Mortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (2024)

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nigelstack345 Let's dance, boys! from Subspace Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!

Let's dance, boys!

#1: Jul 16th 2014 at 8:41:00 PM

As we all know, Mortal Kombat X is coming soon. In a recent interviewMortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (2) Ed Boon stated his interest in adding Guest Fighters in the next Mortal Kombat game. Because of this, people have given out ideas for guest to join the roster of X, and was talked about so much that it branched out to a new thread: this thread. If you have an idea, state it below, using this rubric (credit to Bad Wolf 21 for the rubric)

  • Reasonably able to fight
  • Willing to commit acts of extreme violence
  • Able to have horrible acts of violence committed on them
  • The "gotta have it" factor
  • Feasibility of inclusion
  • Would their shape break the game? (is your character human-shaped, able to have X-rays and Fatalities done on them?)

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Alucard Lazy? from Vancouver, BC Since: Jan, 2011 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature


#2: Jul 16th 2014 at 9:32:59 PM

Interesting. I guess I'll port this over.

  • Sweet Tooth (5/6)
    • He's the standard height for an average adult male. His mask isn't an issue for facial X-Ray Moves, since his face has been revealed before (1/6)
    • Known for sticking to his truck and preying on the weak, but his moveset was significantly fleshed-out in PSASBR. Multiple cut-scenes from his own games show his handiness with a knifeMortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (4) or macheteMortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (5). (1/6)
    • Oh so very ready to kill (and will enjoy every bit of it). (1/6)
    • He dies in just about every game, sometimes off-screen, and not without plenty of brutality. (1/6)
    • Is the Series Mascot for an older franchise that admittedly has nothing going on right now. (0/6)
    • He was up for consideration in MK9 with both BoonMortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (6) and JaffeMortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (7) behind the idea, before Kratos won out. This creates a precedent for his inclusion, and he's also been talked about around the internet as the best character for a PlayStation exclusive guest (Sony are generally pretty easy to work with regarding cameo appearances in other titles) (1/6)

edited 17th Jul '14 3:05:42 AM by Alucard

GavsEvans123 HAAAA! from the Amazon with my mom where she was researching (Plucky Ensign) Relationship Status: Snooping as usual


#3: Jul 17th 2014 at 1:24:09 AM

I'll port over mine, and add the body shape section.

Predator (6 points)

  • Comes from a highly skilled, technologically advanced race of alien warriors. (+1)
  • Hunts humans as prey. If they can fight back, and in the context of Mortal Kombat they can, even better. (+1)
  • They get killed in almost every story they appear. Revival isn't an issue due to being a species, another Predator can show up to replace the last one. (+1)
  • Star of an iconic horror franchise, new film is supposedly incoming. (+1)
  • Frequently crosses over with the Xenomorphs. DC have worked with it before in the Batman vs Predator comics. DC and Netherrealm have worked together before, and are both owned by Warner. (+1)
  • Has a humanoid body shape. He would be one of the taller fighters, though he wouldn't tower over everyone else. The mask shouldn't be an issue for X-Rays/Fatalities, as it can be taken off. (+1)

Cortex should take a 12-step plan off a 10-step pier

TechPowah Just a simple hero from the room down the hall Since: Mar, 2010 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

Just a simple hero

#4: Jul 17th 2014 at 2:45:47 AM

Conker The Squirrel:

  • Frying pan, baseball bat, shotgun, pitchfork buddy, baby dino, various abilities via Context-Sensitive Button pads...oh yeah, he's covered here. (+1, 1/6)
  • It's quite a list, the characters that Conker meets in his home series that have their lives end gruesomely by his hands, and that includes characters that helped him! (+1, 2/6)
  • Conker most definitely can get slapped around in the usual Mortal Kombat manner-his home series already sees him drowning, gunned down, pulverized, squished, eaten, blown up and chopped up into itty-bitty pieces, with a healthy output of blood from all of these instances. (+1, 3/6)
  • Star of a cult classic game where the selling point/main source of charm was being an M-rated game in a deceptively kid-appeal wrapper and constantly cited as needing a sequel. That said, there admittedly isn't that much hype for him in the context of Mortal Kombat representation. (+0, 3/6)
  • His own series aside, Conker isn't a stranger to crossovers, having appeared in Diddy Kong Racing (though pre-M rating) and is now getting a comeback of sorts thanks to Project Spark. While Project Spark is severely more family-friendly than Conker's game to fame, it does show that Microsoft/Rare aren't completely stingy with him. (+1, 4/6)
  • As far as body structure, this is where things are a little gray; While Conker himself is humanoid which keeps from irregular X-Ray compatibility, he does two major issues in his short height and having a tail inherent to being a squirrel that could lead to Hitbox Dissonance. However, there is always the solution to scale his frame up just enough to not cause certain characters to whiff attacks on principle (similar to scale adjustment for Super Smash Bros.) and to just have the tail not be involved with gameplay beyond X-Ray visuals and Fatality animations. (+.5, 4.5/6)


edited 17th Jul '14 2:47:59 AM by TechPowah

The New Age of Awesome is here! Not even the sky is the limit!

