergaming group and the immediate campaign needs.

Possible Resolutions.Some of the more obvious solutions are seizing control over the “ Flying Dutchman” or

confronting its mysterious captain. If this can be done, however, the characters are leaving alarge number of ships and people on board to certain destruction. While they may be nothingmore than Shadow folk, this might haunt the consciences of some characters.

Using other Powers is one option, depending on what powers the characters haveavailable. Perhaps this realm has a power unique to it, or the characters have access to some forcenot defined in published Amber materials. This will differ from campaign to campaign, andshould be best determined by the Gamemaster.

As a last ditch effort, the Gamemaster might go about manifesting the Powers that Be, inthe form of the Serpent of Chaos, the Unicorn of Amber (or the Leviathan or Sea-Horse),· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (435)

intervening in this realm to protect their own, or to capture them for another purpose. Perhapsanother power, like Corwin’s Pattern might step in for the characters. Imagine the red ‘57 Chevyappearing on deck of a sailing vessel, engine revving and doors open in a weird form of deus exmachina.

What is happening outside? What is the ratio of time from the Sargasso Sea realm to theShadows nearby? Has a rescue attempt been made? Would it be successful? Could someone likeFiona use her trick of stepping between Shadows to form a rescue tunnel for the characters?

Another trick might be to have absolutely none of the character’s plans or efforts work.Grimly, they hold on as the waters encroach, and grit their teeth as their vessels begin to shudder.The Gamemaster should make this as horrifying and dramatic as possible. The waves swallowthe characters, the pocket dimension is destroyed, and they are still alive? The characters arefloating in their vessels in the normal Shadow version of the Sargasso Sea, or in the Shadowwaters they were lost in. Perhaps they are all somewhere else, in their Shadows of origin. Are theother vessels with them? The entire Sargasso Sea could have been destroyed in this incident,rewriting the map of Rebma’s world of Shadow Kingdoms. With this barrier disappeared, theTritons might become much more prominent in Rebma.

Sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (436)

A FIRE IN THE SEAThis adventure is aimed at an Amber-heavy group of characters. One or two Rebman

characters might be interesting, as this adventure is about conflicts of interest between the tworealms. Chaosian characters might take a bit of shoe-horning into this adventure.

The Threat Summary: The Rebman populace has revolted, making a series of extremedemands which curtail Amber’s power and authority, and threatening to destroy the reversedPattern there if those demands are not met. The effects of this event are rippling through Shadoweven now, and Random is worried that the entire Golden Circle will be affected. In addition, theyhave captured several people dear to the Royal Family of Amber, including Vialle, Moire, andMartin, and are using them as hostages.

Getting Started.Each player should announce to the Gamemaster or write a short description of where

they are when the adventure begins. As always, they are free to begin wherever they may haveventured in the time after their last adventure. Alternately, this adventure may be beginning asanother is in the midst of developing or ending, causing characters to be pulled in severaldirections at once. They can learn of the initial stages of the revolt while doing other activities,and then turn their attention to Rebma when finished with the other commitments.

Anyone in Shadow: Gamemasters should allow some time to develop the situation forcharacters involved in their pursuits in Shadow. At some point, they will encounter news or evenexperience firsthand some element of revolution, from a peasant revolt, a religious crusadeagainst the establishment, a political upheaval, or a coup d’etat. Perhaps these occur in thecharacter’s Personal Shadow, one where the character enjoys some prestige or a god-like status.Suddenly the character is being burned in effigy, and angry peasants are carrying torches to thefront gates. It could even be a minor, personal element, like a trusted servant suddenly objectingto being treated like a slave and making a commotion, perhaps even attacking the character.

These events should be sudden and unexpected, perhaps occurring at a time of relativenormality. The closer they are to Amber (and Rebma), the quicker and more extreme these eventswill occur, while Shadows on the Chaos end of things will feel nothing more than a minorversion of this effect.

Anyone in Amber: News of the sinking of the ships is being kept from the generalpopulace and is known only to the navy, the Royal Family, and their trusted servants, but thestrange ceasing of all naval traffic has all people in the City Amber talking. Rumors abound,from reports of a strange fleet of dark ships moving through Shadow, to sea-creatures suckingdown ships, to a strange curse upon the ships of Amber.

Characters in the Castle should be present for the arrival of the decree from the Rebmancontingent and their demands.

Anyone in the Courts of Chaos: Though the ripple effect is barely felt in the Courtsof Chaos, the current ruler of Chaos concerned about its effects on the Courts of Chaos. This can· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (437)

be played two ways, depending on who the current King or Queen of Chaos is.If it is Merlin or someone sympathetic to Amber, then there is the concern that this

revolutionary fever will spread to the Black Zone of favored Shadows surrounding the Courts ofChaos. Therefore, Chaosian characters may be summoned by King Merlin to assist Amber orscout the situation in Rebma, perhaps using Shape Shift to appear as a Rebman and learning whatmight be learned on the streets where Amberites cannot go.

If the ruler of Chaos is Swayvil, not yet dead, or some other Chaos Lord who is opposedto Amber, then they might decide that the chance to weaken Amber through political means istoo great to let pass, and may request that the characters perform as spies, advisors, or envoysoffering assistance and support to the Rebman revolutionaries. This situation could create someintense conflicts between the player-characters in loyalties and interests.

Anyone with Moire, Martin, Llewella, or Vialle: An exciting way to bring thecharacters into the adventure is to have them with one of the abovementioned nobles who hadsome part in the revolution as it occurred in Rebma. The Background section details whathappened and when, creating many exciting opportunities for action for player characters whowere in Rebma at the time. Remember that the peasant mob is large, armed, dangerous, and aidedby no small number of sorcerers and other users of Power, making it almost impossible to resistthem. Many of the palace guard have been co-opted and are aiding in the assault, and others areloathe to turn on their friends and countrymen in defense of Amberites. Player characters in thissituation should have to fight for their lives to escape, perhaps through Trump or the reversedPattern.

Anyone in Rebma: Characters who are obviously Amberites will be targets of therevolution, and may be attacked. Note that the revolutionaries do not want to kill the Amberites,fearing both the blood curse and the retaliation of Amber if provoked in this manner. They aremore interested in captive hostages, and if given the choice between killing an Amberitecharacter or allowing him or her to escape, will let them go. Characters who are Rebmans will bejust as surprised as the others when the revolution comes. As their sympathies are known to liewith Amber, they were not informed about or asked to participate in the revolution.

Background.The Rebman people have been long resentful of their secondary status to the folk of

Amber and the way they perceive the treatment of the Royal Family of Amber towards Rebmaand the Rebman people. A few isolated incidents, such as the knifing death of a Rebmandiplomat in City Amber’s Harbor District, have inflamed relations between Amber and Rebma.(The truth of this particular instance is that the diplomat was soliciting a prostitute in thatdangerous area and was mugged and killed, not for any political reasons. Amber city guards whofound the body tried to help out by moving his body from the Harbor District onto an area off theMain Concourse, seeking to eliminate any embarrassment on Rebma’s part. This backfired andinstead, made the Rebman people think that they were targets of Amberite racism or scorn.)

Random’s infamous past in Rebma gave them a target at which to vent their anger.Random’s ascension to the Throne of Amber is an insult to Rebmans who rememberedMorganthe fondly, and many accused Moire of being soft on him by marrying him to anotherRebman subject rather than executing him outright or throwing him in chains. When he escaped· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (438)

and was released into Eric’s custody (depicted in Nine Princes in Amber), the Rebmans felt thatMoire had become Amber’s puppet. Her behavior with Corwin, known through rumor, cementedthis belief.

Though many of these feelings are based not on logic but emotion, they still carry powerwith the Rebman people. Recently in Rebma, a powerful consortium of nobles who haveoccasionally had reason to criticize Moire have now banded together and influenced publicopinion, finally stirring the fires of rebellion to a point where the people acted.

They began by sinking all the Amberite and Shadow vessels in the waters above Rebma,then seized control of the Castle Rebma during the commotion.

Moire was in her chambers, asleep, when the Rebman people sank the ships of Amber.Immediately, she was awoken by a Trump contact from Random, in a rage and demanding toknow what was happening. She lost her patience with him and claimed that Rebma had little todo with it. Vialle volunteered to go through to Rebma to see what she could learn and to try tosoothe frayed nerves. She woke Llewella in Rebma and Trumped through to there, not . As soonas the revolutionaries knew that Vialle was in Amber, they attacked and captured her instantlywith a sleep spell, also assaulting Llewella. Moire was caught as well by once-trusted servants.Both have been imprisoned and are being kept unconscious by sorcery, hidden by magic andguarded by armed peasants.

