Danny Potter And His Long Lost Family - Chapter 7 - Adonnenniel, Eros_Creature17 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6: The meanwhiles of Yesterdays.

It was a peaceful, early January afternoon in Alastor’s house. Danny sat at his desk, reading through another book about wand making. The chill bit through the window Danny sat at and he sighed, content in the frosty air. There was a small fireplace in the room but Danny refused to light it, no matter how much Alastor asked him to. Well, he had slowed down, only asking during a snowstorm and usually at night. When Danny still refused, he offered to get more blankets. Danny accepted a few of them, just so Alastor would stop fretting. They stayed folded up at the end of his bed.

Danny enjoyed the cold and the longer he went without saying why, the more he wondered if he should. Alastor had shown nothing but kindness to him. Even after the whole Christmas Village Incident, where Danny was so sure Alastor was going to realize he was more trouble than he’s worth. They had talked after Danny had sent a quick text to his friend’s group, along with a note telling them that he’ll be on later. Alastor had offered to rest first but Danny needed to know about his family.

Danny got the full run down of his biological family. His dad was from a magical family, his mom was a Pop Up Wizard. They fell in love in school and were married soon after. They were too young to be taken. The night that Moldy-breath came to end them, no one knows exactly what happened, just that the house and the grown wizard were destroyed but the two babies were left unharmed.

“Of course, if you ask any wizard or witch today about that night, they’ll have rumors and speculations on what actually happened to the Potter twins. The truth is, you and your brother were left in the care of your mother’s sister. I never met the woman, just knew she was a muggle, but Dumbledore claimed she was the only suitable choice. At some point, you disappeared. When we became aware of this, I was sent to investigate.”

Alastor showed him all of his old case file notes. His aunt only told them that she had sent Danny away to live with her cousin and that she kept one to fulfill the duty she was forced into. Alastor didn’t spend much time on her or her husband, instead trying to track down Danny. He did a lineage potion thing - Danny wasn’t too interested in the details of how that happened, just the results - but as it worked through blood, it didn’t show all of the potential cousins when you included in-laws and adoptions. Even though Alastor tried figuring out the rest of the family tree, records were hard to come by. He wasn’t even sure if the woman Petunia sent Danny off to live with was actually related but that was the only lead, cold and far-fetched as it was.

“I wanted to go back to your aunt and uncle, question them more. But Dumbledore claimed them off limits. Said it was because he was afraid too many magical people showing up to their house would draw unwanted attention.”

“You don’t believe him,” Danny had noted as he tried to digest everything.

“Dumbledore always has his reasons and that was a flimsy one at best. But it’s hard to get anything out of that man and for all he pretends not to notice, he is one of the most powerful wizards of our time, magically and politically. Directly going against him isn’t a smart move.”

And so the trial had gone cold and although Alastor had tried to find new answers throughout the years, as he did with all of his unsolved mysteries, nothing came up.

Until he threatened Danny in an alleyway.

In the cold of his room, Danny went over the information he learned not two weeks ago. He was surprised (again) by Moody allowing him to decide what to do with the whole situation. Normally, adults would think he was too young, too inexperienced to know what to do. While Alastor offered guidance, he made it clear that he wouldn’t give it unless Danny asked for it. He never pushed, just trusted Danny to know what’s best for himself. It was jarring, given that he was raised with adults who all thought they knew what was best - when they could be bothered to weigh in on his life.

Danny clamped down that line of thought fast. He didn’t want to ruin this lovely afternoon by thinking about bitter subjects. Instead, he tried to return to his reading but the words just floated around and refused to share their meaning. After re-reading the same line five times, Danny huffed and closed the book. He thought about doing one of the things Alastor had suggested to make reading easier - turn on music, walk around with the book, or even just read aloud. But Danny couldn’t bring himself to do it yet. It felt like cheating. You were supposed to be able to sit still, in the quiet, and absorb knowledge. That’s how his parents and Jazz did it. Why would he be any different-

Right, time to stop thinking, Danny decided, pulling out his phone. In the chat app that Tucker had made, he scrolled past the newer memes quickly, wanting to look at ones that weren’t as fresh in his mind. It was then that he noticed an anomaly.