MightyKombat Since: Jan, 2001

#5: Jul 17th 2014 at 5:25:42 AM

Heavy Weapons Guy

  • Guy's a walking arsenal and has just the right tools, the boxing gloves, the shotgun, hell, maybe even a Sandvich bomb or his finger gun taunt. The only problem is making sure he isn't just a reskinned Stryker. (+1, 1/6)
  • He's a hired merc that loves him a bit of senseless violence and coward killing. Totally at home with this sort of thing I'd say. (+1, 2/6)
  • You can pretty much GIB the guy plus he gets smashed up enough in his home series so go for it. (+1, 3/6)
  • Everyone more or less knows Team Fortress 2 by now. That said some may complain of overexposure for the series so, at own risk and all that. (+0.5 2.5/6)
  • He's been in Sega all Stars Racing Transformed AND Poker Night At The Inventory. Crossovers are this comrade's thing. (+1, 3.5/6)
  • He's a cartoonishly big guy though so there might be some problems but I wouldn't actually worry too hard. (+.5, 4/6)

nigelstack345 Let's dance, boys! from Subspace Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!

Let's dance, boys!

#6: Jul 17th 2014 at 9:07:50 AM

Filia/Sampson (4 points)

  • Already a fighting game character. (+1)
  • Skullgirls isn't MK violent. That and Filia is a nice girl (Sampson notwithstanding) (0)
  • Filia/Sampson already seen battle, but seeing Sub Zero snap her spine in half can kinda sound uncomfortable too. (+.5)
  • Skullgirls is a cult hit, and Filia is the quasi protagonist. Emphasis on cult because while it does have a following it's not that huge. (+.5)
  • Lab Zero might be okay with it. (+1)
  • She is human shaped, if slightly larger because of Sampson. (+1)

Vote..#Bayonetta 4 Smash

foodbattle ...What the brown? from Tahiti (it's a magical place) Since: Oct, 2009

...What the brown?

#7: Jul 17th 2014 at 11:51:02 AM

I'm gonna go ahead and post my entries for Bigby Wolf from Fables and Ash Williams form Evil Dead, plus the move sets I made for them, with added X-Rays, Babalities, and Friendships.

  • Bigby Wolf (6 points)
    • Out of everybody in Fables, Bigby may be the one who sees the most action. (+1)
    • He may not be as ruthless as he was as the Big Bad Wolf in the Homelands, but he's still killed multiple times in the series, often brutally. (+1)
    • He can take a lot of damage, and popular Fables have a tendency to come back at some point after death, so him dying shouldn't be a problem. (+1)
    • His recent appearance in Wolf Among Us put Fables in the public eye a bit more, and since the series is moving towards its finale it should be more important to promote. (+1)
    • Is from a Vertigo comics, owned by DC, owned by WB. Shouldn't be a problem. (+1)
    • While he's originally a giant wolf, which wouldn't work at all, Bigby spends most of the series in a human form which is much better suited to Mortal Kombat. (+1)