Many of the members of the Sea-Court escaped into Shadow or into various other bolt-holes (such as mirror worlds). Others were captured and placed in the dungeons beneath theCastle Rebma. Llewella fought her way free, but without her Trumps, her only course of actionwas to escape by traversing the Pattern in Rebma. She was wounded in the attempt by a smallunderwater crossbow. This was due to a warning shot which accidentally hit her while she washeading down the stairways into the dungeons. They had plenty of opportunity to kill her as shewas upon it, but refrained from doing so.

Gathering of Player Characters.The player characters may be contacted via Trump by Random, their parents, or just

through the noise of the incident. When things occur, it is almost three o’clock in the morning inAmber, and everyone is sleepy and unprepared for this incident.

Characters investigating or asking questions about the following topics will learn thefollowing:

About the sinkings. The Rebmans waited until midnight, then swam out and sunkseveral ships of Amber’s fleet, many merchant vessels in the harbor, and some ships of theGolden Circle. This was done by prying apart boards in a number of places from beneath thewaterline, and chopping through the stern in some cases, crippling the vessels. Any attempts atrepairing the holes were met with spears thrust through the gaps in the hull. The vessels began tosink quickly, and all hands abandoned ship in lifeboats or by jumping into the water. Theyaccounted for over twenty vessels in this manner.

Interestingly, none of the fleeing sailors or marines were attacked while in such anobviously defenseless position, and more than a few were actually saved from drowning byRebmans, who left them on a nearby beach or handed them back up onto the lifeboats. The onlyinjuries occurred from those who were wounded while trying to repair the vessels, and none ofthose wounds are serious.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (439)

Further investigation into this matter will reveal that each of the vessels crossed Rebmanwaters in that day. Many of the sailors are still at the harbor, or being transported from the nearbybeaches back to the city.

About Moire and Vialle. When Random was wakened by Gerard, informing him ofthe sinkings, he contacted Moire via Trump, demanding to know what she was up to. Wakenedand unaccustomed to being addressed in this manner by Random, she snapped at him and cut offthe communication. Believing that Moire was innocent and seemed just as surprised as Randomwas, Vialle thought she would go down to Rebma to see what could be learned. RandomTrumped Llewella, who brought Vialle through.

Random planned on keeping Llewella and Vialle in Trump contact, but was interruptedby another call, this time from Julian, who was curious to know why so many of Amber’smarines were trudging through the Forest Arden. After speaking to both Julian and Gerard again,Random tried to Trump Llewella, but found her on the Pattern, unable to concentrate on anythingelse. Wounded, she staggered into the center and then appeared, wet and bloody, in Random’schambers. She gasped that Vialle had been taken prisoner, and perhaps Moire, and fellunconscious.

Neither Vialle or Moire can be reached through Trump or Sorcery, though Fiona claimsthat she can tell that they are both alive and still in Rebma. It seems likely that they are druggedor kept unconscious by some spell.

About Llewella. She was attacked in her chambers immediately after Trumping Viallethrough. Vialle fell asleep, but Llewella resisted the spell with a counter spell which she hadhanging on herself. When Llewella tried to take her Vialle, she was seized. She killed some ofher assailants with her bare hands, others with weapons seized, but the unconscious Vialle wasgrabbed, a knife held to her throat. Her Trumps had been taken from their place beside her bedby a treacherous servant earlier in the night. Llewella broke free and went for the room of theRebman Pattern. As she swam down the stairway, a bolt struck her in the shoulder. Trailingblood, she made it down the stairs and onto the reversed Pattern there. Sealing the doors from theinside, she began to traverse the Pattern there as they hammered and hacked at the great doors. Ittook them a quarter of an hour to open the chamber, and she was almost finished with the walk.

She teleported to Amber to warn Random, then passed out from blood loss andexhaustion. She is currently in the infirmary. If characters stick around until she wakes, she willspeak to them. Llewella also thinks it strange that they pursued her to the foot of the Pattern, andhad plenty of opportunity to stop her or kill her outright, as she was a sitting duck on the finalstages of the Pattern walk.

Others of the Sea-Court.The characters may wish to contact any of their friends or allies in the Sea-Court, if they

exist. The Gamemaster should improvise these communications, deciding which members of theSea-Court are prisoners and which escaped. Likely choices are as follows:

DAYLE (Errant Princess of Rebma Version)She is out exploring in Shadow, and will come to the aid of Amber and her mother in a

moment’s notice, though more to protect Llewella than to help Amber. She is of mixed feelings· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (440)

about the revolution, and will want to know what forces caused it before acting to assist eitherside.

EDMUND (Recalcitrant Son of Brand Version)Eager to prove his alliance to Amber, Edmund will help out the characters in any way he

can. He was ignored in the revolution, as his presence in the City and Castle Rebma isuncommon. Instead, he provides the characters with a route into Rebma, from his tower outsideRebma. When first contacted, he is unaware of events within the City and the revolution.

Note that this version should not be used if Edmund is featured in the adventure “Mirror,Mirror” where he is considerably less helpful. However, if this adventure is run, he might aidAmber to win trust and learn more about them to implement his plan for revenge...

GRADLON (Master of Rebma’s Pattern Version)Like Dworkin, Gradlon is often nowhere to be found. If he does surface in this adventure,

he will be acting to aid those who will defend Rebma’s reversed Pattern. He doesn’t particularlycare what the political situation is, so long as no one is hurt in the process. If the Rebman Patternis truly threatened by the revolutionaries, he will travel throughout Shadow and enlist any aid hecan, including characters from Amber, offering them quick transportation into Rebma and anyknowledge they might wish to have. He will teach them the secrets of the Pattern-based mirrorsand enable characters to use them to travel in Rebma.

LORELEI (Queen of the Sirens Version)She is interested in helping Moire regain the Throne, and will do anything to assist

characters, possibly using this to bolster her own position in Rebma and perhaps use theopportunity to seduce one of the player-characters. At the time of the revolution, she learned of itthrough spies in Rebma, but has done nothing at this time.

MARTIN (Hardwired Cyberpunk Version)When the characters try to contact Martin, they’re in for a surprise. Martin has also been

captured by the revolutionaries, who used powers of Mirror Wrighting, disguising their image asMoire and bidding him to return to Rebma with the ruse that Morganthe had reappeared fromsome place in Shadow. He stepped through the mirror, into a group of warriors with weaponstrained on him. From there, he was drugged and thrown into a cell in Rebma, watched by aguard. He is the one which the Rebmans will try to sacrifice to erase the reversed Pattern if theirterms are not met. If awake, he would undoubtedly feel the sense of deja vu this inspires.

MOINS (Oberon’s Mistress, Mother of Llewella and Moire Version)Treated with more respect than her daughter the Queen, Moins has been placed under

house arrest, her magical mirrors and any Trumps she owned confiscated. She has an armedguard to prevent her from bringing someone through via a Trump contact, and has been told thatif she attempts to leave, or to seek assistance, her daughter will suffer. As such, until she cancome up with a plan of her own, or the guards are dealt with, she is ignoring all Trump contact ormerely allowing callers a passive contact, to appraise the situation for themselves.

OSWALD (Knightly Son of Moire Version)· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (441)

Unfortunately, Oswald was away from Rebma with Vaughn at the time, dealing with amilitary matter in the Coral Branch created by the revolutionaries and enacted by sympathizersthere. In the midst of a running sea-battle on Vaughn’s flagship, he is occupied and none havetried to contact him yet. When he is appraised of the situation, he will undoubtedly try the directroute of traveling to Rebma and trying to free her by offering himself as a hostage in her place.The assault is a suicide mission, and they do not want him for a hostage. He will join any rescueattempt which the Amberites are planning, or attempt his own with allies in Rebma.

SCYLLA (The Crack’d Mirror Version)Scylla is currently outside of Rebma and doesn’t know of what has transpired. She will

be eager to aid the characters when appraised of the situation, but warrants caution. Once theidentities of the leaders of the revolution are known, she will be able to offer valuable insight intotheir possible motives and actions.

SELENE (Oracle of Rebma Version)She cannot be found or reached via Trump, enchanted mirror, or other means. When this

event became known to her, she began exploring it in an alternate version of Rebma, seeking theanswers to this revolution in the past, and the consequences of it in the future. As such, she is outof synch with the timeflow of the Amber universe, and only when she returns will she be able tobe contacted. Selene will then use information she has gained in small doses to point charactersalong the right path, or to inform them of what has or will transpire when certain courses ofaction are finished. She will not tell them of the courses of their actions, only those they did nottake, and only when it is too late to turn back.

VAUGHN (Admiral of Rebma’s Fleet Version)Along with Oswald, Vaughn was drawn out of Rebma, his ships being sent by Moire into

the Coral Branch to deal with a recent rash of piracy in one of the furthest of the Shadows there.Encountering fierce weather and a number of running attacks, they have been led on a wild goosechase by sympathizers to the Rebman revolutionaries. Vaughn will return to Rebma with his fleetas soon as he is able, which will take several days of sailing through Shadow Seas unless somealternative can be reached. Under no circ*mstances will he leave his fleet, fearing that they willbe destroyed once he is separated from them. It is possible that his ships have revolutionariesupon them, who might mutiny once he is off-board.