The chat was silent for two weeks, starting the day he fled. He can understand Dani not being active - she would sometimes go to places with bad cell service and not be available for a few days to a few weeks, much to the worry of everyone else. It’s normally rare for Dan to talk in chat, and during that time, he had been on his parole missions. But Tucker, Sam, and Jazz all would’ve been posting. In fact, they probably would’ve been frantically trying to find Danny, not just posting…

Which led him to another thought. Jazz knows how to drive. They have the BOOmerang. Where the hell were they? What happened in those weeks?

Thankfully it was still winter vacation for them, so despite it being earlier than normal, they should be able to respond.

Phantastic Prince:
Hey, random question: Those three weeks I was running for my life, what were you guys doing?
Not trying to sound like a dick, I’m honestly curious.

Being worried sick over you.

Plant Princess:
And stopping the Infinite Realms from going to war.

And taking over the GIW and their shield.

Royal Danist:
And fighting the GIW as they try to regain control of the town.

Poltergeisty Boo:
And tracking your ex-parents down.

Phantastic Prince:

It’s okay, Danny. We have things under control.

Plant Princess:
We didn’t want to worry you, not while you were recovering and finding out about your brother.

Have you figured out what you’re going to do about him yet?

Phantastic Prince:
Not the time, Tucker!
You guys kept this from me?!

Plant Princess:
With good reason!

Phantastic Prince:
What could possibly count as a good reason for keeping me in the dark like this!?

Plant Princess:
Oh, I don’t know, maybe if you had known what was going on, you would’ve rushed right back, damn your health, and tried to take on an entire government agency that was built to hunt down people like you!?

Phantastic Prince:
I still might!

You will stay in England with Alastor and you will learn magic and recover from this ordeal!
We have things under control and you will not come home until it is safe! Do I make myself clear?!

Danny huffed in his room and even crossed his arms, like Jazz could see it. She probably knew what he was doing. Knowing his pouting wasn’t going to get results, he picked up the phone again.

Phantastic Prince:
Fine! But you’re telling me what the hell has been happening in Amity Park!

Poltergeisty Boo:
We just told you?

Phantastic Prince:

Plant Princess:
Okay, okay!

Plant Princess:
The day you left, we got kidnapped by the GIW - Jazz, Tucker and me. They called it detaining but there was no due process, no lawyers, no parents. They kept trying to interrogate us but we kept stone walling them.

Phantastic Prince:
They didn’t hurt you, did they?

No, not physically. They tried to break us - poorly, I might add. Guess they thought cuz we’re kids that they could intimidate us into talking.

They kept us separate and either in holding cells or in the interrogation rooms. They tried denying us food and water, told us lies about our parents leaving us with them, and even tried to not let us sleep.

Plant Princess:
We made it very clear that we would not give them any answers if they kept treating us like that. They didn’t listen, naturally.

Danny, are you okay? Do you need a minute to process?

Phantastic Prince:
Me!? Am I okay?! Are you all okay?! You just admitted to being tortured by the GIW while I was on the run from them!

It was light torture.

What Tucker means is that it could have been worse.

Plant Princess:
They would have done worse if we didn’t make it clear that would lead to us shutting down all together.

We probably would have never gotten out there if it wasn’t for your parents.

Plant Princess:
I’m legit surprised it took my parents two weeks to form a mob.

My parents convinced them to try something more peaceful.

Phantastic Prince:
Your parents formed a mob?!
What am I saying? Of course they formed a mobbed. That’s their answer for everything.

Plant Princess:
Apparently not.
They tried actually going the legal route at first. They tried getting us lawyers and visit us but the GIW don’t run things by normal rules.
Then they tried calling the GIW’s bosses and got the run around on that.
Then they tried getting any politician’s attention and that was taking too long.
Then they finally mobbed up.