Bigby Wolf

  • Moves:
    • Pounce - Bigby pounces forward, and if he lands on his opponent, he claws at their face before getting up and kicking them away
    • Huff and Puff - Bigby blows forward, creating a huge gust of wind that will blow his opponent away
    • Claw Sweep - Bigby does a series of wide slashes with his claws
    • Rush - Bigby, low to the ground, rushes forward to swipe at the opponent's legs with his claws
  • Variations:
    • Big Bad Wolf - This form is distinguished physically by Bigby having glowing yellow eyes, as well as his claws always being out. In this form, all of Bigby's punch attacks will cut the opponent with his claws. Also, he gains the "Growl" move, where he growls intimidatingly to briefly stun the opponent if they're very close to him.
    • North Wind's Legacy - This form is distinguished physically by having Bigby's hair and trenchcoat constantly flowing as if he's being affected by a breeze. This adds more wind-based moves, like "Suction," which is like "Huff and Puff" but pulls the opponent towards him, and "Wind Boost," with which Bigby uses wind to propel him forward into a shoulder-charge-like move.
    • Pack Leader - This form is distinguished physically by Bigby having a cigarette in his mouth, as well as the presence of Ghost. Ghost is one of Bigby's children, and a zephyr, an invisible embodiment of wind who can fly and suck the air from people. Ghost floats behind Bigby, and is only visible as a slight distortion in the air. Bigby can use Ghost in moves like "Ghost Charge," where Ghost flies forward into the opponent, and "Breath Eater" where the opponent briefly suffocates as Ghost sucks the air from their lungs.
  • X-Ray: Bigby stabs his claws into the opponent's stomach, puncturing their organs, then as the opponent grasps their stomach, Bigby grabs their left arm and knees it, breaking it and causing the bone to shatter and break through the skin. As the opponent falls to the ground in pain, Bigby stomps on their broken arm, not only hurting them but sending the bone back into their arm.
  • Fatalities:
    • Wolfman - Bigby transforms into his Wolfman form, and uses his claws to messily claw out both eyes of his opponent. As the opponent grasps their face, Bigby sticks his claws into their neck and tears out their throat, throwing it on the ground.
    • Wolf Within - Bigby transforms into his true, original form, a near-elephant-sized Wolf, and picks the opponent up in his mouth, throwing them in the air, then catching them again in his mouth, biting down hard as blood and organs burst from them.
  • Other:
    • Babality - Bigby is transformed into a young wolf cub. He looks around, confused, then lets out a little howl.
    • Friendship - Bigby transforms into his giant wolf form and intimidatingly woalks toward the opponent. Instead of attacking them, he licks their face and sits down beside them, wagging his tail.
  • Ash Williams(5.5 points)
    • Starts off as an Action Survivor, but by the end of Evil Dead 2 he's a competent fighter, and an all-around badass by Army of Darkness. The chainsaw-hand and boomstick would work really well.(+1)
    • Yep, he's got the tools to kill, and he'll use them. (+1)
    • This guy had to chop off his own possessed hand with a chainsaw. His owners are fine with him going through intense violence. (+1)
    • It's been rumored an Army of Darkness 2 may be in production, but nothing for sure. He isn't involved in the newest Evil Dead movie. It may be good to keep him in the public eye until things are definitive. (+.5)
    • His presence in Poker Night 2 and the comic series where he fights Jason and Freddy Krueger show he's available for crossovers. (+1)
    • The only problem with his shape would be his chainsaw hand. This could be easily fixed by having him use his robotic hand from Army of Darkness. (+1)

Ash Williams: (during gameplay, Ash will use his robotic hand instead of his chainsaw to allow for X-Rays and Fatalities to work; his chainsaw would be pulled off his back for special moves, except in the chainsaw-centric variation)

  • Moves:
    • Robotic Fist - Does a super-charged punch with his extra-strong robotic hand, propelling him forward a good deal
    • Chainsaw Swing - Pulls his chainsaw off of his back and swings it over his head; if it hits the opponent, it digs into their chest before flinging them away
    • Boomstick - Pulls his sawed-off shotgun off his back and shoots it forward
  • Variations:
    • Chainsaw - Ash's robotic hand is replaced with his chainsaw, so all punches with his right hand do more damage damage and have extra reach. When attacked using an X-Ray, or when he loses the fight, the chainsaw falls off to show his robotic hand underneath. Though he loses his "Robotic Fist" move, he gains more special moves using his chainsaw, like "Saw Charge," where he runs across the screen with his chainsaw running.
    • The King - Ash now has a sword on his belt. This sword comes into play during some new combos. He also has the "Upper Swing" move, which is a heavy overhead attack using his sword, and "Stab Attack" move, where he stabs forward three times with the sword.
    • Guy with the Gun - This form is distinguished physically by Ash's shirt having less rips. This variation focuses more on his Boomstick, from varying angles, even having a jumping shotgun move called "Death from Above," firing down at a 45 degree angle.
  • X-Ray: Ash kicks out his opponent's knee. The opponent then tries to punch him, but Ash catches their fist and crushes it with his robotic hand. As the opponent clutches their hand, Ash kicks them in the stomach, turning them around, then shoots them in the back with his Boomstick, sending shotgun pellets into their spine.
  • Fatalities:
    • Hail to the King - Ash takes out his chainsaw and places it over his robotic hand, then cuts into the opponent vertically at their midsection, then horizontally from their head through their groin. However, they don't move. Ash begins to walk away, then quickly grabs his Boomstick off his back and flips it over his shoulder, quickly firing it, blasting the four chunks of the opponent apart.
    • Execution - Ash uses his chainsaw hand to cut off the opponent's arms, and then their legs, leaving them completely limbless, but still upright. Ash then places his foot on the opponent's shoulder, then presses his Boomstick against the opponent's head, and pulls the trigger, splattering brains everywhere.
  • Other:
    • Babality - Baby Ash is still missing his right hand, with the chainsaw attached to the stump. He curiously pulls the chord, causing the chainsaw to control, flying off his stump and going offscreen. Scared by the noise, Ash starts to cry.
    • Friendship - Ash hands his opponent a business card, and says "Ash Williams. Housewares." The screen changes to the opponent's perspective, looking at an S-Mart business card for the Housewares section. It then changes again to Ash pointing at the screen, saying "Shop Smart. S-Mart."