Elder Amberites and Lords of Chaos.The Gamemaster should use any versions of these which have been used before, or if this

campaign is the beginning, the Gamemaster should choose versions which he or she likes best.The powers, resources and motives of these will not affect this adventure initially, as it isprimarily a political one.

Almost all of the Elder Amberites will respond to this manner in their own fashion, fromBenedict preparing his troops for underwater combat at a moment’s notice, to Gerard summoningmore ships to replace those damaged, and putting divers in the water to combat any furtherattempts to damage ships in the harbor.

The Lords of Chaos are mixed in their response to this, but most of them are content to sitout and watch and see how the cards fall, taking advantage of any opportunity to weaken Amber· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (442)

or to earn themselves some gratitude from the Royal House of Oberon.

What Happens Next.In Amber, shortly after learning that Vialle and Moire are hostages, Random will hear of

a Rebman delegation, which has emerged at the harbor, swimming from Rebma and climbingonto the docks. Walking along the Main Concourse under a flag of truce, news reaches the Castlequickly that the Rebmans are on their way. There are three of them, two with weapons and oneunarmed, who bears a plaque of some sort. Amber’s city guards are instructed to let them passunmolested, and they reach the Castle Amber shortly.

Once there, they will present and read an announcement in the Tyree dialect of Thari,enameled onto the ceramic plaque (this scene should be reminiscent in some way of the arrival ofMoses, coming down from the mountain with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, onlyreversed). Full of flowing language regarding the right of the people to revolt when they feel thattheir government no longer represents them, the main points are:

...that Amber no longer has leave to pass its marine vessels and ships of war through thewaters above or within a ten mile radius of Rebma without consent from the ruling body there,

...that Amber shall recognize the elected government of Rebma as rightful,

...that Amber shall apologize forthwith for past transgressions against the Rebman people,

...that Faiella-bionin, the Stairway into Rebma be restricted to use by Rebman citizensonly or by prior consent,

...that fishing ships and merchant vessels shall continue to be required pay a tax for theright to fish in Rebma’s waters, or for their safe passage through Rebma’s waters,

The document also illuminates the threat that if Amber does not comply, it will force theRebman folk to destroy the reversed image of the Pattern there by executing Martin, CrownPrince of Amber and using his blood to erase the Pattern. Actions taken against Rebma mayresult in the unfortunate death of Queen Vialle of Amber, as well.

Random has been given one day to elect to comply with this decree, or Rebma willofficially enact its threats and enter a state of war with Amber.

Who’s Responsible?The revolution had to begin somewhere. Here are some possibilities for those who may

have worked behind the scenes to bring this situation to where it is now. One, a few, or many ofthese may be responsible, and each will have their own agenda which would be fulfilled inseeing Rebma and Amber pitted against each other.

Edmund. Perhaps instead of attacking Amber directly to avenge his father’s death, hehas elected to do so via a much more indirect and safer method, by fanning the flames ofresentment within those around Rebma and inciting them to revolt. He might even pretend to beon the side of Amber to learn of their plans and pass the information along to the revolutionaries.

Lir. As King of the Tritons, he might have been manipulating the Rebman people forsome time, slowly and out of the limelight, until the time was right to stage his return to Rebmaand his assuming the kingship once Random is prohibited from interfering. The revolution might· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (443)

in fact be nothing than a ruse to trade one monarch for another, with Lir taking the throne subtlythrough manipulating the revolutionaries into choosing him to lead them.

Morganthe. Perhaps she didn’t commit suicide, but instead ran off into Shadow, fakingher death. Out of touch with Rebma for years, she grew in power, and when she learned thatRandom’s treatment of her went relatively unpunished, she began plotting. Her agents began towork at influencing those among Rebma who would aid her, and she appeared to them, as aliving victim of Amber and Random’s disregard for Rebma. Moire, she argued, was no longerher mother, but a tool of Amber, and should be sent back to them. Her threat to kill Martin mightbe nothing but a bluff, but she may see killing he and Vialle as a way of destroying the man whoruined her life, King Random of Amber.

Nestor. As Moire’s son, he might have returned from the Sargasso Sea and beendisgusted with the weakness of his people. Another possibility is that he has become a tool of theTritons, who would use him to destroy Rebma by pitching it in a battle against Amber. He mightalso be working both sides, with some elaborate plan to actually assist Rebma and emerge asKing himself.

The Tritons. As the forefathers of the Rebman people, they might want to see theirchildren humbled, as the Courts of Chaos desired to see Amber brought to its knees. Feeling thatsimply attacking Rebma would result in Amber aiding it, they elected to pit Rebma againstAmber and weaken both realms until they could act against Rebma directly.

Moire. The whole thing could have been a set-up by Moire herself, who mastermindedthe thing from the beginning. Why would she do it? The simple fact of Random, who shamed herand Rebma, becoming King of Amber, would be enough. Unwilling to resist Amber directly, shehas elected to do so covertly. The demands she places upon Amber are her own, and she hasarranged things so that if Amber recognizes Rebma’s terms, she will be “ allowed” to live andserve as a figurehead ruler (much like England’s Queen or Japan’s Emperor), though secretly incharge with much more freedom than before. Her threat to kill Martin and Vialle might behollow, but the hands of all monarchs are often stained with blood.

Other Culprits. The prime mover in this scenario could be someone else, perhaps arival to the Throne of Amber, or to Rebma’s Throne, or perhaps it is a character of mixeddescent, like Martin, who wants revenge upon both Courts for past wrongs. As mentioned before,the Courts of Chaos is a wonderful breeding ground for anti-Amber fanatics.

Possible Resolutions.This situation places Random in a real bind to which there is no obvious solution.If he tries to rescue the hostages directly, he risks losing them and destroying the Pattern

in Rebma. No one is sure what the effects of that would be, but it does not seem like a good thingto have happen.

If Vialle or Martin is killed, Amber loses a Queen or an Heir Apparent, both of whichwould weaken Random emotionally and hurt the realm.

If Random tries to roll over Rebma with Benedict’s troops, he could probably end up· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (444)

rescuing the hostages and keeping the Pattern free of harm, but would probably have to kill a lotof Rebmans who haven’t at this point killed anyone. This would destroy any chance of any long-lasting friendship between the two realms, and would be a very bad signal to send out to thekingdoms of the Golden Circle: “ Screw with us and we’ll crush you like a bug.” No one inAmber relishes the thought of having to rule Rebma under martial law, a situation which wouldundoubtedly cause any uncommitted Rebmans to turn against Amber.

Additionally, the consequences of this action might ripple across Shadow, creating a veryunfriendly climate for Amber to live in the Shadows near it, perhaps forcing them into a series ofborder wars and battles in Shadow, not to mention the turmoil reflected into Shadows which tryto put down insurrections of their own.

Acceding to the Rebman’s demands would be equally disastrous, sending a message tothe rest of the Golden Circle that Amber can be threatened, and bullied, and will make deals ifrather than risk losing royal blood. These other Shadows might be quick to take hostages or makedemands to renegotiate their own treaties more favorably towards them.

Any rescue attempts will have to be quick and without flaw, and must not give therevolutionaries any chance to kill the hostages or to damage the Pattern. Uncovering the identityof the revolution’s ringleaders will require subterfuge and perhaps even some magical ability.Demonstrating that the revolutionaries are being used as tools by some higher force or a schemerwith his or her own plans might defuse the revolution and prevent a war. If the threat is comingfrom outside Rebma, such as the Tritons or the Courts of Chaos, characters must race to uncoverwhat is happening and why, and alert the leaders of the revolutionaries to the true nature of theirallies.

If the Tritons are responsible, they might do everything to incite a war, then strike whenRebma is crippled and Amber is engaged, creating a situation of utter havoc and enabling themto seize control of Rebma and its image of the Pattern. This could turn a delicate politicalnegotiation into an outright three-way war within Rebma and on the seas around Amber.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (445)

GHOST SHIPSThis adventure is best suited for Amberite player-character groups. Characters

from or with some ties to the Rebman Court would be useful, though not necessary, asthis adventure is more concerned with various elements about Rebma (the ReversedPattern universe, Mirrors, etc...) than with Rebma or its denizens.

The Threat Summary: A mysterious black fleet led by a ship bearing a crew of "dead"Amberites and undead warriors is sinking ships near Amber. These Amberites all comefrom different realities where they were betrayed and murdered by their other brothersand sisters, and each is interested in avenging their own betrayal.

Getting StartedEach player should of course begin with a description of where their characters

might be and what they might be up to. They can start anywhere, though characters in theCourts of Chaos will have little connection with events in the campaign initially. If theplayers have no objections and no strong feelings about where they begin, then have themstart in Castle Amber.