Yeah, they stormed the base soon after all of the GIW left.
Well, expect an intern. Poor Lily. Not even important enough to get a letter for a name.

Phantastic Prince:
They left???

I overheard one of them - Agent K, I think - say that you were heading towards civilization and they needed to stop you.
We didn’t even know they were chasing you until then. We had no idea what was happening, only that they found out that you had a human-looking form.

Phantastic Prince:
Jazz . . . how are you holding up?

I'm doing better, now that I have some distance between those weeks. I was so scared and worried for you. I would have body checked Agent K if I wasn't restrained and demanded he take me to you.

Phantastic Prince:
I'm sorry for making you all worry.

This whole situation is not your fault, Danny. You didn't create the evil government organization or the portal or gave the adults in our lives bigoted views on ghosts. None of this is your fault. You understand that, right?

Phantastic Prince:

Journaling has helped me sort through a lot of my emotions.
Have you been journaling, Danny?

Phantastic Prince:
I've written some…

Not enough, I'm assuming.

Phantastic Prince:
Can we stay on topic? What happened after you got out of the GIW?

Plant Princess:
We wanted to find you right away but we came across Johnny 13 and Kitty who were all hyped up to go to war.

Phantastic Prince:
Why would they go to war?


Plant Princess:
Did you really just ask that?

Phantastic Prince:

Poltergeisty Boo:
He really doesn't know!


Phantastic Prince:
Guys! Just tell me!

Royal Danist:
Just put him out of his misery.

You, Danny. They want to go to war over you.

Phantastic Prince:

Royal Danist:
Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you're the PRINCE OF THE INFINITE REALMS!

Phantastic Prince:

Oh yeah.

Royal Danist:

Phantastic Prince:
I've had a lot on my mind!

Royal Danist:
How the hell are we related?

Poltergeisty Boo:
Don't talk to Mom like that!

Plant Princess:
We convinced Johnny and Kitty to take us to the war console that apparently had formed nearly overnight. The Observants were there and were pushing for the most extreme measures.

Phantastic Prince:
Of course they were. They are the Ghosts of Karens Past.

Frostbite and Fright Knight were also there.
We talked them down from going to war just yet.

Plant Princess:
It wasn't until you texted us that we were able to convince them to not go to war at all.

Phantastic Prince:
Is that why you were hounding me for details?

Other than going crazy wondering where you were, yeah. The ghosts weren't taking a simple “he's safe.”

Phantastic Prince:
So, no one is going to war?

Royal Danist:
The fact that the GIW and your parents can't enter Amity made a huge difference, as well.

Plant Princess:
Yeah. They're letting us handle things right now because the GIW don’t have direct access to the Infinite Realms at the moment and we're doing our best to make sure that stays that way.

Royal Danist:
They're surrounding Amity Park, trying to get either through or take control of the shields again.

Yeah, before we left the GIW base, I took control of their operations. No biggie.

Poltergeisty Boo:
He changed their passwords.

I did more than that!

It's true. If Tucker hadn't been able to take control of their base electronically, we wouldn't be able to fight them.

Royal Danist:
That’s been my job, mostly.
I like my job.

Phantastic Prince:
You’ve been fighting the GIW? By yourself?

Royal Danist:
I might not be a world destroyer anymore but I’m still the most powerful one here.

We’ve all been helping when we need to but it’s mostly been Dan stopping the GIW’s attacks as we focus on other fronts.

Plant Princess:
Like teaching me and Tucker how to be diplomats.

That’s hardly anything…

Excuse you?! We would have failed without your help!
Danny! Your sister couched Sam on how to channel her anger and not go off on every little insult.

Plant Princess:
She helped our pharaoh get over his anxiety of being put in any position of power.

I really didn’t do that much…

Plant Princess:
Isn’t there something in psychology about recognizing your worth and contributions?

We will make you love yourself and that is a threat.

I do love myself!

Poltergeisty Boo:
Then stop downplaying your contributions and accept you’re amazing!

I’m an awesome badass and you’d all be so screwed without me!

Poltergeisty Boo:

There we go!