You guys like Let's Plays? You guys like shameless plugs? Well, come on down!

Alucard Lazy? from Vancouver, BC Since: Jan, 2011 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature


#8: Jul 17th 2014 at 6:42:06 PM

Mortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (14)Build a Fighting Game character

FOFD Since: Apr, 2013 Relationship Status: Wishing you were here

#9: Jul 18th 2014 at 3:11:40 PM

That's a little bit different. In the Mortal Kombat X thread, someone provided a rubric for potential guest characters, so this thread's built around that.

Akira Toriyama (April 5 1955 - March 1, 2024).

TechPowah Just a simple hero from the room down the hall Since: Mar, 2010 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

Just a simple hero

#10: Jul 18th 2014 at 3:25:41 PM

No, Al just meant the moveset could go there instead and just have the rubric here.

The New Age of Awesome is here! Not even the sky is the limit!

Blueblur21 Badass Normal from Anchorage Alaska Since: Jan, 2011 Relationship Status: Complex: I'm real, they are imaginary

Badass Normal

#11: Jul 19th 2014 at 10:23:24 AM

Lara Croft (2013)

• In the 2013 video game Tomb Raider, Lara Croft is forced to fight for her life and her friends against an insane cult while trying to solve the mysteries of Yamatai. She deeper she gets to uncovering the truth, the more she must learn to fight to survive.

•Lara is shocked at first when she kills a man in self defense, but that is quickly swapped out for the need of survival. Realizing that it's either her or them, Lara bottles up her positive emotions and forces herself to commit increasingly violent and desperate acts including gruesome ways of murdering her enemies using bows and various firearms, as well as a climbing axe.

•Lara Croft can die in horrible and gory ways. Impalement, drowning, and getting shot to death are just some of the ways she can meet her end.

•Lara Croft is one of the most popular video game characters in the world. She has been featured in many video games, comics, and has had two full length movies where she is portrayed by the famous actress Angelina Jolie. The current incarnation of Lara Croft as a young hardened survivor has been met with positive reception, with some fans saying that the new version was vastly better than the previous 'sex symbol'

•Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have not worked with Netherrealm Studios ever before, but it's not entirely out of the question for them not to. Lara Croft is one of gaming's most prominent female characters and the 2013 incarnation would mesh well with the dark and gritty style of Mortal Kombat.

•Lara Croft is a beautiful and powerful human woman. She is no different in body type from characters like Sonya of Kitana, except in appearance.

edited 19th Jul '14 10:24:20 AM by Blueblur21

"Marth likes just the tip, Lucina likes the whole thing."

TPPR10 Shocking Gun! from out of nowhere Since: Aug, 2013 Relationship Status: is commanded to— WANK!

Shocking Gun!

#12: Jul 21st 2014 at 5:05:35 AM


  • Not only is she from a fighting game, she was pretty much made to be a killing machine (1/6)
  • Where Skullgirls isn't MK violent, her moves are really brutal to the point where they would fit in (1/6)
  • Good portion of her moveset is shooting spikes from her body. So its not that much of a longshot to see her get brutally killed. (1/6)
  • Skullgirls is one of more famous Western fighting games there is, but probably isn't super famous. More of a cult following (.5/1)
  • I don't think Lab Zero wouldn't mind too much (1/6)
  • She is humanoid, though a lot frailer than most other characters. She is hunch over quite a bit, so that would mess up with the actual posing. She also has a giant wheel attached to her back by a cord, which would cause some problems. (.5/6)

Overall ranking: 5/6

Continue the bloodline, Fujimaru!

nigelstack345 Let's dance, boys! from Subspace Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!

Let's dance, boys!

#13: Jul 21st 2014 at 7:26:58 AM

Joel/Ellie (5.5 points)

  • Seeing as they both need to in order to survive, they can fight (+1)
  • In doing so, they did some pretty brutal kills in the process ( Just ask Ellie). (+1)
  • While they did have some grisly stuff happen to them, seeing Scorpion chop off Joel and/or Ellie's face off may make people uncomfortable. (+.5)
  • As the main characters of one of the most critically acclaimed games last gen, they are quite popular. (+1)
  • Naughty Dog and Sony both could be okay with them being a PS 3/4 exclusive character. (+1)
  • No. They're human shaped. (+1)

Vote..#Bayonetta 4 Smash

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Mortal Kombat X Guest F Ighter thread (2024)


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