When things begin, life is as normal as it gets in Amber, though any characters connected with the fleets has heard that there have been some troubling stories of shipsand supply fleets being lost or sunken by mysterious raiders.

A scout ship was sent several days ago to reconnoiter, and beheld a small fleet ofblack ships sailing in the waters near Rebma, which gave chase. The ship was attacked,and captured, though some of Gérard's mariners were able to swim free to safety, rescuedby a Rebman scout party. The sailors have only now been brought to the Castle Amber totell their story.

Anyone in Amber. You have been hearing news from the past few weeks abouta few missing ships, some trouble with both the ships of Amber and some ships from theGolden Circle Shadow kingdoms. Many have gone missing, presumed lost in storms orthrough various by-ways in Shadow. This occasionally happens, and little is made of it,but recently, the numbers have increased dramatically so that half-dozen of Amber's fleethave been destroyed or sunk in the past week with no survivors left.

Gérard sent a fast ship out to answer a call of distress, thinking that it was troublewith local pirates. The vessel sighted the mysterious black ship as it destroyed one ofAmber's vessels over Rebma.

The black ship, much stronger than the second Amberite vessel gave up sinkingthe first vessel and gave chase through Shadow, catching them easily, though much largerthan the scout. It sunk the vessel as it tried to flee into some of the lesser-traveled Shadowways. The first mate and two sailors escaped, clinging to a piece of wreckage, until beingfound by a Rebman scout patrol which brought them back to Rebma.

Llewella has contacted Random and asked what is to be done with the men.Gérard is on his way from the harbor, and wants to interview the men immediately, withRandom and whatever elder Amberites are present in the Castle.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (446)

If the player characters are children of Random, Gérard, or Llewella, they will bewelcome to attend the men's questioning. If the characters are offsprings of other elderAmberites, they might have to argue their way into the meeting, which is taking place inone of the wartime planning rooms. Since all the Castle is abuzz with word of theinterview, it shouldn't be hard not to hear about things.

Another option is to place one or two characters on the scout ship (or the tradingvessel), giving them a firsthand account of the attack and motivating them even further toenter the adventure and seek out the source of the mysterious ship.

Characters in Rebma. Characters might be placed in charge of bringing thesailors back to Amber, or accompanying them to see what their story is. Because theywere found by Rebman scouts above Rebma, Queen Moire feels that she has some rightto know what transpired, especially as what she heard of their story seemed to involvesome strange sea-craft.

Another option for Rebman characters might be to have them among the party tofind the ship-wrecked sailors as they drifted on their fragment of mast. The sailors mighthave even begun to sink by that point, giving characters a chance to rescue them and hearthe story first-hand, making them much more integrated into events. If this is the case, themen will insist on speaking with Gérard as soon as possible, leading up to theirquestioning in Castle Amber.

Anyone in Shadow. Perhaps the elder Amberites want their children to bewarned of the mysterious ship, or want them to be present during the questioning of thethree sailors. Another possibility is to have an elder contact players who are the offspringof "dead" Amberites after the questioning, asking them if they know what might behappening.

An action-packed beginning might be suitable for player characters located withinclose proximity of some Shadow sea to witness the attack as the scout vessel flees intoShadow, pursued by the mysterious black ship. Seeing a naval battle between twomedieval ships in some high-tech harbor, or even from a Shadow Earth beach, would be aremarkable sight guaranteed to spur a player character into intervening in some manner,perhaps rescuing the escaping sailors.

Gathering of player characters. In one of the war rooms in Castle Amber devotedto the fleet, the characters are assembled with the elder Amberites and two of the threesailors (one is injured and being treated now). The men are visibly shaken and are beingquestioned by Gérard and Random.

Suggestions for present Amberites are Random, Gérard, Julian, Fiona, andBenedict. Other possibilities include Martin, Coral, Corwin, Bleys, and Llewella. Whenthe players arrive, this is what they see:

"When you get to the war room, you see sea-charts spread across the tables and inthe center of the room, chairs have been drawn up into a rough semi-circle around twomen, obviously sailors from Amber's fleet, who sip from clay mugs and tell their story tothe assembled Amberites. The first is speaking:· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (447)

"We rounded the cape just as the black ship was finishing off the trader. Gods,I've never seen such a brutal attack. They'd fired the ship, and were sending arrows intothose who jumped overboard. No interest in plunder. No, they were there to kill. Wepulled in close and sent up a flare with the deck catapult, but it was ignored. The captainshowed the green and gold of Amber then, and the ship turned away from the trader,letting it burn and came for us. It was a big barge, armored all in black metal, with threerows of oars. A mammoth ship, sirs. They flew a black unicorn for their standard.

"Anyway, they advanced though we had a full sail, and began to send someflaming shot at us. The sail caught fire, and we were stopped dead in the water. Theygrappled us then and attacked. "

Questioning them further will reveal the following bits of information:

About the battle:"A fearsome crew it was, my Lords, and they had the look of the dead upon them,

all pale and bloated, some with wounds unhealed and the faces of men drowned or diedasea. They boarded us, and were unable to be killed. We jumped asea, but they firedarrows and javelins into us as we floated and swam."

About the leaders of the black ship:"T'were the Lords Eric, and Caine, Brand, and the Lady Deirdre. With them were

others, doughty warriors, whom we knew to be of the blood by the might they showed us.One dark and black haired, bearded and clad in red and grey, the other fair and in a bluecloak and doublet. The first swung a mighty blade, and the second a spiked mace."

The two other men:Showing the men Trumps of various Amberites will reveal that the other two

Amberites are Osric and Finndo, about whom the sailors say:"They were shouting that they were coming for the crown, to avenge the blood

wrongfully spilt to gain it. I suspect that's why they let us live, to bear this message backto you.”

Background.During Brand's time in Rebma, he discovered the existence of the mirror universe

which Rebma's Pattern inspires, and devised a specially enchanted mirror with which totransport himself to and from this world. The mirror-world was unlike Amber enoughthat Brand grew weary of it and left it in Rebma, cloistered in a cave beneath the sea.

It was found, and used by an enemy of Amber, who traveled to the mirroruniverse and brought back doubles of Amberites slain over the centuries, plucked fromdeath’s grasp moments before it closed. Injured and near death, they were transportedthrough the mirror, and broke free into the waters of the cave, where they were taken bytheir summoner and “ rescued.”

The shock of being brought through to this universe weakened each of them, andtheir summoner was able to lay upon them each a geas for the destruction of Amber.Their near-deaths in the Amber, the enemy told them, were the result of plotting on the· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (448)

parts of their siblings, who now enjoyed Amber's dominance over Shadow and Chaos.Feeling wronged, the “ dead” Amberites were sent after Amber's fleets, and are

readying themselves to assault Amber. The geas which is upon them muddles theirintellect somewhat, and they cannot explain why they would all be working togethertowards the goal of the destruction of Amber. Being reflections of Amberites, they arevery powerful Shadow duplicates, not the real thing. Torn between their feelings ofloyalty to their homes, and their desire for vengeance, they have not yet come to Amber,but now that word has been sent, they will head for Amber soon. Their mysteriousmaster, once on board the ship, now controls them from afar, using magic andpsychology to manipulate them against Amber.

Who is responsible? This adventure is designed to be open as regards theguilty party. Several suggestions here are given here for the many possibilities:

Brand. If Brand didn't die in the Abyss, he might have returned to Rebma andunearthed his enchanted mirror, plotting to use it by pitting the only ones who mightsucceed against the House of Amber... its lost children. He is with the Amberites on theship and feigns being a dupe of the mysterious captain, but is actually the guidingintelligence of the plot.

Other "Dead" Amberites. Similarly, one of the other "dead" Amberites on theship might be the instigator and mastermind for this attack, and thinks nothing of usingdoubles of his or her dead siblings to strike against Amber and perhaps even cause unrestenough to support a coup. Osric, Finndo, Eric, Caine, or Deirdre might all fit this role,either singly or in concert with another. Pretending to be one of the “ avengers” would bea great way to keep close to things and to exert control over the doubles at close range.Caine once had to rustle up a duplicate of himself for a ready made corpse. Perhaps themirror world is where he got it.

Unknown Amberites. In Sign of Chaos, the Pattern-ghost of Oberon claimed tohave at least forty-seven offspring, "counting the illegitimates." It's not too far a stretch toassume that the guiding intelligence behind this one is one of the missing scions ofAmber. This is an opportunity to add any new Amberites the Gamemaster might want tointegrate into the campaign.

The Courts of Chaos. Professional schemers like Dara or even Jasra wouldn'tthink twice about this sort of escapade, and they've got the power to do such a thing. ThePatternfall War is still remembered in Chaos, and there are many who would have theirfallen kin. Having their enemies killed by family members makes the justice even moresweet, which is the sort of thing which would attract either Lady or others in the Courts.