Phantastic Prince:
Well, duh!

Plant Princess:
Of course you are.

Royal Danist:
About time you said it.

Can we please move onto something else?

Phantastic Prince:
Yeah, is there anything else I should know about that’s been happening in my absence?

You’re upset, aren’t you?

Poltergeisty Boo:
I’ve been looking for your ex-parents! 😀

Phantastic Prince:

Poltergeisty Boo:
So we can keep track of them!

Phantastic Prince:
Wait. They’re not in town? In their lab?

They were in New York with the GIW when we took control of the shields.

Phantastic Prince:
Oh, right… I guess that does line up. That period of time is really hazy for me.

Poltergeisty Boo:
It’s okay, Brom.

Phantastic Prince:

Poltergeisty Boo:
But yeah, they didn’t come home with the GIW, so I’ve been flying around, trying to figure out where they’ve gone.

They kind of just fell off of the face of the earth.

Plant Princess:
Do you know where they might be, Danny?

Danny froze, staring at the screen but not really seeing it. He wasn’t really there, in his peaceful room in England. He was back in the airport, watching his parents get tackled to the ground, hearing his mother’s voice ring in his ears. His limbs felt like static lead. While he had run in real life, escaped onto a plane, in the play back of his memory, he couldn’t move, just watched as the scene replayed itself over and over-

Suddenly he jolted in his seat, like his body had finally broken through whatever barrier he had to physical movement. The visual memory faded from his eyes but the feelings remained. He knew he was in Alastor’s house, safe and far away from what had happened, but the nightmare still clung to him.

He hadn’t told his friends or his sister that he got like this once and awhile. He hadn’t directly told Alastor, either, but the man seemed to know when Danny had a rough night sleeping or was dealing with the aftermath of this. Partially, he hadn’t wanted to worry anyone, didn’t want to seem weak, but he also knew that he wasn’t ready to face what he was going through, to put it into words. Talking about it to anyone would make it real and unavoidable.

An ache blossomed in Danny’s chest and he finally focused on the chat again. They had asked after him, and said he didn’t have to talk about his parents - about Jack and Maddie - if he didn’t want to. Sam apologized, clearly figuring out that she did something, even if she couldn’t figure out precisely what made him go quiet.

Danny couldn’t get himself to address their concerns directly, so with a few deep breaths and shaky fingers, he managed to type.

Phantastic Prince:

Plant Princess:

Phantastic Prince:
Maybe they’re in jail?
They tried to rush security
At the airport


Poltergeisty Boo:
I can check jails, if Tucker lets me know where they are.

I’ll do that.
Danny, are you okay, man?

Phantastic Prince:
I’m going to go lie down for a bit.

Plant Princess:
I’m sorry, Danny.

Phantastic Prince:
Not your fault.
Thank you for telling me, guys.

Danny put the phone down and stood up. The ache in his chest got worse when he thought of staying alone in his room any longer. He went to the living room and found Alastor on the couch, reading a book.


Moody looked up when Danny hesitated at the entrance of the living room. The boy was slightly trembling, his fingers playing with themselves, and his eyes never made contact with Moody’s. This wasn’t the first time he had seen Danny in this state - it was a bit more mild than some nights.

Still twisted his heart any time to see his boy Danny in distress.

He held out his arm towards Danny, who immediately ran over and tucked himself into Moody’s side. Moody couldn’t help himself when he rubbed his hand up and down a few times on Danny’s arm to help warm him up. The boy’s skin was always cool, but it also never seemed to bother him.

“Want to talk about it?” Moody asked.

Danny shook his head, pushing harder into Moody. He just wanted physical contact. Moody hugged him tighter and started reading aloud.

As the hour passed, the shaking stopped and Danny slowly untensed. When Moody got to the end of the chapter, he took a peak at Danny and saw the boy had fallen asleep. He ran his fingers through the messy black hair and if he leaned down and kissed the top of his head, that was between him and the cold January day.

Danny Potter And His Long Lost Family - Chapter 7 - Adonnenniel, Eros_Creature17 (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.