The Rebman Court. Some disgruntled Rebman nobles, perhaps even enemiesof Amber, might have found the mirror and come across a means of weakening Amberwith little threat to themselves. They might also be acting as dupes, witting or otherwise,of the Tritons, who seek to weaken Rebma by weakening Amber. Characters such as· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (449)

Edmund, Nestor, Lir, and others might have a variety of reasons and could be workingalone or together in this.

Living Amberites. Perhaps this is what Bleys has been up to all this time,planning something horrible like this, where he wouldn't be suspected in a chain of eventswhich might even separate Random's crown from his head (and the head from hisshoulders!). By laying low and playing both sides, he keeps on top of the responses andthus the ship is always one move ahead of the Amberites. His goal is to create a situationwhere Random is placed in danger and killed, allowing himself to seat himself on theThrone as the next qualified and interested party. Alternately, some unknown Amberiteslike Delwin or Sand could also be responsible.

The Pattern. The Pattern might have a number of unguessed at reasons forwanting to see some of its lost children returned to Amber. Another possibility is that analternate Pattern, from a parallel Amber universe has banished the "dead" Amberites tothe player-character's Amber for crimes or treason, real or imagined, or sent to spy andweaken this Amber universe. In this case, the Amberites might have any number of secretagendas or plots which they might seek to enlist impressionable player-characters in ifthey are “ returned” to Amber.

What Happens Next.Characters might want to seek out the black ships, trying to investigate where it

came from, or they might begin arming themselves, waiting for it to reemerge andpreparing to fight it to the death. Other possibilities might include investigating the site ofthe first attack, or in attempting to contact the Amberites involved.

Arming for War. Characters can help out with the defenses of Amber, but withBenedict, Julian, and Gérard on hand to defend Amber's territories, and Fiona around formagical support, there isn't likely to be a heck of a lot they can add to Amber's security.Still, if characters can think of some way to assist them, let them. The scenario canalways be modified to incorporate additional threats, such as scout ships manned by oneor more of the Amberites and a crew of the dead. Perhaps players who remain in CastleAmber might have to deal with an invading force Trumping into Castle Amber.

Seeking out the Ship. Because it is inhabited by several Amberites with PatternImprint, the way will not be easy. In between engagements in Amber, the ghost fleet willsail through Shadows, putting the worse elements that can be brought to bear after theirpath. Storms, whirlpools, sea-monsters, electrical storms, coral reefs, boiling or acidicwaters... you name it. They'll set up a false trail or two, probably ending in ambushes.Remember that these are Elder Amberites, with millennia of dirty tricks up their sleeves.If the players think of it, you can bet that the Elders have already done something aboutit.

Investigating Further. Seeking out information in Rebma might one source ofinformation, especially about the mirror-universes and/or Brand's visit to Rebma. Perhaps· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (450)

someone else there knew of the discovery of the mirror in the cave. Seeking it there mightreveal the source of the returned Amberites. Visits to the Courts of Chaos could yieldinformation, depending on the villain of the scenario. On the other hand, letting theCourts of Chaos know that Amber is in the middle of dealing with a very sensitivethreatening force might prompt disgruntled Lords or Ladies of Chaos to take action oftheir own, perhaps in retaliation for past grievances in the Patternfall War.

Trumping the Dead. Attempting to use the Trumps of the missing or deadAmberites which seem to be inhabiting the ghost ship is difficult to impossible. Othermethods, such as Sorcery, Logrus, and Conjuration may or may not be possibledepending on the method used and the Gamemaster's wishes. Most of the Amberitesaboard (save for perhaps Brand) will block most attempts at Trump communication, andmight resist other methods.

Through a Dark Mirror.All of the Amberites on board the dark vessel are bound with a powerful spell of

geas, which is being reenforced by an enchanted mirror on board the main ship, lockedwithin the main cabin which Eric is using. As it is on the flagship which is defended by ahalf-dozen of Amberites, getting to the mirror should be very difficult, if not impossible.It is a large mirror, easily human-sized, and the twisted frame resembles a warped,abstracted version of the reversed Pattern in Rebma, wound around all manner of sea-creatures and vessels. It is fairly resistant to damage, and radiates magic at close rangeonly. One version of it, translated as an Artifact, follows:

The Dark Mirror [23 Points]- Created by Prince Brand of Amber, this mirroraccesses an alternate mirror world mirroring the one inhabited by the Lords and Ladies ofAmber. Combined with his formidable powers over Pattern and Trump, Brand was ableto enter the mirror world and alter things there, changing history, relationships, andbuilding a stable of reflected duplicates of his brothers and sisters who had different setsof loyalties. He then enchanted the mirror so that a user could enter it at different pointsin this alternate history and bring the duplicates back through. From there, the geas wouldbe laid upon them, binding them to the mirror and the will of the mirror’s user.

oInvulnerable to all Conventional Weapons [4 Points]oExtraordinary Psychic Sense [4 Points]oPsychic Neutral [2 Points]oShadow Seek [4 Points]- This is the quality of searching through the mirror

world for the duplicates from the real world, and portraying them in reflection.oCapable of Racking a Spell [1 Point]- This is, of course, the geas.oPowered by the Reversed Pattern [8 Points]

Alternately, the mirror can be a Construct or the Mirror Wrighting equivalent to aTrump Gate. It could even be one of the many-formed spikards...

The Threat.This presents a serious threat to Amber. Despite the presence of a united front of· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (451)

Amberite stalwarts such as Benedict, Gérard, and Julian, the black fleet has its share ofcompetent Amberites who are seething with anger at their "betrayal." They knowAmber's waterways perhaps as well as the home team does, and they are all adepts of thePattern and can use it as well as their opponents do. Depending on the version chosen,one or more of the "dead" Amberites such as Osric or Finndo might even be Benedict'ssuperior in the ways of Warfare. If Brand is on the boat, this threat grows magically.They will likely have a fleet of thousands of ships, with an army of undead warriorswhich will be difficult to defeat. They're capable of cloaking their movement, makingthemselves invisible to Trump, and at least Eric and Brand are partially attuned to theJewel of Judgement, making it difficult to use against them.

"Dead" Elder AmberitesThis adventure provides Gamemasters with the perfect chance (or excuse,

depending on how one looks at such things) to resurrect favorite Amberites from theranks of the dead, and to introduce new, unknown and assumed dead Amberites to thecast without resorting to elaborate explanations or hocus-pocus.

New Amberites: Any Gamemaster-created Elder Amberites can be introducedinto this adventure with ease. As Corwin stated, "There had been fifteen brothers and sixwere dead. There had been eight sisters, and two were dead, possibly four." Subtractingthe known Amberites who don't appear in the Chronicles (Osric, Finndo, Delwin & Sand)from these totals still leaves us with three brothers and three sisters gone AWOL fromAmber, letting the Gamemaster produce a whole slew of Elders in one stroke.

Dead Player Characters. Although there are few players who have "lost" acharacter in Amber play, it always remains a possibility, and this adventure provides ameans of bringing them back with some style.

Killing Player Characters. An extremely nasty Gamemaster trick is to planahead for this adventure and actually kill a player's character. This can be done byseveral means, through "killer" scenarios, letting the character's Bad Stuff really takeeffect, or simply killing the character in the same way that Rinaldo killed Caine, with abullet through the heart at long range.

This can be done to start this adventure for characters who aren't in Amber whenthings begin, getting things off to a real bang, so to speak.

Imagine this scene:

GM: You're looking out over the oceanfront from your room in Shadow . The view isbeautiful, and the morning air is crisp and clean. The sunrise is still lingering, and thecolors are bright and wonderful. A grey and white bird flutters and lands your window-sill, clutching something.Player: What is it?GM: You take a look, and it appears to be a Trump tied to its foot. What are you doing?Player: I take it off the bird.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (452)

GM: You pull it free, and the bird flies away. The Trump is of your father.Player: What? Is he in trouble?GM: You hear a sudden buzzing noise, followed by a quick snapping noise.Player: What? Where's it coming from? I'll look to see which direction it came from.GM: You lean on the sill, and you can't see anyone at first, then your knees go weak.Player: Oh no! Am I shot?GM: Yes. Your chest and arm are covered with blood and you're blacking out fast. It hityou straight through the heart.Player: I'll try to use a Trump to call for help!GM: Sorry, you're going too fast for that. In the meantime, you have slid to the floor andare lying on your side. A moment later, and everything starts to go cold.Player (panicking): What's going on?

While a bit cold-blooded, this sort of beginning gives the Gamemaster the chanceto place a player character on the side of the "dead" Elders, where they might serve as acommunication bridge between the other player characters and the returned Amberitesonce the situation is known.

Be warned, though, that many players might react badly to losing their characterin such an underhanded fashion, regardless of how well it works for the adventure. Usesome discretion as to which character suffers this fate, and avoid it altogether if it willcause hard feelings in the group.

Alternate Versions of Elder Amberites.This scenario also provides Gamemasters with the opportunity to introduce

different versions of beloved (or loathed) Elder Amberites into the campaign with littlediscrepancy. In the alternate universe where these Amberites came from, Osric andFinndo might have been traitors, and Brand a hero. If so, they will undoubtedly havesuffered different deaths, and will have radically different goals and motivations whenthey return to Amber. They might not take kindly to their brothers and sisters treatingthem as they once did, or they might expect them to behave exactly the same. The wholething should provide lots of opportunity for interesting character interaction with theplayer-character's generation and the Elder Amberites.

Player Character "Sockets."

Offspring of any "dead" Amberites. Of course, this scenario presents theideal opportunity for a reunion of sorts, whether for thanks, family news, or evenrevenge! In the initial stages of the investigation, any characters who are not involvedwill probably be Trumped by Random, who will demand what they know of their parent's"death."

Offspring of the enemy. If an Amberite or House of Chaos is behind this, thenit is likely that they'll keep such information from the player-character, depending ontheir relation with Amber. A child of Brand might remember some old notes in hisfather's chambers regarding the mirror universe, or may have been even privy to the useof the mirror.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (453)

Rebman Player-Characters. The theft of the mirror might have been noted,or some disturbance in the Rebman universe (or even with the Mirrors of Rebma) wouldprompt a character to investigate themselves, or at Moire's behest. Movement of the fleetthrough Rebman waters is cause for alarm, and they might join forces with Amber to endthe situation before it threatens Rebma.

Possible Resolutions.If left undeterred, the black ship will return with its dark fleet, and most likely will

attack Amber. The adventure has the potential to turn into a massive sea-battle, withcharacters on multiple ships (and some beneath the waver) coordinating an attack on thefleet throughout Shadow before it reaches Amber.

Characters might sneak onto the ship and try to reason with the "dead" Amberites,or they might attempt to damage, destroy, steal or otherwise sabotage the spell-mirror.They might request to parley with the "dead," and try to figure out what has happened.

They might even seek out allies in the Courts of Chaos (for example, the Lordsand Ladies of House Hendrake might jump at an officially-sanctioned chance to killAmberites). With the characters this revitalizes, and the option for introducing newcharacters, this scenario has the potential for altering the Amber universe forever.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (454)

THE WINE-DARK SEAThe player-character group for this adventure should have at least a couple of Lords or Ladiesof Chaos (particularly Logrus Masters) within it, the remainder being from Amber, Rebma, orany Shadow with an ocean.

The Threat Summary: A mysterious cloud of energy is drifting through the Shadows of theCoral Branch and the Golden Circle, destroying all living matter it comes into contact with. Canthe characters figure out what is behind it and put an end to the strange force before it destroys alllife in the seas and Rebma?

Getting Started.The characters should all find out about the cloud of mysterious life-sapping energy from

either personal contact with it or through being informed of the situation by someone else whohas encountered it.

They might come across this vampiric force in any of the ways described in the adventure“Dead in the Water,” personalized for this instance. For example, the kraken hunt might come toan abrupt end in this manner:

“A shout comes from the crow’s nest. The man perched there points down and all handsrush to the rails of the ship, javelins clutched in their hands. Below the vessel, you can see thelight form of the kraken moving upward, quickly, surrounded by a cloud of shimmering motes.They surface, and you see that they are dead fish. The ship rocks as the immense kraken bumpsup below it, displacing it in the water. Grabbing a rope, you see on the other side of the vessel thetentacles of the kraken, splayed out a hundred yards and floating lifelessly on the surface. Theeye of the kraken becomes visible then, and it is a dull, flat thing.

“ It is dead, without a mark upon it. The men fall back from the rails, saying silent prayersto various sea-gods and the Unicorn.

“A slow, grey mist begins to rise, almost like fog, but seemingly from the water’ssurface. It creeps up the side of your ship as you watch.

“What are you doing?”

The Gamemaster should use beginnings to that adventure which were not used in theprevious adventure, or use those guidelines as impetus to get the characters encountering thevampiric force and to consult with others, or to report it to the King of Amber or Queen ofRebma.

Once warned, Random will ask the players to look in on it and give him theirrecommendation. Things right now are difficult in Amber with some serious trade negotiationshappening, and he cannot leave at the moment, but will ask any of the elder Amberites to assistthe player characters in any way they are able. Queen Moire’s reaction is similar to Random’s.

Background.The characters are alerted to the fact that a mysterious force seems to be moving through

the seas of the Shadows near Rebma and Amber. This energy seems to be similar to Primal· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (455)

Chaos in that it devours all life that it encounters, though it does not destroy it, instead draining itof all life-energy, leaving only base matter left. The refuse from this is choking the marineecosystems of the sea, and the force is growing in size, to the point at which it will threaten alllife in the seas, which would in turn damage the delicate balance of life on the land andultimately make the Shadows it affects lifeless, barren worlds unable to support life.

A Fateful Experiment. The source of this mysterious life-draining energy is the faultof a denizen of one of the Shadows suffering from the energy force. As Merlin explains in Signof Chaos:

“ And then there are the inhabitants of the various Shadow Kingdoms nearest to Amberand to Chaos. Those at both ends breed mighty sorcerers, just because of their proximity to thetwo power centers. Some of the good ones can become fairly adept at it- but their imaged of thePattern or the Logrus are imperfect, so they’re never quite as good as the real thing.”

The source of this deadly emanation is a sorcerer from one of the Black Zone Shadows ofChaos, who was able to survive his initiation into a “ crippled” version of the Logrus. A memberof an amphibious race to begin with, he sought further magical knowledge in the Shadows of theCoral Branch, and there attempted to manifest a small amount of Primal Chaos, thinking that hecould control it. Instead, he was devoured by his own summoning. Normally, the Primal Chaoswould quickly devour one Shadow and eventually dispel itself or burn out. Not in this case,however. He was capable of creating a set of guidelines assembled with the forces of High Magicwhich diverted the destructive energy of the Primal Chaos, instead channeling it into theMaelstrom. The remaining force is an all-devouring cloud which drains energy and replicatesitself, using that energy to fuel itself as it expands throughout Shadow and across Shadowboundaries.

Possible Resolutions.The force is obviously a Chaos phenomena to any with experience in those areas.

Examining it with the Pattern or Logrus Vision will reveal this easily. It does not seem to bereacting to matter in the same way that Primal Chaos should, however, and instead of a wall ofroaring, all-consuming blackness, it is an insidious grey fog which moves slowly and silentlybeneath the waves and above them in some places, enveloping matter and robbing it of anyenergy it possesses. The remaining husk is left intact, though completely dead.

In the sea, it is creating vast clouds of plankton which are of no value to the food chain,blocking sunlight and failing to reproduce. Fish are killed instantly, and their corpses are floatingatop the water, creating a vast carpet of unliving flesh. Even marine life which managed to avoidthe grey cloud are in danger from this amount of biologically “ inert” material which threatens tochoke the marine ecosystem.

Encountering the Cloud. Any characters entering the misty cloud will shortly dieunless they have some sort of Power to bring to bear against the energy-sapping force. Bringingthe Pattern to mind is one defense against it, while Trump may be another. The power of theLogrus is ineffectual against it, as this is a Chaos phenomenon, and cannot be resisted by thesource of Chaos energy. However, Advanced Logrus Masters might be able to control it, at theGamemaster’s discretion.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (456)

Finding the Source. This part is the trickiest, as to seek it in Shadow would require thecharacters to actually traverse Shadow being affected by the energy-stealing cloud, which wouldshortly prove fatal. Seeking it through some sort of Sorcery or mystical vision would be the best,but what are they looking for? The Gamemaster should be very strict about having the charactersdescribe what they are looking for, and how they plan on going to find it.

The Source of the Cloud. The energy-draining force is centered in his workshop inthe Coral Branch Shadow of Atlantis. This is a small town-house, pleasant and open with a largeChaosian style garden in the center. The furnishings were once opulent, but now seem dull andgrim. The city surrounding the house is a small one, off in a small corner of Shadow Atlantis,and all life therein is gone, and everything is covered with a thick film of dead plankton andother inert biological matter.

Entering the sorcerer’s home will be unsettling and eerie. Strange, twisted statues aboundin the central courtyard. His workshop is in a small pavilion within that courtyard, and the door isbarred from within. There are no windows, only small ventilation shafts at the top and corners ofthe workshop.

Inside is a single room, full of cabinets and tables. In the center of it all, a man standsnext to a churning contraption of light and darkness. The cloud “ generator” appears as aconstruction of bars of gold light which bend in crazy ways and connect in a non-Euclidianfashion. It might be best described as a child’s jungle gym set constructed out of sunlight by M.C. Escher. The Primal Chaos contained within surges and rolls, boiling like a black cloud of fog.Surrounding it, even the light dies, and everything in the workshop is colorless and the light isdim and seems to have lost all vitality. The energy-sapping cloud seems like a dense grey foghere. The corpse of the sorcerer stands next to it, his arms still raised in invocation. All energyhas left his corpse, and even gravity has lost its force here, letting him rest undisturbed. Touchinganything organic in the workshop will turn it to powder, including the sorcerer’s corpse.

Ending the Threat. How can the construct be destroyed or shut off? Bringing one ofthe Powers against it might turn it into a full-fledged manifestation of Primal Chaos, the currentsize of which would eat a massive hole in Shadow and send ripples all the way back to Chaos.Can it be controlled, or “ reprogrammed” in some way? What would occur if Primal Chaos wereused against it? Using something like Logrus Extensions or Pattern Artifacts on the thing willundoubtedly destroy it, or damage it considerably, which might make things worse. Added to thisis the question of how to survive around it long enough to manipulate the construct.

If the characters are ingenious enough to create a solution which will not make thingsworse, the Gamemaster should let it work. The force slowly dissipates, the grey cloud growingfainter until it is finally dissolved. The construct, if it still remains, then folds neatly up into thesmall amount of Primal Chaos it contains, and the whole thing vanishes in an implosion of air.The characters may have to use their Shadow manipulation abilities to aid in the cleanup andrestoration of the damaged areas of Shadow.

Continuation and Expansion. This is a short adventure, easily playable in onesession, and unconnected to any political element or in the affairs of the Sea-Court or Amber.However, it can be expanded in a number of ways.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (457)

The Rebman people and their Queen may wish the characters goodwill, and will offerthem assistance, or even give them medals as heroes of the realm. Perhaps Moire will turn herspecial form of attention towards one of the player characters...

The characters may be now alerted to the possibility of others like the unfortunatesorcerer, who use imperfect versions of the Powers and risk more than their own lives in theirmad experiments. Perhaps this adventure might give Random in Amber and Merlin in Chaos theidea of having the player characters seek out other foolish Shadow sorcerers and neutralize thethreat they possess.

If the construct is recovered without being destroyed, it might become a powerfulweapon, which others would do anything to possess. The Logrus itself might take exception tothis manipulation of its power.

The sorcerer could have been a pawn of some greater power or figure. Some Lord ofChaos or Triton might have planned the whole thing as the first step in a greater game, much asthe sorceress Jasra did with her initiation of Victor Melman and Julia Barnes into the Way of theBroken Pattern. Perhaps this is the initial step in a campaign against one of the characters, orAmber itself. The sorcerer, like Melman, misstepped in his quest for magical supremacy, andnow the game player will be forced to use other pawns or enter the game herself.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (458)


As has been mentioned before, this sourcebook provides many different possibleways of viewing the existence of Rebma. This is done by supplying the Gamemaster,with multiple origins, versions of Powers, and means of explaining conditions in Rebma.

"What do I do with all this conflicting information?", Gamemasters askthemselves as they page through this sourcebook. There are numerous ways of looking ateverything here, from characters to Powers, all the way down to the very existence ofRebma.

Following is a step-by-step guide to creating your version of the Rebmanuniverse, selecting the elements which work for you, which don't, and deciding how theworld of Rebma belongs in your Amber campaign.

1. What do you want to do with Rebma? The first question an AmberGamemaster should be asking herself right now is "What am I going to use Rebma for?"

How will Rebma fit into the campaign?There are a lot of possibilities here.Is it an Amber-based campaign, with one or more of the characters from Rebma,

with access to some of the new powers? Will it be a place for all or many of thecharacters to occasionally visit, with the sourcebook information used "just in case"something happens while they are there? Will Rebma be a recurring setting with non-player characters, issues and events which shape the characters and the campaign? Willthe campaign be centered in Rebma, with visits to Amber as infrequent as Amberite visitsto Rebma? How about a Rebman-only campaign, where characters never visit Amber orthe Courts of Chaos?

Once you know the answer to this, move down to the next section, which asks thequestion "What is Rebma?" If you have already looked through the sourcebook, youknow what you like and dislike, what feels "right" and which will be rejected in yourcampaigns. How does it all fit together?

2. What is Rebma? This sourcebook has presented at least four different“ takes” on Rebma's existence. Each offers different ways they can add to your campaign,as described below:

Rebma as a Shadow of Amber. Amber is the metaphysical center of theuniverse, then it would seem that any worlds which resemble Amber must be Shadows ofAmber (and of the Primal Pattern). Rebma is far enough away from Amber for it torequire some Shadow Shifting, if the trip down the steps of Faiella-bionin isn't a form ofShadow travel in itself.

In the later books of the Chronicles, we learn of the existence of the "Broken"Patterns, imperfect Shadows of the real Pattern. Since the first few versions are going tobe only a little flawed, compared with versions of the Pattern farther out in Shadow, itmight be that the initial Broken Pattern is not actually broken, but reversed...

The reason that most of the Amberites don't have much to do with Rebma is that it· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (459)

never really occurred to them to care what happened in this Shadow. Random's initialbehavior in Rebma is pretty much the same as his behavior in Shadow- a completedisregard for Shadow folk and their rights or feelings.

Looking back at the events in Nine Princes in Amber in this light, the only thingholding Eric back from rolling over Rebma when he sought Corwin, Random, andDeirdre, might have been that Rebma was a member of the Golden Circle which Amberhas treaties with. It may have been more trouble than it was worth seeking them inRebma when they could escape through the Pattern there or by Trumps borrowed fromLlewella. Or perhaps Eric feared Llewella enough to dislike stepping freely into heradopted home. Family courtesy and all that. Another possibility, revealed later, was thatEric had considered asking Moire to be his bride, and didn't want to antagonize her soclose to the request.

If Eric was anything, it was cunning. He might have other reasons for wanting tosee Corwin with his memory restored, perhaps so he could beat him in a "fair" fight andtake the throne with a clear conscience. Knowing their rivalry, that might have beenreason enough to let Corwin escape into Rebma, confident that he could beat him whenCorwin came calling.

Rebma as a Reflection of Amber. This is the possibility which Corwin andRandom seemed to believe was true. The city Rebma was a mirror-image of Amber, andthe Pattern was even represented here. Random called it a "ghost city," because like Tir-na Nog'th, it is a reflection of Amber, split off into the ocean at the base of Amber. Thestrangely-placed mirrors even seem to embody the means that Rebma is a mirror-imageof Amber. A Rebma which is a reflection of Amber is likely to be less powerful than theoriginal, which accounts for the inability of Rebma's denizens to traverse their copy of thePattern. Moire's claim that any chaos in Amber would be reflected into her own realmwould seem to support this.

However... Despite being the first and most obvious of the possibilities, this creates morequestions than it answers if it is accepted as being true. If Rebma is a Shadow of Amber,and the Pattern there a reversed Reflection of the Primal Pattern, then why does Tir-naNog'th have as its inhabitants ghostly versions of all the Amberites, and Rebma its owncourt? If the Amberite ghosts are there in Rebma, then where were they? Why wouldLlewella spend so much time there, in the presence of ghostlike versions of her siblings?If she dislikes them, then why spend her time with imitations? If no one in Rebma cantraverse the Pattern, then how is it that Moire wears a double of the Jewel of Judgementwhich Random feels she is able to use? Doesn't one need to traverse the Pattern to use itspowers?

Rebma as a Personal Shadow. There are a number of reasons the place mightexist as a Personal Shadow:

Oberon or Dworkin might have created a watery Shadow version of Amber as anearly experiment, then let the place continue to exist out of fondness for its people orcarelessness. The Pattern there might be a copy, kept for safekeeping or made just to seewhat would happen. Once created, Dworkin feared the repurcussions of destroying it andleft it to reflect Amber within the sea.· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (460)

Llewella's preference for spending her time in Rebma is matched by her brotherJulian's love for the Forest of Arden. Llewella's Rebma could be as much as Shadow ofAmber as Julian's Arden, merely different in nature. As Moire is the rightful ruler ofRebma, and Llewella has her uses for her non-Amberite sister, she lets her be Queen andremains as the power behind the throne.

Lir, lord of the Tritons, might have been some relation to Dworkin or Oberon, andfounded the place concurrently or even independently of the creation of Amber, and isdrifted off into legend as the mythical founder of Rebma.

Since there's nothing preventing powerful Shadow folk from owning Shadows oftheir own, Moire herself might have founded Rebma and become its master. She's smartand shrewd enough to make the right allies and beef up Rebma's defenses so that evenAmber doesn't think lightly of starting a war with her realm.

As for mystery owners, the section on the Sea-Court describes a number ofexciting possibilities for possible stewardship of Rebma, from Gradlon to Lorelei, toSelene, or even Moins.

Rebma as a Parallel World. This version of Rebma lets the Gamemaster takeRebma the farthest away from Amber, but requires the suspension of a lot of player-character belief about what Rebma actually is, and while this version can add an entireuniverse to the campaign, it raises questions about the Amber universe which theGamemaster might not be ready to answer.

A Rebma which is parallel to Amber, but unique, allows for new Powers (such asMirror Scrying, Empathy and Adaptation, for starters), and lets the Gamemasterfreelyintroduce plot elements such as the Tritons, the Rebman universe of Reflections, the Sea-Horse and the Leviathan, and elevates the struggles of the Rebman people to more thanjust second billing to Amber. The Sea-Court emerges from under the wings of theirbetter-known counterparts in Amber, and makes it even possible to run a campaign setentirely in Rebma without ever feeling like one is "missing out" on anything which theAmber universe has to offer.

Another side effect of making Rebma unique from Amber is that it also opens thepossibilities for the third of the Pattern trinity. Tir-na Nog'th might be equallyindependent and contain mysteries far deeper than suggested in the Chronicles.

3. Is there a Rebman Universe? Now that you know what Rebma is inyour campaign, there remains the question of whether it casts Shadows of its own. Thesection on the Rebman Universe details the possibility that Rebma casts Shadows, orReflections, of itself into some alternate part of the universe, whether it be a paralleldimension or some undiscovered segment of the Amber universe.

Sooner or later, a campaign which spends any amount of time in Rebma is boundto encounter the question "What happens when you Shadow Shift from Rebma?"

Do you end up back in the Amber-Chaos network of Shadows, or is there aRebman Shadow universe to explore? Is it separate from Amber’s, or parallel? Do theReflections mirror the Amber-Chaos Shadows exactly, or are they reversed versions withtheir own quirks?

If there is a Rebman universe of Reflections, then what is at the other end of it?Does it meet up with the Courts of Chaos? The Abyss?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (461)

This sourcebook presents the Triton Labyrinth and the Maelstrom as an exampleof what might at the polar opposite of a Rebman universe, but this is in no way limitingto the possibilities. Enterprising Gamemasters might decide that they would like to createtheir own version of the other end of the Rebman universe. It might be a reversed copy ofthe Courts of Chaos, submerged in water like Rebma, or wreathed in hellish flame, ametaphysical counterpart to the water-based Rebma.

If you don't like the idea of a Rebman universe, then don’t feel as it is necessaryto include it into your campaign. For some Gamemasters, the Amber universe is plentybig enough without needing another universe added into it.

For those who are interested, here is how each version of Rebma might work withthe concept of a parallel Rebman universe of Shadows:

Rebma as a Shadow of Amber or as a Personal Shadow. As Corwin andother Amberites mention, it's possible for a Shadow, particularly a powerful one, to castShadows of its own which mimic it in many ways. Corwin seeks out a Shadow of hisown vanquished Shadow Avalon in Guns of Avalon, which seems to indicate that anyShadow, given time and the investiture of will by a being of Power (such as any Amberiteor Lord of Chaos), will eventually achieve its own sort of "reality" and begin to radiate itsimage outward into Shadow.

Rebma is very close to Amber, which might "bleed off" some of its reality,bolstering Rebma's own reality to the point where it can cast Shadows of its own. Therealso seems to be a copy of the Jewel of Judgement there, which is apparently the primaryShadow Shaping tool of the universe. Add to this the fact that Llewella, an Amberite,spends a lot of time in Rebma, and no one really knows what she's up to down there.

Oh, and least we forget, there’s also a fully functioning copy of the Pattern inRebma, pulsing with power. If that won't cast Shadows of its own, then what will?

Rebma as a Reflection of Amber. If somehow Rebma is a reflection ofAmber, and possesses only the substance which a mirror image might have of a placewhich defines reality, then perhaps Shadow is also reflected, so that the entire Amberiteuniverse is duplicated, reversed as though in a mirror. Every Shadow possibility is alsofound in the Rebman Reflections, each denizen, creature, item, place, or condition isduplicated there. This might even go so far as a reversed version of the Courts of Chaos.

Do these Reflections already exist or are created by the imposition of the will ofan Amberite upon the unformed stuff of Shadow?

It might be that in the Rebman universe is only the reflections of Shadows createdor found by the Lords and Ladies of Amber, growing all the time as they use theirabilities within Shadow. As time passes and the Amberites travel throughout Shadow, thereflected universe grows.

What about changes effected in the reflected universe? Will they force the originalto conform, or will they resist being manipulated? Might they slip back to the imagewhich they are reflected from once the changing force (like a Pattern-user) is removedfrom their presence?

Rebma as a Parallel World. If Rebma is a parallel world, with a distinctreality apart from whatever Amber's proximity lends it, then the existence of a Rebman· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (462)

universe is a perfectly natural concept. If a Rebman universe didn't exist, then thereshould be a good reason why? Perhaps this might make an interesting backstory.

This opens up the possibilities even more, letting the Gamemaster choose anentirely original set of “ rules” for this universe. How much similarity between theRebman universe and Amber's exists? What are the differences? How will the Powerswork there? What is the connection between the universes? Can someone travel betweenthem? What new rules of Shadow exist? Can characters from one universe affect theother universe with their Powers or abilities? Can one universe affect the other?

3. What sort of history does this give Rebma? In the section onRebman History, we see that the four versions of Rebma's origins will affect her history.It is more than possible to mix-and-match these, creating, for example, a version ofRebma which is a Reflection of Amber ruled by Shadow Queens and Kings, or a RebmaIndependent from Amber whose ruler is a female version of Oberon.

5. How do the Powers (new and old) work in Rebma? See the sectionon Gamemastering Underwater: Role-Playing the Powers in Rebma for suggestions onhow the Powers might work differently.

Do the Primal Powers all work in Rebma? Are they weaker? Stronger? Different?Reversed somehow? Do characters have to work in new manners to achieve the same oldeffects? Do Rebman equivalents replace the Amberite Powers, such as Mirror Scryingbeing an alternate to Trump Artistry, or are the new Powers added to the growing list ofPowers available to player-characters? Are Rebman Powers weaker versions of existingPowers, such as the case with "Reflected" Pattern Imprint and Adaptation?

6. Which versions of the Sea-Court are best for your version ofRebma? After selecting the version of Rebma's history which feels best suited for whatRebma will be and how the Powers are there, it's time to consider the roster of the Sea-Court and how it figures in Rebma. A Moire who is Oberon's double isn't verycompatible with a Rebma which doesn't mimic Amber. Depending on the version ofRebma and the origin selected, characters like Gradlon and Lir might not even exist savefor legend. If it is a Rebma which is weaker and without a full-strength Pattern, thenshould you have versions of Rebman nobles with Pattern Imprint?

This is a good point to fill in the Rebman Sea-Court Worksheet, provided here.


7. What is the Sea-Horse? And how about Leviathan? The underseakingdom of Rebma does not worship the Amberite Unicorn, instead, they revere acreature they call the Sea-Horse. That section of this sourcebook details this symbol ofthe Rebman people. Is the Sea-Horse just the Rebman perception of the Unicorn? Is it theAmberite Unicorn in another form? Is the Sea-Horse another version of the Unicorn? Is ita twisted mirror-image, like Rebma is to Amber? Is it a child of the Unicorn? What abouta creation of the Rebman people?· AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (463)

Does the campaign accept the existence of another being in the universe withpower equivalent to the Unicorn and the Serpent of Chaos? Does this mean that there isanother universal power to be aware of? Is the Sea-Horse the extra-dimensionalrepresentation of the Unicorn in the Rebman universe?

Whatever questions apply to the Sea-Horse must also be asked of Leviathan?What relation does it have with the Serpent of Chaos? How are they similar, or different?

And relating to the two of them, we must ask "What is their relationship to eachother, and to the Unicorn and Serpent?" Are the Sea-Horse and Leviathan mererepresentations of the Unicorn and Serpent in the Rebman universe, caught in the sameold game, or are they independent? Might they be part of a larger array of creatures, ofwhich the Serpent and Unicorn are another two?

Putting Your Version Into Play. Now that something solid has emergedfrom the mass of concepts and possibilities, it's time to use the thing in play. Just as inany Amber campaign, Gamemasters are under no obligation to let the players knowwhat's going on behind the scenes.

What is important is that the Gamemaster knows what’s going on, or at least hassome feel for what is right and what works. The best way to do this is to have answeredmany of the player's questions before they get the chance to ask them, a skill useful toany Gamemaster.

Players are funny creatures, and will always think of ways around obstacles, newslants on things, and will always be quick to ask the questions Gamemasters neverconsidered. Hopefully, this section will have at least given a framework for the answers,and inspired ways to integrate Rebma successfully into any campaign. · AS ABOVE, SO BELOW : THE REBMA SOURCEBOOK for Amber Diceless Role-Playing by Mark Jason Durall In those days the world of mirrors and the world of men were not, as they - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.